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[11/09/2023, 21:27:14] (Burger) Kings 👑: Messages and calls are end-to-end

encrypted. No one outside of this chat, not even WhatsApp, can read or listen to
[11/09/2023, 21:27:14] Hannah DCU: Hannah DCU created group “Creep catchers”
[11/09/2023, 21:27:14] (Burger) Kings 👑: Hannah DCU added you
[11/09/2023, 21:27:22] Hannah DCU: Lol took inspiration from name
[11/09/2023, 21:27:30] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000005-STICKER-2023-09-11-21-27-
[11/09/2023, 21:27:45] Naia DCU: Less goo
[11/09/2023, 21:27:51] George Rice: It's done the perfect enivronment for me to
talk filled with all the people from eue I still want to talk to
[11/09/2023, 21:27:54] Naia DCU: Creep catchers here we go
[11/09/2023, 21:27:56] Hannah DCU: Haha
[11/09/2023, 21:28:01] Naia DCU: Ayyy
[11/09/2023, 21:28:03] Hannah DCU: Okay so shall we start with saturday
[11/09/2023, 21:28:07] Hannah DCU: Then go back to dcu
[11/09/2023, 21:28:12] George Rice: Ok go
[11/09/2023, 21:28:12] Naia DCU: Oh yeah u go with that
[11/09/2023, 21:28:14] Hannah DCU: Ok
[11/09/2023, 21:28:19] George Rice: I wasn't doing anything better
[11/09/2023, 21:28:22] Naia DCU: He finally leave me alone now unlike you
[11/09/2023, 21:28:23] Hannah DCU: Well this Saturday Ben was being pretty weird..
[11/09/2023, 21:28:28] Hannah DCU: Uhh
[11/09/2023, 21:28:32] Hannah DCU: He was very touchy
[11/09/2023, 21:28:46] Hannah DCU: Like he kept touching me and like he slid his
hand up my thigh
[11/09/2023, 21:28:47] Hannah DCU: Yk
[11/09/2023, 21:28:53] George Rice: Ew what
[11/09/2023, 21:28:54] Hannah DCU: Poor niah had to watch
[11/09/2023, 21:28:58] Hannah DCU: IK I WAS LIKE WHAT
[11/09/2023, 21:29:03] George Rice: Yo said nothing
[11/09/2023, 21:29:02] Naia DCU: Classic Ben move
[11/09/2023, 21:29:16] George Rice: Bro i fr would've hit the guy
[11/09/2023, 21:29:17] Hannah DCU: And he kept talking abt pivlcking me up n stuff
and when we said goodbye...
[11/09/2023, 21:29:42] Hannah DCU: He picked me up and "hugged me" but not normally
he proper squashed me so hard my back cracked
[11/09/2023, 21:29:52] George Rice: Oh yeah he did that to me too
[11/09/2023, 21:29:54] Hannah DCU: And he even got looks from strangers and I was
like ehat the fick
[11/09/2023, 21:29:57] Hannah DCU: And he was like
[11/09/2023, 21:29:57] Naia DCU: Istg whenever I saw smth kinda Dodgey I kept
trying to convince myself itbwws accidental or smth I should have said smth
[11/09/2023, 21:30:04] George Rice: I thought nothing of it cuz I'm like almost 6th
[11/09/2023, 21:30:07] Hannah DCU: Would u prefer me place u on the bus
[11/09/2023, 21:30:15] Hannah DCU: He like acc proper hurt me tho
[11/09/2023, 21:30:22] Hannah DCU: Simce km not 6ft
[11/09/2023, 21:30:26] George Rice: Shit
[11/09/2023, 21:30:36] Hannah DCU: He did like stuff all day ngl
[11/09/2023, 21:30:56] George Rice: Huh crazy how I didn't notice
[11/09/2023, 21:30:58] Hannah DCU: And me and niah started talking tn
[11/09/2023, 21:31:11] Hannah DCU: And we started putting stuff together from dcu
[11/09/2023, 21:31:23] Naia DCU: I was so close to saying smth but I'm shit with
standing up to people about shit like that
[11/09/2023, 21:31:29] Hannah DCU: And bro is a PROPER creep once we put it
[11/09/2023, 21:31:34] Naia DCU: Yeah there's a good bit
[11/09/2023, 21:31:41] George Rice: God damn
[11/09/2023, 21:31:43] Hannah DCU: Its okay
[11/09/2023, 21:31:49] George Rice: I thought he wa s just a bit wierd
[11/09/2023, 21:31:56] Hannah DCU: U have no idea
[11/09/2023, 21:32:05] Naia DCU: Yeah no it was a bit more than just being weird
[11/09/2023, 21:32:05] Hannah DCU: Wait can I just forward my texts
[11/09/2023, 21:32:11] Naia DCU: I think so
[11/09/2023, 21:32:19] Naia DCU: You can forward mine as well if u want
[11/09/2023, 21:32:26] Hannah DCU: Ok oll ss
[11/09/2023, 21:32:42] George Rice: I mean like me a Aiden had a running joke about
him being called "the rizzlord" or the "whale lord" cuz we saw him talking to naia
[11/09/2023, 21:32:55] George Rice: Thinking back now it was a bit strange
[11/09/2023, 21:33:04] Naia DCU: Oh boy you guys have no idea how fitting that joke
[11/09/2023, 21:33:18] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000059-PHOTO-2023-09-11-21-33-
[11/09/2023, 21:33:18] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000060-PHOTO-2023-09-11-21-33-
[11/09/2023, 21:33:22] Hannah DCU: Here's the recordings
[11/09/2023, 21:33:34] Naia DCU: That was the first time I'd seen him since I'd
turned him down and he spoke to me but he seemed to pissed lmao
[11/09/2023, 21:33:43] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000063-AUDIO-2023-09-11-21-33-
[11/09/2023, 21:33:43] Hannah DCU: I WAS SO WEIRDED PUT
[11/09/2023, 21:33:44] Hannah DCU: But I was like okay maybe he just wanted to
shoot his shot can't fault him for trying
[11/09/2023, 21:33:44] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000066-AUDIO-2023-09-11-21-33-
[11/09/2023, 21:33:44] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000067-AUDIO-2023-09-11-21-33-
[11/09/2023, 21:33:54] Hannah DCU: Yeah he's very resentful
