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161 HOMILY FOR Repaiting and keeping clean, and comely adorning of Churches. © igsacommoncuttome uted of atl men, tuben thep intend to babe thelr (rendg oy nelghbours to come to their houleste cat 07 Dyink with them,o2 to habe anp fo- ‘lenin affembip to treat ann talk of ‘Matter,they witl babe theit boutes, thep keep in continual reparations,te be tleanand fine, left thep fhould be count- £D fluttith,o} little to regard thete trienns ‘and neighbours, How much moje then ought the Dayle of Sad, whichwe cam: monty colt the Church, to be fugticientip Tepairen fn all piaces,and to be Honourablp adoyned and gatnithed,and pad kept cleartant inert, to the comfozt of the people that hall tetoxt eeUnItO, At appeareth inthe holp Scripture, how Sos Houle, which as Called his holy sLemple, and tas the Bother Church of all Tewrp, fell fometines into Decay, aud was oftentimes prophaned and defiled, though the negligence ano ungedlinets of fuch as had the charge there: of. ‘But when godlyHipgs and Sowrrnoys were in place, thencom: IMandinent was given foxtpwith, that the Church and Semple of Go hou be repatted,and the Devotion of the people tobe gathere fozthe | epatatian ot thefame. Ce read in the fourth Gook of the Kings, 4 Kings ra, hotw that Saing Joas, being a godly JOyince, Fave commandment tothe Prchs, to convert certain Oerings of the people towards the repara: tion andamendment of Sodg C eniple. - Like commandment gave that matt gobly {ing Jofias, concerning Kings 22, ‘the reparation and ceedification of Sobs Temple, which in histimebe found in (oxe decoy. * Tehath pleafed Aimighty.Sov, that thele hitter ties touching ther (ping and repairing of bis halp Semple, ould be wyitten at large, tothe end we Mould be taught thereby: Fick, that God is well pleated that his people Gould pave a convenient place to Tefozt unto, andtecome together , to pee and magnifie Gods bolp ame, And tecondip, be is biahiy ptealed with alt thole, which iligent- ip and ;ealoudly goabout to amend andreftoze fuch places as are ap- pointed fo2 the Congregation of Gong people to retort unto, ano ~Anbecein thep bumbl~and joputlptender thanks ta God Foz his bene, fits, and with one Heart and voice praile his holy Mame. Thirnly, Son + Foas Coje difpleaten with bis people, Becaule thcp buttven, Decked, ary errr trlinnie®t . “162 Aggti. The Sermon for Repairing telmmed up thetr oton outed, and fufferes Gods Doule to be in rite ine and Decap, ta ipe Uncomely and fulfomelp. Cilberefore Sop tas Cope grieved with then.and plagued them, as appenreth inthe Pyophee Aggeas, Thus faith the Loyd ¢ Js tt time Coz pou to Dwell in pour cieleo Doutes.ana the Lozos Howe uot regarded. ? Be havelowed much,and Satbered in butlittle, pour meat and pour cloaths have neither fillea Pou, nozmade pou warm, and be that had bis wages, put ittna bots fonntets purfe, Bp thele plagues tobich Goo {ain upon bis people foz nemieding of bis temple, (tmayebivently appeat that God will pave Bis temple,bis Church, the place where bis Congregation tall refopt to magnifie pin, well eoiften welt cepateed. and well matntalned. Sore Neither regarding Bodlinels, 110g the place ot godly exerette,Wwill fap, che temple fir the ol0 Law was commanden to be futlt any cepaien bp Gaon himleif, becaule (rau great prormifes annered unto ft, and bes coule tt wasa figure, a Saccament, op afignification of Cheitt, and al foof fic Church. Cothis map be calily anfweren: Stef, that our Churches are not Deltitute of pomiles, Coatnwuch as ou Sablour Chitk (ait, CaAbece tive o2 thee are gathered together in mp Same, thece am 3 (athe mint among them Agreat number