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ELCHK Lutheran Academy

YEAR 10 December UT

PART A Reading Passage

Date: 9th December 2022 No. of Pages: ______3____

Time allowed: 40 minutes

Student Name: ________________________

Class (No.): _________________


(1) There is only Part A in this paper. All candidates should attempt Part A.

(2) After the announcement of the start of the examination, you should write your names on

the appropriate pages of the Part A Question-Answer Book.

(3) Write your answers in the spaces provided in the Question-Answer Books. Answers

written in the margins will not be marked.

(4) For multiple-choice questions, you are advised to blacken the appropriate circle with a

pencil so that wrong marks can be completely erased with a clean rubber. Mark only ONE

answer to each question. Two or more answers will score NO MARKS.

(5) No extra time will be given to candidates for filling in the question number boxes after

the ‘Time is up’ announcement.

(6) The Part A Question-Answer Books will be collected together at the end of the



(1) Attempt ALL questions in Part A. Each question carries ONE mark unless otherwise

Y10 DSE December UT
Paper 1 Reading - for HKDSE -

Text 1
Read Text 1 and answer questions 1-4 on pages 4-5 of the Question-Answer Section for Part A. (9 marks)

[Ad 1]
DSLR camera with lens – 99% new! $2 000
[1] Bought just 2 weeks ago, with a 1-year warranty (still good). It works fine, no scratches.
Selling it for half the price I paid – an incredible bargain! Comes with a zoom lens (14-42mm);
the original battery + one backup. WhatsApp: 2468 1012

[Ad 2]
5 Face lotion – Clearance!
[2] High-quality moisturizing facial cream made by a famous brand – only $20. Designed to be
especially gentle on your delicate skin. On offer because it expired in 2018. Use at own risk! That
said, it is totally safe. Just don’t complain to me if you are not satisfied with the results. No

[Ad 3]
10 Used chair ‒ free to good home
[3] Dark wood chair with arms. Some scratches from cat that do not affect use. Well-worn but
still comfy. Doesn’t match my new flat, but could fit with a retro/antique aesthetic. ‘Buyer’ must
pick up.

Y10 DSE December UT
Paper 1 Reading
- for HKDSE -

Text 2
Read Text 2 and answer questions 5-17 on pages 6-8 of the Question-Answer Section for Part A. (31 marks)

Starting an online store? Here’s how to make it succeed

[4] E-commerce is booming. Computers have turned many physical products digital: books, photos, CDs and DVDs.
15 However, many consumer products are still physical – who wants to buy a shirt, apple, or violin in the form of a digital file?
In these cases, computers are replacing not the product, but the store. A new way to communicate meant a new way to buy
and sell, and overnight the Internet created a new opportunity that was quickly filled by businesses unimaginable just a few
years before: Amazon, Alibaba, eBay and Etsy.

[5] Over the recent years, people have become used to buying things online, meaning e-retail continues to grow; but they’ve
20 also become used to buying things through a handful of big e-retailers, meaning that getting shoppers’ attention online has
become harder. There’s still room for new businesses online, though. Gaining a foothold simply requires some planning and

[6] One tactic that a new online retailer can use is to start small. A limited selection of products is not only easier to manage,
but also creates a good impression. Consider a shop that only sells a few kinds of vintage trainers, or electric guitars, or
25 leather watch straps. The narrow range of products suggests that the seller is a specialist, and the small number of them
suggests they have been carefully chosen. Shoppers are more likely to trust the products in such a shop.

[7] To enhance the impression that the seller knows their trade well (and, therefore, that the merchandise sold is of good
quality), the seller should produce digital evidence of their expertise. Selling sweaters? Write blog posts on your site
introducing different types of sweaters, explaining the properties of different fabrics and revealing what to look for in a good
30 sweater. Selling watches? Take part in discussions on watch forums to show that you know one watch from another and have
a sense of quality and taste. Become part of the community, and the community will trust you and its members will become
your customers.

