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Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative

and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:

Quiz Comparatives and Superlatives

Forma A

Ítems Puntaje ideal Puntaje real

I Ítem 10 puntos

II Ítem 12 puntos

III Ítem 10 puntos

Puntaje total 32 puntos


Skills: To apply adjectives in context.

To discriminate between the different comparative and superlative forms.
To analyze information.
Reading comprehension.
Language use: Comparative and superlative adjectives.

Vocabulary about shopping.

I. Vocabulary: adjectives. Applying adjectives in context.

1.1. Fill in the gaps. Choose the correct adjective for each sentence. (5 points)

Example: This Transantiago bus is too slow . We will be late for the concert!

dangerous expensive fashionable bright heavy fast dull slow

Nombre del docente Miss Karin Peña Subsector Inglés Página 1 de 18

Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative
and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:

1. I can't buy a Ferrari. It is too _______________________ for me.

2. I need help! This metal box is very ___________________ and I can't lift it alone.

3. Sharks are the most ______________________ animals in the ocean. They always attack surfers!

4. Ripley, Falabella and Paris always sell ____________________ clothes. I love them!

5. My dad bought my mom a golden ring. It is so ________________ that I see my face on it!

1.2 Choose the correct form of the comparative and/or superlative for each sentence (5 points).

1. Coca-Cola is _______________ than McCola

a. more famouser b. most famous c. famous

d. famouser e. more famous

2. I watched four movies last weekend. Mad Max was the _______________.

a. most good b. most better c. goodest

d. best e. bestest

3. I think chihuahuas are the ____________________ dogs in the world!

a. more ugly b. uglyest c. ugliest

d. most ugly e. most uglier

4. The 2010 earthquake was ______________________ than the 2015 earthquake.

a. most powerful b. powerfulest c. powerful

d. powerfuler c. more powerful

Nombre del docente Miss Karin Peña Subsector Inglés Página 2 de 18

Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative
and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:

5. Spiders are ___________________ than dogs, but they are ____________________ .

a. smallest / dangerousest b. smaller / more dangerous c. more small /

d. more small / more dangerous e. smaller / most dangerous

II. Comparative and superlatives in context.

2.1 Look at the chart with the personal characteristics of each artist. Compare the following artists
according to the information in the chart. (6 points)

Pitbull Michael Jackson DJ Mendez

Famous XX XXX X


Fashionable XXX X XX

Intelligent XX XXX X

Friendly XX X X XX

Talented X XXX XX

Example: Pitbull is more famous than Dj Mendez.

1. Michael Jackson _________________________________________________ Pitbull.
2. Pitbull ____________________________________________________ DJ Mendez.
3. DJ Mendez _____________________________________________________ Michael Jackson.

BONUS: Write two more comparisons! (4 EXTRA POINTS)

4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________

Nombre del docente Miss Karin Peña Subsector Inglés Página 3 de 18

Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative
and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:

2.2. Write three sentences using the superlative form of the adjectives in the chart. (6 points)
Example: Michael Jackson is the richest.

1. Pitbull ____________________________________________________________
2. Michael Jackson__________________________________________________________
3. DJ Mendez ______________________________________________________________

BONUS: Write two more sentences using superlatives! (4 EXTRA POINTS)

4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________

III. Reading comprehension.

Read the following text.