therefore coming: fo Chucch togerber tn the naure of Chpitt, pave there,that ts to fap in the Church, thet Gan and Savtour Fetus Chait prefent among the Cone Bregation of his faithful people, bp bisgtace, by his favour and goplp afitance,accopbing to his niott alfured and comfortable ppomiles. {iby ‘then ought wot Chpittian people to buito them temples ana Churches, pablngag great proratles of the pretence of Gov, ag ebet had Solomon foy the material temple which be Did bilip? As touching the other point, that Solomons tenrple wag a figure of Chit: we knot that nee Inthe time o€ the clear light of Chit Fetus the Son of Gon, all (hae ‘Dotos, figures, and figuifications ae utterlp gene, all Bain and un: pottable Ceremonies, bath Tewwith ann Deatbenith,tully abotityen-Anv therefoze our Churches ave not (et up for figures ane Gonificattons of Pelhias and Chit co come, but Coz other gooty and neceflarp purpoles, that isto fay, Chat like as cucty man hath bis own Doule to abioe in, toretceth biititele tn, ta vet fn with fuch likcconmonities: So Aime ty Sop will habe his Moule and Place whether the whole JBarify and Congregation hall retopt, which ts caiten che Church aio Ecmpic o€ God, fo2 that the Chucch, which ts the company of Cobs people, Doth there affemble and cometagetber toferve bin. sAot meaning bercbp, that the Loyo, whom the Peabven of heavens ts uot able to Hold opcom pyrite, Dath Dwell (in the Church of Limeand Stone, mave with mans panne, ag wholly and only contained there within, ang no where elle, foy fo be newer Biweltin Sclomons Cemple. Worovec, the Church oy ‘Cemple (8 counted and cated holp,pet not of ir (elf,but becante Gong people refoyting theteunto ace ‘Holy,and erercife themfelucs in help ane ‘eabeiilp things. Anotatheintent ye map wudeettand further, whe Churches tere built amang ChriMlianpeople,this was the greatel cone Hieration; that Gov might have bis place, and that Son might bave ‘His time, Dulp to be honoured and fered of the whole multitupe inthe Parith. Fick, there ta hearand learn the bleed Glog aud THIN oF theevertatting Gov. Becondly, that there the biefics Sacraments, fobich our Loyd and Saviour EH Telus hath oatued and appoint 2D, fhoulo be duly, revecentip, and Decently mtuificed~ eC hiculy.that > there and keeping clean Churches. there the tobole multitude of Sops people in the arly, mould with ‘One Wotce and Heart call upon the Mame of Gon, magnifie and praile the ame of Sod. render caret and beartp thanks to owe heavenly Father Coz bis Heap of benefits Daily and plentifullp powzed upon us, Hot forgetting to beftot our Aims upon Godg poo}, to the intent Gov map bieusthe morericylp. hus pe map well perceive anv ‘untdertand wherefozeC hucches were built and (et up amonge Chyittan People.and Dedicated and appointed to thete aDIp ules, and twbollp eee ‘tmipted from all filthy, prophane, and wopDip ules. Cberefoye all they ‘that babe little mind o; Devotion to repate and bufidD Sons Cemple y areta becounteD people of much ungoplinels, (puting againé good Dader inChyitts Church, velpiing the true honour of God, with edit Examples, offending and hindering their neighbours athertwite well ana FoDitip DidpoteD.