[8] Finding customers is perhaps the hardest part. No one can be impressed by your site if they had never visited it in the first
place. Many won’t even look at different sellers – they’ll just go straight to a known site, such as Amazon – so an online
35 shop has to make itself as easy to find as possible, and that means using SEO. SEO, or ‘search engine optimization’, means
designing a site that is attractive to search engines such as Google. Include the right words on your page and it will be listed
in the results when someone searches for a product. If you sell vintage trainers, you want the words ‘vintage’ and ‘trainers’ to
appear frequently and prominently on your site, and other relevant words like ‘retro’ and ‘sneakers’ to be safe. If a page is
linked frequently, it will be listed higher in search results. This is why retailers try to create plenty of links to their products’
40 pages, both within their website and on other sites.

[9] Search engine companies know and accept that websites play the system to attract more searches, but they consider
certain practices cheating. For example, a site might have the words ‘vintage trainers’ written over and over in white on a

Y10 DSE December UT
Paper 1 Reading
- for HKDSE -

white background. Human visitors won’t see the text, but search engines will, and will therefore give the site a higher
ranking. Tricking the engine like that – showing it one thing, and human visitors another – is not allowed.

45 [10] The Internet has other rules to bear in mind. The Web makes it easy to ship your product abroad, but remember that
it may not be legal everywhere, or may be taxed. It also makes it easy to copy and paste someone else’s photo or text for
your site, but those who do so risk copyright trouble. Instead, use your own photos – and look out for others who may try
to copy and steal them. Even more important to protect are the credit card details and other personal information belonging
to customers. If hackers access such data, the retailer is responsible – if not always before the law, then certainly before
50 public opinion.

[11] A few bad reviews can ruin a young business without a strong reputation. It is not enough to protect your customers; a
store owner should go above and beyond to help them. Ship things quickly, address problems honestly, and replace faulty
items without asking too many questions. A little generosity will pay off through return customers and positive buzz.

[12] Yet despite your best efforts to attract customers and make them happy, they simply may not bite. For that reason,
55 anyone gambling on a new business venture should hedge their bets in a few ways. Number one is to hold onto some savings.
If the business fails and you find yourself without a job, you will need something to keep you afloat until you figure
something out. Even better is to have another job or source of income that you know you can turn to, and best of all is to
keep your old job while starting your new business, at least until it gets off the ground.

[13] Starting a business is scary. You don’t have to jump in with your eyes closed ‒ you can do market research, and test your
60 product by first selling it on a larger online platform. Eventually, though, you will have to take some risks. When you do, the
advice above will help protect you on your way.

ELCHK Lutheran Academy
YEAR 10 December UT


PART A Question Answer Booklet

Date: 9th December 2022

No. of Pages: _____5____

Time allowed: 40 minutes

Student Name: ________________________

Class (No.): _________________


1. After the announcement of the start of the examination, you should write your

name, class & no. in the provided space.

2. Refer to the general instructions on the cover of the Part A Reading Passages.


Part A: ____ / 40
Y10 DSE December UT
Paper 1 Reading
- for HKDSE -

Read Text 1 and answer questions 1-4. (9 marks)

1. How much did the seller of ad 1 buy the item for originally?

2. Find TWO pieces of evidence that show that the chair in ad 3 is not new. (2 marks)

3. Which of the ads do the following statements refer to? Blacken ONE circle only for each statement. If the statement
does not match any of the ads, blacken ‘X’. (3 marks)

This ad … Ad 1 Ad 2 Ad 3 X
i) explains the reason for the price.
ii) offers to deliver the item.
iii) describes an item that is a recent purchase.

4. Which person who posted one of the ads is most likely to have made the following comments? Match each comment
with an ad in Text 1. (3 marks)

i) My item will be fixed by the manufacturer for free if it stops working within a year.

A. Ad 1
B. Ad 2
C. Ad 3 A B C D
D. Does not match any ad    

ii) I do not want my item anymore because of a stylistic choice.

