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Module 2 Lesson 6

Francine N. Navarro 12- HUMSS D


Life is an evolution, and we cannot fully evolve without facing challenges. The more challenges
we face the more we become strong as an ox in facing one. There’s nothing wrong with challenges.
Nobody is exempted from it. Even the richest or the brightest man has his own cups of woes. Bear in
mind that life has its ups and downs. The way we appreciate the ups of life must be our way to
appreciate the downs of life. We must also be mindful that life is not only a bed of roses. Besides we all
knew that no matter how beautiful a rose is there is always a thorn on it that might prick us anytime. It
doesn’t matter what challenges we face, what is important is how we survived from it and how it made
us a better and stronger person.

As a student I found modular distance learning one of the hardest yet challenging struggle I’ve
encountered. In my thirteen years of school, I’m used to face to face learning. In a blink of an eye, I
woke up and realized that I will do it all by myself. Honestly, I sometimes have difficulty understanding
lesson face to face. How hard would it be learning all alone? Isn’t it difficult? It’s like hissing and yawning
at the same time. I can’t imagine the burden it will give me. At first my fear was not as hard as I thought.
No strict deadline, simple instructions, no pressure, and no need to wake up early. Modules done in just
a short period of time. Weeks passed the true burden of modular learning is now right in front of me.
Modules started to pile up, deadline are not met on time, and I have tons of other things to do. The
lesson started to get harder. There were questions google can’t answer. That situation made me feel I’m
on my wits end. Distractions were left and right, here and there. My mother calling me to do household
chores, my 89 years old granny calling me for nothing and my two brothers playing around and making
noise. There are times my cellphone argued with me and refused to work because of poor internet. The
situation became complicated and started to blow my mind. Quitting was first resource that flashed to
my mind. Times like this my family is at my side to comfort me and give me words of wisdom. Because
of my family and my fear of being left behind if I quit made look for a better solution. I started it by
managing my time properly and setting priorities. I woke up early to do household chores and I made a
schedule on doing my module. To avoid distraction, I do my module in my room. Another very effective
solution is I limit myself from using the cellphone for entertainment purposes. I also avoid the attitude
of doing my modules on the eleventh hour. With this changes in my attitude, my burden has lightened
and I’m learning to smile again.

This experience in overcoming modular distance learning had opened my eyes to many
realizations. First is the importance of time management and setting priorities. This only proved that
“Time is Gold”. Another realization is to overcome and struggle one must patience, persistent
determination, passion, and faith in God. This circumstance had brought me to my senses the important
role teachers play in the students proper and better understanding of lesson. In every challenge that we
encounter it’s the acceptance of the situation determines our survival. Try to make the best out of bad
situation. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

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