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00 General

10 Chassis and cab

Technical 20 Electrical system

DCD 30 Engine

320-500 40
drive axle, brakes
This Handbook deals with the design
and maintenance of Kalmar forklift
trucks, type DCD.

In addition, it gives details of

troubleshooting and the most common
corrective maintenance.

Operation and other matters that are

primarily of interest to the operator are
included in the Instruction Manual. 60 Steered axle
Kalmar Industries AB

70 Hydraulic system
We reserve the right to modify
our design and material speci-
fications without prior notice.

80 Mast and fork carrige

AdEra Dokument AB, Växjö
90 Periodic supervision
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DCD320-500 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Contents Group 00 P. 1

Group 00
Safety regulations 2
General...................................................................................... 6
Design – general survey ...................................................... 6
Component units ................................................................ 7
Supplementary books ......................................................... 8
Replacement system – Spare parts .................................... 8
Tools ................................................................................... 8
Tightening torques................................................................ 9
System of units ................................................................... 11
DCD320-500 Safety regulations TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 00 P. 2

It is important that you read the instruction Safety regulations aimed at reducing the
manual. risk of personal injury and damage to
Incorrect handling can lead to personal injury or dam- loads or other property.
age to products and/or property. Therefore, read the in-
struction book very carefully before operating the truck. Intended of use
The instruction manual contains important information z The truck may only be used for the purpose for
about your Kalmar truck, about the operation of the which it was intended, namely, to lift and transport
truck, about safety during operation and about the goods, the weight of which does not exceed the
truck's daily maintenance. In addition, you will find use- maximum permitted load capacity of the truck.
ful information that will make operations easier for you z The truck may not, without specific permission
in your daily work. from Kalmar, be modified or re-built so that its func-
The instruction manual must always be kept in the ma- tion or performance is altered.
chine. If the manual should be lost, a replacement must z The truck may not be driven on public highways if
be immediately obtained. Never use a machine with a it has not been adapted to comply with national
missing instruction manual. road safety regulations.
Ask your foreman/group leader if there is anything in Operator requirements
the manual that you do not understand or if you feel that z The truck may only be driven by operators who
information is missing in any area. have been specially trained and who have the
company's authority to do so.
The symbol is used on our products in certain z Laws and other regulations relating to driving li-
cases and then refers to important information con- cence, operator ID, log book, etc., must be fol-
tained in the instruction manual. Make sure that warn- lowed at all times.
ing and information symbols are always clearly visible z The operator must be aware of and follow all local
and legible. Replace symbols that have been damaged safety regulations.
or painted over.
z It is always the responsibility of the operator to en-
sure that the truck has approved fire extinguishing
In this instruction manual warnings are inserted that equipment in accordance with currently applicable
apply to your own safety. Warnings point out the risk of regulations.
accident that can cause personal injury. Operation of the truck is prohibited:
z If any of the fitted safety equipment, such as rear
view mirrors, headlights, reversing alarm (option-
WARNING! al), does not function correctly.
z If there is a fault with the brakes, steering or lift
Warns of the risk of serious personal injury, pos- equipment.
sible death and/or serious damage to product or z If it has been repaired, modified or adjusted with-
property if the regulations are not followed. out the approval of the work supervisor.
z If the truck is fitted with tyres not approved by
For technical warnings, that point out the risk of break
down, the word IMPORTANT is used:
Continued on next page
Is used to draw attention to such occurrences
that can cause damage to the product or

For information that facilitates the working process or

handling, N.B. is used:

N.B. Draws attention to useful information that

helps the working process.
DCD320-500 Safety regulations TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 00 P. 3

Continued from previous page z Handle batteries and junction boxes with great
care. The batteries must always be protected over
Operating regulations
the poles and connections.
z Before starting, always check to ensure that no-
z Always rectify any damage or wear and tear that
body is in the way of the truck or its equipment.
can risk personal safety or that can affect the func-
z The operator must always face the direction of op- tions of the truck or its service life.
eration and take particular care in areas where
z Trucks with tippable cabs: The cab must always be
persons or other vehicles are likely to appear in the
vicinity. If visibility is limited by the load, the opera- tipped over the point of balance. If there is insuffi-
tor should operate the truck in reverse. cient lateral space the cab must always be secured
against accidental lowering with a brace or similar.
z It is prohibited to walk or stand underneath raised
forks or other equipment, whether they are loaded z Avoid touching oils and greases. Avoid inhaling ex-
or not. haust and oil fumes.
z Always use steps and handrails when entering or
z It is prohibited to transport passengers on the truck
outside the cab or on the load. Passengers may be leaving the machine - Never jump!
transported inside the cab only on condition that it To avoid the risk of slipping, tread only on anti-slip
is equipped with a fixed passenger seat. surfaces. If the anti-slip protection has become
worn, loose or in any way less effective, it should
z It is prohibited to lift people if the truck is not be replaced.
equipped with an approved lift cage.
z Welding painted steel produces poisonous gas-
z It is prohibited to exceed the load capacity of the ses. Paint should therefore be stripped before
truck. See capacity plate and loading diagram. welding, good ventilation ensured and/or face
z It is prohibited to transport loads in the raised posi- mask with filter used.
tion as this entails a risk of the truck tipping. All z Mobile phones used in the cab must always have
transportation shall take place with the load in the fixed connections to the machine’s electrical sys-
lowered position and with the mast tilted back- tem, with a fixed antenna outside the machine,
wards to the maximum. mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s in-
z The operator must adapt the speed of the truck to structions. This will avoid interference with the ma-
the character of the load, conditions of visibility, the chine’s important electronic functions.
character of the roadway/surface, etc. z The tensile strength of the top pane can be seri-
z The operator shall avoid powerful acceleration and ously weakened by exposure to elements that con-
braking when turning. In addition, the operator tain: Aromatic hydrocarbon, ketone, esters or
shall always moderate the speed of the truck when chlorinated hydrocarbon.
turning so as to avoid the risk of lateral skidding or Regularly check the surface condition of the top
tipping. pane and clean only with screen wash or other mild
z The operator shall take particular care when oper- cleaning fluid. After cleaning, rinse thoroughly with
ating in the vicinity of electrical power lines, via- warm water. It is prohibited to modify or in any oth-
ducts, quay-sides, ramps, gates/doors etc. er way make alterations to the top pane. Immedi-
ately replace damaged top panes that show signs
z Safety belts must always be worn, if fitted. In the of cracking or scratching.
event of the truck tipping, always remain in the cab
and grip the steering wheel securely. Never try to Operating with attachments
jump out of the cab. z The operator must always take the effect of the
z The parking brake can also be used as an EMER- wind into account when handling containers. Avoid
GENCY BRAKE. However, having been used for lifting with a wind strength in excess of 12 m/s
emergency braking, the brake linings must be in- (27 mph/40 feet per second)
spected and replaced if needed. If the parking z Always drive carefully so as to avoid attachments
brake has been mechanically released, it must al- colliding with pillars, cables, etc.
ways be reset in order for the truck to regain the z Carefully study the “Lift methods” section of the
parking brake function. instruction manual
Interrupted operation, parking
z Always check that the gear lever is in the neutral
position before turning the ignition key to restart or CE marking
to reset an emergency stop. All trucks and equipment (though not thoses fitted on
the truck or intended as spare parts) supplied from Ka-
z Never leave the operator's cab without applying the lmar are CE marked, which indicates that they comply
parking brake (ON position). with the requirements of the EU Machine Safety Direc-
z Always remove the ignition key if the truck is to be tive. In addition, each truck has a so called, “EU Decla-
left unattended. ration of Conformity” which is the legal proof that the
Other important points to remember truck complies with the “health and safety” require-
z The truck's hydraulic system includes high pres- ments laid down in the Machine Safety Directive, the
sure hydraulic accumulators. Always be extremely EMC directive (electro-magnetic compatibility) and the
careful when working with the hydraulic system LVD directive (electrical equipment). Kalmar machines
and avoid being unnecessarily close to the hydrau- also comply with sound directive according to 2000/14/
lic equipment, lines and hoses. Before working on EC.
the hydraulic system, the accumulators must be Vibration standard
emptied into the tank, with the help of the special The truck is tested according to test method described
accumulator evacuation valve. in EN 13059, see Technical data.
DCD320-500 Safety regulations TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 00 P. 4

Safety regulations

z Never run hands or fingers along any tubes,

pipes or hoses whilst investigating for possible
leaks as some of these lines (diesel fuel, hy-
draulic, steering, etc.) operate at extremely
high pressures and even the most minute of
leaks can cause oil or fluid to penetrate the
z Under no circumstances may compressed air
be used to remove a hydraulic piston from its
z Always attend to damage and wear that may
be of significance to the performance and use-
ful life of the truck or to the safety of the person-
z Follow the safety rules whenever carrying out
service work on the air conditioner. The refrig-
erant is injurious to the skin and eyes. Only au-
thorized service personnel may repair the
DCD320-500 Safety regulations TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 00 P. 5

Safety instructions for working with tyres

z Tyre changing can be dangerous and should only – Always select the correct tyre size and construc-
be carried out by specially trained tion matching the manufacturer’s rim or wheel
personnel using proper tools and procedures. Fail- rating and size.
ure to comply with these procedures may result in – Do not use over-size tyres, too large for the rims,
faulty positioning of the tyre and/or rim and cause e.g. 14.5 inch tyres with 14 inch rims or 16.5
the assembly to burst with explosive force suffi- inch tyres with 16 inch rims.
cient to cause physical injury or death. Never fit or – Never use damaged, worn or corroded rims/
use damaged tyres or rims. wheels or fitting hardware. Always verify that the
z Never attempt to weld on an inflated tyre/rim as- rim is in a serviceable conditioning.
sembly. – Always clean and repaint lightly rusted rims.
– Never use a rim/wheel component that can not
z Never let anyone assemble or disassemble tyres be identified. Check rim parts against multi-
without proper training.
piece rim/wheel matching charts.
z Never run the truck on one tyre of a dual assembly.
The load capacity of a single tyre is then danger- z Assembly and inflation
ously exceeded and operation in this manner may
damage the rim. – It is important that the inflation equipment is
equipped with a water separator to remove
moisture from the air line in order to prevent cor-
z Deflation and dismantling rosion. Check the separator periodically to en-
– Always block the tyre and wheel on the opposite sure that it is working properly.
side of the vehicle before you place the jack in – Make sure that the lockring is in its right position.
position. Always crib up the blocks to prevent – Never mix different manufacurer’s parts since
the jack from slipping. this is potentially dangerous. Always check
– Always check the tyre/rim assembly for proper manufacturer for approval.
component seating prior to removal from the – Never seat rings with hammering while the tyre
truck. is inflated. Do not hammer on an inflated or par-
– Always deflate the tyre by removing the valve tially inflated tyre/rim assembly.
core prior to removing the complete assembly – Always double check to ensure that the rim as-
from the truck or dismantling any of the compo- semblies have been correctly assembled and
nent. Before loosening mounting bolts, run a that securing studs and nuts are tightened to the
wire through the valve stem to ensure that it is correct torque setting.
not blocked. Ice or dirt can prevent all the air – Never inflate tyres before all side and lockrings
from escaping. Deflate and remove valve cores are in place. Check components for proper as-
from both tyres of a dual assembly. sembly after pumping to approximately 5 psi
– Never position body in front of the rim during de- (=34 kPa, =0.34 bar)
flation. – When adding air to a tyre on an industrial truck,
– Always follow assembly and dismantling proce- use a clip-on chuck and stay out of the danger
dures outlined in the manufacturer’s instruction area. If the tyres has been run flat then the rim
manual, or other recognized industry instruction must be dismantled and all parts inspected for
manuals. Use proper rubber lubricant. damage.
– Never use a steel hammer to assembling or dis- – Under-inflated tyres have a serious effect on the
mantling rim components – use a lead, brass or stability of the truck and reduces the safe load
plastic type mallets. The correct tools are avail- handling capacity. Always maintain tyres at the
able through rim/wheel distributors. correct inflation pressures. Check inflation pres-
– remove bead seat band slowly to prevent acci- sure daily. Do not over-inflate.
dents. support the band with your thigh and roll – Inspect tyres regulary – every day if possible.
it slowly to the ground in order to protect back Look for and remove broken glass, torn pieces
and toes. of tread, embedded metal chips etc. Inspect for
– Disassembly tools apply pressure to rim flanges uneven or rapid tread wear, usually caused by
to unseat tyre beads. Keep your fingers clear. mechanical irregularities, such as brakes out of
Slant disassembly tool about 10 degrees to adjustment or excessive toe-in and toe-out. If
keep it firmly in place. Always stand to one side discovered, correct the irregularity immediately.
when applying hydraulic pressure. Should the z When installing and tightening trail wheel bolts, ob-
tool slip off, it may cause fatal injury. serve the following:
z Rim inspection – Ensure that trail wheel or hub mounting surfaces
– Check rim components periodically for fatigue and trail wheel fastener mounting surfaces are
cracks. Replace all cracked, badly worn, dam- clean and free from paint and grease.
aged and severely rusted components. – Tighten bolts to specified torque settings. use
staggered sequence; i.e. top bolt, bottom bolt
DCD320-500 General TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 00 P. 6

Design – general survey

Kalmar DCD320-500 tonne diesel trucks are of sturdy design for
heavy duty. They are built around a chassis which has high
strength and torsional stiffness and an extremely low centre of
The operator’s cab is provided with vibration isolation and sound
insulation and offers excellent all-round visibility.
The operator is provided with many facilities for adjusting his
seating attitude. The seat, backrest and springing of the opera-
tor’s seat can be adjusted in a wide variety of ways.
On the low models, the cab is tiltable and offers excellent acces-
sibility to the transmission and hydraulic pumps. On trucks with
high-level tilting cylinders, the cab is located on the side, which
also offers easy access to the transmission and pumps. The en-
gine is easily accessible through a casing, divided in two halves.
Six cylinder, turbo-charged diesel engine combined with a four-
speed gearbox with torque converter, provides smooth power
whenever needed.
The drive axle with hub reductions, the oil-cooled hydraulic brake
system and the pendulum-mounted steered axle with double-act-
ing steering cylinder satisfy very strict demands on strength and
mobility when travelling on irregular surfaces.
The hydraulic system is reliable and has high performance
charged by two or three hydraulic pumps. For further details, see
group 70.

2 3


6 5 4
1. Free -visibility mast, with two lifting cylinders 5. Gearbox, combined with torque converter
2. Operator’s cab, rubber suspended cab 6. Drive axle, with hub gearing and oil-cooled
3. Engine, six-cylinder diesel engine with hydraulic brake
turbo-compressor 7. Fork carriage, hydraulically controlled fork
4. Steering axle, with pendulum suspension and positioning and sideshift
double acting steering cylinder
Main component units
DCD320-500 General TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 00 P. 7

Component units
z Sound-insulated and safety-tested operator’s cab with excel-
lent all-round visibility. The non-slip, substantial steps pro-
vide convenient access to the cab. All models in the series
can be equipped with a rotatable operator’s seat.
z Clearly arranged instrument panel.
z Engine – 6 cylinder, 4 stroke turbocharged diesel engine with
direct injection and thermostatically controlled water cool-
ing.The engine is equipped with:
– Injection pump with centrifugal governor that compensate
for load variations.
– Alternator.
z Gearbox with torque converter
– Constant-mesh gearbox in which hydraulically actuated
clutches for the different gears are electrically operated.
– Torque converter, which is a hydraulic coupling that ampli-
fies the output torque on an increase in load. Torque con-
version takes place smoothly and steplessly throughout
the engine speed range.
– Oil cooler connected to the engine cooling system for
cooling the oil in the gearbox and torque converter.
– Oil pump which supplies oil under pressure to the gearbox
and torque converter.
– Full-flow oil filter for effective cleaning of the gearbox oil.
z Drive axle with two-stage reduction - in the differential and
the hub reductions.
– Oil cooled hydraulic brakes for the foot brake, e.g. Wet
disc brakes.
– Disc type parking brake applied by a sturdy spring and re-
leased by hydraulic oil pressure. The brake is electrically
controlled from a switch in the operator’s cab.
z Hydraulic system with
– Wing type hydraulic pumps connected to take-offs on the
torque converter for lifting and for the other functions in the
main hydraulics.
– Main valve for controlling the main hydraulics. The valve is
controlled hydraulically from the cab by means of servo
circuits. Option: Electronic servo.
– A high pressure filter after each pump for effective clean-
ing of the hydraulic fluid before it is fed to the system.
– Steering valve (Orbitrol) - flow-control valve which sup-
plies hydraulic fluid to the steering cylinder.
z Steered axle with pendulum mounting and double-acting
steering cylinder.
z Sturdy clear-vision mast. Of duplex or triplex design, with or
without free lift.
– Outer mast with hydraulically controlled 5° forward and
10° backward tilting.
– Tilting cylinders with back-pressure valves to prevent the
load from tilting the mast forward.
– Inner mast with support rollers that carry the forces on the
mast. Yoke with guide rollers for the hydraulic hoses and
guide sprockets for the lifting chains.
– Lifting cylinders - two cylinders mounted on the outer
z Fork carriage designed for optimum visibility and equipped
hydraulic with fork positioning and sideshifting.
DCD320-500 General TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 00 P. 8

Supplementary books
In addition to the Instruction Manual and the Technical Hand-
book, the following books are delivered with every truck.

Spare parts catalogue

Instruction Manual for the engine
Workshop Manual for the engine

Replacement system - Spare parts

Kalmar operates a system of replacement parts, repair kits and
gasket sets covering most of the vital components of the truck.
For the contents of these kits, see the Spare parts catalogue.

Kalmar offers a wide range of tools for truck maintenance work.
For further information, please contact Kalmar's service depart-
DCD320-500 General TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 00 P. 9

Tightening torques
(According to Kalmar K Standards 20060.0001)
The tightening torques are applicable to steel bolts and nuts tight-
ened with a torque wrench under the following conditions:

Surface treatment
Condition Lubriation
Bolt Nut
1 untreated untreated oiled
bright galvanised untreated
2 bright galvanised bright galvanised dry or oiled
bright galvanised bright galvanised
3 hot-dip galvanised bright galvanised dry or oiled

The values specified in Table 1 are applicable to nut-and-bolt

joints, but can also be used for bolts fitted into tapped holes. How-
ever, in the latter case, the preloading force will be somewhat low-
er, depending on its depth of engagement.
When tightening by machine, the torque specified in Table 1
should be reduced by approx. 5%, due to the increased scatter
and to prevent the bolt from being tightened beyond its yield

Quality 8,8 10,9 12,9

Tightening torque, Nm
M fin 1 2 3 1 1
M8×1 27 24 30 39 46
M10×1,25 54 48 61 76 91
M12×1,25 96 85 108 135 162
M16×1,5 230 205 260 323 388
M18×1,5 330 294 373 466 559
M20×1,5 460 409 520 647 777
M24×2 786 700 888 1100 1330
M30×2 2660 1388 1763 2200 2640
M36×3 1560 2367 3005 3730 4480
DCD320-500 General TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 00 P. 10

To reduce the risk of settlement of the material and the

associated reduction in the preloading force if the hardness of the
surface supporting the bolt head or nut is lower than 200 HB, a
washer should be fitted under the bolt head and nut. This is not
applicable if flanged bolts or flanged nuts are used.
When tightening is carried out, the specified torque should be ap-
plied without pause, to ensure that the torque wrench will not be
tripped by the static friction before the joint has been tightened to
the specified torque.

Quality 8,8 10,9 12,9

Tightening torque, Nm
M 1 2 3 1 1
4 3,2 2,9 3,6 4,6 5,5
5 6,4 5,7 7,2 9,1 11
6 11 9,8 12,5 16 19
8 26 24 30 38 45
10 52 47 59 74 89
12 91 81 103 128 154
16 220 198 250 313 375
20 430 386 49 620 732
24 750 668 848 1050 1270
30 1480 1317 1672 2080 2500

Quality 8,8 10,9 12,9

Tightening torque, Nm
UNC 1 2 3 1 1
1/4 12,5 11,1 14,1 17,6 20
5/16 25 22,3 28,3 35 42
3/8 44 39 50 62 73
7/16 70 62 79 100 118
1/2 107 95 121 151 178
9/16 153 136 173 216 255
5/8 210 187 237 298 353
3/4 370 390 418 524 619
7/8 594 528 671 839 990

1 889 791 1005 1260 1480

1 1/8 1260 1120 1424 1780 2100
1 1/4 1760 1565 1990 2490 2940
1 3/8 2320 2065 2620 3280 3870
1 1/2 3060 2720 3455 4320 5100
DCD320-500 General TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 00 P. 11

Quality 8,8 10,9 12,9

Tightening torque, Nm
UNF 1 2 3 1 1
1/4 13 11 14 19 22
5/16 26 23 29 37 44
3/8 47 42 53 67 79
7/16 75 66 85 107 126
1/2 114 101 128 162 191
9/16 164 145 185 231 273
5/8 227 202 256 321 379
3/4 396 352 447 559 661
7/8 629 560 710 889 1050

1 937 834 1058 1320 1560

1 1/8 1350 1200 1525 1900 2250
1 1/4 1860 1655 2100 2630 3110
1 3/8 2500 2225 2825 3530 4170
1 1/2 3260 2900 3680 4610 5450

System of units
The SI system of units is employed in this handbook:
The conversion factors are as follows:

megapascal bar Kilogram-force per Pound-force
square centimetre, per square
kpf/cm² inch,
Atmosphere, at psi

1 10 10,2 145
0,1 1 1,02 14.5
0,098 0,98 1 14.2

Newton- Kilogram force-metre Pound-force foot
meter kgf m lbf ft

1 0,102 0.74
9,81 1 7.23


Kilowatt Horsepower (metric) Horsepower

kW hp hp

1 1,36 1.34
0,735 1 0.986
DCD320-500 Empty page TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 00 P. 12
DCD320-500 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Contents Group 10 P. 1

Group 10
Chassis and cab

Specifications ............................................................................ 2
Chassis...................................................................................... 3
Description ........................................................................... 3
Operator’s cab ........................................................................... 4
Description ........................................................................... 4
Steering column .............................................................. 7
Pump and cylinder for cab tilting ..................................... 8
Service ................................................................................. 9
Changing the fresh air filter ............................................. 9
Check and lubrication of brake pedal .............................. 9
Windscreen wipers ........................................................ 10
Air conditioning unit ................................................................. 11
Description ......................................................................... 11
Service ............................................................................... 14
Checking the air conditioning unit ................................. 14
DCD320-500 Specifications TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 10 P. 2

Air conditioner
z Cab unit
Circulated air flow 500-600 m3/h
Electric power consumption approx 350 W

z Compressor
Max. speed 4000 r/min
Refrigerant R134a *)
Electric power consumption approx 50 W
Oil capacity Zexel PAG SP-20 1.5 dl

z Condenser
Electric power consumption 250 W

z Cooling effect 6-8,5 kW

z Heating effect approx 11 kW

*) Refrigerant R12 is no longer in production due to legislation

DCD320-500 Chassis TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 10 P. 3

The chassis consists of:
z A unit construction frame built up around two box- sections
for best possible strength.
z Mountings for the drive axle, steered axle, telescope-boom,
lifting cylinders and transmission.
z The necessary counterweights to provide a very low centre
of gravity. Moreover, the steered axle is designed to serve as
an additional counterweight.
The hydraulic oil tank and the fuel tank are produced as separate
units and are bolted to the side of the chassis. The tanks have a
low profile, which contributes to the good visibility.
Low-level located tlting cylinders
Tilting operator’s cab


Hig-level located tilting cylinders

Operator’s cab centred or displaced to
one side


Container special
Operator’s cab centred

G21 - 073DCD


Gantry version (also as CS)

Operator’s cab centred or displaced
to one side
DCD320-500 Operator’s cab TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 10 P. 4

Operator’s cab
The operator’s cab is a separate structure and rests on the chas-
sis on rubber dampers. The operator’s seat, steering wheel and
hydraulic control levers can be adjusted for best possible operator
comfort. Effective insulation minimises the vibrations and sound
level in the cab.
The standard heating system consists of a fan and heater for
heating the air in the cab by recirculation. Fresh air is drawn in
through a ventilation air filter. Full air conditioning, with cooling,
heating and dehumidification, is available to special order.

1. Steering column with instrument panel and switches, ECS-terminal (option)

2. Air filter
3. Heating system
4. Electrical central unit
DCD320-500 Operator’s cab TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 10 P. 5

When driving down a slope, engage bottom

WARNING! gear to ensure maximum engine braking.
Don’t use the release clutch pedal in combi-
nation with the brake pedal, the engine would
then not provide any braking effect!

3 1 4 5 2 6

4 3 2 1

L 0

1 2 3

2 3

a b c d


8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


1. Gear selector 13
3. Instrument panel
4. Steering wheel panel Option: Joy-stick
5. Starting switch
6. Control lever, hydraulic functions
a. Lift, b. Tilt, c. Sideshift, d. Fork positioning a b c d
7. Electrical central unit with fuses and relays 6
8. Brake pedals, normal driving brake
9. Release clutch
10. Accelerator pedal 13
11. Steering wheel adjustment
12. Operator’s seat
13. Parking brake (Emergency brake) 14
14. emergency switch for all hydraulic functions 15 KL1735
15. Switch for by-pssing of the safety system
Option: Electric servo
DCD320-500 Operator’s cab TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 10 P. 6

21 22 23


37 38 39
35 36
34 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 52 53
25 47 48 49 50 51
24 54 55 56 60 59


4 3 2 1

L 0
66 R

1 2 3

4 5

57 58 64 61 62 63
21. Pressure gauge, gearbox oil pressure 40. Spare
22. Fuel gauge 41. Spare
23. Temperature gauge, engine coolant temperature 42. Warning lamp, battery charging
24. Switch, working lights 43. Warning lamp1), low engine oil pressure
25. Switch, working lights 44. Warning lamp1), low gearbox oil pressure
26. Switch, working lights 45. Warning lamp1), low brake pressure
27. Switch, flashing beacon (accumulator pressure)
28. Switch, hazard warning lights 46. Warning lamp1), low engine coolant level
29. Switch, driving lights 47. Indicating lamp, preheating
30. Spare 48. Warning lamp1), high engine coolant temperature
31. Spare 49. Warning lamp1), high gearbox oil temperature
32. Spare 50. Spare
33. Spare 51. Warning lamp, parking brake ON
34. Switch, compressor air conditioning 2) 52. Spare
35. Control, recirculation/fresh air 53. Spare
36. Control, defrost/cab 54. Spare (Green lamp TWIST-LOCKS LOCKED) 2)
37. Switch, fan 55. Spare (Orange lamp ALIGNMENT) 2)
38. Control, heat 56. Spare (Red lamp TWIST-LOCKS UNLOCKED) 2)
39. Control, cold 2) 57. Spare (LOCK/UNLOCK TWIST-LOCKS) 2)
58. Spare (LENGT ADJUSTMENT 20-40’) 2)
59. Indicating lamp, headlights
60. Indicating lamp, direction indicators
61. ECS terminal 2)
62. Switch, windscreen wiper, rear
KL675 63. Switch, windscreen wiper, roof
64. Spare
65. Fuses
66. Hour meter
The warning lamp is combined with a buzzer which
sounds when the engine is started
2) Optional
DCD320-500 Operator’s cab TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 10 P. 7

Steering column
Surrounding the steering column are multi-function levers for
gear changing, indicators, windshield wipers, etc., as well as the
instrument panel with the ECS terminal. At the very foot of the
steering column is the steering valve (Orbitrol), activated by the
steering wheel. The steering column is equipped with an adjust-
ment knob for the alteration of steering wheel height and rake.

4 3 2 1

L 0

1 1 2 3
4 5



1. Gear lever
2. Multi-function lever
3. ECS terminal
4. Steering wheel adjustment
knob 5
5. Orbitrol steering valve


Column steering
DCD320-500 Operator’s cab TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 10 P. 8

Pump and cylinder for cab tilting

On trucks equipped with low-level tilt cylinders, a hydrualic cylin-
der is provided for tilting the cab. The hydraulic fluid pressure for
this purpose is generated by a manually operated pump. The
pump is fitted with a reversing valve for upward or downward

1 2


1. Cab tilting cylinder

2. Manual pump
DCD320-500 Operator’s cab TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 10 P. 9

Changing the fresh air filter

(every 200 hours or when needed)
1. Remove the filter casing retaining bolts and remove the filter
2. Wash the filter insert with water and detergent or by using a
high pressure washer. Replace the insert if necessary.
3. Reinstall the filter insert.

Check and lubrication of brake pedal

(every 1000 hours)

1 2 1. Check and tighten the locking screws 3, so that the brake

pedal is securely fitted in the console.
2. Lubricate the brake pedal shaft through the nipples 2.


1. Brake pedal
2. Lubricating nipple
3. Locking screw
4. Shaft
DCD320-500 Operator’s cab TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 10 P. 10

Windscreen wipers
The wiper arms are fixed to the wiper motor shafts via conical
splines. The shafts are manufactured of hardened steel and the
wiper arm mounting of soft, pressed metal. When fitting, the nuts
must be tightened so hard that the splines are pressed well into
the mounting and function as a carrier.

1. Remove the wiper arms by loosening the nuts and thereafter
tapping and carefully rocking the arms to and fro.

1. Check to ensure that the splines on the motor shaft are free
from the softer material from the wiper arm mounting.
1 If this is not the case, clean the splines so that they can
pressed fully into the wiper arm mounting.
2. Fit the wiper arms onto the motor shafts and tighten the nuts
to a torque of 16-20 Nm.
Hold the wiper arm to take up the torque pressure so that it is
not transferred to the motor, which could result in damage.

The nuts must be tightened sufficiently hard, otherwise
2 the shafts may start to slip inside the wiper arm mounting,
resulting in damage.

1. Wiper arm fitting

2. Securing nut, wiper arm
3. Grooved cone on motor shaft
4. Wiper motor
DCD320-500 Air conditioning unit TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 10 P. 11

Air conditioning unit

The air conditioning unit consists of the parts shown in the illu-
stration and its function is to maintain the climate in the ope-ra-
tor’s cab as comfortable as possible. The air conditioning unit:
z heats the air when it is cold
z dehumidifies the air when it is humid
z removes impurities from the air
z cools the air when it is warm

The equipment is steered by switches and controls on the instru-

ment panel.



15 16

12 14

1. Heating control
2. Heat exchanger
3. Vapourizer 11
4. Expansion valve
5. To condenser
6. To compressor 13
7. Heating valve
8. From engine
9. To engine
10. Fan
11. Fan
12. Fan control
13. Fresh air filter
14. Air disperser
15. Control defrost/cab
16. Defroster outlet
The heating and ventilating system
DCD320-500 Air conditioning unit TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 10 P. 12




7 A B

6 1

1. Liquid receiver/filter dryer A High-pressure gas

2. Evaporator B High-pressure liquid
3. Fan C Low-pressure liquid
4. Expansion valve D Low-pressure gas
6. Condenser E Warm air in cab
7. Compressor F Cooled air to the cab
G Outside air for removing heat
DCD320-500 Air conditioning unit TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 10 P. 13

The air conditioning system is driven by the compressor. This
performs as a pump, drawing cold, low-pressure gas from the
evaporator, compressing it and thereby raising its temperature,
and discharging it at high pressure to the condenser.
The compressor is driven by V-belts directly from the diesel en-
gine. Switching between operation and idling is controlled by an
electro-magnetic clutch which, in turn, is controlled by a thermo-
stat whose sensor is located between the fins of the evaporator
coil. The thermostat switches off the compressor at low tempera-
tures, to prevent icing of the evaporator.

The function of the condenser is to convert the hot high-pressure
gas from the compressor into liquid form. The tubes and fins of
the condenser coil absorb heat, which is then removed by the air
delivered by the fan.
The temperature of the refrigerant in the condenser varies from
about +50°C to +70°C. The pressure varies between 12 and 20
bar, depending on the ambient temperature and the flow of air
through the condenser. When the refrigerant is condensed into
liquid form, it is transferred under pressure to the liquid receiver/
filter dryer.

Liquid receiver with filter-dryer

The function of the liquid receiver with integrated filter dryer is to
collect the liquid coolant, bind the moisture, and to filter and re-
move impurities. The receiver, which is located in the condenser
housing, also serves as the expansion vessel in the refrigeration
After flowing through the dryer in the bottom of the liquid receiver,
the refrigerant flows through a riser tube. A sight glass enables
the operator to check that the liquid flows without the presence
of any bubbles, and that the system is filled with a sufficient
amount of refrigerant.

Expansion valve
The expansion valve throttles the flow and passes an optimised
quantity of refrigerant that the evaporator is capable of evaporat-
The expansion valve is also the part of the circuit which separates
the high- pressure side from the low-pressure side. The refriger-
ant flows to the expansion valve under high pressure and leaves
it under low pressure.
The amount of refrigerant which passes the evaporator varies,
depending on the thermal load. The valve operates from ’fully
open’ to ’fully closed’ and in-between searches for a point to give
optimum evaporation.

The heat necessary for evaporating the refrigerant is extracted
from the cab air which is circulated by a fan through the evapora-
tor coil. The cab air is thus cooled, and is distributed and returned
to the cab.
In the evaporator, the refrigerant reverts to the gaseous state and
returns to the compressor suction, thereby completing the cycle.
DCD320-500 Air conditioning unit TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 10 P. 14

The liquid refrigerant should be completely evaporated before it

is allowed to flow from the evaporator. The refrigerant is still cold
WARNING! even when it has completely evaporated. The cold vapour which
flows through what remains of the evaporator continues to absorb
heat, and then becomes overheated. This means that the
z If the refrigerant hose should fail or if temperature of the refrigerant has risen to above the point where
other refrigerant leakage should oc- it evaporates without changing the pressure.
cur, switch off the air conditioner im- In an evaporator which operates at a suction pressure of 2 bar,
mediately. the liquid refrigerant will have a temperature of –1.1°C. When the
z Refrigerant is injurious to the skin and refrigerant is subsequently evaporated through heat absorption
eyes. in the evaporator, the temperature of the gas will rise at the evap-
z Never release refrigerant in an en- orator outlet to +1.6°C. This represents a difference of 2.7°C be-
closed space. If released into a serv- tween the evaporation temperature and the tem-perature at the
ice pit, for instance, the gas may outlet. This is called overheating.
cause asphyxia. All expansion valves should be adjusted at the plant in such a way
z It is forbidden by law to discharge re- that maximum evaporation with overheating is performed in the
frigerants into the air intentionally. air conditioning system.
z Never carry out welding on a charged
refrigeration system or in its vicinity.
z Only authorised service mechanics Checking the air conditioning unit
are allowed to drain off and fill refrig- If the unit is in continuous operation, this check should be carried
erant in the air conditioning system. out every week from early spring to late autumn and during ex-
Only the prescribed refrigerant may be tended periods of high humidity during the winter.
used when refilling. If the unit is used very little during cold and dry winter periods, the
compressor should be run for a few minutes every week, to lubri-
cate the rubber hoses, couplings, seals and shaft seal.