Experiencing La Vega Central

La Vega Central is the biggest market in Santiago. It was created in 1895 by Agustín Gómez García
as a place to buy and sell fruit and vegetables. It is located in Recoleta, and you can go there by bus and
by car (Metro stations are extremely far!). It is a fascinating, colourful, and popular market: more than
100,000 people go every week, especially on Saturdays and Sundays.
You can find fresh fruit, vegetables, and a variety of food products like cereals, tea, meat, rice,
pastas and coffee. Additionally, you can buy other products like shampoo, toilet paper, detergent, towels,
and also food and cleaning products for your dogs, cats, and birds!
Cheap restaurants are also an attractive part of visiting La Vega. There are lots of them, and they
offer delicious meals for a very good price! For example, you can find sandwiches like Chacarero, Italiano
and Barros Luco, hot dogs, French fries, pork legs, beans, sopaipillas, and the legendary cazuelas. All these
are very popular meals in Chile, and tourists love them too. And warning! You won't find expensive
gourmet restaurants like in Las Condes or Vitacura. Everything is popular and convenient in La Vega!
If you want to have a fun weekend, visit La Vega Central in any moment of the year. In winter you
can have a delicious charquican, and in summer you can refresh with a cold fruit juice.

3.1 Read each sentence. Write T if the sentence is true, or F if it is false. EXPLAIN THE FALSE ONES. (10
1. ____ Using the Metro is the best option to go to La Vega.

2. ____ There are lots of cheap restaurants where you can eat sandwiches and beans.

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Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative
and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:

3. ____ In La Vega you can find products like TVs, refrigerators, clothes and motorcycles.

4. ____ Most people visit La Vega on Fridays.


5. ____ You can find products and food for your pets.

Quiz Comparatives and Superlatives

Forma B

Nombre del docente Miss Karin Peña Subsector Inglés Página 5 de 18

Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative
and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:

Ítems Puntaje ideal Puntaje real

I Ítem 10 puntos

II Ítem 12 puntos

III Ítem 10 puntos

Puntaje total 32 puntos


Skills: To apply adjectives in context.

To discriminate between the different comparative and superlative forms.
To analyze information.
Reading comprehension.
Language use: Comparative and superlative adjectives.

Vocabulary about shopping.

I. Vocabulary: adjectives. Applying adjectives in context.

1.1. Fill in the gaps. Choose the correct adjective for each sentence. (5 points)

Example: Converse sneakers were very cheap , so I bought 3 pairs.

fast attractive unfashionable light safe dangerous expensive cheap

1. Sandra's new bike is incredibly _________________ ! It is only 2.5 kg!

2. That new car is very _______________________. It has 8 airbags and resistant seat belts.

3. Usain Bolt is so _____________ ! He never loses in the 100 m. competence.

Nombre del docente Miss Karin Peña Subsector Inglés Página 6 de 18

Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative
and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:

4. Calvin Klein uses ________________________ models in his advertisements to sell more products.

5. I don't like my grandma's clothes. I think they are __________________________ .

1.2 Choose the correct form of the comparative and/or superlative for each sentence. (5 points)

1. The 2010 earthquake was ______________________ than the 2015 earthquake.

a. most powerful b. powerfuler c. more powerful

d. powerfulest c. powerful

2. Coca-Cola is _______________ than McCola.

a. more famouser b. more famous c. famous

d. famouser e. most famous

3. I think chihuahuas are the ____________________ dogs in the world!

a. more ugly b. ugliest c. uglyest

d. most ugly e. most uglier

4. Spiders are ___________________ than dogs, but they are ____________________ .

a. smallest / dangerousest b. more small / more dangerous c. more small /

d. smaller/ more dangerous e. smaller / most dangerous

5. I watched four movies last weekend. Mad Max was the _______________.

a. most bad b. most worse c. baddest

d. worst e. worsest

II. Comparative and superlatives in context.

2.1 Look at the chart with the personal characteristics of each artist. Compare the following artists
according to the information in the chart. (6 points)

Nombre del docente Miss Karin Peña Subsector Inglés Página 7 de 18

Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative
and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:

Justin Bieber Michael Jackson DJ Mendez

Famous XX XXX X
Fashionable XXX XX X
Intelligent X XX XXX
Young XXX X XX
Talented XX XXX X

Example: Justin Bieber is more famous than Dj Mendez.

