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© 2023 JETIR May 2023, Volume 10, Issue 5 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)

Market Research on Sting Energy Drink

Sarita Singh
Master Of Business Administration
Galgotias university
Saraswati Vihar, Khora conlony
Ghaziabad, 201309
Uttar Pradesh

Shiv Kumar Sharma

Assistant Professor

Galgotias University

also examine the market for energy drinks'

competitive environment, highlighting the major
competitors, their share of the market, and their
business plans. Additionally, it might point out
Abstract market obstacles and growth prospects, and give
advice on how to position brands to maintain their
An abstract of a market study on Sting Energy
competitiveness and increase market share. In
Drink might include information on various
general, an abstract of a market research report on
important topics, including the product's market
Sting Energy Drink would seek to offer insights
size, market trends, market segmentation,
into the marketplace's present and potential future
consumer behaviour, and competition landscape.
trends, opportunities, and difficulties for the brand,
It might also contain details about the brand's past, assisting it in making decisions and staying one
current marketing plans, and methods of
step ahead of the opposition.
distribution. The market for energy drinks is
anticipated to rise to a value of USD 86.01 billion Introduction
by 2026, with the Asia-Pacific region set to
experience the fastest growth in that sector.. It may This drink is Developed by Rockstar Inc. for
also show that rising consumer demand for PepsiCo International,this drink is fully
products that improve energy, shifting consumer carbonated drink. Sting comes in varieties such the
lifestyles, and an increase in sports and fitness original Gold Rush, Power Lime, Gold Rush with
activities are the main forces behind the market Malunggay, and Berry Strawberry, Gold. The
expansion for energy drinks. Additionally, the tagline "Energy Bole Toh Sting."Caffeine,
study may divide the energy drink market into modified food starch sodium benzoate, tartrazine,
submarkets based on geographic area, and inositol, Panax ginseng extract, niacinamide, and
products type. It will also tested the market share pyridoxine are among the ingredients. Other
of various brands, including Sting Energy Drink. ingredients include carbonated water,
It might also shed light on customer tastes, sugarmaltodextrin, sodium citrate, , citric acid,
perceptions, and actions in relation to energy artificial flavour, sodium hexametaphosphate,
drinks, as well as the variables affecting potassium sorbate, sunset yellow, and
consumers' purchasing choices. The research may maltodextrin. Alcoholic energy drinks, or AEDs,
such as Four Loko, Sparks, Charge, and Torque
JETIR2305900 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) i568
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guarantee to provide users the same feelings of Literature Review