[11/09/2023, 21:34:02] Naia DCU: Yeah
[11/09/2023, 21:35:08] Naia DCU: Hannah do u remember that one time when he said he
was trying to take money from Ur pocket
[11/09/2023, 21:35:58] Hannah DCU: Uhh yeah
[11/09/2023, 21:36:00] George Rice: Fuck sake i cant make any comment on any of
this without sounding like a cringy stright white male
[11/09/2023, 21:36:05] George Rice: But ehhh
[11/09/2023, 21:36:04] Hannah DCU: Yea
[11/09/2023, 21:36:08] George Rice: This is like
[11/09/2023, 21:36:11] George Rice: Not ok
[11/09/2023, 21:36:19] Naia DCU: No lmao not really
[11/09/2023, 21:36:57] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000078-PHOTO-2023-09-11-21-36-
[11/09/2023, 21:36:57] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000079-PHOTO-2023-09-11-21-36-
[11/09/2023, 21:36:58] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000080-PHOTO-2023-09-11-21-36-
[11/09/2023, 21:36:58] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000081-PHOTO-2023-09-11-21-36-
[11/09/2023, 21:36:58] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000082-PHOTO-2023-09-11-21-36-
[11/09/2023, 21:36:59] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000083-PHOTO-2023-09-11-21-36-
[11/09/2023, 21:36:59] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000084-PHOTO-2023-09-11-21-36-
[11/09/2023, 21:36:59] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000085-PHOTO-2023-09-11-21-36-
[11/09/2023, 21:37:00] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000086-PHOTO-2023-09-11-21-37-
[11/09/2023, 21:37:00] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000087-PHOTO-2023-09-11-21-37-
[11/09/2023, 21:37:00] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000088-PHOTO-2023-09-11-21-37-
[11/09/2023, 21:37:02] Hannah DCU: Soz for spam
[11/09/2023, 21:37:17] Naia DCU: It kinda sucks tho bc on top of the fact that it's
hard to stand up to people about that shit the fact that he had the whole nobody
loves me and I'm so sad and you should be nice to me made it so much harder
[11/09/2023, 21:37:27] Hannah DCU: Yeah
[11/09/2023, 21:37:31] Hannah DCU: It was sm pressure
[11/09/2023, 21:37:54] Hannah DCU: I just wanted to be friends with u all and I
thought if I kicked up a fuss you'd take his side bc u knew him more or smth
[11/09/2023, 21:38:01] Hannah DCU: And I'd seem like a diva
[11/09/2023, 21:38:43] George Rice: Damn hold up
[11/09/2023, 21:38:49] George Rice: I gotta check smthn
[11/09/2023, 21:38:53] Hannah DCU: Ok
[11/09/2023, 21:39:31] Hannah DCU: Guys there was sm stuff
[11/09/2023, 21:39:34] Hannah DCU: But small
[11/09/2023, 21:39:51] Hannah DCU: Anyways Its better now especially when ur all
[11/09/2023, 21:40:07] Hannah DCU: But when me and niah are alone or one on one
with him it's STILL weird
[11/09/2023, 21:41:04] George Rice: Ok i have confirmed it it was literally just me
who was blind to this
[11/09/2023, 21:41:28] Hannah DCU: Wait did u ask jack
[11/09/2023, 21:41:41] George Rice: Yeah
[11/09/2023, 21:41:45] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000105-PHOTO-2023-09-11-21-41-
[11/09/2023, 21:41:54] Hannah DCU: He knew roo I think we talked abt it once
[11/09/2023, 21:41:57] Hannah DCU: Well I did anyways
[11/09/2023, 21:42:07] George Rice: Fucks sake
[11/09/2023, 21:42:23] George Rice: It's a bit late now but we all agree we're
getting rid of him
[11/09/2023, 21:42:32] George Rice: Like gone gone
[11/09/2023, 21:42:33] Naia DCU: Well tbh I can't really blame you he was pretty
discreet and no one really talked about it
[11/09/2023, 21:42:36] Hannah DCU: Idk how to do it or explain
[11/09/2023, 21:42:44] Hannah DCU: Yeah it was just like a thing
[11/09/2023, 21:42:49] Hannah DCU: We had to accept to get along
[11/09/2023, 21:42:51] George Rice: Yeesh that sucks
[11/09/2023, 21:42:51] Naia DCU: Yeah
[11/09/2023, 21:43:09] Hannah DCU: Niah what are the rumors abt him
[11/09/2023, 21:43:14] Hannah DCU: At school
[11/09/2023, 21:43:25] Naia DCU: Oh just that he's kinda creepy
[11/09/2023, 21:43:30] Hannah DCU: Fair
[11/09/2023, 21:43:32] Naia DCU: And that he looks like grug
[11/09/2023, 21:43:37] George Rice: He does
[11/09/2023, 21:43:39] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000123-STICKER-2023-09-11-21-43-
[11/09/2023, 21:43:47] Naia DCU: And it's just a running joke to call someone a Ben
[11/09/2023, 21:43:52] Naia DCU: Or just things like that
[11/09/2023, 21:43:59] Hannah DCU: Guys he is fr normal but he's just like so
bitter all the time
[11/09/2023, 21:44:07] Naia DCU: It's kinda mean but I don't really mind
[11/09/2023, 21:44:09] Hannah DCU: When he goes after George fir his money
[11/09/2023, 21:44:20] George Rice: Ok so here's the plan we're gonna get caoimhe
and jack
[11/09/2023, 21:44:21] Hannah DCU: When he pressures me into dating him and
infantilises me
[11/09/2023, 21:44:25] George Rice: Put them in this group
[11/09/2023, 21:44:26] Hannah DCU: Ok
[11/09/2023, 21:44:28] George Rice: Then leave the other
[11/09/2023, 21:44:28] Naia DCU: Oh god the way he talked to me when he found out
that we were in eye together
[11/09/2023, 21:44:40] Hannah DCU: How??
