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HÀ TĨNH NĂM HỌC 2020 - 2021


Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút


Part I. You are going to listen to people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1–8,
choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you hear. You will hear the recording
1. You hear girl talking to a friend about an activity camp she went to. How did the girl feel about going there?
A. afraid of the activities she’d have to do
B. nervous about being on her own
C. unsure about meeting new people
2. You hear part of an interview with a travel agent. What does she recommend doing on holiday?
A. researching good restaurants
B. identifying peak travel times
C. trying to communicate in the local language
3. You hear a boy talking about his part-time job. What has he learned from doing it?
A. to get on well with customers
B. the value of being part of a team
C. how important communication skills are
4.You hear a girl talking about the place she lives in now. What does she like the most about it?
A. It is quiet and peaceful.
B. She can live more healthily.
C. There are outdoor activities to do.
5. You hear two friends talking about the sports they do. What do they agree about?
A. Music makes exercise easier to do.
B. Using apps can help you get fit.
C. It’s difficult if you don’t do the right thing in class.
6. You hear two friends talking about social media. What does the girl think about it?
A. It’s useful to see what is going on in friends’ lives.
B. It's not a good way to find out about social events.
C. It gives a false picture of people's lives.
7. You overhear two school friends talking about a restaurant project at school. How does the girl feel about
A. worried that she won’t finish the all preparation in time
B. concerned the restaurant won’t get the assistance it needs
C. doubtful about her ability to cook well enough
8. You hear a boy leaving a message on a friend’s phone. Why is he calling?
A. to give his friend information about the school concert
B. to persuade his friend to babysit his sister
C. to ask his friend for help
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.

Part II. You are going to listen to a student called Hannah talking about a class project about plastic.
Complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. You will hear the recording TWICE.

Hannah says she has always been curious about how (9) affects the natural world.
Hannah uses the expression(10) to describe the discovery of the amount of plastic she used herself.

Hannah decided to keep a small reusable bag in her (11) all the time.
Hannah was upset that she couldn’t rely on the (12) to provide details of things she wanted to buy.
Hannah uses the word (13) to explain how she felt about buying something that was totally recycled.
Hannah was amazed to find that containers for (14) had been found on distant beaches.
Hannah gives the example of (15) as something that should be made from recycled plastic.

Your answers:
9. 13.
10. 14.
11. 15.
Part 1: Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. Write your answer A, B, C or D
in the numbered boxes.
16. In our hospital, patients______ every morning.
A. can examine B. have examined C. are examined D. were examining
17. The company made _______ push to expand their business in South America.
A. a busy B. an aggressive C. a severe D. a hungry
18. The shopping centre is easily ______ from the motorway.
A. affordable B. available C. accessible D. accountable
19. A majority of board members will be required to _______ any changes to the business’s rules and
A. acquire B. yield C. qualify D. approve
20. Only a few fans believed _______ make it all the way to the championship.
A. what the soccer team would B. whether the soccer team should
C. which the soccer team might D. that the soccer team could
21. The frightened horse began to ______ away from the snake.
A. thrill B. fear C. shy D. tip
22. The repairperson installed _______ in the broken windows.
A. new glass B. new glasses C.a new glass D. some new glasses
23. If Jessica _______ classes this semester as last semester, she will be able to graduate this summer.
A. took as many as B. will take so many C. would take many D. takes as many
24. The directions do not say how many total kilometers _______ to drive.
A. do we have B. we have C. have we D. having
25. _______ in difficult economic times, the small company hired five new employees last year.
A. Well done unless B. Doing well even C. They do well except D. Though done well
26. Amanda felt that her new part-time job would be a great opportunity _______ more practical experience.
A. to get the B. getting some C. to get some D. getting the
27. Jack’s father bought him a(n) ______ bike as a birthday gift.
A. blue Japanese expensive B. expensive Japanese blue
C. Japanese expensive blue D. expensive blue Japanese
28. It is______ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.
A. a so unusual B. so an anusual C. such unusual a D. such an unusual
29. Museum staff are in the process of _______ the damaged sculpture.
A. relieving B. restoring C. replenishing D. reversing
30. I thought I had read some of that author’s work, but these titles don’t really _______.
A. catch the eye B. say the word C. play a part D. ring a bell
31. She got out of her high-stress job in the stock market for the ______ of her health.
A. sake B. reason C. care D. cause
32. You shouldn’t leave your bike out in the rain. It will get ______.
A. rotten B. rusty C. mouldy D. decayed
33. Take your gloves with you, Darling, ______it gets cold later. You never know
A. though B. because C. in case D. in spite of
34. She couldn’t have known what was in the letter ______ she had written it herself.
A. until B. if C. unless D. If only
35. Jolie and Tom are meeting at the supermarket.
Jolie: "Hi, Tom. How are you doing?" Tom: "______. How about you?"
A. I'm waiting for my sister B. I'm shopping for food
C. I'm doing nothing D. I'm doing well
Your answers:
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Part 2: Complete each sentence with suitable prepositions or particles. Write your answers in the
numbered boxes.
36. The new law on dropping litter comes ______ force next month.
37. Ann was released from prison and now she is ______ probation.
38. Local students have been banned ______taking part in the demonstration.
39. Local people have called for an investigation ______ the causes of the fire.
40. Football fans went ______the rampage in the centre of Norwich last night.
41. Several guests at the hotel were robbed ______ jewellery and money.
42. David, 19, has been sleeping ______ a park bench for the past six months.
43. The police have charged her ______ driving without due care and attention.
44. It was important at that time to me to be financially independent ______ my parents.
45. They pled ______ John not to drink much as this would lead to accidents.

