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203 HOMILY | PLACE& TIME : OF Prayer OD though his Almighty potwer, tvifoont, a] andgodnefs cteatedin the beginning Brae ‘pen and Earth, the Suu, the Ban, the Stars, the Fowwls of the dir, the Bealls of the Earth, the Fithes inthe Sea, and all other Creatures,fo2 the ufeand commodity of man, tobom alfo be bad created to bis own image and likenels,and given bim ie ufe and igourmet over themall, to the end be Moula ufe them in uch fort as be had giver bim in charac and command- ___ ment, andalfo that he ould declare bim= {elf ehankful and kind fo2 all thofe benefits, fo liberally and fo gra fioudy beftowrd upon him, utterly without any deferving on bis be- dalé. And although we ought at att times,and in ali places to pave in remembeance, andto be thankful to our gracious Lozn, according as itis waitten,F will magnific the Lord at all times. And again, UU here- foever the Lox beaveth rule,D my foul puaite the Lod: Pet it appear- eth to be EODS good will and pleature, that we Mould at tpecial times, and in {pecial places, gather out Lelves together, tothe intent pisname might be renowned, and his atogy Let forth in the Conare- gation and Allembly of bis Saints. As concerning the tinre whid) Gimighty ODD ath appointed bis Wrople to allemble together £ lemmip, it Doth appear by the fourth Commandment of ODO: member, {rity GOD, that thou keep Voly the Sabbath Dav. Apon the which Day, asis plain in the Aas of the Apotiles, the people ac flomably reforted together, and heard diligently the Law and the 19; phets read among them. And albeit this Commandment of 9 Doth not bind Chrittian people fo ftairtp to-obLerve and keep the ut= tev Crvemonics of the Sabbath Day, as it was given unto the Ietvs, as toudbing the forbeating of work and Labour in time of great necellity, andas touding the precife keeping of theLeventh dap alter themannet of the Jews. #02 We keep nove the Ait Day, twbidyis our Sundap, ar make that our Sabbath, that is our Day of reff, in the honour of out fou ‘ x 204. 1 Cor, 16. Apoc. 1. Nam.15. The Firft Part of the Sermon Saviout Chritt,who asupon that dap rote from death, conquerinig the fame mofttriumpbantly ; Pet notwithfanding, twhatfoever is found inthe Commandment appettaining to the Law of Mature.asa thing molt godly, mot juft.and needful fo2 the Letting forth of GDDS gio= vi, it ougit to be tetaineDand kept of all geod Chzittian people, Gnd therefore by this Commandment, twe ougyt to davea time, agone Day inthe week. tobevein we onabt to velt,yea,tvom our tatoful and needful Works. Foz like as it appeareth by this Commandment. that no man in the Br days ought to be dothful o2 idle, but diligently to labour int that fate wherein go> bath fet bim: Even fo, 6D bath given erpzeischacae toallinen. that upon the Sabbath day, which isnow oue Sunday, they (houldceate from all weekly and tuozk-Day labour, to the intent. that like as ©OD bimiel€ wrought fir days, and vetted thefeventh andbielled, and faniified it, and confecrated it fo gui: nefsandreft from labour : even fo SDDS obedient provle thoulo ue the Sunday bolilp,and tefl from theiccommon and daily butinets,and alfo give themfelves wholly to beaventy erercifes of CDOS true Reli= gon and Service. So that ODD doth not only.command the obferva- ni of this bolp Dap, but alfo bp bis own erample doth ftir and pro- ‘voke us to the Diligent keeping of the Lame.Gwd natural childzen till not only become obedient to the commandment of frit Parents, but alto bave a Diligent eye to their Doings,and gladiy follow the AE Wwe twill be the childzen of our beavenly Father,twe mult be careful to keep the Cipittian Sabbath dap, tubich is the Sunday, not onl for that itis ©OOS exprels commandment, but alfo to declare out felves: to be fobing dildzen, in following the erample of our gracious Lord and Father. rt Thus it may plainly appear, that 6ODS Gill and Command- ment was to havea folemu timeand fanding day in the werk, tobereitn the People houldcome together and babe in tementbzance bis wonder= ful benents,andto render bim thanks fo2 them, as appertatneth to to- bing, kind, and obedient People. Chis ramiplean commandment of. GOO, the godly € irittian people began to follow immediately after the Acenfion of our Lord Chartt, andbegan to chute them a landing dap of the week to cometogetber in: Pet not the {roenth Day, ‘which ti Tewskept ; but the Lozds dap, thedap of the Lords Relurreition, the Dap after the Lepenth dap, whid is the ici Dap of thecdrek. OF the ‘which Day mention ig made by St. Pau! on this tile Inthe firt dap of the Sabbath, let every man lapup tbat be thinketh good: meaning for the pon. 5p the Art Dap of the Sabbath, ismeant our Sundap, tobi isthe fxtt Dav after the Fetus {eventh day. Andin the Apocalyps itis move plain, whereas St. Joh: faith, Twas in the Spivit upon the Lords dap. Sithence whid time GODS people bath altvavs, in all Ages, Without any gainfaying, ufed to come together upon the Sun= dap, to celebrate ‘and bonoute the Lozds bielfeD Bame, and caretullp to keep that Davin holy ref andquictnefs: both man, woman, child, fers vant, and fftanger. 