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Applied Science - Physics

When a force is applied to a body there is a change in position of particles of the body.
This results in change in shape and size of a body. This is called deformation of a body or the
body is said to be strained. When the deforming force is removed the particles come back to
their original positions as such body regains its original shape and size. This property of a
body due to which it regains its original shape and size is called elasticity and the body
possessing this property is called elastic body. Ex. Steel, Rubber etc.
The property on account of which a body regains its original size and shape on
removal of applied force is called elasticity.
In some cases bodies deform very easily and remains in deform condition even after
the removal of deforming force. This property of a body is called plasticity and the body
possessing this property is called plastic body. Ex. Polythene, Dough etc
The property on account of which a body does not regain its original size and shape
on removal of applied force is called plasticity.
Some bodies do not change their shape and size even with application of very large
force. This property of a body is called rigidity and the body possessing this property is called
rigid body. Ex. Stone, Diamond etc
The property on account of which a body does not change its size and shape even if a
large force is applied on it is called rigidity.
The resistance offered by the body to deformation is taken as measure of its elasticity.
It is seen that the force required to produce certain elongation in steel wire is more than that
require for producing the same elongation in the rubber band of equal length. Therefore steel
is more elastic than rubber.
When the force is applied body undergoes deformation due to displacement of the
particles of the body. When this happens internal forces develop in the body, which tries to
restore original condition of the body. These forces are called restoring forces.
Restoring force
Force of reaction within strained body having tendency to bring body back to its
original shape and size is called restoring force.
Restoring forces are always equal in magnitude and opposite in direction of applied
The restoring force per unit cross-sectional area is called stress.

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���������� − ������������������ ��������
Let ‘F’ be the applied force and ‘A’ be the cross-sectional area then,
������������ = ��
Unit of stress in SI is N/m2.
Under the action of applied force body undergoes deformation, which is proportional
to the original dimension of the body. This is measured in terms of strain.
Strain is defined as change in dimension per unit original dimension.

Elasticity Page 1
Applied Science - Physics

������������ =������������ ���� ������������������

���������������� ������������������
Strain has no unit.
There are three types of strains,
i) Tensile strain:-
Change in length per unit original length is called tensile strain.

�������������� ������������ =������������ ����

���������������� ������������
Let ‘L’ be the original length of the wire and ‘l’ be the change in length or elongation
produced in it when the force is applied (as shown in fig. ‘a’), then
�������������� ������������ = ��

ii)Volume strain:-
The change in volume per unit original volume is called volume strain.

������������ ������������ =������������ ����

���������������� ������������
Let ‘V’ be the original volume of a body and ‘v’ be the change in it due to application
of force (as shown in fig. ‘b’), then
������������ ������������ = ��
iii) Shearing of body:-
Keeping the base of a body fix if tangential force is applied to the upper face there is a
change in shape of a body called shearing of a body.
Shearing strain:-
The ratio of lateral displacement of a layer to its distance from the fixed layer is called
shearing strain.
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���������������� ���� ������ ����������
�������� ������ ������ ����������

Let‘d’ be the lateral displacement of the layer and its distance from the fixed layer is
‘D’ (as shown in fig. ’c’), then
Elasticity Page 2
Applied Science - Physics

���������������� ������������ = ��
Shearing strain is also measured in terms of angle of shear θ (θ = d/D).
Depending on the nature of deformation produced (strain) there are three types of stress.
1. When the stress produces change in length, it is called longitudinal or tensile stress.
Tensile stress or Longitudinal stress
Tensile stress is defined as tensile force per unit cross-sectional area.

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��������=�������������� ����������
���������� − ������������������ ��������= ��
2. When the stress produces change in volume it is called volume or bulk stress.
Volume stress or Bulk stress
Volume stress is defined as normal force per unit cross-sectional area.

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��������=�������������� ����������
���������� − ������������������ ��������= ��
3. When stress produces change in shape it is called shearing stress or tangential stress.
Shearing stress
Shearing stress is defined as tangential force per unit cross-sectional

area. ���������������� ������������

=�������������������� ����������

���������� − ������������������
��������=�������������� ����������
���������� − ������������������ ��������= ��
Elastic limit
The maximum stress to which a body can be subjected without permanent
deformation is called as elastic limit.
Hook’s law
It states that, within elastic limit, stress is directly proportional to
strain. ������������ ∝ ������������

������������ = ����������������
The constant is called modulus of elasticity or coefficient of elasticity or elastic

�������������� ���� �������������������� =������������

Since strain has no unit, the modulus of elasticity has same unit as that of stress i.e.
N/m .
Depending on the type of strain and the material of the body there are three types of
elastic constant.
1. Young’s Modulus
The ratio of tensile stress to tensile strain is called Young’s Modulus.

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�������������� ������������
Consider a wire of length ‘L’ and radius ‘r’. Its upper end is fixed to a rigid support,
and mass ‘m’ is attached to the lower end of the wire. Let ‘l’ be the increase in length of the
wire (as shown in fig. ‘a’).

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��������=�������������� ����������
���������� − ������������������ ��������=����

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Applied Science - Physics
������������ = ��

2. Bulk Modulus
������������ ��/��
=������������ ����
������������ �� =������
The ratio of volume stress to volume strain is called Bulk Modulus.

�������� �������������� =������������ ������������

������������ ������������
Let ‘F’ be the force acting perpendicularly over an area ‘A’ of the body with volume ‘V’ and
change in its volume is ‘v’ (as shown in fig. ‘b’).

