Design RestAPI Endpoints

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HTTP : Hyper Text Transport Protocol

SOAP : Simple Object Access Protocol

REST : Representational State Transfer

SOAP (Message Exchange Protocol)

HTTP (Application Protocol)
TCP/IP (Transport Protocol)

* SOAP is not using all the features provided by HTTP, it uses only POST method
* Soap has its own message structure, operations

REST (a concept / design pattern)

HTTP (Application Protocol)
TCP/IP (Transport Protocol)

Webservice API can be developed using HTTP features:

HTTP (Application Protocol)

|_ Http Message
|_ Request
|_ Response
|_ Http Methods
|_ GET(Read) , POST(Insert), PUT(Update), DELETE (Delete)
|_ MIME types (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) )
|_ application/xml
|_ application/json

User Registration Service API

Resource : user

Http methods used for CRUD operation:

Retrieve the data : GET
Insert a user : POST
update a user : PUT
delete a user/ all users : DELETE

Identify the endpoint:


/user/<user-id> GET,PUT,DELETE

Retrieve all the users

/user : GET

To insert a new user

/user : POST

To delete all users

/user : DELETE

To retrieve the content of user 10

/user/10 : GET

To update the content of user 10

/user/10 : PUT

To delete a user 10
/user/10 : DELETE

Custome queries: [Request/application/query/metrix parameters]

Retrieve the content of all the users, registered in year 2021

/user/2021 GET X
/user?year=2021 GET

Retreive the first 10 users, registered in the year 2021


Rest API implementation:

Java , Python, .net , GO

Rest API development using JAVA

|_ JAX-RS (JSR 370: JavaTM API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS 2.1) Specification)
: Implementors (Apache CXF, Eclipse Jersey)
|_ Spring MVC (Framework)

First Example
|_ lab1-RestBasic
|_ JAX-RS annotations (@Path, @GET) -> Jersey (web.xml) -> Tomcat (Web
Conatiner / Web server)

Country Service Rest API

Resource Name : country


/country GET, POST, DELETE

/country/<id> GET, PUT,DELETE

Client-side Service
( header property ) (Annotation)

Accept (response) @Produces

Content-Type (request) @Consumes

The Accept header is used to inform the server by the client that which content
type is understandable by the client expressed as MIME-types (Response type)

The Content-Type http request header specifies the content type of the http request

Idempotence is the property of certain operations in mathematics and computer

science whereby they can be applied multiple times without changing the result
beyond the initial application.

Idempotence : GET, PUT, DELETE

non-idempotence : POST

How to make Post as idempotence?

By comparing some unique property

Messenger Application Rest API


Message -> Comment

-> Like
-> Share

Resource : message
Sub-Resource : comment, like, share

/message GET, POST, DELETE
/message/<messge-id> GET, PUT, DELETE

/message/<messag-id>/comment GET,POST,DELETE
/message/<messag-id>/comment /<comment-id> GET,PUT,DELETE

/message/<messag-id>/like GET,POST,DELETE
/message/<messag-id>/like/<like-id> GET,PUT,DELETE

/message/<messag-id>/share GET,POST,DELETE
/message/<messag-id>/share/<share-id> GET,PUT,DELETE

Get all the comments of all messages

/message/comment X
/comment (right approach)

Profile-> Message -> Comment

-> Like
-> Share

Resource : Profile
Sub-Resource : Message

Resource: Message
Sub-Resource : Comment, like, share

/profile GET, POST, DELETE
/proifle/<profile-id> GET, PUT, DELETE
/profile/<profile-id>/message GET, POST, DELETE
/profile/<profile-id>/message/<message-id> GET,PUT,DELETE
/profile/<profile-id>/message/<message-id> /comment GET,POST,DELETE
/profile/<profile-id>/message/<message-id> /comment/<comment-id> GET,POST,DELETE

Get first 10 message of profile id 1001


/profile/<profile-id>/message/<message-id> /comment?year=2021

Hibernate, Toplink

JPA (provides standards for ORM)

JAP -> Hibernate / Toplink

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