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The Importance of BIM in Structural Engineering

The Greatest Change in Over a Century

discussions and information on the impact of technology on structural engineering
By William F. Ikerd II, P.E., CWI

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a building design method that uses a database of coordinated, graphically rich,
internally consistent, computable information in three-dimensional models for design, engineering, construction and facility
management. In varying ways, in less than ten years, BIM will permanently change the structural engineering profession and ®

its universities, firms, clients, markets, design codes, digital tools, contracts, insurance policies, global recruitment of staff, work
process and many other aspects. The evidence suggests that those who do not take a reasonably sober view of this disruptive
technology will have a hard time recognizing the typical structural engineering firm of 2015.

Such bold claims of the importance of BIM may appear to be overstated and warrant some justification.

being addressed at a rapid pace
What Is BIM and that can be measured in months
How Is It Important? g h t

yr i and years, rather than decades.
Before proceeding too far, a Cop As a point of reference, when
more detailed working defini- assessing the importance of BIM

tion of BIM is important. At in structural engineering, con-
the heart of BIM is the concept sider the history of change in our
profession since the industrial

of each member of the building

process having its own digital revolution in contrast to the po-
relational database for its scope

i n
tential changes from BIM. There

of work that can ‘talk’ to the are only a handful of singular

others’ databases in a process events that permanently altered

known as electronic data inter- the structural engineering pro-
change (EDI). An example of
this concept is seen in ordering

g a fession. Example events include

the Bessemer process for mass

a book online as compared to producing affordable steel, the

ordering one through the mail. Figure 1: Today when a book is purchased online at some of the first commercial electric welding
A little over a decade ago, you most popular sites, all of the stakeholders have databases that can machines, prestressed concrete,

would find the book you wanted communicate digitally via Electronic Date Interchange (EDI) with the personal computer and the
different companies at different locations in seconds.
in a paper catalog and place the Internet. All of these events fun-
order over the phone, or fax or damentally changed the structural
mail an order form. After a few days Today, when a book is purchased online engineering profession in one or more
of processing the order manually, the at some of the most popular sites, all of of the following seven areas: (1) design
shipper would send your order and you the stakeholders have their own separate codes, (2) engineering work processes,
would hopefully receive your book. All databases that can communicate digitally (3) building structure possibilities, (4)
through this process, the stakeholders via EDI with different companies at dif- clients, (5) staff, (6) marketing, and (7)
– including the purchaser, shipper, re- ferent locations in seconds (Figure 1). business practices including risk and
seller, publisher, warehouse and purchas- The building industry – consisting of liability issues. BIM has the potential to
er’s bank – transferred data manually. architects, engineers, contractors and create even more profound effects on the
owners (A/E/C/O) – has structural engineering profession.
historically transferred
data in manual ways with
BIM DATABASE paper, phone, fax, mail
and e-mailed print docu- Happening Now
ments. Today, with BIM There are three essential converging
using EDI, new business elements required for an industry to
processes are being cre- convert to using three-dimensional,
SERVICES ated that allow electronic object-based models like BIM: com-
data interchange among puter power, a common database platform,
all of the A/E/C/O stake- and network bandwidth. In the past,
holders (Figure 2). It is when industries such as aerospace, au-
true that there are many tomotive, and manufacturing could afford
BIM DATABASE BIM DATABASE challenges to smooth data these three essential requirements, they
transfer among the dif- converted to an object-based model-
Figure 2: Today with BIM, new business processes are being
ferent stakeholders on a ing method. The structural engineering
created that allow Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) among
all of the A/E/C/O stakeholders. Rapid digital information flows
building project today. profession is poised for BIM because
will create new business models, challenges, and opportunities for However, these issues are the identified criteria are available
all of the parties involved.

STRUCTURE magazine 37 October 2008

and finally are considered eco- stand the risk of having their
nomically “within reach” by the BIM BIM BIM BIM BIM effort be far more than their
building and construction de- Innovators Early Early Late Resistance contractual earned fee.
sign community. (2-4% of Adopters Majority Majority (~15% of BIM will also affect con-
If BIM adoption is similar Profession) (~15% of (~33% of (~33% of Profession) tracts by creating a need to
Profession) Profession) Profession)
to most other innovations, it BIM
define how the models are
will follow the classic technol- Transition used and who owns the® mod-
Phase for a
ogy adoption life-cycle model els. Firms will also need to

originaly developed in the 1950s review their business prac-
(Figure 3). BIM implementation, tices with their insurance

“The Chasm” of
as a market-driven technology, BIM providers regarding their use
has the potential to grow as rap- Implementation
of BIM in construction and
idly as the Internet did, starting how to address any new risks