1. Start the engine and start the air conditioner.

At an outdoor temperature below 0°C, the system cannot
start since the low-pressure relay breaks contact.
2. After 10 minutes of operation, check that no bubbles are vis-
ible in the sight glass of the filter-dryer. (Bubbles should oc-
cur only when the compressor is started and stopped.) If
there are any air bubbles, subsequent filling should be per-
formed by an authorised service mechanic.
3. Check that the condenser is not clogged. If necessary, clean
the condenser fins and the fans with compressed air.
4. Change the fresh air filter as necessary.
5. Check the V-belt tension and the compressor mounting.
6. Check that the magnetic coupling engages and disengages
7. Check that the condensate drain from the cooling element is
not clogged. Check for leakage.
DCD320-500 Air conditioning unit TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 10 P. 15


RD 1,5
RD 1,5

L GL 1,5
M SV 1,5
H RD 1,5
1 C
4 4

BR 1,5
30 87

2 GL 1,5 85 86 BR 1,5

BR 1,5
VT 1,5



1. Fan switch
2. Cooler on/off
3. Anti-freeze thermostat
4. Resistor
5. Fan motor
6. Indicator lamp – cold (in push button)
7. High-/low-pressure monitor
8. Relay
9. Condenser fan
10. Compressor
DCD320-500 Empty page TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 10 P. 16
DCD320-500 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Contents Group 20 P. 1

Group 20
Electrical system
Specifications .............................................................................2
Electrical system ........................................................................3
Description ............................................................................3
Service ................................................................................14
Checking the electrolyte level of the batteries................14
Bulbs ..............................................................................14
Starting from another battery .........................................14
Relays ............................................................................15
Fuses .............................................................................17
Manual electric gear-changing system Clark 32000,
fixed operator’s seat
Description ..........................................................................17
Diagram A28044.0200 ........................................................19
Manual electric gear-changing system Clark 36000/40000,
fixed operator’s seat
Description ..........................................................................20
Diagram A26343.0300 ........................................................21
ECS Automatic gear changing .................................................22
Description ..........................................................................22
Diagram Volvo/Scania/Cummins - Clark 32000 ..................23
Diagram Volvo/Scania/Cummins - Clark 36000 ..................24
Diagram Volvo TWD1231 - Clark 40000 .............................25
Attachment panel
Diagram Attachment panel, hydraulic servo........................26
Diagram Attachment panel, hydraulic servo, Gantry...........27
Diagram Attachment panel, el-servo, Gantry ......................28
Diagram Attachment panel, el-servo with joy-stick, Gantry.29
Diagram Attachment panel, el-servo with joy-stick,
Gantry with levelling ............................................................30
Diagram Attachment panel, el-servo with lineal levers and
cab tipping, Gantry with levelling.........................................31
Electrical system, main valve
Description ..........................................................................32
Air operated seat
Description ..........................................................................33
Container lighting
Description ..........................................................................34
Automatic engine shut down
Description ..........................................................................35
Diagrams ..................................................................................35
Cable markings ...................................................................37
Component list

Electrical system DCD ........................................... A08334.1200

Electrical system DCD, standard............................ A08333.1000
Electrical system DCD, rotatable seat ................... A08333.1100
DCD320-500 Specifications TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 20 P. 2

Alternator rating 1920 W

Starting battery, voltage 2 x 12 V

capacity 140 Ah
earthing negative
DCD320-500 Electrical system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 3

The system voltage is 24V and the supply is taken from two 12V
batteries connected in series and charged by an alternator
IMPORTANT! across electronic rectifying and voltage stabilisation circuits. .
Always open the main switch when- The positive pole is connected across a main switch. The nega-
ever work is to be carried out on the tive pole is connected to the chassis. Always open the main
electrical system, if the truck is to switch whenever work is to be carried out on the electrical sys-
remain idle for some time and when- tem, if the truck is to remain idle for some time and whenever
ever welding work is to be carried out welding work is to be carried out on the truck.
on the truck.
Warning lamps and instruments are clearly arranged on the in-
strument panel. The central electrical unit with fuses and relays
is located on the lower section of the cab’s rear wall.



1. Work lights 5
2. Washer container
3. Travel lights
4. Rear lights
5. Main switch
6. Battery
DCD320-500 Electrical system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 4

1 2 3 4 5 6

8 7b 7a

9 10


1. Sensor, gearbox oil pressure, meter 1)

2. Sensor, gearbox oil temperature, warning lamp and meter 1)
3. Fuse
4. Relay preheater
5. Sensor, coolant temperature, meter 1)
6. Sensor, coolant temperature, warning lamp (excluded on trucks equipped with ECS)
7a. Sensor, engine oil pressure, warning lamp (excluded on trucks equipped with ECS)
7b. Sensor, engine oil pressure ECS
8. Battery cable
9. Sensor, coolant level, warning lamp
10. Engine wiring
Alternatively ECS

Engine electrics, Volvo TWD731VE

DCD320-500 Electrical system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 5

52 Main fuse
202/767 Switch for low oil pressure warning light and oil pressure sensor for the engine 1)
215/756 Switch for high coolant temperature warning light and coolant temperature sensor 1)
221/766 Switch for high oil temperature warning light and oil temperature gauge sensor for the gearbox 1)
242/765 Switch for low oil pressure warning light and oil pressure pressure gauge sensor for the gearbox 1)
312 Relay, pre-heater element
312-2 Extra pre-heater relay
638 Solenoid valve, fuel shut-off
645 Magnetic coupling, compressor AC
654 Starter motor
660 Alternator
756-2 Sensor, pre-heater temperature, engine A42273.0100, standard
761 Sensor, outgoing revolutions, engine
A42273.0200, ECS
1) Switches are redundant with ECS
Engine electrics, Volvo TAD720VE
DCD320-500 Electrical system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 6


52 Main fuse 760 Sensor, outgoing revolutions, gearbox

F58-1 Fuses, engine electronics 765 Sensor, oil pressure, gearbox
215 Temperatureg gauge, coolant temperature 766 Sensor, oil temperature, gearbox
312 Relay, start element 767 Sensor, oil pressure, engine
360 Relay, starter motor 800 Start element
630, 631, 632, 633, 634 Solenoid valves, gear changing 761 Sensor, outgoing revolutions, engine
645 Magnetic coupling, compressor AC 794 Electronic control unit, engine
654 Starter motor
660 Alternator
756 Sensor, coolant temperature

Engine electrics, Cummins QSB 5.9

DCD320-500 Electrical system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 7

1 2

3 4 5 6


8 7

1. Sensor, coolant level

2. Sensor, engine oil pressure, warning lamp 1)
3. Sensor, gearbox oil pressure, meter 1)
4. Sensor, engine oil pressure, meter and warning lamp 1)
5. Fuse
6. Sensor, coolant temperature, warning lamp (excluded on trucks equipped with ECS)
7. Sensor, coolant temperature, meter 1)
8. Battery cable
1) Alternatively ECS

Engine electrics, Cummins 6CTA8.3

DCD320-500 Electrical system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 8





52 Main fuse 2x50A 660 Alternator

202 Switch, warning lamp low oil pressure engine 1) 756 Sensor, coolant temp gauge
215 Switch, warning lamp kylvätsketemperatur 1) 759 Switch, warning lamp low coolant level
221 Switch, warning lamp high oil temp gearbox1) 763 Sensor, level hydraulic oil 2)
242 Switch, warning lamp low oil pressure gearbox1 1) 765-1 Sensor, pressure gauge, oil pressure gearbox1
360 Relay, starter motor 765-2 Sensor, oil pressure gearbox 2)
609 Control motor, throttle 2) 766 Sensor, temperature gauge, oil temp gearbox1
638 Stop solenoid, injaction pump 767 Sensor, oil pressure engine 2)
654 Starter motor

Engine electrics, Cummins 6CTAA8.3

DCD320-500 Electrical system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 9

1 2

3 4 5 6

8 7


1. Sensor, gearbox oil pressure, meter 1)

2. Sensor, gearbox oil temperature, warning lamp and meter 1)
3. Sensor, coolant level
4. Sensor, coolant temperature, warning lamp (excluded on trucks equipped with ECS)
5. Sensor, coolant temperature, meter 1)
6. Fuse
7. Battery cable
8. Sensor, engine oil pressure, meter 1) and warning lamp (excluded on trucks equipped with ECS)
1) Alternatively ECS

Engine electrics, Scania DI-9

DCD320-500 Electrical system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



1. Sensor, gearbox oil temperature, warning lamp and meter 1)

2. Sensor, gearbox oil pressure, 1)
3. Fuse
4. Relay preheater
5. Sensor, engine oil pressure, warning lamp (excluded on trucks equipped with ECS/EDC)
6. Sensor, engine oil pressure, meter 1)
7. Sensor, coolant temperature, warning lamp (excluded on trucks equipped with ECS/EDC)
8. Sensor, coolant temperature, meter 1)
9. Battery cable
10. Engine wiring
1) Alternatively ECS

Engine electrics, Volvo TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE

DCD320-500 Electrical system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 11


52. Main fuse

221. Switch, warning lamp, gearbox oil temperature
242. Switch, warning lamp, gearbox oil pressure
645. Magnetic coupling, compressor AC
654. Starter motor
756. Sensor, coolant temperature, meter
759. Sensor, warning lamp, coolant level
763. Sensor, outgoing revolutions, engine
765. Sensor, oil pressure, gearbox, meter
766. Sensor, oil temperature, gearbox, meter
767 Sensor, oil pressure, engine 1)

1) Only with ECS/07

A42661.0200 ECS

Engine electrics, Volvo TWD1240VE

DCD320-500 Electrical system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 12

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 8


11 12

1. Sensor, gearbox oil temperature, warning lamp and meter 1)

2. Sensor, gearbox oil pressure, warning lamp and meter 1)
3. Sensor, engine oil pressure, warning lamp (excluded on trucks equipped with ECS)
4. Sensor, engine oil pressure, meter
5. Sensor, coolant temperature, warning lamp (excluded on trucks equipped with ECS)
6. Sensor, coolant temperature, meter
7. Sensor, coolant level
8. Alternator
9. Engine stop
10. Fuse
11. Starter relay
12. Battery cable
1) Alternatively ECS

Engine electrics, Scania DI-11

DCD320-500 Electrical system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 13

1 2 3

5 4

8 7 6 ECS

1. Sensor, gearbox oil pressure, meter 1)

2. Sensor, gearbox oil temperature, warning lamp and meter (excluded on trucks equipped with
3. Sensor, coolant temperature, meter 1)
4. Sensor, oil pressure engine ECS
4. Sensor, coolant level
5. Battery cable
6. Starter relay
7. Fuse
Alternatively ECS

Engine electrics, Cummins QSM11

DCD320-500 Electrical system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 20 P. 14

Electrical system
N.B. The electrical system operates at 24 V. The source of power sup-
The starting batteries accompanying ply are two 12 V batteries which are charged by an alternator. The
the truck are of the maintenance-free negative pole is connected to the chassis.
type, which implies that it should not
be necessary to top-up with electro- The positive pole is connected to a main switch A.
lyte during the life of the batteries.
However, the level of the electrolyte When working with the electrical system, when carrying
should preferably be checked once or out welding on the truck or at long time parking, always
twice a year. Fill as required by adding isolate the batteries.
de-ionized water.

Checking the electrolyte level of the batteries

The batteries are fitted behind a cover on the left-hand side of the
truck. The electrolyte level should be about 10 mm above the
cells. Top up with de-ionized water as necessary.
Batteries contain substances dangerous to health and the envi-
ronment. Discarded batteries must therefore be dealt with in ac-
cordance with current local/national regulations.


The battery electrolyte contains corrosive sulphuric ac-

id. Immediately remove any electrolyte that comes into
contact with the skin. Wash with soap and lots of water.
If electrolyte gets into the eyes, immediately rinse with
lots of water and immediately contact a doctor.

Description Watts........................................... Base
Instruments 3.................................................. BA7s
Indicating lamps 1,2......................................... W2x4,6d
Cab lighting 10................................................. S8,5
Rear lights, red 5................................................BA15s
Brake lights 21..............................................BA15s
Direction indicators 21..............................................BA15s
Position lights 5.................................................SV8,5
Driving lights 75/70.......................................P43t-38
(full/dipped beam)
Reversing lights, white 70..............................................PK22s
Working lights 70..............................................PK22s
Hazard beacon 70..............................................PK22s
Main fuse for electrical system, B
Fitted on the engine 2 x 50 A
Starting from another battery
z Make sure the auxiliary batteries are connected in series, so
that 24 V will be supplied. Do not disconnect the truck-bat-
tery cables.
z Connect the jumper cables in the following order:
1. Red cable (+) to auxiliary battery
WARNING! 2. Red cable (+) to truck battery
3. Black cable (–) to auxiliary battery
Batteries emit oxyhydrogen which is 4. Black cable (–) to a location some distance away from
an explosive gas. A spark, for exam- the truck battery, such as the negative cable connection on
ple from incorrectly connected start- the chassis.
ing cables, could cause a battery to z Start the engine
explode and result in serious injury Do not disturb the jumper cables while starting, as
and damage. sparks may otherwise be caused. Do not lean over ei-
ther battery.
z Disconnect the jumper cables in exactly the reverse order.
DCD320-500 Electrical system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 20 P. 15

305 Reversing light
313-1 Brake light (rear-front) 2)
313-3 Direction indicators (right-left) 2)
313-4 Direction indicators (left-right) 2)
313-5 Rear light (rear-front) 2)
313-6 Dipped beam (front-rear) 2)
313-7 Reversing light (rear-front) 2)
313-8 Main beam (front-rear) 2)
313-9 Shifting (rear-front) 2)
313-10 Shifting (front-rear) 2)
314 Parking brake, disengagement
315 High power (Starting switch)
316 Wiper motor, front
320 Electric stop (ECS 07) 1)
322-1 Coolant level
322-2 Coolant level (ECS 07) 1)
323 Pulse relay, direction indicators
328 Lever steering (ECS 04) 1)
330 Starting block
331 Propulsion forward
332 Propulsion reverse
334 Release clutch at automatic gearbox (ECS 01) 1)
368 Low brake pressure (ECS 07) 1)
399 Spare

321-1 Intermittent relay wiper front
321-2 Intermittent relay wiper rear 1)
960 Reversing block
Optional equipment
2) Rotatable operator’s seat

DCD320-500 Electrical system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 20 P. 16

322-1 316 320 305 332

ECS 07






323 330 399 314 331


313-1 313-3 313-5 313-7 313-9






313-2 313-4 313-6 313-8 313-10

2 4 6 8 10





ECS 08

1 3 5 7 9


DCD320-500 Electrical system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 20 P. 17

Relay box in cab – fuses

Fuse Rating
S1-6 7-12 13-18 19-24 25-30 31-36 No. Circuit protected A
S1 Wiper motor front, direction indicators, seat buzzer,
parking brake sensor................................................ 10
S2 Ignition key, preheater, starter motor,
cab lighting (Air conditioner 25 A1)).......................... 15
S3 Container attachment, safety system ....................... 15
S4 Electric gear-changing ............................................. 5
S5 Warning lamps, instrument illumination, relay,
coolant level .............................................................. 5
KL1749 S6 Brake lights, reversing lights, reversing alarm ......... 15
S7 Fan (Option: Air conditioner) .................................... 25
S8 Spare (Option: Container lights)............................... 15
S9 Working lights (15 A for 4 lamps) 1)
Hazard beacon ........................................................ 10
S10 Working lights, standard (15 A for 4 lamps) ............ 10
S11 Horn, screenwash motor, wiper rear and roof,
wiper front, intermittent relay .................................... 10
WARNING! S12 Driving lights (main fuse), rear lights
(main fuse), position lights ...................................... 15
Never use fuses of a higher amperage S13 Main beam, right-hand (Main beam, front 10A 2)) ...... 5
than stated on the lid decal. Risk of S14 Main beam, left-hand (Main beam, rear 10A 2)) ........ 5
damage or fire. S15 Dipped beam, right-hand (Dipped beam, front 2)) ...... 5
S16 Dipped beam, left-hand (Dipped beam, rear 2)) ......... 5
S17 Rear light, left-hand (Rear light, front 2)) .................... 5
S18 Rear light, right-hand (Rear light, rear 2)) ................... 5
S19 ECU1 1) .................................................................... 10
S20 ECU4 1) .................................................................... 10
S21 Voltage converter 24V/12V......................................... 5
S22-S24 Extra ........................................................................... –
WARNING! S25-S30 Extra ........................................................................... –
S31 Illumination entry steps, engine compartment 1) ........ –
It is prohibited to connect extra S32 Compressor, air operated chair 1) .............................. –
consumers to any fuse. S33 electrically operated parking brake............................. 5
S34 Oil cooler, hydraulic oil 1) ............................................ –
S36 Central lubrication1) ................................................... –
S36 Water separator1) ...................................................... –
1) 2)
Optional equipment Rotatable operator’s seat
DCD320-500 Manual electric gear-changing system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 18

Manual electrical gear-changing system

The manual electric gear-changing system is electro-hydraulic
and controls the transmission by means of solenoid valves. Oil
under pressure is supplied to the solenoid valves from the oil
pump built into the transmission.
An inductive sensor senses the speed of the propeller shaft and
applies a signal to a speed monitor which prevent gear-changing
at speeds above 3 km/h.

Clark 32000
Fixed operator’s seat A28044.0200

A. Gearbox control valve

B. Employed gear
C. Activated solenoids
D. To seat buzzer switch
E. 3 Deutsch connectors
F. To starter motor (50)
G. From start switch
H. From alternator (D+)
J. To parking brake warning lamp
K. For gearbox
L. Included in engine wiring

1. Gear selector
2. Speed sensor on gearbox output shaft (output speed)
3. Valve cover with solenoid valves
4. Electrial central unit
5. Switch at parking brake – ON when brake is released
6. Switch at inching – OFF when inching
7. Relays
3. Wiper motor
4.Starting interlock
5. Stop
6. –
7. Reversing lights
8. Inching
9. Reverse gear
10. Forward gear
8. Reversing interlock

Cable colours
Svart = Black
Grå = Grey
Röd = Red
Blå = Blue
Gul = Yellow
Grön = Green
Brun = Brown
Vit = White
Rosa = Pink
DCD320-500 Manual electric gear-changing system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 19







Clark 32000
Manual electric gear-changing system
DCD320-500 Manual electric gear-changing system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 20

Clark 36000/40000
Fixed operator’s seat A26343.0300

A. Gearbox control valve

B. Employed gear
C. Activated solenoids
D. To seat buzzer switch
E. 3 Deutsch connectors
F. To starter motor (50)
G. From start switch
H. From alternator (D+)
J. To parking brake warning lamp
K. For gearbox
L. Included in engine wiring

1. Gear selector
2. Speed sensor on gearbox output shaft (output speed)
3. Valve cover with solenoid valves
4. Electrical central unit
5. Switch at parking brake – ON when brake is released
6. Switch at inching – OFF when inching
7. Relays
3. Wiper motor
4. Starting interlock
5. Stop
6. –
7. Reversing lights
8. Inching
9. Reverse gear
10. Forward gear
8. Reversing interlock

Cable colours
Svart = Black
Grå = Grey
Röd = Red
Blå = Blue
Gul = Yellow
Grön = Green
Brun = Brown
Vit = White
Rosa = Pink
DCD320-500 Manual electric gear-changing system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 21





Clark 36000/40000
Manual electric gear-changing system
DCD320-500 ECS automatic gear changing TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 22

ECS Automatic gear changing

Automatic gear changing is designed for gearboxes with torque
converters. The system controls up and down changing of gears,
simplifies operation and extends the service life of the transmis-
sion equipment.
The System
z Prevents the gears from being engaged if engine revolutions
exceed 1100 rpm
z Prevents changing between forward and reverse gears if the
speed of the truck exceeds 3 kph
z Reduces engine revolutions when changing to a higher gear
so that the speed of the truck remains constant
z Disengages the gearbox if the operator brakes and the
speed of the truck is lower than 3 kph
z Provides the required engine revolutions based on the posi-
tion of the accelerator pedal
z Continually shows the currently engaged gear on the ECS
terminal display
The point at which the gearbox changes gear is optimized to the
truck’s transmission equipment. The torque in the torque convert-
er initiates the change of gear. The system changes to a lower
gear when the torque is higher than a pre-programmed value -
and vice versa.
The operator can limit gear changes from 3 to 2 or 1 by moving
the gear selector to the corresponding position. If the selector is
in the 2nd gear position, the system changes automatically be-
tween 1st and 2nd gears.

Clark 32000
Fixed operator’s seat
Volvo TWD731: A38714.0600
Scania DI-9: A38714.0700
Cummins 6CT: A38714.1200
Volvo TAD720VE, Cummins QSB5.9: A38714.1600

Clark 36000
Fixed operator’s seat
Volvo TWD1031: A38714.1300
Scania DI-11: A38714.1400
Cummins QSM11: A38714.1100
Volvo TWD1240VE: A38714.1700

Clark 40000
Fixed operator’s seat
Volvo TWD1231: A38714.0100

1. Gear selector
2. Speed sensor on gearbox output shaft (output speed)
3. Valve cover with solenoid valves
9. Sensor, enigne speed
A. Gearbox control valve
B. Employed gear
C. Activated solenoids
K. For gearbox
L. Included in engine wiring
M. Cabling, see electric system cabin
N. Connection, see ECS
DCD320-500 ECS automatic gear changing TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 23

Cummins QSB 5.9

Volvo TWD731VE

Volvo TAD720VE
Cummins 6 CT
Scania DI-9




Clark 32000
ECS automatic gear-changing
DCD320-500 ECS automatic gear changing TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 24

Volvo TWD1240VE
Volvo TWD1031VE
Cummins QSM 11

Scania DI-11


Clark 36000
ECS automatic gear changing
DCD320-500 ECS automatic gear changing TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 25




Clark 40000
ECS automatic gear changing

1 2

Technical Handbook

4 5 6

1 2
Attachment panel

1. Switch, TWIST-LOCKS
8 4. Indicating lamp, TWIST-LOCKS UN LOCKED
5. Indicating lamp, ALIGNMENT
6. Indicating lamp, TWIST-LOCKS LOCKED
7. Warning lamp, bridging of safety coupling
After bridging, all functions are operable.
8. Key switch, bridging of safety coupling
After bridging, all functions are operable.
11 9. Solenoid valves, braking servo for lift function if any TWIST-
Group 20

10. Terminal bar in chassis

11. See electric system for attachment
P. 26

Attachment panel, hydraulic servo


1 2

Technical Handbook

4 5 6
Attachment panel

1 2
1. Switch, TWIST-LOCKS
10 3. Switch, stop at 30-35’ 1)
4. Indicating lamp, TWIST-LOCKS UN LOCKED
8 5. Indicating lamp, ALIGNMENT
6. Indicating lamp, TWIST-LOCKS LOCKED
7. Warning lamp, bridging of safety coupling
After bridging, all functions are operable.
8. Key switch, bridging of safety coupling
After bridging, all functions are operable.
9. Solenoid valves, braking servo for lift function if any TWIST-
11 LOCK is neither LOCKED nor RELEASED
10. Terminal bar in chassis
Group 20

11. See electric system for attachment

1) Optional equipment, excluded on standardtrucks
P. 27

A28047.0200 (Stop 30-35’)

A28047.0900 (Standard)

Attachment panel, hydraulic servo

1 2
Technical Handbook

4 5 6
Attachment panel

1 2

1. Switch, TWIST-LOCKS
4. Indicating lamp, TWIST-LOCKS UN LOCKED
5. Indicating lamp, ALIGNMENT
6. Indicating lamp, TWIST-LOCKS LOCKED
7. Warning lamp, bridging of safety coupling
After bridging, all functions are operable.
Group 20

8. Key switch, bridging of safety coupling

After bridging, all functions are operable.
11 10. Terminal bar in chassis
11. See electric system for attachment
P. 28

Attachment panel, el-servo,

Technical Handbook

4 5 6

Attachment panel

4. Indicating lamp, TWIST-LOCKS UN LOCKED

5. Indicating lamp, ALIGNMENT
10 6. Indicating lamp, TWIST-LOCKS LOCKED
7. Warning lamp, bridging of safety coupling
After bridging, all functions are operable.
8. Key switch, bridging of safety coupling
After bridging, all functions are operable.
10. Terminal bar in chassis
11. See electric system for attachment
Group 20

P. 29

GANTRY with passive Pile-slope

Attachment panel, el-servo with joy-stick,

Technical Handbook

4 5 6

Attachment panel

4. Indicating lamp, TWIST-LOCKS UN LOCKED
5. Indicating lamp, ALIGNMENT
6. Indicating lamp, TWIST-LOCKS LOCKED
7. Warning lamp, bridging of safety coupling
After bridging, all functions are operable.
8. Key switch, bridging of safety coupling
After bridging, all functions are operable.
10. Terminal bar in chassis
11. See electric system for attachment
13 12.Solenoid valve, active levelling
Group 20

13. Solenoid valve Floating position/Locking position

P. 30

GANTRY with active Pile-slope

Attachment panel, el-servo with joy-stick,


Technical Handbook

4 5 6
14 8

Attachment panel

4. Indicating lamp, TWIST-LOCKS UN LOCKED

11 5. Indicating lamp, ALIGNMENT
6. Indicating lamp, TWIST-LOCKS LOCKED
7. Warning lamp, bridging of safety coupling 2)
After bridging, all functions are operable.
8. Key switch, bridging of safety coupling 1)
After bridging, all functions are operable.
10. Terminal bar in chassis
11. See electric system for attachment
12.Solenoid valve, active levelling
13. Solenoid valve Floating position/Locking position
12 13 14. Switch, by-passing of safety system
Group 20

After by-pass, all hydraulic functions can be be run.

Extra equipment
2) Only in combination with 8
P. 31

Attachment panel, el-servo with

GANTRY with active Pile-slope


linear levers and cab tipping

DCD320-500 Electrical system, main valve TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 32

1. Socket included in central unit.

Relay 334 is mounted if the truck is equipped with automatic gear changing
2. Switch, inching
3. Switch, parking brake
4. Mounted adjacent to main valve

The system disconnects LIFT2 during driving.

Both LIFT1 and LIFT2 are operative for maximum lift capacity when:
- Gear lever is in Neutral or the inching is activated
- Parking brake is activated

Electrical system main valve
DCD320-500 Air operated seat TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 33

1. Motor and compressor, mounted in the

right side cabinet or on the cab underside
2. Pressure switch
3. Fuse 3, 56-3

Air operated seat

DCD320-500 Container lighting TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 34

3. Switch on instrument panel

1. Lights for 20’ container
2. Lights for 40’ container

Container lighting
Technical Handbook
Automatic engine shut down

1. This system is intended for engine with stop solenoid.

Group 20

The solenoid should be energized when the engine is

2. Electrical cental unit
P. 35

Automatic engine shut down


DCD320-500 Diagrams TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 36

Electrical diagram explanations

A. Connector, located outside the central electrical unit circuit
board. The second figure denotes the pin number.
B. Cable marking. M1 shows that the cable goes between ECU
1 and the Central electrical unit.
C. Component marking, for more detailed explanation, see the
components list in the Technical Handbook, Group 20.
D. + feed after the ignition key.
E. Function, see tables under headings ECU 1 Functions and
ECU 4 Functions respectively.
F. Pin on the 70 pole coupling on the ECU.
G. Type of signal. see tables under headings ECU 1 Functions
and ECU 4 Functions respectively.
H. Cable marking, A shows that the cable is located inside the
central electrical unit.
H R N OM J J. Reference, the cable continues on diagram A08333.1000.
KL1085 K. Ignition key dependent feed, battery + 24V
L. Chassis connection
M. The cable continues on the same diagram, but on another
page P3 = page 3
K D C J H L N. Cable marking, the cable is located outside the central elec-
trical unit.
O. Cable colours
BK = Black
BN = Brown
RD = Red
OG = Orange
YE = Yellow
GN = Green
BU = Blue
VT = Violet
GY = Grey
WH = White
PK = Pink
P. Connection marking on the actual component.
Q. Cable M131B continues on diagram A24927, page 1
P1 = page 1
A M KL1084 1) = Only with Lever steering
R. Connector 5 on the circuit board in the central electrical unit
X = Connector
R C P K = Circuit board
5 = Connector number




DCD320-500 Diagrams TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 20 P. 37

Cable markings
All cables are marked with a number for identifying the terminal
points as follows:

Cable Destination
271 (657)
Goes from Runs to
terminal component 657
P = Pressure block 27
T = Temperature
η = Coolant level
o = Fuel level Terminal 1
in block 27
If there is a dot in the destination number it describes a terminal
If the cable has a jumper, e.g. a common cable for supplying sev-
eral functions, a capital letter is added to the cable number..

Cable Destination
V = ON/OFF 103A (26.1)
G = Variable sensor
Goes from Terminal 1 i block 26
block 10 Runs to
Terminal 3 terminal block 26
in block 10
Connected to
supply in the next function

DCD320-500 Empty page TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 20 P. 38
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants
30 G Batteri Battery Batterie Batterie
32 A Kretskort elcentral Printed circuit board, Junction box Leiterplatte, Elektrozentrale Circuit imprimé, centrale électrique
37 X Terminal stomanslutning Earthing terminal on chassis Terminal, masseanschluss Borne, mis á la masse
39 X Terminal minusanslutning Terminal, negative terminal Terminal, Minus-Anschluss Borne, connexion moins
51 F Säkringshållare 1-polig Fuse holder, 1-pole Sicherungshalter, 1polig Porte-fusible, 1 pôle
52 F Säkringshållare 2-polig Fuse holder, 2-pole Sicherungshalter, 2polig Porte-fusible, 2 pôles
56 F Säkringshållare 6-polig Fuse holder, 6-pole Sicherungshalter, 6polig Porte-fusible, 6 pôles
58 F Säkringshållare 8-polig Fuse holder, 8-pole Sicherungshalter, 8polig Porte-fusible, 8 pôles
59 F Säkringshållare 12-polig Fuse holder, 12-pole Sicherungshalter, 12polig Porte-fusible, 12 pôles
62 F Batterihandske 2-polig Battery connector, 2-pole Batteriestecker, 2polig Connecteur de charge de batterie, 2
64 F Batterihandske 4-polig Battery connector, 4-pole Batteriestecker, 4polig Connecteur de charge de batterie, 4
72 X Stickuttag 2-polig Outlet, 2-pole Buchse 2polig Prise, 2 pôles
77 X Stickuttag 7-polig Outlet, 7-pole Buchse 7polig Prise, 7 pôles
78 X Stickuttag extra 7-polig Outlet, extra, 7-pole Buchse Extra, 7-polig Prise supplémentaire, 7 pôles
100 S Strömställare ljus Switch, light Schalter, Beleuchtung Interrupteur, feux
101 S Strömställare omk hel/halvljus Switch, main/dipped beam Schalter, Umschalter Fern-/Abblendlicht Interrupteur, commutation route-
102 S Strömställare dimljus Switch, fog light Schalter, Nebelscheinwerfer Interrupteur, feux de brouillard
103 S Strömställare fjärrljus Switch, distance light Schalter, Fernscheinwerfer Interrupteur, feux longue porte´e
104 S Strömställare lastljus Switch, mast lights Schalter, Ladescheinwerfer Interrupteur, feux de travail
105 S Strömställare arbetsljus Switch, working lights Schalter, Arbeitsbeleuchtung Interrupteur, feux de travail
106 S Strömställare containerljus Switch, container light Schalter, Containerbeleuchtung Interrupteur, élairage conteneur
107 S Strömställare park broms Switch, parking brake Schalter, Feststellbremse Interrupteur, frein de stationnement
108 S Strömställare centr smörjning Switch, central lubricator Schalter, Zentralschmierung Interrupteur, graissage centralise´
109 S Strömställare varningsljus Switch, hazard lights Schalter, Warnblinkanlage Interrupteur, feux de de´tresse
110 S Strömställare rot varningsljus Switch, rotating hazard beacon Schalter, Rundum-Kennleuchte Interrupteur, gyrophares
111 S Strömställare fönsterhiss Switch, window regulator Schalter, Fensterheber Interrupteur, lève-glace
112 S Strömställare kylanläggning (AC) Switch, air conditioner (AC) Schalter, Klimaanlage (AC) Interrupteur, groupe de refroidissement
climatisation, (AC)
113 S Strömställare styrning alt Switch, alternative steering Schalter, Lenkung Alt. Interrupteur, type commande de
114 S Strömställare läsbelysning Switch, reading light Schalter, Leselampe Interrupteur, éclairage lecture
115 S Strömställare instr belysning Switch, instrument illumination Schalter, Instrumentenbeleuchtung Interrupteur, éclairage des instruments
116 S Strömställare innerbelysning Switch, interior lighting Schalter, Innenbeleuchtung Interrupteur, éclairage inte´rieur
117 S Strömställare värme Switch, heating Schalter, Heizung Interrupteur, chauffage
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

118 S Strömställare fläktm värme Switch, heater fan Schalter, Lüftermotor Heizung Interrupteur, motoventilateur chauffage
119 S Strömställare vindrutetorkare Switch, wiper Schalter, Scheibenwischer Interrupteur, essuie-glace
120 S Strömställare spolare Switch, washer Schalter, Waschanlage Interrupteur, lave-glace
121 S Strömställare blackout Switch, blackout Schalter, Ausfall Interrupteur, blackout
122 S Strömställare nöd hydraulpump Switch, emergency hydraulic pump Notschalter , hydraulikpumpe Interrupteur , urgence pour la pompe
123 S Strömställare backspegel Switch, observation mirror Schalter, Rückspiegel Interrupteur, rétroviseur
124 S Strömställare kallstart Switch, cold start Schalter, kaltstart Interrupteur, démarrage á froid
125 S Strömställare avgasbroms Switch, exhaust brake Schalter, Motorbremse Interrupteur, ralentisseur sur
126 S Strömställare diff spärr/broms Switch, diff. Block Schalter, Differentialsperre/Bremse Interrupteur, blocage de différentiel/frein

127 S Strömställare värmesystem diesel Switch, heating system diesel Schalter, Heizsystem Diesel Interrupteur pour circuit de chauffage
128 S Strömställare kraftuttag sida Switch, power take off side Schalter, Nebenantrieb Seite Interrupteur, prise de puissance latérale

129 S Strömställare kraftuttag bak Switch, power take off rear Schalter, Nebenantrieb hinten Interrupteur, prise de puissance arrière
130 S Strömställare hög/lågväxel Switch, high/low gear Schalter, Rangegetriebe Hoch/Niedrig Interrupteur, petite/grande vitesse
131 S Strömställare färdväljare fram Switch, gear selector forward Schalter, Fahrtrichtungswähler vorwärts Interrupteur, marche avant

132 S Strömställare färdväljare bak Switch, gear selector rear Schalter, Fahrtrichtungswähler Interrupteur, marche arrière
135 S Strömställare växelväljare Switch, gear shift Schalter, Schalthebel Interrupteur, sélecteur de vitesse
136 S Strömställare framhjuls styrning Switch, forward wheel steering Schalter, Vorderrad Lenkung Interrupteur, roues avant directrices
137 S Strömställare 4-hjuls styrning Switch, 4-wheel steering Schalter, Vierradlenkung Interrupteur, 4 roues directrices
138 S Strömställare crab styrning Switch, crab steering Schalter, Diagonal Lenkung Interrupteur, deplacement en diagonale

139 S Strömställare defroster Switch, defroster

141 S Strömställare Stegbelysning Switch, Steplight
142 S Strömställare fot Switch, foot Fußschalter Interrupteur, pédale
143 S Strömställare sitsvärme Switch, seat heater Schalter, Sitzheizung Interrupteur, chauffage d¿assise
144 Q Batterifrånskiljare Battery disconnecting switch Batterietrennschalter Interrupteur, général
145 S Strömställare AT-regulator Switch, AT-regulator Schalter, Abgasdruckregler Interrupteur, régulateur AT
147 S Strömställare körvisare Switch, direction indicators Schalter, Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger Interrupteur, clignotants
149 S Strömställare signalhorn Switch, horn Schalter, Signalhorn Interrupteur, avertisseur sonore
150 S Strömställare startlås/ellas Switch, main key switch Schalter, Startschloß/E-Sperre Interrupteur, contacteur antivol/verrou
152 S Strömställare intervalltorkare Switch, intermittent wiper Schalter, Intervallwischer Interrupteur, balayage intermittent
156 S Strömställare kupevärmare Switch, cab heating Schalter, Kabinenheizung Interrupteur, chauffage habitacle
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