[11/09/2023, 21:44:44] Hannah DCU: Ok
[11/09/2023, 21:45:12] Naia DCU: And he keeps going on about how I used to ignore
him when I came across him and Id tell him I didnt meant to buy I did I just didn't
want to be alone with him if I could avoid it
[11/09/2023, 21:45:28] Hannah DCU: Guys I hated being alone with him too
[11/09/2023, 21:45:36] Hannah DCU: I didn't want him to come to station with us
[11/09/2023, 21:45:41] Hannah DCU: I wanted my pookie only
[11/09/2023, 21:45:45] Naia DCU: He just seemed to angry that I existed, and got
pissed when I apologized for rejecting him
[11/09/2023, 21:45:51] Hannah DCU: But he waited squished me so hard too
[11/09/2023, 21:45:55] George Rice: You apologized
[11/09/2023, 21:45:59] George Rice: You poor fool
[11/09/2023, 21:45:59] Hannah DCU: HE NEEDS TO LEARN TO COPE
[11/09/2023, 21:46:06] Naia DCU: Fr I was hoping I could just wait with u and that
he'd go home
[11/09/2023, 21:46:12] Hannah DCU: Me too
[11/09/2023, 21:46:17] Hannah DCU: He stayed the while time
[11/09/2023, 21:46:18] Naia DCU: It was so awkward when I left
[11/09/2023, 21:46:21] Hannah DCU: Saying nothing
[11/09/2023, 21:46:24] Naia DCU: Yeah
[11/09/2023, 21:46:41] George Rice: He said nothing at all bpretty much the whole
time i was there
[11/09/2023, 21:46:47] George Rice: Just silent
[11/09/2023, 21:46:50] Naia DCU: Yeah not my best moment
[11/09/2023, 21:46:52] Hannah DCU: Bc he fr hates u
[11/09/2023, 21:46:54] Hannah DCU: Like sm
[11/09/2023, 21:46:58] George Rice: Let's go
[11/09/2023, 21:47:01] George Rice: W
[11/09/2023, 21:47:10] Hannah DCU: Bc u have money and aren't gru
[11/09/2023, 21:47:17] George Rice: Damn
[11/09/2023, 21:47:29] Naia DCU: Literally I remember trying to get him to talk
when u were around and he'd just glare
[11/09/2023, 21:47:37] Hannah DCU: Yeah..
[11/09/2023, 21:47:41] Hannah DCU: He wouldn't wear the hat
[11/09/2023, 21:47:41] Naia DCU: I'm pretty sure he told me he didn't like George
or jack before
[11/09/2023, 21:47:44] George Rice: Yeesh
[11/09/2023, 21:47:48] Hannah DCU: Oh yeah
[11/09/2023, 21:47:51] Hannah DCU: He told me that too
[11/09/2023, 21:47:57] Naia DCU: So disappointing of hum
[11/09/2023, 21:48:06] Naia DCU: Confined then
[11/09/2023, 21:48:16] Naia DCU: Ben is officially a jack and George hater
[11/09/2023, 21:48:23] Hannah DCU: And he wouldn't get on ledge or go outside and
he refused to walk
[11/09/2023, 21:48:34] Hannah DCU: So we had to stay in center told us not to go to
[11/09/2023, 21:48:45] Naia DCU: And he'd hide behind the pillars when we went to
talk to people
[11/09/2023, 21:48:49] Hannah DCU: Yeah
[11/09/2023, 21:48:51] George Rice: Damn recently I was talking to someone about
how they were so proud of someone hating them
[11/09/2023, 21:48:52] Hannah DCU: And we had sm fun
[11/09/2023, 21:48:57] George Rice: But it makes so much sense neo
[11/09/2023, 21:48:57] Naia DCU: He was giving out about pretty much anytime
decided to do
[11/09/2023, 21:49:00] Naia DCU: Frr
[11/09/2023, 21:49:15] Hannah DCU: But he sat there behind a pillar
[11/09/2023, 21:49:21] Hannah DCU: Glaring at us looking annoyed
[11/09/2023, 21:49:25] George Rice: Sounds to me like everything was better the
moment he wasn't involved
[11/09/2023, 21:49:31] Hannah DCU: Bc we wanted to talk to this guy abt radiohead
[11/09/2023, 21:49:35] Hannah DCU: Probs
[11/09/2023, 21:49:36] Naia DCU: Kept saying how his mam worked there like who tf
was gonna give out to him
[11/09/2023, 21:49:45] Hannah DCU: FOR BEING IN A CARPARK
[11/09/2023, 21:50:02] George Rice: I mean I did do a cheeky bit of breaking and
[11/09/2023, 21:50:07] Hannah DCU: He also kept being all back handed abt the pics
[11/09/2023, 21:50:17] Naia DCU: Yeah
[11/09/2023, 21:50:24] George Rice: That's wild
[11/09/2023, 21:50:25] Naia DCU: U silly little guy breaking the law
[11/09/2023, 21:50:28] Naia DCU: How could you
[11/09/2023, 21:50:31] Hannah DCU: HE LITERALLY VAME AFTER THEM
[11/09/2023, 21:51:04] Hannah DCU: And kept saying I was photogenic and I think was
like agreeing that I look worse irl which is a bit mean
[11/09/2023, 21:51:11] Hannah DCU: THAT WAS FUN
[11/09/2023, 21:51:14] Hannah DCU: And no one died
[11/09/2023, 21:51:20] Hannah DCU: He's so dramatic
[11/09/2023, 21:51:27] Naia DCU: Exactly what more do u want from a day out
[11/09/2023, 21:51:55] Naia DCU: Like, I get people have their comfort zones and
shit but you cant really give people shit for what we were doing
[11/09/2023, 21:51:56] Hannah DCU: GUYS WHEN WE GOT IN THE ELEVATOE I DIED
[11/09/2023, 21:52:08] Hannah DCU: IC BELIEVE I ORESSED BUTTON TO 7
[11/09/2023, 21:52:10] George Rice: Liek when we ditched him
[11/09/2023, 21:52:11] Hannah DCU: Ahaha
[11/09/2023, 21:52:15] Hannah DCU: Yea
[11/09/2023, 21:52:24] Hannah DCU: He hated the whole day out
[11/09/2023, 21:52:28] Naia DCU: Ohh yeah lmao
[11/09/2023, 21:52:35] Hannah DCU: He didn't even wanna walk
[11/09/2023, 21:52:46] George Rice: Not that we needed anymore reason to not go out
w him again
[11/09/2023, 21:52:51] Naia DCU: He seems to be like that evrytine I've met up with
him and friends
[11/09/2023, 21:52:57] Hannah DCU: Yeah
[11/09/2023, 21:53:05] Hannah DCU: Why does he go if he hates it??
[11/09/2023, 21:53:40] George Rice: Uhhh probably crippling lonilness
[11/09/2023, 21:53:42] Hannah DCU: Anyways do we tell the others why
[11/09/2023, 21:53:45] Hannah DCU: Provs..
