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Student Code of Conduct

Administrative Document

All students are bound by the policies and regulations of the Putnam City Schools Board of Education,
the administrative regulations of this school district, and Oklahoma law. In addition, students shall
demonstrate respect for district and community property, teachers, administrators, staff members, and all
students. The following general types of offenses or infractions of the district's standards of student conduct
and responsible behavior may be subject to discipline. Disciplinary measures are taken for the purpose of
correcting student behavior and deterring the continuation of inappropriate conduct in the school setting.
The proceeding contains examples of offenses; however, school officials reserve the right to sanction student
behaviors in accordance with the provisions of district policies and regulations.

This discipline matrix is intended to inform and guide administration and teachers through a
systematic and consistent approach to address student behavior in order to maximize learning time.
Communication and consistency of classroom rules, procedures and expectations are key to setting students
up for success on campus. Student behaviors are categorized as Misconduct, Procedural Misconduct, and
Gross Misconduct. Student behaviors can be addressed by moving sequentially through the matrix’s
progression. It is important to note; documentation in Powerschool (log entry) and parent contact are key
and required in addressing any type of student misconduct.

FAILURE TO FOLLOW Student does not comply Teacher warning, two Teacher assigned lunch Administrative referral, Administrative referral and 3
DIRECTIVE with a teacher way parent contact, detention and two way 2 evening ASDs, and days ISR with student
directive/classroom and log entry parent contact with log restorative actions behavior contract and
rules/social contract entry (reflection, written apology, restorative actions
etc) (reflections, written apology,

DISRESPECTFUL Rude behavior and/or Teacher warning, two Teacher assigned lunch Administrative referral and Administrative referral with
BEHAVIOR use of offensive language way parent contact, detention and two way 1 day ISR with restorative 3 days ISR, student behavior
or use of racial slurs. and log entry parent contact with log actions (reflection, written contract, and restorative
entry apology, etc) actions (reflections, written
apology, etc)

HARASSMENT Unwelcomed behavior Teacher warning, two Teacher assigned lunch Administrative referral and Administrative referral with
that is personally way parent contact, detention and two way 1 day ISR with restorative 3 days ISR, student behavior
offensive which fails to and log entry parent contact with log actions (reflection, written contract, and restorative
respect the rights of entry apology, etc) and no contact actions (reflections, written
others. contract apology, etc)

CHEATING/ The copying of Zero on the Administrative referral Administrative referral & Administrative referral and
PLAGIARISM assignments or assignment, two way & zero on the zero on the assignment, zero on the assignment
assessments from the parent contact by the assignment (grade for student completes alternate
work of another or using teacher, log entry & alternative assignment assignment in 2 hours ASD
unauthorized materials. student completes replaces zero), student (grade for assignment
alternate assignment completes alternate replaces zero)
(if alternative assignment in 1 hour
assignment is ASD
completed zero is

FAILURE TO IDENTIFY Refusal to properly Remainder of the day in Remainder of day and Remainder of day and Remainder of the day in ISR
identify self when ISR with parent two way full day next day in following 3 days ISR with and 3 days OSS
requested by a staff contact and log entry ISR with parent two two way parent contact,
member. way contact and log student behavior contract
entry and log entry

FALSIFICATION Falsely excusing an Two way parent contact Parent contact, Parent contact and Parent contact and
absence or tardy. & 1 day ISR 3 days ISR and 2 days OSS/1 day ISR 4 days OSS/1 day ISR
behavior contract

TARDINESS Student not in classroom 1st- 3rd Teacher 4th/5th- Two way 6th- ASD with a tardy If tardiness continues,
at scheduled start of warning. parent contact and contract or other Admin student will be on the LOGS
class. 3rd tardy-Two way teacher assigned assigned detention and list & Admin assigned
parent contact lunch detentions student will be on LOGS list consequence

UNVERIFIED ABSENCES/ Not attending classes for 5 days- Two way parent 7 days-two way 10-consecutive days or If/when a student is
TRUANCY part of (at least 3 periods) contact, conference parental contact and parts of 15-days re-enrolled they are put on
or an entire day. with counselor conference with notification letter emailed an attendance contract and
administrator to and student dropped, and LOGS list. Admin assigned
notify of probation on LOGS list (can be accordingly
Student does not attend removed after 10 days of
class(es) or lunch as good attendance)

HALL PASS VIOLATION Student in the hallway Warning, walked back to Two way parent Two way parent contact Two way parent contact
without a hall pass or class, and a log entry. contact, walked back and rest of the day in ISR and Admin assigned ISR
leaving a class without to class and assigned
permission. lunch detention

ID VIOLATION Student in the building Warning and a log entry. Two way parent Two way parent contact Two way parent contact
without their ID. contact and assigned and rest of the day in ISR and Admin assigned ISR
lunch detention
DRESS CODE Violation of dress code as Administration will address concerns with individual students, make two way parent contact, log entry and if
VIOLATION defined by the student necessary take additional actions.

