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Body, Healthy Hair: The Truth About Hair Loss!

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Healthy Body, Healthy Hair: About Hair Loss, you can
The Truth About Hair Loss! access the video interviews
of these talks below:

Unpacking the Huge Connection
Between Gut Health and Hair Health
Evan Brand, CFMP, NTP
Click here to watch this interview!

The Connection Between Mast

Cell Activation and Hair Loss
Kelly McCann, MD, MPH&TM,
Click here to watch this interview!

How to Remove Toxic Heavy

Metals to Combat Hair Loss
Wendy Myers, ND
Click here to watch this interview!

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Unpacking the Huge

Connection Between Gut
Health and Hair Health
Evan Brand, CFMP, NTP

Julie: Welcome, everybody, to the summit Healthy pretty easy to identify. But for a male, I think it
Body, Healthy Hair: The Truth About Hair Loss. I’m was maybe washing down. So I would say I don’t
your host, Julie Olson. There’s a huge connection know, but what I’ll say is it felt thin for a while. And
between digestive health and hair growth and now it feels much thicker. My wife says it feels like
loss. And who better to explore this important a carpet, which it did when we first started dating.
gut-health connection than Evan Brand. He’s a So I would assume that’s a good thing.
pioneer in podcasting on functional medicine
subjects with over 22 million downloads, and Julie: Absolutely. Now can you explain how a
he’s transformed the lives of thousands, using functional medicine approach can help identify
the same advanced lab testing strategies and and address the root causes of hair loss linked
protocols he used to overcome his own health to gut issues, such as parasites, candida, gut
struggles. Hi, Evan. I’m so thrilled to have you infections, nutrient deficiencies, and so forth?
Evan: Sure. Yeah, let’s unpack it. So first things
Evan: Hey, Julie. It’s a pleasure. Thanks for having first, I think we should talk about nutrient
me. deficiency. So first of all, the soil. Incredibly
nutrient deficient compared to just a hundred
Julie: Now when you were going through your years ago. In fact, even our own USDA in America
health struggles, did you struggle with any hair studied the nutrient levels in food and, for
loss? example, an orange from the 1920s versus an
orange today, you would have to eat almost ten
Evan: Well, it’s kind of interesting you say that oranges to get the nutrient level of one orange
because when I look back, when I first got sick back in the 1920s.
with mold and I also had gut infections, I noticed
my hair was pretty thin. I would go…which I’m So your parents, grandparents, et cetera, all of us,
not a guy who obsesses about hair in general, they were born with a much more nutrient-rich
but when I would go to get a haircut, I’d feel like, soil to start with. So even if you’re buying organic
God, I’d feel like there’s nothing left after I’d get a today at Whole Foods or Costco or whatever,
haircut. even if it’s organic, that just means that it wasn’t
sprayed with toxic chemicals which damage
So I don’t know if I was losing it and I wasn’t the gut and could ultimately lead to nutrient
paying attention…because for a woman, it’s easy. deficiencies and hair loss. That just means they
You see the big clump of hair in the shower, it’s didn’t spray chemicals.

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

But that doesn’t mean that it’s full of nutrients suboptimal levels. This doesn’t mean they’re
just because it’s organic. So I want to point that totally toast. In many cases they are. But this
distinction out, that organic does not mean means that on this bar--it’s like a bar graph that
nutrient dense. There’s no certification for you can look at of people where they’re in a
nutrient density. So when you look at those range--no one is where they should be. Everyone’s
organic strawberries at Whole Foods and you buy on the low side. So B vitamins, vitamin C, we just
them for five, six bucks a box, the strawberries go down the list. Everyone’s nutrient deficient.
from 50 years ago, even, were twice as nutrient
rich. And keep in mind, these are people that have
already been to 5, 10, 20 people before they
So that’s a big problem, and this is why I do get to me, in terms of doctors, practitioners.
encourage people, if you can, get a hold of a They’ve already been to all the experts before
local organic farmer where they have more eyes they call me. So the low-hanging fruit has
and ears on the soil. These guys focus more on already been addressed, is what I’m telling you.
nutrient density, regenerative methods that put Meaning, these people have likely already done
more nutrients back in, as opposed to just some digestive enzymes. They’ve done multivitamins,
mega organic farm where it’s just a monoculture professional supplements likely before they get to
of strawberries, for example. me, and they’re still looking that bad on paper.

If you’re getting it from your backyard farmer, So we really are in a nutrient apocalypse, and this
my God, those are some delicious strawberries. is a real problem. So I think a lot of people ask me
I don’t have any studies on those, but I would the question clinically, well, how long do I have to
assume the backyard ones where these guys are take supplements? And then I answer that with a
doing composting and doing other things to make question, which is, well, do you want to survive, or
the soil better, those are going to be better for do you want to thrive? And everyone says, well, of
you. course, I want to thrive.

And when you look at nutrient levels on testing, And I say, okay. Well, based on my learning by
this is evident. This is not just in the soil. This is running thousands of these, everyone’s nutrient
showing up in the human body. I’m in the top deficient. The soil’s nutrient deficient, and, by
ten worldwide of practitioners running the most the way, on your stool test, which is another
organic acids testing. Organic acid is a dried…well, important piece, we also found you have these
it’s not dried, but it’s a fasted urine sample. So you parasites, this gut inflammation. You have H.
wake up, pee in the cup, you get that back to the pylori, which is a bacteria that’s reducing stomach
lab. acid. That’s affecting nutrient absorption. So
you have to supplement if you really want to be
There’s several companies that do these. And optimal.
you can measure glutathione. You can measure
B vitamins, vitamin C. You can measure biotin, And I’ve taken people that are so strict, so clean
which I’m sure a million people are going to beat with their diet, and even those people are still low
the drum on biotin during this event. But you can in certain things. So this does not discriminate,
measure these nutrient levels in the urine. this nutrient deficiency. It doesn’t discriminate at
all. It can affect everyone equally.
And I would say 90 percent of people have

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

And one of those manifestations could be hair client because blood work is really showing the
loss. So that’s the roundabout way to get to your downstream effect of what’s going on upstream.
question and your topic here, but hair loss is
really just an indicator. It’s a clue. And usually, So let me say that in a different way. You’re seeing
when the hair loss is there, there’s something else anemia on the blood. And we could say, okay,
happening as well. There could be skin issues, like low ferritin. Ferritin is an iron-storage protein.
keratosis pilaris on the back of the arms, these Low iron in general, this may affect hair, energy.
little bumps on the back of the triceps. That’s Women may have anxiety. They may feel short
pretty common, related to nutrient deficiencies of breath. So we’ll see that manifestation on the
like fatty acids. blood work. But if I see low ferritin or low iron,
I might not necessarily just want to go in and
You may also see issues with your nails. So if you supplement iron.
have issues with your hair, you’re probably going
to have issues with your fingernails. You could I want to look upstream. Why is the iron deficient?
have weak or brittle fingernails. You could have Why is this anemia problem there? Oh, we see all
vertical ridges, so people can look down at their these parasites. They went on a trip to Mexico and
fingernails now and study those nails. got food poisoning, and they’ve never been the
same. Okay, that’s upstream. So if we fix that on
If you’ve got vertical ridging, if you have white the functional lab, the blood work downstream
spots on your nails, if you have any sort of will end up looking better.
indention in your nails, just something that
doesn’t look like a healthy nail, or let’s say you go So I’m happy to run blood. I do run blood. But it’s
to open a can, like a little can of soda--hopefully not something that I would consider mandatory.
it’s an organic soda or something, not Coca-Cola- If your situation’s bad enough to be watching
-but when you go to crack open that pop top, this event, though, maybe you should do a good
I mean, if your fingernail feels like it’s going to functional medicine work-up via blood. And that
break, or you literally don’t have the nail strength, means going far beyond the standard biomarkers
that would clue us in that, hey, there could be that your doctor’s going to run on the blood. So
something with the hair too. that would include a full thyroid panel, thyroid
antibodies, like TPO, TSI, TG, which are thyroid
So when I’m doing a work-up on someone, globulin antibodies.
if a woman says hair loss is one of her main
complaints, I’m doing urine, the organic acids that You could run all your nutrients via blood. Some
I told you about. We’re going to look at the stool. argue about the accuracy, urine versus blood. If
That’s a DNA stool test that we do at home to look you’re sick and need help, might as well do both.
for gut infections. And then there’s also chemical And then, of course, we’re going to run that full
toxins that we can measure too. So there may be iron panel too. So we will look at ferritin as an
a combination of three or four tests that I would indicator. And if ferritin is below…I’d say below 50,
consider as a “functional medicine work-up” to maybe even below 60, we need to work on that
address hair loss and investigate this. with females.

And then, as you know, blood work would be And, of course, menstruating females, this is
helpful too. I’ll tell you honestly, I don’t run going to be a much bigger problem. Especially
a ton of blood work in the beginning with a if there’s clotting or heavy bleeding or long

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

periods, these females are going to have a lot organ meats, liver, and heart, and some of these
more issue. So now, once again, we’re working other more obscure meats that add nutrient
upstream, because now we’re thinking, okay, well, density to the diet. And then we may do some
what functional issue has led to the hormonal mineral micronutrient supplementation. But that’s
imbalance that’s now causing excessive bleeding, really how you complete the puzzle of hair loss
excessive cramping, PMS? There’s irritability along and get someone back to where they need to be.
with this hair loss. Now they’re pissed off and
they’re losing their hair. That’s a bad combination. Julie: Sure. Absolutely. You brought some
really good points. To start at the beginning, it’s
So now we’re back to the gut again. Okay, there’s interesting because my grandmother lived to 104
infections here. There’s things that could be like on no medications. And the only reason she’s
mold toxin, mycotoxins. If someone has been gone is because she stopped eating.
living or working in a moldy building, for example,
mold toxin is highly estrogenic. So if you’ve been Evan: Wow.
working in an office that had a water leak and
you got exposed to these mycotoxins, those Julie: But she ate farm-fresh vegetables. She ate
mycotoxins could be highly estrogenic. wild game. She loved to cook, and just case in
point. People, they can grow a garden. I mean,
[10:00] there’s really no excuse. So that’s the first thing.
And then, yeah, I love those tests. I run the same
Those estrogen-like compounds could push you tests.
into estrogen dominance, which may cause issues
with hair, skin, nails, female hormone imbalances, And also, I like how they show that somebody’s
infertility. So we could see that issue on the blood. not absorbing, say, protein or their healthy fat. So
But once again, you’ve got to get back to the that brings it at a different level. Because I get a
functional causes of it by looking at the urine to lot of women who seem to be eating really well,
look for the mold toxin. but once you start digging into these functional
labs, you’re like, oh, well, no wonder they can’t
So I know I’m throwing a lot at you. I’m just grow their hair. They’re not even absorbing their
wanting to unpack how I approach this when I protein. And then you can look at the methylation
see a case. We’re looking over here. We’re looking pathways too. Are they detoxing properly, which
over there. And then we have to tie all these then gets into our B vitamins and hormones. So
puzzle pieces together. There’s no magic bullet. can you take that a step further?
Someone may sell you on this particular growth
hormone or this or that. Evan: Yeah. Well, B vitamins, I’ve looked at blood,
and then I’ve looked at the organic acid. I could be
But really, we get our wins by combining small wrong, but I think the urine almost might be more
wins. So 20 percent improvement by treating accurate because it’s measuring the metabolites
parasites. Twenty percent improvement by of it, these breakdown products of your vitamins.
treating bacterial infections. Ten to twenty percent So I really don’t run those blood panels for
by increasing the digestive capacity by adding nutrient levels anymore.
extra enzymes and acids.
But I would say across the board this is something
I sell grassfed beef organs, so we’ll often throw in that almost every hair, skin, and nail supplement

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

out there is going to contain. So I think if you’re So there’s even this multigenerational transfer of
starting at a baseline, as long as you have some toxins happening from mom to baby.
broad-spectrum coverage there, where maybe
you have extra magnesium, extra vitamin C, a So I’m fortunate that I work with a lot of kids too.
full B complex, we may add biotin. We may add I’ve even seen cases, like pediatric cases, where
N-acetyl cysteine. kids are having issues with not only their gut, their
skin, but also their nails and their hair. Five and
And then there’s a couple of other unique six-year-olds that are complaining about this. And
formulas. Like you’ll see olive leaf can be added. the parents are worried about it. That’s freaky.
You’ll see bamboo extract. You’ll see these other And we test these kids, and they all have some
sources, like horsetail, which contain silica. So level of toxicity, either chemicals, heavy metals,
there’s some other cool plants that you can add in pesticides, then the mold. It’s a really big piece of
as an extract form for the hair. the puzzle.

