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010 Quezon Ave. Brgy. Dadiangas West, General Santos City, 9500


Unacceptable Poor Good Excellent SCORE

1-3 4-5 6-7 8-10

Content Student has failed to Student has adequately Student has clearly Student has clearly and
communicate the ability to communicated the communicated the fully communicated the
interpret the significance ability to interpret the ability to interpret the ability to interpret the
of their research and/or significance of their significance of their significance of their
place it in the context of research and/or place it research and/or place research and place it in
existing geologic in the context of it in the context of the context of existing
knowledge existing geologic existing geologic geologic knowledge
knowledge knowledge
Mechanics Writing is poor and may or Writing is adequate and Writing is clear, concise Writing is clear, concise
may not be in the style may or may not be in and in the style and is of publication
appropriate for the project the style appropriate for appropriate for the quality
the project project
Organization The paper is poorly The paper is adequately The paper is logically The paper is logically
structured and may or structured and may or structured and in an structured and in an
may not be in an may not be in an appropriate format appropriate format for
appropriate format appropriate format publication
ORAL Presentation
Content The presentation fails to The presentation The presentation The presentation clearly
convey the problem, the adequately conveys the clearly conveys the and fully communicates
methodology, data problem, the problem, the the problem, the
analysis, interpretation methodology, data methodology, data methodology, data
and results analysis, interpretation analysis, interpretation analysis, interpretation
and results and results and results in a
NBSPI and the instructor own this test. It is prohibited to reproduce, copy, modify, distribute, or publish its content (in part or whole) without prior written
permission .
010 Quezon Ave. Brgy. Dadiangas West, General Santos City, 9500

professional manner
Organization The presentation was The presentation was The presentation was The presentation was
poorly organized, and adequately organized, logically organized, logically organized,
failed to include an including a introduction including a introduction including an informative
introduction which states which states the which states the introduction which
the problem and/or its problem but not problem and its clearly states the
significance necessarily its significance problem and its
significance significance with
seamless transitions
between topics
Media Involved technology that Involved technology Presentation used Presentation used
distracted from the that did not enhance technology in an technology in an
audience’s ability to the audience’s ability to appropriate way appropriate way that
understand the data and understand the data enhances the ability of
its interpretation. and its interpretation. the audience to
understand the content
Q&A Student’s responses fails Student’s responses Student’s responses Student’s responses
to demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate complete clearly demonstrate
understanding and/or incomplete understanding and complete understanding
depth of the problem understanding and/or depth of the problem and depth of the
depth of the problem problem beyond the

NBSPI and the instructor own this test. It is prohibited to reproduce, copy, modify, distribute, or publish its content (in part or whole) without prior written
permission .

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