02 tr tranfatellion and bead of tubich Day, OOD hath declared bimfelf much to be grieved, as it may appear by bint, tbo for gathering of ticks on the Sabbath day was floned to Death. But alafs, all thefe potenithtenning. itis lamentable to fee the ticked bolonefs of thofe that will be counted SODS people, tubo pilsnothingat allof keeping and hallowing the Sunday. 3nd ibete people . oe er ~ thep mutt ride and journey on the Sunday, * People in the Land of Canaansnoty called of the Place ind Tinie of Prayer people are of twoforts. Che one fort, if {ep babe arty bufinets to 04; though there beno ectreant need, thep mutt not {pare fo2 the Sunday, they mutt dzive and cate onthe Sunday: they mutt row and ferep on the Sunday, they mut buy andéell onthe Sunday, they mutt keep Barkets and Fairson the Sunday: tinally,they ufe all Days alike, Celozk-Days and dolpoays all ateone. Che other fort is worle, For althougy they will not tcatvel nozlabozon the Sunday as they do on the Cleck day, pet they wilt not reltit bolinefs, as ©DO commandeth ; but thep Telli ungodli- nefg and filthinefs, boancing in theit pide, pranking and pricking, pointing and painting themfelves to be gozqeous and gap : thep vett it epcefsandfuperfluity, in gluttony and drunkennels, Ike Rats and Swwinesthep refl in brawling andrailing,in quareelling and sghting ; thev ref in wantonnefs, in topith talking, in filthy flethlinefs, fo that it Doth toorvidently appear that ©DD is more dithonoured, and the Devil better Lerved on tye Sunday.than upon all the Dapsin the Meek belies. And Fallure pou, He Bralis which ace commanded to vell ort the Sunday, honor © DD better than this kind of eovle: Fo2 thev offend not GOO, they break not their Dolpy-rays. TAverefore, Ope ople of SDD, lap pour hands upon your hearts, repent andamend this grievousand dangerous wickednels, fandin atue of the Com- Mandment of ODD, gladly follow the erample of SOD himielf, be not Difobrdient to the godly Oedev of Chritts Church, ufed and kept from the Apoltles time until this Day. Fear the difpleature and jutk Plagues of Alnrighty SDD, if pe be negligent and forbear not labour= ing and travelling on the Sabbath day o2 Sunday, anddo not refort ethyet to celebrate and maguific 6DOS bleiled s2anre,in quiet boli= yu nels and godly reverence. How concerning the lace where the People of SDD. ons relaee together, arid tobete efpeciaity they ougvt to celebrate and fanttitie the Sabbath day, that is, the Sunday, the dap of holy cell. Ehat lace is calicd SDDS Temple o2 the Churd),becaule the Company anv Con- gregation of S]DS people (which is property calied the church) doth there atiemble themfelves on the Days appointen for {uch atfemblies andpeetings. And foralinuch as Almighty SOD path appointeda pecial time to be honoured in, it is very mect,godlp,and alfo necellacry that there Would be asalace appointed tubere thefe >cople Could mect and refort,toferbe their gracious 6DD and meccitul Father. Cruth itis, the boly patriarchs fora great number of Peats, badneither Temple nor Church to refortunto. Che cauLe woas,they tocre not ttatd in any place, but were itt a continual pecegrination and wandering, that they could not conveniently build any Church. But fo foon as HOD had delivered bis weople trom their Enemies, and fet them in fomelibrrty in the wildernefs, be Cet them upa cofily anda curious Tabernacle, whids wasasit were the Darith Churd, a place to veLort unto of the tobole multitude, a place tobave bisfacritices mabe int, and other obferbances andritesto beufedin. Furthermoze,atter that OOD: according to the truth of bis promife,bad pase and quietly fettev bis i ) Jury, he commanded a geeat and magnificent Temple to be built by King Solomon, as feldom the like bath been teen: a Cemple fo deckedDand adored. fo goraeoutt garnithed. as Was mert and expedient toy People of that time, bic & OULD, Y ies

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