Part 4: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

A recent survey asked people to list which ___46___ and behaviour CHARACTER
they looked for in friends and which things they ___47___ or even hated. LIKE
The answer is not ___48___ the same for different people have different opinions. VARY
Most said they preferred people who were kind and ___49__, and with a CONSIDER
sense of humour. A few said they valued people with a strong ___50___ IMAGINE
and a true sense of ___51__. Quite a few people said they had dropped COOPERATE
friends for being ___52___ and unable to make up their minds. A lot of DECIDE
people said that they above all wanted friends who gave them ___53__ ENCOURAGE
The survey, which was carried out in Canada, also came up with some
very ___54___ answers. For instance, one person said that she only wanted EXPECT
friends who were ___55___in their careers and who wore fashionable clothes! SUCCEED
Another person said that the worst thing a person could do was talk too much and this would result in the end
of a friendship. Well, they say it takes all sorts to make a world! What qualities do you look for in a friend?


Part 1. For questions 56-70, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (). If a line has
a word which should not be there, write it in the space provided. There are two examples at the
beginning (0 and 00).
Why I Hate Cars
0……too…Even though cars can be too useful, there are many reasons why I hate them.

0………Firstly, they make a lot of noise. Of course, they also pollute
56………………….the environment. Another reason for why I hate them is that they
57………………….are everywhere in the city where I am live; all the streets are
58………………….crowded with both moving and parked cars. They create a lots of heat
59………………….and raise the temperature, which is being already very high in the
60………………….spring and summer months. Having a car also makes a good number
61………………….of many people lazy. Loads of people who have a car use it every
62………………….day of the week, even so when they could easily walk or take public
63………………….transport. These people they say that driving saves them lots of time,
64………………….but what they don’t seem to realise is that there are lots of advantages
65………………….to walking or taking a bus on a regular basis. Walking it is very good
66………………….exercise and can help to keep us healthy. Taking a bus allows
67………………….us to avoid the stress of which driving in traffic, and gives us
68………………….extra time to read a book or listen to music. This year, I have been
69………………….made a serious effort to leave out my car in the garage as much as
70………………….possible. This has made me any calmer and healthier, and it’s good for the environment,
too, so why don’t you try it?
Part II. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. Write
your answer in the numbered boxes.
Starting work
In recent years, job markets have become so competitive that choosing the right ___71___ path has become
crucial for many young people. The goal of most young people is to find a ___72___ that offers some decent
benefits. The most basic of these is a good ___73___ but also includes such things as paid holiday___74___,
health insurance and a pension fund. But often the reality is somewhat different. Many young people are having
to work for a low ___75___ of pay, with no extra payment for ___76___ and with the threat that they could be
___77___ redundant at any time. It’s no wonder that there is low ___78___ among many employees these
days. This has led to a growing number of young people to show ___79___ and start up their own businesses
offering a whole range of projects to people who live in their local communities. It requires a lot of ___80___
and some luck but it can pay off in the end.
71. A. job B. career C. vocation D. occupation
72. A. station B. spot C. position D. location
73. A. salary B. earnings C. return D. compensation
74. A. leave B. absence C. package D. going
75. A. figure B. rate C. charge D. cost
76. A. functions B. work C. occasions D. overtime
77. A. taken B. made C. done D. forced
78. A. morale B. income C. bonus D. moral
79. A. operation B. adventure C. concern D. enterprise
80. A. exercise B. strain C. force D. effort
Part III. Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions.
A. In Norwich, England, the first housing development designed for both hedgehogs and people has been built.
All through the gardens and fences is a network of pathways and holes installed just for the ancient, spiny
creatures. It’s the paradise that Fay Vass, chief executive of the British Hedgehog preservation Sciety, calls
‘absolutely fantastic’. As for the developers they have reason to think the animal will help make home sales
fantastic, too. Part of the attraction is that many people simply love hedgehogs, particularly in Britain, where
children’s book writer Beatrix Potter introduced Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, a hegdehog character, over a century ago.
But part of the attraction is that hedgehogs are good for gardens, eating vast numbers of slugs and other pests
as they forage in the vegetation at night.