Now can you just take a hair supplement and So I would assume that if you haven’t already
get yourself fixed? I don’t think so. I agree with looked here, you should turn that rock over. And
you about the methylation. I don’t go too deep that’s easy to do because most of these labs now,
into methylation, meaning I’m not studying the they can run a combo test, meaning they can run
genetics of it. I’ve looked at genetic SNPs and this the urine through the organic acid profile, and
or that, and I think MTHFR genetic defect, sure, it then they can run the mycotoxin screen at the
can play into your situation. But I’m not going to same time. So you pay a little more money, but
solely isolate that and say this is your cause. I’ll one urine sample can generate two reports.
likely just throw in some methylated B vitamins
and call it a day. And with that report, if your practitioner is
educated on this, they should be able to help you
So you may get geekier than I do. I’m not sure come up with an appropriate plan to where you
how geeky you get into that. But I just glance may use binders…you may use glutathione to
at it, and I’m like, sure, it’s a piece of the puzzle. push and mobilize the mold toxin, then you use
Fine. And we’ll throw in something methylated to binders to grab onto it and pull it out through the
support that pathway. system. Then there’s other things we do too.

Julie: Yeah. And also, like you mentioned, the I’m oversimplifying it a little bit, but the reality is,
mold, the toxins, it really shows up initially on that this could be the smoking gun. Here’s why. Mold is
organic acids. And then you’re doing a mycotox an immune suppressant. This is the best analogy
test. But I’m seeing a ton of that. I’ve come up with so far. Mold is the bad guy at
the back of the nightclub. He lets all the scrubs in.
Evan: It’s epidemic. Yeah. Almost everyone has So he opens up the door.
mold toxin. It’s kind of crazy. This is kind of the
hidden epidemic, really, because there’s not many So you have strep. You have staph. You have
people looking at this. So all of us at some point candida. You have parasites, worms, H. pylori.
have likely lived or worked or potentially went These are all called opportunistic infections. The
to college, stayed in a dorm. Our kids have done opportunity arises for them to move in and take
the same, potentially. Mold toxin is also passed you over, take you down, when you’re at your
through the placenta and through breast milk. weakest point.

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

And if you’ve been living, working, breathing in increasing acid and enzymes. But then now we’re
mold, you’ve had water leak in your basement, getting stuck. We’re spinning our wheels. And
you had a roof leaking, et cetera, this is easy, folks. then I started testing all these people for mold,
This is not a rare situation. This happens all the and I go, oh, crap. They all have mold. So now
time. Even in my house, brand new construction, we’re finding that we play whack-a-mole on the
we had an issue. So it happens to all of us. front end. We’re knocking these bugs down to
improve digestion, improve nutrient density.
And when you breathe in those mycotoxins,
they get stored in the fat cells. They can cross But we have to get that mold out the back door.
the blood brain barrier because mycotoxins are So that’s really the one-two punch that I think
50 times smaller than the mold spore. So these it takes to resolve this issue. Now if you’re one
are tiny, tiny toxins, okay? I mean, this is like an of the few lucky people and genetically you’re
invisible battle that you’re fighting. detoxing mold well, your test comes clear, you’re
not showing any colonization--meaning you’re not
So when mold weakens you and it lets all these growing mold, that can happen too--well, good.
opportunistic infections in, if you go to the SIBO Maybe it’s as simple as fixing the gut bugs.
doctor or the SIBO expert, they may be coming
and treating your gut, whether that’s rifaximin But I’m finding for the majority of people the
or conventional antibiotics of any kind. Maybe gut bugs are there because of something that
they’re doing Diflucan for the candida. let them in. So a dental procedure. You had
antibiotics after a dental cleaning. Something like
Or you go to a natural person, like me, more that. So there’s usually a linchpin, so to speak, that
functional person, and they may give you natural allows this to happen.
ones. So natural antibiotics, natural antifungals.
Oregano. Clove. Berberine. Barberry. Grapefruit So people just need to do a good history on
seed extract. Magnesium caprylate. Monolaurin. themselves, and then hopefully your practitioner
There’s a million different things we use in the does a good history on you, a good timeline. Like,
clinic to treat these bugs. But guess what? And I “okay, when did the hair become an issue?” “Oh. It
found this by failing. That’s the best way to learn, was at my last house.” “Okay. What happened at
is to fail. your last house? Anything?” “Oh, yeah. We had a
leak in our basement.” “Interesting. How long did
And I would see these cases where two to three you live there, and how long did it take to fix the
months in, everybody’s like, “I’m really happy. leak?”
My gut’s way better. Skin’s better. Hair’s better.”
And then more time passes, and they go, “Wait a “Oh, well, my husband fixed it. He put a fan
second. I’m going backwards.” So all those people down there, and we dried it up. It was fine.” “Oh,
that had these recurring….because I was the yeah. And you said you also gained 30 pounds
gut guy for basically a decade. And then all of a when you were living in that house too, right?”
sudden, these cases started to get more complex. Because we know mold can affect thyroid function
And I thought, well, why are these gut infections because of the nutrient absorption, the immune
returning? suppression. So now we tie in the thyroid piece,
the weight gain piece. You see how this all fits
We’re treating the gut to increase nutrient together?
absorption. We’re trying to kill bugs. We’re

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

Julie: Right, and it’s interesting. Some people in cool thing is they have a dual purpose. So they
a moldy household, some family members are may be killing a pathogen or detoxing something,
fine, and then some just have a major problem, but they also may be boosting the natural
like you were saying. So what do you typically do immunity as well.
to build up somebody’s immune system, besides
getting their gut health optimal so that they can Now we may throw in specific things, like
fend off the mold, the parasites, the candida, and astragalus or cryptolepis, Japanese knotweed.
so forth? There’s other things that I bring in that I may be
using for Lyme disease or bartonella or babesia.
Evan: Yeah. Well, some of it just happens These are other tick-borne infections that
naturally as a byproduct of you removing the can suppress the immune system and lead to
toxin, right? digestive problems, hair loss, many other issues.

Julie: Sure. Those herbs that we kill those infections with

also have some immune supportive properties
Evan: I mean, if you want your foot to stop too. Like cordyceps mushroom. That’s pretty
hurting, get the nail out of your foot. So beneficial. Reishi, or some pronounce it reishi.
sometimes it’s that simple. But I call it reishi mushroom. That can be helpful.
You’ve got, of course, vitamin C. I mean, that’s a
[20:00] potent immune support. So we’re using a couple
grams of vitamin C per day because most people
And you’ll see that on paper. When we do the are chronically low when they have some sort of
stool test, there’s a marker on the bottom that toxin. They’re going to show low on that OAT test.
it’s called secretory IgA. This is somewhat of a
first-line defense indicator of immunity. And we’ll And some of it is treating the home. So if there
often see that number very, very chronically low in is an issue in the home…I have a whole line
people that have mold and gut infections. So we’ll of products called Oasis. So we have candles
see that number rise on its own, even without me that you can burn to denature mold. It’s like an
coming in and giving specific immune support. essential oils blend where you can eat the mold
and candida spores out of the air. So sometimes
However, the probiotics that we use to help we’re working on the home and the body at the
work on glucuronidation…we might use calcium same time.
D-glucarate to help with getting mold toxin out,
getting excess estrogens out. I’m likely using some And then also making sure you’re treating the
micronized chlorella to help detox chemicals, sinuses too, because if there’s any chronic
metals, pesticides, mold toxin. We’re using infection in the sinuses, that’s how you got
charcoal and clay and other binders to grab onto exposed to mold in the first place. You were
the mold. breathing. It’s that simple. So people talk about
moldy coffee, moldy chocolate, moldy nuts and
I told you we may be using any number of herbal seeds and grains. Sure, that’s important.
antimicrobials and antifungals to kill those gut
bugs. And the cool thing about plants and these But in general, we feel that that is a--we, meaning
medicinal mushroom-type blends that we’re me and the lab and the other clinicians I’ve
using--it’s generally herbs and mushrooms--the talked with about this--we all feel that the food

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

is probably a ten percent of the puzzle, meaning appointment with my clients, because the first
your total toxicity load of mold. Ten percent could hour’s better bang for their buck if we can do the
be dietary. Ninety percent is likely inhalation intake, we can look at history, review labs, and
because you’re breathing an average of 20,000 make a protocol on the same visit. So I try to have
breaths a day versus eating. Maybe you’re eating, an action packed hour.
what, two to five times a day. So there’s much
more chance for that continual hit. Toxin, toxin, And then I’ll do a follow up two to three months
toxin, every time you breathe. later, another follow up another two to three
months later. Usually by that second follow up--
And what’ll happen is you can start to become so we could be, I don’t know, six to eight months
colonized where you’re growing the mold in in--the woman typically says, “Hey, I went to my
your sinus cavity. That will keep you sick. That’s a hairdresser.” And all of a sudden, they’re seeing
chronic infection that must be treated. So usually all this new stuff, these new baby hairs growing in.
we’re using herbal antifungals up the nose. We’re on to something. I’m like, cool. Let’s keep it
Because if you don’t fix that and you just treat the going, and then maybe we retest. We reevaluate
gut, you’re likely not going to get yourself out of we tweak the protocol a bit.
But usually, it’s the hairdressers that give the
You’ve got to do both sinuses and gut, even if praise because the women may not be tracking
you don’t have sinus symptoms. I did not have the back so much. They can’t see it, or maybe they
sinus symptoms, but when I started spraying stuff can’t feel it. So the hairdressers usually are our
up my nose, my head began to get more clear, boots on the ground that let us know how we’re
indicating there was likely something there. doing.

Julie: Sounds like you spend a lot of time on Julie: Well, besides hair loss, what are some other
the remove phase, as I do as well. I think it’s potential long-term complications that arise if you
the most important phase. You can’t just throw don’t address these issues?
supplements on somebody without removing the
toxins first. Evan: Cancer’s the biggest one. Mycotoxins are
highly carcinogenic. So when I deal with primarily
Evan: Yeah. women who say, “Hey, my hair is thin, or I’m losing
hair, and I want to lose 20 pounds,” it’s like I get
Julie: And after you get through some of these turned off by that. And I will redirect their wants
phases, on average, how long does it take for into their needs.
somebody to, in this instance, grow back their
hair? So let me explain. So Sally comes in. “Hey, I want
to lose 20 pounds, Evan, and my hair’s kind of
Evan: I would say, realistically, six months to a thin.” I’m like, “Okay, so you’re telling me there’s
year. some nutrient issues. There’s some kind of
malabsorption, a potential digestive piece.” And
Julie: Sure. then I probe them. And then you find out not only
is it about the hair and the weight, it’s they have
Evan: What’ll happen is I’ll do the initial call. low self-esteem. They have anxiety. They have
Usually I like to have labs in hand by the first depression. They have chronic fatigue. Their sleep