157 S Strömställare stoltilt Switch, seat tilt Schalter, Kippen des Sitzes Interrupteur, basculement du siège
158 S Strömställare dimbakljus Switch, rear fog light Schalter, Nebelschlußleuchte Interrupteur, feux de brouillard arrière
159 S Strömställare extra fram/back väljare Switch, extra direction selector Schalter, Interrupteur,
160 S Strömställare komb fram/back Switch, combi-forward/reverse Schalter, Kombi - vorn/rückwärts Interrupteur, sélecteur marche
avant/marche arrière
161 S Strömställare komb signal, ljus hel/halv Switch, combi-horn, light main/dipped Schalter, Kombi-Signal, Beleuchtung Interrupteur, avertisseur, feux de route
spol,torkare m intervall körvisare beam, washer, wiper (intermittent), Fern-/Abblendlicht, Waschanlage, et de croisement, lave-glace,essuie-
direction indicator Intervallwischer, Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger glace a` balayage intermittent,
162 S Strömställare komb signal ljus hel/halv, Switch, combi horn, light main/dipped Schalter, Kombi-Signal, Beleuchtung Interupteur,avertisseur,feux de route et
spol, torkare m 2 int, fram/bacK beam, washer, wiper w 2int., Fern-/Abblendlicht, Waschanlage, 2 de croisement,essuie glace à balayage
forward/revers Intervallwischer, vor/rückwärts intermittent
163 S Strömställare start på 2-an Switch, start 2nd gear Schalter, Start 2-gang Interrupteur, démarrage 2-trans.
165 S Strömställare stolvärme Switch, seat heater Schalter, Sitzheizung Interrupteur, chauffage du siège
166 S Strömställare låsning vändskiva Switch, interlocking of turntable Schalter, Sperren Sattelkupplung Interrupteur, verrouillage de la sellette
167 S Strömställare luftfjädring Switch, pneumatic springing Schalter, Luftfederung Interrupteur, suspension pneumatique
168 S Strömställare låsn stol Switch, interlocking of seat Schalter, Sitzverriegelung Interrupteur, verrouillage du siège
169 S Strömställare stolsvändning Switch, reversible seat Schalter, Drehen des Sitzes Interrupteur, pivotement du siège
170 S Strömställare förångare (LPG) Switch, evaporator (LPG) Schalter, Verdampfer (LPG) Interrupteur, évaporateur (GPL)
171 S Strömställare v-skiva upp/ner Switch, fifth wheel up/down Schalter, Sattelkupplung, Interrupteur, sellette montée/descente
172 S Strömställare v-skiva fr/back Switch, fifth wheel forward/reverse Schalter, Sattelkupplung, vorn/hinten Interrupteur, sellette marche
avant/marche arrière
173 S Strömställare v-skiva skevning Switch, fifth wheel, levelling Schalter, Sattelkupplung, Interrupteur, sellette marché, corr-
Niveauausgleich niveau
174 S Strömställare,utskjut Switch, projecting Schalter, Lengengeber Interrupteur, pour le réglage du
175 S Strömställare hyttlyft upp Switch, cab hoist up Schalter, Kabinenhub, aufwärts Interrupteur, élevation de cabine,
176 S Strömställare hyttlyft ner Switch, cab hoist down Schalter, Kabinenhub, abwärts Interrupteur, élevation de cabine,
177 S Strömställare hyttskjutning Switch, cab movement Schalter, Kabinenversetzung Interrupteur, mouvement cabine
178 S Strömställare nollställning Switch, reset Schalter, Nullstellung "Interrupteur ""reset"""
179 S Strömställare Aut/man växling Switch Aut/man gearshifting Schalter Aut/man getriebe
180 S Strömställare fyrhjulsdrift Switch, 4-WD Schalter, Vierradantrieb (4WD) Interrupteur, 4 roues motrices
190 S Strömställare klimatanläggning Switch, air conditioner Schalter, Frischluftheizung Interrupteur, climatisation
191 S Strömställare recirkulation Switch, re-circulation Schalter, Re-zirkulation Interrupteur, re-circulation
192 S Strömställare vattenavskiljare Switch, waterseparator Schalter, Wasserabscheider
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

195 S Strömställare joy-stick X Switch, joy-stick X Schalter, Joy-stick X Interrupteur, Joy-stick X

196 S Strömställare joy-stick X+Y Switch, joy-stick X+Y Schalter, Joy-stick X+Y Interrupteur, Joy-stick X+Y
197 S Strömställare längs/tvärskörning Switch, length/sideways driwing Schalter, Längs-/Querfahren Interrupteur, sens
198 S Strömställare flytläge skevning Switch, equalizing fifth wheel Schalter, Ausgleich der Sattelkupplung Interrupteur, équililbré de la selette

199 S Strömställare option Switch, option Schalter, Option Interrupteur, option

200 S Brytkontakt lampa park broms Contact, breaking,warning lamp,parking Unterbrecherkontakt,Warnlampe,Festst Contact à ouverture, voyant, frein de
brake ellbremse stationnement
201 S Brytkontakt lampa färdbroms Contact, breaking, warning lamp, brake Unterbrecherkontakt,Warnlampe,Betrie Contact à ouverture,voyant,frein de
bsbremse service
202 S Brytkontakt lampa oljetryck motor Contact, breaking, warning lamp, oil Unterbrecherkontakt,Warnlampe,Öldruc Contact à ouverture,voyant,pression
pressure engine k Motor d¿huile moteur
204 S Brytkontakt tryck ackumulator Contact, breaking, pressure Unterbrecherkontakt,Druck Contact à ouverture,pression réservoir
accumulatortank Akkumulatorbehälter accumulateur
205 S Brytkontakt innerbelysning Contact, breaking, interior lighting Unterbrecherkontakt, Innenbeleuchtung Contact à ouverture, éclairage intérieur

206 S Brytkontakt handskfack belysning Contact, breaking, glove Unterbrecherkontakt, Contact à ouverture, éclairage de la
Handschuhfachbeleuchtung boite à gants
207 S Slutkontakt diff spärr Contact, making, diff. interlock Schließkontakt, Differentialsperre Contact à fermeture, blocage du
208 S Slutkontakt lampa temperatur spolkrets Contact, making, warning lamp Schließkontakt, Warnlampe, Contact à fermeture, voyant
bromsar temperature brake Temperatur,Spulenkreis Bremsen température circuit d¿arrosage des
214 S Slutkontakt överväxel Contact, making, over drive Schließkontakt, Overdrive Contact à fermeture, overdrive
215 S Slutkontakt temp motor Contact, making, temperature engine Schließkontakt, Temperatur Motor Contact à fermeture, température du
216 S Slutkontakt bromsljus Contact, making, brake lights Schließkontakt, Bremslicht Contact à fermeture, feux stop
217 S Slutkontakt backljus Contact, making, reversing light Schließkontakt, Rueckfahrscheinwerfer Contact à fermeture, feux de recul

218 S Slutkontakt AT-regulator Contact, making, AT-control Schließkontakt, Abgasdruckregler Contact à fermeture, régulateur AT
219 S Slutkontakt lampa luftfilter Contact, making, indicating light air filter Schließkontakt, Kontrollampe Luftfilter Contact à fermeture, témoin filtre à air

220 S Brytkontakt drivning Contact, breaking, drive cut off Unterbrecherkontakt, Antrieb Contact à ouverture, transmission
221 S Slutkontakt temp växellåda Contact, making, temperature gear box Schließkontakt, Temperatur Getriebe Contact à fermeture, température de la
bôite de vitesses
222 S Slutkontakt lampa temp moment - Contact, making, warning lamp Schließkontakt, Warnlampe Temperatur Contact à fermeture, voyant
förstärkare temperature torque amplifier. Drehmomentwandler température convertisseur
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

223 S Släpkontakt signal Contact, brush, horn Schließkontakt, Signal Curseur, avertisseur
224 S Slutkontakt insprutningspump Contact, making, injection pump Schließkontakt, Einspritzpumpe Contact à fermeture, pompe d¿injection

225 S Brytkontakt säkerhetsbälte Contact, breaking, seat belt Unterbrecherkontakt, Sicherheitsgurt Contact à ouverture, ceinture de
228 S Slutkontakt hyttlåsning Contact, making, cab locking Schließkontakt, Kabinenverriegelung Contact à fermeture, verrouillage de la
229 S Slutkontakt stolslåsning Contact, making, seat locking Schließkontakt, Sitzsperre Contact àfermeture, verrouillage du
230 S Brytkontakt stol Contact, breaking, seat Unterbrecherkontakt, Sitz Contact à ouverture, siège
231 S Slutkontakt fotkontroll stolvändning Contact, making, seat rotation, foot Endkontakt, Drehen des Sitzes, Contact à fermeture, pivotement du
switch Fußschalter siège contact au plancher
232 S Brytkontakt lampa luftanslutning släp Contact, breaking, warning lamp air Unterbrecherkontakt, Warnlampe, Contact à ouverture, voyant connexion
connection Luftanschluß Anhänger pneumatique remorque
233 S Slutkontakt lampa låsning vändskiva Contact, warning, interlocking of Endkontakt, Warnanzeige, Sperren Contact à ouverture, voyant verrouillage
turntable Sattelkupplung sellette ,
235 S Slutkontakt sidoskjutning stol Contact, making, side shifting of seat Endkontakt, Seitl. Sitzverstellung Contact à ouverture, de´placement
latéral du siège
236 S Slutkontakt vattennivå Contact, water level Endkontakt, Wasserstand Contact à ouverture,niveauoéan
239 S Brytkontakt termisk Contact, breaking, thermic Unterbrecherkontakt, thermisch Contact à ouverture, thermique
240 S Slutkontakt termisk Contact, making, thermic Schließkontakt, thermisch Contact à fermeture, thermique
241 S Brytkontakt lampa luftmatning släp Contact, breaking, warning lamp air Unterbrecherkontakt, Warnlampe Contact à ouverture, témoin air
supply to trailer Förderluft Anhänger d¿alimentation remorque
242 S Slutkontakt lampa oljetryck v-låda Contact, making, warning lamp, oil Schließkontakt, Warnlampe, Öldruck Contact à fermeture, voyant, pression
pressure gear box Getriebe d¿huile boîte de vitesses
243 S Brytkontakt tryck kylmedia AC Contact, breaking, coolant pressure (air Unterbrecherkontakt, Druck Kühlmittel Contact à ouverture, pression
condition) (Klimaanlage) frigorigène (climatisation)
244 S Slutkontakt hydraulik aktiverad Contact, making, hydraulics Schließkontakt, Hydraulik aktiviert Contact à fermeture, hydraulique
245 S Slutkontakt hydraultryck styrning Contact, making, hydraulic pressure Schließkontakt Hydraulikdruck Lenkung Contacteur pression hydraulique de la
control direction
246 S Slutkontakt tryck kylmedia Contact, pressure refrigerant Schließkontakt, Druck Kühlmittel Contact à ouverture, pression liquide de
250 S Manöverbrytare Operating Switch
251 S Slutkontakt vändbar förarstol Contact, making, VBFS Schließkontakt, drehbarer Fahrersitz Contact à fermeture, siège pivotant
260 S Slutkontakt lyft steg 1 Contact, making, hoist step 1 Schließkontakt, Hub Stufe 1 Contact à fermeture, élévation e´tape 1
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

261 S Slutkontakt lyft steg 2 Contact, making, hoist step 2 Schließkontakt, Hub Stufe 2 Contact à fermeture, élévation e´tape 2

262 S Slutkontakt tilt Contact, making, tilting Schließkontakt, Neigung Contact à fermeture, inclinaison
263 S Slutkontakt gaffelspridning Contact, making, fork positioning Schließkontakt, Gabelverstellung Contact à fermeture, écartement des
bras de fourche
264 S Slutkontakt sidoföring Contact, making, sideshift Schließkontakt, Seitenverschiebung Contact à fermeture, déplacement
265 S Slutkontakt stativ in/ut Contact, making, lifting mast in-out Schließkontakt, Hubgerüst ein-aus Contact à fermeture, mat de lev. ext-ret.

266 S Brytkontakt hyttdörr Contact, breaking cab door Unterbrecherkontakt, Kabinetür Contact à ouverture, portiere de cabine

267 S Slutkontakt bromstryck Contact, making, brake pressure Schließkontakt, Bremsdruck Contact à fermeture, pression de frein
268 S Slutkontakt kompressor Contact, making, Compressor Schließkontakt, Kompressor Contact à fermeture, Pou´le
269 S Slutkontakt sax inne Contact, making extender in
270 S Slutkontakt överlastskydd Contact, making, overload protection
299 S Slut/brytkontakt option Contact, making/braking option Schließ-Unterbrecherkontakt, (option) Contact à fermeture/ouverture, (option)
300 K Relä hel/halvljus Relay, main/dipped beam Relais, Fem-/Abblendlicht Relais, route-croisement
301 K Relä dimljus Relay, fog light Relais, Nebelscheinwerfer Relais, feux antibrouillard
302 K Relä fjärrljus Relay, distance light Relais, Fernscheinwerfer Relais, feux longue portée
303 K Relä lastljus Relay, mast light Relais, Ladescheinwerfer Relais, projecteur de chargement
304 K Relä arbetsljus Relay, working light Relais, Arbeitsbeleuchtung Relais, projecteur de travail
305 K Relä backljus Relay, reversing light Relais, Rückfahrscheinwerfer Relais, feux de recul
306 K Relä helljus Relay, main beam Relais, Fernlicht Relais, feux de route
307 K Relä halvljus Relay, dipped beam Relais, Abblendlicht Relais, feux de croisement
308 K Relä bromsljus Relay, brake light Relais, Bremslicht Relais, feux stop
309 K Relä parkeringsbroms Relay, parking light Relais, Standlicht Relais, feux de stationnement
310 K Relä körvisare vä Relay, direction indicator left Relais, Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger, L Relais, clignotant supplémentaire, ga.
311 K Relä körvisare hö Relay, direction indicator right Relais, Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger, R Relais, clignotant supplémentaire, dr.
312 K Relä startelement Relay,element preheater Relais, Startelement Relais, élément de démarrage
313 K Relä vändbar förarstol Relay, rotating driver´s seat (VBFS) Relais, drehbarer Fahrersitz Relais, siège pivotant
314 K Relä parkeringsbroms Relay, parking brake Relais, Feststellbremse Relais, frein de stationnement
315 K Relä tändningslås Relay, ignition key Relais, Startschloß Relais, démarreur antivol
316 K Relä torkare Relay, wiper Relais, Wischer Relais, essuie-glace
317 K Relä strålkastartorkare Relay, roading lights wiper Relais, Scheinwerferwischer Relais, essuie-phare
318 K Relä AT-regulator Relay, AT-regulator Relais, Abgasdruckregler Relais, régulateur AT
319 K Relä varningsblinkers Relay, hazard blinkers Relais, Warnblinker Relais, feux de détresse
320 K Relä elektrisk stopp Relay, electical stop Relais, elektrischer Stopp Relais, arrêt électrique
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

321 K Relä intervalltorkare Relay, intermittent wiper Relais, Intervallwischer Relais, balayage intermittent
322 K Relä kylvätskenivå Relay, coolant level Relais, Kühlflüßigkeitsstand Relais, niveau radiateur
323 K Relä blinkers Relay, blinkers Relais, Blinker Relais, clignotants
324 K Relä rangespärr Relay, range interlock Relais, Rangesperre Relais, blocage doubleur
325 K Relä blinkande bromsljus (back) Relay, flashing brake lights (reversing) Relais, blinkendes Bremslicht (beim Relais, feux stop clignotants (en marche
Zurücksetzen) arrière)
326 K Relä blinkande bromsljus (runt) Relay, flashing hazard brake lights Relais, blinkendes Bremslicht (Rund- Relais, feux stop clignotants (gyrophare)
327 K Relä växel neutral Relay, gear neutral Relais, Wechsel neutral Relais, changement neutre
328 K Relä växelskifte Relay, gear shift Relais, Wechselschaltung Relais, changement de rapports
329 K Relä växel hög/låg Relay, high/low gear Relais, Wechsel hoch niedrig Relais, petite/grande vitesse
330 K Relä startspärr Relay, start interlock Relais, Startsperre Relais, blocage démarrage
331 K Relä drivning fram Relay, forward driving Relais, Antrieb vorn (LPG, Diesel) Relais, marche avant
332 K Relä drivning bak Relay, reversing driving Relais, Antrieb hinten (LPG, Diesel) Relais, marche arrière
333 K Tidrelä förvärmning Time relay, automatically preheating Zeitrelais, Vorwärmautomatik Relais, temporise´, préchauffage
334 K Relä frikoppling/drivbrytning Relay, free wheel/drive disconnection Relais, Auskuppeln/Antriebsabschaltung Relais, débrayage/arrêt d¿entraînement

335 K Relä växelventil 1:a (diesel, gas) Relay, gear change valve 1-gear Relais, Schaltventil 1 Getriebe (Diesel, Relais, distributeur de changement,
(diesel,LPG) LPG) boîte à 1 rapport (gazole, GPL)
336 K Relä växelventil 2:a (diesel, gas) Relay, gear change valve 2-gear Relais, Schaltventil 2 Getriebe (Diesel, Relais, distributeur de changement,
(diesel,LPG) LPG) boîte à 2 rapports (gazole, GPL)
337 K Relä drivriktning motor Relay, motor drive direction Relais, Antriebsrichtung Motor Relais, sens de marche moteur
338 K Relä kylfläkt drivmotor Relay, cooling fan drive motor Relais, Lüfter Antriebsmotor Relais, moteur du ventilateur
339 K Relä kylfläkt elskåp Relay, cooling fan electrical box Relais, Lüfter Schaltschrank Relais, boîtier électrique du ventilateur
340 K Tidrelä fördröjt tillslag Time relay, start delay Zeitrelais, verzögerte Einschaltung Relais, temporise´, mise en marche
341 K Tidrelä fördröjt frånslag Time relay, stop delay Zeitrelais, verzögerte Ausschaltung Relais, temporise´, arrêt temporisée
342 K Relä drivning 2/4 hjul Relay, switching 2/4 WD Relais, 2-Rad/4-Rad-Antrieb Relais, commutation 2/4 roues motrices

343 K Relä dimbakljus Relay, fog light rear Relais, Nebelschlußleuchte Relais, feux de brouillard arrière
344 K Relä momentförstärkare Relay, torque amplifier Relais, Drehmomentwandler Relais, convertisseur de couple
345 K Relä låsning vändskiva Relay, interlocking of turntable Relais, Sperren der Sattelkupplung Relais, verrouillage de la sellette
346 K Relä frikoppling stollåsning Relay, releasing of seat interlocking Relais, Freigabe Sitzverriegelung Relais, déverrouillage du siège
347 K Relä stolvändning/ljussignal Relay, multifunction, seat rotation/light Relais, Multifunktion, Relais, multifonction siège/appel de
signal Sitzdrehen/Lichtsignal phare
348 K Relä fläktmotor värmare Relay, fan heating Relais, Gebläsemotor Heizung Relais, chauffage du moteur de
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

349 K Relä fartreglage Relay, speed control Relais, Geschwindigkeitsregelung Relais, commande de vitesse
350 K Relä pumpkontaktor/pumpkontroll Relay, pump contactor/pump control Relais, Pumpenkontrolle Relais, commande de pompe
351 K Relä hyttlyft upp Relay, cab hoist up Relais, Kabinenhub, aufwärts Relais, élevation de cabine, montée
352 K Relä hyttlyft ner Relay, cab hoist down Relais, Kabinenhub, abwärts Relais, élevation de cabine, descente
353 K Relä säkerhetsslinga Relay, safety loop Relais, Sicherheitsschleife Relais, boucle de sécurité
354 K Relä styrsystem Relay, signal control system Relais, Signal Lenkung Relais, signal système de commande
355 K Relä sensorstyrning Relay, sensor control Relais, Sensorsteuerung Relais, commande capteurs
356 K Skiftrelä längskörning/tvärskörning Shift relay, length/sideways driving Schaltrelais, Längs-/Querfahren Relais, de commutation, sens
357 K Relä roterande varningsljus Relay, hazard beacon Relais, rotierende Rund-um- Relais, gyrophare
358 K Relä komressor luft Relay, compressor air Relais, kompressor luft Relais,compresseur du air
359 K Relä Hydrauloljekylare Relay hydraulic oil cooler Relais, Hydraulik Ölkühler Relais, radiateur huile hydraulique
360 K Relä startsolenoid Relay, starting solenoid Relais, Anlaßermagnet Relais, solénoîde démarreur
361 K Relä kompressor AC Relay, compressor air conditione Relais, kompressor klimaanlage Relais, compresseur climatisation
362 K Relä vattenventil AC Relay, water valve air conditioner Relais, Wasser Ventil für Klimaanlage Relais, soupape pour l¿eau du
363 K Relä kondensor AC Relay, condenser air conditione Relais, kondensor klimaanlage Relais, condenseur climatisation
364 K Relä stolsbrytare Relay seat switch
365 K Relä fönsterhiss upp Relay, electrical screen elevator up Relais, elektrischer Fensterheber Relais, montée du lève-glace électrique
366 K Relä fönsterhiss ner Relay, electrical screen elevator down Relais, elektrischer Fensterheber Relais, descente du lève-glace
abwärts électrique
367 K Relä styrning Relay, steerin Relais, Lenkung Relais, direction
368 K Relä lågt bromstryck Relay, low brake pressure Relais, niedrieger Bremsdruck Relais, pression de frein petite
369 K Relä centralsmörjning Relay, central lubrication Relais, zentralschmierung Relais, graissage centralisé
370 K Relä centralsmörjning, aggregat Relay, central lubrication, attatchment Relais, zentralschmierung,Aggregat Relais, graissage centralisé et
371 K Relä lyfthöjd Relay, liftheight Relais, hubhöhe Relais, élevation
372 K Relä blinkande varn.ljus, höjdbegränsn. Relay, flashing beacon, lifting height Relais, blinkende Rundumleuchte, Relais lampe clignotante,limiteur de
limiter Höhebegrenzung hauteur
373 K Relä bakljus Relay light Relais, beleuchtung Relais, feux
375 K Huvudkontaktor reglersystem Main contactor, operating control Hauptschütz, Regelsystem Contacteur principal, système de
376 K Kontaktor fram reglersystem Contactor, forward operating control Schütz, vom Regelsystem Contacteur, régulation avant
377 K Kontaktor bak reglersystem Contactor, reversing operating control Schütz, hinten Reglersystem Contacteur, régulation arrière
378 K Kontaktor by-pass Contactor, ¿by-pass¿ operating control/ Schütz, Bypass Reglersystem/ Contacteur, système de régulation by-
reglersystem/Fältförsvagning Field weakening Feldschwächung pass/ Affaiblissement de champ
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

379 K Kontaktor pumpmotor Contactor, pump motor Schütz, Pumpenmotor Contacteur, moteur de la pompe
380 K Kontaktor Contactor Schütz Contacteur
381 K Kontaktor återladdning Contactor, recharging Schütz, Aufladung Contacteur, recharge
382 K Relä, förbikoppling säkerhetssystem Relay, by-pass safety system Relais, überbrückung des Relais, shunt sécurité
383 K Relä, Stolsvärme Relay, heated seat Relais, Sitzheizung Relais, siège chauffant
384 K Relä vattenseparator Relay, waterseparator Relais, Wasserabscheider Relais, séparateur d¿eau
385 K Relä bränslepump insprutning Relay, fuel injection pump
386 K Relä, hög motortemperatur. Relay, high motor temperature Relais, hohe motor temperatur
387 K Relä alternativ gaspedal Relay alternative throttle pedal
399 K Relä option Relay, option Relais, Option Relais, option
400 E G-lampa vä fram Light bulb, roading light left hand front Glühlampe, Scheinwerfer links vorn Ampoule, projecteur avant gauche
400 E G-lampa hö fram Light bulb, roading light right hand rear Glühlampe, Scheinwerfer rechts vorn Ampoule, projecteur avant droite
401 E G-lampa vä bak Light bulb, roading light left hand front Glühlampe, Scheinwerfer links hinten Ampoule, projecteur arrière gauche
401 E G-lampa hö bak Light bulb, roading light right hand rear Glühlampe, Scheinwerfer rechts hinten Ampoule, projecteur arrière droite

402 E G-lampa fjärrljus Light bulb, distance light Glühlampe, Fernscheinwerfer Ampoule, feux longue portée
403 E G-lampa lastljus Light bulb, mast light Glühlampe, Ladescheinwerfer Ampoule, projecteur de chargement
404 E G-lampa arbetsljus Light bulb, working light Glühlampe, Arbeitsbeleuchtung Ampoule, projecteur de travail
405 E G-lampa backljus Light bulb, rear light Glühlampe, Rückfahrscheinwerfer Ampoule, feux de recul
406 E G-lampa cont belysning vänster Container light left-hand Containerbeleuchtung links Eclairage conteneur gauche
406 E G-lampa cont belysning höger Container light right-hand Containerbeleuchtung rechts Eclairage conteneur droite
408 E G-lampa park ljus vä fram Light bulb, parking light, left-hand Glühlampe, Standlicht, links vorn Ampoule, feux de stationnement, avant
forward gauche
408 E G-lampa park ljus hö fram Light bulb, parking light, right-hand Glühlampe, Standlicht, rechts vorn Ampoule, feux de stationnement, avant
forward droite
410 H G-lampa broms ljus vä fram Light bulb, brake light, left-hand forward Glühlampe, Bremslicht, links vorn Ampoule, feu stop, avant gauche

410 H G-lampa broms ljus hö fram Light bulb, brake light, right-hand Glühlampe, Bremslicht, rechts vorn Ampoule, feu stop, avant droite
411 H G-lampa broms ljus vä bak Light bulb, brake light, left-hand rear Glühlampe, Bremslichts, links hinten Ampoule, feu stop, arrière gauche
411 H G-lampa broms ljus hö bak Light bulb, brake light, right-hand rear Glühlampe, Bremslicht, rechts hinten Ampoule, feu stop, arrière droite
412 H G-lampa bak ljus vä bak Light bulb, rear light, left-hand rear Glühlampe, Rücklicht, links hinten Ampoule, feu arrière gauche
412 H G-lampa bak ljus hö bak Light bulb, rear light right-hand rear Glühlampe, Rücklicht, rechts hinten Ampoule, feu arrière droite
413 H G-lampa bak ljus vä fram (VBFS) Light bulb, rear light, left-hand forward Glühlampe, Rücklicht, links vorn Ampoule, feu arrière, avant gauche
(VBFS) (drehbarer Fahrersitz)
413 H G-lampa bak ljus hö fram (VBFS) Light bulb, rear light,right-hand forward Glühlampe, Rücklicht, rechts vorn Ampoule, feu arrière, avant droite
(VBFS) (drehbarer Fahrersitz)
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

416 H G-lampa sidomarkering vä fram Light bulb, side position light, left-hand Glühlampe, seitliche Ampoule, feu de position latérale avant
forward Begrenzungsleuchte, links vorn gauche
416 H G-lampa sidomarkering vä bak Light bulb, side position light, left-hand Glühlampe, seitliche Ampoule, feu de position latérale arrière
rear Begrenzungsleuchte, links hinten gauche
417 H G-lampa sidomarkering hö fram Light bulb, side position light, right -hand Glühlampe, seitliche Ampoule, feu de position latérale avant
forward Begrenzungsleuchte, rechts vorn droite
417 H G-lampa sidomarkering hö bak Light bulb, side position light, right-hand Glühlampe, seitliche Ampoule, feu de position arrière droite
rear Begrenzungsleuchte, rechts hinten
420 H G-lampa positionsljus vänster Light bulb, position light, left-hand Glühlampe, Positionsleuchte links Ampoule, feu de position gauche
421 H G-lampa positionsljus höger Light bulb, position light, right-hand Glühlampe, Positionsleuchte rechts Ampoule, feu de position droite
422 H G-lampa körvisare vä fram Light bulb, direction indicator left-hand Glühlampe, Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger links Ampoule, clignotant avant gauche
423 H G-lampa körvisare hö fram Light bulb, direction indicator right-hand Glühlampe, Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger Ampoule, clignotant avant droite
forwrd rechts vorn
426 H G-lampa körvisare vä bak Light bulb, direction indicator left-hand Glühlampe, Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger links Ampoule, clignotant arrière gauche
rear hinten
427 H G-lampa körvisare hö bak Light bulb, direction indicator right-hand Glühlampe, Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger Ampoule, clignotant arrière droite
rear rechts hinten
428 H G-lampa roterande varningsljus Light bulb, flashing beacon lamp Glühlampe, Rundum-Kennleuchte Ampoule, gyrophare
429 E G-lampa cigarettändare belysning Light bulb, cigarett lighter illumination Glühlampe, Zigarettenanzünder- Ampoule, éclairage allume-cigares
431 E G-lampa instrument belysning Light bulb, instrument illumination Glühlampe, Instrumentenbeleuchtung Ampoule, éclairage des instruments
432 E G-lampa handsfack belysning Light bulb, glove pocket light Glühlampe, Handschuhfachbeleuchtung Ampoule, éclairage de la boïte à gants

433 E G-lampa instegs belysning Light bulb, step-in lighting Glühlampe, Einstiegbeleuchtung Ampoule, éclairage de
434 E G-lampa innerbelysning Light bulb, interior lighting Glühlampe, Innenbeleuchtung Ampoule, éclairage intérieur
435 E G-lampa låsbelysning Light bulb, reading lighting Glühlampe, Leselampe Ampoule, éclairage de lecture
436 E G-lampa identifikationsljus Light bulb, identification light Glühlampe, Identifikationsleuchte Ampoule, éclairage de plaque
437 E G-lampa identifikationsljus/takskylt Light bulb, identification light/roof sign Glühlampe, ID-Beleuchtung/Dachschild Ampoule, signalisation toitet interieur
438 E G-lampa motorrumsbelysning Light bulb, engine compartment light Glühlampe, Motorraumbeleuchtung Ampoule, éclairage compartiment
439 E Nummerskyltsbelysning Light license plate Kennzeichenbeleuchtung
440 E G-lampa värmereglage belysning Light bulb, heating control light Glühlampe, Beleuchtung für Ampoule, éclairage commande
Heizungsbedieung chauffage
445 H G-lampa körvisare vä (extra) Light bulb, extra direction indicator left Glühlampe, Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger Ampoule,clignotant supplémentaire
links, Extra gauche
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

446 H G-lampa körvisare hö (extra) Light bulb, extra direction indicator right Glühlampe, Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger, Ampoule, clignotant supplémentaire
rechts, Extra droite
451 H G-lampa dimbakljus vänster Light bulb, fog light rear left Glühlampe, Nebelschlußleuchte links Ampoule, feu de brouillard arrière
452 H G-lampa dimbakljus höger Light bulb, fog light rear right Glühlampe, Nebelschlußleuchte rechts Ampoule, feu de brouillard arrière droite

453 H G-lampa bromsljus/körvisare vänster Light bulb, brake light/dir. indicator left- Glühlampe, Bremslicht/ Fahrrichtung Ampoule, feux stop/ clingnotant gauche
hand links
453 H G-lampa bromsljus/körvisare höger Light bulb, brake light/dir. indicator right- Glühlampe, Bremslicht/ Fahrrichtung Ampoule, feux stop/ clingnotant droit
hand rechts
454 H G-lampa bromsljus blackout vänster Light bulb, brake light blackout left-hand Glühlampe, Bremslicht/ Ausfall links Ampoule, feux stop/ clingnotant gauche
454 H G-lampa bromsljus blackout höger Light bulb, brake light blackout right- Glühlampe, Bremslicht/ Ausfall rechts Ampoule, feux stop/ clingnotant droit
hand blackout
456 E G-lampa backljus blackout IR vänster Light bulb, rear light blackout IR left- Glühlampe, Rueckfahrtleuchte Ausfall Ampoule, feux de recul blackout infra
hand IR links rouge gauche
456 E G-lampa backljus blackout IR höger Light bulb, rear light blackout IR right- Glühlampe, Rueckfahrtleuchte Ausfall Ampoule, feux de recul blackout infra
hand IR rechts rouge droit
457 H G-lampa positionsljus blackout vänster Light bulb, position light blackout left- Glühlampe, Positionslampe Ausfall links Ampoule, feux de position blackout
hand gauche
457 H G-lampa positionsljus blackout höger Light bulb, position light blackout right- Glühlampe, Positionslampe Ausfall Ampoule, feux de position blackout droit
hand rechts
458 E G-lampa fram blackout vänster Light bulb, roading light blackout left- Glühlampe, Abblendlicht Ausfall links Ampoule, feux de route blackout gauche
458 E G-lampa fram blackout höger Light bulb, roading light blackout right- Glühlampe, Abblendlicht Ausfall rechts Ampoule, feux de route blackout droit
459 E G-lampa fram blackout IR vänster Light bulb, roading light blackout IR left- Glühlampe, Abblendlicht Ausfall IR links Ampoule, feux de route blackout infra
hand rouge gauche
459 E G-lampa fram blackout IR höger Light bulb, roading light blackout IR right-Glühlampe, Abblendlicht Ausfall IR Ampoule, feux de route blackout infra
hand rechts rouge droit
460 E G-lampa arb.belysning hytt blackout IR Light bulb, working light cab blackout IR Glühlampe, Arbeitsbeleuchtung kabine Ampoule, eclairage cbine blackout infra
vä left Ausfall links rouge gauche
460 E G-lampa arb.belysning hytt blackout IR Light bulb, working light cab blackout IR Glühlampe, Arbeitsbeleuchtung kabine Ampoule, eclairage cbine blackout infra
hö right Ausfall rechts rouge draoit
461 E G-lampa arb.bel. bom 20' blackout IR vä Light bulb, working light boom20' b.out Glühlampe, Arbeitsbeleuchtung Ampoule, feux de travail gauche sur la
IR left Ausleger 20¿ Ausfall IR links poutre pour les 20¿ blackout infra rouge
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

461 E G-lampa arb.bel. bom 20' blackout IR hö Light bulb, working light boom20' b.out Glühlampe, Arbeitsbeleuchtung Ampoule, feux de travail droit sur la
IR right Ausleger 20¿ Ausfall IR rechts poutre pour les 20¿ blackout infra rouge

462 E G-lampa arb.bel. bom 40' blackout IR vä Light bulb, working light boom40' b.out Glühlampe, Arbeitsbeleuchtung Ampoule, feux de travail gauche sur la
IR left Ausleger 40¿ Ausfall IR links poutre pour les 40¿ blackout infra rouge

462 E G-lampa arb.bel. bom 40' blackout IR hö Light bulb, working light boom40' b.out Glühlampe, Arbeitsbeleuchtung Ampoule, feux de travail droit sur la
IR right Ausleger 40¿ Ausfall IR rechts poutre pour les 40¿ blackout infra rouge

463 H G-lampa bak ljus vänster bak, blackout Light bulb, rear light left-hand rear, Glühlampe, Rueckfahrtleuchte links Ampoule, feux de recul gauche blackout
blackout hinten,Ausfall
463 H G-lampa bak ljus höger bak, blackout Light bulb, rear light right-hand rear, Glühlampe, Rueckfahrtleuchte rechts Ampoule, feux de recul droit blackout
blackout hinten,Ausfall
464 E G-lampa cont belysning IR vänster Light bulb,Container light IR left-hand Glühlampe, Container Beleuchtung IR Ampoule, eclairage conteneurs infra
links rouge gauche
464 E G-lampa cont belysning IR höger Light bulb,Container light IR right-hand Glühlampe, Contanier Beleuchtung IR Ampoule, eclairage conteneurs infra
rechts rouge droit
465 H G-lampa röd saxagregat ute Light-bulb, red extender exended
466 H G-lampa orange vertikalhålning på Light bulb, orange vertical hold on
467 H G-lampa grön klämtryck OK Light bulb, green clamp pressure OK
468 G-Lampa Röd Maxlast Light bulb,Red Overload
500 H Kont lampa körvisare Indicating lamp, direction indicator Kontrollampe, Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger Témoin, clignotants
501 H Kont lampa körvisare (extra) Indicating lamp, direction indicator extra Kontrollampe, Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger, Témoin, clignotant supplémentaire
503 H Varn lampa oljetryck motor Warning lamp, oil pressure engine Warnlampe, Öldruck Motor Voyant, pression d¿huile moteur
504 H Kont lampa helljus Indicating lamp, main beam Kontrollampe, Fernlicht Témoin, feux de route
505 H Varn lampa laddning Warning lamp, loading Warnlampe, Ladestrom Voyant, charge
506 H Varn lampa laddning (extra) Warning lamp, loading extra Warnlampe, Ladestrom Extra Voyant, charge supplémentaire
507 H Varn lampa färdbroms Warning lamp, brake Warnlampe, Betriebsbremse Voyant, frein de service
508 H Varn lampa parkerings broms Warning lamp, parking brake Warnlampe, Feststellbremse Voyant, frein de stationnement
509 H Varn lampa nivå kylvatten Warning lamp, coolant level Warnlampe, Kühlflüssigkeitsstand Voyant, niveau liquide de
510 H Kont lampa diff spärr Indicating lamp, diff. interlock Kontrollampe, Differentialsperre Témoin, blocage du différentiel
512 H Varn lampa temp momentförst Warning lamp, temperature converter Warnlampe, Temperatur Voyant, température du convertisseur
514 H Kont lampa överväxel Indicating lamp, overdrive clutch Kontrollampe, Overdrive Témoin, overdrive
519 H Kont lampa halvljus Indicating lamp, dipped lights Kontrolleuchte, Abblendlicht Témoin, feu de croisement
524 H Kont lampa luftfilter Indicating lamp, air filter Kontrollampe, Luftfilter Témoin, filtre à air
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

525 H Kont lampa UNIKAT Indicating lamp, UNIKAT Kontrollampe, UNIKAT Témoin, UNIKAT
528 H Kont lampa förvärmning Indicating lamp, preheating Kontrollampe, Vorwärmung Témoin, préchauffage
530 H Kont lampa framhjuls styrning Indicating lamp, forward wheel steering Kontrollampe, Vorderrad lenkung Témoin, roue avant directrice

531 H Kont lampa 4-hjuls styrning Indicating lamp, 4-wheel steering Kontrollampe, Vierradlenkung Témoin, 4 roues drectrices
532 H Kont lampa crab styrning Indicating lamp, crab steering Kontrollampe, Diagonal lenkung Témoin, dépacement en diagonal
533 H Kont lampa hyd.pump Indicating lamp, emergency hyd. pump Kontrollampe, Ackumulatorladepumpe Témoin, pompe hydrzulique d¿urgence

