Test U4

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UNIT 4 PROGRESS TEST version B Name: ................................................................. Date: ....................................

Choose the correct answer. Write a, b, or c in the box.

1 If you keep other people’s secrets, they yours. a kept b would keep c will keep

2 We need to our decision carefully before

we reply. a consider b considerate c consideration

3 I can’t it when people have loud phone

conversations on the train. a stay b stand c do

4 Students to sign in using their own passwords. a has b have c must

5 The information on this website totally confusing. a is b are c be

6 Francis bought a new bike last week, and he keeps talking

it. a along b for c about

7 That kind of music really on my nerves! a goes b takes c gets

8 A few of us going out later. Would you like

to come? a are b is c be

9 I’m sorry, but I to bring that bag you wanted

to borrow. a forgot b ’ve forgot c ’ve forgetting

10 I want to see the film because people at school have

about it. a talking b been talking c talk

11 Pedro, like most of my colleagues, a degree in

marketing. a have b has c have had

12 I can’t believe it! Ruth credit for the presentation I

designed. a took b made c put

13 The company received a lot of for its latest ad. a criticize b critical c criticism

a been working b working

14 I on this essay all day, but it still isn’t finished! c 've been working

15 You should be very proud – passing this exam is a big

. a achievement b achievable c achieve

16 I Amy for the first time at the barbecue a 've met b met
on Saturday. c ’ve been meeting

17 How long have you this coffee shop? a owned b owning c been owning

18 He didn’t want to join the team at first, but I managed to

him. a persuasive b persuasion c persuade

19 She’s a very student – she always thinks she’s

right. a arrogant b reasonable c responsible

20 I asked for help, but no one how to use

the printer! a know b knows c are knowing

B2 Upper Intermediate 1 Personal Best B2 © Richmond 2019

UNIT 4 PROGRESS TEST version B Name: ................................................................. Date: ....................................

21 We on support from volunteers to run the festival. a reliability b reliable c rely

22 That movie was very – it made millions at the

box office. a succeed b success c successful

a just finished b was just finished

23 I this amazing book by a Nigerian author. c have just been finishing

24 If you to meet new people, join a club or a

sports team. a will want b want c wanted

25 Ronan is very – he gave me a lovely present for

my birthday. a cautious b cheerful c thoughtful

26 My teacher was about my idea, so I’m feeling

really pleased. a enthusiastic b impressive c ambitious

27 My daughter loves sports, so I’m her to join a

soccer team. a encouraging b putting c standing

28 One of the students in my class on the same

block as me. a live b lives c are living

29 You can trust Lydia to do the work – she’s very . a reliable b reliability c rely

30 The staff at that Italian restaurant really friendly. a did b does c is

31 My family think I should study art in college. a haven’t b doesn’t c can

32 Every photo in the exhibit taken by a local artist. a was b were c are

33 The talk was very , but I still don’t agree. a persuade b persuasion c persuasive

34 If Gabriel your advice, he would ask you for it. a want b will want c wanted

35 You have to work hard in order to your dreams. a achievable b achieve c achievement

36 Toby is always coming up with new ideas – he’s very

. a create b creation c creative

37 I’ve ordered some books for my course, but they a haven't arrived b weren‘t arriving
yet. c haven’t been arriving

38 I’m really annoyed that I dropped my phone. I’m so

! a bossy b clumsy c stubborn

39 It easier to get along with someone if you have

similar interests. a would be b is c was

40 My colleague is very -tempered – she argues

with everyone. a bad b angry c well

Score out of 40

B2 Upper Intermediate 2 Personal Best B2 © Richmond 2019

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