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

is not very refreshing. They have zero sex drive, so to have sex with you, she has zero sex drive, you
their husband’s ready to leave them. know that, when you try to come onto her and
she shuts you down every time? Yeah, it’s because
And it’s just this big mess that you unpack. So on she has mold. It’s affecting her hormones. It’s
the surface, it’s like hair and weight. And I’m like, affecting her blood flow. So her libido is crashed
oh, how boring. Let me tell you about something out because you’re ignoring the mold in the
far more important than your hair and your basement.” “Well, I’ll get right on it.” So then they
weight, which is, I don’t want you to get cancer. get motivated, as hedonistic creatures.
And all these mycotoxins you have in you could
cause liver cancer, and then you’re really screwed. So I think it’s important for the couples to have
And then if you go through chemo, you’re really these blunt conversations with each other about
going to lose your hair. And then you’re really what’s going wrong and how the environment
going to be mad. could be shaping that because when you make
it about the environment in the house as a
So I try to redirect them. You see what I’m saying? contributing factor, usually they’re more willing to
I’m not saying hair loss isn’t important. I’m not fix it. But if it’s just about, hey, this random guy on
downplaying their issue at all. I’m just saying, look. the internet told me to take this pill, usually that
Let me show you that this is really just the tip of creates more drama in the relationship.
the iceberg. And underneath it is the mood. It’s
the fatigue. It’s the issues with they can’t exercise So I try to bring everybody together. Sometimes
because they’re so exhausted. Every time they try I’ve got the daughter, the mom, the grandma, all
to work out they’re sore for two or three or four on a three-way call, and I’m the director of the
days, trying to recover. So they’re trying to better family here. Like, “Hey, guys. We’ve really got to
their health in other ways and they can’t make fix Grandma’s house because daughter’s staying
progress. That hair loss is just an indicator that over there all summer when she’s out of school,
something’s not right. and then she gets sick from it.” So I help manage
the family dynamic in some cases too. It’s a pretty
And then you’ll often see that there’s marital unique job.
stress here too. So I try to save marriages too. I
mean, I’ve saved many, actually, because what’ll Julie: Yeah. I like how you connect the dots. And
happen is I come in and say, “Hey, look at this I do the same thing. I try to have all the family in
problem and that problem.” And the husband on all the calls because even something as little
says, “Oh, I don’t believe that. I’m fine. Why are as getting off gluten, but if someone else in the
you sick, honey?” Like you’re just crazy. You need family’s eating it, there’s cross-contamination and
a therapist or something. This mold, this little you’re never going to resolve it. But if you explain
mold in the basement, that didn’t do that to you, it to everybody, then there’s just a higher success
honey. That’s not the reason you’re losing hair. rate.
You’re losing hair because you’re getting old, or
whatever they heck they come up with. Evan: Yeah. We should talk about the nutrition
piece for a little while.
So then I try to get the husband on the call too,
and say, “Look, man. This is why”…if you make it Julie: Okay. Let’s do it.
about sex, I’m sorry, this is just the blunt truth.
“Hey, the reason why your wife doesn’t ever want Evan: Well, obviously we covered the nutritional

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

deficiency part. Julie: Absolutely. I don’t believe they get the

essential…well, they don’t get the branched-chain
Julie: Sure. amino acids that are so necessary for hair growth.

Evan: And we glazed over it, but just to recap, Evan: Now I have some friends that I try to
digestive infections are very common. So this is convert them and convince them that they
an imbalance of good bacteria and bad bacteria. probably would benefit from some grass-fed
Good bacteria help make B vitamins, for example. beef organs or maybe some pastured eggs, but
So if you have enough beneficial microbes, sometimes you have these almost cultish straight
enough good guys in your gut, you should be vegans that you can’t…you just can’t convince
making your nutrients and vitamins literally them.
internally. It’s amazing. Our body can literally be a
vitamin factory if the digestive system is optimized Julie: Sure.
and working properly.
Evan: And if you are a vegan watching this,
However, because of antibiotics in the food don’t just get mad at me, because this gets like a
supply, antibiotics from who knows what-- religion when you start talking nutrition like this.
C-section, dental cleaning, et cetera--I mean, So don’t turn this off just because you don’t like
everybody at some point’s taken antibiotics. That what I’m saying.
can throw off the diversity in the gut. And then all
of a sudden, you’re not making those vitamins as Julie: Sure.
Evan: But I’m just going to tell you what I’ve
[30:00] seen clinically. I have no dog in the fight, or
whatever that saying is, besides helping you get
Now you compound that with a dysbiotic flora, better. And what I’ve found is, on paper, after
meaning you now have strep, staph, morganella, testing hundreds and hundreds and hundreds
pseudomonas, klebsiella, citrobacter, prevotella, of vegetarian vegans, many of them are ex-
all these other bacteria that can move in. They vegetarians and vegans now because they have
then steal nutrients from you. So even if you’re started to reintroduce fish or eggs or some sort of
taking digestive support, if you’re getting robbed animal protein, my grass-fed organ capsules. They
by these infections, they further the nutrient don’t even know what it is. They’re just taking the
deficiency. They’re furthering that problem, capsules and they’re getting better.
therefore leading to the hair loss, the skin issues,
the sleep. So now we layer in the toxins, the Then we look at the retest, and their levels have
chemicals the pesticides, the mold. come up. So are there some sexy vegans out
there with beautiful hair? Probably. Probably
And then we go to the nutrition piece, and so. Somehow they’re doing good. They’re
the lady has a bagel with cream cheese on it supplementing the right way and they can get
for breakfast. It’s like that’s not going to cut it. away with it. But just as a general rule, I find that
Vegetarians and vegans, I’ve seen, have a lot of it’s a little more difficult to get the progress at
issues with hair. I would like to know your clinical the rate of speed that someone that has some
observation on this too. animal-based or fish products in the diet does.

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

So I’d say that on the gluten piece--you brought And sometimes this goes as far as the mother
up gluten--I would agree. I would say that I don’t getting gluten out of the house completely
think it’s going to serve you. I would advise people because maybe she has children or teenagers and
not to do gluten. Even if someone doesn’t have she’s making food for them. So she doesn’t eat it
celiac disease and they “feel fine” when they eat herself, but now she’s making sandwiches for her
gluten, well, the reality is, gluten contains various children. Just topical contamination can happen
proteins which can affect the permeability of the through the skin. How do we do bioidentical
gut. hormones? In many cases, it’s on the skin. So your
skin can be absorbing the gluten molecule.
So in particular, there is a protein called zonulin,
with a Z like zebra. And when you eat gluten--and We had one woman out of Colorado who she had
likely other cross-reactive foods, too, so potato, major hair loss. She had fatigue. She had all sorts
chocolate--there’s several other. If you type in of digestive complaints, anxiety, depression. She
“gluten cross-reactivity” you can read a list of this. was off gluten. But when we looked at her labs, it
There’s a bunch. Don’t starve to death. Don’t freak looked like she was eating it like crazy. Turns out
out. Just talk with your practitioner about this. it was just her making sandwiches for the kids for
Some people need to be more strict than others. school. So we said, “well, at least switch the kids
to gluten-free bread. It’s still processed. I don’t
But in general, gluten itself will then elevate recommend it. I recommend you cut bread out
zonulin. And zonulin is like a zipper. So when completely, but if you can’t budge on that, at least
zonulin levels are high, it’ll literally unzip those go gluten free.”
tight junctions in your gut barrier. Well, what does
that mean? Well, that means now that nutrient So then we retested. The antibody levels went
absorption is poor because these tight junctions down. Inflammation went down. symptoms began
have become permeable, and your absorption is to improve. So sometimes you’ve got to get that
not happening anymore. geeky. She’s like, “Well, can I wear gloves?” And I’m
like, “I wouldn’t. Just get it out of the house. It’s too
It’s like you’ve opened the gates to now these easy to switch.”
gluten molecules are now getting into the blood
stream, which could then trigger an inflammatory Julie: I agree with you so much. I mean, it’s
response in the body. You can measure this on inflammatory to anybody. So getting her kids off
the stool test. There’s a marker called calprotectin. gluten is going to help her kids as well, and her
entire family. And I’ve been off gluten since 2003
So if we see high gut inflammation on the stool when I had major hair loss before I got into this
test, if we test zonulin--I usually don’t because industry.
it’s an extra cost--but if we see that, we see low
secretory IgA, we see high fecal fat, meaning That was part of the puzzle. I didn’t realize I had
they’re not digesting their fats well, we see low such a problem with gluten. I became anemic.
elastase, which is a pancreatic enzyme, we tie all I mean, it was literally falling out in handfuls. I
those together, and we blame the gluten. And we mean, there are other…I mean, H. pylori…I was
say, look. This is why you’ve really got to cut it out. a hot mess. But definitely, gluten played a role.
I’m not the bad guy. I’m just the messenger boy. And just in general, it’s inflammatory for anybody,
Don’t kill the messenger boy. especially that…unlocks the key to the leaky gut.

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

Evan: So you had gut infections too? too high, then it starts to affect the digestive
health. H. pylori has also been linked to gastric
Julie: Oh, yeah. I had H. pylori, celiac. I had, what ulcers, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, and
else, Epstein Barr virus. many other issues. So when you asked me
earlier what are the long-term issues of this, well,
Evan: And H. pylori is super contagious too, so cancer’s a big one. But obviously, it’s the mood
that’s another thing we haven’t mentioned. I’ve stuff. It’s the fatigue and all that, that leads up to
alluded to it, but that will get the whole family that.
involved, meaning the spouse too. So H. pylori,
just the H. pylori one on one, it’s a very contagious Julie: Right. And also parasites could be passed
bacteria. About 51 percent of the world among family members too.
population has it.
Evan: Yeah. Parasites can be contagious. I forget
But it’s when it becomes too high it’s the little…why am I forgetting it? The little guys
opportunistic, like we talked about with the mold. that come out of the butt. It’s nasty. What’s it
When this H. py level grows too high, it starts to called? You’ve got to take the pyrantel for it. I’ve
damage what are called the parietal cells. And got to look it up. That’s going to drive me crazy
the parietal cells are what secrete stomach acid. because that’s super--
I have a little dummy in the closet I could have
whipped out and we could open up his stomach. Julie: And just let me mention too that Dr. Tom
But the parietal cells become damaged, so now O’Bryan’s on this summit, and he showed before
you’re not making as much stomach acid. and after pictures of a man that was…had a huge
bald spot with H. pylori. And then after he got rid
Now this could be very easily passed between of his H. pylori, he shows the progression. Full
couples. And this doesn’t have to be just intimate. head of hair. It’s really a nice visual.
Kissing, obviously. Sharing cups, sharing spoons,
sharing your water bottles with your children. If Evan: I believe you. Oh, it’s pinworms. That’s what
you’re sucking from a straw, you give it to your I was thinking of. Pinworms. Pinworms.
kids. My daughter, my oldest, when she was two
she tested positive for H. pylori. We had some Julie: Okay.
digestive issues we were working on with her at
the time. Evan: So when your kids are little, you could do
the tape test. You put a little piece of tape on their
So I work with a ton of pediatrics too, and anus, and you’ll see these tiny little pinworms. So
H. pylori. And it’s many cases like that. “Hey, pinworms are treated with pyrantel. Pyrantel is a
Mommy, I need a drink of water.” And then you worm medication. It’s a class of drugs that treat
could easily pass it to your children. So sometimes worms. It’s like a dewormer. They use it a lot on
we may be testing multiple family members to try horses, but they can also use it on humans.
to get to the bottom of this because if we just fix
the wife and she’s not fully better, it could be that So I see a lot of children that have pinworms
the husband is the vector and he’s reinfecting her. also, and we believe that could be a big factor.
Roundworm, also hookworm, those other worms,
So in some people, it’s commensal, meaning this especially kids that grow up on a farm or they’re
bacteria causes no problem. But when it’s grown out in the dirt, raising chickens, that kind of stuff.

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

It’s amazing they should do it, but those pinworms different things that go haywire with the immune
eggs, if they scratch their butt, you could get that system.
under the fingernails, and yeah, it’s a mess.
But like all pathogens and toxins, we can work on
Julie: Absolutely. And let’s touch upon the this and improve it. So in some cases, we’re using
COVID shed just a little bit because 66 percent ivermectin to work on binding to either the spike
of the people that were infected with COVID are protein from the injection or natural infection, if
experiencing hair shedding, which is a little bit it’s a long-haul case. And in that conglomerate of
different than hair loss or hair thinning, but it’s symptoms, hair loss is usually the least concern,
a huge complaint. They are terming it chronic meaning there’s usually more things like exercise
telogen effluvium, which you can grow back. intolerance, shortness of breath, chest pain,
It’s more of a stress-induced type of hair loss. extreme brain fog, terrible anxiety or depression.
But what are you seeing in your patients in that They’re out of it. They’re really spacy, and their
regard? hair’s falling out.

