A Detailed Lesson Plan in Senior High

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Detailed Lesson Plan in

Technology and Livelihood Education


I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
a. Identify the different kinds of joinery;
b. Value the different types of joinery;
c. Demonstrate how to make the different types of joinery;

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic : joinery, wood joints
b. Time allotment: 60 minutes
c. Materials : Laptop, projector, construction tools and materials
d. Reference : THE III CIVIL TECHNOLOGY pp.45-46

III. Learning Procedure

Teachers Activity Students Activity
Good morning claas!
Good morning sir!
A. Review
Before we procced to our topic for this morning,
let us have a recall our last topic. What is a batter
board again?
Batter board is a temporary framework that
holds the lay-out of a building construction.
Very good! What are the two types of batter
The two types of batter boards are batter boards
for foundation posts and batter boards for
foundation walls.
Graet ! what is the use of batter boards?
Batter boards are then used to holdlay-out lines
to indicate the limits, edges, and corners of the
B. Motivation
Before we start our discussion, let us have a
simple activity first. What you are going to do is
identify the picture that I will be showing to you.
Are you ready?
Butt Joints

Mitered Joints

Half -lap Joints

Rabbet Joints
Good job class!
C. Unlocking Difficulties
Class, what are those pictures?
Those are joineries. Those pictures show the
differentkinds of wood joineries.
Very good! What is joinery?
Joinery is the art of making wood joints. It is the
process of putting together the parts of the
pieceof project with the use of some devices
such as metal fastening and their attachments.
What is a butt joint?
A butt joint is a technique in which two pieces of
wood are joined by simply placing their ends
together without any special shaping.
Very good! In addition to that, a butt joint is the
simplest joint to make since it merely involves
cutting the wood to the appropraite length and
butting them because unless some form of
reinforcement is used. It relies upon the glue
alone to hold it together.
Procedure of making butt joint;
a. Square the end of a piece of board, which is
butted against the flat surface of another surface
of another piece.
b. Mark the exact location of the joint on the
surface that will meet the square end.
c. Choose the best fasteners. It may be nails,
screws, dowels , or corrugated metals.
Another kind of joint is miter joint.
Miter joint is a joint by beveling each two parts to
be joined. Usually at a 45v degree angle, to form
a corner usually a 90 degree.
That`s right ! what is the disadvantage of a miter
The disadvantage of a miter joint is its weakness
but it can be strengthened with a spline.
Great! What are two common variations of
splined miter joint?
There are two common variations of splined .
Miter joint, one is where the spline is long and
runs the length of the mating surface and
another where the spline is perpendicular to the
joined edges.
What is the use of a miter joint?
The miter joint is used when the end grain must
be cancealed. For accurate mitering, use a miter
box with a stiffed box saw, or an improvised
miter box.
Procedure on making miter joint:
a. Mark the pieces for cutting. It can be difficult
to measure mitered boards accurately, so it`s
often better to hold them in place against the
window, door, or table, and mark them.
b. Set the saw to correct angle
c. Cut the boards
d. Cut the biscuit slots
e. Fasten the joints
Very good! What is a rabbet joint?
A rabbet joint is L shaped, cut along the edge or
end of a piece of wood. It becomes a rabbet joint
when a piece of wood is butted into it.
Great! Where is rabbet joint commonly used?
This type of joint is commonly used for drawer
and book case construction.
Procedure on making rabbet joint
a. Begin by doing the marking on your wood
piece. At this stage , need to measure the width
and the depth of the rabbet that you want to cut
with the help of a chisel, then mark it with a
b. After you have marked the depth and the
width, create a guide by cutting slightly along the
marked edges to create shoulders that will guide
the chisel as you go deep into the wood
c. With the guiding marks that you have
previously made, chop along the joint and across
the grain until you have removed the wood up to
where you haved marked.
d. Now clean it up to the inside corner to the
rabbet as you finish up. There are many ways to
do it, you can use anything from micro fiber cloth
to a blow-drier.
Great! Another kind of joinery is half lap joint.
What is a half lap joint?
A lap joint is a joint in which the member overlap.
A lap joint may be full lap or half lap.
That is right! What is the difference between full
and half lap?
In a full lap, no material is removed from either
of the members to be joined. Resulting in a joint
which is the combined thickness of the two
members, while in half joint, material is removed
from both of the members so that the resulting
joint is the thickness of the thickest and half the
thickness of each is removed.
Procedure on making lap joint:
a. Meassure and mark the pieces of timber, cut
your pieces of timber to the size you need
b. Cut the timber for the joint. Check that the two
pieces fit together correctly and tightly
c. Fix the joint with nails. Used galvanised nails
for construction work
d. Fix the joint with screws.
Excellent! Now you are all ready to start your
activity for today.
D. Activity proper
Class before we start with the activity, let me
check first the tools and materials that we are
going to use.
Tools and Materials: claw hammer, hand saw,
chisel, steel tape, L square, common nails wood
You are all now ready and prepared. I will going
to group you into 2 groups. Are you ready?
Yes Sir!
You may now begin start from the easy joint first.
Students are doing the activity given a guide copy
of the activity .
Each group are given a task to do all the 4 joinery
and supervised by the teacher.
We are done sir.
Very good! What can you tell about our activity
When we are looking the samplepictures you
showed us. I thoughtit was that easy but when
we already try it. We realized that it is not that
easy to make wooden joints. But we still enjoyed
Very good! I `m happy to hear that.
E. Generalization
what is the importance of joinery or wood joints?
The importance of joinery is to solve storage
problems and creates a smart clean look. It is also
important especialy in doing furniture, cabinets,
Very good!