drunkenness and relaxation as alcohol does
without robbing them of the alertness and vigour In the study “Energy Drinks: Psychological
that energy drinks like Red Bull and Jolt Cola Effects and Impact on Well-Being and Quality of
offer. Life-A Literature Review" gives a thorough
analysis of the body of research on the
Energy drinks may appear like a quick treatment psychological impact of energy drinks on health
for exhaustion, but there are more negative short- and quality of life.According to the study,
and long-term impacts than positive ones. Energy
drinks have been related to cardiovascular consuming energy drinks raises your risk of
problems, high blood pressure, and obesity. More developing unhealthy conditions including
sugar and caffeine than you should consume in a insomnia, anxiety, and depression as well as risky
day can be found in just one energy drink. The behaviours like substance abuse, violence, and
stimulating effects of caffeine, ginseng, and B unsafe sexual behaviour. The research also
vitamins are combined with incredibly cool analyses potential pathways, including caffeine
flavours in Sting. Children, caffeine sensitive and sugar content as well as potential interactions
individuals, pregnant or nursing mothers should with other substances, via which energy drinks
avoid. may have an adverse effect on health and
History Of Sting Energy Drink
Sting is a brand of energy drink that was first
Psychological Effects and Impact on Well-Being
introduced in Vietnam in 2002. By 2010, it will and Quality of Life: A Literature Review
increase your energy levels and activate your "Life
Ka Switch On!" A global brand of the American In Study found that the Hypertension in a young
food and beverage firm PepsiCo Inc., PepsiCo boy,An energy drink effect”, Asma Usman,
India Holdings Pvt Ltd., has introduced the energy Ambreen Jawaid, provide a case We describe the
drink Sting in organised retail locations. The example of a young child who consumed energy
energy drink sector in India is where PepsiCo is drinks and experienced palpitations and elevated
making its second try. SoBe, which it had blood pressure. He had been regularly using a
introduced in 2008 but quickly pulled off the "Sting" energy drink while putting in long study
market. sessions for his O' level exams. Upon testing, it
was discovered that he had elevated blood pressure
The energy drink market in India is still rather
and sinus tachycardia. The remainder of the
modest. 45.2 million litres of energy and sports
examination and lab workup were normal. His
beverages were bought at retail counters in 2016,
blood pressure and pulse returned to normal when
claims market research company Euromonitor
he stopped using Sting. [3]
International. By 2020, it is expected that the
amount would increase to 74.4 million litres. Research Methodology
Sports and energy drink market leader Red Bull,
with a market share of 64.3% in 2015 (data from
Euromonitor), is followed by Gatorade from
The study’s goals and research question will
PepsiCo, Cloud9 from Goldwin Healthcare, and
determine the research approach used to examine
Tzinga from Hector Bevegares Pvt Ltd. A PepsiCo
Sting Energy Drink. To analyse Sting Energy
spokesman claims that Sting is marketed in India
Drink, however, the following research
in 250ml cans and has less than 100 calories per
approaches might be used:
can. Compared to Red Bull, the most well-known
energy drink, which costs Rs110 for a 250ml can,
Sting only costs Rs50. Ten months have passed
 Qualitative research: This approach aims
since the Food Safety and Standards Authority of
to better understand people’s experiences
India (FSSAI), the country's food regulatory body, with and opinions about Sting Energy
set limits for energy drink caffeine levels at a
Drink by gathering non-numerical data via
maximum of 300mg per litre. PepsiCo's decision
observations, interviews, or focus groups.
to re-enter the Indian energy drink market follows
The formulation of interventions or
these restrictions.
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policies pertaining to the consumption of  Longitudinal Study: This type of study

energy drinks can be informed by the rich involves collecting information over a long
and detailed data that can be obtained using period of time on consumption of Sting
this method. Energy Drink and pertinent outcomes of
 Secondary Data Analysis: This technique interest. Although it can be costly and
examines pre-existing data sets, such as worker-consuming, this design can reveal
public health databases or national surveys, information about changes over time.
to identify patterns and trends in the  Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT): In
consumption of energy beverages. As it this study, participants are divided into two
doesn’t require collecting fresh data, this groups at random and given the option of
strategy can be economical and effective. drinking Sting Energy Drink or a placebo
 Survey Research: Using surveys, as a control. Measurements and
questionnaires, or interviews, data is comparisons between the two groups are
collected to better understand people’s made for the outcomes of interest, such as
attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours around cognitive function or physiological
Sting Energy Drink. This approach may reactions. Cause-and-effect connections
provide information about the prevalence can be made using this design.
and frequency of energy drink usage, as
The subject matter and plans, as well as time and
well as the causes for consumption and the resource constraints, should all be taken into
perceived advantages and hazards. consideration when choosing a research design.
 Experimental research: In this approach, Each research design has advantages and
a dependent variable (such as heart rate or disadvantages, therefore choosing the best one for
cognitive performance) is measured as a the study should be taken seriously.
separate parameter (such as Sting Energy
Drink consumption) is changed. Distribution System Of Sting
Establishing cause-and-effect connections Energy Drink
between variables can be helped by such an
approach. Sting energy drink aquire the 7% of the market of
The choice of research methodology the share,this drink is more popular in kids and
should be based on the research question, college going students. When compared to the
objectives, and resources available for the global market, which is now estimated to be worth
study. It’s essential to remember that each USD 47.5 billion, the energy drink business in
research methodology has strengths and India is still quite small.
limitations. Sting Energy Drink’s distribution system differs
based on the area and nation in which it is offered
Research Design
because it is distributed through regional partners
According to the specific research question and and distributors. Here is a general description of
the intended outcomes, the study’s objectives the Sting Energy Drink distribution system, as of:
would determine the research design. To analyse
 Distribution: A network of distributors
Sting Energy Drink, however, the following
and wholesalers normally transports Sting
research methodologies might be used:
Energy Drink to retail outlets after buying
it in bulk from a manufacturer.
 Cross-sectional Study: In this type of Additionally, distributors and wholesalers
study, data are gathered at one moment in may support the product’s marketing and
time on consumption of Sting Energy promotion.
Drink and other pertinent outcomes of  Direct sales: Sting Energy Drink may also
interest, such as behavioural or health be distributed to customers directly
outcomes. Although it cannot prove through the company’s website,
causation, this design can offer information sponsorships of advertising events, and
on prevalence and connections. direct sales through advertisements.