[11/09/2023, 21:53:47] Naia DCU: Also the last time we hung out together he just
spent the whole time trying to touch and get close to my friend ana even when we'd
tell him to leave her alone and stop
[11/09/2023, 21:53:49] Hannah DCU: OH I REMEMBER SMTH
[11/09/2023, 21:54:02] George Rice: Y tf did you bring him out w friend
[11/09/2023, 21:54:02] Naia DCU: He very much has that
[11/09/2023, 21:54:10] Naia DCU: IT WASN'T MY IDEA
[11/09/2023, 21:54:21] Naia DCU: It was an open invitation and he showed up
[11/09/2023, 21:54:26] George Rice: damn
[11/09/2023, 21:54:29] George Rice: Sneaky bitch
[11/09/2023, 21:54:39] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000224-AUDIO-2023-09-11-21-54-
[11/09/2023, 21:54:47] Hannah DCU: Put x2 speed
[11/09/2023, 21:54:51] Naia DCU: As I said we're both in a different friend group
but he's very loved in there no one has an issue with him
[11/09/2023, 21:55:08] Naia DCU: Except maybe Ollie bc I told him about some of the
shit he did back when we were together
[11/09/2023, 21:55:16] Hannah DCU: At let he has someone
[11/09/2023, 21:55:26] Hannah DCU: Yeah like stroking u 💀
[11/09/2023, 21:55:39] Hannah DCU: Guys idk
[11/09/2023, 21:55:50] Hannah DCU: This probs should have been discussed sooner
[11/09/2023, 21:55:54] Hannah DCU: Probs
[11/09/2023, 21:55:56] Naia DCU: Most of his friends are gay or LGBT girls
[11/09/2023, 21:55:57] George Rice: Yeah defo
[11/09/2023, 21:56:02] Hannah DCU: Weird
[11/09/2023, 21:56:11] Naia DCU: With a couple of NBS and guys sprinkled in
[11/09/2023, 21:56:13] George Rice: My complete lack of common sense is actually
️[11/09/2023, 21:56:18] Hannah DCU: niah do u wanna share our favourite hentai ️
WERE IN BATTLE ARMOUR? like demons and inflated breasts n shit
[11/09/2023, 21:57:24] Hannah DCU: Guys he can watch as much hentai as he needs but
I'm just notnintonit
[11/09/2023, 21:57:41] Naia DCU: <attached: 00000242-STICKER-2023-09-11-21-57-
[11/09/2023, 21:57:43] Hannah DCU: He wanted to draw stars around ur scars 🥺
[11/09/2023, 21:57:53] Hannah DCU: And kiss u better
[11/09/2023, 21:58:03] Naia DCU: He wants to kiss them and aske me to stop, for him
[11/09/2023, 21:58:08] Hannah DCU: HAHA
[11/09/2023, 21:58:21] Hannah DCU: Guys pointing out a scar like that is so
ridiculously rude
[11/09/2023, 21:58:31] Hannah DCU: ESPECIALLY STROKING IT
[11/09/2023, 21:58:33] Naia DCU: I acc feel so much better for never really liking
him after all thjs
[11/09/2023, 21:58:45] Naia DCU: I DIDN'T KNOW WYF TO DO
[11/09/2023, 21:58:45] Hannah DCU: I feel validated
[11/09/2023, 21:59:18] George Rice: I wish some big guy would stroke my scars
[11/09/2023, 21:59:27] Naia DCU: Cus like touching my thighs and shit was kinda
nasty and all but wtf am I even supposed to respond to that shit
[11/09/2023, 21:59:36] Hannah DCU: What do we have here lemme get a stoke up on ur
self inflicted wound. The power of love commands you to cease this activity

immediately ️
[11/09/2023, 21:59:40] Naia DCU: It's what everyone one wants obviously
[11/09/2023, 21:59:52] Naia DCU: The Ben mindset
[11/09/2023, 21:59:54] George Rice: Yeah just like not the hentai guy
[11/09/2023, 22:00:25] George Rice: Y TF WAS THIS GUY SLTOUCHING UR THIGHS SM
[11/09/2023, 22:00:32] Naia DCU: nah the robbing money incident is burned into my
brain bc I saw he stretching so hard to try in reach
[11/09/2023, 22:00:36] George Rice: LIKEB NO STOP
[11/09/2023, 22:00:38] Hannah DCU: YEAH
[11/09/2023, 22:00:45] Hannah DCU: He kept doing it
[11/09/2023, 22:00:49] Naia DCU: IDEFK BRO WAS JUST GOING AT IT EVERY WEEK
[11/09/2023, 22:00:59] Hannah DCU: And guys unironically I'm a bit poor so that ry
annoyed me
[11/09/2023, 22:01:08] Naia DCU: Like every week we practically knew we're gonna be
getting molested by the guy
[11/09/2023, 22:01:15] Hannah DCU: Bc I kept loosing money bc bro stole from me and
sometimes forgot to give it back
[11/09/2023, 22:01:16] Naia DCU: Help
[11/09/2023, 22:01:32] Hannah DCU: Yeah but we never talked abt it
[11/09/2023, 22:01:39] Naia DCU: Wait did he actually take Ur money and shit off
[11/09/2023, 22:01:43] George Rice: I mean ur smart enough that I'll probably do
fine in liek
[11/09/2023, 22:01:43] Hannah DCU: Well the only time I ever screamed at him
[11/09/2023, 22:01:50] Hannah DCU: Yea
[11/09/2023, 22:01:52] George Rice: You screamed at him?
[11/09/2023, 22:02:02] Hannah DCU: Was when I caught him taking secret pictures of
[11/09/2023, 22:02:09] Naia DCU: Yeah that was like the one time he got called out
[11/09/2023, 22:02:09] Hannah DCU: He had abt 100
[11/09/2023, 22:02:26] Hannah DCU: I HATED THAT SO MUCH
[11/09/2023, 22:02:39] Naia DCU: Bro had to put background music on
[11/09/2023, 22:02:45] Naia DCU: And the song looped over
[11/09/2023, 22:02:50] Hannah DCU: 💀
[11/09/2023, 22:02:52] George Rice: Ah hell na
[11/09/2023, 22:02:56] Hannah DCU: Thay was too far for me
[11/09/2023, 22:03:02] Hannah DCU: Bc he made them into stickers too
[11/09/2023, 22:03:09] Naia DCU: WHAT
[11/09/2023, 22:03:16] Naia DCU: TAHYS THE FISTY IM HEARING OF THIS WTF
[11/09/2023, 22:03:21] Hannah DCU: and niah had no idea
[11/09/2023, 22:03:25] Naia DCU: I THOUGHT THEY GOT DELETED
[11/09/2023, 22:03:28] Naia DCU: THATS WHAT I HEARD
[11/09/2023, 22:03:28] George Rice: Clearly
[11/09/2023, 22:03:29] Hannah DCU: He sent on gc once right?