IV. Assessment
Criteria for Excellent 5pts Good 4pts Fair 3pts Undeveloped Non-
judging 2pts comploiance
Job The projects One of the Two or more The project Student did
compliance lay-out, following of the was complete not complete
design, finish criteria needs following but less than project in
and overall improvement criteria needs satisfactory on timeperiod
appearance ( layout, improvement layout ,design, given, refused
was excellent design, finish ( layout, finish or to start
or overall design, finish overall project or
appearance or overall appearance abandoned
appearance project once
Demonstrate Student know Student know Student is Student is not Student
knowledge of and is able to and is able to unable to able to lacked interest
the process identify and identify and identify or identify both in
explain explain explain explain major demonstrating
necessary necessary concepts theories/ task. knowledge of
theories/ task theories/ task without major Uses others project and or
for completion for completion prompting. view to process.
of the project of the project Requires adult explain the
relies on own with some assisstance to task on own
memory skills assisstance. get job done. for any of
to get task Uses own Uses very little steps.
done words to vocabulary to
describe task. describe the
Time Routinely Used time Procrastinated Was unable to Student
management used well fairly well somewhat but adequately showed no
throughout throughout did get the job meet timeline interest in
the project to the project. done on time. due to completing
get the job inability. project on
done time time.
Application of Student Student Student Student failed Student was
safety followed all followed most attempted to to follow a not safe
practices safety rules safety rules, follow safety significant enough to
may have rules but number of enter
forgotten one failed to meet safety rules participate in
several class.
Clean up Student Student Students Student Student did
routinely mostly performed performed not perform
followed followed their required their required their clean up
through on through on clean up clean up duties.
their daily daily clean up duties more duties less
clean up than 50% of than 50
assignment the time but percent of the
less than 70% time
of the time

V. Evaluation
Read the following questions carefully.
1. Tool use to measure distance and tickness of the lumber or any materials?
2. Joint is a technique in which two pieces of wood are joined by simply placing their ends
together without any special shaping?
3. Is a joint in which the member overlap?
4. Is a joint by beveling each two parts to be joined. Usually at a 45v degree angle, to form a
corner usually a 90 degree?
5. Is a technique in which two pieces of wood are joined by simply placing their ends together
without any special shaping?
6. Tool use to cut a wooden materials?
7. It is material use to fastened the wooden joints?
8. Why is it important to know how make wooden joints? 3pts

VI. Assignment

Review for the periodical examination.

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