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What effect does change in volume (decibles) have on the cardiovascular system?

What is the independent variable (the one you change)?

What are three controlled variables (the ones you keep the same)?

What is the dependent variable (the one that changes in response)?

How will you measure the impact of changing your independent variable?


If the ___________________________ is __________________________________

(keeping _____________, _____________, and _________________) constant, then

__________________________ will ____________________________________ as

measured with a ________________________.

Evaluation Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Hypothesis •Generates a fair hypothesis •Generates a satisfactory •Generates a reasonable •Generates an insightful
•Provides limited hypothesis hypothesis hypothesis
explanation •Provides a satisfactory •Provides a thorough •Provides a thorough and
•Correctly identifies few explanation explanation relevant explanation
variables •Correctly identifies •Correctly identifies most •Correctly identifies all
variables variables variables
List ALL of the materials used in the experiment.

The procedure is where you outline step by step what you did to test your problem.
1) List numerically all steps like a cooking recipe
2) Every point begins with an order or command - Good = Get, mass, weigh, do, determine
Bad = Then next, next, after,
3) Make sure you include everything if it helped you test the problem.


Evaluation Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Materials and •Requires teacher assistance •Demonstrates a satisfactory •Demonstrates a reasonable •Demonstrates a clear
to demonstrate an understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
Procedure understanding of the materials, procedure and materials, procedure and materials, procedure and
materials, procedure and safety safety safety
safety •Procedure is reasonably •Procedure is accurate,
accurate, numbered, and in numbered, and in command
command format format
In the observations section you want to record all of the results in a TABLE with appropriate units.


Evaluation Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Observation •Few experimental trials •Few experimental trials •Sufficient experimental •Valid number of trials
•Controls not maintained •Controls not maintained trials •Controls maintained
•Results poorly recorded or •Results recorded or •Controls maintained •Results well recorded or
characterized (no tables) characterized •Results sufficiently recorded characterized
or characterized • Perfect conventions
• Good conventions
In the discussion, you:
1) Restate the problem and why you are doing the experiment
2) What is your hypothesis and was it correct or incorrect?
3) Using your results prove your statement from step 2.
4) Describe why these observations occurred. (NOTE: Why a colour change occurred, not that a colour
change occurred). You may have to look this information up!
5) Conclusion…did you solve the problem?
6) If you did not solve the problem, state what you would have expected to see, some potential sources of
error or other reason why you could not solve the problem.

Evaluation Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Discussion •Hypothesis outcome not •Hypothesis characterized •Hypothesis characterized •Hypothesis well
well characterized. with qualitative with qualitative and some characterized with good use
observations quantitative observations. of results quantitative
•Some theory incorporated observations.
from concepts covered •Theory incorporated from
through the school year. concepts covered through
• Reasonable conventions school year.
•Perfect conventions


3 Controlled variables yes/no Design has multiple trials yes/no

Independant variable yes/no All materials are listed yes/no
Dependant variable yes/no Procedure lists steps yes/no
Hypothesis includes all variables yes/no Procedure is numbered yes/no

Discussion:restates the problem? yes/no Explains the science? yes/no

Hypothesis correct? yes/no Conclusion? yes/no
Supports with data? yes/no Error or next steps? yes/no

Lab belongs to: ________________________ Lab peer edited by: ______________________

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