547 H Varn lampa centralvarning Warning lamp, central warning Warnleuchte, Zentrales Warnsystem Voyant, signalisation centralisée
549 H Varn lampa oljetryck v-låda Warning lamp, oil pressure gear box Warnlampe, Öldruck Getriebe Voyant, pression d¿huile de la boîte
550 H Varn lampa hyttlåsning Warning lamp, cab lock Warnlampe, Kabinenverriegelung Voyant, verrouillage de la cabine
551 H Varn lampa temp v-låda Warning lamp, temperature gear box Warnlampe, Temperatur Getriebe Voyant, température de la boîte de
552 H Varn lampa bromstryck Warning lamp, brake pressure Warnlampe, Bremsdruck Voyant, pression de freinage
554 H Varn lampa temp spolkrets bromsar Warning lamp, temp. cooling system Warnlampe, Temperatur Spülkreis Voyant, température circuit de freins
brakes Bremsen
555 H Varn lampa temp kylvatten mot Warning lamp, temperature coolant Warnlampe, Temperatur Kühlwasser Voyant, température refroidissement
engine Motor moteur
556 H Varn lampa låsning vändskiva Warning lamp, interlocking of turntableWarnleuchte, Sperren der Voyant, verrouillage de la sellette
560 H Varn lampa temp drivmotor el Warning lamp, temperature, drive motor Warnleuchte, Temperatur Voyant, temp.moteur propulsion, élect.
Antriebsmotor, el.
561 H Varn lampa temp pumpmotor el Warning lamp, temperature, pump Warnleuchte, Temperatur Voyant, temp.moteur pompe, élect.
motor Pumpenmotor el.
562 H Varn lampa öppen twistlock Warning lamp, unlocked twist lock Warnleuchte, Twistlock offen Voyant, verrous non verouillés
563 H Varn lampa låst twistlock Warning lamp, locked twist lock Warnleuchte, Twistlock geschlossen Voyant, verrous verouillés
564 H Varn lampa anliggning Warning lamp, alignement Warnleuchte, Auflage Voyant, d¿aligemert
565 H Varn lampa temp motor el Warning lamp ,temperature motor Warnleuchte, Temperatur , el. Voyant, temp.moteur, élect.
569 H Kont lampa elvärme Indicating lamp, electric heater Kontrolleuchte, Elektroheizung Témoin, chauffage électrique
569 H Kont lampa elvärme Indicating lamp, electric heater Kontrolleuchte, Elektroheizung Témoin, chauffage électrique
570 H Varn lampa överkoppling Warning lamp, by-pass safety system Warnleuchte, Sicherheitssystem Voyant, surconnection du systémede
säkerhetssystem umgeschaltet securité
571 H Kont lampa bränslenivå Indicating lamp, fuel level Kontrollampe, Kraftstoff Témoin, niveau de carburant
572 H Varningslampa lyfthöjd Warning lamp lifting height Warnlampe Hubhöhe Lampe alarme, hauteur de levée
573 H Kontroll lampa motor information Indicator lamp engine information Kontrolllampe Motor-Information Lampe de contrôl, information moteur
574 H Kontroll lampa stödben nere Indicator lamp support jacks down Kontrollampe Stuetzbein unten Lampe de contrôl, beqilles abaissées
575 H Kontroll lampa stödben ur arb.läge Indicator lamp support jacks out of Kontrollampe Stuetzbein außerhalb Lampe de contrôl, béquille relevées
working pos Arbeitsposition
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

576 H Kontroll lampa anliggning främre ben Indicator lamp, alignment front legs Kontrollampe Auflage vorderes Bein Lampe de contrôl, allignement jambes
577 H Kontroll lampa anliggning bakre ben Indicator lamp, alignment rear legs Kontrollampe Auflage hinteres Bein Lampe de contrôl, allignement jambes
578 H Kontroll lampa klämläge främre ben Indicator lamp, clamp position front legs Kontrollampe Klemmposition vordere Lampe de contrôl, position de
Beine vérouillage jambes avants
579 H Kontroll lampa klämläge bakre ben Indicator lamp, clamp position rear legs Kontrollampe Klemmposition hintere Lampe de contrôl, position de
Beine vérouillage jambes arriéres
580 H Kontroll lampa främre ben uppe Indicator lamp, front legs upper position Kontrollampe vorderes Bein oben Lampe de contrôl, position haute
jambes avants
581 H Kontroll lampa främre ben nere Indicator lamp, front legs lower position Kontrollampe vorderes Bein unten Lampe de contrôl, position basse
jambes arrières
582 H Varningslampa överlast Warning lamp overload
583 H Kontroll lampa anliggning ett ben Indicator lamp, alignment one leg
584 H Kontroll lampa anliggning alla ben Indicator lamp, alignment all legs
599 H Kont lampa option Indicating lamp, option Kontrollampe, Option Témoin, option
600 Y M-ventil avgasbroms Solenoid valve, exhaust brake Magnetventil, Motorbremse Electrovanne, ralentisseur sur
601 Y M-ventil diff spärr Solenoid valve, diff. interlock Magnetventil, Differentialsperre Electrovanne, blocage du différentiel
602 Y M-ventil broms Solenoid valve, brake Magnetventil, Bremse Electrovanne, frein
603 Y M-ventil värme Solenoid valve, heater Magnetventil, Heizung Electrovanne, chaleur
604 Y M-ventil kraftuttag sida Solenoid valve, power take off, side Magnetventil, Nebenantrieb Seite Electrovanne, prise de force latérale
605 Y M-ventil kraftuttag bak Solenoid valve, power take off, rear Magnetventil, Nebenantrieb hinten Electrovanne, prise de force arrière
606 Y M-ventil 2/4 hjulsdrift Solenoid valve, 2/4WD Magnetventil, 2-Rad/4-Rad-Antriebe Electrovanne, 2/4 roues motrices
607 Y M-ventil hög/låg växel Solenoid valve, high/low gear Magnetventil, Wechsel hoch/niedrig Electrovanne, petite/grande vitesse
608 M Pumpaggregat hyttlyft Pump unit, cab hoist Pumpenanlage, Kabinenhub Groupe pompe-moteur, élevation de
609 M Ställmotor gaspådrag Regulating motor, throttle Stellmotor, Gasgeben Moteur de commande de gaz
610 Y M-ventil hydraulsystem allm Solenoid valve, hydraulics, general Magnetventil, hydraulische Anlage Electrovanne,système hydraulique,
allgemein général
611 Y M-ventil flödesbegränsning Solenoid valve, flow restriction Magnetventil, Fließbegrenzung Electrovanne, limiteur de débit
612 M Ställmotor recirkulation Regulating motor, re-circulation Stellmotor, Re-zirkulation Moteur de commande, re-circulation
613 Y M-ventil momentförstärkare Solenoid valve, torque amplifier Magnetventil, Drehmomentwandler Electrovanne, convertisseur de couple
614 Y M-ventil rangespärr Solenoid valve, ranging interlock Magnetventil, Rangesperre Electrovanne, blocage du doubleur
615 Y M-ventil hjulvridning Solenoid valve, wheel turning Magnetventil, Radeinschlag Electrovanne, pivotement roues
616 Y M-ventil kallstart Solenoid valve, cold start aid Magnetventil, kaltstarthilfe Electrovanne,pour le demarrage afroid
617 Y M-ventil AT-regulator by-pass Solenoid valve, AT-regulator ¿by-pass¿ Magnetventil, Abgasdruckregler Electrovanne, by-pass du régulateur AT
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

618 Y M-ventil vatten klimatanläggning Solenoid valve, water air conditioner Magnetventil, wasser klimaanlage Electrovanne, pour l¿eau du climatiseur

620 Y M-ventil vändskiva upp Solenoid valve, fifth wheel up Magnetventil, Sattelkupplung, aufwärts Electrovanne, sellette, montée
621 Y M-ventil vändskiva ner Solenoid valve, fifth wheel down Magnetventil, Sattelkupplung, abwärts Electrovanne, sellette, descente
622 Y M-ventil vändskiva fram Solenoid valve, fifth wheel forward Magnetventil, Sattelkupplung, vorn Electrovanne, sellette, marche avant
623 Y M-ventil vändskiva bak Solenoid valve, fifth wheel rear Magnetventil, Sattelkupplung, hinten Electrovanne, sellette, marche arrière
624 Y M-ventil skevning hö Solenoid valve, levelling right hand Magnetventil, Niveauausgleich rechts Electrovanne, corr.-niveau droits
625 Y M-ventil skevning vä Solenoid valve, levelling left hand Magnetventil, Niveauausgleich links Electrovanne, corr.-niveau gauche
626 Y M-ventil AT-regulator Solenoid valve, AT-regulator Magnetventil, Abgasdruckregler Electrovanne, régulateur AT
627 Y M-ventil vakuum Solenoid valve vacuum Magnetventil vacuum
628 Y M-ventil bränsleblandning Solenoid valve fuelmixture Magnetventil kraftstoffzufhur
630 Y M-ventil v-låda fram Solenoid valve, gear box, forward gear Magnetventil, Getriebe Vorwärtsgang Electrovanne, boîte de vitesses marche
631 Y M-ventil v-låda back Solenoid valve, gear box, rear gear Magnetventil, Getriebe Rückwärtsgang Electrovanne, boîte de vitesses marche
632 Y M-ventil v-låda spole 1 Solenoid valve, gear box, 1 gear Magnetventil, Getriebe Schaltstufe I Electrovanne, boîte vitesses rapport I
633 Y M-ventil v-låda spole 2 Solenoid valve, gear box, 2 gear Magnetventil, Getriebe Schaltstufe II Electrovanne, boîte de vitesses rapport
634 Y M-ventil v-låda spole 3 Solenoid valve, gear box, 3 gear Magnetventil, Getriebe Schaltstufe III Electrovanne, boîte de vitesses rapport
635 Y M-ventil klämtryck Solenoid valve, clamping pressure Magnetventil, Anliegedruck Electrovanne, pression de serrage
636 Y M-ventil styrning Solenoid valve, steering Magnetventil, Lenkung Electrovanne, direction
637 Y M-ventil flytläge skevning Solenoid valve, equalizing fifth wheel Magnetventil, Ausgleich der Electrovanne, équilibré de la selette
638 Y M-ventil stopp insprut pump Solenoid valve, stop injection pump Magnetventil, Abstellung Electrovanne, arrêt de la pompe
Einspritzpumpe d¿injection
639 Y M-ventil låsning orbitrol ls Solenoid valve, locking LS orbitrol Magnetventil, Sperren LS Orbitrol Electrovanne, verrouillage de LS
640 Y M-ventil gasol Solenoid valve, LPG Magnetventil, LPG Electrovanne, GPL
641 Y M-ventil förångare (LPG) Solenoid valve, evaporator (LPG) Magnetventil, Verdampfer (LPG) Electrovanne, évaporateur (GPL)
642 Y M-ventil park broms Solenoid valve, parking brake Magnetventil, Feststellbremse Eelectrovanne, frein de stationnement
643 Y M-ventil låsning stol (VBFS) Solenoid valve, seat locking (VBFS) Magnetventil, Sitzsperre (VBFS) Electrovanne, verrouillage du siège
644 Y M-ventil låsning vändskiva Solenoid valve, fifth wheel locking Magnetventil, Sperren Sattelkupplung Electrovanne, verrouillage de la sellette

645 Y Magnetkoppling komp AC Magnetic clutch, compressor AC Magnetkupplung, Kompressor Coupleur magnétique, compresseur
Klimaanlage climatisation
646 Y M-ventil stolsvändning Solenoid valve, seat rotation Magnetventil, Drehen des Sitzes Electrovanne, pivotement du siège
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

647 Y M-ventil stolstilt Solenoid valve, seat tilt Magnetventil, Kippen des Sitzes Electrovanne, basculement du siège
648 Y M-ventil luftfjädring Solenoid valve, pneumatic springing Magnetventil, Luftfederung Electrovanne, suspension pneumatique

649 B Termostat klimatannläggning Thermostat, air condition Thermostat, Klimaanlage Thermostat, climatisation
650 M Torkarmotor fram
650 M Torkarmotor fram
650 M Torkarmotor fram
650 M Torkarmotor fram
651 M Vindrutespolarmotor Washer motor Motor für Scheibenwaschanlage Moteur lave-glace
652 M Strålkastarmotor Light motor Motor für Scheinwerfer Moteur projecteurs
653 M Strålkastarspolarmotor Light washer motor Motor für Scheinwerferreinigungsanlage Moteur lave-phares

654 M Startmotor Starter motor Anlasser Démarreur

655 M Kylfläkt drivmotor (EC) Cooling fan, main motor (EC) Lüfter Antriebsmotor (EC) Moteur du ventilateur (EC)
656 M Kylfläkt elskåp (EC) Cooling fan, electrical box (EC) Lüfter Schaltschrank (EC) Boîtier électrique du ventilateur (EC)
657 M Fläktmotor värme Heating fan Gebläsemotor (Heizung) Moteur du ventilateur (chauffage)
658 G Generator (extra) Alternator extra Generator, Extra Alternateur supplémentaire
659 G Generator utan laddregulator Alternator without loading regulator Generator ohne angebauten Alternateur sans régulateur de charge
660 G Generator med laddregulator Alternator with loading regulator Generator mit angebauten Alternateur avec régulateur de charge
661 M Fönsterhissmotor Screenelevator motor Fensterhebermotor Moteur lève-glaces
662 G Laddregulator Loading regulator Reglerschalter Régulateur de charge
663 M Doseringspump klimatanläggning Dosage pump, air condition Dosierpumpe, Klimaanlage Pompe de dosage, climatisation
664 M Cirk pump klimatanläggning Circulating pump, air condition Umwälzpumpe, Klimaanlage Pompe de circulation, climatisation
665 V Diod Diode Diode Diode
666 M Fläktmotor cirkulation Circulation fan Umluftgebläser Moteur du ventilateur (circulation)
667 M Cirkulationspump värmesystem Circulation pump heating system Wärmetauscher Heizsystem Pompe de circulation circuit de
668 M Kylfläkt hydraulolja Cooling fan, hydraulic oil Gebläse, Hydrauliköl Ventilateur, radiateur huile hydraulique
669 E Värmare kupe/ motor diesel Heater compartment/engine diesel Innenheizung/ Dieselmotor Réchauffeur pour habitacle et moteur
670 M Kompressor Compressor Kompressor Compresseur
671 M Doseringspump diesel Dosage pump diesel Einspritzpumpe Diesel Pompe de dosage pour diesel
672 M Spjäll motor, ECC Draught valve motor, ECC Drosselventil Motor, ECC Valve de traction pour moteur,ECC
673 Y Vatten ventil motor, ECC Water valve motor, ECC Wasserventil Motor, ECC Soupape pour refroidissement
674 M Kylfläkt bromsolja Cooling fan, brake fluid Gebläser, Bremsöl Refroidisseur, huile de frein
675 M Motor, Stolsvändning Motor, Seat rotation Motor, Sitz rotation
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

676 Y Solenoid Broms stolsvändning Solenoid brake , seat rotation

685 A Reglerenhet termostat AC Control unit, termostat AC Reglereinheit, Thermostat AC Unité de régulation, Thermostat AC
690 B Fartreglage (EC) Speed control (EC) Geschwindigkeitsregler (EC) Régulation de la vitesse (EC)
693 M Pump centralsmörjning Pump, central lubrication Pumpe, Zentralschmierung Pompe, graissage centralisé
694 M Styrmotor Steering motor Steuermotor Moteur de direction
695 M Drivmotor (EC) Drive motor (EC) Antriebsmotor (EC) Moteur d¿entraînement (EC)
696 M Pumpaggregate nödstyrning Pump, emergency steering Pumpe, Notlenkung Pompe, direction de secours
697 B Elbroms Electric brake E-Bremse Frein électrique
698 M Pumpmotor (EC) Pump motor (EC) Pumpenmotor (EC) Moteur de la pompe (EC)
699 Y M-ventil option Solenoid valve, option Magnetventil (option) Electrovanne, (option)
700 P Hastighetsmätare Speedometer Tachometer Compteur de vitesse
701 P Mätare oljetemp v-låda Gear box oil temperature gauge Meßinstrument, Öltemperatur Getriebe Thermomètre, huile de la boîte

702 P Klocka Clock Uhr Montre

703 P Varvtalsmätare Engine rev meter Drehzahlmesser Compte-tours
704 P Tryckluftsmätare Air pressure gauge Druckluftmesser Manomètre, air
705 P Mätare oljetryck v-låda Gear box oil pressure gauge Meßinstrument, Öldruck Getriebe Manomètre, huile de la boîte
706 P Termometer temp kylvätska motor Temperature gauge, engine coolant Thermometer, Temperatur Thermomètre, temp. liquide
Kühlflüssigkeit Motor refroidissement moteur
707 P Bränslemätare Fuel gauge Kraftstoffanzeiger Jauge de carburant
708 P Timräknare Hour meter Betriebsstundenzähler Compteur horaire
709 P Kapacitetsmätare batteri Capacity gauge, battery Kapazitätsmesser Indicateur de capacité, batterie
710 P Tidur motor/kupevärmare Timer, engine- and cab heater Schaltuhr, motor- und Kabinenheizung Minuterie, chauffage moteur et habitacle

711 P Räknare, impuls Counter, impulse Zähler, Impuls Compteur d' impulsion
712 P Mätare oljetryck motor Motor oil pressure gauge Maßinstrument, Öldruck Motor Minuterie, prèssion d¿huile moteur
714 P Mätare, temp. Hydraulolja Hydraulic fluidtemperature, guage Maßinstrument, temperatur hydrauliköl Minuterie, température huile hydraulique

715 P Extra instrument allm Extra instrument, general Zusatzinstrument, allgemein Instruments supplémentaires, général
720 S Givare vändbar förarstol Transmitter, revolving driver´s seat Geber, drehbarer Fahrersitz (VBFS) Capteur, siège de conduite pivotant
740 D FleetManager kontrollenhet FleetManager control unit
741 U FleetManager batterifilter FleetManager battery filter
742 D FleetManager kortläsare FleetManager card device
743 D FleetManager accelerations givare FleetManager acceleration sensor
751 B Givare varvtal turbin Transmitter, speed turbin Geber, Drehzahl Tubine Capteur, nombre de tour tubine
752 B Givare varvtal inre växellåda Transmitter, speed internal gear chain Geber, Getriebe Schaltpunkt Capteur, nombre de tour à lintérieur de
la boite de vitesse
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

753 B Varvtalsgivare motor Transmitter, engine revolution Drehzahlgeber Motor Capteur de régime moteur
754 B Givare lufttryck Transmitter, air pressure Geber, Luftdruck Capteur, pression d¿air
755 B Givare hydraulfilter indikering Transmitter, hydraulics filter indication Geber, Hydralikfilter Anzeige Capteur, indication filtre à l¿huile
756 B Temperatur kylvätska motor Transmitter, engine coolant temperature Temperaturgeber, Kühlflüssigkeit Motor Capteur de température, liquide de
757 B Bränslenivågivare Transmitter, fuel level Kraftstoffstandgeber Capteur de niveau de carburant
758 B Varvtalsgivare v-låda Transmitter, gear box revolution Drehzahlgeber Getriebe Capteur de régime boîte de vitesses
759 B Nivåindikator kylvätska Transmitter, coolant level Flüssigkeitsstandanzeiger, Indicateur de niveau, liquide de
Kühlflüssigkeit refroidissement
760 B Givare rev-spärr/aut-vxl trans Transmitter, reversing interlock / Geber Umkehrsperre/automatische Capteur blocage marche arrière/
automatic gear change system (on Schaltung Transmission changement automatique transmission
gearbox output shaft)
761 B Givare rev-spärr/aut-vxl motor Transmitter, reversing interlock / Geber Umkehrsperre/automatische Capteur blocage marche
automatic gear changing system Schaltung Motor arrière/changement automatique moteur
(engine speed)
762 B Givare temp,spolkrets bromsar Transmitter, brake flushing circuit Geber, Temperatur Spülkreis Bremsen Capteur, temp. circuit refroidiss. freins
763 B Givare nivå hydraulolja Transmitter, hydraulic fluid level Geber, Hydraulikölfüllstand Capteur, niveau huile hydraulique
764 B Givare servotryck växellåda Transmitter, gear box servo pressure Geber, Servodruck, Getriebe Capteur, pression servo de la boîte
765 B Givare oljetryck v-låda Transmitter, oil pressure gear box Geber, Öldruck Getriebe Capteur, pression d¿huile de la boîte
766 B Givare oljetemp. v-låda Transmitter, oil temperature gear box Geber, Öltemperatur Getriebe Capteur, température d¿huile de la
767 B Givare oljetryck motor Transmitter, oil pressure engine Geber, Öldruck Motor Capteur, pression d¿huile moteur
768 B Givare oljetryck hydraulik Transmitter, hydraulic pressure Geber, Öldruck, Hydraulik Capteur, pression d¿huile hydraulique
769 B Givare ändläge Transmitter, end position Geber, Anschlag Capteur fin de course
770 B Givare rattutslag Transmitter, steering wheel angle Geber, lenkradeinschlag Capteur, braquage
771 B Givare vinkel Transmitter, angle Geber, Winkel Capteur, angle
772 B Givare temp bromsolja Transmitter, temperature brake fluid Geber, Temperatur Bremskuehlöl Capteur température liquide de frein
773 B Givare närvaro Transmitter, presence Geber, Präsenz Capteur, présence
774 B Givare utomhustemp Transmitter, ambient temperature Geber, Außentemperatur Capteur, température extérieure
775 B Givare temp klimatanläggning Transmitter, temperature air condition Geber, Temperatur, Klimaanlage Capteur, de températeur, climatisation
776 B Givare temp hydraulolja Transmitter, hydraulic temperature Geber, Temperatur, Hydrauliköl Capteur, température huile hydraulique

777 B Givare läge Transmitter, position Geber, Position Capteur, position

778 B Givare drivbrytning Transmitter, drive break Geber, Antriebsabschaltung Capteur, arrêt d¿entraînement
779 A Reglersystem återladdning (EC) Control system, recharging (EC) Steuersystem, Aufladung (EC) Système de régulation de recharge (EC)

780 A Reglersystem åkmotor (EC) Control system main motor (EC) Regelsystem, Fahrmotor (EC) Système de régulation moteur
d¿avancement (EC)
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

781 A Reglersystem pumpmotor (EC) Control system pump motor (EC) Regelsystem Pumpenmotor (EC) Système de régulation moteur de la
pompe (EC)
782 A Logik interface 2 drivmotorer Logic (interface) two main motors (EC) Logik (Schnittstelle) zwei Interface deux moteurs de propulsion
783 A Logik interface gaspådrag Logic (interface) throttle Logik (Interface) Gasgeben Interface d¿accélérateur
784 A Logik interface bromsregl Logic (interface) brake control Logik (Interface) Bremssteuerung Interface de commande de frein
785 A Logik interface styrsystem Logic (interface) control system Logik (Interface) Lenkung Interface de système de commande
786 A Servoförstärkare styrsystem Servo amplifier steering system Servoverstärker, Steuerungssystem Amplificateur pour le servo commande
du systeme de direction
789 B Givare allmän Transmitter, common Geber, allgemein Capteur, général
790 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet ECU, hytt Electronic Control Unit ECU, cab Elektronische Kontrolleinheit ECU, Unite de control électronique ECU,
Kabine cabine
791 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet aggregat Electronic Control Unit, attachment Elektronische Kontrolleinheit, Aggregat Unite éléctronique de control accessoire

792 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet styrning Electronic Control Unit, steering system Elektronische Kontrolleinheit, Lenkung Unite éléctronique de control systéme
de direction
793 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet växellåda Electronic Control Unit, gearbox Elektronische Kontrolleinheit, Getriebe Unite éléctronique de control boite de
794 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet motor Electronic Control Unit, engine Elektronische Kontrolleinheit,Motor Unite éléctronique de control boite
795 P Display Display Display Afficheur
796 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet, lasthantering Electronic Control Unit, Loadhandling Elektronische Kontrolleinheit, Unité éléctronique de control pour la
Ladengerät manutention de la charge
797 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet, ram Electronic Control Unit, frame Elektronische Kontrolleinheit, Rahmen Unité de contrôl éléctronic ECU, chassis

798 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet, stolvändning Electronic Control Unit, seat rotation Elektronische Kontrolleinheit, Sitz
799 A Logik allm (option) Logic, general (option) Logik, allgemein (option) Circuit logique, général (option)
800 S Startelement Start element Startelement Réchauffeur de démarrage
802 E Eluppvärmd backspegel Electrical heated observation mirror Elektrisch beheizter Rückspiegel Rétroviseur à chauffage électrique
803 E Eluppvärmd stol Electrical heated seat Elektrisch beheizter Sitz Siège à chauffage électrique
804 E Cigarettändare Cigarett lighter Zigarettenanzünder Allume-cigares
805 E Elvärme hytt Electrical heating cab Elektrische Heizung Kabine Chauffage électrique cabine
806 A Aggregat klimatanläggning Aggregate, air conditioner Aggregat, Klimaanlage Groupe climatisation
807 R Potentiometer Potentiometer Potentiometer Potentiomètre
808 E Eluppvärmd lufttorkare Electrical heater air dryer Elektrisch beheizer Lufttrockner Séchage à l¿air, à chauffage électrique

810 A Kondensor AC, fläkt Condensor AC, fan Kondensor Klimaanlage, Gebläse Condenseur climatisation, ventilateur
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

815 S Manöverspak Control lever Bedienungshebel Levier de commande

820 R Motstånd Resistor Widerstand Résistance
822 Z Signalfilter Signal filter Signalfilter Filtre de signal
823 U Signalomvandlare höger Signal amplifier, right Signalverstärker, rechts Amplificateur de signaux, droit
824 U Signalomvandlare vänster Signal amplifier, left Signalverstärker, links Amplificateur de signaux, gauche
825 R Reglage spakstyrning Controls, (steering with control levers). Regler, Hebelsteuerung Commande, leviers
826 Y Ventil spakstyrning Valve, (steering with control levers). Ventil, Hebelsteuerung Distributeur, leviers
827 A Växellåda Gearbox Getriebe Bolt de vitesse
828 R Shuntmotstånd Shunt-resitor
830 L Tändspole Ignition coil Zündspule Bobine d¿allumage
835 E Tändstift Ignition plug Zündkerze Bougie
840 S Strömfördelare Distributor Stromverteiler Distributeur
850 H Signalhorn Horn Signalhorn Avertisseur sonore
853 H Summer Buzzer Summer Signal sonore
888 E Lufttork, kompressor Air Dryer, Compressor Luft trocknen, Kompressoren
900 A Radio/bandspelare Radio/tape recorder Radio/Kassettengerät Radio/lecteur
901 U Spänningsomvandlare Voltage converter Spannungsumwandler Convertisseur de tension
902 B Högtalare Loud speaker Lautsprecher Haut-parleur
903 W Antenn radio Aerial, radio Antenne, Radio Antenne radio
905 A Kommunikationsradio Communication radio CB-Funk Radiotéléphone
906 W Antenn kommunikationsradio Aerial, communication radio Antenne, CB-Funk Antenne radiotéléphone
907 A Monitor Monitor
908 A Kamera Camera
909 A Skrivare Printer
910 U Spänningsomvandlare 80V/24V Voltage converter 80 V / 24 V Spannungsumwandler 80 V/24 V Convertisseur de tension 80 V/24 V
911 A Dataterminal Dataterminal
940 A Logik batterivakt Logic switch , battery watch Logik Batteriewächter Circuit logique de surveillance batterie
941 U Laddningsutjämnare Even charger Ladnungs Nivellierung
950 A Logik transistortändning Logic transistor ignition Logik Transistorzündung Circuit logique allumage transistorisé
955 A Logik övervarvningsskydd (LPG) Logic overspeed protection (LPG) logik Überdrehungsschutz (LPG) Circuit logique protection de surrégime
960 A Logik rev-spärr/aut-vxl Logic unit, reversing interlock/automatic Logikeinheit Unité logique blocage de marche
gear changing Umkehrsperre/automatische Schaltung arrière/ changement automatique

961 A Motor/kupevärmare Engine- and cab heater Motor- und Kabinenheizung Chauffeur moteur et habitacle
962 E Logik slitageind kol elmotor Logic indication of wear, brush electrical Logik Verschleißanzeige Kohle, Circuit logique indicateur d¿usure des
motor Elektromotor balais, moteur électrique
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

965 H Backvarnare Reversing alarm Rückfahrwarner Avertisseur de recul

1001 S Strömställare, TW Switch, TW Schalter, TW Interrupteur, TW
1002 S Strömställare, lossa TW Switch, unlocking of TW Schalter, Lösen der TW Interrupteur, deverroulliage TW
1003 S Strömställare, låsa TW Switch, locking of TW Schalter, Verriegelung der TW Interrupteur, verroulliage TW
1004 S Strömställare, stopp vid 30'-35' Switch, stop at 30 -35¿ Schalter, Stopp bei 30-35¿ Interrupteur, arrêt á 30-35¿
1005 S Strömställare, förbikoppling av Switch, overriding of the safety system Schalter, ûberbrückung des Interrupteur, Dérivation du système de
säkerhetssystem sicherheitssystem sécurité
1006 S Strömställare, fällning främre ben Switch, front legs down Schalter, vorderes Bein ab Interrupteur, béquille avant baisse
1007 S Strömställare, fällning bakre ben Switch, rear legs down Schalter, hinteres Bein ab Interrupteur, béquille arrière baisse
1008 S Strömställare, klämma/lossa ben Switch, clamping/-releasing legs Schalter, Klemmen/Lösen der Beine Interrupteur, serrage/-deserrage
1009 S Strömställare, Motor information Switch, Engine information Schalter, Motor Information Interrupteur, information moteur
1010 S Srömställare, tilt av hytt Switch, tilt of cab Schalter, Kabinenneigung Interrupteur, arrêt inclinaison de la
1011 S Strömställare IR ljus Switch IR light Schalter, IR Licht Interrupteur, lampe IR
1012 S Strömställare utskjut 20¿-40¿ Switch, Extension 20¿-40¿ Schalter, Teleskopiere 20¿-40¿ Interrupteur,extention 20¿40¿
1013 S Strömställare stödben Switch, Support jacks Schalter, Stuetzbein Interrupteur, bequilles
1014 S Strömställare förbikoppling rotationstopp Switch, over ride rotation stop Schalter, überbrückung Rotation stopp Interrurpteur pour shunt ¿stop rotation¿

1015 S Strömställare förbikoppling höjdbeg/tp- Switch, over ride height limit/tp-limit Schalter, überbrückung Interrupteur shunt pour hauteur et CDG
beg Höhenbegrenzung/ LSP- Begrenzung maxi
1017 S Strömställare diagnostik öka/minska Switch, diagnostics increase/decrease

1018 S Strömställare diagnostik on/off Switch, diagnostics on/off

1019 S Strömställare rastvärme Switch, paus heat
1020 S Strömställare automatisk släpp/kläm Switch automatic release/clamp funktion
1021 S Strömställare sax Switch extender
1022 S Strömställare vertikalhållning Switch, vertical position
1023 S Strömställare låsning övre arm Switch, lock upper arm
1024 S Strömställare Korta Armen av/på Switch, Short Arm on/off
1025 S Strömställare pappersfunktioner av/på Switch, paper funktions on/off
1026 S Strömställare omkoppling Switch, switch papper/bale clamp
1027 S Strömställare lyfthöjdsförval Switch, lift height selection
1028 S Strömställare lyfthöjdsförval öka Switch, lift height selection increase
1029 S Strömställare lyfthöjdsförval minska Switch, lift height selection decrease
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

1030 S Strömställare läraringång givare Switch, teaching ultrasonic sensor

1031 S Strömställare, Over Height Upp/Ned Switch, Over Height Up/Down
1032 S Brytare backljus Switch reverse light.
1033 S Flytta korta armen Move short arm
1034 S Strömställare förbikoppling startspärr Switch Override Start interlock
1035 S Strömställare Val av klämtryck Switch, Clamp pressure selection
1036 S Strömställare Korta Armen av/på Switch , Short Arm on/off
1037 S Strömställare låsning skevning Switch, lock levelling
1038 S Strömställare Övre armpar/Sidoföring Switch Upper arms/Sideshift
1039 S Strömställare Inching Switch, Inching Schalter, Inching
1040 S Switch stopp motor Switch, Stop engine Shalter stopp motor
2000 D Elektronisk kontrollenhet, Electronic control unit, propotional valve
3001 K Relä rotation Relay, rotation Relais, rotation Relais, rotation
3002 K Relä tilt Relay, tilt Relais, neigung Relais, inclinaison
3003 K Relä sidoföring Relay, side shifting Relais, seitenverstellung Relais, translation laterale
3004 K Relä längdinställning Relay, length adjustment Relais, längeneinstellung Relais, dispersion
3005 K Relä twist lock Relay, twist lock Relais, twist lock Relais, twist lock
3006 K Relä spridning Relay, spreading Relais, verstellung Relais, dispersion
3007 K Relä lyft/sänk Relay, lifting/lowering Relais, heben/senken Relais,élévation/descente
3008 K Relä hydraulfunktion extra Relay, extra hydraulic function Relais,extra hydraulisch funktion Relais,
3009 K Relä manöverbrytare hydr Relay, operating switch Relais, Nothalt Relais, arrêt d¿urgence
3010 K Relä bromsljus vxl std/blackout Relay, brake light shift std/blackout Relais, Bremslicht, Schaltung std/Ausfall Relais, normal/blackout pour les feux de
3011 K Relä backljus vxl std/blackout Relay, reversing light shift std/blackout Relais, Rueckfahrtleuchte, Schaltung Relais, normal/blackout pour les feux de
std/ Ausfall recul
3012 K Relä arb.bel hytt vxl std/blackout Relay, working light cab, shift Relais, Arbeitsbeleuchtung,schaltung Relais, normal/blackout pour l¿éclai âge
std/blackout std/ Ausfall de la cabine
3013 K Relä arb.bel. bom 20' vxl std/blackout Relay,working light boom20' shift Relais, Arbeitsbeleuchtung,Ausleger Relais, normal/blackout pour les feux de
std/b.out 20¿, Schaltung std/ Ausfall travail sur la poutre pour les 20¿
3014 K Relä arb.bel. bom 40' vxl std/blackout Relay,working light boom40' shift Relais, Arbeitsbeleuchtung,Ausleger Relais, normal/blackout pour les feux de
std/b.out 40¿,Schaltung std/Ausfall travail sur la poutre pour les 40¿
3015 K Relä vxl bromsljus/blinkers vä Relay, shift brake light/direction Relais, Bremslicht/ Blinker links Relais, feux de stop clignotant gauche
indicator left
3015 K Relä vxl bromsljus/blinkers hö Relay, shift brake light/direction Relais, Bremslicht/ Blinker rechts Relais, feux de stop clignotant droit
indicator right
3016 K Relä signalhorn relay, horn Relais, Hube Relais, avertsseur
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

3017 K Relä containerbelysning Relay, Container light Relais, Container Beleuchtung Relais, ecairzge des conteneurs
3018 K Relä containerbelysning IR Relay, Container light IR Relais, Container Beleuchtung IR Relais, ecairzge des conteneurs infra
3305 K Relä VBFS, backljus Relay, rotating driver´s seat, reversing Relais, drehbarer Fahrersitz, Relais, siège pivotant, feux de recul
light Rückfahrscheinwerfer
3306 K Relä VBFS, helljus Relay, rotating driver´s seat, main beam Relais, drehbarer Fahrersitz, Fernlicht Relais, siège pivotant, feux de route

3307 K Relä VBFS, halvljus Relay, rotating driver´s seat, dipped Relais, drehbarer Fahrersitz, Relais, siège pivotant, feux de
beam Abblendlicht croisement
3308 K Relä VBFS, bromsljus Relay, rotating driver´s seat, brake light Relais, drehbarer Fahrersitz, Bremslicht Relais, siège pivotant, feux stop

3310 K Relä VBFS, körvisare vä Relay, rotating driver´s seat, direction Relais, drehbarer Fahrersitz, Relais, siège pivotant, clignotant
indicator left Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger, L supplémentaire, ga.
3311 K Relä VBFS, körvisare hö Relay, rotating driver´s seat, direction Relais, drehbarer Fahrersitz, Relais, siège pivotant, clignotant
indicator right Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger, R supplémentaire, dr.
3330 K Relä, säkerhetsbälte Relay, seat belt Relais, sicherheitsgurt Relais, ceinture de sécurité
3331 K Relä VBFS, drivning fram Relay, rotating driver´s seat, forward Relais, drehbarer Fahrersitz, Antrieb Relais, siège pivotant, marche avant
driving vorn (LPG, Diesel)
3332 K Relä VBFS, drivning bak Relay, rotating driver´s seat, reversing Relais, drehbarer Fahrersitz, Antrieb Relais, siège pivotant, marche arrière
driving hinten (LPG, Diesel)
3349 K Relä VBFS, fartreglage Relay, rotating driver´s seat, speed Relais, drehbarer Fahrersitz, Relais, siège pivotant, commande de
control Geschwindigkeitsregelung vitesse
3404 K Relä VBFS, mastljus Relay, rotating driver´s seat, mast light Relais, drehbarer Fahrersitz, Relais, siège pivotant, feux de travail
3412 K Relä bak ljus Relay, rotating driver´s seat, rear light Relais, drehbarer Fahrersitz, Rücklicht Relais, siège pivotant, feu arrière
3768 K Relä oljetryck hydraulik Relay, hydraulic pressure Relais, Öldruck, Hydraulik Relais, pression d¿huile hydraulique
3769 K Relä, blockering av hyttilt Relay, blocking of cab tilt Relais, Kabinenneigung stop Relais, blocage inclinaison de la cabine

