Chapter IV

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Name: Reneboy N.


Synthesis and Conclusion

"Contractualization in the Philippines is gradually increasing, as one of the primary

drivers of this trend is the cost-saving advantage it provides to employers. By hiring workers on

fixed-term or project-based contracts, employers can save on expenses such as health insurance,

social security contributions, and other employee benefits. Despite the presence of government

or non-government laws that prohibit contractualization, many companies continue to practice in

it, in order to evade their responsibilities to their employees. This trend has faced criticism from

labor advocates who argue that it worsens income inequality and undermines the bargaining

power of workers.

Unfortunately, workers in the Philippines are being used and abused by some employers

and company owners who prioritize their profits over fair treatment of their employees. This has

led to employees not receiving appropriate wages and benefits, and contractualization

exacerbates this issue. Due to declining unionization rates and collective bargaining, workers in

the Philippines face difficulties in negotiating better wages and working conditions.

Contractualization has contributed to an environment of precarious employment, resulting in

limited access to labor rights and benefits. The capitalist always used their power to abuse other

people especially in the poor workers.

Thus the researcher, still longs for something that can help the workers under

contractualization because in that situation many of them are being abused. It is a wake-up call

for the government to give more attention to the situation of workers under the

contractualization. Sometimes the first doer of contractualization is the government. But we

hope that the governments is the first one to take action in order to address the case of

contractualization in the Philippines. The government and the labor union have their rights to

impose the Law in order to minimize the contractual process that being exist in our country. By

using Karl Marx Analysis the researcher would like to call the attention of capitalist or the

employers to remind them their responsibilities towards their employees.

Thus, they wanted change and were looking to promote the common good and

development of our country. The reason for this is that poverty is increasing in every family.

They don’t have any health insurance, paid time off, and suffer pain because they can’t support

their family. If you don't have money, health insurance, or a job, how can you survive in your

daily life? Workers work not just for the sake of profit but for the common good of their family.

Additionally, the lack of benefits contributes to poverty and economic inequality. Furthermore,

some workers are subjected to intensifying exploitation and they destroy the Undermining

working-class organization. They treated not belongs to the society because the employers did

not give attention to the employees.

However, capitalist is focus more on their production and not the dignity and rights of the

working class. In a capitalist society, the ownership of the means of production is concentrated

among a few capitalists or firms who control most of the resources and technology required for

producing goods and services. These capitalists use their resources to make profits by exploiting

wage labor, which involves paying workers less than the actual value of their labor. The
capitalists then take the difference between the workers' wages and the actual value of their labor

as profits. This results in a society with economic inequality and social stratification, where the

capitalist class becomes increasingly wealthy and powerful at the expense of the working class.

Furthermore, our goal in the society and the workers is to promote a more equitable

distribution of the benefits of production, with workers having greater involvement in decision-

making processes. Unlike capitalism, socialism seeks to eliminate the exploitation of wage labor

and ensure that the value created by workers is shared more evenly among all members of

society, rather than being solely accumulated as profits by a select group of capitalists. The

capitalist use their profit to abuse the dignity and rights of the workers. Workers are not animal

that they never treat equal and belongs to the society. They can’t recognizes themselves as part

of our society because they think that as workers are being slave by the capitalist.

On the other hand, Karl Marx's analysis is highly significant for workers in addressing

the issue of contractualization in the Philippines. The problem of contractualization traces its

roots back to historical periods such as feudalism and Spanish colonization. It can be traced back

to the cabo system, which was prevalent during the Spanish colonial period. Cabos acted as

intermediaries between companies and laborers, supplying labor for project or contract-based

jobs, which have contributed to its existence. However, there are both pros and cons associated

with contractualization. First, the pros include the capitalist's motivation to practice this process

to sustain company growth and ensure staffing flexibility. On the other hand, the cons of

contractualization involve challenges related to training and issues with benefits.

Moreover, by analyzing the entire situation of workers under the contractualization

process, it becomes evident that they are not truly free. As human beings, we are integral parts of

society and can empathize with the needs of others, including the laborers. Dialogue is important
as a human being through constructive dialogue and collective action, we can achieve our goal of

ensuring that contractualization does not deprive workers of their rights and dignity. Workers

have their rights and dignity they have rights to exercise their freedom as human being. As

human being we must value the dignity of others because they are part of the society. We must

treat them equally and it is essential to build a society that they live their rights.

"So, we hope that our society becomes a place where an equal society of laborers is

promoted by labor movements and social justice advocates. It emphasizes the need for an

inclusive and equal society that values the contributions of all workers and aims to address and

eliminate inequalities.

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