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Milana, Aidaver Yoj M.

PS2A - ZGE1107

20220115720 May 16, 2023

1. If you had a genetic disorder, would you volunteer for a gene therapy trial even if it is
very risky? Why or why not? (5pts)

If given the chance to have that option, I would do it even if it is very risky because I would do
anything to improve my health. In order to treat or halt disease, gene therapy involves modifying
the genes within the cells of our body. Our DNA, which regulates a large portion of our body's
form and function, including making you taller and controlling our body systems, is found in our
genes. Also, they wouldn’t approve this therapy if it isn’t that safe.

2. If you could improve your IQ and athletic abilities, or change your appearance through
gene therapy, would you, do it? Why or why not? (5pts)

I think I would, I would not be a hypocrite because all of us wanted a high IQ that can help us in
many things, in studies, in life and in everything. I would not think twice because it really is a
good advantage for us. The main justification for augmenting humans, which is yet in the future,
is that doing so might significantly improve life by improving some aspects of human nature. If it
were discovered that some personality traits and behavioral inclinations have a genetic
component, we could enhance people by giving them those aspects. We appreciate brilliance,
attractiveness, strength, endurance, and certain behavioral and personality traits. Many people
already attempt to better themselves in this way, according to proponents of genetic
engineering, including through nutrition, exercise, education, cosmetics, and even plastic
surgery. Both individuals and parents make an effort to do these things for themselves and their

3. If you had an abnormal gene that could be passed on to your children and cause them
problems, but a certain type of gene therapy could fix that gene and make it so your
children couldn't have it, would you want that gene therapy to be available to you? What
if gene therapy could have unforeseen consequences for your descendants? (5pts)

If it may have unforeseen consequences to my descendants, I would not risk it because I would
not like them to experience inconvenience just because of the things that I made to my body. If
the risk was just on myself, I would probably do it but if it can manifest on my descendants I
would not risk it

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