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National Programme on Climate Change and Human Health


4th ‘International Day of Clean Air for Blues Skies’ on 7th September 2023’ 2023
Theme- “Together for Clean Air”
Duration of Campaigns: 4th- 9th September 2022

Target groups- Women, children, traffic police, municipality workers, School Children
List of suggested activities for awareness generation for States to conduct are as follows-
1. To conduct awareness generation on air pollution, health issues and its addressing
mechanisms through PRI for the target population of Women and Children through the
8 modules (English/ Hindi) on air pollution and its health effects on Women and Children
2. Health Department to share 8 modules (English and Hindi) on Traffic Policemen and
Municipality Workers for its awareness programme of Officers/ Staffs to Traffic
Departments and Municipality Departments
 Link to find the 16 training modules on air pollution health related matters is-
3. School children to focus through school-based activities or with localities on the subject.
Objective: Awareness generation among school children on concerns of climate
change, air pollution etc. and their health and ways to address them
 Engagement of students on the subject as follows-
i. Talks by Head of the Schools/Colleges, Teachers, Experts, Students
ii. Class/ Peer discussion for challenges/ solutions and sharing to NPCCHH
iii. Theme based activities/ competition organized for Painting, Quiz,
Debates, Symposium, Essay, Drama, project, models
iv. Plantation in and around school and communities
v. Promotion and Adoption of Energy efficiency measures (LED, Off the
lights/fans/ computers, other electronic devices when not used)
vi. Use of public transport or carpooling (to minimize fuels used/ carbon
emissions, air pollution)
vii. Adoption of water conservation measures like fixing of water leakage
from faulty taps and pipes if occurred; water taps with faucets with
slower flow and serrated may conserve better, ways for rain water
harvesting, hand washing in wash basins, use of grey water in wash
rooms; etc.
viii. Efficient use of paper; electronic sharing may be motivated
ix. No to single use plastics by school authorities; and promoted among
school children to adopt in schools/ home/ localities/ or any events
x. Promotion among school children for adoption of locally available
materials for use in school related activities and requirements to
minimize carbon emissions due to longer distance transportation
(sustainable procurement)
 Documentation of the voices from schools/colleges on challenges and solutions
be shared to NPCCHH
4. Health Department may coordinate with concerned departments in the state to coordinate
for the IEC Campaigns to create awareness generation on air pollution, health issues and
addressing mechanisms as follows – (where appropriate and applicable)

I. Environment IX. Municipality/ Panchayat

II. Pollution Board X. Traffic Department
III. Education (College/ Schools) XI. WCD
IV. Transport XII. Labour department etc.
V. Urban development XIII. Youth Affairs
VI. Coal XIV. AYUSH department
VII. Power XV. Others
VIII. PWD (construction works)

 Link to find the IEC materials on air pollution health related matters under

5. Widespread Social Media Campaigns of the event and the health issues related to air
pollution at the state/ district -
 Through activation of the social media account of the state health department like in the
last two years while observing the event - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, You Tube
where applicable
 Or creation of the social media account for the programme/ health department (Twitter,
Facebook, Instagram etc.) for public awareness generation purpose of the event and
 Social media messages may be Events conducted during the campaigns; IEC materials
(Posters, GIFs, Audio-Video Spots as available in the states/ or NCDC website; other
social media messages on the issue (air pollution and health issues)
6. Others campaigning modes
 IEC Posters, Wall paintings, Street plays etc.
 Messages through State Health Minister, Health Secretary, Senior officials
 Experts and Panel discussion on the event or the health issues
 Radio Television channels (AIR, Doordarshan, FM channels)
 Others (Public means of transport vehicles- Bus etc.)

7. Most Important activity –

 Recording and documentation of the activities conducted in the state
 Sharing these documents to the NPCCHH division at NCDC ( and preferably within a wee

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