€ be thoptn thinketh it but a tripe to fee thetic Church in Tuine anb Decay. Sut whoto Doth ot lap to thei helping hands, thep fin AgainkSod and his holpCongre gation. Fo} tf it pau not been fin to nege lod and flightly regard the reenitping and building up again of bis Temple, Sod would not have been to much grieved,anv fo foon have plagued his people, becaule they builbed and decked theit on Poules focorgeoutly, ann defpifen the Houle of Gon their Loyd. Ttts fin anv fhame to ee (o many C hurches,Co tulnous,anu Co foullydecayed,aimott ineverp coyner, Flamans private Doute wherein he diwelleth, bene: CAVED, He Bill never cedle LI it berefozed upagain. Wea, tf bis barn ‘inbere be keepeth bis Cogn be out of reparations, what -vitigence uleth ‘heto make ft inperted fateagain’ FE bis tabletoy bis hoyle, pea,the fife fo big Stoine, be not able ta holy ont water and wind, hot careful fs be to Dacofk thereon? no tall we be fo mindful of ouc common bafe Hautes peputed to forvile emplopment, and be forgettul towarns the Doule of Gon, lherein be treated the ozo of our eternal falvath. on, wherein be minittren the Sacraments anv Apiteries of our Ge- Bemption? The forntain of dur regeneration ig there pyelenten unto us,the partaking ofthe Gop and loon of our Saviour Chit, ts there offered unto us t Gin thai wwe not efteem the place there fo fea- ‘Denlp thingsate harvlen? CAberefoze,it pe have any reverence to the ferbice of Cob,{E pe babe anp common onetty,(f pe have anp confcience in keeping ofneceflarp and govly ozdlnances, keep pour Churches in Good repatt,toberebp pe Mall not onty pleateSov,and veferve his mante fold bleifings,but alto Deferbe the good repoyt o€ all godly people. The Cecond paint which appectaineth to the maintenance of Sovs Dotite,igtohave tt welladomned, and comelyandciean kept. Tbich things map be the moze cafity refoymed,when the Church (gs well repate. ED, Foz like aS MeN ALE well CefeciheD AUD Comfozted, then thep fir their boules having allthings in goov oyber, and ali copners clean and fweet: Co-when Sods boule,the Chucch,ts well apogned, with placescon- bentent ta fit tn, with the Pulpit fo) thePyeacher,with cheLops Cable fop the 29inifttation of bis holy Supper, with the Font ta Chyitten tn, ¢ allo te kept cleau,comelp,ann tweetlp,the people ate moze Defirous,and the moze comforted to refozt thither, and to tarrp there the whole time. @ppolnted them. TCith what carneftnelo,with what weherent: seal Dip Ouy Saviour Chyitt dbe the bupers ¢ (ellers out of the temple o£ Gov, Match. a4, and hucied poton the tables of the changers of monp, and the feats of the Dove. (cllers,and could not abive any man to carrpa velfel thous the .- 164 TheSermon for Repairing,&c. fhetemple 2 De tot them that they bad made his Farhers oufe aven ofthiches partly through theic fuperttition, bppacrifie,falte worthip, fatte Doctrine, an tnfatiable covetoufnels, ann partip through contenrpt, a bufing that place with walking ano taihing, oft wozloly matters with- out all feat of Gob, and Due reverence to ‘that place. lbat Deng of thieves the Churches of England pave been mabe bp the Watpbemous ‘buping and felling: the mot pyecloug bodp and blood ot Ehyitt in the Male, as the wozld was mane to believe, at Diriges,at months minds, at Crentalls, inAbveps and Chantries , belive other bozritite abutest (Sons holp name be bleflen for ever which we now fee aud ndertand, Gil thet abominations, thep that tuppty the room of Chrtd hae clean Teaand purgen the Churches of England of,takingatwap all uch fullomn- nets and filthiitets,as though blind ‘Devotion and ignozance hath crept Into the Church thele many hundzed pears, TAberefoyr, O pe goon Ehylttian people, pe Dearly betouen in Chyiet ‘Jelus, pe that ployp not in wozlDly and bain ligion, in phantattical adogning and Decking, but rejopee (ribs eart ta (ec the ploy of Govteulp Cet forth, ‘anpthe Chur ches cettoged ta thet ancient and goblp ule, render pour beartp thanks fothe goonnets of Almighty Gov, who hath in our apes trven up the arts not only of bis govlp (yachers aud Winitters, but alfo of bis fehful and mott Chylitian sagitrates ano Sobernours,ta