Evan: Yeah. I’m glad you brought that up. And So usually I try to prioritize, hey, what’s the biggest
I thought you meant shedding as in the whole symptom? Okay, you can’t even get off the couch.
injection shedding. That’s a whole nother can of Well, let’s get you off the couch first. Then we’re
worms. going to work on this hair loss piece. But yeah, it’s
a real big problem.
Julie: Okay.
Julie: And also, I mean, let’s roll it back because
Evan: But we’ll stick it to the viral piece, the post- a lot of people try to do all this on their own. Dr.
COVID long-haul type syndrome. Google, Dr. Nutritionist. So what would you say
is the importance of working with a qualified
Julie: Sure. practitioner?

Evan: And there’s a whole list of symptoms now. Evan: Well, you’re going to save time and money
People can read about this on the Frontline in the long run. Yeah, you’ll spend some money
COVID website, FLCCC. These are all the Frontline on labs and consults, but you’re not going to go to
doctors. I’ve talked with these guys, consulted Mount Everest and try to hike it yourself. You’re
with them. I’ve had Dr. Pierre Kory. He’s amazing. going to die if you don’t have a guide to help you
I’ve had him on my podcast to talk about this. And and deal with the loss of oxygen up there in that
there’s a whole list now. thin atmosphere. You really want a sherpa to help
show you the way, like this is the path. I’ve already
[40:05 blazed this trail for you. You can follow this path
to success, and we could get you to the top of the
So hair loss is certainly one of the symptoms. mountain, if that’s what you want.
We’ve seen a lot of women come to me post
COVID, whether that was vaccine induced or So a practitioner who’s already done this a
natural infection, and they say, “Hey, everything thousand or two thousand times, they’ve already
got worse after COVID.” And some of that is blazed the trail. They know exactly how to get
due to mast cell activation. Some of it’s related you there. It may be a little different than Sally or
to histamine. We do believe there’s a couple Johnny or Betty. There could be three different

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

avenues that all get you to the same finish line. Julie: No.

For this lady, it could be H. pylori and parasites. Evan: I think it’s spelled K-E-E-P-Z. Let me see. Or
For this lady, it could be all thyroid antibodies. maybe it’s with an S. And this is not a shout-out at
It’s all Hashimoto’s related. For this lady, it’s all. This is just something I’ve seen. Yeah. Keeps.
hormones and mold toxicity. So if you have, like keep, as in keep your hair. And
someone who is a specialist but they’re also a they’re selling all these thickening shampoos and
generalist, meaning they can look in all these thickening this. And then they have this topical
different avenues and departments that we finasteride and minoxidil-type product. So it’s 40
brought up today, that person, they’re worth the bucks a month, and it just says “combines two
money. powerful hair-loss products in one complete
Julie: Right. And I think you’ll relate to this
because one of the whole purposes of this And it talks about increasing blood flow to the
summit is to just explain to people that hair hair follicle. Talks about blocking the production
comes from the inside out, and we can fix it from of DHT. So maybe I’m okay with that. I don’t know.
the inside out. Whereas the billion dollar hair You might know more than me. I don’t know a
industry, they do just what conventional medicine ton about those drugs, those medications, but I’m
does. seeing a lot of guys that are coming into me with a
lot of side effects from those.
They give you the quick fix, the fancy hair styles
and topicals and so forth to make it look better, Julie: Yes. The side effects with finasteride is they
and even hair extensions, which are very, very lose their sex drive, and some of them don’t even
prevalent now, but it’s just covering it up. I mean, get it back.
men don’t really care. They just shave their head.
But at the end of the day, none of this gets to the Evan: That’s what I’m hearing. Yeah.
root cause.
Julie: And then Rogaine, if you stop Rogaine, most
Evan: Yeah. people don’t…they lose all the hair they grew.

Julie: And everything you explained today gets Evan: Oh, God.
to the root cause and just blows that door open.
Does this frustrate you or make you happy that Julie: It’s a life-long sentence with Rogaine, really.
we’re having this discussion?
Evan: Is it really?
Evan: Well, you see that these topicals, they’ve
become really popular and trendy now. I mean, Julie: Yes.
back when I was a kid, Rogaine was all the rage.
You’d see these creams and stuff, and you’d Evan: Wow. Well, yeah. That’s what I’m seeing.
picture it as just something that these old guys I’m seeing a lot of erectile dysfunction issues, just
were doing. And now, I mean, I see guys in their completely dead sex drives. These guys that come
20s. There’s all these new online sites. There was in and say, “Hey, everything was fine until I got on
one called Keeps that got real popular. Have you this hair loss whatever, cream, topical, and now
heard of Keeps? I’ve got no sex drive. I’m exhausted.”

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

Julie: Yeah. Evan: I had a friend come over this morning that…
relatively new friend that I had met and wanted
Evan: Some of them talk about gaining belly fat. to take him out on some bikes and go ride in the
Now it’s hard for me to blame it and say, “Oh, forest together. It’s not even a sunny day, and the
well, it’s all that.” But I think it’s a piece of it. But guy gets out of the truck and starts spraying the
ultimately, like you said, we’re not looking at most toxic sunscreen on himself.
what drove all this. So I can’t say I’m opposed to
those because I’m not a pharmacy guy. I don’t And I was like, do I even get into this today? And
know enough about those. If I was desperate and I was like, you know what? I don’t even feel like it,
miserable, would I try it? Maybe, but gosh. I would so I’m just going to let him live in his little world.
certainly want to do a work-up on myself too, to And I just told him, “hey, you don’t need that.
figure out what’s under the hood here. Because You’re not gonna get burned today.” And I just let
it’s not a cream deficiency. it go. So try to save people that are willing.

Julie: No. And that’s another reason…when I lost Julie: Sure. Sure.
all my hair, all the practitioners said there was
nothing I could do except put on these creams Evan: So if you have family members that you
or take these medications. And even that, they’re want to share this with, do it, but ultimately,
saying it might not work. And I knew at the end you’ve got to worry about yourself. You can’t try to
of the day that my body was out of balance. And convert everybody. So I just do the best I can and
again, that’s another reason for the summit, just take care of my family and my kids and my wife.
to give people options and hope. But if they get And I try to put my little dent in this.
to the point where their scalp hair follicles scar
over because they wait too long, then it’s nearly Julie: Well, you put a big dent, especially with your
impossible to grow back your hair. Yeah. podcasts. Thank you for sharing that education
with the world and just making people aware of
Evan: Wow. Wow. Yeah. You asked was I what functional medicine is, and that we really can
frustrated. Yeah, I’m always frustrated with the get to the root of it.
conventional system, in every department. The
way they treat heart issues. The way they treat Evan: No, my pleasure. Yeah. And one last thing
brain issues, cognitive decline. The way they treat here--
blood pressure problems. The way they treat
anxiety and mood problems and fatigue. Yeah. I Julie: Sure.
mean, I’m frustrated with the whole system.
Evan: --is what I’m seeing a lot of are conventional
But when people tune in to this other way that medical doctors, MDs, that are now going
you and I are talking about and people really functional because they know that they could
vibe on that and they call me, like, “Hey, I’ve potentially get out of their insurance practice.
listened to you talk about stuff like this for five They might be going to all-cash practices, et
years. I’m totally in it, and I’m seeing progress,” cetera, but I’m seeing a lot of these guys that are
then it makes it all worth it. It’s like we can’t fix not practicing real functional medicine.
And what I mean by that is they may run a blood
Julie: Right. panel that’s no more advanced than the typical

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

blood panel they ran as a family physician, and nutrition anyway.

now they’re running it with another patient that’s
cash, and they’re calling it functional medicine. [50:00]

So you really need to vet these people and make But at these roundtables, these doctors are
sure they know what the heck we’re talking just clueless. They just don’t have the education
about today, these type of tests, these type of through their medical school to even wrap their
biomarkers. Because if they don’t and they’re not arms around the fact that you can get to the root
producing regular content, videos, podcasts, et of this through nutrients and…anyway, it was
cetera, flexing their clinical muscle like you and I interesting.
are doing today, then I don’t think they’re suitable
for you. Because what I’m seeing now are these Evan: For sure. I know, I’m sure we could rant on
practitioners that went to the medical doc that it all day, but the point is that I’m seeing people
turned functional. that are now bringing labs to me, and it has a
doctor on the paperwork who ran it. And I’m like,
And I look at this “functional work-up,” and “Oh, what did Dr. So-and-So say about this?” “Oh,
it’s garbage. They call themselves functional well, they don’t know what to do with it. They
medicine, and they didn’t even run thyroid ordered it for me because I heard about it on a
antibodies? podcast. I told them to order it and they ran it,
and now they don’t know what to do with it. And
Julie: Well, they might have taken one class now I’m here with you.”
and called themselves a functional medicine
practitioner. I’m like, well, why’d they run it in the first place?
They just need to be upfront and tell them, “Hey,
Evan: Yeah. Right. So I just want to call that out I don’t know what to do with these, so I’m sorry.”
because that’s a part that’s getting frustrating I’m trying to put my dent in the world with that
for my job too, is that I could be compared to too, so I do have several different functional
a functional MD. I’m not an MD, but I could be medicine training courses.
compared to them, and they’re not running half
of what we’re running, and they’re not looking at a I’ve got over a thousand students in my school.
fraction of what we’re looking at. We call it Functional Academy of Medicine and
Epigenetics. So that’s a school where regular
So just make sure you’re vetting these people. health-seeker folks and practitioners can take
And if you’re having to beg these practitioners to it and they can enroll and learn how to run and
run the testing that I’m describing today, they’re read these labs and interpret them the way I do to
not the right ones. You should not be asking your make a protocol. Then I have a Confident Coach
practitioner for the labs. The practitioner should program, which is specific to practitioners to help
be telling you what you need based on your them get into online practice if that’s what they
symptoms and issues. want to do. So I do have more course education if
people want to get geeky.
Julie: Evan, you’re so right. And when I went to
the training, at least to the Institute of Functional And then I do offer one-on-one consults, still do
Medicine, we had these roundtables. And you clinic a few days a week. So has
know that functional medicine is 80%, 90% everything. The podcast is there. That’s all free.

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

There’s ten years’ worth of episodes there, so Julie: Absolutely. Absolutely.

if people want to learn more, that’s where they
could go. Evan: But it’s worth it. But it’s worth it in the long
run. This is so you could be a better wife, a better
Julie: Okay. Well, we’ll wrap it up with that. mom, a better grandma. You’re better in every
Anywhere else they can find you? way because when you’re fixing the hair, that’s the
clue that internally things are working better. So
Evan: I do a lot of these events, so I appreciate the this does pay dividends in other departments of
opportunity to be with you. This is great. your life.

Julie: Okay. Julie: Right. Right. In my experience, when you

fix someone’s hair, you’re fixing everything
Evan: I’ve probably done maybe 30 to 50 different else. They’re losing weight. Their skin’s clearing
events across Health Means and some of the up. I mean, it all works together. It’s a holistic
other platforms for summits. So I love doing approach. Yeah.
this. I love trying to bring these ideas to a wider
audience because what I’m telling you is a little Evan: That’s right.
less attractive than others.
Julie: Well, anyway, thank you so much, Evan, for
And what I mean by that is I can’t just make it the being here today and sharing all your valuable
magnesium miracle. There’s a whole hour on just information and expertise.
how magnesium’s going to change your life. Sure,
I love magnesium, but it’s not that easy. So what Evan: Oh, my pleasure. Thanks for having me.
I’m selling you is this idea that, hey, really you’ve Take care.
got to probably fix 10 to 15 things here to fully fix
this issue. That’s a little less attractive. Julie: All right. Well, don’t miss the other experts
on this summit, Healthy Body, Healthy Hair: The
Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe that’s more attractive. Truth About Hair Loss.
But from the outside looking in, I’m like, oh, how
do I tell them we’ve got to fix their basement.
We’ve got to fix their gut. It’s a little harder than
just “here’s this magic pill.”