3770 K Relä anliggning Relay, alignment

3771 K Relä Krok Relay, Hook
3772 K Relä laddsignal (D+) Relay, charge signal (D+)
3773 K Relä 12V för minne radio Relay 12V for radio memory
3774 Relä kylfläkt olja Relay, cooling fan oil
5000 H Kont lampa tryck lyfttång Indicating lamp, pressure lift tong
5001 H Varn lampa, Over Height ben uppe Warn. Lamp, Over Height leg upper pos

6001 Y M-ventil blockering höger Solenoid valve, blocking right Magnetventil, Blockierung rechts Electrovanne, blocage droit
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

6002 Y M-ventil blockering vänster Solenoid valve, blocking left Magnetventil, Blockierung links Electrovanne, blocage gauche
6003 Y M-ventil inkoppling av hydraulik till Solenoid valve, activation of toplift Magnetventil, Aktivierung von Electrovanne, alimentation hydraulique
topplyft hydraulics Oberhubhydraulik du levage supèrieur
6004 Y M-ventil sänk Solenoid valve, lower Magnetventil, Senken Electrovanne, descente
6005 Y M-ventil lyft Solenoid valve, lift Magnetventil, Heben Electrovanne, levage
6006 Y M-ventil bom ut Solenoid valve, boom out Magnetventil, Ausleger aus Electrovanne, fléche sortie
6007 Y M-ventil bom in Solenoid valve, boom in Magnetventil, Ausleger ein Electrovanne, fleche rentrée
6008 Y M-ventil vridning medsols Solenoid valve, rotation clockwise Magnetventil, Rotation im Uhrzeigersinn Electrovanne, rotation horaire

6009 Y M-ventil vridning motsols Solenoid valve, rotation counter- Magnetventil, Rotation entgenen Electrovanne, rotation anti-horaire
clockwise Uhrzeigersinn
6010 Y M-ventil tilt ut Solenoid valve, tilt out Magnetventil, Neigung aus Electrovanne, inclinaison sortie
6011 Y M-ventil tilt in Solenoid valve, tilt in Magnetventil, Neigung ein Electrovanne, inclinaison rentrée
6012 Y M-ventil tilt Solenoid valve, tilt Magnetventil, Neigung Electrovanne, inclinaison
6013 Y M-ventil fällning främre ben Solenoid valve, lowering front legs Magnetventil, vorderes Bein ab Electrovanne, béquille avant baisse
6014 Y M-ventil fällning bakre ben Solenoid valve, lowering rear legs Magnetventil, hinteres Bein ab Electrovanne, béquille arrière baisse
6015 Y M-ventil klämma/lossa ben Solenoid valve, clamping/releasing legs
Magnetventil, Klemmen/-Lösen der Electrovanne, serrage/deserrage
Beine béquilles
6016 Y M-ventil Hyttskjutning fram Solenoid valve, cab movement forward Elektro-Magnetventil, Electrovanne, mouvement avant de la
Kabinenversetzung vorwärts cabine
6017 Y M-ventil Hyttskjutning bak Solenoid valve, cab movement reverse Elektro-Magnetventil, Electrovanne, mouvement arriere de la
Kabinenversetzung hinten cabine
6018 Y M-ventil spridning ut Solenoid valve, spreading out Elektro-Magnetventil, verstellung Electrovanne, dispersion en dehors
6019 Y M-ventil spridning in Solenoid valve, spreading in Elektro-Magnetventil, verstellung Electrovanne, dispersion en dedans
6020 Y M-ventil sidoföring vänster Solenoid valve, side shift left Elektro-Magnetventil schiebeträger links Electrovanne, translation laterale à
6021 Y M-ventil sidoföring höger Solenoid valve, side shift right Elektro-Magnetventil schiebeträger Electrovanne, translation laterale à
rechts droite
6022 Y M-ventil extra hydraulfunktion ut Solenoid valve, extra hydraulic function Elektro-Magnetventil extra auswärts Electrovanne, supplémentaire en
out dehors
6023 Y M-ventil extra hydraulfunktion in Solenoid valve, extra hydraulic function Elektro-Magnetventil extra einwärts Electrovanne, supplémentaire en
in dedans
6024 Y M-ventil stativ ut Solenoid valve, mast out Elektro-Magnetventil hubgerüst aus Electrovanne mat de lev. ret.
6025 Y M-ventil stativ in Solenoid valve, mast in Elektro-Magnetventil hubgerüst ein Electrovanne mat de lev. ext.
6026 Y M-ventil höger framhjul styrning vänster Solenoid valve, right front wheel, Magnetventil, Vorderrad rechts,Lenkung Electrovanne, rouecavant droite/
steering left links direction gauche
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

6027 Y M-ventil höger framhjul styrning höger Solenoid valve, right front wheel, Magnetventil, Vorderrad rechts,Lenkung Electrovanne, roue avant droite/
steering right rechts direction droite
6028 Y M-ventil vänster framhjul styrning Solenoid valve, left front wheel, steering Magnetventil, Vorderrad links,Lenkung Electrovanne, roue avant
vänster left links gauche/direction gauche
6029 Y M-ventil vänster framhjul styrning höger Solenoid valve, left front wheel, steering Magnetventil, Vorderrad links,Lenkung Electrovanne, roue avant
right rechts gauche/direction droite
6030 Y M-ventil höger bakhjul styrning vänster Solenoid valve, right rear wheel, Magnetventil, Hinterrad rechts, Lenkung Electrovanne, roue arrière droite/
steering left links direction gauche
6031 Y M-ventil höger bakhjul styrning höger Solenoid valve, right rear wheel, Magnetventil, Hinterrad rechts,Lenkung Electrovanne, roue arrière droite/
steering right rechts direction droite
6032 Y M-ventil vänster bakhjul styrning vänster Solenoid valve, left rear wheel, steering Magnetventil, Hinterrad links,Lenkung Electrovanne, roue arrière gauche/
left rechts direction gauche
6033 Y M-ventil vänster bakhjul styrning höger Solenoid valve, left rear wheel, steering Magnetventil, Hinterrad links, Lenkung Electrovanne, roue arrière gauche/
right rechts direction droite
6034 Y M-ventil skevning Solenoid valve, levelling Magnetventil, Niveausgleich Electrovanne, levage
6035 Y M-ventil skevning höger Solenoid valve, levelling right Magnetventil, Niveausgleich rechts Electrovanne, levage droit
6036 Y M-ventil skevning vänster Solenoid valve, levelling left Magnetventil, Niveausgleich links Electrovanne, levage gauche
6037 Y M-ventil kylfläkt Solenoid valve, Cooling fan Magnetventil, Gebläse Electrovanne, ventilatur de
6038 Y M-ventil frikoppling koppling Solenoid valve, lockup clutch Magnetventil, Auskuppeln Electrovanne, embrayage ¿point mort¿

6039 Y M-ventil öppna twistlock Solenoid valve, unlocked twist lock Magnetventil, Twistlock öffnen
Electrovanne, verrous non verouillés
6040 Y M-ventil låsa twistlock Solenoid valve, locked twist lock Magnetventil, Twistlock schliessen
Electrovanne, verrous verouillés
6041 Y M-ventil nöd, twistlock Solenoid valve, emergency, twistlock Magnetventil, Twistlock ueberbrueck
Electrovanne, ungence verrous
6042 Y M-ventil mellan bom Solenoid valve, middle boom Magnetventil, Mast mittlerer Electrovanne, millieu de la poutre
6043 Y Magnetventil, fällning torn (RTCH) Solenoid valve, boom lowering (RTCH) Magnetventil, Ausleger senken (RTCH) Electrovanne, abaissement du support
AR de la poutre téléscopique (RTCH)
6044 Y M-ventil blockering twistlock Solenoid valve, blocking twistlock Magnetventil, Twistlock überbrücken Electrovanne, blocage des twistlocks
6045 Y M-ventil blockering lyft Solenoid valve, blocking lift Magnetventil, Heben überbrücken Electrovanne, blocage de la levée
6046 Y M-ventil utskjut Solenoid valve, projecting Magnetventil, Lengengeber Electrovanne, pour réglage du
6047 Y M-ventil, hyttilt upp Solenoid valve, cab tilt up Magnetventil, Kabinenneigung oben Electrovanne, inclinaison cab position
6048 Y M-ventil, hyttilt ner Solenoid valve, cab tilt down Magnetventil, Kabinenneigung unten Electrovanne, inclinaison cab position
6049 Y M-ventil, kylkrets broms Solenoid valve, cooling cicuit brake Magnetventil, Kühlkreislauf Bremse Electrovanne, refroidissement des
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

6050 Y M-ventil blockering utskjut Solenoid valve, blocking projecting Magnetventil, Blockierung Electrovanne pour blocage extension
6051 Y M-ventil, regenerering höger Solenoid valve, regeneration right Magnetventil, regeneration rechts Electrovanne regeneration droite
6052 Y M-ventil, regenerering vänster Solenoid valve, regeneration left Magnetventil, regeneration links Electrovanne,regeneration gauche
6053 Y M-ventil, körläge Solenoid valve, driving position Magnetventil, Fahrposition Electrovanne,en position de conduite
6054 Y M-ventil, klämma ihop Solenoid valve, clambing in Magnetventil, zuklammern Electrovanne, serrage
6055 Y M-ventil, klämma isär Solenoid valve, clambing out Magnetventil, aufklammern Electrovanne,déserrage
6056 Y M-ventil, främre knä ut Solenoid valve, front knee out Magnetventil, vorderes Knie ausklappen Electrovanne, sortie d¿articulation avant

6057 Y M-ventil, främre knä in Solenoid valve, front knee in Magnetventil, vorderes Knie einklappen Electrovanne,rentrée d¿articulation
6058 Y M-ventil, bakre knä ut Solenoid valve, rear knee out Magnetventil, hinteres Knie ausklappen Electrovanne,sortie d¿articulation
6059 Y M-ventil, bakre knä in Solenoid valve, rear knee in Magnetventil, hinteres Knie einklappen Electrovanne,rentrée d¿articulation
6060 Y M-ventil, främre ben upp Solenoid valve, front legs up Magnetventil, vorderes Bein hoch Electrovanne, position haute jambes
6061 Y M-ventil, bakre ben upp Solenoid valve, rear legs up Magnetventil, hinteres Bein hoch Electrovanne,position haute jambes
6062 Y M-ventil, urkoppling hydraulpump Solenoid valve interruption hydraulic Magnetventil, auskuppeln Pumpe Eléctrovanne, coupure de pompe
6063 Y M-ventil, stödben upp Solenoid valve, brace up Magnetventil, Stuetzbein oben Eléctrovanne béquille levée
6064 Y M-ventil, stödben ner Solenoid valve, brace down Magnetventil, Stuetzbein unten Eléctrovanne béquille baissée
6065 Y M-ventil, frikoppling vridbroms Solenoid valve, lockup rotation brake
6066 Y M-ventil, v-låda, drivning Solenoid valve, gearbox, drive
6067 Y M-ventil, v-låda, oljetryck till 1:a/3:e Solenoid valve, gearbox,oilpressure to
växeln 1st/3rd gear
6068 Y M-ventil sax/rotation Solenoid valve externder/rotation
6069 Y M-ventil, v-låda, oljetryck till 2:a/4:e Solenoid valve, gearbox,oilpressure to
växeln 2nd/4th gear
6070 Y M-ventil Over Height upp Solenoid valve, Over Height up
6071 Y M-ventil Over Height ner Solenoid valve, Over Height down
6072 Y M-ventil klämtryck Solenoid valve clamp pressure
6073 Y Propertional ventil, Opti speed Proportional valve, Opti speed
6074 Y M-ventil, v-låda, växelväljare för 2:a/4:e Solenoid valve, gearbox, gearswitch for
växeln 2nd/4th gear
6075 Y M-ventil, v-låda, växelväljare för 1:a/3:e Solenoid valve, gearbox, gearswitch for
växeln 1st/3rd gear
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

6076 Y M-ventil blockering sänk Solenoid valve, blocking lower

6077 Y M-ventil Inching Solenoid valve, Inching Magnetventil,Inching Electrovanne, Inching
6078 Y M-ventil,Avstängning Övre klämarm Solenoid valve, upper arm off Magnetventil Electrovanne
6079 Y M-Ventil, Sidoföring/Övre armar Solenoid valve, Sideshift/Upper arms Magnetventil schiebeträger/ Ober arm
6080 Y M-ventil, aktivering hyttkörning Solenoid valve, activate sliding cab
7200 S Givare, axeltryck höger Sensor, axle pressure right Drucksensor, Achsdruck rechts Capteur de pression, arbre du vérin du
levage droit
7201 S Givare, axeltryck vänster Sensor, axle pressure left Drucksensor, Achsdruck links Capteur de pression, arbre du vérin du
lévage gauche
7202 S Givare, anliggning vänster fram Sensor, alignment left front Geber,Auflage links vorne Capteur de pression, alignement avant
7202 S Givare, anliggning höger fram Sensor, alignment right front Geber,Auflage rechts vorne Capteur de pression, alignement avant
7203 S Givare, anliggning vänster bak Sensor, alignment left rear Geber,Auflage links hinten Capteur de pression, alignement arriére
7203 S Givare, anliggning höger bak Sensor, alignment right rear Geber,Auflage rechts hinten Capteur de pression, alignement arriére
7204 S Givare, öppen vänster twistlock Sensor, unlocked twistlock left Geber, Twistlock links offen Capteur de position, verrous non
verouillés gauche
7204 S Givare, öppen höger twistlock Sensor, unlocked twistlock right Geber, Twistlock rechts offen Capteur de position, verrous non
verouillés droit
7205 S Givare, låst vänster twistlock Sensor, locked twistlock left Geber, Twistlock links geschlossen Capteur de position,verrous verouillés
7205 S Givare, låst höger twistlock Sensor, locked twistlock right Geber, Twistlock rechts geschlossen Capteur de position, verrous verouillés
7206 S Givare, gaffel aggregat Sensor, fork attachment Geber, Gabel Aggregat Capteur de position, accessoire
7207 S Givare, 2WD/4WD Sensor, 2WD/4WD Geber, 2WD/4WD Capteur de position , 2 ou 4 roues
7208 S Givare, hytt i körläge Sensor, Cab in drive position Geber, kabinverstellung Capteur, Cabine eu position de conduite

7209 S Givare, oljefilter indikering Sensor, Oil filter indication Geber, Olfilter indication Capteur, indication filtre á huile
7210 S Givare, hytt i transportläge Sensor, Cab in transportation position Geber, Kabine im Position Capteur, cabine en position de transport

7211 S Givare, lyfthöjd Sensor, lifting height Geber, Hubhöhe Capteur , hauteur de levée
7212 S Givare, körläge Sensor, driving position Geber, Fahrposition Capteur, position de conduite
7213 S Givare, Anliggning främre ben Sensor, Alignment front legs Geber, Anliegen vordere Beine Capteur, alignement jambes avants
7214 S Givare, Anliggning bakre ben Sensor, Alignment rear legs Geber, Anliegen hinten Beine Capteur, alignement jambes arriéres
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

7215 S Givare, kläm främre ben Sensor, Clamp front legs Geber, Anliegen Beine vorne Capteur, position de vérouillage jambes
7216 S Givare, kläm bakre ben Sensor, Clamp rear legs Geber, Anliegen Beine hinten Capteur, position vérouillage jambes
7217 S Givare, främnre knä Sensor, front knee Geber, vorderes Knie Capteur, articulation avant
7218 S Givare, bakre knä Sensor, rear knee Geber, hinteres Knie Capteur articulation arriere
7219 S Givare, främre ben Sensor, front legs Geber, vorderes Bein Capteur jambes avants
7220 S Givare, bakre ben Sensor, rear legs Geber, hinteres Bein Capteur, jambes arrières
7221 S Givare, styraxel Sensor, steering axle Geber, Lenkachse Capteur,essieu directeur
7222 S Givare, stödben uppe Sensor, brace up Geber, Stuetzbein oben Capteur béquille levée
7223 S Givare, stödben nere Sensor, brace down Geber, Stuetzbein unten Capteur béquille baissée
7224 B Givare, mätläge våg Sensor, measurepoint scale
7225 B Givare, rotationsstopp Sensor, rotation stop
7226 B Givare, tryck lyftcylinder Sensor, pressure lift cylinder
7227 B Givare, tryck klämma Sensor, pressure clamp
7228 B Givare lyfthöjd analog Sensor lift height analogue
7229 B Givare tiltvinkel analog Sensor tilt angle analogue
7230 B Givare ultraljud last position Sensor, ultrasonic load position
7231 B Givare, Over Height, Ben uppe Sensor, Over Height, Leg upper position

7232 B Givare,IR Last position Givare,IR Load position

7233 B Givare lambda sond Sensor lambda sond Geber Lambda sond
7234 B Givare vatten i bränsle Transmitter water in fuel Geber wasser in kraftstoffe
8071 R Potentiometer lyft/sänk Potentiometer lift/lower Potentiometer heben/senken Potentiomètre levage/descente
8072 R Potentiometer tilt Potentiometer tilt Potentiometer neigen Potentiomètre inclinaison
8073 R Potentiometer sidoföring Potentiometer side shifting Potentiometer schiebeträger Potentiomètre translation laterale
8074 R Potentiometer spridning Potentiometer spreading Potentiometer verstellung Potentiomètre dispersion
8075 R Potentiometer extra Potentiometer extra Potentiometer extra Potentiomètre supplémentaire
8076 R Potentiometer mast in/ut Potentiometer reach in/out Potentiometer ein/aus-fahren Potentiomètre, mat de lev ext-ret.
8077 R Potentiometer höger framhjul Potentiometer right front wheel Potentiometer vorderrad rechts Potentiometre, roue avant droite
8078 R Potentiometer vänster framhjul Potentiometer left front wheel Potentiometer vorderrad links Potentiometre , roue avant gauche
8079 R Potentiometer höger bakhjul Potentiometer right rear wheel Potentiometer hinterrad rechts Potentiometre , roue arrière droite
8080 R Potentiometer vänster bakhjul Potentiometer left rear wheel Potentiometer hinterrad links Potentiometre , roue arrière gauche
8081 R Potentiometer tiltvinkel Potentiometer tilt angle Potentiometer niegungswinkel Potentiometre , incllnason
8082 R Potentiometer fläkthastighet, ECC Potentiometer fan speed, ECC Potentiometer Gebläsegeschwindigkeit, Potentiomètre, vitesse ventilateur,ECC
8083 R Potentiometer temperatur, ECC Potentiometer temperature, ECC Potentiometer Temperatur, ECC Potentiomètre, température,ECC
Komponentförteckning / List of Components / Komponentenverzeichnis / Liste de composants

8084 R Potentiometer spjäll, ECC Potentiometer draught valve, ECC Potentiometer Drossel, ECC Potentiomètre pour valve de traction
8085 R Potentiometer rotation Potentiometer rotation
8086 R Potentiometer sax Potentiometer extender
8087 R Potentiometer klämma Potentiometer clamp
8088 R Potentiometer skevning Potentiometer levelling
8089 R Potentiometer kroklåsning Potentiometer flaps
8090 V Laser, pappersaggretgat Lase, Pulp an Paper
9000 M Motor höj/sänkbar stolspelare Motor rise/lower seat column
9001 D Åkerströms fjärrkontroll Åkerströms Remote Control
9003 H Varningssignal aut. rörelse Warning alarm aut. movement
9888 A test
93774 K Relä hållkrets Relay, Holdcircuit Relais, Haltkreise
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DCD320-500 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Contents Group 30 P. 1

Group 30

Volvo TWD731VE .....................................................2 Volvo TWD1031VE/1231VE................................... 68

Specifications .............................................................3 Specifications .......................................................... 69
Description ............................................................4 Description ......................................................... 70
Overview ..........................................................4 Overview ....................................................... 70
Cooling system.................................................6 Cooling system.............................................. 72
Fuel system......................................................8 Fuel system ................................................... 74
Lubrication system .........................................11 Lubrication system ........................................ 77
Combustion system........................................13 Combustion system....................................... 79
Service ................................................................15 Service ............................................................... 81

Volvo TAD720VE ....................................................19 Volvo TWD1240VE ................................................ 85

Specifications ...........................................................20 Specifications .......................................................... 86
Description ..........................................................21 Description ......................................................... 87
Overview ........................................................21 Overview ....................................................... 87
Cooling system...............................................23 EDC-system .................................................. 89
Fuel system....................................................25 Cooling system.............................................. 91
Lubrication system .........................................27 Fuel system ................................................... 92
Combustion system........................................29 Lubrication system ........................................ 93
Service ................................................................31 Combustion system....................................... 94
Service ............................................................... 96

Cummins QSB 5.9 ..................................................36

Specifications ...........................................................37 Cummins QSM 11................................................ 100
Description ..........................................................38 Specifications ........................................................ 101
Overview ........................................................38 Description ....................................................... 102
Monitoring system ..........................................40 Overview ..................................................... 102
Cooling system...............................................42 Monitoring system ....................................... 104
Fuel system....................................................43 Cooling system............................................ 106
Lubrication system .........................................44 Fuel system ................................................. 107
Combustion system........................................45 Lubrication system ...................................... 108
Service ................................................................47 Combustion system..................................... 109
Service ............................................................. 110

Cummins 6CTAA8.3...............................................52
Data .......................................................................53
Beskrivning .........................................................54
Översikt ..........................................................54
Smörjsystem ..................................................58
Service ................................................................61
DCD320-500 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 30 P. 2

Volvo TWD731VE
DCD320-500 Specifications TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 30 P. 3

Manufacturer, type TWD731VE

Coolant volume, l 41

Rating ISO 3046 kW (Hk) 167 (231)

at r/min 2200

Torque ISO 3046, Nm 893

at r/minl 1300-1400

Number of cylinders 6

Swept volume, l 6.73

Valve clearance, engine cold

inlet, mm 0.40
exhaust, mm 0.55

Idle speed, r/min 650±25

(adjust so that the engine
runs smoothly)

Injection pump, timing 10°±0.5° BTDC

starts to open at °C 75
fully open at °C 88

Lubricating oil filter Full flow, disposable paper

element with by-pass valve

Lubricating oil pressure, kPa

running speed 300–500
idling speed min 150

Lubricating oil grade See group 90


Volume, l 19
DCD320-500 Engine TWD731VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 4

The TWD731VE engine is a 6-cylinder, inline, 4-stroke, low emis-
sion diesel engine with overhead valves. The engine is turbo-
charged, i.e. combustion air is supplied under pressure. As a
result, the quantity of fuel injected can be increased, which in-
creases the engine output. The turbocharger is driven by the ex-
haust gases and uses energy that would otherwise be lost.
In order to further increase the engine efficiency, the engine is
equipped with a water to air intercooler.
The engine is pressure-lubricated by an oil pump which delivers
oil to all lubrication points. A full-flow oil filter effectively cleans the
lubricating oil. The fuel system is protected against impurities by
replaceable filters. The engine has replaceable wet cylinder liners
and two cylinder heads, each covering three cylinders.
The low emission engine has a new design of combustion cham-
ber, injection equipment and charge air cooler (intercooler) which
satisfy future emission requirements from both the USA (Califor-
nia) and Europe. The new engines represent a considerable im-
provement, not only in terms of exhaust gas emissions, but also
in terms of power and torque curves.
In addition, all Volvo engines comply with the R24 exhaust smoke
DCD320-500 Engine TWD731VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 5

1 2 3 4 25 5 6 7
1. Fan hub
2. Gear driven coolant pump
3. Lift eyelet
4. Twin fuel filters of throw-away type
5. Turbo-charger
6. Air cooled exhaust manifold
7. Lift eyelet
8. Coolant pipe, inlet
9. Pump coupling guard
10. Smoke limiter
11. Oil cooler
12. Fuel shut off valve
13. Injection pump
14. Relay for inlet manifold heater
15. Cable iron
16. -
17. Coolant pipe, outlet
18. Flywheel housing SAE 2
(Adapter gives SAE 3)
19. Starter motor
20. Crankcase ventilation
21. Full-flow filter of spin-on type
22. By-pass filter of spin-on type
23. Vibration damper
24. Automatic belt tensioner
25. Intercooler

8 9 10 11 12 13

18 14 15 17

KL 1645

19 20 21 22 23 24

Engine Volvo TWD731VE

DCD320-500 Engine TWD731VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 6

Cooling system
The engine is liquid-cooled and equipped with a closed cooling
system consisting of the following main components:
z Coolant pump
z Radiator
z Thermostat
z Radiator fan
z Coolant passages
z Engine oil cooler
z Gearbox oil cooler
The coolant flows through a longitudinal passage into the engine
block. The opening into the cooling jacket of each cylinder is indi-
vidually sized to ensure that each cylinder will be supplied with
the same rate of coolant flow.
The coolant flows in the separate return lines converge into a
common pipe in the thermostat housing. The coolant then flows
to the coolant pump and then into the engine and to the oil cooler.
When the engine has reached its normal operating temperature,
the thermostat will open the circuit to the radiator.
The piston-type thermostat is capable of passing a high coolant
flow rate at a minimum of pressure drop, thus contributing to fa-
vourable coolant circulation in the engine.
The coolant pump is fitted on the transmission cover and is driven
by a gear wheel from the transmission wheel.
The intercooler is connected to the cooling system by a pipe from
the coolant pump. The outlet from the intercooler is connected to
the oil cooler.

1. Filler cap 7. Cylinder lining

2. Pipe thermostat housing- upper expansion tank 8. Coolant pump
3. Piston thermostat 9. Pipe to the suction side of the pump
4. Distribution channel 10. Radiator
5. Cylinder head 11. Intercooler
6. Oil cooler
DCD320-500 Engine TWD731VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 7

The cooling system is equipped with a sensor which activates the

”Low coolant level” warning lamp on the instrument panel.
The engine lubricating oil is cooled efficiently and reliably in a
plate oil cooler that requires no external pipes on the engine. The
gearbox oil is also cooled by the engine coolant, but in a separate
shell-and-tube cooler.

Thermostat function during heating-up period

Thermostat function, full coolant circulation

DCD320-500 Engine TWD731VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 8

Fuel system
The fuel circulates in two circuits - the high-pressure circuit and
the low-pressure circuit. When the engine is started, the feed
pump draws fuel from the tank and delivers it at relatively low
pressure through fine filters up to the injection pump. This then
delivers fuel at high pressure to the injectors which supply the fuel
in atomised form to the engine combustion chambers.
Excess fuel which is circulated in the low-pressure system is also
cleaned in the fine filters and is returned through a spill valve back
to the tank.
The fuel system includes the following components:

Fuel tank - a separate unit located on the left-hand side of the

truck. The fuel volume in the tank can be read on a gauge on the
instrument panel.

Feed pump - of piston type, supplies fuel at a certain pressure

and flow rate to the injection pump.

Spill valve - which restricts the fuel feed pressure and provides
continuous venting of the fuel system. Excess fuel flows through
the injection pump before returning to the tank, thus cooling the
fuel in the fuel chamber of the pump, which contributes to more
uniform distribution of the fuel to the various cylinders.

Normal operation

1. Coarse filter
2. Fuel shut off valve
8 3. Feeder pump
4. Fine filter
5. Fuel tank
6. Check valve
7. IInjection pump
8. Overflow valve

Shut down

Fuel system, schematic
DCD320-500 Engine TWD731VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 9

Fuel shut off valve

At normal operation, the solenoid in the shut off valve is activated
and fuel is fed to the injection pump.
When the starting key is turned to 0, the solenoid valve is deacti-
vated and the flow is reversed. Thereby the feeder pump drains
the fuel from the injection pump resulting in engine shut down.
The check valve prevents return fuel from flowing into the injec-
tion pump.

Shut down Normal operation

T. Inlet from fuel tank

F. Outlet to fuel pump
P. Inlet from fuel filter
I. Outlet to injection pump

Fuel shut off valve

DCD320-500 Engine TWD731VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 10

Fuel filters - two filters connected in parallel and with a common

cover. The filters are of disposable type, with the filter elements
made of spirally wound paper.

Fuel filter

Injectors - each with a nozzle holder and a nozzle. When the fuel
pressure has risen to the preset value, the needle will lift and at-
omised fuel will be injected into the combustion chamber through
accurately calibrated holes in the nozzle sleeve.

1. Supply pipe coupling

2. Spill fuel pipe connection
3. Spacers for adjusting the opening pressure
4. Compression spring
5. Thrust pin
6. Nozzle sleeve
7. Needle

DCD320-500 Engine TWD731VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 11

Lubricting system
The engine is pressure-lubricated, and the oil is supplied by a
pump in the oil sump. All lubricating oil flows through a full-flow
The lubricating oil is cooled in a plate oil cooler by the engine
The lubricating system includes the following main components:

Oil pump - of gear type, which draws oil through a coarse strainer
that arrests larger particles. The pump delivers oil through the lu-
bricating oil filters to the various passages of the lubricating sys-

Piston cooling – reduces substantially the piston temperature

which, in turn, contributes to a longer life of the piston rings, re-
duces the risk of carbon deposits and lowers the oil consumption.
The pistons are cooled by oil which is sprayed by nozzles into the
underside of each piston and into the cooling passages when the
piston is at the bottom dead centre.
Cooling is controlled by a piston cooling valve which shuts off the
cooling oil supply at low engine speeds. This ensures that the lu-
bricating oil flow will be a maximum when the engine is started
and when it is running at idling speed. The valve also restricts the
pressure of the piston cooling oil at high engine speeds, to make
more oil available for lubrication.

1. Oil pump
2. Reducing valve
3. By-pass valve
4. Oil under pressure to the lubri-
cation system
5. Piston cooling valve
6. Oil under pressure for piston
7. Oil cooler
8. By-pass filter
9. Oil filter

Lubricating system
DCD320-500 Engine TWD731VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 12

Reducing valve – located just before the filter. The valve will
open if the lubricating oil pressure is too high and will return
excess oil back to the sump.
Oil filter – of full-flow type, with a filter element of pleated filter
paper. To protect the engine against insufficient lubricating oil, a
by-pass valve is fitted in the oil filter bracket. The valve will open
if the lubricating oil pressure should rise above a certain pressure
due to clogging of the filter. When the valve is open, unfiltered oil
will flow to the engine. The filter is of disposable type and should
be scrapped after use.
By-pass filter – approx. 5% of the oil passes through the by-pass
filter with very low speed. The low speed allows very small parti-
cles to be separated. The filter insert is of the disposable type.
Crankcase ventilation – prevents pressurising of the crank-
case and collects fuel vapour, steam and other gaseous products
of combustion. Crankcase ventilation is provided by a pipe con-
nected to the crankcase inspection cover on the right-hand side
of the engine, between the starter motor and the oil filter.

1. Piston cooling valve

2. By-pass valve (safety valve)
3. Reducer valve
4. Oil cooler
5. Full-flow filter
6. By-pass filter
7. Oil pump
8. Suction strainer
9. Oil sump

Lubrication system
DCD320-500 Engine TWD731VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 13

Combustion system
Large quantities of air are necessary for burning the fuel supplied
to the engine. Free, unrestricted flow of fresh air and exhaust gas-
es is therefore essential to allow the engine to run efficiently.

Air cleaner
The intake air is cleaned in a two-stage air cleaner, the first stage
of which collects coarse particles by cyclone action, and the par-
ticles are then collected in a dust receiver. The second stage con-
sists of a filter element - the main filter element. A safety filter
element is located on the inside of the main element. The safety
element prevents the ingress of impurities into the engine while
the main element is being changed and if the main element
should sustain damage while the engine is running, e.g. due to
incorrect installation.

1. To engine
2. Air restriction indicator
3. Dust exit

Air cleaner
DCD320-500 Engine TWD731VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 14

The turbocharger supplies more air to the combustion chambers
than the engine would be capable of drawing naturally. This ena-
bles the engine to burn more fuel which, in turn, increases the en-
gine output.
The turbocharger consists of a turbine wheel and a centrifugal
compressor impeller, each with a separate casing but mounted
on a common shaft.
The exhaust gases provide the energy necessary for driving the
turbine wheel which, in turn, drives the compressor.
The turbocharger is lubricated and cooled by the lubricating oil
from the engine.

In intercooling, the air that has been compressed and heated by
the turbo is cooled in an intercooler.
The intercooler increases the oxygen supply during combustion
so allowing the injected fuel to be burnt more effectively whilst re-
ducing guel consumption as well as the level of exhaust emission.
1. Exhaust gases to silencer
2. Air to the engine intercooler Intercooling also reduces the thermal stressed on the engine, in-
3. Exhaust gases from the engine creasing durability and reducing oil consumption
4. Intake air
Inlet manifold heater
Turbo charger Before the air is admitted into the combustion chamber, it flows
across an electrically heated starting element. This has a high
rating of 3 kW and heats the intake air sufficiently for the engine
to start at low ambient temperatures. The heater element is ener-
gised when the starting key is turned. Suitable preheating time is
about 50 seconds.

1. Air from turbocompressor

2. Engine cooling system
3. Air to combustion chamber
1. Heater element
DCD320-500 Engine TWD731VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 15

Coolant quality
Throughout the year, the coolant should consist of a mixture of
60% of water and 40% of ethylene glycol. The coolant should be
changed and the cooling system should be flushed once a year.
Always add a corrosion inhibitor (Kalmar part No. 923.110.0003)
to the coolant, if the above mixture is not used in the cooling sys-

N.B. Never add a corrosion inhibitor if the cooling system

contains glycol, since this would cause foaming which seri-
ously impairs the cooling capacity.

Lubricating oil quality

See Group 90, Periodic supervision.

Draining the water from the fuel tank

Drain any water from the fuel tank by removing the drain plug. Im-
mediately refit the drain plug as soon as the flow of fuel is free
from water and other impurities.

Inspection of the air cleaner and changing the

filter element
Check the filter indicator with the engine running or stopped.
. If it shows red, the main filter element must be changed. The col-
1 2 lecting efficiency of the filter element will not be improved if the
element is changed too early. But if changing of the filter element
is delayed, smoke emission from the engine will increase, the en-
gine may lose power due to insufficient supply of combustion air,
and engine damage may occur in certain cases.
The air pipe from the air cleaner to the engine should be checked
for tightness from time to time. Minor leakage, such as that
caused by loose hose clips, and damaged or porous hoses may
cause dust to be drawn into the engine, which will give rise to
costly engine wear.

Change the filter element as follows:
1. The engine must not be running.
2. Clean the outside of the air cleaner.
3. Remove the cover.
1. Huvudpatron 4. Release and carefully remove the main filter element. Do not
2. Säkerhetspatron remove the safety filter element.
5. Fit a new main filter element. Carefully check that it is not
damaged. Note on the safety filter element when the main el-
ement was replaced.
6. Reset filter indicator.
7. Change the safety filter element:
– after the main filter element has been changed five times
– at least every other year
– if the indicator shows red after the main element has been
– if the engine has been run with the main element dam-
The safety filter element must not be cleaned and reused. The
engine must not be run without the main filter element. If the main
element must be cleaned and refitted in emergency cases, don’t
use compressed air to clean it, since the filter element may be
damaged. Before refitting it, carefully check that the main filter el-
ement is undamaged.
DCD320-500 Engine TWD731VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 16

Changing the oil and oil filter

N.B. Before draining the oil, make sure that it is at normal
working temperature.
1. Remove the drain plug from the underside of the sump and
drain the oil.
2. Clean the area round the filters and place a tray under the fil-
ters to collect any spillage.
3. Remove and discard the filter canisters, which are of dispos-
able type.
4. Pour clean oil into the centre of the new filters, wait until the
oil has seeped through the filter paper and top up until the fil-
ters are full.
5. Lubricate the canister seals with oil.
6. Fit the new filters and tighten them - by hand only.
7. Fill the engine with oil (see Group 90, Lubrication chart).
8. Run the engine and check that no oil leaks at thefilters.
9. Stop the engine and check the oil level after a few minutes.
Top up as necessary to the MAX level on the dipstick.
N.B. To avoid serious damage to the engine, use only genu-
ine Kalmar filters.