[11/09/2023, 22:03:36] Hannah DCU: When ollie was there
[11/09/2023, 22:03:39] George Rice: Uh what
[11/09/2023, 22:03:45] George Rice: Lemme check that shit
[11/09/2023, 22:03:52] Hannah DCU: Maybe it was just the images
[11/09/2023, 22:04:02] Naia DCU: Oh my god those were some other stickers of my
face that got made but I don't think it was the ones he took during eue
[11/09/2023, 22:04:17] Hannah DCU: THABK GOD
[11/09/2023, 22:04:23] Naia DCU: At least I hope not bc I don't even wanna know
what kind of conversations he's sending those in if so
[11/09/2023, 22:04:33] Hannah DCU: They were horrible photos too
[11/09/2023, 22:04:43] Naia DCU: Yeah...
[11/09/2023, 22:04:45] Hannah DCU: Like kept pleading for him to stop
[11/09/2023, 22:04:50] Hannah DCU: And he totally ignored u
[11/09/2023, 22:04:52] Naia DCU: Some were ok but most were awful
[11/09/2023, 22:05:05] Hannah DCU: Then bragged everyday that he'd taken even more
[11/09/2023, 22:05:17] Naia DCU: He only stopped when Ollie said he wouldn't be
acknowledging them anymore or smth
[11/09/2023, 22:05:26] Hannah DCU: IT TOOK OLLIE
[11/09/2023, 22:05:31] Hannah DCU: Saying I don't want this
[11/09/2023, 22:05:32] Naia DCU: Literally the only reason he ever stopped doing
shit to me was bc I was dating someone
[11/09/2023, 22:05:39] Naia DCU: Literally
[11/09/2023, 22:05:47] Hannah DCU: He only stopped fondling/hating u after ollie
[11/09/2023, 22:05:53] Hannah DCU: Bc he respected him more than u
[11/09/2023, 22:06:03] Naia DCU: Nah the hate was still there
[11/09/2023, 22:06:13] Hannah DCU: Like u being his gf was more valid than u just
not wanting him
[11/09/2023, 22:06:19] Hannah DCU: Which it a bit fucked
[11/09/2023, 22:06:20] Naia DCU: He just gave up or something
[11/09/2023, 22:06:29] Hannah DCU: Yea
[11/09/2023, 22:06:29] Naia DCU: To say the least
[11/09/2023, 22:06:39] Hannah DCU: Should we tell him why
[11/09/2023, 22:06:44] Hannah DCU: Or just leave thr gc
[11/09/2023, 22:07:01] George Rice: If u want to do the honour you may
[11/09/2023, 22:07:17] George Rice: Could send a screeen recording of this gc
[11/09/2023, 22:07:42] Naia DCU: Idek bc I kinda don't want to face the
consequences of doing that directly to him bc I probably will have to interact with
him outside of you guys
[11/09/2023, 22:08:04] George Rice: Dw I rip on him them
[11/09/2023, 22:08:04] Hannah DCU: I'm lucky in the way I don't have to see him.on
the regular so whatever u wanna do niah
[11/09/2023, 22:08:13] Naia DCU: Actually nah
[11/09/2023, 22:08:18] Hannah DCU: Can we just refuse to pity him
[11/09/2023, 22:08:26] George Rice: Long ago
[11/09/2023, 22:08:51] Naia DCU: I shouldn't feel bad for him or smth like he did
do that shit and it was pretty shitty and idc if my other friends will think I'm
mean or smth
[11/09/2023, 22:09:00] Naia DCU: Y'all can do what you want
[11/09/2023, 22:09:05] Hannah DCU: Yeah same issue with me at dcu
[11/09/2023, 22:09:08] Naia DCU: Oh please
[11/09/2023, 22:09:17] Hannah DCU: Guys let's lich just be rude
[11/09/2023, 22:09:20] George Rice: <attached: 00000334-PHOTO-2023-09-11-22-09-
[11/09/2023, 22:09:28] George Rice: Alr
[11/09/2023, 22:09:34] Hannah DCU: Yeah
[11/09/2023, 22:09:44] George Rice: Straight to the gc we go
[11/09/2023, 22:09:49] Hannah DCU: Okay lol
[11/09/2023, 22:13:22] Naia DCU: Zayum Y'all went at it
[11/09/2023, 22:13:35] Naia DCU: I'm getting a tad bit emotional tho I'm just gonna
stay out of it
[11/09/2023, 22:13:45] George Rice: Do what you need to do
[11/09/2023, 22:13:54] Naia DCU: :)
[11/09/2023, 22:13:57] Naia DCU: Thanks
[11/09/2023, 22:15:07] Hannah DCU: Hannah DCU changed the group name to “(Burger)
Kings 👑”
[11/09/2023, 22:15:23] (Burger) Kings 👑: Hannah DCU added caoimhe DCU and jack
[11/09/2023, 22:15:29] Hannah DCU: New gc
[11/09/2023, 22:15:45] George Rice: Hopefully we don't need to explain why
[11/09/2023, 22:15:50] Naia DCU: The real burger kings
[11/09/2023, 22:15:53] Naia DCU: Hopefully
[11/09/2023, 22:15:57] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000350-PHOTO-2023-09-11-22-15-
[11/09/2023, 22:16:10] Hannah DCU: I think they can understand the gist
[11/09/2023, 22:16:17] Naia DCU: Id say so
[11/09/2023, 22:16:34] Naia DCU: Zayum this has got my cogs turning
[11/09/2023, 22:16:35] George Rice: Can u admin me rq
[11/09/2023, 22:16:35] Hannah DCU: Anyways @353879876368
[11/09/2023, 22:16:40] Hannah DCU: Yea
[11/09/2023, 22:16:44] Naia DCU: Me too pls I want power
[11/09/2023, 22:16:46] (Burger) Kings 👑: You're now an admin
[11/09/2023, 22:17:11] Naia DCU: Less goooo
[11/09/2023, 22:17:40] Hannah DCU: Haha
[11/09/2023, 22:17:54] Hannah DCU: @353894040461 let us know if he rlpys
[11/09/2023, 22:17:59] jack walsh: Can i get that too?