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

The Connection Between

Mast Cell Activation and
Hair Loss

Julie: Welcome, everybody, to the summit, grateful that I was able to study the things that
Healthy Body, Healthy Hair: The Truth About I was really interested in. So I went to University
Hair Loss. I’m your host, Julie Olson. Chronic of Arizona’s Center for Integrative Medicine
inflammation is a core root cause of hair loss. And with Andrew Weil and studied there functional
today, we’re going to discuss inflammatory mast medicine, environmental medicine. And this led
cell activation that is linked to hair loss. And who me to mold which led me to Lyme disease.
better to discuss this than Dr. Kelly McCann, a
functional and integrative physician. and she was And then I started having all these patients
also the host of Many Manifestations of Mast Cell coming in who were very sick and very reactive.
Activation Summit on this. Hi, Kelly. I’m so excited Very inflammatory. And I discovered that they had
you’re here. a condition called mast cell activation. Mast cell
activation has only been really written about in
Dr. McCann: Hi, Julie. Thank you so much for the medical literature since 2007, 2008. So it is a
inviting me. newly recognized condition.

Julie: Now, how did you decide to study Mast But turns out 20% of the population have mast
Cell Activation Syndrome? Because it really isn’t cell activation syndrome, or there about. 17%.
very common, yet like your summit says, it has So high percentage of people. And it turns out
so many manifestations and can lead to so many that this condition is a multi-system, multi-
chronic illnesses. So why’d you decide to jump in symptom inflammatory allergic condition. And
there? when I was doing research in preparation for our
conversation today, holy crap, mast cell activation
Dr. McCann: Thank you for asking. That wasn’t is involved in all different forms of hair loss.
my purpose when I started. So I’m a medical
doctor. I was always interested in what we called Julie: Yes, it is very interesting, especially the
holistic medicine back in the day, in the nineties telogen effluvium that is connected with the
when I went to medical school. And so I studied COVID shed that so many people are suffering
acupuncture and healing touch and Reiki and from. It’s more the stress-induced hair loss, but
things like that, and knew that I wanted to do the inflammatory component. So let’s go into
something different. that. Let’s first start by explaining what Mast Cell
Activation Syndrome is for our listeners because a
As soon as I graduated from medical school, did lot of them probably don’t understand.
my residency training, and started a practice, I felt

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

Dr. McCann: Sure. So mast cells are a part of they get turned on and triggered and then they
our immune system. And they are related to our can’t stop.
blood cells. So they’re born in the bone marrow.
They move after they’re born in the bone marrow Julie: And it even lends its way towards
to our periphery. They are high concentration autoimmune disorders and even psychiatric
in our skin, which is why it’s relevant to our disorders that a lot of physicians are missing just
conversation today. They’re also in high because they’re not trained on it. I know even
prevalence in our nervous system tissue. They going through my certification as a functional
love our blood vessels. They line our respiratory medicine practitioner, we weren’t taught that.
tract. Our gastrointestinal tract. They are in the
mucus membranes. Dr. McCann: Right.

And their job is to protect us from foreign Julie: So let’s dive into more of how it affects hair.
invaders. So things like COVID, toxins, infections. There are the inflammatory mediators, but what
The food that we eat can trigger mast cells. And else did you find in your research that how it’s
what they do when they get triggered and pissed linked to hair loss?
off is that they release all of these chemical
messengers that we call mediators, many of which Dr. McCann: What I found is that fascinatingly,
are inflammatory in nature. And so it causes this it’s linked to all different kinds of hair loss. So
cascade of inflammation. alopecia areata, which is traditionally thought to
be an autoimmune condition. In those patients,
And it may not even be able to be tested through they have higher levels of mast cells in the scalp
normal means. So people feel inflamed. They go areas where they’ve lost hair. And those mast cells
to their doctors, they get a c-reactive protein or a are like around the follicles and around the blood
sed rate done, which are standard inflammatory vessels.
markers. And they say, “Well, you’re normal.” And
the patients say, “No, I’m not. I’m not normal at And when they looked at people who had the
all.” And because mast cells are everywhere in androgenic or male pattern baldness or in
the body, they can be triggered and you can get a females too, those people also had elevated levels
whole host of symptoms. of mast cells compared to normal people who
didn’t have the hair loss. It seemed like it was
So usually it’s not just hair loss. It may be you worse if people were older, like over 40, or if they
were an allergic kid, or you had eczema as a had more severe symptoms. So the worse the
kid, or asthma. Or maybe you have irritable symptoms, the older the person.
bowel symptoms or interstitial cystitis or
cardiac symptoms. Mood issues like anxiety And this research was done pre-COVID. It was
and depression. These can all be related to an really interesting stuff. They actually looked at and
overactive mast cell syndrome that we call mast figured out how stress causes hair loss too. And
cell activation. so they did a study with some poor little rats. And
what they did, it turns out that there’s a brain hair
And of course, it’s really important to say mast follicle axis, I don’t know if you’ve come across
cells are normal. We need them. But we need that, with regard to stress.
them to react in a short-term issue and then calm
back down again. The problem happens when So when the animals were stressed, they would

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

present with hair loss. And how they stress them cytokines that inhibit the hair growth. So all just
is they put them in a little tube so they couldn’t really fascinating and driven by these mast cells.
move. Poor things. It’s terrible what we do to
animals but it tells us a lot of information. So Julie: Interesting. And then also the telogen
when they would restrict their movement, restrain effluvium puts you in the resting stage
them, they would have hair loss. prematurely.

And so this was the model that they used. And Dr. McCann: Correct.
then they used what they call knockout mice. So
they weren’t rats. They’re mice. But they removed Julie: Like even with stress, but mast cells are,
the mast cells from this gene expression in these it sounds like, compounding it because they
mice and they put them in a restraint tube so they act as sort of stress but they also have those
couldn’t move. They didn’t have hair loss. inflammatory mediators that are released. The
cytokines, and the whole cascade of, I guess you
Julie: That’s interesting. could call it even stress. How do you think that
mechanism works? I’m kind of guessing there.
Dr. McCann: And then there was another
knockout mouse that they used that had Dr. McCann: So I think what happens is when
substance P, which is related to pain. Substance there is a stressor, whether that’s an infection
P. And they used knockout mice who didn’t have like COVID or an emotional stressor, and in the
the receptor. So the substance P couldn’t activate mice they’re using restraint as the stressor in that
the mast cells. And those mice also did not get system, in the body of those mice, no matter what
hair loss when they were restrained. So the stress the stressor is, what happens is that it increases
response causes hair loss because it’s activating cortisol. It increases substance P which then
the mast cells. attaches to the NK1 receptor which then triggers
the mast cells.
Julie: Interesting. Now, these mice that lost
the hair, did they lose it in alopecia areata. It’s The mast cells move into that area and they start
around little spots. That’s how that starts with that releasing their inflammatory mediators. And you
autoimmune. Or was it just overall thinning hair get increase of cytokines. We’ve heard about the
loss? cytokine storm in COVID. So cytokines are those
inflammatory mediators IL-1 IL-6 six, and TNF
Dr. McCann: Good question. They didn’t alpha. All of these mediators get upregulated in
elaborate the pattern of hair loss but my the areas of the skin in those lucky people who
assumption is that it would be more akin to tend to have more mast cell activation.
the telogen effluvium, the stress response hair
loss that we get with COVID or with any sort of And we can talk more about those lucky people.
stressors. That was what made sense to me. That’s that 20% that I mentioned. So that’s kind
of the pathophysiology of what’s happening with
[10:10] stress leading to increased mast cell activation.
Leading to increased inflammation. And that
And they found that this substance P and its leads to shifting the hair follicles into that telogen
receptor locally was also involved in things like state so it’s in the resting state and therefore not
alopecia Ariana because there are increased growing.

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

And then they kind of get stuck there for a the anosmia and they’d have more allergy-type
number of months. Some of the studies that symptoms, which again speaks to this mast cell
showed that people were getting hair loss activation idea.
after COIVD, I don’t know if anybody’s really
talked about this in your summit, but that was Julie: Now, I came across some of the same
fascinating too. There was one Brazilian study research and my conclusion is I have been
that they looked at 6,000 participants who had quoting that 66% of people infected with COVID
had COVID. And let’s see. 86% reported at least are experiencing hair loss. And there’s a support
one post-COVID symptom. Nearly 50% of these group online. Facebook support group. It’s private,
6,000 people had hair loss as one of their primary but it is. It’s mostly women. And you should see
symptoms. the images. There are clumps and clumps of hair.

And of those, it was often associated with people And these women, they are just clamoring for
who had worse symptoms during COVID like natural solutions. None of them want to do what
fever, shortness of breath, muscle aches and I was told when I lost major hair. It was years
pains. And the majority of them were women. Not ago, way before COVID. Years and years ago.
surprising. In looking at different kinds of post- And another reason for the summit is because
COVID telogen effluvium rates when they were I was given no natural options. In fact, I was just
looking at different studies, it varied a great deal. dismissed. And these women, they would love to
hear this information on the mast cell activation
Some of the studies showed about 25%, 28% because it makes so much sense and it’s not out
people post-COVID had hair loss. Some of the there.
studies showed as high as 66% of people had hair
loss. So it’s very, very common. And we know now Dr. McCann: No, it’s not out there. The good
too that most of the people who do poorly with news is there are tons of things for treating
COVID or get post-COVID, there’s a relationship mast cell activation some of which are available.
between mast cell activation and COVID. There are natural things. They’re even starting
to look at different kinds of pharmaceuticals
And that makes sense because COVID is a foreign too but ones that are readily available to most
invader, and the mast cells up-regulate to manage people like antihistamines. There is some medical
COVID, turn on all those inflammatory cytokines, literature using topical Zyrtec for different forms
and try and do their job, which is to protect us of alopecia, which I thought was fascinating. Like a
from this foreign invader. But unfortunately, in 1% cream of Zyrtec.
some people, it just goes crazy. And it causes this
ongoing inflammatory response that’s happening Then they’re doing studies on it. Of course, you
that shifts your hair into that resting stage and would require a prescription from a medical
starts to fall out as well as having many other doctor or a naturopathic doctor who has
impacts. prescriptive privileges and a compounding
pharmacy to make it because I don’t think it’s
So again, a lot of the people who were commercially available. But you could also
experiencing hair loss were also experiencing just try Zyrtec, so why not? So Zyrtec is a class
neurological symptoms, brain fog, loss of sense of medications called an antihistamine. It has
of taste and smell. That’s called anosmia in histamine-1 receptor blocker activity.
medical terminology. So they would often have

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

Other medications in that same class include start people out at 250 milligrams. But you can
Benadryl, Claritin, Allegra, Xyzal. Now, there’s take up to upwards of 1000 milligrams four times
literature for Zyrtec. I don’t know about the other a day of Quercetin if you want.
ones. But depending on what kinds of symptoms
people have, that may be very effective and again, There are some caveats like people who know
readily available. It does seem that it takes time. that they have COMT, COMT gene variants. You
So you may have to do multiple things and kind of don’t want to take super high doses because
see what works for you. But if somebody has a lot Quercetin downregulates COMT. And if it’s already
of allergy symptoms or a lot of itching, there could compromised, you don’t want to take high doses
be indications to take antihistamines in addition of that.
to the hair loss.
Luteolin is another one that has some literature
Julie: So, Kelly, how about taking a natural to support its use for mast cell activation. And
antihistamine like DAO in a supplement form? there’s a little bit of information about luteolin
Would it have the same mechanisms as the Zyrtec and helping with hair loss. The nice thing about
and some of the over-the-counter? Luteolin is that it crosses the blood-brain barrier.
So if people are also experiencing, post-COVID
Dr. McCann: Possibly. Probably not the DAO. brain fog, mood changes, kind of neurological
And I can talk about the ones that do have symptoms, potentially even that loss of taste and
medical support for hair loss that are also mast smell, luteolin might be worth trying.
cell supplements. DAO is used as an enzyme to
break down histamine in the gastrointestinal And there are some great products out there. Dr.
system. And it’s a great nutritional supplement Theoharides is a mast cell master. He’s written a
for patients who have histamine intolerance or lot of research papers and lectures extensively
patients who have mast cell activation and have on mast cell. He’s created a couple of products
difficulty either making that DAO enzyme and that I use. It’s used in other products too. So
breaking down histamine in their gut. that is something to consider. Some of my
other favorites that have literature, one is
So people who do better on a low histamine diet called Pycnogenol.
would probably benefit from DAO enzymes but
I don’t know if you’re going to get the positive So Pycnogenol is French Marine pine bark. It’s
benefit for hair loss that you would for some got so many great studies and so much benefit. I
of the other symptoms. So if there were lots of just love it. And there’s a single study that shows
gastrointestinal symptoms or itching, those sorts that it can be helpful for hair loss. How amazing
of things. The DAO enzymes can work really well. is that? So yeah, I love, Pycnogenol for so many
different things. It’s anti-inflammatory. It’s good
[20:05] for cardiac health. It’s good for so many things.

