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CHAPTER 8 Algorithm

1. Computer scientists have defined 3 constructs for a structured program or algorithm (Sequence,
Decision, Repetition).
2. Structure chart: is a high-level design tool that shows the relationship between algorithms and
subalgorithms. It is used mainly at design level rather at the programming level.
3. Bubble sort: Divide two sublist: unsorted and sorted, the smallest in unsorted move the
beginning of sorted.
4. Selection sort: Divide two sublist: unsorted and sorted, the smallest in unsorted swap for the
first item of unsorted elements (beginning of sorted list).

CHAPTER 9 Programming Language

1. A computer language: is a set of predefined words that are combined into a program according
defined rules (syntax).
2. Computer languages have evolved from machine language to high level language.
3. The only programming language are available were machine language.
4. The only language understood by a computer is machine language (0, 1).
5. At least two drawbacks: First: machine-dependent. Second: very tedious to write programs in
this language, and very difficult to find erros.
6. Symbolic languages == Assembly languages -> replace machine language.
7. Assembler translates code in Assembly language into machine language.
8. Assebemly still required programmers to concentrate on the hardware.
9. High level language share one characteristic with symbolic language: must be converted to
machine language. This process (Compilation or interpretation).
10. The program in a high level language is called the source program. The translated program in
machine language is called the object program.
11. Functional: LISP, Scheme; Declarative: Prolog; OOP: Small Talk, Visual Basic.
12. The procedural paradigm: (or imperative paradigm) an active agent that manipulates passive
object. (Như người đưa chỉ thị hoặc hành động cho các đối tượng bị động thực hiện hành động
hoặc chỉ thị đó).
13. Fortran: 1957, first high level language. Tính toán (số mũ).
14. Cobol: business programming language. User friendly formatted output, (Truy cập, cập nhật dữ
liệu nhanh trong CSDL nhanh chóng, tạo SLL báo cáo).
15. Pasal: 1971
16. 1970s, C is high level language and also low level instructions.
17. A program in Java can either be an application or an applet.
18. An array (same type), a record (can be of different types).
1. A fundamental concept in software engineering is the software lifecycle.
2. The development process in a software lifecycle involves 4 phases: analysis, design,
implementation, and testing.
3. The waterfall model: the development process flows in only one direction (A phase cannot be
started until the previous phase is completed).
4. The incremental model, software is developed in a series of steps.
5. Analysis phase:

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