[11/09/2023, 22:18:01] jack walsh: Admin
[11/09/2023, 22:18:09] jack walsh: Hi im still here guys
[11/09/2023, 22:18:22] George Rice: Bros not dead
[11/09/2023, 22:18:29] jack walsh: Sadly
[11/09/2023, 22:18:35] George Rice: Same bro smae
[11/09/2023, 22:19:13] Hannah DCU: Hi jack
[11/09/2023, 22:19:16] Hannah DCU: Sure
[11/09/2023, 22:19:21] jack walsh: Wish meself was dead or better far instead ON
[11/09/2023, 22:19:27] jack walsh: Yayyy thank hannah
[11/09/2023, 22:19:34] Hannah DCU: no problemm
[11/09/2023, 22:19:42] Hannah DCU: Guys I think we've all been cleansed
[11/09/2023, 22:19:52] Hannah DCU: Anyways how's life been for u jack
[11/09/2023, 22:20:01] jack walsh: We should meet up someday to celebrate getting
rid of ben
[11/09/2023, 22:20:11] Hannah DCU: Yeah FR
[11/09/2023, 22:20:14] jack walsh: Also i just wanna say im so sorry for not saying
[11/09/2023, 22:20:23] jack walsh: About _that_
[11/09/2023, 22:20:37] Hannah DCU: Being fr no one said anything we worked as a
team lol its fine now tho
[11/09/2023, 22:20:52] Hannah DCU: He's just a creep
[11/09/2023, 22:20:59] Naia DCU: Nope but Lexi texted me now
[11/09/2023, 22:21:05] Naia DCU: Oh so has ben
[11/09/2023, 22:21:15] George Rice: Don't look at it
[11/09/2023, 22:21:16] Naia DCU: Oh fuck
[11/09/2023, 22:21:17] George Rice: Just don't
[11/09/2023, 22:21:29] jack walsh: What is it?
[11/09/2023, 22:21:34] Naia DCU: Yeah no I've I'm just going to ingnore them for
[11/09/2023, 22:21:34] jack walsh: What did he say
[11/09/2023, 22:21:45] Hannah DCU: Wait send ss
[11/09/2023, 22:21:52] Hannah DCU: Nvm don't open
[11/09/2023, 22:21:53] George Rice: Bro is so interested in the tea rn
[11/09/2023, 22:21:59] Hannah DCU: Real
[11/09/2023, 22:22:05] Naia DCU: I took one but my phone's storage is gone gimme a
[11/09/2023, 22:22:11] Hannah DCU: Ok
[11/09/2023, 22:22:27] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000395-STICKER-2023-09-11-22-22-
[11/09/2023, 22:22:37] jack walsh: Literally me rn
[11/09/2023, 22:22:51] jack walsh: Step it out mary has me heart
[11/09/2023, 22:23:10] Naia DCU: <attached: 00000398-PHOTO-2023-09-11-22-23-10.jpg>
[11/09/2023, 22:23:36] Hannah DCU: Did u got to fladh this yr
[11/09/2023, 22:23:44] George Rice: Just send a photo of what I said
[11/09/2023, 22:23:45] Hannah DCU: I feel like that's ur perfect night out
[11/09/2023, 22:23:47] jack walsh: Noooo i rlly wanted to tho
[11/09/2023, 22:23:51] Hannah DCU: SAME
[11/09/2023, 22:23:58] Hannah DCU: I went before covid
️️[11/09/2023, 22:24:01] jack walsh: Ye drink and irish music️
[11/09/2023, 22:24:07] Naia DCU: I think I'm gonna take a minute to just chill bc
this is bringing back some memories and I don't think I can't deal with that's at
the same time bear with me
[11/09/2023, 22:24:18] Hannah DCU: Thats ok
[11/09/2023, 22:24:25] jack walsh: Thats fair
[11/09/2023, 22:24:30] Hannah DCU: U don't have to be messenger pigeon
[11/09/2023, 22:24:38] jack walsh: Hahaha
[11/09/2023, 22:25:08] caoimhe DCU: What
[11/09/2023, 22:25:08] Hannah DCU: Jack u missed saturday
[11/09/2023, 22:25:12] Hannah DCU: Hi belle
[11/09/2023, 22:25:13] George Rice: Im gonna go watch hope core and silly cat video
[11/09/2023, 22:25:16] caoimhe DCU: I want to cry
[11/09/2023, 22:25:21] Hannah DCU: Aww
[11/09/2023, 22:25:23] Hannah DCU: Why???
[11/09/2023, 22:25:31] jack walsh: What was saturday?
[11/09/2023, 22:25:32] caoimhe DCU: The messages don’t stop
[11/09/2023, 22:25:40] caoimhe DCU: Jack!!!!!
[11/09/2023, 22:25:42] jack walsh: I was warching the rugby
[11/09/2023, 22:25:46] jack walsh: BELLE
[11/09/2023, 22:25:49] caoimhe DCU: You rose from the dead!!!!!!!
[11/09/2023, 22:26:00] Hannah DCU: U SHOULDVE CAME OUT WE WENT TO BURGER KING
[11/09/2023, 22:26:10] George Rice: And various other things
[11/09/2023, 22:26:14] Hannah DCU: We should probs pm u next time
[11/09/2023, 22:26:23] George Rice: Like i climes up onto a roof
[11/09/2023, 22:26:29] caoimhe DCU: I’m muting y’all
[11/09/2023, 22:26:35] George Rice: Fair
[11/09/2023, 22:26:40] Hannah DCU: Valid
[11/09/2023, 22:27:08] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000431-VIDEO-2023-09-11-22-27-
[11/09/2023, 22:27:23] Hannah DCU: Omg niah we sound so similar in this
[11/09/2023, 22:27:31] George Rice: All two minutes of it
[11/09/2023, 22:27:32] George Rice: Damn
[11/09/2023, 22:27:44] George Rice: The first 90 percent could be skipped
[11/09/2023, 22:28:14] jack walsh: Damn u went farrrr
[11/09/2023, 22:28:30] George Rice: I went round the corner too :)
[11/09/2023, 22:28:38] jack walsh: Hahahah
[11/09/2023, 22:29:45] Naia DCU: Best pastime fr
[11/09/2023, 22:29:58] Hannah DCU: He found a Door and tried to kick it in lol
[11/09/2023, 22:30:07] Hannah DCU: Yeah but I like our comentary
[11/09/2023, 22:30:09] Hannah DCU: It's fun
[11/09/2023, 22:30:15] George Rice: Looked kinda weak
[11/09/2023, 22:30:21] Naia DCU: I was literally thinking about that when I first
saw it I couldn't tell who was talking sometimes
[11/09/2023, 22:30:28] George Rice: <attached: 00000445-VIDEO-2023-09-11-22-30-
[11/09/2023, 22:30:29] Hannah DCU: YEA
[11/09/2023, 22:30:34] Hannah DCU: do we sound the same?