B. Recent sicientific studies about hegdehogs have helped explain misteries as varied as why hedgehogs
apply saliva to their entire bodies, how they have survived on the planet for 30 million years, why they chew
toxic toad skins and what secrets they may hold about evolution. As one of the most primitive mammals on the
planet, the hedgehog has been helping geneticists understand evolutionary relationship among mammals and

even uncover secrets of human genome. At Duke University, for example, sicientists chose the hedgehog and
14 other species to study the lineages of mammals. They determined among other things that marsupials are
not related to monotremes, which had been a subject of debate. Such questions are not just academic. ‘ If you
are trying to trace, for example, the evolutionary steps of foetal heart development to better understand how
foetal defects occur, it helps to know which mammals are related so that you can make accurate inferences
about one mammal from another mammal’s development’ says researcher Keith Killian.

C. Still, much about hedgehogs remains unknown. For one thing, scientists think they haven’t even discovered
all the hedgehogs species. ‘we know of at leat 14’, says hedgehog researcher Nigel Reeve of Britain’s
University of Surrey, Roehamton. ‘it’s almost certain that there are more species’. The 14 known species are
native to Africa and parts of Asia as well as Europe. Some hibernate through cold winters in the north. Other
tolerate desert heat near equator. Some live in urban areas, adapting well to living in close proximity to humans.
Other live in areas that rank among the most remote places on the planet.

D. Hedgehogs spend much of their free time alone, Reeve says it would be a mistake to think of them as
solitary. ‘ Hedgehogs do approach each other and can detect the presence of others by their scent,’ he says ‘
it is true that they don’t usually interact at close quarters, but that doesn’t mean they are unaware of their
neighbours. They may occasionally scrap over food items and rival males attracted to a female may also have
aggressive interactions. Still, it’s fair to say that, in adulthood, hedgehogs meet primarily to mate, producing
litters of four or five hoglets as often as twice yearly’.