bying tich Bodly things to pats. Guo foyatmnuch as pour Churches ace fcouredand finept feort the fin fal and Cuperttitious filthinets wheretoith thep were Defiien and disfigu: red: Do iat good people, to keep pour Churches comely then not to be Defilen with rain and weather, with Dung aun Dinig, Starep, anv Choughs, and ather fitthinely, as ; “Pits foul anoiamentable to beboln in many places of this Country. ‘Ut fs the outs of prayer,not ‘the boute of talking,of watking of byatwi- ing, of mintrelfie, of batoks,and bags. Ppobdoke not the Difplealuce and plagues of Sod, fo: Delpifing anvabufing bis help Donk, as the wicked Tetns Div. But babe Sod in pour heart, be obenient to bis bleten AH, bind pour flees ebery man and worhan,ta pour potver, toward the reparations anu clean keeping of the Church.to ‘the Intent that pe may ‘be partakers of Sons manifotn blettings,ano that pe map be the better neburaged to telozt to pour arith Church, there to learn pour Dutp Lowarns God and pour Meighbour, there to be prefent and partakers of Woyltts bolp Saccaments, there to tenber thanks to pout eabenip ‘Sather Coy the manifoln benefits tobich he dally poureth upon pou,there to pap together, and to call upon SoDe poly Same, which be bletiko WeND without end. Amen. AN AN HOMILY OF Good Works. And firlt of Fafting. HE life which we live in this weygoo CC huian people) ts of the tree benchit st God lent ug, pet not to ule tt at owe plealure, after our oton fle dylp tolll : but to trape over the famein thote Coks twhith are beleeming them that are de: tome new Creatures in Chzitt. Chete wozka the Apoflle calleth Sead workw, created in Chis Felus to yood woes , which Gov hath ogdatney that we ould Wwalkinthem, nb pet bis meaning not by thefetwoyds, to inbuce us, to babe anp afifance, oy to put anp Confibence in our Wozks. ae bythe meeit and velerbing of them to pure chafe to our (elbes and others temifion of fn, and fo confequentip e+ Lerlatling life, fox that were meee blafphemp again Sons mercy, ond Great derogation tothe blood. Hevding of our Sapiottr Telus Chzltt. ‘Fo7 it is of the free graceanDmetcy of Cod, bp the meniation of the bioon of dis Son Fetus Chyitt,without merit 02 deterking on our part, that ott fing are foygiben us,that ine are reconciles and ‘ppouphtagain inta bis favour, ond are made Prive of bis beabenlp Alrgoem. Syace Claith &. Avguftine) belonging ta Sov, who doth callug,and then bath: be good works, whotoewrr recelverh grace, Goon works then hing 165 faping , tele are Gods Woykmanthlp, Ephec a: ‘Aug. deid- Ef od sispl lib, Nat Forth maces burare bought fogth by grace. Che toheel (faith be) ‘Bua 28, tucneth round, pot to the end that it map be mabe round ; but becaute it isfirtt mane round, therefore it turnerpround, Bo, andath foo toogke, to receive Grace bp bis good works = but betaufe be hath firft reteiven grace, therefore confequentiy be Doth goad woyks. Gn in another place be faith, Coob works go not befoze in him which Mall Avg. de fae afterward be juflifien, but goon works vo follow atter when @ MANIG & operibwe, fit judifien. &, Paul therefore teacheth,that tee mutt Do OOD works eap.4- foy Divers tefprags : Fit, to thet our (elves obedient childzen unto ‘our beabenlp Father,tabe hath oyoained them, that we thowld talk in. theme. Secondlp,for that they ace Food declarations and teftimontes of our judification, Chirvlp, that ethers feeing stir good wozks, map the rather bp them be Mitced up and crcited to ploplBie out Father which ts inbeaven, Letus not theretoze be Nack ta Do goow works, Cecing tt is the will of Gob thar we thouid walk tn them, alluring out Clues thatat thelot Day, everyman thall receive