1. Michael Jackson _________________________________________________ Justin Bieber.

2. Justin Bieber ____________________________________________________ DJ Mendez.

3. DJ Mendez _____________________________________________________ Michael Jackson.

BONUS: Write two more comparisons! (4 EXTRA POINTS)

4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________

2.2 Write three sentences using the superlative form of the adjectives in the chart. (6 points)

Example: Michael Jackson is the richest.

1. Justin Bieber ____________________________________________________________

2. Michael Jackson__________________________________________________________
3. DJ Mendez ______________________________________________________________

BONUS: Write two more sentences using superlatives! (4 EXTRA POINTS)

4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________

III. Reading comprehension.

Read the following text.
Experiencing La Vega Central

La Vega Central is the biggest market in Santiago. It was created in 1895 by Agustín Gómez García
as a place to buy and sell fruit and vegetables. It is located in Recoleta, and you can go there by bus and
Nombre del docente Miss Karin Peña Subsector Inglés Página 8 de 18
Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative
and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:

by car (Metro stations are extremely far!). It is a fascinating, colourful, and popular market: more than
100,000 people go every week, especially on Saturdays and Sundays.
You can find fresh fruit, vegetables, and a variety of food products like cereals, tea, meat, rice,
pastas and coffee. Additionally, you can buy other products like shampoo, toilet paper, detergent, towels,
and also food and cleaning products for your dogs, cats, and birds!
Cheap restaurants are also an attractive part of visiting La Vega. There are lots of them, and they
offer delicious meals for a very good price! For example, you can find sandwiches like Chacarero, Italiano
and Barros Luco, hot dogs, French fries, pork legs, beans, sopaipillas, and the legendary cazuelas. All these
are very popular meals in Chile, and tourists love them too. And warning! You won't find expensive
gourmet restaurants like in Las Condes or Vitacura. Everything is popular and convenient in La Vega!
If you want to have a fun weekend, visit La Vega Central in any moment of the year. In winter you
can have a delicious charquican, and in summer you can refresh with a cold fruit juice.

3.1 Read each sentence. Write T if the sentence is true, or F if it is false. EXPLAIN THE FALSE ONES. (10

1. ____ Using the bus or your car are the best options to go to La Vega.

2. ____ There are lots of gourmet restaurants where you can eat expensive meals like caviar.

3. ____ In La Vega you can find products like fruit, cereals, tea, and detergent.

4. ____ More than 100,000 people visit La Vega every day.

5. ____ Tourists love the food that restaurants sell in this market.

Nombre del docente Miss Karin Peña Subsector Inglés Página 9 de 18

Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative
and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:

a) Go up/down
b) Go past
c) Turn back
d) Turn right
e) It’s across the street
f) It is next to
g) It’s opposite
h) Go straight (ahead)
i) It’s between
j) It’s on the corner of
k) Take the 2nd right

II. Getting around town .

Look at the map of the town. Analyze and complete the sentences with the correct preposition. (12

Nombre del docente Miss Karin Peña Subsector Inglés Página 10 de 18

Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative
and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:

1. To go to East Street, _____ _______ at Middle Lane.

2. The Mobile Phone Shop is __________ Western Avenue

3. The Chemist is __________ the Post Office and the Bank.

4. The café is …………..the Church

5. The Sports Centre is…………… from the fruit shop

6. The church is ………..East Street 11.…………. the Cinema

III. Analyze and discriminate specific information. True or False. (12 points)


Nombre del docente Miss Karin Peña Subsector Inglés Página 11 de 18

Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative
and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:

1) The pharmacy is between the trains station and the hospital T F

2) The hospital is across from the parking lot T F

3) The neswsstand is between the library and the clothing store T F

4) Cal’s Cafe is on the corner of Hill Ave. and Main St. T F

5) The movie theater is next to the dry cleaners T F

6) The gas station is across from Cal’s café. T F

EXTRA BONUS QUESTIONS (6 extra points)

1. A: Excuse me. Where’s the bank?

You: Go __________ on Beech Way turn __________ on Oak Street and turn __________ on
__________ and again turn __________ on__________. The bank is __________ the Italian
restaurant and the bus stop.