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���������� − ������������������
��������=�������������� ����������
���������� − ������������������ ��������= ��

������������ ������������ =������������

���� ������������
���������������� ������������ = ��

�������� �������������� =��/��

�� =

‘F/A’ is force acting normally per unit area i.e. the pressure to which the body is
subjected. Let it be ‘P’, then Bulk modulus can be expressed as,

�������� �������������� =��/��

��/��= ��
3. Modulus of Rigidity
The ratio of shearing stress to shearing strain is called Modulus of Rigidity.

�������������� ���� ����������������

=���������������� ������������
���������������� ������������
Let ‘F’ be the tangential force applied over the top surface, of area ‘A’ of the body, at a
distance ‘D’ from the fixed surface and ‘d’ be the lateral displacement of top surface as a
result of application of force (as shown in fig. ’c’).

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=�������������������� ����������
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���������� − ������������������ ��������= ��

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������������������������ ���� ������ ����������

���������������� ���� ������ ���������� ��������

������ ������ ���������� = ��= ��
�������������� ���� ����������������

�� =����
���� = ����

Where θ is the angle of shear (θ = d/D)

Relationship between Y, K and η

�� =������
���� + ��
Where, Y – Young’s Modulus
K – Bulk Modulus
η – Modulus of Rigidity
Elasticity Page 4
Applied Science - Physics

Stress Strain diagram of elastic body

(Behavior of wire under continuously increasing load)
The wire is suspended from the rigid support and loads are attached to its lower end.
Strain and stress are measured for different values of loads. The graph of stress and strain is
plotted. This graph is called stress-strain diagram.

Initially when the load is in elastic

limit, stress is directly proportional to strain
as shown by straight line ‘OA’. In this part
Hook’s law is obeyed and deformation is
fully recoverable.
When load exceeds elastic limit,
Hook’s law is not obeyed. In the region from
A to B, the stress and strain are not
proportional. However, if we remove the
load, the body returns to its original

Beyond point ‘B’ the graph is a curve ‘BD’ showing that the strain increases more
rapidly than the stress and deformation is not fully recoverable, this is plastic deformation up
to a point ‘D’. If the load is removed at, say a point C between B and D, the body does not
regain its original dimension.
Further, the point D is the ultimate tensile strength of the material. Beyond point D
even if load is not increased strain increases rapidly and neck formation (local thinning of
wire) takes place with breaking or fracture can occur (point E).
Elastic limit
The maximum load, which when applied and subsequently release, does not produce
permanent deformation is called elastic limit.
Yield point
The point on stress-strain curve at which strain increases without increase in stress is called
as yield point.
Ultimate stress
The maximum stress produced in the wire just before it breaks is called as breaking
stress or ultimate stress.
Breaking point
The point on stress-strain curve at which the wire breaks is called breaking point.
Breaking stress
The maximum stress produced in the wire just before it breaks is called as breaking
stress or ultimate stress.
Factor of safety
It is ratio of ultimate stress to the working stress.
The maximum load the structure can withstand (bear) to the actual load expected to
maintain is called factor of safety.
Poisson's Ratio
When two equal and opposite forces are applied to a body in a certain direction, the
body extends along that direction and at the same time it contracts along the perpendicular
direction. The fractional change in length of the body in the direction of the applied forces is
longitudinal strain (α) and fractional change in the perpendicular direction of the force
applied is called lateral strain (β). Within elastic limits, lateral strain β is proportional to
longitudinal strain α.
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Applied Science - Physics

The ratio of lateral strain to the longitudinal strain is called Poisson’s ratio which is
constant for material of that body.
Hence, σ = βα
Let L and D are the original length and diameter of a body respectively. So when a
body is subjected to strain, say an elongation, it also suffers contraction in perpendicular

Let ‘L + l’ and ‘D – d’ are new length and diameter of a body respectively after
application of force.
Since, longitudinal strain, α = lL and lateral strain, β =dD
Hence Poisson’s ratio is given by, σ = βα
σ = d/D
Factors Affecting Elasticity
It is found that bodies lose their elastic limit, due to elastic fatigue. Therefore, the
manufacture should choose the material in such a way that it should regain its elastic property
even when it is subjected to large number of cycles of stress.
For example substances like quartz, phosphor, bronze etc. May be employed in
manufacturing of galvanometers, electrometers etc, after knowing their elastic properties.
Apart from elastic fatigue some material will have change in their elastic property because of
the following factors.
1. Effect of stress: We know that when a material is subjected to large number of cycles of
stresses, it loses its elastic property even within the elastic limit. Therefore the working stress
on the material should be kept lower than the ultimate tensile strength and the safety factor.
2. Effect of Annealing: Annealing is a process by which the material is heated to a very high
temperature and then it is slowly cooled. Usually this process is adopted for the material to
increase the softness and ductility in the material. But if annealing is made to a material it
results in the formation of large crystal grains, which ultimately reduces the elastic property
of the material.
3. Effect of temperature: The elastic property of the materials changes with the temperature.
Normally the elasticity increases with the decrease in temperature and vice versa.
a. The elastic property of lead increases when the temperature is decreased.
b. The carbon filament becomes plastic at higher temperatures.
4. Effect of impurities: The addition of impurities produces variation in the elastic property
of the materials. The increase and decrease of elasticity depends upon the type of impurity
added to it.
a. When potassium is added to gold, the elastic property of gold increases. b. When carbon
is added to molten iron, the elastic property of iron decreases provided the carbon content
should be more than 1% in iron.
5. Effect of nature of crystals: The elasticity also depends upon the types of the crystals,
whether it is a single crystal or poly crystals. For a single crystal the elasticity is more and for
a poly crystal the elasticity is less.

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