of Sob Co? his labour Done tytrue faith, agreater rewarDthan bis mozks habe delerbed. And be- toute fomewwbat fall now be (poken of one particn ar good wozk, Whole # z com 2 166 Levitsié, and 23. Zach. The Firft pare of the Sermon ‘Commendation is bothin the Law and in the Gofpel : thus much ts fate ‘inthe beginning generalip of all good works, ‘Sirf, to remove out of the wap of the fimple and untearneD, this Dangerous fumbling block, that anp mat (howto go about to purchate oy bup heaven with bid works. Pecowvalp,to take away (fo niuch as way be) from envious minds, an flanberous tongues, all ja occafion of flanberous fpeaking,as thougly Good wopks were rejecten, Chls good work which now thal be treatem ‘of, is Fatting, whic) ts found in the Scriptures to ‘be of tivo foyts. The one outward, pertaining to the bow, the other inward,n the peart and mind Chis outward Fart, ts an abftinence Ecomrmeat, byink,and alt natural food,pea, from ail delicious pleatures and Delemations wozlalp. ‘Tlhen this oursmard Fatt pertaineth to one particular man, oz to a few, And not the whole numbee of the people, tor caules which hereafter Shall be Declared, then tt ts catlen apyibate Fatt: ‘But when the tohole multitung of men, women andchildzen, tua Cotunihtp oa City, pea, theough @ whole Countrp,bo Eatt,tt tgtallen.a publick fat Such was that tot which the whole multitune ot the chitozen of Flerael were com- manded to keep the tenth Day of the feornth month, becanle Fimightp Gob appointed that Day to bea cleanfing Dap, a bap of atonement, a tire at reconectliation,a Day wherein the people were cleanfeD from thei Gins.CDhe aver and manner folw ft tag Done, fs wwyitten (nthe rol AnD reith Chapters of Leviticus. Chat vay the people did lament,mourn, oeep,z10 bewall thei former fius.anw wholoeber upon that Dap bianot Sumble bis foul, bewaiting his fins, as is Cal, abtaining from all bo. Dilp food, until the eventing, that foul (faith the Ainighty Sod hours Be Defropen fcom among bis people. Eile Da Not read that Mofes pydained, Op obec of Law, any Dates of publick fat throughout the Iobole pear, moje than that one bap. Che Zeus notwithftanding bao moze tines of common fating, which the Prophet Zachary reciteth ta be the (atk of the fourth, the fail of the fifth, the fait of the febenth, ann the fat ofthe tenth month. Sut foy that tt appearcth not ih the Lato wher thep were indituted, itis to be judged, thatthole other times of fafting, moze than the fait of the feventh month, were opdained among the Jews bp the appointment of theit Sovernours,rather of Devotion, than bp anecpyels commanoment given Ccom Gov. Cipon the ovdi- nance of this general fad, good mentook occafion to Appointta them: felbes private fats, at (uch times ag ‘thep Din either earneftlp lament ano betnatl their Gnful lives, 02010 auDid themfelves to moze fervent proper, that it might pleate God to turn bis twzath from them, tober either thep were abmonttyev and ‘ooughe to the coniperation thercot bp the meaching vt the Prophets, 9 otherwnife tuber thep Caw prelent Dangee to hangover theit beads. His foprowfutnels of heart, jopned with fatting,thep uttercd Cometines bp thelr outward ‘bebabtout and ges ftute of boop, putting on fackcloth,fpainkting thembelbes with aljes ann DU, and fitting op Iping uponthe earth. Foz when goodmen feelin themetoes the beabp burden of Gin,(ce Damnation to be the rewardoe it, ‘ann beboln inith the epe ot thelc mind the hoyrour of hell, they tremble thep quake, andace fitardip touchen with forrotvfulnets of heart for theic offences,and cannot but acculethemfetves and open this ther grict uate Aimigbty Gov, and call unto him fox neccp. Chis