E. Adult hedgehogs eat just about any thing they can find: insects, snakes, bird eggs, small rodents and more.
Vegetarians trying to understand gum diseases in domesticated hedgehogs have concluded that the varied
diet of wild hedgehogs give them more than nutrition- the hard bodies of insects also scrape the hedgehogs’
teeth clean.
F. All hedgehogs also share the same defence mechanism: they retract their vulnerable parts- head, feet, belly-
into a quill covered ball, using special skin down their sides and over their heads and feet. Any perceive d
threat can make them roll up, including the approach of a biologist, so researcher have invented a new
measurement for the animals: ball length. Young hedgehogs have a few extra defence strategies. “One is to
spring up in the air” says Reeve. “ A fox would get a face full of bristle. They make a little squeak while they do
it”. Evidence suggests that hedgehogs may also add unpleasant chemicals to their quill to make them even
less appealing. In behaviour that may be unique for a vertebrate, they chew substances laden with toxins and
then apply frothy saliva to their entire bodies. In one 1977 study, human volunteers pricked themselves with
quills from hedgehogs that had coated themselves after chewing on venomous toad skins. The volunteers
found those quills much more irritating and painful than clean ones.
G. However, every year, many thousands of animals die on roads in Europe and elsewhere as they go about
their nightly business. Along with intensive farming and pesticides, road kill has taken its toll on hedgehogs
populations. One 2002 study found the animal numbers had dropped between 20 and 30 percent in a single
decade. To help combat the decline, the British have established special clinics for injured hedgehogs can
cope with cattle grids. Recently, they even persuaded McDonald’s to alter the packaging of its McFlurry ice-
cream container, which had been trapping foraging hedgehogs.
H. Ironically, for centuries the English considered these animals as vermin. Even 50 years ago gamekeepers
were killing as many as 10,000 a year thinking they were no more than bird- egg- eating pets. In some places
today, scientists are coming to the same conclusions all over again. In the 1970s, hedgehogs were introduces
to the Hebrides Islands of Scotland to help combat garden slugs. With no natural enemies there, a few
hedgehogs soon turned into thousands. Wildlife researchers have watched the hedgehogs reduce the numbers
of rare ground- nesting wading birds by feasting on their eggs. Efforts to cull the animals in the past two years
have upset Britain’s conservationists who have countered with strategies to relocate the animals.
Questions 81-90:
The reading passage has eight sections A-H. Which section contain the following information?
Write the correct letter (A-H) in the box given. You can use any paragraph twice.
81. The significance of establishing the relationship between different species ______
82. The different habitats where hedgehogs can be found ______
83. The reason why standard forms of measurement can not be used for the hedgehog ______
84. A problem associated with the hedgehogs kept as pets______
85. Two reasons why hedgehogs are popular with people in UK ______
86. Four findings from the latest research into hedgehogs ______
87. The social habits of the hedgehogs ______
88. The number of hedgehog species already identified ______
89. The name given to baby hedgehogs ______
90. The number of dead hedgehogs can be found on roads ______
For questions 91-95 choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D
91. The study conducted in 1977 revealed a possible reason why ______.
A. Hedgehogs clean their quills B. hedgehogs choose poisonous animal skins.
C. adult hedgehogs do not leap into the air D. young hedgehogs make a high-piched noise
92. In Britain, which of the following has NOT been done to protect hedgehogs?
A. The opening hospitals just for hedgehogs
B. imposing fines for littering in areas where hedgehogs live
C. the alteration of a container produced by a fast-food chain.
D. Alerting people to the potential dangers faced by hedgehogs
93. What are the ‘conclusions’ that scientists on the Herbrides Islands have reached again?
A. hedgehog numbers are declining B. hedgehogs pose a threat to other wildlife
C. hedgehogs can safely be introduced there
D. hedgehogs can be used effectively as a natural predator.
94. What would conservationists prefer to do on the Hebrides Islands?
A. Introduce a native predator of hedgehogs B. Kill a small number of hedgehogs
C. Remove ground-nesting birds D. Move the hedgehogs elsewhere.
95. The word "cull" in paragraph H is closest in meaning to _____
A. cause B. kill C. feed D. buy
Part 1. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the word(s) given so that its meaning stays the
96. Erick never pays any attention to my advice.
 Erick never takes………………………………………………………………..
97. Daisy’s father was busy, but he still played with her.
 No matter…………………………………………………………………………
98. I can’t believe this is the best hotel in the city.
 There must……………………………………………………………………….
99. The two sides never looked likely to reach an agreement.
 At no………………………………………………………………………………
100. "You got an A in Chemistry. Congratulations!" Peter said to his classmate.
 Peter congratulated………………………………………………………………
Part 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word
given. Do not change the word given in any way. You must use between three and six words
including the word given.
101. My car really needs to be repaired soon. MUST
I really ……………………………………………………… repaired soon
102. Linda’s plans for a picnic have been spoilt by the weather. FALLEN
Linda’s plans for a picnic ………………………………………………………because of the weather
103. I could never have succeeded without your help. YOU
I could never have succeeded if ………………………………………………………me.
104. Mark is far superior to me in terms of technical knowledge. MATCH
When it comes ………………………………………………………for Mark
105. They still haven’t found what caused the accident. CAUSE
They have yet ……………………………………………………of the accident was.
Part 3: Write an essay about the following topic from 200 to 250 words:
Some people say that teenagers shouldn’t be given homework to do on national holidays such as Tet
holiday as it is time for them to relax. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

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