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Electronics Task phase POA

Parallel Task : 1. Arduino Coursera

(Week 5-8) 2. PCB Designing


1) Task 1 :
1. Resistors:
a) Types (Carbon Composition, Wire-Wound, Thick Film, Thin Film)
b) Variable Resistance (Potentiometer, LDR, Varistor, Thermistor)
c) Applications (Voltage divider, current divider, Pull up, pull down, LED protection,
heating element)
2. Capacitor:
a) Types (Ceramic, Film, Electrolytic, Paper)
b) Applications (Reducing high frequency noise (RF, EMI interference), reduce ripple fact,
filtering high frequency AC, improving power factor, temporary power source)
3. Inductor:
a) Applications (Tuning, Sensor, Energy reserve, Transformer)
4. Diode:
a) Construction
b) Zener diode
c) Datasheet
d) Applications

2) Task 2:
1. Bipolar Junction Transistor
3. Reading a Datasheet


3) Task 3:
1. Earthing, grounding,
2. Transformer
3. relays,
4. optocoupler
5. voltage regulator (Buck converters)
4) Task 4:
1. Motors (PMDC, BLDC, Stepper, Servo)


5) Task 5:
1. H-bridge motor drivers
2. Encoders (Mechanical, Optical, Magnetic)

6) Task 6:
1. Battery
a) Lead – Acid Batteries
b) Nickel – Cadmium Batteries
c) Nickel – Metal Hydride Batteries
d) Lithium – Ion Batteries
e) Primary Batteries


7) Task Phase 7:
Battery Parameters :
a) Storage Capacity
b) Output power rating (V/I characteristics)
c) Charging voltage/current
d) Operating conditions
e) Discharge rate (C rating)
f) Battery Efficiency
g) State of Charge
h) Depth of Discharge
i) Cycle lifetime

8) Task 8 :
1. Communication protocols
a) Inter-system protocols (USB, UART)
b) Intra-System protocols (I2C, SPI, CAN)
2. PWM

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