TOBACCO/ Possession, and/or use of 3 days ISR 5 days ISR 4 days OSS/1 day ISR and 9 days OSS/1 day ISR
VAPING tobacco/vaping materials behavior contract
and/or paraphernalia.

Distribution of 2 day OSS/1 day ISR 4 day OSS/1 day ISR 9 day OSS/1 day ISR LTS
tobacco/vaping materials
and/or paraphernalia.

FAILURE TO SERVE Student does Lunch Teacher assignment, Administrative 1-day ISR and on LOGS 3 days ISR and on LOGS
not serve detention two way parent contact referral and 1 hour of
assigned ASD
detention or ASD Administrator 1 day ISR 3 days ISR 2 days OSS/1 day ISR
ASD. reassignment

MULTIPLE VIOLATIONS Combination of multiple 3 days ISR 2 days OSS/1 day ISR 4 days OSS/1 day ISR 9 days OSS/1 day ISR
misconduct or and behavior
procedural misconduct contract

BULLYING Aggressive Verbal/ 2 day OSS/1 day ISR, 2 day OSS/1 day ISR 4 day OSS/1 day ISR 9 day OSS/1 day ISR
behavior intended Cyber No Contact Contract &
to hurt, threaten, behavior counseling
or frighten referral
another person
with an imbalance
of power between Physical 2 day OSS/1 day ISR, 4 day OSS/ 1 day ISR 9 day OSS/1 day ISR 45 day LTS
the aggressor or No Contact Contract & and behavior plan
the victim. behavior counseling

SEXUAL Unwelcome or inappropriate District Title IX office will lead investigation of sexual harassment, advise on supportive measures that will be
HARASSMENT remarks or physical advances. put in place and direct the appropriate next steps.

DISORDERLY Refusal to follow directions Administrative referral, 4 day OSS/1 day ISE 9 day OSS/1 day ISR 10 day OSS & 10 days ISR
CONDUCT from staff, disrupts the 2 days OSS/1 day ISR and behavior plan
learning environment, and/or and counseling referral
severely offensive behavior.

THREATENING/ Use of verbal threats toward 45 day LTS and possible change of placement.
ASSAULTING STAFF staff or making unwanted
physical contact with staff.

PROFANITY Use of profane language Administrative referral, 4 day OSS/ 1 day ISR 9 day OSS/1 day ISR 10 day OSS & 10 days ISR
TOWARD STAFF toward staff and/or hate 2 days OSS/ 1 day ISR and behavior plan
speech. and behavior
counseling referral.

VANDALISM Showing disrespect, Two way parent contact, log entry, and may be referred to law enforcement. Due to subject or damage, Code
damaging, vandalizing, of Conduct response will follow. Restitution made by parent/guardian.
cutting, defacing, or
destroying any real or
personal property belonging
to the district.
FIGHTING OR Any student who has an 9 day OSS/ 1 day ISR 10 day OSS & 45 LTS
ASSAULT opportunity to walk away or 10 day ISR with a
any aggressive behavior that behavior counseling
could be a fight without adult referral
intervention from a potential
fight and chooses to
participate, or the act of
inflicting physical harm upon
another student.

DRUG/ALCOHOL The possession of or intent to 45 day LTS

DISTRIBUTION distribute drugs/alcohol on
campus or during a school
sponsored event.

DRUGS (Illegal or Possession of and/or use of 9 day OSS/1 day ISR 10 day OSS & 45 day LTS
prescription) drugs and/or paraphernalia. substance 10 day ISR

WEAPON Possession of any weapon 45 day LTS or 1 calendar year LTS for firearm
POSSESSION (knife, firearm, etc.) on school
grounds or at a school
sponsored event.

THEFT/ Stealing or the illegal 9 day OSS/1 day ISR, 45 day OSS, possible restitution of victim(s), and possible citation
POSSESSION possession or property possible restitution of
belonging to the school. Staff victim(s), and possible
OF STOLEN or fellow students (s). citation

VIRTUAL Any of the aforementioned Depending on the type of infraction, the appropriate response will follow the Code of Conduct matrix.
gross misconduct violations
behaviors in a virtual setting.
Student Behavior Interventions
These easy-to-use classroom management techniques allow teachers to maintain classroom control while
effectively handling disruptive behaviors. Further resources for specific behaviors can be found at:

1. Have clear and specific expectations displayed in your room. Refer to them as needed.
2. Make eye contact and visual correction.
3. Verbal correction – state correct behavior in a respectful manner.
4. Redirect behavior.
5. Walk in their direction. Stand near them (use proximity)
6. Verbal correction – using four questions from Capturing Kids’ Hearts:
a. What are you doing?
b. What are you supposed to be doing?
c. Are you doing it?
d. What are you going to do about it?
7. Change location of the student in the classroom.
8. Provide choices.
9. Student/Teacher conference in hall.
10.Phone call home/Email to parent AFTER class.
11.Lunch detention, and parent contact.

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