A. Ad 1
B. Ad 2
C. Ad 3 A B C D
D. Does not match any ad    

Y10 DSE December UT
Paper 1 Reading
- for HKDSE -

iii) I’m not responsible for my item’s quality.

A. Ad 1
B. Ad 2
C. Ad 3 A B C D
D. Does not match any ad    

End of questions for Text 1

Y10 DSE December UT
Paper 1 Reading
- for HKDSE -

Read Text 2 and answer questions 5-17. (31 marks)

5. The article is written for people who want to …

A. sell digital goods online.
B. buy digital goods online.
C. sell physical goods online. A B C D
D. buy physical goods online.    

6. What types of products are most likely to become digital, based on the information in paragraph 4?
A. media and entertainment
B. musical instruments
C. necessities A B C D
D. fashion    

7. Based on paragraph 5, what is an advantage of and an obstacle to starting an online business? (2 marks)

8. Complete the diagram below using the information given in paragraphs 6 and 7. You may use more than one word for
some blanks. (5 marks)

Start small Show off your knowledge

Effect: (i) Effect: creates a Action: Write (iii) Action: Take part in
good impression (iv)
in a related field

Result: Your goods will seem to have been Result: You seem like Result: Customers will (v)
(ii) an expert you

Y10 DSE December UT
Paper 1 Reading
- for HKDSE -

9. Complete the leaflet below about SEO based on the information in paragraphs 8 and 9. Use ONE word only for each
blank. Make sure your answers are grammatically correct. Pay attention to word forms, plurals, etc. (8 marks)

Search Engine Optimization

It can be challenging to get Web users to (i) __________________ your site. They tend to prefer big sites that
they (ii) __________________ about instead. SEO helps you overcome this challenge.

Keywords Links

You want people to see your site when they Links to your site help it show up more
search using a search engine. Use plenty of text frequently in web searches. Take advantage of
with words that are (iii) __________________ to this by posting links on (v) _________________
your products. Place the most important words in websites, and by including links to your
(iv) __________________ positions on the page. (vi) __________________ pages in your own
homepage or blog posts.

SEO is a common practice, but you must not do anything to (vii) __________________ search engines,
such as including (viii) __________________ text on your site. Search engines consider such practices
deceptive and will punish you.

10. Find a word with a similar meaning to ‘retro’ in paragraph 9.

11. How does the Internet make it easier to mistakenly break …

i) copyright law? (1 mark)

ii) tax law? (1 mark)

12. What are the TWO problems that a retailer may face by losing customers’ data, according to paragraph 10? (2 marks)

Y10 DSE December UT
Paper 1 Reading
- for HKDSE -

13. Which of the following is NOT an example of how to treat customers properly mentioned in paragraph 11?
A. acknowledging mistakes
B. offering shopping advice
C. fulfilling orders promptly
D. treating them with trust    

14. What does the writer mean by ‘jump in with your eyes closed’ (line 59)?
A. have absolute faith in yourself and what you are doing
B. give yourself a challenge in order to hone a skill
C. keep calm and relaxed while taking risks A B C D
D. act without knowing what may happen    

15. What can an online retailer do to see if people are likely to buy an item? (2 marks)

16. What is the writer’s overall opinion about starting a business?

A. The majority of people who tried failed, so people should not even try.
B. It comes with risks, but with precautions people can succeed.
C. If you are truly passionate about it, you will succeed. A B C D
D. It is not a big deal and everyone should give it a try.    

17. Match the following subheadings with the paragraphs by writing the correct letter (A-E) next to the paragraph numbers.
One subheading is NOT used. (4 marks)

Subheadings Paragraph Nos. (A-E)

A. Getting some attention: right and wrong ways 4-5
B. A degree in a business-related field goes a long way 6-9
C. Fail with a safety net 10-11
D. Pitfalls to avoid 12-13
E. New trend: opportunity or trap?


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