IV. Following directions.

4.1 Read the dialogue and mark the way to get to the Market in the sketch. After that write the
word “market” in the corresponding place. (7 points)

Nombre del docente Miss Karin Peña Subsector Inglés Página 12 de 18

Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative
and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:

4.2 Write True or False (5 points)

1. ___ There is a bank on First Street

2.___Denisse is asking for a specific place.

3.___She prefers a gift store

4.___ Denisse wants to buy some souvenirs
5.___ The Market is in front of the park


Read and analyze these instructions to get to different places. Follow directions, and write the correct place in
each case.

Nombre del docente Miss Karin Peña Subsector Inglés Página 13 de 18

Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative
and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:

Quiz Giving Directions Forma D

Puntaje ideal Puntaje real

OA 1, 2,3,4,5 y 6.
I Ítem 10 puntos

Reconocer y aplicar vocabulario temático sobre

II Ítem 10 lugares
puntosen la ciudad y preposiciones de lugar.

III Ítem clave en

Analizar texto y reconocer vocabulario 10 contexto.
puntos Discriminar información específica.

IV ítem OP 10 puntos
Hacer y responder preguntas para dar direcciones.
Puntaje total 30 puntos
Relacionar temática a experiencias previas y personales.


Vocabulario: Lugares en la ciudad. Preposiciones de lugar. Indicaciones para dar dirección.

Nombre del docente Miss Karin Peña Subsector Inglés Página 14 de 18
Tiempo verbal: Presente simple

Texto: Descriptivo. Indicaciones.

Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative
and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:



I. Vocabulary. Directions.
1.1. Match the instructions/ directions with the correct picture and write 1–10 next to the correct
image. (10 points)

1. Go straight (ahead)
2. Turn left
3. Turn right
4. It’s across the street
5. It is next to
6. It’s opposite
7. It’s between
8. It’s on the corner of
9. Go past
10. Traffic lights

II. Getting around town

Circle the correct option. (10 points)

1. The Police station is opposite/ next to the Chemist.

2. The Cinema is next to/ between the Police Station.

Nombre del docente Miss Karin Peña Subsector Inglés Página 15 de 18
Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative
and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:

3. The Hospital is across from/ between the Library.

4. The Supermarket is _____________ the School.

5. To go to East Street, _____ _______ at Middle Lane.

III. Analyze and discriminate specific information. True or False. (10 points)

1) The school is next to the pharmacy T F

Nombre del docente Miss Karin Peña Subsector Inglés Página 16 de 18

Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative
and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:

2) The bar is on the corner of Main St and Pine St. T F

3) The police station is next to the Fire Department T F

4) The toy store is across from the Chinese Restaurant T F

5) The pharmacy is between the trains station and the hospital T F

EXTRA BONUS QUESTIONS (6 extra points)

1. A: Excuse me. Where’s the supermarket?

You: The supermarket? Go _______ on ____________________ turn __________ on

__________ it’s __________ from the museum.
A: Thank you!
You: ____________________.

IV. Following directions.

4.1 Read the dialogue and mark the way to get to the Market in the sketch. After that write the
word “market” in the corresponding place. (10 points)

Nombre del docente Miss Karin Peña Subsector Inglés Página 17 de 18

Colegio San Fernando de Peñalolén Control Comparative
and Superlatives

Nombre del Alumno: Curso: 8 Básico

Puntaje Total: 32 Ptos. Nivel de Exigencia: 60%

Fecha: Nota Final: __________
Nota 4.0: 19 Ptos. Puntaje Obtenido:


Read and analyze these instructions to get to different places. Follow directions, and write the correct place in
each case.

Nombre del docente Miss Karin Peña Subsector Inglés Página 18 de 18

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