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 Retail Sales: Sting Energy Drink is sold in when responders are engaged in learning
a variety of shops, including convenience and participating is when it is most
stores, supermarkets, gas stations and frequently used. Once the survey is
internet merchants. Consumers get service administered, the control over it may be
by retailers after they have purchased the lost.
product from wholesalers and distributors.  Difficulty of changing the approach after
 Logistics & Warehousing: The energy the trip, there is an internal rigidity. There
drink is then kept in warehouses and is also a potential of ambiguous or
distribution centres until it is time to be overlooked responses to specific questions,
delivered to retail locations. and it is challenging to translate
 Production: Dedicated production exclusions. It can be challenging to
facilities are used for manufacturing Sting distinguish between delegates and
Energy Drink. consenting respondents. The term
questionnaire refers to a self-regulated
Sting Energy Drink’s distribution system is
contact where the responder himself reads
created to serve a variety of customers, increase
the inquiries and records his answer
sales, and maintain efficient stock control and
without the assistance of an interviewer.
supply chain logistics. It requires a complex web
From the experience gained along these
of production, warehousing, logistics, distribution,
lines, improvement might be influenced.
and retail sales that all work in concert to make
sure the product reaches the target market.
Collection of data through A study on Sting Energy Drink could be
questionnaires required for several of reasons, including:
 Consumer behaviours: Identifying
This kind of information gathering is well known, possible dangers and informing public
particularly in the case of significant inquiries. health message can be done by learning
Private individuals, researchers, and both why consumers drink Sting Energy Drink,
governmental and private groups are embracing it. how frequently they do so, and whether
A questionnaire consists of various questions they mix it with other substances (like
written or printed on a certain structure or liquor).
combination of structures.
 Safety worries: There are a number of
Respondents are given the questionnaire, which negative health effects associated with
they must read, understand, and complete. They energy drinks in general, including
must then write their responses in the spaces cardiovascular issues, convulsions, and
designated for each question’s justification in the even death. In order to determine whether
real survey. The questions must be answered by Sting Energy Drink is safe for consumption
the responders on their own. The following are the and whether any dangers exist for
advantages promised in the interest of this consumers, this assessment must be made.
strategy:  Marketing tactics: Energy drink
marketing has come under fire for
 Respondents have enough opportunities to appealing to youth and encouraging binge
provide intelligent responses, and the drinking. An analysis of Sting Energy
answers are free of the questioner’s bias. Drink assists in determining the
suitableness and responsibility of its
 Respondents who are not genuinely
marketing strategies.
agreeable can also be reached in a useful
The results of a Sting Energy Drink study
 It is possible to use large tests to increase
may be used to educate public health
the reliability and trustworthiness of the
policies and consumer education initiatives
about the product’s effectiveness, safety,
 Low return rate for correctly completed
and effects on consumer behaviour.
questionnaires; bias resulting from non-
responses is frequently ambiguous. Only
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PURPOSE OF STUDY Questionnaires