being done ferloutly, thele mind ts fooccupien, partly with Cozraw and heavinels , pactly toith an carnedt Delite to Le neltuerey from this mange Breit 3 rammnation. — = —# of Fafting. fli “ad i © Bamnation, that vee of msc aun Dynk i latbapart, aw loath. fomnels of all twozlolp tinngs and pleatures cometh in plate, fo that hething then ltketh them moze,than to weep, to lament, ta mourn,and both with woyds and behaviour of baby, tathew themfelves wwearp of this We. Chus did David fat, when he made tntetcelion to Itmighry Sov lop the Chtlos life begotten in adultery of Barhfheba, Uriah's bite) Sing Achab fatted after thig {oyt,iben ft repenten hint Of murdertnt of Naboth, bewatling bis own finful Doings. Such was the Ninivices fat, byousbt to repentance by Jonas preaching. €Ciben feuctp thowfand of the » [fraciies weee ath ti bate! agatntt theBenjamites, ‘the Sccipture faith, Alt the Chitopen of israel, and the whole multitude of the people went fo Beche!, anb {ate there toeeping before the Loyv.ann Eatten all’ that pap Wl night. Sodid Daniel, Helter, Neemias, AMD many otbers in the Judges a0. Ole Cehament kak. “Wut ( anp man will fay, (tis tour, Ca Ebep fnveed, but we are nat now unact.the poke of thelLatw, tie ate fet at lifer. tp bp the freedom of the Gofpel: therefore thote rites and cuftoms of the oft lato bind notus,erceptit can be tyemen bp the Scriptures ofthe new Tefkament, 0. by examples aut of the fame, thatfating now under the Polpel, isa refieaint o€ meat, dink, andall hobilp foot ann pleatures: from the bony, ag befope. Firtt,that tae ought to fatten truth moze ina: uilfett, than thatitthouly here neen tobe plowed, the Scriptures which Seach the fame, ace cbioent. She boube therefore’ ts, whether when lwe Fall, te ought to withpolD from ott bodies all meat anw tink Doe ring the time of our fad, of no? Chat we ought fo todo, map be well gathered upon a quetttion moved bp the Pbarilees to Chit, anv ‘bp big 167 anfwer again tothe Came, CXtbp (fap thep) Da Johns Dittiples fat often, Luke e ‘GND p2ap,and toe likewife? butthp dilciples eat and Beink,and fof not ae @lkIn this (moot) quettion,thep couch up abtillp thig argument 0} teas fon: ¢Uolo Cateth not,that man fs not of Gov. $03 farting anv paper ace tozhs both commenpen aup commanded of Gon in thesdcuiptures, Aud al! good men, Cot Mofes till this time, ag toell the Plophets ag others, have etercited themfelbes in thele works. John alta ann big Ditelples at this day bo fatt oft, and pay much, aud faba we the Phas Uilees tr tke mannets But thpDitciptes tat notatall,which (f thou tilt Denp,We can cality prove tt. Fo; whofoever eateth anv Dyinketh,tattety not. Chp Diltiptes catann oink, therefore they Eat not, DCH we conclude (Cap they) ieceffarily, that netther art thou, Ho} pet thy Ditet. ples, of Gov. Wi maketh antwer, (apie, Can pe make that the ehildyen of the wedding Mall Eat, while the byfbeptoom is with them 2 Thedaies thal came when the byibegtoom thall be taken from thems Ani thote bates hall thep fad. Dur Saviour Chpitt,tike a good patter, Defendeth the Mnocencp of pis Ditciples Againg the malice of thearco. Sant Pbarilees, an ploveth that his Ditciples are not Gufltp of trang Brelfing anp jot of Gods Law, although as thentbep tattev,and in bis anfiver veproneth the Wharitees of upeeitition ann Yenopance, Sus pecttition, becaute thep puta Religion in their Doings, anv alcribed ho: linefs to the outward Wwozk Wrourde, Not teRacving ta batend faiting fs opdained. DE (uopance, fopthat thep coulp not pitcert between time Ghd time. C hep kieto not that there toa time of tejopeing and micthy anda time again of famentation ano maucning,tobich bor