September 20th

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September 20th, 2023

Past Simple Verbs for Everyday Routines - Pocket Passport

Past Simple Everyday Routines ESL Conversation

Part B – Past Simple Verbs for Everyday Routines

Vocabulary Bank

drive | water | stand up | put on x 2 | take x 2 | make | order | go | arrive

give | do | break down | prepare | clean | choose | try | stop by | check

doze off | clap | reply | leave | get up | paint | wash | call | take a nap

sign | do | work up a sweat | buy | have | pick up | get back

Gap Fill: Complete the following sentences with the words in the vocabulary box. Watch the
video to check your answers.

Actually, I usually drive to work. I ____took__________1 the train to work because my car
_______broke_______2. I ______called________3 the mechanic but he’s really busy this
week. He can’t fix my car until the weekend, so I have to take the train to work for the next
few days.

I _______arrived_______4 to work at around 7:40.

I ______made________5 some phone calls. I ________checked______6 my email and

_replied_____________7 to some messages.

I ______________8 a meeting with my boss. He was in a good mood yesterday, so everyone

was happy.

I ______________9 a presentation to my colleagues. Everyone loved it. They

______________10 and ______clapped________11.

I ______________12 a report, and I ______signed________13 some important contracts.

Part B

Mandy: Today was my day off. I’m a nurse so I have an irregular schedule. I work at a big

Today I ______________14 to take it easy. I ______________15 as soon as Frank

______________16 the house.

I ______________17 and I ______________18 my nails. I ______________19 my face, and

then I ______________20 my makeup.

I ______________21 some perfume.

I ______________22 to the supermarket and ______________23 some food for dinner. I

______________24 salmon, vegetables and some fresh fruit.

I ______________25 the bakery on the way home. I ______________26 a cheesecake for

dessert. It’s Frank’s favorite!

I ______________27 from shopping and I ______________28 for forty-five minutes. I really

______________29. It was a great workout.

I _____________30 the living room. I _______ some ______________31. I ______________32

the flowers. Then I ______________33 for about 30 minutes while watching TV.

I ______________34 for lunch. I ______________35 fast food because I was in a hurry – since I
__________36 little snooze. I ______________37 a burger – hold the onions, some fries and a
drink. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t so good either. Next time I’ll eat something healthier.

Part B Listening Questions

Why did Frank drive to work?

When can the mechanic fix his car?

Why can’t the mechanic fix his car now?

How will he get to work for the next few days?

What time did he arrive to work?

What kinds of tasks did he do at work?

Why were all of his co-workers happy?

What did his colleagues think of his presentation?

What did Mandy do as soon as Frank left the house?

Where did Mandy go after she got up from her nap?

How did she get to the supermarket?

What did she but at the supermarket?

Where did she go on her way home from the supermarket?

What did she get at the bakery?

How long did she do yoga for?

What kind of housework did she do?

What did she do after doing some housework?

Where did she go after her nap?

Why did she choose fast food?

What did she order?

Discussion Questions

What was the last meal that you cooked? How did it taste?

What did you buy at the supermarket the last time you went shopping?

Do you often buy things from the bakery? What did you buy the last time you went?

What did you drink for breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

What kind of exercise do you like to do?

Grammar Part B

Conjugate the following verbs into the past simple.


doze off




break down

get back

stand up



stop by



take a nap





pick up



work up a sweat


put on

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