Checking the V-belt tension

1. Check at regular intervals that the V-belts are correctly ten-
sioned. It should not be possible to depress the V-belt more
than 10 - 12 mm mid-way between the pulleys.
2. The engines are equipped with an automatic belt tensioner
which maintains the belt tension constant.

N.B. If the belt drive consists of two belts, always change

both belts.
DCD320-500 Engine TWD731VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 17

Checking and adjusting the valve clearances

N.B. Never attempt to check the valve clearances when the
engine is running. The engine must be stationary but may be
cold or hot.

1. Turn the crankshaft in its normal direction of rotation until the

inlet valve of No. 6 cylinder has just opened and the exhaust
valve of the same cylinder has not yet closed fully. Check the
valve clearances on No. 1 cylinder and adjust as necessary.

Valve clearance
Engine TWD731VE

Inlet 0.40 mm
Exhaust 0.55 mm

2. Check the oter valves in accordance with the table below.

Check the valve clear- 1 5 3 6 2 4
ance of cylinders No...

...when the inlet and ex- 6 2 4 1 5 3

haust valves of the fol-
lowing cylinders are just
changing over
(are moving simultane-

Changing the fuel filters

1. Clean the outsides of the filters.
2. Remove the filters and discard them.
3. Clean the filter head.
4. Check that the new filters are perfectly clean and that the
seals are in good condition.
5. Fit the new filter canisters and tighten them by hand until the
seal is in contact with the seating surface. Then tighten them
a further half a turn.
DCD320-500 Engine TWD731VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 18

Preventive maintenance on the turbocharger

The turbocharger may be damaged and, in the worst case, may
break down if the engine is not properly serviced.
1. 1.Check that the engine air inlet system is in good condition,
i.e. that the air cleaner is clean, that none of the hoses are
WARNING! worn and that hose connections are not defective, which
would allow oil to seep past the seals on the compressor side
Never run the engine with the air inlet and be entrained by the inlet air. The latter may lead to high
or exhaust pipes disconnected from exhaust gas temperatures and overheating of the turbine
the turbocharger, since personnel shaft bear-ing. If corrective action is then not taken, the tur-
could then substain injuries. bocharger may break down.
2. Change the lubricating oil and filter at the specified intervals.
Check at regular intervals that the lubricating oil lines to the
turbocharger are in good condition and do not leak. Also
check regularly that the oil pressure is not too low, since this
could quickly lead to damage to the turbocharger.
3. Ensure that the fuel system is serviced at the specified inter-
vals. Inadequate fuel supply caused by clogged fuel filters or
incorrect setting of the injection pump reduces the turbo-
charger speed which, in turn, results in a lower engine out-
4. Check that there are no restrictions in the crankcase ventila-
IMPORTANT! tion. If the vent is blocked, pressure may build up and may
Only authorized personnel may carry force oil into the inlet air system of the turbocharger and
out adjustments on the injection pump engine.
DCD320-500 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 30 P. 19

Volvo TAD720VE
DCD320-500 Specifications TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 30 P. 20

Manufacturer, type Volvo TAD720VE

Coolant volume, l 40

Rating ISO 3046 kW (Hk) 174 (237)

at r/min 2300

Torque ISO 3046, Nm 854

at r/minl 1400

Number of cylinders 6

Swept volume, l 7,15

Valve clearance, engine cold

inlet, mm
exhaust, mm 0,35

Idle speed, r/min 700±50

(adjust so that the engine
runs smoothly)

starts to open at °C 87
fully open at °C 102

Lubricating oil filter Full flow, disposable paper el-

ement with by-pass valve

Lubricating oil pressure, kPa

running speed 350
idling speed min 80

Lubricating oil grade See group 90


Volume, l 20
DCD320-500 Engine TAD720VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 21

The TAD720VE engine is a 6-cylinder, inline, 4-stroke, low emis-
sion diesel engine with overhead valves. The engine is turbo-
charged, i.e. combustion air is supplied under pressure. As a
result, the quantity of fuel injected can be increased, which in-
creases the engine output. The turbocharger is driven by the ex-
haust gases and uses energy that would otherwise be lost.
In order to further increase the engine efficiency, the engine is
equipped with a air-to air intercooler.
The engine is pressure-lubricated by an oil pump which delivers
oil to all lubrication points. A full-flow oil filter effectively cleans the
lubricating oil. An integrated, side mounted oil cooler is cooling
the entire oil flow.
The fuel system is protected against impurities by replaceable fil-
To maintain a controlled working temperature in cylinders and
combustion chambers, the engine is provided with piston cooling.
The low emission engine has a new design of combustion cham-
ber, injection equipment and charge air cooler (intercooler) which
satisfy future emission requirements from both the USA (Califor-
nia) and Europe. The new engines represent a considerable im-
provement, not only in terms of exhaust gas emissions, but also
in terms of power and torque curves.
In addition, all Volvo engines comply with the R24 exhaust smoke
DCD320-500 Engine TAD720VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 22

1 2 3 5 4

8 9

1. Coolant connection, outlet

2. Turbo-compressor
3. Manifold
4. Lifting eylet
5. Crankcase ventilation
6. Starter motor
7. Injection pump
8. Oil cooler
9. Alternator
10. Oil dip stick
11. Full flow filter, of “spin-on” typ
12. Fuel filter of disposable type
13. Fuel pump

10 11 12 13

Engine Volvo TAD720VE

DCD320-500 Engine TAD720VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 23

Cooling system
The engine is liquid-cooled and equipped with a closed cooling
1. Charge air cooler system consisting of the following main components:
air-to-air z Coolant pump
2. Radiator, z Radiator with integrated intercooler and gearbox oil cooler
3. Oil cooler gearbox, z Expansion tank
air-oil z Thermostat
z Radiator fan
z Coolant passages
z Engine oil cooler

The coolant flows through a longitudinal passage into the engine

block. The opening into the cooling jacket of each cylinder is indi-
vidually sized to ensure that each cylinder will be supplied with
the same rate of coolant flow.
The coolant flows in the separate return lines converge into a
1 common pipe in the thermostat housing. The coolant then flows
to the coolant pump and then into the engine and to the oil cooler.
When the engine has reached its normal operating temperature,
2 the thermostat will open the circuit to the radiator.
The piston-type thermostat is capable of passing a high coolant
flow rate at a minimum of pressure drop, thus contributing to fa-
3 vourable coolant circulation in the engine.

1. Coolant connection, inlet

2. Thermostat housing
3. Coolant pump
4. Oil cooler
5. Cylinder cooling
6. Cylinder head cooling
7. Coolant connection, outlet
DCD320-500 Engine TAD720VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 24

The cooling system is equipped with a sensor which activates the

”Low coolant level” warning lamp on the instrument panel.
The engine lubricating oil is cooled efficiently and reliably in a
plate oil cooler. The gearbox oil is also cooled by the engine cool-

6 8



1. Inlet, coolant from radiator

2. Thermostat housing
3. Radiator, coolant
4. Outlet, coolant to radiator
5. Compressed air to charge air cooler
6. Cooled air to engine
7. Charge air cooler
8. Expansion tank
9. Oil cooler
10. Oil cooler, gearbox
11. Cooler, fuel

9 10 11
DCD320-500 Engine TAD720VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 25

Fuel system
The fuel circulates in two circuits - the high-pressure circuit and
the low-pressure circuit. When the engine is started, the feed
pump draws fuel from the tank and delivers it at relatively low
pressure through fine filters up to the injection pumps. These then
deliver fuel at high pressure to the injectors which supply the fuel
in atomised form to the engine combustion chambers.
Excess fuel which is circulated in the low-pressure system is also
cleaned in the fine filters and is returned through a spill valve back
to the tank.
The fuel system includes the following components:
Fuel tank - a separate unit located on the left-hand side of the
truck. The fuel volume in the tank can be read on a gauge on the
instrument panel.
Feed pump - of piston type, supplies fuel at a certain pressure
and flow rate to the injection pumps.
Spill valve - which restricts the fuel feed pressure and provides
continuous venting of the fuel system. The excessive fuel is flow-
ing through the injection pumps before it is fed through the return
line to the fuel cooler and thereafter to the fuel tank.
Fuel cooler
The fuel cooler is positioned on top of the charge air cooler. Its
purpose is to lower the return fuel temperature and thereby also
the temperature in the fuel tank. A lower fuel temperature gives
higher combustion efficiency.

1. Fuel tank
2. Fuel hose to fuel pump
3. Feed pump
4. Fuel hose to fuel filter
5. Fuel filter
6. Fuel hose to fuel channel
7. Injection pumps, 6 pcs
8. Fuel line to injectors
9. Injector
10. Leak oil line
11. Over flow valve, return fuel
12. Return to fuel tank
13. Fuel line
14. Pre filter with water separator
15. Manual feed pump
16. Fuel cooler, air/fuel

Bränslesystem, principschema
DCD320-500 Engine TAD720VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 26

Fuel pre filter - with washable filter insert and draining valve for

1 2


1. Filter head
2. Sealing between filter holder
and filter insert
3. Filter insert, washable
4. Draining valve for codensate
5. Filter container
Fuel pre filter

Injection pumps and injectors

The injection pumps are of the single type, e.g. one for each cyl-
inder and feed high pressure fuel to the injectors. These have an
opening pressure of 27.5 MPa. When adjustment of the injectors
is needed this has to be made separately with shims for every sin-
gle pump.

1. Injection pump
2. Injector

Injection pump and injector

DCD320-500 Engine TAD720VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 27

Lubricating system
The engine is pressure-lubricated, and the oil is supplied by a
pump in the oil sump. All lubricating oil flows through a full-flow
The lubricating oil is cooled in a plate oil cooler by the engine
The lubricating system includes the following main components:

Oil pump - of rotor type, draws oil through a strainer which sep-
arates coarse particles. The oil is fed from the pressure side of
the pump through the oil filter and is then distributed to the differ-
ent ducts of the lubricating system

Piston cooling – reduces substantially the piston temperature

which, in turn, contributes to a longer life of the piston rings, re-
duces the risk of carbon deposits and lowers the oil consumption.
The pistons are cooled by oil which is sprayed by nozzles into the
underside of each piston and into the cooling passages when the
piston is at the bottom dead centre.

1. Oil pressure switch

2. Lifter with pulse lubrication
3. Push rod, oil duct for lubrication of
rocker arm assembly
4. Rocker arm
5. Return oil duct to oil sump
6. Piston cooling, 2-hole nozzle for
each cylinder
7. Oil filter, full flow with by-pass val-
ve which opens at 250±50 kPa
8. Ruduction valvee, opening pres-
sure 400±40 kPa
9. Safety valve oil cooler, opening
pressure 1± 0,1 MPa
10. Oil pump of rotor type, driven from
the crankshaft
11. Oil cooler

Lubricating system
DCD320-500 Engine TAD720VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 28

Reducing valve – located just before the filter. The valve will
open if the lubricating oil pressure is too high and will return
excess oil back to the sump.
Oil filter – of full-flow type, with a filter element of pleated filter
paper. To protect the engine against insufficient lubricating oil, a
by-pass valve is fitted in the oil filter bracket. The valve will open
if the lubricating oil pressure should rise above a certain pressure
due to clogging of the filter. When the valve is open, unfiltered oil
will flow to the engine. The filter is of disposable type and should
be scrapped after use.
Crankcase ventilation - prevents over-pressure in the crank-
case and separates fuel mist, water mist and other gaseous com-
bustion products. The crankcase ventilation is controlled by a
pressure regulator which discharges excessive pressure from the
crankcase through a pipe connceted to the turbo-compressor
suction line.


2 3

7 1. Adapter
8 2. Fuel filter
3. Oil pump
4. Suction line
5. Suction strainer
6. Oil sump
7. Pressure regulator, crank-
case vantilation
8. Connecting pipe

Lubricating system
DCD320-500 Engine TAD720VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 29

Air system
Large quantities of air are necessary for burning the fuel supplied
to the engine. Free, unrestricted flow of fresh air and exhaust gas-
es is therefore essential to allow the engine to run efficiently.

Air cleaner
The intake air is cleaned in a two-stage air cleaner, the first stage
of which collects coarse particles by cyclone action, and the par-
ticles are then collected in a dust receiver. The second stage con-
sists of a filter element - the main filter element. A safety filter
element is located on the inside of the main element. The safety
element prevents the ingress of impurities into the engine while
the main element is being changed and if the main element
should sustain damage while the engine is running, e.g. due to
incorrect installation.

1 2

1. To engine
2. Filter indicator
3. Dust exit

Air system
DCD320-500 Engine TAD720VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 30

The turbocharger supplies more air to the combustion chambers
than the engine would be capable of drawing naturally. This ena-
bles the engine to burn more fuel which, in turn, increases the en-
gine output.
The turbocharger consists of a turbine wheel and a centrifugal
compressor impeller, each with a separate casing but mounted
on a common shaft.
The exhaust gases provide the energy necessary for driving the
3 turbine wheel which, in turn, drives the compressor.
The turbocharger is lubricated and cooled by the lubricating oil
1 from the engine.
4 In intercooling, the air that has been compressed and heated by
the turbo is cooled in an intercooler.
The intercooler increases the oxygen supply for combustion so
allowing the injected fuel to be burnt more effectively whilst re-
2 ducing guel consumption as well as the level of exhaust emission.
Intercooling also reduces the thermal stressed on the engine, in-
creasing durability and reducing oil consumption
1. Exhaust gases to silencer The intercooler is of the air-to-air type and integrated with the ra-
2. Air to the engine intercooler
diator and the gearbox oil cooler.
3. Exhaust gases from the engine
4. Intake air Inlet manifold heater
Before the air is admitted into the combustion chamber, it flows across
an electrically heated starting element. This has a high rating of 3 kW
and heats the intake air sufficiently for the engine to start at low ambi-
Turbocharger ent temperatures. The starter heater is automatically controlled
through separate electronic circuits.

1. Intercooler air-to-air
2. Radiator, air-coolant
3. Oil cooler gearbox, air-oil
4. Inlet manifold heater


DCD320-500 Engine TAD720VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 31

Coolant quality
Throughout the year, the coolant should consist of a mixture of
60% of water and 40% of ethylene glycol. The coolant should be
changed and the cooling system should be flushed once a year.
Always add a corrosion inhibitor (Kalmar part No. 923.110.0003)
to the coolant, if the above mixture is not used in the cooling sys-

N.B. Never add a corrosion inhibitor if the cooling system

contains glycol, since this would cause foaming which seri-
ously impairs the cooling capacity.

Lubricating oil quality

See Group 90, Periodic supervision.

Draining the water from the fuel tank

Drain any water from the fuel tank by removing the drain plug. Im-
mediately refit the drain plug as soon as the flow of fuel is free
from water and other impurities.

Inspection of the air cleaner and changing the

filter element
Check the filter indicator with the engine running or stopped.
. If it shows red, the main filter element must be changed. The col-
1 2 lecting efficiency of the filter element will not be improved if the
element is changed too early. But if changing of the filter element
is delayed, smoke emission from the engine will increase, the en-
gine may lose power due to insufficient supply of combustion air,
and engine damage may occur in certain cases.
The air pipe from the air cleaner to the engine should be checked
for tightness from time to time. Minor leakage, such as that
caused by loose hose clips, and damaged or porous hoses may
cause dust to be drawn into the engine, which will give rise to
costly engine wear.

KL1637 Change the filter element as follows:

1. The engine must not be running.
2. Clean the outside of the air cleaner.
3. Remove the cover.
4. Release and carefully remove the main filter element. Do not
1. Main filter element remove the safety filter element.
2. Safety filter element
5. Fit a new main filter element. Carefully check that it is not
damaged. Note on the safety filter element when the main el-
ement was replaced.
6. Reset filter indicator.
7. Change the safety filter element:
– after the main filter element has been changed five times
– at least every other year
– if the indicator shows red after the main element has been
– if the engine has been run with the main element dam-
The safety filter element must not be cleaned and reused. The
engine must not be run without the main filter element. If the main
element must be cleaned and refitted in emergency cases, don’t
use compressed air to clean it, since the filter element may be
damaged. Before refitting it, carefully check that the main filter el-
ement is undamaged.
DCD320-500 Engine TAD720VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 32

Changing the oil and oil filter

N.B. Before draining the oil, make sure that it is at normal
working temperature.

1. Remove the drain plug from the underside of the sump and
drain the oil. Fit the plug with a new gasket.
2. Clean the area round the filters and place a tray under the fil-
ters to collect any spillage.
3. Remove and discard the filter canisters, which are of dispos-
able type.
4. Pour clean oil into the centre of the new filters, wait until the
oil has seeped through the filter paper and top up until the fil-
ters are full.
5. Lubricate the canister seals with oil.
6. Fit the new filters and tighten them - by hand only.
7. Fill the engine with oil (see Group 90, Lubrication chart).
8. Run the engine and check that no oil leaks at thefilters.
9. Stop the engine and check the oil level after a few minutes.
Top up as necessary to the MAX level on the dipstick.
N.B. To avoid serious damage to the engine, use only genu-
ine Kalmar filters.

Checking the V-belt tension

1. Check at regular intervals that the V-belts are correctly ten-
sioned. It should not be possible to depress the V-belt more
than 10 - 12 mm mid-way between the pulleys.

Coolant-fuel pump
1. Loosen the screws 1 and 2
2. Push the fuel pump in the direction of the arrow 3 (A or B) until
the correct belt tension is achieved.
3. Tighten the screws 1 and 2

1. Loosen the screws 1 and 2.
2. Move the alternator until the right belt tension is achieved.
3. Tighten the screws 1 and 2

N.B. If the belt drive consists of two belts, always change

both belts.
DCD320-500 Engine TAD720VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 33

Checking and adjusting the valve clearances

N.B. Never attempt to check the valve clearances when the

engine is running. The engine must be stationary and cold.

1. Remove valve cover and crankcase ventilation

Crankshaft position 1
2. Rotate the crankshaft until the valves of cylinder 1 overlap.
See picture for valve adjustment
N.B. Overlaping of valves means
The exhaust valve is just closing and the inlet valve is just open-
Crank- ing. Neither of the push-rods can be turned around in this posi-
shaft tion. Cylinder 1 is closest to the flywheel.
position 3. Adjust the valve clearances according to the black markings
1 in the adjoining picture.
Inlet valve: 0,30 mm
Exhaust valve: 0,50 mm
4. Tighten the lock nut with 20±2 Nm. Re-check the clearance
Crank- with a feeler guge.
shaft 5. Make a chalk mark on every adjusted valve.
position Crankshaft position 2
2 6. Rotate the crank shaft another turn (360°)
7. Adjust the valve clearances according to the black markings
in the adjoining picture.

8. Fit a new gasket for the valve cover.

9. Fit the valve cover and tighten the cover screws with 9±1 Nm.
DCD320-500 Engine TAD720VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 34

Changing the fuel filter

1. Clean the outsides of the filter.
2. Remove the filter and discard it.
3. Clean the filter head.
4. Check that the new filter is perfectly clean and that the seal
is in good condition.
5. Fit the new filter canister and tighten them by hand until the
seal is in contact with the seating surface. Then tighten it a
further half a turn.


Fuel pre-filter, checking and filter replacement

1. Place a container underneath the filter
2. Drain condensate from the filter by opening the draining
valve 4, se picture.
3. Unscrew the filter container from the filter head.
4. Rinse the filter in diesel or replace it if necessary.
1 2 For new filter, moisten the new O-ring with fuel.
5. Fit the filter in the container and fit the O-ring.
5 6. Fasten the container to the filter head and tighten it by hand
3 until the O-ring is in contact with the seating surface. Then
tighten it a further half a turn.
7. Remove the collection container. The contained fuel should
be handled as environmentally dangerous waste.

1. Filter head
2. Sealing between filter head and filter
3. Filter insert, washable
4. Draining valve for condensate
5. Filter container
DCD320-500 Engine TAD720VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 35

Preventive maintenance on the turbocharger

The turbocharger may be damaged and, in the worst case, may
break down if the engine is not properly serviced.
1. Check that the engine air inlet system is in good condition,
i.e. that the air cleaner is clean, that none of the hoses are
WARNING! worn and that hose connections are not defective, which
would allow oil to seep past the seals on the compressor side
Never run the engine with the air inlet and be entrained by the inlet air. The latter may lead to high
or exhaust pipes disconnected from exhaust gas temperatures and overheating of the turbine
the turbocharger, since personnel shaft bear-ing. If corrective action is then not taken, the tur-
could then substain injuries. bocharger may break down.
2. Change the lubricating oil and filter at the specified intervals.
Check at regular intervals that the lubricating oil lines to the
turbocharger are in good condition and do not leak. Also
check regularly that the oil pressure is not too low, since this
could quickly lead to damage to the turbocharger.
3. Ensure that the fuel system is serviced at the specified inter-
vals. Inadequate fuel supply caused by clogged fuel filters or
incorrect setting of the injection pump reduces the turbo-
charger speed which, in turn, results in a lower engine out-
Check that there are no restrictions in the crankcase ventilation.
If the vent is blocked, pressure may build up and may force oil into
the inlet air system of the turbocharger and
IMPORTANT! engine.
Adjustments on the injection pump are
to be performed by authorized person-
nel only.
DCD320-500 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 30 P. 36

Cummins QSB 5.9

The following information concerns mainly the specific Kalmar in-

stallation. For general engine information such as system de-
scriptions, diagnosis and error codes, refer to the separate
Cummins documents.
DCD320-500 Specifications TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 30 P. 37

Manufacturer, type Cummins QSB 5.9

Coolant volume, l 33

Rating ISO 3046 kW (Hk) 160 (215)

at r/min 2200

Torque ISO 3046, Nm 938

at r/minl 1300-1500

Number of cylinders 6

Swept volume, l 5.9

Valve clearance, engine cold

inlet, mm
exhaust, mm 0,25

Idle speed, r/min 700±50

(adjust so that the engine
runs smoothly)

starts to open at °C 84
fully open at °C 91

Lubricating oil filter Full flow, disposable paper el-

ement with by-pass valve

Lubricating oil pressure, kPa

running speed 310
idling speed min 103

Lubricating oil grade See group 90


Volume, l 16
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSB 5.9 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 38

The Cummins QSB 5.9 engine is a 6-cylinder, inline, 4-stroke, low
emission diesel engine with overhead valves. It has an Electronic
Controlled Fuel system.
The engine is turbocharged, i.e. combustion air is supplied under
pressure. As a result, the quantity of fuel injected can be in-
creased, which increases the engine output. The turbocharger is
driven by the exhaust gases and uses energy that would other-
wise be lost.
In order to further increase the engine efficiency, the engine is
equipped with a water-to air intercooler.
The engine is pressure-lubricated by an oil pump which delivers
oil to all lubrication points. A full-flow oil filter effectively cleans the
lubricating oil. An integrated, oil cooler is cooling the entire oil
The fuel system is protected against impurities by replaceable fil-
To maintain a controlled working temperature in cylinders and
combustion chambers, the engine is provided with piston cooling.
The low emission engine satisfies future emission requirements
from both the USA (California) and Europe. The new engines rep-
resent a considerable improvement, not only in terms of exhaust
gas emissions, but also in terms of power and torque curves.
In addition, all engines comply with the R24 exhaust smoke re-

IMPORTANT! For details in the different systems, see

Cummins Operation and Maintenance Manual
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSB 5.9 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 39

15 12 13

7 14 10 5

6 3 2 11 4 9 16

1. - 9. Alternator
2. Turbo-compressor 10. Oil dip stick
3. Air cooled manifold 11. Full flow filter, of “spin-on” typ
4. Lift eyelet 12. Fuel pre-filter with condensate separator
5. Crankcase ventilation 13. Fuel pump
6. Starter motor 14. Electroninc control unit
7. Injection pump 15. Inlet manifold heater
8. - 16. Coolant inlet to engine

Engine Cummins QSB 5.9

DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSB 5.9 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 40

Monitoring system
Machines that are equipped with the Cummins QSB 5.9 have a
separate engine monitoring system. The engine is not affected by
the machine’s ECS. An error code, that in the ECS would reduce
engine revolutions, does not have this effect with the QSB 5.9.
However, the ECS does display current values of, engine oil pres-
sure, coolant temperature, etc.
The engine monitoring system is separately installed on the
instrument panel and includes:
1. ENGINE MAINTENANCE, spring-loaded switch with orange
– Lamp lights up when maintenance of the engine is re-
– In the DIAGNOSIS position, the spring-loaded switch is
used to move between ERROR CODES.
2. DIAGNOSIS, spring-loaded switch with green lamp.
– Used to activate the engine error codes, in the DIAGNO-
SIS position, i.e., switch 2 depressed.
3. STOP ENGINE, red lamp.
– Lamp lights up when a serious engine fault occurs.
Stop the engine as soon as is possible, without risking
safety. Otherwise, there is a risk of permanent damage to
the engine. The engine must not then be run before the
1 2 3 4 fault in question has been rectified.
– The red lamp also shows the actual error code by means
of a blink system, when in the DIAGNOSIS position, see
4. CHECK ENGINE, orange lamp.
– Lamp lights up when a less serious engine fault occurs.
It is still possible to run the engine, but the fault must be
rectified as soon as possible.
– In the DIAGNOSIS position the lamp starts to blink after
the red lamp has shown the actual error code.

Lamp functions
The table below shows the lamp functions and significance at
start-up and during operation.

Function Significance Lamps and their patterns

(Green in switch 2) (Orange) (Red)
Lamp check at engine Check to ensure LIGHTS UP, LIGHTS UP, LIGHTS UP,
start-up lamps function GOES OUT after 2 s GOES OUT after 2 s GOES OUT after 2 s
Engine protection System problem, BLINKS slowly
contact service
Maintenance monitor Time for service LIGHTS UP
Current service inter- BLINKS rapidly 3x5
val exceeded. blinks
Contact service
DIAGNOSIS Less serious fault LIGHTS UP
DIAGNOSIS switch in Error code registered continuously
OFF position Serious fault with risk LIGHTS UP
of engine damage. continuously
Error code registered
ERROR CODES Blinking of error codes BLINKS once per BLINKS the number
DIAGNOSIS switch in error code for the current error
ON position code, see list of error
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSB 5.9 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 41

Error Codes
1. Stop engine.
2. Turn the ignition key to the operating position so that all
lamps light up.
3. Press down DIAGNOSIS switch.
4. If there are no error codes to be shown, the red and orange
lamps will show a continuous light.
5. If there are error codes to be shown, the orange light blinks
once. Thereafter the red light blinks in a pattern with first the
first number, then the second number and lastly the third
number of the error code number.
Example: Error code 143
1 blink, pause, 4 blinks, pause, 3 blinks
The pattern is repeated until the fault is rectified
(in the DIAGNOSIS position.
6. To see the next error code, press the spring-loaded switch
(1) once.
Note. The orange lamp blinks before each new error code.

The table below shows a number of common error codes that

operators themselves can rectify.
There are a large number of additional error codes. Rectify as per
points 3 or 4 on the previous page.
IMPORTANT! Always contact service if the error code is still
displayed. It is prohibited to operate the machine until the
fault has been rectified and the error code is no longer

Error Code Description Lamp

143 Low oil pressure, check engine oil level and top-up as required. Orange
151 High coolant temperature, stop engine as soon as possible. Check coolant level and Red
top-up as required.
214 High oil temperature, stop engine as soon as possible. Check oil level or coolant Red
and top-up oil/coolant as required. Contact service if error code still displayed.
415 Very low oil pressure, stop engine as soon as possible. Check oil level and top-up Red
as required. Contact service if error code still displayed.
441 Low battery voltage, Orange
check the battery.
597 Low battery voltage, Orange
check the battery.
598 Very low battery voltage, stop the engine as soon as possible and contact service. Red
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSB 5.9 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 42

Cooling system
The engine is liquid-cooled and equipped with a closed cooling
system consisting of the following main components:
z Coolant pump
z Radiator with integrated intercooler and gearbox oil cooler
z Expansion tank
z Thermostat
z Radiator fan
z Coolant passages
z Engine oil cooler

N.B. For further information, see Cummins Operation and

Maintenance Manual.

2 4 5

6 7 8

1. Connection to the engine air intake

2. Connection from the turbo-compressor
3. Expansion tank
4. Charge air cooler
5. Radiator
6. Radiator connection to engine
7. Gearbox oil cooler
8. Oil connection line to gearbox
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSB 5.9 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 43

Fuel system
The fuel circulates in two circuits - the high-pressure circuit and
the low-pressure circuit. When the engine is started, the feed
pump draws fuel from the tank and delivers it at relatively low
pressure through fine filters up to the injection pump. This then
delivers fuel at high pressure to the injection pump which supplies
the fuel in atomised form to the engine combustion chambers.
Excess fuel which is circulated in the low-pressure system is also
cleaned in the fine filters and is returned through a spill valve back
to the tank.
The fuel system includes the following components:
Fuel tank - a separate unit located on the left-hand side of the
forklift. The fuel volume in the tank can be read on a gauge on the
instrument panel.
Feed pump - supplies fuel at a certain pressure and flow rate to
the injection pumps.
Spill valve - which restricts the fuel feed pressure and provides
continuous venting of the fuel system. The excessive fuel is flow-
ing through the injection pump before it is fed through the return
line to the fuel tank.
Fuel pre-filter - with drain valve for condensate
Injection pump and injectors
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSB 5.9 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 44

Lubricating system
The engine is pressure-lubricated, and the oil is supplied by a
gear pump. All lubricating oil flows through a full-flow filter.
The lubricating oil is cooled in a plate oil cooler by the engine
The lubricating system includes the following main components:

Oil pump - of rotor type, draws oil from the sump. The oil is fed
from the pressure side of the pump through the oil filter and is
then distributed to the different ducts of the lubricating system

Piston cooling – reduces substantially the piston temperature

which, in turn, contributes to a longer life of the piston rings, re-
duces the risk of carbon deposits and lowers the oil consumption.
The pistons are cooled by oil which is sprayed by nozzles into the
underside of each piston and into the cooling passages when the
piston is at the bottom dead centre.

Reducing valve – located just before the filter. The valve will
open if the lubricating oil pressure is too high and will return ex-
cess oil back to the sump.

Oil filter – of full-flow type, with a filter element of pleated filter

paper. To protect the engine against insufficient lubricating oil, a
by-pass valve is fitted in the oil filter bracket. The valve will open
if the lubricating oil pressure should rise above a certain pressure
due to clogging of the filter. When the valve is open, unfiltered oil
will flow to the engine. The filter is of disposable type and should
be scrapped after use.

Crankcase ventilation - prevents over-pressure in the crank-

case and separates fuel mist, water mist and other gaseous com-
bustion products.
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSB 5.9 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 45

Air system
Large quantities of air are necessary for burning the fuel supplied
to the engine. Free, unrestricted flow of fresh air and exhaust gas-
es is therefore essential to allow the engine to run efficiently.

Air cleaner
The intake air is cleaned in a two-stage air cleaner, the first stage
of which collects coarse particles by cyclone action, and the par-
ticles are then collected in a dust receiver. The second stage con-
sists of a filter element - the main filter element. A safety filter
element is located on the inside of the main element. The safety
element prevents the ingress of impurities into the engine while
the main element is being changed and if the main element
should sustain damage while the engine is running, e.g. due to
incorrect installation.

2 3

1. To engine
2. Filter indicator
3. Dust exit
4. Prefilter (optional)

Air system
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSB 5.9 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 46

The turbocharger supplies more air to the combustion chambers
2 than the engine would be capable of drawing naturally. This ena-
5 bles the engine to burn more fuel which, in turn, increases the en-
gine output.
4 The turbocharger consists of a turbine wheel and a centrifugal
compressor impeller, each with a separate casing but mounted
on a common shaft.
The exhaust gases provide the energy necessary for driving the
turbine wheel which, in turn, drives the compressor.
The turbocharger is lubricated and cooled by the lubricating oil
1 3 from the engine.
In intercooling, the air that has been compressed and heated by
the turbo is cooled in an intercooler.
3 The intercooler increases the oxygen supply for combustion so
allowing the injected fuel to be burnt more effectively whilst re-
1. Exhaust gases to the silencer ducing fuel consumption as well as the level of exhaust emission.
2. Compressed air to the intercooler Intercooling also reduces the thermal stressed on the engine, in-
3. Exhaust gases from the engine creasing durability and reducing oil consumption
4. Air from the filter
5. Intake air from the intercooler The intercooler is of the water-to-air type and integrated with the
radiator and the gearbox oil cooler.
Inlet manifold heater
Before the air is admitted into the combustion chamber, it flows across
an electrically heated starting element. This heats the intake air suffi-
Turbocharger ciently for the engine to start at low ambient temperatures. The starter
heater is automatically controlled through an electronic control
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSB 5.9 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 47

Coolant quality
Throughout the year, the coolant should consist of a mixture of
60% of water and 40% of ethylene glycol. The coolant should be
changed and the cooling system should be flushed once a year.
Always add a corrosion inhibitor (Kalmar part No. 923.110.0003)
to the coolant, if the above mixture is not used in the cooling sys-

N.B. Never add a corrosion inhibitor if the cooling system

contains glycol, since this would cause foaming which seri-
ously impairs the cooling capacity.

Lubricating oil quality

See Group 90, Periodic supervision.

Draining the water from the fuel tank

Drain any water from the fuel tank by removing the drain plug. Im-
mediately refit the drain plug as soon as the flow of fuel is free
from water and other impurities.

Inspection of the air cleaner and changing the

filter element
Check the filter indicator with the engine running or stopped.
. If it shows red, the main filter element must be changed. The col-
1 2 lecting efficiency of the filter element will not be improved if the
element is changed too early. But if changing of the filter element
is delayed, smoke emission from the engine will increase, the en-
gine may lose power due to insufficient supply of combustion air,
and engine damage may occur in certain cases.
The air pipe from the air cleaner to the engine should be checked
for tightness from time to time. Minor leakage, such as that
caused by loose hose clips, and damaged or porous hoses may
cause dust to be drawn into the engine, which will give rise to
costly engine wear.

KL1637 Change the filter element as follows:

1. The engine must not be running.
2. Clean the outside of the air cleaner.
3. Remove the cover.
4. Release and carefully remove the main filter element. Do not
1. Main filter element remove the safety filter element.
2. Safety filter element
5. Fit a new main filter element. Carefully check that it is not
damaged. Note on the safety filter element when the main el-
ement was replaced.
6. Reset filter indicator.
7. Change the safety filter element:
– after the main filter element has been changed five times
– at least every other year
– if the indicator shows red after the main element has been
– if the engine has been run with the main element dam-
The safety filter element must not be cleaned and reused. The
engine must not be run without the main filter element. If the main
element must be cleaned and refitted in emergency cases, don’t
use compressed air to clean it, since the filter element may be
damaged. Before refitting it, carefully check that the main filter el-
ement is undamaged.
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSB 5.9 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 48

Changing the oil and oil filter

N.B. Before draining the oil, make sure that it is at normal
working temperature.

1. Remove the drain plug from the underside of the sump and
drain the oil. Fit the plug with a new gasket.
2. Clean the area round the filter and place a tray under the fil-
ters to collect any spillage.
3. Remove and discard the filter canister, which are of dispos-
able type.
4. Pour clean oil into the centre of the new filter, wait until the oil
has seeped through the filter paper and top up until the filter
are full.
5. Lubricate the canister seal with oil.
6. Fit the new filter and tighten it - by hand only.
7. Fill the engine with oil (see Group 90, Lubrication chart).
8. Run the engine and check that no oil leaks at the filter.
9. Stop the engine and check the oil level after a few minutes.
Top up as necessary to the MAX level on the dipstick.
N.B. To avoid serious damage to the engine, use only genu-
ine Kalmar filter.

Checking the drive belt tension

1. Check at regular intervals that the V-belts are correctly ten-

N.B. See Cummins Operation and Maintenance Manual

DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSB 5.9 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 49

Checking and adjusting the valve clearances

N.B. Never attempt to check the valve clearances when the

engine is running. The engine must be stationary and the
temperature below 60°C.

1. Remove valve cover.

Crankshaft position 1
2. Using the barring tool, rotate the crankshaft to algin the top
dead center marks on the gear cover and fuel pump gear
With the engine in this position, valve clearanc can be
checked on following valves: 1I, 1E, 2I, 3E, 4I and 5E.
3. Adjust the valve clearances according to the nominal specifi-
Inlet valve: 0.25 mm
Exhaust valve: 0.50 mm
4. Tighten the lock nut with 24 Nm. Re-check the clearance with
a feeler guge.
5. Make a chalk mark on every adjusted valve.