2/3 of
in the mid-1990’s. The speed of Market Transition
that BIM poses when working
adoption is an important aspect in integrated teams.
g h t

of BIM that will surprise those Proposed Technology i
yr Adoption Life Cycle Adapted For BIM The large learning curve
structural engineers who have Cop associated with BIM could
viewed it with denial or extreme make the first group of BIM

skepticism (Figure 4). Figure 3: Author’s application of BIM with classic adoption life cycle model of new projects unprofitable, as is
The author believes that the technology. In light of the national survey of structural engineers, the profession is common with any technol-
transition to BIM for the struc- poised for the early majority and some of the late majority to transition to BIM in ogy change. Also, BIM can

tural engineering profession in the next 2 years. The chasm represents the initial challenges of change. give a false sense of accuracy

building design will historically be viewed as requiring them to speak to drafters when when items are easily modeled incorrectly

a period that substantially took place during their question relates to BIM and structural with great precision and with high levels

the decade leading up to 2015. Possible rates engineers when it relates to design intent. of detail. Software companies are currently
of BIM adoption are a topic of particular Firms that have the traditional engineering pushing new BIM work flows for structural

T a
importance to the structural engineering pro- and drafting department dichotomy may find engineers, and owners, architects, contrac-
fession when considering the relatively short it necessary to take their drafters who work tors, subcontractors, building officials and

time frame allowed for firms to adjust to the in BIM with them to kick-off meetings, even governments are just beginning to develop

seven key areas affected. for what they might consider small projects. momentum that will change the profession’s
The face of the current structural engineer- An alternate emerging work process for firms business practices.

ing office needs to be put in perspective is to have their graduate structural engineers BIM will also lead to an evolution in
to understand the importance of BIM in involved early on in the modeling process. structural building types that can leverage
the seven areas identified. A recent survey, Another work process that will be changed the advantages in scheduling and fabricating
conducted earlier this year for structural en- will be the way in which we review shop from BIM. As the BIM era develops, we will
gineers in a joint effort by the SEI-CASE drawings with BIM. In the near future, it will see an emerging emphasis on unitized build-
Joint Committee on BIM and the Structural not be uncommon to receive the detailer’s ing components such as curtain wall, steel
Engineers Association of Texas (SEAoT) IT model along with the paper shop drawings and precast concrete that can be fabricated
Committee on BIM, provides insight into for structural engineers to use as a tool in and assembled offsite in shops from the BIM
this topic. Based on this survey, the majority of organizing and recording their comments. with computer controlled equipment. The
offices have a staff of two to twenty people. Use of such modeling review and commenting contractor will also use BIM to coordinate
Most of the staff is under the age of 40. The tools may actually reduce the engineer’s time the components for “just-in-time” delivery
majority responded that BIM training time and effort in reviewing shop drawings, and and installation without significant site stor-
would cost “4-6 weeks (160-240 hours)” of could (more importantly) reduce the overall age and handling.
lost billable time per person in the first year of fabrication process for owners by allowing
implementation. Nearly two-thirds of struc- fabricators to receive the engineer’s comments Staff, Clients and Marketing
tural engineers in the survey responded that in digital models.
they would need to use BIM in the next 12 to All of the changes in work process also BIM will change the way that structural
24 months, with over 30% saying “NOW”. directly affect business practice. The business engineering professionals relate to staff and
goal is for BIM to reduce the overall effort clients. A significant change related to staff
structural engineers on a given project for is the cost of training. This is a very expen-
Work Process, Business Practices, of a given fee. However, when considering the sive proposition for the majority of firms
and Types of Structures BIM effects on business practice, the propor- that are twenty people or less. Funding
Three areas of the profession that BIM will tion of effort on a project may not be distrib- this training takes investment and a high
affect are in work processes, business practices uted along traditional percentages. It is very level of commitment by upper manage-
and the types of structures that are designed. likely that more effort is required early on in ment. The most expensive aspect of BIM
Work process will be affected internally by a project to set up BIM than we would have for firms could be the tendency for some to
having engineers and drafters collaborating had with CAD. This initial setup cost of BIM change firms with their newly found BIM
in the same model. Additionally, the work is not a problem when the overall effort at skills as a way to advance in their careers,
process with clients, such as architects who the end of the project is under budget. How- even at the expense of the current employ-
also model in BIM, may be challenged by ever, if the project is placed on hold, firms er’s training investment. Any staff that is

STRUCTURE magazine 38 October 2008

trained in BIM will be in and mapping, and then are
high demand over the next 100% MARKET ADOPTION
returned to the US in less
few years. However, when than 24 hours. Freidman