Quercetin may be one worth trying that has Another one of my favorites for hair loss
a lot of benefits for mast cell activation. It’s specifically is scutellaria or baicalein which is
probably one of the most common well-known skullcap. I mean, there are other products out
nutraceuticals for mast cell activation. The nice there but Chinese skullcap, you want to make sure
thing about Quercetin is it can be taken in a whole it’s the scutellaria baicalensis because the other
variety of different doses. And so sometimes I’ll skullcaps might not have that same benefit that

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

the Chinese skullcap does. So many cool benefits. response, right? When we’re in that, we literally
I really love skullcap. can’t heal. We really need to get ourselves into
what’s called parasympathetic. Stimulate the
So, some of the more traditional mast cell things vagus nerve. Calm everything down. Get out of
and histamine intolerance things like DAO may sympathetic or fight or flight in order to also calm
not be as helpful. But the way that I’m thinking down our mast cells.
about it and the way that I’m reading the
literature, it seems that if we can decrease the And so when I’m treating patients with MA
oxidative stress by using antioxidants. If we can activation who might have a symptom of hair loss,
decrease the inflammatory response by using it’s not just about taking supplements. It’s also
the mast cell supplements that have mast cell about learning how to shift yourself out of that
blocking effects. I think that we can reverse the the-world-is-not-safe way of being. So that’s vagus
hair loss and help some of the other symptoms nerve and autonomic nervous system. There are
that people are experiencing. exercises that people can do. Breathing exercises
that can be helpful.
Julie: Great. Well, this is really fascinating and
I’m sure the listeners will probably want to listen There are different kinds of neurofeedback.
to that again. So again, you can purchase this There’s something called BrainTap. There’s
summit. And is there anything else you want to something called Rezzimax. There are different
add, Dr. Kelly, about this mast cell activation and kinds of listening systems that can shift people
what people can do right now? into that calm, parasympathetic, relaxed state.
And then the last part of the stool, my three-
Dr. McCann: Sure. I think mast cell activation legged stool, is really the brain and the limbic
is one of the most complicated conditions I’ve system.
ever had to treat. And if people get hair loss,
particularly after COVID, but after any sort And so the limbic system is the part of the brain
of stressor, what I found in treating mast cell that takes our experiences and turns them mental
activation is, mast cell activation is the third leg on into memories. And so this part of the brain gets
a three-legged stool. And the other two legs are activated when we don’t feel well. And for the
our autonomic nervous system. This is the fight- people who have post-COVID symptoms including
or-flight vagus nerve if you’ve heard about the hair loss, again, the body and the mind and the
vagus nerve. nervous system, the immune system, they’re all
acting to protect you from the stress, from COVID,
That one is super important because oftentimes from whatever toxic exposure you’ve had that
what happens is that our body goes into fight or have triggered the hair loss. And so we have to
flight and we’re in sympathetic overdrive all the deal with that too.
time. We can’t shut off our minds. We can’t take a
deep breath. We’re very anxious. Maybe we don’t And that’s a little harder. It really takes work on
sleep very well. And that’s all governed by the your part to figure out, what are the things that
vagus nerve. you’re telling yourself? Are you telling yourself that
you’re sick? That you’re never going to get better?
And quite literally, when we’re in a situation where That it’s always going to be this way? Or are you
our bodies are stressed out and we’re in fight or really envisioning that positive, healthy version of
flight or freeze, that’s another part of that stress yourself that you want to be with a beautiful head

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

of hair and everything working well and you living California. Right now we’re not accepting new
your life to the fullest? patients, but we anticipate soon. Unfortunately,
I can only take patients who live in California at
I think that paying attention to what this limbic this time but stay tuned and check back if you’re
system is and how we envision ourselves in the interested in becoming a patient.
world, even when we’re not where we want to be
yet is really important for healing. So it’s not just [30:05]
about taking supplements and hoping that that
makes things better. We’ve got to love our scalps Julie: Great. Well, thank you again, Dr. Kelly.
and love our hair, and nurture it back to health Really, really valuable information that, again,
too, in addition to doing all these other things. it’s not known. It’s really something that people
should really listen to here. So, appreciate it.
Julie: What great tips. Wow. Amazing interview.
And where’s the best place for people to find you Dr. McCann: Thank you so much again, Julie, for
and learn more about you and your offerings? inviting me. I’m happy to be here.

Dr. McCann: Thank you for asking. You can find Julie: All right. And don’t forget to watch the other
me in two places. I’m at That’s expert interviews on this summit, Healthy Body,
kind of my online business. I’ve got blogs there Healthy Hair: The Truth About Hair Loss.
and hopefully will be offering courses and then
eventually kind of group visits or group coaching.

And then you can also find me at thespringcenter.

com where I have my clinical practice in Southern

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

How to Remove Toxic

Heavy Metals to Combat
Hair Loss
Wendy Myers, ND

Julie: Welcome, everybody, to the summit Healthy Our number one way we get toxins in us is in
Body, Healthy Hair: The Truth About Hair Loss. our food. And next, it’s the air that we breathe.
I’m your host, Julie Olson. Are you aware that And then the water that we’re drinking and
there’s a strong correlation between heavy metals showering in. So we just are constantly exposed
and hair loss? And who better to discuss how to to heavy metals, and various other environmental
remove toxic metals to protect your health and chemicals as well. But there’s dozens of heavy
hair than Dr. Wendy Myers, who is a leading heavy metals, and they definitely play a big role in hair
metal detox and bioenergetic expert, as well as a loss.
number one bestselling author of Limitless Energy:
How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Julie: And are the top four mercury, cadmium,
Chronic Fatigue. arsenic, and lead, as far as the top four heavy
metals that cause hair loss?
Hi, Wendy. I’m so excited you’re here.
Dr. Myers: Yeah. So arsenic causes hair loss,
Dr. Myers: Yeah. Thanks so much for having me. for sure. Thallium is another one. It’s naturally
occurring in petroleum products. Mercury, for
Julie: Now before we dive right into it, do you sure. Copper as well, and uranium and cadmium.
want to discuss what heavy metals are? And So those all can cause hair loss. But essentially
then we can discuss the top heavy metals that what they do, what heavy metals do, is they
affect hair loss the most, but just for some of our poison proteins.
listeners that aren’t familiar about toxic heavy
metals. So the keratin in your hair, it’s a structural
protein that provides strength to your hair and
Dr. Myers: Yes. Yes. So heavy metals are things to your nails. So heavy metals weaken the bonds
like mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium and of keratin, resulting in abnormal development
other ones that are found in our air, food, and of the hair shaft. And that can cause breakage
water. They’re being mined and they’re used in in different…cause it to be more sensitive to
various products. If you look on your desk or your breakage.
room there’s all kinds of products with metals in
them. So in the industrial manufacturing process, But then heavy metals also do things where they
in coal burning, in the burning of the gasoline can enter…they can poison hormones as well. And
in our cars and whatnot, it just releases a lot of people that have hormonal issues and hormonal
different heavy metals into our environment. imbalance issues with estrogen or testosterone

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

can also have hair loss. And then we have things Heavy metals play a big role in poor blood sugar
like alopecia, which is an autoimmune condition. control. Arsenic and other metals are the number
one cause of diabetes. All of our chronic health
Heavy metals play a huge role in poisoning conditions can be tied to heavy metals as well
the immune system, especially the mercury, as…like 19 percent of strokes have lead as an
cadmium, and arsenic and lead. Those play a big underlying root cause of them.
role in throwing a wrench into immune system
functioning. And nickel also could be a catalyst for So I can go on and on and on with those kind of
autoimmune conditions as well. statistics. I mean, really, any type of symptom
people have, heavy metals and toxins can
So all of those metals can be things that can be an contribute to that symptom. But those are some
underlying root cause or a catalyst for alopecia. of the top ones off the top of my head that are a
There’s also something called telogen effluvium, sign you have heavy metal toxicity.
which is a type of hair loss disorder tied to our
stress response. And heavy metals can also Julie: That’s pretty scary, and the fact that they are
contribute to that health issue as well. stored in the fatty tissue. As far as detoxing them,
wouldn’t the first step be to get rid of--safely--if
Julie: Wow. And heavy metals are a lot more you have mercury in your mouth? That’s the low-
prevalent and common in the modern-day age hanging fruit? Or are there other ways that you go
than people realize. And for our listeners, again, about it?
that aren’t so familiar with this, they might have a
toxic metal overload and not even know it, right? Dr. Myers: Yeah. Well, it just depends. I mean,
So what’s the best way to find out? Besides hair I’m definitely a fan of removing mercury fillings
loss, what are some other symptoms of having because they’re not doing you any favors for your
too high a level of certain toxic metals? health. And most of us have them or have had
them in the past. And fortunately, they’re being
Dr. Myers: Yeah. So hair loss is one sign. And then phased out. But it depends on people’s health
fatigue is the most notable sign of heavy metal condition.
toxicity because heavy metals play a big role in
poisoning our mitochondria energy production. I mean, if people are very, very ill or they have
Then you can have things like brain fog. You can multiple health issues, I don’t always recommend
have things like problems sleeping. You can have removing them because it can make people’s
hormonal issues, hormonal imbalances. health worse. Removing all that mercury, even if
it’s done properly, you still get some mercury in
You can have weight gain because toxins are… your system. And for some people, that can be
the body stores these toxins away from our the straw that broke the camel’s back. So I don’t
vital organs. It’ll store it in fat. A lot of these always advise that.
environmental toxins are fat soluble. Or the
metals like lead, mercury, aluminum, will be But there’s lots of things people can do, no matter
stored in our bones as well. And then we can have what their health condition, to remove heavy
different metals stored in the fat in our brain and metals. So you can take supplements like binders,
our nervous system as well. But they can also be the things that very gently will bind onto heavy
stored in different organs. So they effect all of our metals and remove them from your body, like
organ functioning. charcoals or citrus pectins. Or zeolites are really

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

nice. Chlorella is another thing that you can take and he had never done any kind of detox before.
as well. It’s more weak, but it’s natural and it gives And he said within just a few weeks, he lost ten
you lots of nutrition as well. pounds. He had all these different dark moles
and dark raised areas on his skin, all of which
People can do infrared saunas. Those are disappeared within just a few weeks of using the
absolutely amazing for sweating out toxins. And footbath because his body just finally had an exit
then ionic footbaths are amazing, especially if for all these different toxins that he was storing in
people are heat intolerant or they’re very ill or his skin and in his fat cells as well.
elderly or very, very young, before the age of
seven. That group usually can’t use an infrared So yeah, I love the ionic footbaths. And they
sauna. So doing an ionic footbath is a great thing have incredible studies as well, that show
for them. improvements in a lot of different groups of
children, autistic children. So yeah, there’s a lot
Julie: Interesting. I’ve done some of those, and of evidence that the ionic footbaths work really,
it’s crazy, all the toxins you see in the water. I really well.
thought maybe it was because the footbath used
was copper. So I said can you use a different bowl [10:00]
next time, not use copper there next time. And
the same thing. It was just full of just slimy, greasy Julie: Excellent. And how else do you recommend
toxins. So that really is interesting because I know people detox, and what foods to stay away from,
there is controversy about those footbaths, but as far as…for instance, rice is high in arsenic, per
it’s interesting to hear from you as an expert that se. But I know these are two very broad questions
they really are effective. I just asked you.

