Fa20-Bba-177 E-Com Assignment 3

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Q#1 What were USA Today’s objectives in redesigning its e-commerce presence?


USA Today's objectives in redesigning its e-commerce presence may include:

Enhancing User Experience: Improving website navigation, checkout process, and overall design
to make it user-friendly and intuitive.

Mobile Optimization: Optimizing the platform for mobile users to provide a seamless shopping
experience on smartphones and tablets.

Increasing Conversion Rates: Optimizing product pages, simplifying the purchase process, and
implementing effective calls-to-action to encourage customers to complete purchases.

Improving Branding and Visual Appeal: Updating the brand's visual identity and creating a
consistent brand experience across all touchpoints.

Expanding Product/Service Offerings: Restructuring the website to accommodate new categories

and optimizing search capabilities.

Integration with Marketing and Analytics Tools: Integrating the platform with marketing and
analytics tools to gather data and facilitate targeted marketing campaigns.

Q#2 What considerations, if any, unique to the newspaper business were involved?
ANSWER: Considerations unique to the newspaper business in the redesign of USA Today's e-
commerce presence may include:
Content Integration: Balancing the presentation of news articles and advertisements/product
offerings to maintain a seamless user experience.
Subscription Models: Integrating subscription options and benefits into the e-commerce platform
to facilitate smooth transitions between news consumption and shopping.
Advertising Partnerships: Exploring advertising partnerships to feature relevant ads alongside e-
commerce listings and leverage customer data for targeted advertising.
Editorial Integrity: Ensuring that product promotions or recommendations do not compromise the
newspaper's reputation for unbiased reporting, with transparent labeling and separation of editorial
and promotional content.
Trust and Security: Prioritizing secure transactions, protecting user data, and maintaining a high
level of trust in the online shopping experience to preserve the newspaper's reputation.
These considerations allow USA Today to maintain its journalistic mission while integrating e-
commerce, adding value to readers and generating additional revenue. Please note that specific
information about USA Today's considerations may not be publicly available.
Q#3 What did USA Today do to meet the needs of mobile device users?
ANSWER: To meet the needs of mobile device users, USA Today likely implemented the
following strategies:
• Responsive Design: USA Today likely adopted a responsive design approach, ensuring that
their website adapts and displays optimally on various screen sizes and resolutions. This
allows mobile users to have a seamless browsing experience without the need for excessive
scrolling or zooming.
• Mobile-Friendly Interface: They may have optimized the user interface for mobile
devices, employing mobile-friendly navigation menus, touch-friendly buttons, and gestures
to enhance usability. This ensures that mobile users can easily navigate the website and
access desired content.
• Fast Loading Times: Recognizing the importance of speed on mobile devices, USA Today
likely focused on optimizing the loading times of their mobile website. This can involve
compressing images, minifying code, and employing caching techniques to ensure swift
page loading and reduce user frustration.
These strategies enable USA Today to cater effectively to the needs of mobile device users, offering
a user-friendly, fast, and optimized experience while accessing news content. Please note that the
specific actions taken by USA Today may not be publicly available, and this response is based on
general observations of mobile best practices.

Q#4 What value does Weebly offer to small businesses?

ANSWER: Weebly offers several key values to small businesses:

I. User-Friendly Website Builder: Weebly provides a user-friendly drag-and-drop website
builder that allows small businesses to easily create professional-looking websites without
requiring technical expertise. This empowers small business owners to have an online
presence and showcase their products or services effectively.
II. Customization and Design Options: Weebly offers a range of customizable templates and
design options, allowing small businesses to create a unique and branded website. Users can
easily customize layouts, colors, fonts, and add their own content, enabling them to create a
website that aligns with their business identity.
III. Mobile Optimization: Weebly ensures that websites built on their platform are
mobile-responsive, meaning they automatically adapt and display correctly on different
devices. This is crucial for small businesses as it allows their websites to be easily accessible
and functional on smartphones and tablets, accommodating the increasing number of mobile
IV.E-commerce Capabilities: Weebly provides integrated e-commerce tools, allowing small
businesses to set up online stores and sell products or services directly from their websites.
This feature enables businesses to expand their reach, increase sales, and manage inventory
Overall, Weebly's value lies in its user-friendly platform, customization options, mobile
optimization, e-commerce capabilities, hosting and security features, and support resources, all of
which enable small businesses to establish a professional online presence and effectively engage
with their target audience.

Q#5 Are there any drawbacks to using Weebly to create an e-commerce presence?

ANSWER: Yes, there are some drawbacks to using Weebly for creating an e-commerce presence:

Limited Customization: While Weebly offers customization options, the extent of customization
might be limited compared to other more advanced website builders or custom-built e-commerce
solutions. Businesses with unique design or functionality requirements may find the customization
options restrictive.

Scalability: Weebly may not be the most scalable solution for rapidly growing businesses. As the
business expands and requires more advanced features or custom integrations, Weebly's platform
might not be able to accommodate those needs, potentially necessitating a migration to a more
robust e-commerce platform.

Transaction Fees: Weebly charges transaction fees on certain pricing plans for each sale made
through the platform. This can affect profit margins for small businesses, especially those with
higher transaction volumes. Other e-commerce platforms might offer lower transaction fees or even
provide options for fee-free transactions.

Limited App Integration: Weebly has an app marketplace for extending functionality, but the
range of available integrations may not be as extensive as other e-commerce platforms. Businesses
that require specific third-party integrations or advanced features might find it challenging to find
suitable apps within the Weebly ecosystem.

SEO Limitations: While Weebly provides some SEO tools, the level of optimization and control
over SEO elements might be comparatively limited. Advanced SEO strategies or specific
optimizations may be more challenging to implement on the platform, potentially impacting organic
search visibility and traffic.

It's important to assess these drawbacks in the context of a business's specific needs and growth
plans. Weebly can still be a suitable choice for small businesses or those looking for a simple and
user-friendly e-commerce solution, but it's essential to consider these limitations before making a

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