Crankshaft position 2
6. Rotate the crank shaft another turn (360°)

7. Adjust the valve clearances according for valves 2E, 3I, 4E, 5I,
6I and 6E.

8. Inspect the valve cover gasket for cracks or other damage. Fit
the gasket, replace with a new gasket if needed..

9. Fit the valve cover and tighten the cover screws with 12 Nm.
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSB 5.9 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 50

Changing the fuel filter

1. Clean the outsides of the filter.
2. Place a container underneath the filter.
3. Drain any water and fuel from the filter container. Push drain-
ing valve upwards, see picture.

4. Remove the water-in fuel sensor from the engine harness.

5. Remove the filter.

6. Drain the filter and remove the water-in fuel sensor from the
fitler. See picture. Discard the old filter.
7. Clean the filter head.
8. Check that the new filter is perfectly clean and that the seals
are in good condition.
9. Install the water-in fuel sensor into the new filter.
10. Lubricate the O-ring seal with clean lubricating oil.
11. Fit the new filter canister and tighten it by hand until the seal
is in contact with the seating surface. Then tighten it a further
half a turn.
12. Reconnect the water-in fuel sensor to the engine harness.
13. Remove the collection container. The contained fuel should
be handled as environmentally dangerous waste.
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSB 5.9 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 51

Preventive maintenance on the turbocharger

The turbocharger may be damaged and, in the worst case, may
break down if the engine is not properly serviced.
1. Check that the engine air inlet system is in good condition,
i.e. that the air cleaner is clean, that none of the hoses are
worn and that hose connections are not defective, which
WARNING! would allow oil to seep past the seals on the compressor side
and be entrained by the inlet air. The latter may lead to high
Never run the engine with the air inlet exhaust gas temperatures and overheating of the turbine
or exhaust pipes disconnected from shaft bear-ing. If corrective action is then not taken, the tur-
the turbocharger, since personnel bocharger may break down.
could then substain injuries.
2. Change the lubricating oil and filter at the specified intervals.
Check at regular intervals that the lubricating oil lines to the
turbocharger are in good condition and do not leak. Also
check regularly that the oil pressure is not too low, since this
could quickly lead to damage to the turbocharger.
3. Ensure that the fuel system is serviced at the specified inter-
vals. Inadequate fuel supply caused by clogged fuel filters or
incorrect setting of the injection pump reduces the turbo-
charger speed which, in turn, results in a lower engine out-
IMPORTANT! Check that there are no restrictions in the crankcase ventilation.
Adjustments on the injection pump are
to be performed by authorized person- If the vent is blocked, pressure may build up and may force oil into
nel only. the inlet air system of the turbocharger and
DCD320-500 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 30 P. 52

Cummins 6CTAA8.3

The following information concerns mainly the specific Kalmar in-

stallation. For general engine information , refer to the separate
Cummins documents.
DCD320-500 Specifications TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 30 P. 53

Manufacturer, type Cummins 6CTAA8.3

Coolant volume, l 33

Rating ISO 3046 kW (Hk) Max 161 (219)

at r/min 2000

Torque ISO 3046, Nm 994

at r/minl 1400

Number of cylinders 6

Swept volume, l 8.27

Valve clearance, engine cold

inlet, mm
exhaust, mm Se Operation and
Maintenance Manual

Idle speed, r/min 700±50

(adjust so that the engine
runs smoothly)

starts to open at °C 82
fully open at °C 94

Lubricating oil filter Full flow, disposable paper el-

ement with by-pass valve

Lubricating oil pressure, kPa

running speed 345
idling speed min 69

Lubricating oil grade See Group 90


Volume, l 18,9
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins 6CTAA8.3 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 54

The Cummins 6CTAA8.3 engine is a 6-cylinder, inline, 4-stroke,
low emission diesel engine with overhead valves. It has an Elec-
tronic Controlled Fuel system.
The engine is turbocharged, i.e. combustion air is supplied under
pressure. As a result, the quantity of fuel injected can be in-
creased, which increases the engine output. The turbocharger is
driven by the exhaust gases and uses energy that would other-
wise be lost.
In order to further increase the engine efficiency, the engine is
equipped with a air-to air intercooler.
The engine is pressure-lubricated by an oil pump which delivers
oil to all lubrication points. A full-flow oil filter effectively cleans the
lubricating oil. An integrated, side mounted oil cooler is cooling
the entire oil flow.
The fuel system is protected against impurities by replaceable fil-
To maintain a controlled working temperature in cylinders and
combustion chambers, the engine is provided with piston cooling.
The low emission engine has a new design of combustion cham-
ber, injection equipment and charge air cooler (intercooler) which
satisfy future emission requirements from both the USA (Califor-
nia) and Europe. The new engines represent a considerable im-
provement, not only in terms of exhaust gas emissions, but also
in terms of power and torque curves.
In addition, all engines comply with the R24 exhaust smoke re-

IMPORTANT! For details in the different systems, see

Cummins Operation and Maintenance Manual
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins 6CTAA8.3 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 55

1 2 3 4 1

13 15 14

6 7 9 8

10 11

1. Lift eyelet 9. Oil filler cap

2. Starter motor 10. Oil dip stick
3. Turbo-compressor 11. fuel lift pump
4. Connection to silencer 12.
5. Injection pump 13. Full flow filter, of “spin-on” typ
6. Connection to charge air cooler 14. Fuel pre-filter with condensate separator
7. Connection from charge air cooler 15. Alternator
8. Fuel filter 16. Oil cooler

Cummins 6CTAA8.3
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins 6CTAA8.3 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 56

Cooling system
The engine is liquid-cooled and equipped with a closed cooling
system consisting of the following main components:
z Coolant pump
z Radiator with integrated intercooler and gearbox oil cooler
z Expansion tank
z Thermostat
z Radiator fan
z Coolant passages
z Engine oil cooler

N.B. For further information, see Cummins Operation and

Maintenance Manual.

8 6 5 1 2 3 7

KL1753 9 4 10

1. Inlet, coolant from radiator

2. Thermostat housing
3. Radiator, coolant
4. Outlet, coolant to radiator
5. Compressed air to charge air cooler
6. Cooled air to engine
7. Charge air cooler
8. Expansion tank
9. Oil cooler
10. Oil cooler, gearbox
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins 6CTAA8.3 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 57

Fuel system
The fuel circulates in two circuits - the high-pressure circuit and
the low-pressure circuit. When the engine is started, the feed
pump draws fuel from the tank and delivers it at relatively low
pressure through fine filters up to the injection pump. This then
delivers fuel at high pressure to the injection pump which supplies
the fuel in atomised form to the engine combustion chambers.
Excess fuel which is circulated in the low-pressure system is also
cleaned in the fine filters and is returned through a spill valve back
to the tank.
The fuel system includes the following components:
Fuel tank - a separate unit located on the left-hand side of the
forklift. The fuel volume in the tank can be read on a gauge on the
instrument panel.
Feed pump - supplies fuel at a certain pressure and flow rate to
the injection pumps.
Spill valve - which restricts the fuel feed pressure and provides
continuous venting of the fuel system. The excessive fuel is flow-
ing through the injection pump before it is fed through the return
line to the fuel tank.
Fuel pre-filter - with drain valve for condensate
Injection pump and injectors
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins 6CTAA8.3 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 58

Lubricating system
The engine is pressure-lubricated, and the oil is supplied by a
gear pump. All lubricating oil flows through a full-flow filter.
The lubricating oil is cooled in a plate oil cooler by the engine
The lubricating system includes the following main components:

Oil pump - of rotor type, draws oil from the sump. The oil is fed
from the pressure side of the pump through the oil filter and is
then distributed to the different ducts of the lubricating system

Piston cooling – reduces substantially the piston temperature

which, in turn, contributes to a longer life of the piston rings, re-
duces the risk of carbon deposits and lowers the oil consumption.
The pistons are cooled by oil which is sprayed by nozzles into the
underside of each piston and into the cooling passages when the
piston is at the bottom dead centre.

Reducing valve – located just before the filter. The valve will
open if the lubricating oil pressure is too high and will return ex-
cess oil back to the sump.

Oil filter – of full-flow type, with a filter element of pleated filter

paper. To protect the engine against insufficient lubricating oil, a
by-pass valve is fitted in the oil filter bracket. The valve will open
if the lubricating oil pressure should rise above a certain pressure
due to clogging of the filter. When the valve is open, unfiltered oil
will flow to the engine. The filter is of disposable type and should
be scrapped after use.

Crankcase ventilation - prevents over-pressure in the crank-

case and separates fuel mist, water mist and other gaseous com-
bustion products.
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins 6CTAA8.3 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 59

Air system
Large quantities of air are necessary for burning the fuel supplied
to the engine. Free, unrestricted flow of fresh air and exhaust gas-
es is therefore essential to allow the engine to run efficiently.

Air cleaner
The intake air is cleaned in a two-stage air cleaner, the first stage
of which collects coarse particles by cyclone action, and the par-
ticles are then collected in a dust receiver. The second stage con-
sists of a filter element - the main filter element. A safety filter
element is located on the inside of the main element. The safety
element prevents the ingress of impurities into the engine while
the main element is being changed and if the main element
should sustain damage while the engine is running, e.g. due to
incorrect installation.

4 2

3 1

1. To engine
2. Filter indicator
3. Dust exit
4. Prefilter (optional)

Air system
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins 6CTAA8.3 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 60

The turbocharger supplies more air to the combustion chambers
5 than the engine would be capable of drawing naturally. This ena-
bles the engine to burn more fuel which, in turn, increases the en-
gine output.
The turbocharger consists of a turbine wheel and a centrifugal
compressor impeller, each with a separate casing but mounted
4 on a common shaft.
The exhaust gases provide the energy necessary for driving the
turbine wheel which, in turn, drives the compressor.
The turbocharger is lubricated and cooled by the lubricating oil
3 from the engine.

In intercooling, the air that has been compressed and heated by
the turbo is cooled in an intercooler.
The intercooler increases the oxygen supply for combustion so
allowing the injected fuel to be burnt more effectively whilst re-
KL1754 ducing guel consumption as well as the level of exhaust emission.
Intercooling also reduces the thermal stressed on the engine, in-
1 creasing durability and reducing oil consumption
The intercooler is of the air-to-air type and integrated with the ra-
diator and the gearbox oil cooler.
1. Exhaust gases from the engine
2. Exhaust gases to the silencer
3. Air from the filter Inlet manifold heater
4. Compressed air to the intercooler Before the air is admitted into the combustion chamber, it flows across
5. Cold air from the intercooler an electrically heated starting element. This heats the intake air suffi-
ciently for the engine to start at low ambient temperatures. The starter
heater is automatically controlled through an electronic control

DCD320-500 Engine Cummins 6CTAA8.3 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 61

Coolant quality
Throughout the year, the coolant should consist of a mixture of
60% of water and 40% of ethylene glycol. The coolant should be
changed and the cooling system should be flushed once a year.
Always add a corrosion inhibitor (Kalmar part No. 923.110.0003)
to the coolant, if the above mixture is not used in the cooling sys-

N.B. Never add a corrosion inhibitor if the cooling system

contains glycol, since this would cause foaming which seri-
ously impairs the cooling capacity.

Lubricating oil quality

See Group 90, Periodic supervision.

Draining the water from the fuel tank

Drain any water from the fuel tank by removing the drain plug. Im-
mediately refit the drain plug as soon as the flow of fuel is free
from water and other impurities.

Inspection of the air cleaner and changing the

filter element
Check the filter indicator with the engine running or stopped.
. If it shows red, the main filter element must be changed. The col-
1 2 lecting efficiency of the filter element will not be improved if the
element is changed too early. But if changing of the filter element
is delayed, smoke emission from the engine will increase, the en-
gine may lose power due to insufficient supply of combustion air,
and engine damage may occur in certain cases.
The air pipe from the air cleaner to the engine should be checked
for tightness from time to time. Minor leakage, such as that
caused by loose hose clips, and damaged or porous hoses may
cause dust to be drawn into the engine, which will give rise to
costly engine wear.

KL1637 Change the filter element as follows:

1. The engine must not be running.
2. Clean the outside of the air cleaner.
3. Remove the cover.
4. Release and carefully remove the main filter element. Do not
1. Main filter element remove the safety filter element.
2. Safety filter element
5. Fit a new main filter element. Carefully check that it is not
damaged. Note on the safety filter element when the main el-
ement was replaced.
6. Reset filter indicator.
7. Change the safety filter element:
– after the main filter element has been changed five times
– at least every other year
– if the indicator shows red after the main element has been
– if the engine has been run with the main element dam-
The safety filter element must not be cleaned and reused. The
engine must not be run without the main filter element. If the main
element must be cleaned and refitted in emergency cases, don’t
use compressed air to clean it, since the filter element may be
damaged. Before refitting it, carefully check that the main filter el-
ement is undamaged.
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins 6CTAA8.3 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 62

Changing the oil and oil filter

N.B. Before draining the oil, make sure that it is at normal
working temperature.

1. Remove the drain plug from the underside of the sump and
drain the oil. Fit the plug with a new gasket.
2. Clean the area round the filter and place a tray under the fil-
ters to collect any spillage.
3. Remove and discard the filter canister, which are of dispos-
able type.
4. Pour clean oil into the centre of the new filter, wait until the oil
has seeped through the filter paper and top up until the filter
are full.
5. Lubricate the canister seal with oil.
6. Fit the new filter and tighten it - by hand only.
7. Fill the engine with oil (see Group 90, Lubrication chart).
8. Run the engine and check that no oil leaks at the filter.
9. Stop the engine and check the oil level after a few minutes.
Top up as necessary to the MAX level on the dipstick.
N.B. To avoid serious damage to the engine, use only genu-
ine Kalmar filter.

Checking the drive belt tension

1. Check at regular intervals that the V-belts are correctly ten-

N.B. See Cummins Operation and Maintenance Manual

DCD320-500 Engine Cummins 6CTAA8.3 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 63

Checking and adjusting the valve clearances

N.B. The motor should be shut off and the temperature be-
low 60°C

1. Remove the crancase vent tube.

2. Remove the air crossover tube.


3. Remove the valve cover.

4. Locate top dead center (TDC) for cylinder No 1 by rotating the

crankshaft slowly while pressing on the engine timing pin.

5. At TDC, the barring gear inserts into the flywheel housing and
engages the flywheel ring gear. The engine can then be rota-
B ted by hand.

A. Flywheel ring gear

B. Engine timing pin
C. Flywheel housing

DCD320-500 Engine Cummins 6CTAA8.3 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 64

6. Disengage the timing pin after locating TDC.

7. In this position, check/adjust the valve clearance:

Intake valve: 0,30 mm

Exhaust valve: 0,61 mm

8. Crankshaft position A (Step A)

Check/adjust the following valves:
1 intake, 1 exhaust, 2 intake, 3 exhaust, 4 intake and 5 ex-

Tighten the locknuts with 24 Nm.

Make a chalk mark on every adjusted valve.

9. Crankshaft position B (Step B)

10.Mark the vibration damper and rotate the crankshaft 360°.
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins 6CTAA8.3 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 65

11.Check/adjust the following valves

2 exhaust, 3 intake, 4 exhaust, 5 intake, 6 intake and 6 ex-

Tighten the locknuts with 24 Nm.

Make a chalk mark on every adjusted valve.

12.Check the cover seal for cracks or other damage. If needed in-
stall a new seal.
Install the seal into the groove in the valve cover. Start the in-
stallation at the overlap area shown in the illustration. Do not
stretch the rubber seal.

If the seal has more overlap than shown in the illustration, trim
the length to psovide the correct overlap.

13.Install the valve cover.

Install new sealing O-rings on the capscrews and tighten the
capscrews with 24 Nm.
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins 6CTAA8.3 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 66

Changing the fuel filter

1. Clean the outsides of the filters and the filter head.
2. Place a container underneath the filters.
3. Drain any water and fuel from the filter container by turning
the drain valve four turns counter-clockwise until the valve
falls down approx 1 inch, see picture.

4. Remove the filters.

5. Drain the filters and discard the old filters.
6. Clean the filter head.
7. Check that the new filters are perfectly clean and that the
seals are in good condition.
8. Lubricate the O-ring seals with clean lubricating oil.
9. Fit the new filters and tighten them by hand until the seals are
in contact with the filter head. Then tighten further half a turn.
10. Remove the collection container.

IMPORTANT! The contained fuel should be handled as envi-

ronmentally dangerous waste.
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins 6CTAA8.3 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 67

Preventive maintenance on the turbocharger

The turbocharger may be damaged and, in the worst case, may
break down if the engine is not properly serviced.
1. Check that the engine air inlet system is in good condition,
i.e. that the air cleaner is clean, that none of the hoses are
worn and that hose connections are not defective, which
WARNING! would allow oil to seep past the seals on the compressor side
and be entrained by the inlet air. The latter may lead to high
Never run the engine with the air inlet exhaust gas temperatures and overheating of the turbine
or exhaust pipes disconnected from shaft bear-ing. If corrective action is then not taken, the tur-
the turbocharger, since personnel bocharger may break down.
could then substain injuries.
2. Change the lubricating oil and filter at the specified intervals.
Check at regular intervals that the lubricating oil lines to the
turbocharger are in good condition and do not leak. Also
check regularly that the oil pressure is not too low, since this
could quickly lead to damage to the turbocharger.
3. Ensure that the fuel system is serviced at the specified inter-
vals. Inadequate fuel supply caused by clogged fuel filters or
incorrect setting of the injection pump reduces the turbo-
charger speed which, in turn, results in a lower engine out-
IMPORTANT! Check that there are no restrictions in the crankcase ventilation.
Adjustments on the injection pump are
to be performed by authorized person- If the vent is blocked, pressure may build up and may force oil into
nel only. the inlet air system of the turbocharger and
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins 6CTAA8.3 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 68

Volvo TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE
DCD320-500 Specifications TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 69

Manufacturer, type Volvo, TWD1031VE Volvo TWD1231VE

Coolant volume, litres 65 75
Rating ISO 3046 kW (hp) 235 (320) 275 (374)
at r/min 2100 2100
Torque ISO 3046, Nm 1500 1745
at r/min 1100 1100
Number of cylinders 6 6
Swept volume, litres 9.60 12
Valve clearance, cold engine
inlet, mm 0.40 0.40
exhaust, mm 0.70 0.70
Idling speed, r/min 675±25 600±25
(Adjust so that the engine runs
Injection pump timing 10°±0.5 BTDC 12°±0.5 BTDC
starts to open at °C 82 82
fully open at °C 95 95
Lubricating oil filter Full-flow, disposable paper elements with
by-pass valve
Lubricating oil pressure, kPa
running speed 300-500 350-500
idling speed 60 min 150 min
Lubricating oil grade See group 90
Volume incl filters, litres 32 38
DCD320-500 Engine TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 70

The engine TWD1031VE or TWD1231VE is a 6-cylinder, inline,
4-stroke diesel engine with overhead valves. The engine is turbo-
charged, i.e. combustion air is supplied under pressure. As a re-
sult, the quantity of fuel injected can be increased, which
increases the engine output. The turbocharger is driven by the
exhaust gases and uses energy that would otherwise be lost.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Fan hub
2. Twin fuel filters of throw-away 8 9 10 11 12
type 16
13 14 15
3. Lift eyelet
4. Gear driven coolant pump
5. Air cooled exhaust manifold
6. Turbo-charger
7. Lift eyelet
8. Coolant pipe, inlet
9. Pump coupling guard
10. Smoke limiter
11. Injection pump
12. Fuel pipes for tank
13. Relay for inlet manifold
14. Intercooler
15. Cable iron
16. Coolant pipe, outlet
17. Flywheel housing, SAE 1
18. Starter motor
19. Crankcase ventilation
20. Full-flow oil filters of
spin-on type
21. Oil cooler
22. Vibration damper
23. Automatic belt tensioner

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Volvo TWD1031VE engine

DCD320-500 Engine TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 71

The engine is pressure-lubricated and incorporates an oil pump

which delivers oil to all lubrication points. A full-flow oil filter
effectively cleans the lubricating oil. The fuel system is protected
against impurities by replaceable filters. The engine has
replaceable wet cylinder liners. The engine has separate,
mutually interchangeable cylinder heads for each cylinder.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Fan hub
8 9 12 10 11
2. Twin fuel filters of throw-away
3. Lift eyelet
4. Gear driven coolant pump
5. Air cooled exhaust manifold
6. Turbo-charger 13 14 15 16
7. Lift eyelet
8. Coolant pipe, inlet
9. Pump coupling guard
10. Smoke limiter
11. Injection pump
12. Fuel pipes for tank
13. Relay for inlet manifold
14. Intercooler
15. Cable iron
16. Coolant pipe, outlet
17. Flywheel housing, SAE 1
18. Starter motor
19. Crankcase ventilation
20. Full-flow oil filters of
spin-on type
21. Oil cooler
22. Vibration damper
23. Automatic belt tensioner

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Volvo TWD1231VE engine

DCD320-500 Engine TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 72

Cooling system
The engine is liquid-cooled and equipped with a closed cooling
system consisting of the following main components:

z Coolant pump
z Radiator
z Thermostat
z Radiator fan
z Coolant passages
z Engine oil cooler
z Gearbox oil cooler

The coolant flows through a longitudinal passage into the engine

block. The opening into the cooling jacket of each cylinder is indi-
vidually sized to ensure that each cylinder will be supplied with
the same rate of coolant flow.
The coolant flows in the separate return lines converge into a
common pipe in the thermostat housing. The coolant then flows
to the coolant pump and then into the engine and to the oil cooler.
When the engine has reached its normal operating temperature,
the thermostat will open the circuit to the radiator.
The piston-type thermostat is capable of passing a high coolant
flow rate at a minimum of pressure drop, thus contributing to fa-
vourable coolant circulation in the engine.
The coolant pump is gear-driven with high capacity.

1. Cooler
2. Coolant pump
3. Thermostat housing
4. Oil cooler
DCD320-500 Engine TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 73

The cooling system is equipped with a sensor which activates the

”Low coolant level” warning lamp on the instrument panel, see
group 20.
The engine lubricating oil is cooled efficiently and reliably in a
separately mounted tubular oil cooler. The gearbox oil is also
cooled by the engine coolant, but in a separate shell-and-tube

1. Oil cooler, engine oil

2. Thermostat housing
3. Oil cooler, gearbox oil
4. Thermostat, closed
5. Thermostat, open

Pump and thermostat

DCD320-500 Engine TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 74

Fuel system
The fuel circulates in two circuits - the high-pressure circuit and
the low-pressure circuit. When the engine is started, the feed
pump draws fuel from the tank and delivers it at relatively low
pressure through fine filters up to the injection pump. This then
delivers fuel at high pressure to the injectors which supply the fuel
in atomised form to the engine combustion chambers.
Excess fuel which is circulated in the low-pressure system is also
cleaned in the fine filters and is returned through a spill valve back
to the tank.

The fuel system includes the following components:

Fuel tank - a separate unit located on the left-hand side of the
truck. The fuel volume in the tank can be read on a gauge on the
instrument panel.

Feed pump - of piston type, supplies fuel at a certain pressure

and flow rate to the injection pump.

Spill valve - which restricts the fuel feed pressure and provides
continuous venting of the fuel system. Excess fuel flows through
the injection pump before returning to the tank, thus cooling the
fuel in the fuel chamber of the pump, which contributes to more
uniform distribution of the fuel to the various cylinders.

1. Fuel filter
2. Spill valve
3. Injector
4. Injection pump
5. Feed pump
6. Fuel tank
7. Suction strainer

Fuel system, principal

DCD320-500 Engine TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 75

Fuel filters - two filters connected in parallel and with a common

cover. The filters are of disposable type, with the filter elements
made of spirally wound paper.

Fuel filter

Injectors - each with a nozzle holder and a nozzle. When the fuel
pressure has risen to the preset value, the needle will lift and at-
omised fuel will be injected into the combustion chamber through
accurately calibrated holes in the nozzle sleeve.

1. Supply pipe coupling

2. Spill fuel pipe connection
3. Spacers for adjusting the opening pres-
4. Compression spring
5. Thrust pin
6. Nozzle sleeve
7. Needle

DCD320-500 Engine TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 76

Injection pump - located on the left-hand side of the engine and

driven by gears. The pump is equipped with an RSV governor
which has a steep control characteristic at low engine speeds. As
a result, the engines appear more powerful and have a higher
tractive effort at low speeds.

1. Stop screw for maximum speed, sealed

2. Accelerator lever
3. Adjusting screw for idle speed
4. Adjusting screw for idle speed stabilizing

RSV centrifugal governor

DCD320-500 Engine TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 77

Lubrication system
The engine is pressure-lubricated, and the oil is supplied by a
pump in the oil sump. All lubricating oil flows through a double full-
flow filters.
The lubricating oil is cooled in an externally mounted tubular oil
cooler by the engine coolant.
The lubricating system includes the following main components:
Oil pump - of gear type, which draws oil through a coarse strainer
that arrests larger particles. The pump delivers oil through the lu-
bricating oil filters to the various passages of the lubricating sys-
Piston cooling - reduces substantially the piston temperature
which, in turn, contributes to a longer life of the piston rings, re-
duces the risk of carbon deposits and lowers the oil consumption.
The pistons are cooled by oil which is sprayed by nozzles into the
underside of each piston and into the cooling passages when the
piston is at the bottom dead centre.
Cooling is controlled by a piston cooling valve which shuts off the
cooling oil supply at low engine speeds. This ensures that the lu-
bricating oil flow will be a maximum when the engine is started
and when it is running at idling speed. The valve also restricts the
pressure of the piston cooling oil at high engine speeds, to make
more oil available for lubrication.

Piston cooling

1. Oil filter
2. By-pass valve
3. By-pass valve for oil cooler
4. Reducing valve
5. Oil cooler
6. Oil pump
7. Piston cooling valve
8. Oil under pressure to the lubrication
9. Oil under pressure for piston

Lubrication system, principal

DCD320-500 Engine TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 78

Reducing valve - located just before the filter. The valve will
open if the lubricating oil pressure is too high and will return
excess oil back to the sump.
Oil filter - of full-flow type, with a filter element of pleated filter pa-
per. To protect the engine against insufficient lubricating oil, a by-
pass valve is fitted in the oil filter bracket. The valve will open if
the lubricating oil pressure should rise above a certain pressure
due to clogging of the filter. When the valve is open, unfiltered oil
will flow to the engine. The filters are of disposable type and
should be scrapped after use.
Crankcase ventilation - prevents pressurising of the crankcase
and collects fuel vapour, steam and other gaseous products of
combustion. Crankcase ventilation is provided by a pipe connect-
ed to the crankcase inspection cover on the right-hand side of the
engine, between the starter motor and the oil filter.

1. Filter by-pass valve

2. Oil cooler by-pass valve
3. Oil cooler
4. Full flow filter
5. Oil pump
6. Suction strainer
7. Oil sump

Lubrication system
DCD320-500 Engine TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 79

Combustion air system

Large quantities of air are necessary for burning the fuel supplied
to the engine. Free, unrestricted flow of fresh air and exhaust gas-
es is therefore essential to allow the engine to run efficiently.

Air cleaner
The intake air is cleaned in a two-stage air cleaner, the first stage
of which collects coarse particles by cyclone action, and the par-
ticles are disposed of through a particle ejector. The second
stage consists of a filter element - the main filter element. A pres-
sure indicator shows red signal if the pressure drop in the filter ex-
ceeds approximately 500 mm water column. At this point the filter
insert should be replaced. A safety filter element is located on the
inside of the main element. The safety element prevents the in-
gress of impurities into the engine while the main element is be-
ing changed and if the main element should sustain damage
while the engine is running, e.g. due to incorrect installation.

1. Particle ejector
2. Air filter
3. Pressure drop indicator

Air cleaner
DCD320-500 Engine TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 80

The turbocharger supplies more air to the combustion chambers
than the engine would be capable of drawing naturally. This ena-
bles the engine to burn more fuel which, in turn, increases the en-
gine output.
The turbocharger consists of a turbine wheel and a centrifugal
compressor impeller, each with a separate casing but mounted
on a common shaft.
The exhaust gases provide the energy necessary for driving the
turbine wheel which, in turn, drives the compressor.
The turbocharger is lubricated and cooled by the lubricating oil
from the engine.

In intercooling, the air that has been compressed and heated by
the turbo is cooled in an intercooler.
The intercooler increases the oxygen supply during combustion
so allowing the injected fuel to be burnt more effectively whilst re-
ducing fuel consumption as well as the level of exhaust emission.
Intercooling also reduces the thermal stressed on the engine, in-
creasing durability and reducing oil consumption.
1. Exhaust gases to the engine silencer
2. Exhaust gases from the engine
3. Air to the engine intercooler Inlet manifold heater
4. Intake air from the air filter Before the air is admitted into the combustion chamber, it flows
across an electrically heated starting element. This has a high
rating of 3 kW and heats the intake air sufficiently for the enigne
to start at low ambient temperatures. The heater element is ener-
gised when the starting key is turned to the heating position. Suit-
able preheating time is about 50 seconds.


1. Air from the turbocompressor

2. To engine cooling system
3. Inlet manifold heater
4. Air to engine combustion chambers

DCD320-500 Engine TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 81

Coolant quality
Throughout the year, the coolant should consist of a mixture of
60% of water and 40% of ethylene glycol. The coolant should be
changed and the cooling system should be flushed once a year.
Always add a corrosion inhibitor (Kalmar part No. 923.110.0003)
to the coolant, if the above mixture is not used in the cooling sys-
N.B. Never add a corrosion inhibitor if the cooling system
contains glycol, since this would cause foaming which seri-
ously impairs the cooling capacity.

Lubricating oil quality

See Group 90, Periodic supervision.

Draining the water from the fuel tank

Drain any water from the fuel tank by removing the drain plug. Im-
mediately refit the drain plug as soon as the flow of fuel is free
from water and other impurities.

Inspection of the air cleaner and changing the

filter element
Check the filter indicator with the engine running or stopped.
. If it shows red, the main filter element must be changed. The col-
lecting efficiency of the filter element will not be improved if the
1 2 element is changed too early. But if changing of the filter element
is delayed, smoke emission from the engine will increase, the en-
gine may lose power due to insufficient supply of combustion air,
and engine damage may occur in certain cases.
The air pipe from the air cleaner to the engine should be checked
for tightness from time to time. Minor leakage, such as that
caused by loose hose clips, and damaged or porous hoses may
cause dust to be drawn into the engine, which will give rise to
costly engine wear.

Change the filter element as follows:

1. The engine must not be running.
2. Clean the outside of the air cleaner.
3. Remove the cover.
1. Main filter insert 4. Release and carefully remove the main filter element. Do not
2. Safety filter element remove the safety filter element.
5. Fit a new main filter element. Carefully check that it is not
damaged. Note on the safety filter element when the main el-
ement was replaced.
6. Reset filter indicator.
7. Change the safety filter element:
– after the main filter element has been changed five times
– at least every other year
– if the indicator shows red after the main element has been
– if the engine has been run with the main element dam-
The safety filter element must not be cleaned and reused. The
engine must not be run without the main filter element. If the main
element must be cleaned and refitted in emergency cases, don’t
use compressed air to clean it, since the filter element may be
damaged. Before refitting it, carefully check that the main filter el-
ement is undamaged.
DCD320-500 Engine TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 82

Changing the oil and oil filter

N.B. Before draining the oil, make sure that it is at normal
working temperature.

1. Remove the drain plug from the underside of the sump and
drain the oil.
2. Clean the area round the filters and place a tray under the fil-
ters to collect any spillage.
3. Remove and discard the filter canisters, which are of dispos-
able type.
4. Pour clean oil into the centre of the new filters, wait until the
oil has seeped through the filter paper and top up until the fil-
ters are full.
5. Lubricate the canister seals with oil.
6. Fit the new filters and tighten them - by hand only.
7. Fill the engine with oil (see Group 90, Lubrication chart).
8. Run the engine and check that no oil leaks at the filters.
9. Stop the engine and check the oil level after a few minutes.
Top up as necessary to the MAX level on the dipstick.

N.B. To avoid serious damage to the engine, use only genu-

ine Kalmar filters.

Checking the V-belt tension

1. Check at regular intervals that the V-belts are correctly
tensioned. It should not be possible to depress the V-belt
more than 10 - 12 mm mid-way between the pulleys.
2. The engines are equipped with an automatic belt tensioner
which maintains the belt tension constant.

N.B. If the belt drive consists of two belts, always change

both belts.
DCD320-500 Engine TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 83

Checking and adjusting the valve clearances

N.B. Never attempt to check the valve clearances when the
engine is running. The engine must be stationary and cold.

1. Turn the crankshaft in its normal direction of rotation until the

inlet valve of No. 6 cylinder has just opened and the exhaust
valve of the same cylinder has not yet closed fully. Check the
valve clearances on No. 1 cylinder and adjust as necessary.

Valve clearances
Engine TWD1031VE TWD1231VE

Inlet 0.40 mm 0.40

Exhaust 0.70 mm 0.70

2. Check the other valves in accordance with the table below.

Check the valve clear- 1 5 3 6 2 4
ance of cylinder No

...when the inlet and ex- 6 2 4 1 5 3

haust valves of the fol-
lowing cylinders are just
changing over (are
moving simultaneously)

Changing the fuel filters

1. Clean the outsides of the filters.
2. Remove the filters and discard them.
3. Clean the filter head.
4. Check that the new filters are perfectly clean and that the
seals are in good condition.
5. Fit the new filter canisters and tighten them by hand until the
seal is in contact with the seating surface. Then tighten them
a further half a turn.
DCD320-500 Engine TWD1031VE/TWD1231VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 84

Preventive maintenance on the turbocharger

The turbocharger may be damaged and, in the worst case, may
break down if the engine is not properly serviced.

1. Check that the engine air inlet system is in good condition,
Never run the engine with the air inlet i.e. that the air cleaner is clean, that none of the hoses are
or exhaust pipes disconnected from worn and that hose connections are not defective, which
the turbocharger, since personnel would allow oil to seep past the seals on the compressor side
could then sustain injuries. and be entrained by the inlet air. The latter may lead to high
exhaust gas temperatures and overheating of the turbine
bearing. If corrective action is then not taken, the turbo-
charger may break down.
2. Change the lubricating oil and filter at the specified intervals.
Check at regular intervals that the lubricating oil lines to the
turbocharger are in good condition and do not leak. Also
check regularly that the oil pressure is not too low, since this
IMPORTANT! could quickly lead to damage to the turbocharger.
Adjustments on the injection pump are 3. Ensure that the fuel system is serviced at the specified inter-
to be performed by authorized person- vals. Inadequate fuel supply caused by clogged fuel filters or
nel only.
incorrect setting of the injection pump reduces the turbo-
charger speed which, in turn, results in a lower engine out-
4. Check that there are no restrictions in the crankcase ventila-
tion. If the vent is blocked, pressure may build up and may
force oil into the inlet air system of the turbocharger and
DCD320-500 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 30 P. 85

Volvo TWD1240VE

For further information, see Volvo Manuals.
DCD320-500 Engine Volvo TWD1240VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Specifications Group 30 P. 86

Manufacturer, type Volvo, TWD1240VE

Coolant volume, litres 44
Rating ISO 3046 kW (hp) 298 (415)
at r/min 2100
Torque ISO 3046, Nm 2000
at r/min 1150-1400
Number of cylinders 6
Swept volume, litres 12.13
Valve clearance, cold engine
inlet, mm See Volvo Workshop
exhaust, mm Manual
Idling speed, r/min 600-900
(Adjust so that the engine runs
Injection pump timing 10°±0.5 BTDC
starts to open at °C 75
fully open at °C 88
Lubricating oil filter Double full-flow, dispo-
sable paper filter with
by-pass valve.
Separate by-pass fil-
Lubricating oil pressure, kPa
running speed 400-550
idling speed min 175
Lubricating oil grade and viscosity See group 90
Volume incl filters, litres 35
DCD320-500 Engine Volvo TWD1240VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 87

The engine TWD1240VE is a 6-cylinder, inline, 4-stroke diesel
engine with overhead valves. The engine is turbocharged, i.e.
combustion air is supplied under pressure. As a result, the quan-
tity of fuel injected can be increased, which increases the engine
output. The turbocharger is driven by the exhaust gases and uses
energy that would otherwise be lost.
The engine is pressure-lubricated and incorporates an oil pump
which delivers oil to all lubrication points. Double oil filters, full-
flow with separate by-pass filter for effective cleaning. The fuel
system is protected against impurities by replaceable filters. The
engine has replaceable wet cylinder liners. The engine has sep-
arate, mutually interchangeable cylinder heads for each cylinder.
Pistons have piston cooling for low working temperature of pis-
tons and rings.
The engine is fitted with an electronic control system, EDC, which
includes fuel management and diagnostic functions.
TWD1240VE complies with EPA/CARB Tier 2 norms and EU
Stage II exhaust requirements.
DCD320-500 Engine Volvo TWD1240VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 88

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Fan hub
2. Lift lug
3. Charge air cooler
4. Starter motor
9 10 11 12
5. Fuel line for connection to fuel
6. Flywheel housing, SAE 1
7. Alternator 13 14 15
8. Coolant pump
9. Coolant pipe, inlet
10. Electronic control unit
11. Disposable fuel filter
12. Fuel pre-filter with condensa-
tion separator
13. Turbo compressor
14. Lif lug
15. Coolant pipe, outlet
16. Double full-flow filter, spin-on
17. By-pass filter
18. Coolant filter

16 17 18

Volvo TWD1240VE
DCD320-500 Engine Volvo TWD1240VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 89

EDC system
Certain Volvo engines are equipped with EDC, an electronic sys-
tem for the control of the diesel engine’s operation. The system’s
central unit receives information relating to a number of parame-
ters, such as, engine revolutions, coolant temperature, fuel tem-
perature, turbo-charge pressure, turbo-charge temperature, etc.,
and on the basis of the values received, determines the volume
of injected fuel.
The EDC system also contains a diagnostic system that enables
rapid fault finding, if a fault should occur.

