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Name:_____________________________________Grade/Section:________________Subject:English 8______ Date:___________________

DIPHTHONG PRACTICE: Read the story below and identify the words that contain diphthongs. Then, write each word
below the column that contains its diphthong sound symbol.

One morning, an old man found a tiny baby from the corn he harvested on his farm. He and his
wife raised the baby as their own son. The boy never grew taller than an inch, but he was very strong
and brave. Little One-Inch knew his parents were proud of him, but he wanted to prove himself to the
world. He decided to travel to the emperor’s palace. The boy paddled down the river day after day. He
faced rain, rough waters, and hungry fish. He did not stop just to make sure that he will achieve his
goal. At the palace, he introduced himself to the emperor. The emperor let the princess keep Little
One-Inch as a playmate. That day, a terrible bear attacked the princess. Little One-Inch crawled into
the shaggy hair covering the bear’s body and began to tickle him. The bear giggled and squealed and
rolled wildly on the ground. Over and over he rolled until he rolled right into the river and sank to the
bottom. To thank Little One-Inch for his brave act, the emperor made him a samurai, an honored

/aʊ/ /aɪ/ /eɪ/ /eə/ /ɪə/ /oʊ/ /ɔɪ/ /ʊə/

Name:_____________________________________Grade/Section:________________Subject:English 8______ Date:___________________
DIPHTHONG PRACTICE: Read the story below and identify the words that contain diphthongs. Then, write each word below the column that
contains its diphthong sound symbol.

One morning, an old man found a tiny baby from the corn he harvested on his farm. He and his wife raised the baby as their own
son. The boy never grew taller than an inch, but he was very strong and brave. Little One-Inch knew his parents were proud of him,
but he wanted to prove himself to the world. He decided to travel to the emperor’s palace. The boy paddled down the river day after
day. He faced rain, rough waters, and hungry fish. He did not stop just to make sure that he will achieve his goal. At the palace, he
introduced himself to the emperor. The emperor let the princess keep Little One-Inch as a playmate. That day, a terrible bear attacked
the princess. Little One-Inch crawled into the shaggy hair covering the bear’s body and began to tickle him. The bear giggled and
squealed and rolled wildly on the ground. Over and over he rolled until he rolled right into the river and sank to the bottom. To thank
Little One-Inch for his brave act, the emperor made him a samurai, an honored warrior.

/aʊ/ /aɪ/ /eɪ/ /eə/ /ɪə/ /oʊ/ /ɔɪ/ /ʊə/

found tiny Baby, day bear squealed Old, goal boy sure
proud wife Raised, hair warrior corn grew
ground wildly Brave, made achieved own knew
down right faced rain keep ogre
samurai Playmate, make rolled

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