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DisplayableSegment gets only hyperlink, cps, ruby_top and ruby_bottom applied to

DisplayableSegment doesn't render its displayables, it's more just space for them
to be put.
242 TextSegment applies style to glyphs in glyphs using self.variables
166 & 201 self.variables come from style supplied to the TextSegment is either the
init or take_style functions.
1049 & 1083 take_style is called in segment
895 Segment is handed a style
597 Segment is called in Layout's init function
525 Layout gets the style from the text it is handed
1996 & 2008 Text gives itself to Layout when it calls it in .render()
1461 & 1792 Text gets its style from super (Displayable) class calls init and
319 & 469 Displayable sets style in init and set_style_prefix
445 * 455 Focus and unfocus Displayable does self.set_style_prefix() by default
481 Displayable calls in set_style_prefix
993 TextButton creates a Text with text_style supplied to it ('button_text'). Which
is set as the child on the Button it creates
708 Button takes child in init
824 & 840 Button calls child.set_transform_event(self.role+"hover/idle") if it has
a child
858 Button changes role to 'selected_'.
877 This is applied if that is not its role already or clicked != self.clicked.
881 & 884 Button calls set_style_prefix(self.role + 'idle_/insensitive_', True) if
it is clicked or not.
971 Button calls super.set_style_prefix()
Window has no set_style_prefix defined
116 Container calls super.set_style_prefix()
119 Container calls .set_style_prefix(prefix, False) for all chilldren

RV is just return value

tss is text segment stack
_tts is Text to speech?
Style is defined in style.pyx
Text class starts on 1408 in Text/
Displayable class starts on 254 in display/
TextButton is defined on 988 in display/
Button is defined on 690 in display/
Window is defined on 1053 in display/
Container is defined on 73 in display/

Text is a subclass of Displayable

Button is a subclass of Window
Window is a subclass of Container
Container is a subclass of Displayable

Focus is defined on 30 in display/

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