The “BIM
trying to hire top talent, Resistance” (~15%) also points out that since the
the firms that do invest in Late Majority (~33%)
early 2000s, the accounting
BIM training will have a GOVERNMENT BIM TRANSITION profession has sent hundreds
marketing edge on hiring CONSTRUCTION, GC & SUBS
of thousands of tax returns
® to
given the high personal India for processing overseen

interest of BIM among by CPA’s licensed in the states.
structural engineers, with STRUCTURAL
Early Majority (~33%) Could BIM be the packaging

nearly two thirds rating BIM TRANSITION
of our data that facilitates re-
their interest in BIM as ARCHITECTURAL mote engineering of portions
“above average” to “very of the US structural engineer-

high/exceptional”. Early Adopters (~15%) ing profession?
An unintended consequence Client relationships and the
g h t

of BIM related to staff is that, i way structural firms market
for the first time, we see a C o pyr Innovators (~2-4%)
YEARS to clients will also be changed
2000 2008 2015
framework for combining with BIM. Traditional long-

much of the structural engi- standing relationships with
Figure 4: Author’s projections of the technology adoption of BIM for the stakeholder in
neering information for all the project delivery process. Projections are based on the national survey referenced in this clients who are committed
aspects of a project in one article, author’s experience, and history of other technology transitions. to BIM will be challenged by

digital relational database. structural firms that resist in-

Thomas Friedman, in his books The Lexus of local staff. Friedman documents examples vesting in the new technology. BIM-resistant

and the Olive Tree (1999) and The World Is from other professions, which could be easily structural firms will find themselves aligned

Flat (2005), pointed out that professions paralleled in certain segments of the struc- more with clients who are not aggressively
that organize their data in digital relational tural engineering profession. A noteworthy adopting BIM. Similarly, structural firms that

T a
databases will very soon begin outsourcing example of globalization is the case where have made the investment and commitment to
notable portions of their work. This is espe- digital MRI’s of the human brain are sent to BIM will find opportunities with new clients

cially the case in professions with a shortage medical doctors overseas for interpretations who are interested in BIM.

continued on next page

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STRUCTURE magazine 39 October 2008

Building Codes Globally, this has been seen in the building to invest in BIM if they want to work with
industry within the last three years in sev- their clients who require it.
and Owner Requirements eral areas. The governments of Norway and
Building codes are another area that illustrates Singapore require the use of 3D object-based The Future
the importance of BIM in the structural engi- BIM for plan submission and review. Similarly, No one can guarantee what tomorrow holds
neering profession. Many structural engineers in Finland, Senate Properties, a company that for BIM. However, good stewardship of our
will remember the regional effects on design works closely with government agencies, has individual careers, our firms’ futures, our
when the International Code Council’s (ICC) decided to require BIM for its projects as ®
clients’ best interest and our profession warrant

new International Building Codes (IBC) of October 2007. Closer to home, the U.S. structural engineers to be actively involved in
were adopted in their local municipalities, Coast Guard and the General Services Ad- the development of BIM. Support and par-
sometimes resulting in seismic lateral loads ministration have adopted BIM requirements ticipation in groups such as the SEI-CASE

controlling designs in areas that were previously at various stages of their projects. In 2006, the joint committee on BIM or the SEAoT IT
considered non-seismic. Whether structural Associated General Contractors (AGC) issued Committee on BIM are excellent opportunities
firms like doing seismic analysis or not, they

A Contractors Guide to BIM, and in 2007, the for engineers to become involved in this im-
now have to be in compliance with the newly first part of the National BIM Standard draft portant process. The significance of BIM is
adopted IBC codes. was published, igivinght guidance for owners
rtogrequire that it is a powerful paradigm shift that will

The ICC has been working for over two regarding whatp y in BIM. The Amer- permanently change almost all aspects of the
years in developing the SMARTcodes ini- Co
ican Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) structural engineering profession in less than

tiative with BIM to make “automatic code has been working since 1998 on developing ten years. It provides a rewarding opportunity
checking” possible. The SMARTcodes are a part an open standard computer language called for those who can develop strategies to over-
of ICC’s vision for the future of e-government CIS/2 that facilitates EDI, which was noted come the challenges that BIM poses.▪

environments where models can be code- in the 2005 update to the AISC code of
checked and then processed electronically for Will F. Ikerd II, P.E. is a structural engineer

standard practice. This effort has resulted in

permitting. Even structural firms that want many well-documented successes with struc- with experience in a variety of systems and

to avoid BIM may find themselves investing tural steel models that have passed through is nationally recognized for his work and
in the code-required BIM process, just as into construction. Furthermore, private-
z consulting in BIM and Integrated Project

T a
they did with code-required seismic design, sector clients, such a General Motors, have Delivery (IPD). He co-chairs the SEI-CASE
when their clients are working in munici- mandated that BIM be used on all of their Joint Committee on BIM and the AGC

BIM Forum’s Designers Sub forum. He may

palities that adopt BIM-based plan submitting future facility construction projects. In these
and permitting. be reached at

cases, structural engineers have no choice but

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STRUCTURE magazine 40 October 2008

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