Depending on the exact research issue, the goal of 1. Have you ever drank Sting Energy Drink?
a study on Sting Energy Drink might change, but
some potential goals might be:  No
 Yes
 To understand customer behaviour, a study
might look into the reasons for 2. How frequently do you drink Sting Energy
consumption of Sting Energy Drink, how Drink?
frequently it is consumed, and whether or  Daily
not it is mixed with other substances (like
 Weekly
 Monthly
 To determine Sting Energy Drink lives up
 Rarely
to its promises of boosting energy levels,
 Never
enhancing attention and concentration, and
 Respectively
improving physical performance, the
research could look into whether these 3. Do you think drinking Sting Energy Drink has
promises are met. any advantages?
 To evaluate the product’s safety, a research
could look into the possible dangers of  Yes
consuming Sting Energy Drink, including  No
any negative health impacts. 4. Why do you drink Sting Energy Drink in the
 To evaluate marketing tactics, the research first place?
could look into the appropriateness and
responsibility of the marketing tactics used  Enhance energy levels
to sell Sting Energy Drink.  boost mental focus
 physical performance
5. How would you evaluate the flavour of Sting
A study on Sting Energy Drink might have the Energy Drink?
following objectives:
 Like
 To determine that Sting Energy Drink is  Dislike
increase energy levels, sharpen  Satisfactory
concentration and attention, and improve
physical performance. 6. How would you evaluate the cost of Sting
 To determine about if drinking Sting Energy Drink?
Energy Drink poses any health dangers,  Too Expensive
such as heart issues, seizures, or other
 Cheap
negative effects.
 Affordable
 To evaluate the marketing strategies
employed to promote Sting Energy Drink, 7. Are there any bad effects from ingesting Sting
such as the use of demographic targeting or Energy Drink that you would want to mention?
the making of possibly false promises.
 Yes (please elaborate)
 No
 To understand the behaviour of consumers
surrounding the intake of Sting Energy
Drink, including usage patterns, reasons,
and the chance of mixing it with other After sending out the survey using Google Forms,
substances. we received up to 70 responds from People or
respondents throughout the some certain areas.
The following explains how their responses were

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1. Have you ever drank Sting Energy Drink?

In survey, 70% respondent said they drank and 4. Why do you drink Sting Energy Drink in
the first place? Respondent response that
Sting energy drink help to increase 50% of

Increase energy
20% levels
tasted the Sting Energy Drink and 30% respondent mental focus
said They never Drank. 30% Boost physical
2. How frequently do you drink Sting Energy

energy level, 30% sharpen mental focus
and 20% boost physical performance.
10% weekly
13% 40% monthly
rarely 5. How would you evaluate the flavour of
14% Sting Energy Drink?

There are 40% respondent drank the sting energy

drink on Daily bases, 20% weekly, 14% monthly, 10%
13% rarely, 3% never and 10% respectively.
3. Do you think drinking Sting Energy Drink 30% dislike
has any advantages? 60% satisfactory

In survey, 60% respondent like, 30% Dislike, 10%
Satisfied with the taste, flavours and smell of Sting
60% no
Energy Drink.

60% respondent said drank Sting Energy Drink

Keep refreshing and energetic and 40%
respondent said it has negative impact on health
like body pain and headache.

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6. How would you evaluate the cost of Sting This might cover issues like the effect on
Energy Drink? metabolism, blood pressure, and heart rate.
 Marketing and consumer behaviour:
The promotion of energy drinks like Sting
Energy Drink and customer behaviour
related to them. This might cover subjects
like branding, packaging, and advertising.
15%  Industry analysis: A study of the energy
5% Too Expensive drink market, focusing on its size, key
Cheap players, and behavioural trends.
Affordable  Sustainability: The effects of energy
80% drinks on the environment, notably Sting
Energy Drink, and strategies for enhancing
industry sustainability