be teachethy tn pis anfiner, as thall be touchen moze largely ercatter, then we Walt Chet what time fs mot fit to fast tn, aa Za ‘ 168 The Firft part of the Sermon But bere, beloven, tet us note, that our Sadtour Chyld,in mabing bis anfioer to theic queftton, Denien not, but confeticd that bis Dikiples fa- fen not,and theretoze agreeth to the Pbaritees in this,as unto a mant fet truth; that thors cateth and mtnketh, fatleth not. Fading thene- hen bp Cinifts affent,is AtithhorDing of meat, Dyk, anv all natural ae foon fom the banp, Foy the Betermmined time of Catting. Ano that i was ingen in the PumitiweChurch appeareth mow etme te theChalcedom Touneél one of the Cour fir genecal Councils. he Fathers allembien ‘ghere,to the mimber of 639. confinering with themllves Yow accepta. Ble a thing fading i8 ta ood, tober it ts uled accoyding to bis ond: & aig, babing befoye totic epes afo the gceat abults OF the fame crept tito the Church at thole aps, though the negligence of them whith 1 Soult bate taught the people the right ufe thereof, and bp bainglofes, Detelfed of men > to retoyn the fare ‘abules, aun to refloze this fo good ang wooly a toozk, tothe true wie thercot, decreed in that Council, that ebctp perfor as wellin bis pytbate as publick fatt,thoute continue all the Dap without meat and Dink, till after the Evening prayer. anv Anbolocber DD, cat 02 Dink befoze the Evening paper was ended, Should be accounted and reputed not to confiver the pucity of bis fant, Chis Canswtenchetp fo chivently hot Eating was wled tn the Pzimt- five -Cinucch, as bp toys ft cannot be maze plainly expyeficd. ‘Farting then, bp the necree of thele fic bunbye aD thitp Sathers , Brounding theit Determination in this matter upon the (acres Seely: fires, and long continued ufage 0) practice, both of the Prophets and other ponly perfons, hefoye the coming of Citi, and ot the pa. 1 Bles and other Detout mien inthe Hew Testament, is a toitbolding of qmeat, Dylk, and ali natual food from the boty, fox the Determined Hime of tacking, eC bus rnuch ts fpeken hitherto, to make plain unto ny na aaa a ‘Bow hercatter hail be MHewen the true ann right ol i. > Gos works acenot all of one Loge. Faz fame are of themfelveg, and ‘ef their on proper nature altoates good: ag to lobe Sov above alt things, te lobe thy Aeighbour as thy leit, to ponour thy Sather and Mother, ta honour the bigher [Powcrs,ta give to eberp nan that wpicp sés pis due, and fuch like, Dther fpozka there be, which confivered in themfetues, without fucther refpert, ace of their etn mature meecip in- pifierent, that ip, nelther geod roy evil, but take thety Denomutnation of the ufe 03 end ‘whereunto thep ferbe, Mbich woyks having a good end, arecallen Sood woxks,and ace fo inbeen: but pet that cometh not of themieives, but of the good end jobereunto thep ace referred. On the other fbe,itthe end that thep (erve unto,be ebil,{t cannot then othertoife be,but that they mutt needs be evil alfa. DF this fort of topks,(s fading, i which of it (eit tea thing mieeelp (nbiffecent: ‘but it te mave better og { wopte by the end that tt ferbeth unto. Foz when ft relpedteth a good end, . ft is a good mozks butebe end being cullgthe twoyk {t Cet€ ip alto bilo “ fat then with this perfioation of mind, that our fating, aud ole good iwozka.can make we pected and jut men,and Givaltp,bying us to heaven, fg a Devility peclioafion, and that {att to fo far off from pleating of Bod, that ttrefurerh bis mercy, anb ig altogether Drtogatoyy to the merits of Cinits venth,anv his precious blooD-fening. ‘Chis both ‘Lobes. the parable of the Pbacilee and the Publican teach. - Tivo men Cait Chple) went up cogetherinto the empl to prap,the one a hari, the of Falting. 