[11/09/2023, 22:30:44] Naia DCU: Apparently???
[11/09/2023, 22:31:03] Hannah DCU: I loved that sm
[11/09/2023, 22:31:16] Naia DCU: Thank you george
[11/09/2023, 22:31:25] George Rice: 40 percent of my fyp
[11/09/2023, 22:31:30] George Rice: Thought I'd share it
[11/09/2023, 22:31:37] jack walsh: Much obliged
[11/09/2023, 22:32:25] George Rice: The rest is like 30 hope core
[11/09/2023, 22:32:30] George Rice: 25 movie edits
[11/09/2023, 22:32:35] George Rice: 5 percent shit posts
[11/09/2023, 22:32:44] Hannah DCU: Mines mostly movies and songs
[11/09/2023, 22:32:58] George Rice: Mines volatile af
[11/09/2023, 22:33:08] George Rice: Like to suddenly change completely
[11/09/2023, 22:33:46] Naia DCU: Mine doesn't have a set theme it just switches
around every few days
[11/09/2023, 22:34:05] Naia DCU: One day I had like, 4 videos in a row about toe
work out tho
[11/09/2023, 22:34:09] Naia DCU: *work outs
[11/09/2023, 22:34:10] George Rice: Oh and sometimes some guy playing the piano
shows up
[11/09/2023, 22:34:13] Naia DCU: That was a weird day
[11/09/2023, 22:34:20] Naia DCU: Oo that's cool
[11/09/2023, 22:34:35] Naia DCU: Same kinda I get a lot of people playing
[11/09/2023, 22:35:57] Hannah DCU: OH
[11/09/2023, 22:36:12] Hannah DCU: MY
[11/09/2023, 22:36:13] Hannah DCU: God
[11/09/2023, 22:36:14] Hannah DCU: Jean
[11/09/2023, 22:36:28] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000471-PHOTO-2023-09-11-22-36-
[11/09/2023, 22:39:30] Naia DCU: Me when weaving hats
[11/09/2023, 22:39:39] Naia DCU: Me when most things
[11/09/2023, 22:39:59] George Rice: Me when literally anything that isn't maths or
running in a straight line
[11/09/2023, 22:40:02] Naia DCU: Oh dayum Lexi really wants to know what Ben did
and I'm so tempted to tell her
[11/09/2023, 22:40:04] Hannah DCU: Haba
[11/09/2023, 22:40:11] Hannah DCU: Wait what has she said
[11/09/2023, 22:40:16] Naia DCU: Opposite of me
[11/09/2023, 22:40:30] Naia DCU: I can't do either of those
[11/09/2023, 22:40:47] Hannah DCU: Me when patience
[11/09/2023, 22:40:50] George Rice: My natural talents right there
[11/09/2023, 22:40:52] Naia DCU: <attached: 00000482-PHOTO-2023-09-11-22-40-52.jpg>
[11/09/2023, 22:41:10] Naia DCU: Gotta love natural talents
[11/09/2023, 22:41:11] Hannah DCU: I wonder if he even knows
[11/09/2023, 22:41:15] Hannah DCU: Same sm
[11/09/2023, 22:41:25] Naia DCU: He also texted me asking what it was about
[11/09/2023, 22:41:28] George Rice: Don't care
[11/09/2023, 22:41:35] George Rice: To this
[11/09/2023, 22:41:50] Hannah DCU: Wait omg niah I keep having like memories abt
the fun shop remember the bunny outfit
[11/09/2023, 22:41:52] George Rice: He hasn't texted me lmao
[11/09/2023, 22:41:58] Hannah DCU: Lol me neither
[11/09/2023, 22:42:00] George Rice: So he clearly don't care that much
[11/09/2023, 22:42:12] Hannah DCU: He'll be ok
[11/09/2023, 22:42:22] Naia DCU: literally the only thing stopping me rn is pity
and I don't think i don't think it's gonna last long
[11/09/2023, 22:42:28] Naia DCU: OH GOD
[11/09/2023, 22:42:32] George Rice: Oh shit he's definitely asking naia cuz he
fella likes she's the most susceptible
[11/09/2023, 22:42:34] Naia DCU: That was wild
[11/09/2023, 22:42:37] Hannah DCU: I JSUT REMEMBERED
[11/09/2023, 22:42:39] Hannah DCU: Yeah
[11/09/2023, 22:42:41] Naia DCU: Probably
[11/09/2023, 22:42:48] Naia DCU: I've been too nice to him
[11/09/2023, 22:42:53] George Rice: Bro imagine me in a bunny suit
[11/09/2023, 22:42:58] George Rice: Id actually slay
[11/09/2023, 22:42:59] Hannah DCU: When he kept telling us and especially me to get
this sext bunny lingerie
[11/09/2023, 22:43:16] Naia DCU: Only one way to find out
[11/09/2023, 22:43:27] Hannah DCU: Omg ur bunny hat from emo day
[11/09/2023, 22:43:42] Naia DCU: Nah it was so creepy tho
[11/09/2023, 22:43:50] Hannah DCU: Probs
[11/09/2023, 22:43:56] Naia DCU: That was belles I think lmao
[11/09/2023, 22:43:59] George Rice: Man nobody appreciates my emo mask in
comparison to ur emo hat
[11/09/2023, 22:44:13] Hannah DCU: They were both awesome
[11/09/2023, 22:44:16] Hannah DCU: U two fr carried
[11/09/2023, 23:00:16] caoimhe DCU: <attached: 00000514-PHOTO-2023-09-11-23-00-
[11/09/2023, 23:00:57] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000515-STICKER-2023-09-11-23-00-
[11/09/2023, 23:01:18] George Rice: If I'm feeling quirky anytime soon I'll do a
voice over
[11/09/2023, 23:01:28] Hannah DCU: ic wait
[11/09/2023, 23:01:52] jack walsh: “Im a little fuck boy” in kratos’ voice
[11/09/2023, 23:01:57] jack walsh: Go
[11/09/2023, 23:02:11] George Rice: Ehhhhh
[11/09/2023, 23:02:14] George Rice: Hmmmmm
[11/09/2023, 23:02:17] George Rice: Let me see
[11/09/2023, 23:02:19] George Rice: No
[11/09/2023, 23:02:27] Hannah DCU: plz
[11/09/2023, 23:02:39] Naia DCU: That was so deep
[11/09/2023, 23:02:53] Naia DCU: I'm saving this for future use
[11/09/2023, 23:02:54] Hannah DCU: jack asked u
[11/09/2023, 23:02:59] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000528-STICKER-2023-09-11-23-02-
[11/09/2023, 23:03:03] Naia DCU: What
[11/09/2023, 23:03:07] George Rice: If u do elmo thanos singing primadona girls
[11/09/2023, 23:03:15] George Rice: I'll do the Kratos one
[11/09/2023, 23:03:22] Naia DCU: I'm so confused
[11/09/2023, 23:03:23] Hannah DCU: hes doing an impression
[11/09/2023, 23:03:28] jack walsh: Wtf is elmo thanos?