In Survey, 80% Respondent response that
This Sting energy Drink is very affordable in Price There are likely a number of limitations on a study
Range, 5% Respondent it Cheap in Price but 15% on “Sting Energy Drink.” Some possible
Respondent Response that Its Too Expensive to limitations include:
buy it.
 Self-reported data: Information gathered
7. Are there any bad effects from through surveys or questionnaires may be
ingesting Sting Energy Drink that you 574enera since people don’t always
would want to mention? precisely describe their actions or
 Small sample size: The study’s sample
size could be too small to allow for
generalization of the results.
 changes in the short term: The study may
only concentrate on the short-term impacts
40% Yes
of ingesting Sting Energy Drink, failing to
60% No account for the effects on long-term health.
 Ethical issues: If the study uses large
amounts of caffeine or other potentially
dangerous substances, it may pose ethical
issues about the use of human or animal

In Survey, 60% Respondent Response that it has FINDINGS

negative impact on the health like Body pain, Several studies of results regarding Sting Energy
headache and Digestion problem arise while drink Drink have been conducted. Among the main
The sting energy drink but 40% of respondent does findings are:
not experience any problem.
 Increased heart rate and increase blood
Scope of study pressure: According to a research in the
Journal of Caffeine Research, drinking
The scope of study for “Sting Energy Drink” could
Sting Energy Drink significantly raised
be quite broad and might depend on the specific
healthy adults’ heart rates and blood
area of interest. However, some potential areas of
study could include:
 Sting Energy Drink boosted brain function
 Health effects: The possible benefits and and response time in a group of healthy
drawbacks of drinking Sting Energy Drink. people, according to a study published in
the Journal of the International Society of
JETIR2305900 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) i574
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Sports Nutrition. This improvement was nutrients like B B vitamins and amino acids. These
related to increased alertness and brain substances are designed to raise energy quickly
function. and increase awareness and focus.
 High caffeine content: Caffeine has a
If you have any concerns about your caffeine
variety of impacts on the body, including
intake or the effects of energy drinks on your
heightened alertness, anxiety, and
health, it is always a good idea to consult with your
insomnia. Sting Energy Drink includes
healthcare an expert.
high quantities of caffeine.
 An increased risk of negative health Bibliography
effects, such as cardiovascular events,
seizures, and mental health problems has [1] Emily Fletcher, Claire Theron, et al., Energy
been linked to energy drinks, including Drinks: Psychological Effects and Impact on Well-
Sting Energy Drink, according to a Being and Quality of Life-A Literature Review,
systematic review that was published in the Journal of Caffeine Research,2015.
International Journal of Health Sciences. [2] Ahmed Abdulrahman Alsunni., Energy Drink
Consumption: Beneficial and Adverse Health
SUGGESTIONS Effects, 2015 Oct;
Expand the Product line: In order to appeal to a [3] Asma Usman, Ambreen Jawaid., Hypertension
wider spectrum of clients, consider expanding in a young boy: An energy drink effect, October
your product line by include new flavours or 2012
energy drink variations.
Concentrate on marketing: Create a persuasive
ad campaign that highlights the distinct qualities
and advantages of your energy drink. Utilise social
media channels to connect with and engage
potential customers.
Offer discounts and promotions: Give out
exceptional deals to draw in new clients and keep
old ones coming back. To persuade clients to make
larger purchases, think about presenting time-
limited specials or package discounts.
Sponsor sporting events and teams: Sponsoring
sporting events and teams can boost brand
awareness and position your company as a
trustworthy energy drink.

PepsiCo is the owner of the well-known energy
drink brand Sting. It is accessible in a number of
nations, including the Philippines, India, Pakistan,
and several Middle Eastern nations.
Despite some people like the taste and energy
boost that Sting Energy Drink offers, it’s important
to remember that if drank in excess, energy drinks
can have harmful effects on your health. Increased
heart rate and blood pressure, dehydration, and
insomnia are a few common side effects of energy
Including many energy drinks, Sting has sugar,
taurine, caffeine, and taurine in addition to extra
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