Dr. Myers: No, they are. It depends on the type Dr. Myers: Yes.
of footbath, though. I only recommend the
IonCleanse by A Major Difference because it’s a Julie: So if you want to just break it down?
medical grade.
Dr. Myers: Yes. Well, here’s the thing. I’m not a
Julie: Okay. big fan of avoiding any one food or food group
because unfortunately, in today’s reality, all of
Dr. Myers: And it’s a lot stronger than other ones our food has some toxin in it. Even organic food.
on the market. More expensive too, but you get So organic food means chemical free, not heavy
what you pay for. So they’re not all created equal. metal free.
And you don’t only get toxins in the water, but you
also get an increased urinary and stool output and So it may not have pesticides in it…but it still
other excretory methods. You get an increased can, actually, because if an organic farm is
output of heavy metals and toxins a few days next to a conventional farm, it can get sprayed
after doing the footbath. So it’s not just what’s with glyphosate, or just the wind can carry the
coming in the water. pesticides and insecticides over. So there’s a small
percentage of contamination of organic foods.
I’ve seen incredible results with footbaths, not The root vegetables can absorb lead and other
only with myself, but with other people as well. metals and arsenic from the soil, if at one point
Even have a friend of mine who’s a cancer doctor, there was ever a lead or arsenic or fluoride-based

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

pesticide that was used, even if it had been 30 find out what metals you have because there’s
years ago. specific supplements or nutrients that will remove
specific metals that you have. So that can be a
And there’s other different heavy metals in the much more sniper approach to supplementation
soils. Heavy metals can come from the water versus just a shotgun approach and just throwing
that the vegetables are being watered with. It everything in the kitchen sink at the problem. So
can come from the fertilizers. A lot of the NPK you really want to know what you’re dealing with.
chemical fertilizers have cadmium in them. So
there’s just a lot of different sources of metals in So doing a hair mineral analysis, or an HTMA, is
our food. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s meat really a great way to figure out what metals you
or whether it’s fish or whether it’s vegetables or have, what mineral deficiencies that you have
whatever. Dairy. All of it can have some sort of as well, which are really important to mineralize
contamination. your body as well, for health and for your hair as
well. And then when you find out what metals you
So we want to avoid the most obvious sources have, then you can have more of a customized
of contamination. Non-organic food. Large, approach to your detoxification.
migratory fish like tuna, especially the ahi-grade
tuna for sushi. We want to avoid other large So you know exactly what supplements you need
migratory fish as well. But a lot of other foods, it’s to take, if you work with a practitioner that knows
just a matter of trying to eat as clean as you can. all the different supplements you need, if you
Eat organic. have arsenic, if you have thallium, if you have
uranium. These are all very different metals that
And certainly with chickens and arsenic, you have different methods of removing them. But
want to avoid the conventional chickens, the starting, testing not guessing, is really the best
conventional eggs, because they are…the chicken place to start.
feed has arsenic in it. So you’re going to get
arsenic if you’re eating conventional chickens, Julie: And besides those tests you just mentioned,
conventional eggs. But arsenic can also be do you also believe in doing just blood tests, say,
in a range of pesticides and herbicides and looking at mercury through the conventional
insecticides. It can be found in a lot of drinking lab, such as Lab Corp or something, but looking
water. And arsenic is specifically associated with at them in functional ranges instead of just
the hair loss, and the eyebrows and eyelashes, conventional ranges?
which is kind of interesting.
Dr. Myers: Yeah. So I don’t believe in blood
Julie: That is interesting. What’s the best way testing, except for lead because the problem in
for someone to start the process? I mean, if the blood is the body’s not going to allow metals
they’re embedded in our fat cells and someone is to just float around in the blood. It’s going to
already quite sick, say they’re losing hair like crazy sequester them away where they’re safely away
anyway, what are some of the preliminary things from our vital organs. So unless you’ve had a
you have people do besides the footbath, and you recent acute exposure, you’re typically going to
mentioned the sauna. And you mentioned some get a false negative with a blood test. But lead
supplements. But anything else besides that? is fairly accurate. I think we’re very consistently
exposed to lead. So with lead, you can do a blood
Dr. Myers: Well, I’d recommend doing testing to test for that.

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

But I like the hair because it gives a three-month metals. There’s no exception. It’s absolutely
average of the tissue levels of metals, which is impossible to be living on this planet and not have
going to be much more accurate than even, say, a heavy metals in your system, unless by chance
urine test, which is a 24-hour urinary output. But you’re an incredible detoxer. With anything in
again, there’s no perfect metals test because we life, there’s a bell curve. So there’s people that
can only really see what your body’s excreting at detox unbelievably. Those are the people, that’s
that time. Grandpa that was drinking and smoking until he
was 100. He can just detox this stuff out, so he
So the hair, at least it’s three months of what could do whatever he wanted. It’s probably not
your body’s excreting. You take about an inch of you.
hair or 2.5 centimeters from the scalp. The hair
is very biologically active at the scalp, and we But other people on the other end of the bell
can see what’s being excreted into the hair. But curve are chronic fatigue, multiple health issues,
some metals come out in the hair. Some metals chemical sensitivity, lots of food sensitivities. They
we see them best in the urine. Some metals, like can barely function, maybe can’t work. Those
cadmium, we see best in the stool. people, they have a very poor ability to detox.
So all the metals and chemicals have built up
And there is one blood test that’s done by and thrown a wrench into their metabolism in a
Quicksilver Scientific that I do recommend that’s number of different ways. But it’s interesting.
a very different type of blood test than the test
done at your conventional doctor. And usually at I actually had a lot of uranium toxicity from living
your doctor you’re only testing for four metals, in Southern California. In Southern California,
but there’s dozens of metals. So it’s much more in the southwest United States, there’s a lot of
efficient and much more…using more information uranium in the water. Even though I was drinking
to do different types of testing than the blood spring water, I was showering in the regular water,
testing. and I had gotten a ton of uranium because it’s just
in the water table there.
Julie: That’s why it’s often missed, is because it’s
not tested the way you just explained. And it’s And at one point on my detox program…I had a
interesting. I don’t know if you heard the story little bit of uranium on every hair test. And then
about Tony Robbins, who was just feeling horrific one time, I had this huge amount of uranium. I
and he went to a bazillion doctors and finally, was dumping it. And I lost about a fifth of my hair
he went to somebody like you, a naturopathic from my head. And I have very thick hair. It was
doctor, who tested him for mercury, and it was really noticeable. So as this stuff was coming out
skyrocketed. of me, I had a marked hair loss. And of course, it
all grew back, but it was really alarming to me.
It’s just really, really important, whether you’re
losing your hair or not, just to dig into that But when I did a hair test, I understood why
because, like you were saying, it’s just so prevalent because I knew uranium is responsible for hair
in our society today. Whether it’s manifesting, loss. And it was just really eye opening for me.
again, in your hair loss or the other symptoms you And I think a lot of people listening would be
explained, it’s a rock that needs to be overturned. surprised at how much thallium or the arsenic
or the cadmium or mercury or uranium or other
Dr. Myers: Yes. Yeah, everyone has heavy metals, like cadmium, could be promoting their

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

hair loss in various direct and indirect ways. So either, just for detoxification. I mean, there’s some
it’s really worth checking out and going down people that are a candidate for it. Maybe they
that avenue just to rule out that as a possible could do a low dose, like 250 milligrams once a
underlying root cause of your hair loss. week or something like that. But again, you need
to know what metals you have because DMSA
[19:50] doesn’t remove every metal. So there’s no one
thing that you can take.
Julie: And also, when you talk about testing, does
it help to provoke it, say, take some apple citrus But everyone, I think, across the board can take a
pectin before you test to help provoke it, get it citrus pectin to detox heavy metals and to remove
more in your…out of your system so that it shows them from the body. That’s a catch-all mitt that’s
up more on the labs or not? Or how do you feel going to absorb different metals and chemicals
about that? I know there’s two different thoughts like a sponge, and it’s very gentle. So that’s great
on that as well. to take.

Dr. Myers: Well, the citrus pectin isn’t going to Charcoal, you can’t take that every day. It’s
provoke it. It’s actually going to absorb it to where too harsh. You could take it once or twice a
we won’t see it on tests. week, something like that, or when you have
an exposure, like you’re drinking alcohol or
Julie: Okay. you’ve eaten a meal at a fast-food restaurant or
something. Yeah, you could take some charcoal
Dr. Myers: And I’ve definitely seen that happen and absorb all the toxins from that.
But yeah, just taking DMSA just to try to do a
Julie: Okay. detox without doing any kind of testing I think is…
it’s just overkill. And it’s not necessarily going to
Dr. Myers: I’m not a huge fan of provocation get you where you want to go because you need
using various…like DMSA or EDTA because if you to know what metals you have so you know what
do a provocation, you’re always going to get heavy nutrients and supplements you need to take to
metals coming out. And I want to see what the remove them.
body’s releasing on its own when I do a heavy
metals test, when I do a urine test. So with stool, Julie: I’m glad to hear that because…I mean, I
you don’t have to do provocation. know it’s basically thought of as a controlled
substance. It’s not sold in a lot of health food
And for some people, especially if they’re very ill, stores as it is because…probably because of what
they can’t tolerate provocation. It can make them you just said.
pretty ill or have an intensification of the very
symptoms they’re trying to get rid of. So I’m just Dr. Myers: Yeah. You have to get it by prescription
not the biggest fan of provocation. I don’t think it’s because the stuff that’s sold online doesn’t work.
really warranted.
Julie: Right.
Julie: Interesting. And DMSA, let’s talk about that.
Dr. Myers: It’s not strong enough. You have to get
Dr. Myers: Yes. Well, I’m not a huge fan of DMSA a prescription by a doctor.

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

Julie: Right. And it sounds like a lot of the detoxing form called orthosilicic acid, or OSA. And that
is similar to detoxing for mold, and some of the has about a 17 percent absorption or availability
substances you recommend for binding to the percentage, whereas in foods it’s 3 percent. Or
heavy metals can also bind to the mold. Chlorella bamboo silica is three percent. Or horsetail, it’s
and some of the clays. Yeah. very, very low absorption rate. So you want to
avoid those cheaper forms of silica and you want
Dr. Myers: Yeah. I’m not a mold expert, so I really to go with the OSA.
can’t speak to that.
And it also has the side benefit of binding onto
Julie: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, how about some of heavy metals like arsenic, aluminum and tin,
your top favorite foods for healthy hair? thallium, and cesium. Thallium and arsenic are
one of those culprits in hair loss. You have a
Dr. Myers: Yeah. I can talk about foods for detox double benefit there.
that are great.
And I developed a product, actually, called Ageless
Julie: Yeah. AF. And it has this specific form of silica in it. It
also has biotin and hyaluronic acid and selenium
Dr. Myers: So the top five foods for detox, so that as well, which is really important for your thyroid.
would be…so the top five foods for detox would If your thyroid’s not functioning, you can have
be broccoli sprouts. So you can grow those and hair loss as well. Most people are deficient in
you can buy them at a grocery store. Ginger is selenium. So I just formulated this to cover a lot
amazing. Using ginger in stir fries and juices and of different bases. But most notably, the silica’s
things like that. Onions are amazing. Garlic. really important for the health of your hair to
make it shiny and healthy.
And then egg yolks is kind of interesting. Egg
yolks are very nutrient dense. Make sure they’re And it’s something that a lot of people aren’t
runny and the eggs are either very lightly cooked getting enough of in their diet because a lot of
or just runny. You can even put raw egg yolks in people aren’t eating enough vegetables, or a lot
smoothies or whatever. But yeah, those are the of people aren’t absorbing the nutrients that they
top five detox foods. Turmeric is also great as eat. So many people have digestive issues, trouble
well. So you just use those in cooking as much as absorbing nutrients, malabsorption, leaky gut.
There’s a lot of things working against our gut
But for hair, silica is super, super important. today, namely all the glyphosate in the food has
There’s silica in some foods. It’s what makes just destroyed and decimated our gut microbiome
foods shiny, when you have a shiny bell pepper and promotes leaky gut and different issues in
or a shiny Swiss chard leaf or whatever. That’s our body. So I think even if people are eating an
the silica in them. But when you eat those foods, amazing diet, it doesn’t matter what you eat or
it can be not very absorbable. It can be hard to supplement with. It only matters what you absorb.
assimilate that silica. So I think a lot of people just, even if they’re eating
vegetables, they’re not getting everything that
So if you want to have really strong, healthy they need from that nutrition.
hair--hair, skin, nails, and bones--I recommend
supplementing with silica. And there’s a specific Julie: I’m so glad you said that. I hound that over