[11/09/2023, 23:03:32] George Rice: So like
[11/09/2023, 23:03:34] George Rice: Elmo
[11/09/2023, 23:03:38] George Rice: The red guy
[11/09/2023, 23:03:42] jack walsh: Duh
[11/09/2023, 23:03:49] George Rice: Speaking in the same manner as thanos
[11/09/2023, 23:04:17] George Rice: Hold up there's a jerma clip for this
[11/09/2023, 23:04:23] Naia DCU: I don't know what kind of fever dream you just
woke up from George but Elmo thanks isn't real he can't hurt you
[11/09/2023, 23:04:28] Naia DCU: Ofc it's a jerma clip
[11/09/2023, 23:04:40] George Rice: You deleted this message.
[11/09/2023, 23:05:09] George Rice: <attached: 00000544-VIDEO-2023-09-11-23-05-
[11/09/2023, 23:05:42] George Rice: Perfection
[11/09/2023, 23:05:48] Hannah DCU: i love that sm
[11/09/2023, 23:06:21] Hannah DCU: belle plz do the impression
[11/09/2023, 23:06:24] caoimhe DCU: <attached: 00000548-AUDIO-2023-09-11-23-06-
[11/09/2023, 23:06:24] Naia DCU: HWY IS HE DO GOOD AT IT
[11/09/2023, 23:06:39] caoimhe DCU: My parents are outside my room help
[11/09/2023, 23:06:41] George Rice: I'll tell you how
[11/09/2023, 23:06:43] Hannah DCU: it has potential
[11/09/2023, 23:06:46] caoimhe DCU: I’ve never heard thanos
[11/09/2023, 23:06:46] George Rice: It's cuz no one asked
[11/09/2023, 23:06:51] George Rice: he just wanted to say it
[11/09/2023, 23:08:24] Naia DCU: IS THAT YOUR VIUCE
[11/09/2023, 23:08:26] Naia DCU: Belle
[11/09/2023, 23:08:42] caoimhe DCU: Viuce?
[11/09/2023, 23:08:49] caoimhe DCU: No it’s ben’s
[11/09/2023, 23:08:56] Naia DCU: <attached: 00000560-STICKER-2023-09-11-23-08-
[11/09/2023, 23:09:00] caoimhe DCU: Ben Shapiro’s
[11/09/2023, 23:09:03] Naia DCU: Not Ben...
[11/09/2023, 23:09:16] George Rice: Pikmin
[11/09/2023, 23:09:18] Naia DCU: Oh yeah I already told Hannah but he's apologized
now ig
[11/09/2023, 23:09:28] Naia DCU: What is it with you and pikmin
[11/09/2023, 23:09:34] Hannah DCU: IT WAS SO SHIT
[11/09/2023, 23:09:46] Naia DCU: To say the least
[11/09/2023, 23:09:48] Hannah DCU: what did lexi say
[11/09/2023, 23:09:53] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000569-STICKER-2023-09-11-23-09-
[11/09/2023, 23:09:56] Naia DCU: Hold on a sec
[11/09/2023, 23:10:12] caoimhe DCU: Let’s say, hypothetically, I Didn’t give him
the prompt and that’s his normal voice
[11/09/2023, 23:10:16] George Rice: <attached: 00000572-VIDEO-2023-09-11-23-10-
[11/09/2023, 23:10:19] caoimhe DCU: What he do
[11/09/2023, 23:10:23] caoimhe DCU: I’m so confused
[11/09/2023, 23:10:24] Hannah DCU: guess
[11/09/2023, 23:10:33] caoimhe DCU: Emo
[11/09/2023, 23:10:40] Hannah DCU: no
[11/09/2023, 23:10:47] George Rice: Bit worse
[11/09/2023, 23:10:49] caoimhe DCU: Died
[11/09/2023, 23:10:51] Naia DCU: <attached: 00000580-PHOTO-2023-09-11-23-10-51.jpg>
[11/09/2023, 23:10:51] Hannah DCU: he was very out of line
[11/09/2023, 23:10:52] Naia DCU: <attached: 00000582-PHOTO-2023-09-11-23-10-52.jpg>
[11/09/2023, 23:11:22] Hannah DCU: <attached: 00000583-PHOTO-2023-09-11-23-11-
[11/09/2023, 23:11:30] Hannah DCU: oh no guys
[11/09/2023, 23:12:10] George Rice: The sex offender in training is cutting contact
[11/09/2023, 23:12:13] Naia DCU: Pikmin
[11/09/2023, 23:12:32] Hannah DCU: AWW
[11/09/2023, 23:12:54] Naia DCU: Best 1 minute and 7 seconds of my day
[11/09/2023, 23:13:13] Naia DCU: He's so self aware
[11/09/2023, 23:13:19] George Rice: This is y i sometimes just say Pikmin
[11/09/2023, 23:13:29] George Rice: It's literally the first thing that comes into
my hea
[11/09/2023, 23:13:31] George Rice: D
[11/09/2023, 23:13:50] caoimhe DCU: Wait what
[11/09/2023, 23:13:51] Naia DCU: I just thought you had a strange fascination with
then lil guys
[11/09/2023, 23:13:59] George Rice: Oh yeah
[11/09/2023, 23:14:01] caoimhe DCU: What he do
[11/09/2023, 23:14:02] George Rice: Long story actually
[11/09/2023, 23:14:07] George Rice: Ehhh
[11/09/2023, 23:14:10] Naia DCU: Wholesome
[11/09/2023, 23:14:14] Naia DCU: Oh dear
[11/09/2023, 23:14:30] caoimhe DCU: Please I have no idea
[11/09/2023, 23:14:42] George Rice: Alr what I'm gonna do is save the cat log of
this gc and send u it
[11/09/2023, 23:15:01] caoimhe DCU: Ok

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