169: the other a Publican : the barllee Moov and prayed thus wich hlnvlelf, Gthank thee, D Gon, that T am not ag other men are, extoxtioners, unjud, adulterers, aidas this faublican is, J Catt tioice fn the Week, FJ pide tithes of allthatZpollets. The faublican foodafat of, and wouth not fift up bis epes ta Heaben, but Mote bis beat, ano Catv, Gon be merciful tomeafinne:. Inthe pecton of this Pharile, our PoviourChyitt (ctterh out to the epe,and ta the jubgment of the tooglo, a pertert, jutarn righteous man,{uch a one ag (6 not (patten with thote ‘ices that men commonly are Inteoted tith,ettoztion, bylberp, palling and pilling thelr neighbour, robbers anv (potters of Commonteals, ciattp, and fubtile m chopping and changing, uling Calle weights, ano Beteflable perjurp i thetr buping and felling, Coynicatoys, adulterers, and pictous libers. € be Jharitee was no Lach man, neither Cautty tt any {uch ithe notoplous crime. ‘ut there other teanfgrelted bp lenbing things undone, which pet the Law required: this man Din moze than. ‘twas requifite bp the Lat. Foz he fatten thicein theweek, and Gabe tithes DE all that he had, Ceibatcould the Topo then jualy blame thismane pea,tobat outward thing moze could be Defired to bein ‘to make him a more perfca anda moje jut man? Crulp, nothin Mang jubpmentsand pet our Saviour C pid pretecceth the por - ican toithout Canine, befoze him with his fat: Che caule whp he Dory fo, is manifeft. For iheFoublican having no goovwosks at all ta tru unto, pielpepup bimftle unto Sod, contetting bia fing, and oped cere tainlp to belaveD bp Sons free mercy onlp, Che PPbariiee ployiew, ann trugenfo much to bis woyks, that be thought bimielé dire enongy Without metcy, and that he Hould come to Heaven bp bis tating, an other deeds. Co this end ferbeth that parable. For tt is (pokenta them that truficn in thernlelbes, that they were righteous, and Defpiten others. ow becaule the Pharilce nirccreth bis ozks to an ebil end, fecking by them juliification, which indeed is the proper woykof Sov without our merits, bis faking uice in the toerk, and all bis otbee wopks, though thep were neber fo manp.and fecmento the taoyld never fo goon and holy, petin werp Deed befoye God thep atealtogetberebil ‘and abominable. Che mark a\fo that the Dppoctites Hheot at with their fart, is, toappear hoip inthe eye ofthe wozid, and fo to win commren- Dation and pyaife of men. "But our Sabour Chic faith of them,thep Matth: & have ther retoard, that {9,thep have praife and commendation of ‘men, tut of Gon thep babe none atall. Foy whatfoeber tendeth to an evil enb, ip itlelf, by tyatevitend, made evitalto. Qifain, (o long as'ine ‘hep umgodline’s tn ou tearts, aub fufler ticked thoughts to tarry there, thoush tne fat as oft as DIM either &. Paul 93 John Eapdf, and ‘herp it as Geietlpas Did the Ninivites : pet Hail tt be not onlp unprofe table tous, but alfa a thing that greatip vifpleateth Aimightp Sov. ‘Foy be (aith, that bis foul abborceth ann hateth uch fattings, pra, thep rai: ate aburtben unto him, and be ts weary of bearing them.anptheretoye De fnvetgheth mot harplp araint them (aping bp themouth ofthese phet Iaiah, Behold when pou fat, your lust vematneth till, for pebono 4e(s wiofence to pour Debtoys. Lo, pr fort to fcife ‘ann debate, and to ial’. finite With the Af ef wickeDnete, sow pe hall nat fattthus, that pou map make pour baiceta be beard abobe. € bink pe this fait pleateth me. that aman (youl chatten bimlett foz adap? Gould that be called a fading, of ebay that pleatety the Loy? How vearlp betobed » gid aes ah

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