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1. Unit of energy kg-m^2/s^2

2. Transverse wave Perpendicular to direction
3. Longitudinal Back-and-forth in the direction of a wave
4. Light can be described as A small scale phenomenon that can not be
differentiated form photon and wave
5. Work on an engine is ideally Difference bet heat input and output
6. Two stones of diff. masses were to fall on the same height They will hit the ground on the same time
7. Difference in lighting of sun, candle, etc. Temeperature
8. If N-m is equal to Joule, then ft-lb would be Ft-lb w/ no other name
9. Difference of 2 degree C 3.6 degree F
10. Freezing temperature of water 273K
11. Deflection of tuning fork Amplitude
12. Cycles in a tuning fork per second Frequency
13. Number of cycles Frequency
14. Time required Period
15. Unit of number of cycles in a second Hertz
16. To slow a ball to a stop Net Force acting
17. Riding a bike, constant velocity horizontal Balanced forces, zero net force
18. Heat transfer of molecule to molecule Conduction
19. Heat transfer without matter Radiation
20. Measured information Data
21. Interference is required to produce Beat
22. Determines polarization behavior of light Transverse Wave
23. Used in dfetermining the pitch of sound Frequency
24. To produce light By any method
25. Light can’t pass through leaves of trees Diffused reflection
26. Needle, there’s no sharp distincton Diffraction
27. Volume Space occupied by matter
28. amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of Calorie
water through 1 degrees C is called
29. 1 horsepower 750 watts
30. Change from solid to liquid or gas or vice-versa Phase change
31. Equvalent unit of watt N-m/s^2
32. Latent heat is hidden because Goes into or comes out as internal
potential energy
33. occurs in a solid changing to liquid Absorbs heat while maintaining the
34. A heat engine ___ Transforms heat to mechanical energy
35. Form on energy entering or escaping the atmosphere Radiant Energy
36. There will be work in pushing a rock when There is movement towards the direction of the
force applied
37. Potential energy of a stone under a well Negative Potential Energy
38. Expansion of an object Molecules moves further apart
39. Relation of energy with increase in temperature Increase in Kinetic energy of particles
40. An airplane faster than speed of sound, when will you hear After the plane passed
the sonic boom
41. If water vapor in the air condenses The environment gets warmer
42. Atom is made up of Empty space
43. Electrons were discovered from an experiment in Electricity
44. J.J. Thompson Charge-to-mass ratio
45. Deflection of vibrating object Amplitude
46. Relationship of frequency to period Inversely proportional
47. Einstein discovered from Planck’s Law All of the above:
<in words> hf=E, E/h=f, ...
48. Repetitive hypothesis in constantly repeated tests Scientific Principle
49. Longitudinal wave occur in All of the above:
Solids, liquids, gas
50. Transverse wave occur in Solids
51. Convection occur in Mostly air and water
52. In an equation Numbers and units are equal in both sides
53. Measurement of compactness of a matter p
54. g is not required when lb is given Lb is a measure of force g is not
55. Electrical energy can be converted to Any of the above:
Mechanical, chemical, etc.
56. Fundamental frequency of SW on a string Two node and one antinode
57. The kilowatt-hour is a unit of Work
58. The unit of joule is a unit of AOTA: Work, KE, PE
59. Transfer of energy through the difference of the fluid densities Convection
60. If the distance between a satellite and the earth is doubled, ¼ As Much
the gravitational force is ___
61. String: double length same velocity, force Decreases by one-half
62. String: double velocity, force Increases by four times
63. Mass doubles in a constant force, acceleration Decreases
64. In a given mass, the force doubles in an unbalanced body, Doubles
the acceleration
65. Free falling, velocity Increases
66. Styrofoam is a good insulator It has lots of air packets
67. Water molecules move back and forth from liquid to gas All the time
68. Energy required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a Specific Heat
substance by one degree
69. Radiant energy AOTA: infrared, ultraviolet, etc.
70. Energy of a box at a certain height is equal to AOTA: Work required to lift it, PE at that height
71. Law of conservation of energy no energy is created nor destroyed
72. A wave is A disturbance that carries energy
73. Mass of half a liter of water 500g
74. 1cc is equal to 1g
75. Prism: colors Different indeces of refraction
76. Blue sky Blue particles are diffracted more
77. The rate at which work is performed Power
78. Occurs when periodic impulses are applied at a frequency Resonance
equal to one of its natural frequencies of oscillation
79. Most common resource of energy Petroleum
80. Simple Harmonic Motion Restoring force proportional to the displacement
81. Average height of a person 1.5m
82. 600lb-ft is More than 1 hp
83. The unit of watt is also equal to AOTA: kg-m^2/s^2/s, J/s, etc.
84. Image formed by the brain, not by the object itself Virtual image
85. A neutral atom has the same AOTA: proton, electron, atomic number
86. An object glows red when temperature increases, when it is It radiates a high frequency
heated more
87. The photoelectric effect has no bearing Light intensity has no effect
88. Diference of echo and reverberation Time interval from the original sound
89. Speed of sound travels faster in AOTA: solid than liquid, liquid than gas, warm
air than cool air
90. Scientific ____ AOTA: graph, ...
91. Equation/Formula AOTA: message, ...
92. In an experiment, varying values Variable
93. In an automobile, max parts for acceleration More than three
94. Experiment... Some alpha particles were deflected by a metal

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