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

and over again. It’s not what you eat. It’s what you when you remove these roadblocks, I mean, it’s
absorb. And like you, I see it all the time. These very anti-aging because these metals cause a
women come to me and they’re eating healthy, lot of oxidative stress. They damage DNA. They
but once you start digging down into their damage cell membranes.
functional labs, you can see they’re not absorbing
even protein and healthy fats, which are vital for They use up all of your antioxidants of your body
hair as well. trying to get rid of all these metals and chemicals.
And I’m telling you, they age you so quickly. And
Also, Jeffrey Smith is one of the speakers on this removing them is such an amazing anti-aging
summit, and he went into depth about how the process for your skin, for your hair, for your nails,
pesticides and so forth are just destroying our for just the glow in your eye. You just have more
microbiome. It’s interesting. There’s a lot to be of a healthy glow when you are detoxed. And this
taken into consideration, not only for our hair is an ongoing process, but you can do an intensive
health, but just our health in general. I mean, back period of detoxification.
to what we talked about in the beginning, when
your hair is falling out or you’re having hair issues, [30:00]
it’s merely a symptom, a sign, that something else
is out of balance in your body. But we’re exposed to these metals and toxins in
our beauty care products and air, food, and water
But toxic metals is just so important, I think, for every single day. So detoxing is more of a lifestyle.
everyone to take a look at because again, as you It’s not something that you do just for a month or
explained, they’re just so prevalent today. And two months. It takes about two to three years to
once you get them in your body, unless you do remove all the heavy metals and toxins you have
something about it, they, as you explained, they’re in your body.
just burrowed into your fat cells. Even someone
like ourselves that don’t have a lot of fat, we still So it’s one of those things where if you’re…I’m
can get those in there, right? And they can wreak 50 years old, but if you’re 50 or 60, think about
havoc on our health. it. You’ve been accumulating this stuff since you
were born. It’s not coming out in three months.
Dr. Myers: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, no one’s an It’s just not reality. So for me, I just try to give
exception. Like I said, I have tested thousands people realistic expectations.
and thousands of people for heavy metals.
Everyone has heavy metals. It’s just the reality of And detox is a lifestyle. So doing infrared saunas,
our modern life today. And I assure you, these ionic footbaths, coffee enemas or other types of
are wreaking havoc on your metabolism, on liver support, taking nutrients that help to remove
your weight, on your blood sugar control, on metals, and doing testing to see your progress
your ability to absorb nutrients, on your immune and see what toxins are coming out of you, see
system, on your brain function. if what you’re doing is working, is a great way to
keep track of what you’re doing. So it’s something
I mean, you name it. These metals poison that I highly recommend to everyone.
enzymes. They poison proteins. And they cause
them to not work properly. They’re causing high Julie: Absolutely. And did you have an issue with,
cholesterol. They’re causing protein misfolding you think, heavy metals, before you got into this
that causes all kinds of issues in your body. So field? Being you’re a top expert here, is it because

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

you had a personal experience with it? a broken thermometer, I was playing with the
mercury when I was a little kid, and I ate tons of
Dr. Myers: Oh, yeah. Absolutely. I mean, when sushi and things like that, but I still just…it wasn’t
I was 21 I had all my mercury fillings removed on my radar.
just with a conventional dentist. I had depression
throughout my 20s, I feel, as a result of that. After So for me, it just really got me going and I started
I had my baby, I had…I just didn’t recover and I detoxing. And I started feeling a lot better.
had…I went and got tested. I had the hormone Started seeing a lot of my little issues and big
levels of a menopausal woman at 37. I had low issues slowly but surely start to disappear. And I
thyroid function. I had really low stress hormones. just continued this momentum of improving my
health through detoxification.
And heavy metals play a huge role, especially
mercury, in depressing thyroid function, in Now I focus a lot on bioenergetics as well, and
depressing your sex hormones, your estrogen, other ways to improve the body’s functioning
testosterone. So for me, that hit home where to facilitate detoxification. So just to know, we
I had to figure out what I needed to do for my have a lot of stuff we’re doing at Myers Detox
health because the doctor just said, “Hey, take all to help people improve their lives. But mainly, I
these hormones.” And I thought, I’m 37. I don’t know one of the biggest roadblocks to people not
want to go on hormone replacement therapy for achieving the health that they want or accelerated
the rest of my life at 37. It just didn’t make sense aging, they need to be focusing on detoxification
to me. because that’s going to remove a lot of the
symptoms that they have.
So I went on Dr. Google and started searching
what causes low hormones, and I hit upon hair Julie: For sure. Can you explain to the audience
mineral analysis. I hit the jackpot right away. I how proper methylation plays a role in proper
think there was a reason for that because once I detoxification, which is tricky for a lot of people to
started reading about…I did my own hair test and really understand?
discovered that I had really high mercury. I had
really high arsenic. I loved el pollo loco. I thought Dr. Myers: Yes. Well, methylation just relates to
that was my health food back in the day, the how we attach things to heavy metals to remove
chicken, rice and beans. Full of arsenic. them out of the body. So some people genetically
just don’t do that very well. So there’s a number of
So I had tons of arsenic, and I had lots of uranium. genes, like MTHFR and other P450 genes that are
I had thallium. I had cesium. I had nickel. I had responsible for liver detoxification.
aluminum. I had lots of metals. And I had lived
an incredibly healthy lifestyle. So when I’d read And some people just don’t have good genetics.
articles about Flint, Michigan, or mercury, about So they don’t detox very well. And these are the
this and that, I just didn’t think it applied to me. people that tend to be more ill than other people.
And I think that’s a very common mistake. I mean, They have less ability to detox the toxins that are
people just don’t really know about it. coming into their body. They go in. They don’t go
out. They’re like the roach motel.
I was a big health enthusiast, and I didn’t really…it
just wasn’t on my radar. I thought that was other So unfortunately, those people have more
people. Even though I’d played with mercury and challenges detoxing. It’s not impossible. But

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

the more ill you are, I think it’s more important Dr. Myers: Yes, well, you don’t really have to
to work with a practitioner that’s an expert in suffer when you’re detoxing. I mean, people can
detoxification and knowing how to do this stuff. have a day or two of a reaction, like they can have
a headache or nausea or fatigue or brain fog or
And usually if someone is more ill, if they have something like that. But there’s a lot of things that
compromised genetics, I will usually recommend you can do to avoid those types of symptoms,
people do a bioenergetic program called NES like taking binders, like doing coffee enemas, like
Health, N-E-S Health. And that will help to improve drinking more water.
epigenetic expression to where it improves their
detox ability. Or, if you have done your homework and done
a bioenergetic program for a few months before
It removes different roadblocks in the body trying to detox, those people are going to have
like emotional trauma, energetic blocks in the less detox reactions. Everyone is different.
meridians of the chakras or in different organs, There’s a lot of different strategies to avoid detox
and it just generally reduces stress, improves symptoms. You don’t always have horrible detox
energy, improves sleep, improves nutrient symptoms. So there’s just different strategies to
absorption, improves immunity, and starts getting minimize detoxification symptoms.
the person in better health so that they’re more
able to detox. Julie: Absolutely. And before we wrap up, what
role does stress and emotional trauma play in
Because if you’re super sick, the last thing you detoxing and hair loss?
want to do is start mobilizing a bunch of mercury
and lead and have that float around, and then you Dr. Myers: Yes. Well, we all have emotional
just don’t have the energy or the capacity to deal trauma to certain degrees. People have had
with that. So it’s much smarter, I think, to work outright abuse. Some people have just had
on a bioenergetic approach to begin with, for neglect, which can have as much of an outcome--
children or for people that are very ill, or anyone negative outcomes--as people who were abused.
just looking to generally improve their health.
Depending on the amount of trauma we’ve had,
I love NES Health, N-E-S Health Bioenergetics, to we can have stress responses where we can
do that, to accomplish that goal. And then people have…we’re very quick to get stressed out and it’s
will be able to detox better and won’t have as tougher for us to calm down. And some people
many symptoms. So anyone that tried detox have a very high stress setpoint that can be
programs and you really did not feel well, that’s brought on by the amount of trauma or the types
a sign that you’re just not ready to do that. So of trauma that they’ve experienced.
doing the NES Health Bioenergetics is a better
place to begin for those people who have trouble And the research is clear. Kaiser Permanente did-
detoxing, or have compromised genetics. -this is conventional medical research--did a study
on 17,000 patients and found that 65 percent of
Julie: Well, and also, doesn’t the Herxheimer physical health issues can be caused by emotional
reaction play a role in that, when people, they call trauma. And they only tested about ten different
them herxing because they’re detoxing probably variables. So the experts in the field, like Professor
too quickly than they should, so they feel worse Bessel van der Kolk and others, think it’s actually
before they feel better? much higher, that more health issues are actually

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

caused by…there’s a higher percentage of health But your emotional trauma remains because it’s
issues caused by emotional trauma. not being addressed. So again, I have another
program called the Emotional Detox Program,
[40:00] where it’s a 30-hour program that talks about all
this. The scientific research and why traumas affect
So I think it’s really important if anyone out there us, how they affect us, and just really an incredible
has done all kinds of stuff for their health… they’ve amount of amazing, interesting information about
just done everything physical. They’re eating an emotional trauma and how it affects us.
amazing diet. They’re taking all the supplements.
They’ve done all these different things. They’ve And certainly, when you are really, really stressed,
done the yoga and the stress reduction and the you can have hair loss. Absolutely. I mean, hair
supplements, and they just still feel like they’re loss can be caused by so many different things,
hitting a wall, I think that last pinnacle that people but stress and having a high stress setpoint is
need to address is the emotional trauma. certainly a telltale sign that you have a high stress
level. And I’ve had multiple friends that have had
This is certainly the case for me because I thought, hair loss due to having stressful events in their
what in the heck do I gotta do to feel good? with lives, or what not. But yeah, emotional trauma can
all the things that I was doing for my health. So definitely be a big factor in hair loss.
emotional trauma and figuring out what emotional
trauma you have and addressing it is really Julie: Absolutely. It played a role in my hair loss
important. when I had major hair loss, for sure. And we have
Dr. Aimie Apigian on this summit, who specializes
Again, NES Health Bioenergetics does a scan and in that stress and the trauma and all that. So it’s a
it tells you all the different types of emotional very important topic to address. So thanks for your
traumas you have and the organ that it’s affecting. insight on that.
And it has protocols to release the emotional
traumas. Because emotional traumas require an Dr. Myers: Yeah. Well, thank you for having me.
energetic approach because the traumas, all those
traumas have a frequency, and they’re all in our Julie: Where’s the best place for people to find
energy field. That’s where the emotional traumas you?
lie. And this is scientifically validated.
Dr. Myers: Yes. You can find me on my website on
So you want to be doing things like sound therapy, I’m also on YouTube at Wendy
biofield tuning, energy work, energy medicine, Myers and on all those social media, Instagram,
bioenergetics. All those things address emotional Facebook, @myersdetox.
trauma because these traumas are not…we’re not
consciously aware of them. So you can’t address Julie: Great. Well, thank you again for all your
them in talk therapy. You can become an expert in brilliant insight. And be sure to watch the other
your neuroses in talk therapy. You can learn how experts and my free masterclass after the summit
to relate to other people in talk therapy, and it’s Healthy Body, Healthy Hair: The Truth About Hair
great. I love talk therapy. I did many, many years Loss.
of it.

Healthy Body, Healthy Hair:

The Truth About Hair Loss

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