Diagnostic system
A = Diagnostic Switch.
The switch lamp starts to continually blink if the EDC system re-
KL1257 ceives abnormal values from the engine, or if there is a fault in the
EDC system itself. When the switch is pressed for at least one
second, the alarm is reset and it is then possible to read off the
error code.
The switch lamp shows the error code by means of two-stage
blinking. First a series, then a 2 scond pause, then a further se-
A ries of blinks.
If several error codes are stored in the system, press the switch
again and read off the next code, and so on. When the first code
re-appears, all error codes have been read.
The system stores the codes until they are deleted and it possible
to check the codes again at any time.


DCD320-500 Engine Volvo TWD1240VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 90

Reading off the error codes

1. Lower the engine speed to idle.
2. Press switch A down for at least one second.
When the lamp starts to blink, the first error is shown
KL1257 For example: 2 blinks - pause - 4 blinks = error code 2.4
3. Press switch A down again to check if there are further error
codes. Continue until the first code re-appears.

Error Significance Result Remedy

code Always contact Service if the error remains
2.2 Low coolant level Engine shut down Check coolant level
5.8 High engine oil temperature Limited engine power Check engine oil level
6.1 High coolant temperature Engine shut down Check coolant level
Check for air in the expansion tank
6.2 High charge air temperature Engine pwer reduced Check coolant level
to 50%
6.6 High engine oil pressure Engine shut down Check oil level
Check oil filters for clogging
Other Contact Service

The system contains a great number of further error
codes which result in failure to start, starting problems,
uneven running, engine idling, engine shut down.
In all these cases, contact Service as soon as possible.

If the engine goes to idle, it can be run for emergency pur-

pose by releasing the accelerator pedal and the depress-
ing it again.

IMPORTANT! If the diagnostic system has resulted in re-

duced engine power. or engine shut down, all diagnostic
codes must be deleted before the engine can be restarted.

Deleting diagnostic codes

IMPORTANT! Never delete a diagnostic code before the

fault in question has been rectified

1. Switch off the ignition, this resets the error memory of the di-
agnostic function.
2. Switch the ignition on again, thereby the diagnostic function
is checking for any remaining errors. In case of remaining er-
rors, new error codes are registered.
3. This implies that error codes for corrected errors are auto-
matically erased at engine shut down. Errors that are not cor-
rected must be read and reset every time the ignition is
switched on.
If the diagnostic switch A is depressed after the correction of all
errors, code 1.1 will blink which means “No errors”.
DCD320-500 Engine Volvo TWD1240VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 91

Cooling system
The engine is liquid-cooled and equipped with a closed cooling
system consisting of the following main components:
z Coolant pump
z Coolant filter
z Radiator
z Thermostat
z Radiator fan
z Coolant passages
z Engine oil cooler
z Gearbox oil cooler
The coolant flows through a longitudinal passage into the engine
block. The opening into the cooling jacket of each cylinder is indi-
vidually sized to ensure that each cylinder will be supplied with
the same rate of coolant flow.
The coolant flows in the separate return lines converge into a
common pipe in the thermostat housing. The coolant then flows
to the coolant pump and then into the engine and to the oil cooler.
When the engine has reached its normal operating temperature,
the thermostat will open the circuit to the radiator.
The piston-type thermostat is capable of passing a high coolant
flow rate at a minimum of pressure drop, thus contributing to fa-
vourable coolant circulation in the engine.
The coolant pump is gear-driven with high capacity.
The cooling system is equipped with a sensor which activates the
”Low coolant level” warning lamp on the instrument panel, see
group 20.

2 1 5

3 4 1. Expansion tank
2. Outlet from engine to radiator
3. Inlet to engine from radiator
4. Coolant filter
5. Radiator
DCD320-500 Engine Volvo TWD1240VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 92

Fuel system
The fuel circulates in two circuits - the high-pressure circuit and
the low-pressure circuit. When the engine is started, the feed
pump draws fuel from the tank and delivers it at relatively low
pressure through fine filters up to the injection pump. This then
delivers fuel at high pressure to the injectors which supply the fuel
in atomised form to the engine combustion chambers.
Excess fuel which is circulated in the low-pressure system is also
cleaned in the fine filters and is returned through a spill valve back
to the tank.

The fuel system includes the following components:

Fuel tank - a separate unit located on the left-hand side of the
truck. The fuel volume in the tank can be read on a gauge on the
instrument panel.

Feed pump - of piston type, supplies fuel at a certain pressure

and flow rate to the injection pump.

Spill valve - which restricts the fuel feed pressure and provides
continuous venting of the fuel system. Excess fuel flows through
the injection pump before returning to the tank, thus cooling the
fuel in the fuel chamber of the pump, which contributes to more
uniform distribution of the fuel to the various cylinders.

Fuel filters - two filters connected in parallel and with a common

cover. The filters are of disposable type, with the filter elements
made of spirally wound paper.

Injectors - each with a nozzle holder and a nozzle. When the fuel
pressure has risen to the preset value, the needle will lift and at-
omised fuel will be injected into the combustion chamber through
accurately calibrated holes in the nozzle sleeve.
DCD320-500 Engine Volvo TWD1240VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 93

Lubrication system
The engine is pressure-lubricated, and the oil is supplied by a
pump in the oil sump. All lubricating oil flows through a double full-
flow filters.
The lubricating oil is cooled in an oil cooler by the engine coolant.
The lubricating system includes the following main components:
Oil pump - of gear type, which draws oil through a coarse strainer
that arrests larger particles. The pump delivers oil through the lu-
bricating oil filters to the various passages of the lubricating sys-
Piston cooling - reduces substantially the piston temperature
which, in turn, contributes to a longer life of the piston rings, re-
duces the risk of carbon deposits and lowers the oil consumption.
The pistons are cooled by oil which is sprayed by nozzles into the
underside of each piston and into the cooling passages when the
piston is at the bottom dead centre.
Cooling is controlled by a piston cooling valve which shuts off the
cooling oil supply at low engine speeds. This ensures that the lu-
bricating oil flow will be a maximum when the engine is started
and when it is running at idling speed. The valve also restricts the
pressure of the piston cooling oil at high engine speeds, to make
more oil available for lubrication.
Reducing valve - located just before the filter. The valve will
open if the lubricating oil pressure is too high and will return ex-
Piston cooling cess oil back to the sump.
Oil filter - of full-flow type, with a filter element of pleated filter pa-
per. To protect the engine against insufficient lubricating oil, a by-
pass valve is fitted in the oil filter bracket. The valve will open if
the lubricating oil pressure should rise above a certain pressure
due to clogging of the filter. When the valve is open, unfiltered oil
will flow to the engine. The filters are of disposable type and
should be scrapped after use.
Crankcase ventilation - prevents pressurising of the crankcase
and collects fuel vapour, steam and other gaseous products of
DCD320-500 Engine Volvo TWD1240VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 94

Combustion air system

Large quantities of air are necessary for burning the fuel supplied
to the engine. Free, unrestricted flow of fresh air and exhaust gas-
es is therefore essential to allow the engine to run efficiently.

Air cleaner
The intake air is cleaned in a two-stage air cleaner, the first stage
of which collects coarse particles by cyclone action, and the par-
ticles are disposed of through a particle ejector. The second
stage consists of a filter element - the main filter element. A pres-
sure indicator shows red signal if the pressure drop in the filter ex-
ceeds approximately 500 mm water column. At this point the filter
insert should be replaced. A safety filter element is located on the
inside of the main element. The safety element prevents the in-
gress of impurities into the engine while the main element is be-
ing changed and if the main element should sustain damage
while the engine is running, e.g. due to incorrect installation.

3 2 1

1. Particle ejector
2. Air filter
3. Pressure drop indicator

Air cleaner
DCD320-500 Engine Volvo TWD1240VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 95

The turbocharger supplies more air to the combustion chambers
than the engine would be capable of drawing naturally. This ena-
bles the engine to burn more fuel which, in turn, increases the en-
gine output.
The turbocharger consists of a turbine wheel and a centrifugal
compressor impeller, each with a separate casing but mounted
on a common shaft.
The exhaust gases provide the energy necessary for driving the
turbine wheel which, in turn, drives the compressor.
The turbocharger is lubricated and cooled by the lubricating oil
from the engine.

In intercooling, the air that has been compressed and heated by
the turbo is cooled in an intercooler.
The intercooler increases the oxygen supply during combustion
so allowing the injected fuel to be burnt more effectively whilst re-
ducing fuel consumption as well as the level of exhaust emission.
Intercooling also reduces the thermal stressed on the engine, in-
creasing durability and reducing oil consumption.
1. Exhaust gases to the engine silencer
2. Exhaust gases from the engine
3. Air to the engine intercooler Inlet manifold heater
4. Intake air from the air filter Before the air is admitted into the combustion chamber, it flows
across an electrically heated starting element. This has a high
rating of 3 kW and heats the intake air sufficiently for the enigne
to start at low ambient temperatures. The start element is auto-
matically activated by the engine electronics.


1. Air from the turbocompressor

2. To engine cooling system
3. Air to engine combustion cham-
bers 3

DCD320-500 Engine Volvo TWD1240VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 96

Coolant quality
Throughout the year, the coolant should consist of a mixture of
60% of water and 40% of ethylene glycol. The coolant should be
changed and the cooling system should be flushed once a year.
Always add a corrosion inhibitor (Kalmar part No. 923.110.0003)
to the coolant, if the above mixture is not used in the cooling sys-
N.B. Never add a corrosion inhibitor if the cooling system
contains glycol, since this would cause foaming which seri-
ously impairs the cooling capacity.

Lubricating oil quality

See Group 90, Periodic supervision.

Draining the water from the fuel tank

Drain any water from the fuel tank by removing the drain plug. Im-
mediately refit the drain plug as soon as the flow of fuel is free
from water and other impurities.

Inspection of the air cleaner and changing the

filter element
Check the filter indicator with the engine running or stopped.
. If it shows red, the main filter element must be changed. The col-
lecting efficiency of the filter element will not be improved if the
1 2 element is changed too early. But if changing of the filter element
is delayed, smoke emission from the engine will increase, the en-
gine may lose power due to insufficient supply of combustion air,
and engine damage may occur in certain cases.
The air pipe from the air cleaner to the engine should be checked
for tightness from time to time. Minor leakage, such as that
caused by loose hose clips, and damaged or porous hoses may
cause dust to be drawn into the engine, which will give rise to
costly engine wear.

Change the filter element as follows:

1. The engine must not be running.
2. Clean the outside of the air cleaner.
3. Remove the cover.
1. Main filter insert 4. Release and carefully remove the main filter element. Do not
2. Safety filter element remove the safety filter element.
5. Fit a new main filter element. Carefully check that it is not
damaged. Note on the safety filter element when the main el-
ement was replaced.
6. Reset filter indicator.
7. Change the safety filter element:
– after the main filter element has been changed five times
– at least every other year
– if the indicator shows red after the main element has been
– if the engine has been run with the main element dam-
The safety filter element must not be cleaned and reused. The
engine must not be run without the main filter element. If the main
element must be cleaned and refitted in emergency cases, don’t
use compressed air to clean it, since the filter element may be
damaged. Before refitting it, carefully check that the main filter el-
ement is undamaged.
DCD320-500 Engine Volvo TWD1240VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 97

Changing the oil and oil filter

N.B. Before draining the oil, make sure that it is at normal
working temperature.

1. Remove the drain plug from the underside of the sump and
drain the oil.
2. Clean the area round the filters and place a tray under the fil-
ters to collect any spillage.
3. Remove and discard the filter canisters, which are of dispos-
able type.
Use a suitable filter removal tool, 1 on the illustration.
4. Pour clean oil into the centre of the new filters, wait until the
oil has seeped through the filter paper and top up until the fil-
ters are full.
5. Lubricate the canister seals with oil.
6. Fit the new filters and tighten them - by hand only.
7. Fill the engine with oil (see Group 90, Lubrication chart).
8. Run the engine and check that no oil leaks at the filters.
9. Stop the engine and check the oil level after a few minutes.
Top up as necessary to the MAX level on the dipstick.

To avoid serious damage to the engine, use only genuine
Kalmar filters.

Checking the V-belt tension

1. Check at regular intervals that the V-belts are correctly
tensioned. It should not be possible to depress the V-belt
more than 3-4 mm mid-way between the pulleys.
2. The engines are equipped with an automatic belt tensioner
which maintains the belt tension constant.
Exception: Generator belt must be manually tensioned.

If the belt drive consists of two belts, always change both
DCD320-500 Engine Volvo TWD1240VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 98

Checking and adjusting the valve clearances

N.B. Never attempt to check the valve clearances when the
engine is running. The engine must be stationary and cold.

See volvo Workshop Manual

Changing the fuel filters

N.B. Do not fill the new filter with fuel before fitting. There is
a risk that impurities enter the filter and cause interruptions
in operations or damage.

IMPORTANT! Wait a few hours until the engine has cooled


1. Thoroughly clean around the fuel filter.

2. Screw off the filter using a suitable filter removal tool.
3. Clean the head of the filter.
4. Check to ensure that the new filter is absolutely clean and that
the seals are completely undamaged.
5. Brush a thin layer of engine oil on the seal ring and fit the new
6. Screw the new filter into place by hand until the seal lies
against the cover. Then tighten a further 1/2 turn.
7. Bleed the fuel system, see the Instruction Manual.
8. Run the engine at a slightly increased idling speed for approx-
imately 10 minutes to remove any remaining air from the sys-
tem. Carry out a leakage and function check.
DCD320-500 Engine Volvo TWD1240VE TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 99

Changing a fuel pre-filter with water sensor

1. Thoroughly clean around the fuel pre-filter.

2. Disconnect the water sensor A.
3. Drain off condensation water by opening the tap in the bottom
of the filter.
4. Screw off the filter using a suitable filter removal tool.
5. Clean the area of the filter housing where the filter sits.
6. Brush a thin layer of engine oil on the seal ring and fit the new
7. Re-connect the water sensorA.
A 8. Start the engine and carry out a leakage check.

Preventive maintenance on the turbocharger

The turbocharger may be damaged and, in the worst case, may
break down if the engine is not properly serviced.

WARNING! 1. Check that the engine air inlet system is in good condition,
i.e. that the air cleaner is clean, that none of the hoses are
Never run the engine with the air inlet worn and that hose connections are not defective, which
or exhaust pipes disconnected from would allow oil to seep past the seals on the compressor side
the turbocharger, since personnel
could then sustain injuries. and be entrained by the inlet air. The latter may lead to high
exhaust gas temperatures and overheating of the turbine
bearing. If corrective action is then not taken, the turbo-
charger may break down.
2. Change the lubricating oil and filter at the specified intervals.
Check at regular intervals that the lubricating oil lines to the
turbocharger are in good condition and do not leak. Also
check regularly that the oil pressure is not too low, since this
could quickly lead to damage to the turbocharger.
3. Ensure that the fuel system is serviced at the specified inter-
vals. Inadequate fuel supply caused by clogged fuel filters or
incorrect setting of the injection pump reduces the turbo-
charger speed which, in turn, results in a lower engine out-
4. Check that there are no restrictions in the crankcase ventila-
tion. If the vent is blocked, pressure may build up and may
force oil into the inlet air system of the turbocharger and
DCD320-500 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 30 P. 100

Cummins QSM 11

For further information, see Cummins Operation and Mainte-
nance Manual
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSM 11 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Specifications Group 30 P. 101

Manufacturer, type QSM 11

Coolant volume, litres 47
Rating ISO 3046 kW (hp) 246 (334)
at r/min 2100
Torque ISO 3046, Nm 1674
at r/min 1100
Number of cylinders 6
Swept volume, litres 10.8
Valve clearance, cold engine
inlet, mm 0.40
exhaust, mm 0.70
Idling speed, r/min 600-900
(Adjust so that the engine runs
Injection pump timing 10°±0.5 BTDC
starts to open at °C 82
fully open at °C 93
Lubricating oil filter Double full-flow, dispo-
sable paper filter with
by-pass valve.
Separate by-pass fil-
Lubricating oil pressure, kPa
running speed 207-448
idling speed min 69
Lubricating oil grade and viscosity See group 90
Volume incl filters, litres 34
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSM 11 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 102

The engine QSM 11 is a 6-cylinder, inline, 4-stroke diesel engine
with overhead valves. The engine is turbocharged, i.e. combus-
tion air is supplied under pressure. As a result, the quantity of fuel
injected can be increased, which increases the engine output.
The turbocharger is driven by the exhaust gases and uses energy
that would otherwise be lost.
The engine is pressure-lubricated and incorporates an oil pump
which delivers oil to all lubrication points. Full-flow oil filters for ef-
fective cleaning. The fuel system is protected against impurities
by replaceable filters.
The engine is fitted with an electronic monitoring system which
includes fuel management and diagnostic functions.
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSM 11 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 103

1 2 3 10 4 6

1. Fan hub
A40300.0100 2/2
2. Lift lug
3. Charge air cooler
19 11
4. Starter motor
5. -
6. Flywheel housing, SAE 1
7. Alternator
8. Coolant pump
9. Coolant pipe, inlet
10. Electronic control unit
11. Disposable fuel filter
12. Fuel pre-filter with condensa-
tion separator
13. Turbo compressor
14. Lif lug
15. Coolant pipe, outlet
16. Oil filter, spin-on type
17. -
18. Coolant filter
19. Fuel pump


18 16 8 9

Cummins QSM 11
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSM 11 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 104

Monitoring system
Machines that are equipped with the Cummins QSM 11 have a
separate engine monitoring system. The engine is not affected by
the machine’s ECS. An error code, that in the ECS would reduce
engine revolutions, does not have this effect with the QSM 11.
However, the ECS does display current values of, engine oil pres-
sure, coolant temperature, etc.

The engine monitoring system is separately installed on the

instrument panel and includes:
1. ENGINE MAINTENANCE, spring-loaded switch with orange
– Lamp lights up when maintenance of the engine is re-
– In the DIAGNOSIS position, the spring-loaded switch is
used to move between ERROR CODES.
2. DIAGNOSIS, spring-loaded switch with green lamp.
– Used to activate the engine error codes, in the
DIAGNOSIS position, i.e., switch 2 depressed.
3. STOP ENGINE, red lamp.
– Lamp lights up when a serious engine fault occurs.
Stop the engine as soon as is possible, without risking
safety. Otherwise, there is a risk of permanent damage to
the engine. The engine must not then be run before the
fault in question has been rectified.
1 2 3 4 – The red lamp also shows the actual error code by means
of a blink system, when in the DIAGNOSIS position, see
4. CHECK ENGINE, orange lamp.
– Lamp lights up when a less serious engine fault occurs.
It is still possible to run the engine, but the fault must be
rectified as soon as possible.
– In the DIAGNOSIS position the lamp starts to blink after
the red lamp has shown the actual error code.

Lamp functions
The table below shows the lamp functions and significance at
start-up and during operation.
Function Significance Lamps and their patterns
(Green in switch 2) (Orange) (Red)
Lamp check at engine Check to ensure lamps LIGHTS UP, LIGHTS UP, LIGHTS UP,
start-up function GOES OUT after 2 s GOES OUT after 2 s GOES OUT after 2 s
Engine protection System problem, BLINKS slowly
contact service
Maintenance monitor Time for service LIGHTS UP
Current service interval BLINKS rapidly 3x5
exceeded. blinks
Contact service
DIAGNOSIS Less serious fault LIGHTS UP
DIAGNOSIS switch in Error code registered continuously
OFF position Serious fault with risk LIGHTS UP
of engine damage. continuously
Error code registered
ERROR CODES Blinking of error codes BLINKS once per error BLINKS the number for
DIAGNOSIS switch in code the current error code,
ON position see list of error codes
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSM 11 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 105

Error Codes
1. Stop engine.
2. Turn the ignition key to the operating position so that all
lamps light up.
3. Press down DIAGNOSIS switch.
4. If there are no error codes to be shown, the red and orange
lamps will show a continuous light.
5. If there are error codes to be shown, the orange light blinks
once. Thereafter the red light blinks in a pattern with first the
first number, then the second number and lastly the third
number of the error code number.
Example: Error code 143
1 blink, pause, 4 blinks, pause, 3 blinks
The pattern is repeated until the fault is rectified
(in the DIAGNOSIS position.
6. To see the next error code, press the spring-loaded switch
(1) once.
Note. The orange lamp blinks before each new error code.

The table below shows a number of common error codes that

operators themselves can rectify.
There are a large number of additional error codes. Rectify as per
points 3 or 4 on the previous page.
IMPORTANT! Always contact service if the error code is still
displayed. It is prohibited to operate the machine until the
fault has been rectified and the error code is no longer

Error Code Description Lamp

143 Low oil pressure, check engine oil level and top-up as required. Orange
151 High coolant temperature, stop engine as soon as possible. Check coolant level and Red
top-up as required.
214 High oil temperature, stop engine as soon as possible. Check oil level or coolant Red
and top-up oil/coolant as required. Contact service if error code still displayed.
415 Very low oil pressure, stop engine as soon as possible. Check oil level and top-up Red
as required. Contact service if error code still displayed.
441 Low battery voltage, Orange
check the battery.
597 Low battery voltage, Orange
check the battery.
598 Very low battery voltage, stop the engine as soon as possible and contact service. Red
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSM 11 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 106

Cooling system
The engine is liquid-cooled and equipped with a closed cooling
system consisting of the following main components:
z Coolant pump
z Coolant filter
z Radiator
z Thermostat
z Radiator fan
z Coolant passages
z Engine oil cooler
z Gearbox oil cooler
The coolant flows through a longitudinal passage into the engine
block. The opening into the cooling jacket of each cylinder is indi-
vidually sized to ensure that each cylinder will be supplied with
the same rate of coolant flow.
The coolant flows in the separate return lines converge into a
common pipe in the thermostat housing. The coolant then flows
to the coolant pump and then into the engine and to the oil cooler.
When the engine has reached its normal operating temperature,
the thermostat will open the circuit to the radiator.
The piston-type thermostat is capable of passing a high coolant
flow rate at a minimum of pressure drop, thus contributing to fa-
vourable coolant circulation in the engine.
The coolant pump is gear-driven with high capacity.
The cooling system is equipped with a sensor which activates the
”Low coolant level” warning lamp on the instrument panel, see
group 20.
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSM 11 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 107

Fuel system
When the engine is started, the feed pump draws fuel from the
tank and delivers fuel at high pressure to the injectors which sup-
ply the fuel in atomised form to the engine combustion chambers.
Excess fuel which is circulated is returned through a spill valve
back to the tank.

The fuel system includes the following components:

Fuel tank - a separate unit located on the left-hand side of the
truck. The fuel volume in the tank can be read on a gauge on the
instrument panel.

Feed pump – gear-wheel type, feeds fuel at a certain pressure

and flow to the injection pumps, one separate pump for each

Fuel filters - of disposable type, with the filter element made of

spirally wound paper.

Injectors - each with a nozzle holder and a nozzle. When the fuel
pressure has risen to the preset value, the needle will lift and at-
omised fuel will be injected into the combustion chamber through
accurately calibrated holes in the nozzle sleeve.
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSM 11 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 108

Lubrication system
The engine is pressure-lubricated, and the oil is supplied by a
pump in the oil sump. All lubricating oil flows through a double full-
flow filters.
The lubricating system includes the following main components:
Oil pump - of gear type, which draws oil through a coarse strainer
that arrests larger particles. The pump delivers oil through the lu-
bricating oil filters to the various passages of the lubricating sys-

Reducing valve - located just before the filter. The valve will
open if the lubricating oil pressure is too high and will return ex-
cess oil back to the sump.

Oil cooler - Lubrication oil is cooled in an oil cooler where the

cooling medium is the coolant from the engine cooling system.

Oil thermostat - opens and feeds oil to the oil cooler at a certain

Oil filter - of full-flow type, with a filter element of pleated filter pa-
per. To protect the engine against insufficient lubricating oil, a by-
pass valve is fitted in the oil filter bracket. The valve will open if
the lubricating oil pressure should rise above a certain pressure
due to clogging of the filter. When the valve is open, unfiltered oil
will flow to the engine. The filters are of disposable type and
should be scrapped after use.

Crankcase ventilation - prevents pressurising of the crankcase

and collects fuel vapour, steam and other gaseous products of
combustion. Crankcase ventilation is provided by a pipe connect-
ed to the crankcase inspection cover on the right-hand side of the
engine, between the starter motor and the oil filter.
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSM 11 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 30 P. 109

Combustion air system

Large quantities of air are necessary for burning the fuel supplied
to the engine. Free, unrestricted flow of fresh air and exhaust gas-
es is therefore essential to allow the engine to run efficiently.

Air cleaner
The intake air is cleaned in a two-stage air cleaner, the first stage
of which collects coarse particles by cyclone action, and the par-
ticles are disposed of through a particle ejector. The second
stage consists of a filter element - the main filter element. A pres-
sure indicator shows red signal if the pressure drop in the filter ex-
ceeds approximately 500 mm water column. At this point the filter
insert should be replaced. A safety filter element is located on the
inside of the main element. The safety element prevents the in-
gress of impurities into the engine while the main element is be-
ing changed and if the main element should sustain damage
while the engine is running, e.g. due to incorrect installation.

The turbocharger supplies more air to the combustion chambers
than the engine would be capable of drawing naturally. This ena-
bles the engine to burn more fuel which, in turn, increases the en-
gine output.
The turbocharger consists of a turbine wheel and a centrifugal
compressor impeller, each with a separate casing but mounted
on a common shaft.
The exhaust gases provide the energy necessary for driving the
turbine wheel which, in turn, drives the compressor.
The turbocharger is lubricated and cooled by the lubricating oil
from the engine.

In intercooling, the air that has been compressed and heated by
the turbo is cooled in an intercooler.
The intercooler increases the oxygen supply during combustion
so allowing the injected fuel to be burnt more effectively whilst re-
ducing fuel consumption as well as the level of exhaust emission.
Intercooling also reduces the thermal stressed on the engine, in-
creasing durability and reducing oil consumption.
1. Exhaust gases to the engine silencer
2. Exhaust gases from the engine
3. Air to the engine intercooler Inlet manifold heater
4. Intake air from the air filter Before the air is admitted into the combustion chamber, it flows
across an electrically heated starting element. This has a high
rating of 3 kW and heats the intake air sufficiently for the enigne
to start at low ambient temperatures. The start element is auto-
matically activated by the engine electronics.

DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSM 11 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 110

Coolant quality
Throughout the year, the coolant should consist of a mixture of
60% of water and 40% of ethylene glycol. The coolant should be
changed and the cooling system should be flushed once a year.
Always add a corrosion inhibitor (Kalmar part No. 923.110.0003)
to the coolant, if the above mixture is not used in the cooling sys-
N.B. Never add a corrosion inhibitor if the cooling system
contains glycol, since this would cause foaming which seri-
ously impairs the cooling capacity.

Lubricating oil quality

See Group 90, Periodic supervision.

Draining the water from the fuel tank

Drain any water from the fuel tank by removing the drain plug. Im-
mediately refit the drain plug as soon as the flow of fuel is free
from water and other impurities.

Inspection of the air cleaner and changing the

filter element
Check the filter indicator with the engine running or stopped.
. If it shows red, the main filter element must be changed. The col-
lecting efficiency of the filter element will not be improved if the
1 2 element is changed too early. But if changing of the filter element
is delayed, smoke emission from the engine will increase, the en-
gine may lose power due to insufficient supply of combustion air,
and engine damage may occur in certain cases.
The air pipe from the air cleaner to the engine should be checked
for tightness from time to time. Minor leakage, such as that
caused by loose hose clips, and damaged or porous hoses may
cause dust to be drawn into the engine, which will give rise to
costly engine wear.

Change the filter element as follows:

1. The engine must not be running.
2. Clean the outside of the air cleaner.
3. Remove the cover.
1. Main filter insert 4. Release and carefully remove the main filter element. Do not
2. Safety filter element remove the safety filter element.
5. Fit a new main filter element. Carefully check that it is not
damaged. Note on the safety filter element when the main el-
ement was replaced.
6. Reset filter indicator.
7. Change the safety filter element:
– after the main filter element has been changed five times
– at least every other year
– if the indicator shows red after the main element has been
– if the engine has been run with the main element dam-
The safety filter element must not be cleaned and reused. The
engine must not be run without the main filter element. If the main
element must be cleaned and refitted in emergency cases, don’t
use compressed air to clean it, since the filter element may be
damaged. Before refitting it, carefully check that the main filter el-
ement is undamaged.
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSM 11 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 111

Changing the oil and oil filter

N.B. Before draining the oil, make sure that it is at normal
working temperature.

1. Remove the drain plug from the underside of the sump and
drain the oil.
2. Clean the area round the filter and place a tray under the fil-
ter to collect any spillage.
3. Remove and discard the filter canister, which are of dispos-
able type.
Use a suitable filter removal tool, 1 on the illustration.
4. Pour clean oil into the centre of the new filter, wait until the oil
has seeped through the filter paper and top up until the filter
is full.
5. Lubricate the canister seal with oil.
6. Fit the new filter and tighten it - by hand only.
7. Fill the engine with oil (see Group 90, Lubrication chart).
8. Run the engine and check that no oil leaks at the filter.
9. Stop the engine and check the oil level after a few minutes.
Top up as necessary to the MAX level on the dipstick.

To avoid serious damage to the engine, use only genuine
Kalmar filters.

Checking the V-belt tension

1. Check at regular intervals that the V-belts are correctly
tensioned. It should not be possible to depress the V-belt
more than 3-4 mm mid-way between the pulleys.
2. The engines are equipped with an automatic belt tensioner
which maintains the belt tension constant.

If the belt drive consists of two belts, always change both
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSM 11 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 112

Checking and adjusting the valve clearances

N.B. Never attempt to check the valve clearances when the
engine is running. The engine must be stationary and cold.

1. Turn the crankshaft in its normal direction of rotation until the

inlet valve of No. 6 cylinder has just opened and the exhaust
valve of the same cylinder has not yet closed fully. Check the
valve clearances on No. 1 cylinder and adjust as necessary.

Valve clearances
Engine WSM 11

Inlet 0.40
Exhaust 0.70

2. Check the other valves in accordance with the table below.

Check the valve clear- 1 5 3 6 2 4
ance of cylinder No

...when the inlet and ex- 6 2 4 1 5 3

haust valves of the fol-
lowing cylinders are just
changing over (are
moving simultaneously)

Changing the fuel filters

N.B. Do not fill the new filter with fuel before fitting. There is
a risk that impurities enter the filter and cause interruptions
in operations or damage.

IMPORTANT! Wait a few hours until the engine has cooled


1. Thoroughly clean around the fuel filter.

2. Screw off the filter using a suitable filter removal tool.
3. Clean the head of the filter.
4. Check to ensure that the new filter is absolutely clean and that
the seal is completely undamaged.
5. Brush a thin layer of engine oil on the seal ring and fit the new
6. Screw the new filter into place by hand until the seal lies
against the cover. Then tighten a further 1/2 turn.
7. Bleed the fuel system, see the Instruction Manual.
8. Run the engine at a slightly increased idling speed for approx-
imately 10 minutes to remove any remaining air from the sys-
tem. Carry out a leakage and function check.
DCD320-500 Engine Cummins QSM 11 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 30 P. 113

Preventive maintenance on the turbocharger

The turbocharger may be damaged and, in the worst case, may
break down if the engine is not properly serviced.

1. Check that the engine air inlet system is in good condition,
Never run the engine with the air inlet i.e. that the air cleaner is clean, that none of the hoses are
or exhaust pipes disconnected from worn and that hose connections are not defective, which
the turbocharger, since personnel would allow oil to seep past the seals on the compressor side
could then sustain injuries. and be entrained by the inlet air. The latter may lead to high
exhaust gas temperatures and overheating of the turbine
bearing. If corrective action is then not taken, the turbo-
charger may break down.
2. Change the lubricating oil and filter at the specified intervals.
Check at regular intervals that the lubricating oil lines to the
turbocharger are in good condition and do not leak. Also
check regularly that the oil pressure is not too low, since this
could quickly lead to damage to the turbocharger.
3. Ensure that the fuel system is serviced at the specified inter-
vals. Inadequate fuel supply caused by clogged fuel filters or
incorrect setting of the injection pump reduces the turbo-
charger speed which, in turn, results in a lower engine out-
4. Check that there are no restrictions in the crankcase ventila-
tion. If the vent is blocked, pressure may build up and may
force oil into the inlet air system of the turbocharger and
DCD320-500 Empty page TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 30 P. 114
DCD320-500 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Contents Group 40 P. 1

Group 40
Transmission, drive axle,
Specification .............................................................................. 2
Transmission ............................................................................. 3
Description ........................................................................... 3
Torque converter ............................................................. 3
Gearbox........................................................................... 3
Oil circuit.......................................................................... 9
Service ............................................................................... 10
Oil level check ............................................................... 10
Changing gearbox oil and filter...................................... 10
Checking pressures....................................................... 11
Drive axle, Meritor (Rockwell).................................................. 12
Description ......................................................................... 12
WDB-system ................................................................. 15
Parking brake system.................................................... 16
Service ............................................................................... 17
Changing the drive-axle oil............................................ 17
Parking brake – initial adjustment ................................. 18
Compensation of lining wear ......................................... 18
Drive axle, Kessler................................................................... 19
Description ......................................................................... 19
The differential............................................................... 19
Hub reduction ................................................................ 20
Service brake ................................................................ 21
Service ............................................................................... 22
Parking brake ................................................................ 22
Changing the drive axle oil ............................................ 23

Inspection of dismountable rims and

Safety test when changing tyres, see group 60
DCD320-500 Specifications TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 40 P. 2

Torque converter and gearbox

Model Clark 13,7 HR32312 Clark - 15,5 HR36432 Clark - 15,7 HRT40432

Number of gears 3F - 3R 4F - 4R 4F - 4R

Oil capacity, total system, l 21 42 56

Oil grade See group 90

Oil operating temperature, °C 82–93 82–93

Max. permissible temperature, °C 120 120

Clutch pressure, bar 17–20

with parking brake applied, oil temp. All clutch pressures should be equal to within 0.4 bar as indicated on pres-
82–93°C, engine idling at 625 r/min sure gauge in cab.

Clutch type Multiple disc, hydraulic. Automatic wear compensation (no adjustment). All
clutches oil cooled and lubricated.

Stall speed, r/min 1990±50 TWD731VE/13,7 HR 32312

1782±50 TWD1031VE/15,5 HR 36432
1927±50 TWD1031VE/15,7 HRT 40432

Oil filtration Full-flow oil filter with safety by-pass; also strainer screen in sump at bottom
of transmission case.

Drive axle

Model Meritor Meritor Kessler D102

PRC 3805 W4H PRC 7534 W4H

Brake system Wet disc brakes

Parking brake system Spring-activated disc brake on drive axle input-shaft.

Wheel dimensions, front/rear, in See data sheets

Tyre pressure, MPa 1,0 1,0 1,0

Oil change capacities, l Hub 2 x 10.3 Axle 104’’: Hub 2 x 10 Hub 2 x 12

Differential 22.5 Differential 45 Differential 65
Axle 119’’: Hub 2 x 10
Differential 50

Oil grade See group 90

Tightening torque
Drive axle mounting bolts, Nm 1570 (160 kpm) 2350 (240 kpm) 2350 (240 kpm)
oiled screw
Rim clamp nuts, Nm 402 (41 kpm) 402 (41 kpm) 370 (37 kpm)
Universal drive axle joint, Nm M10: 79
– against gearbox 7/16”: 110 99 (10 kpm) 79 (8 kpm)
oiled screw dry screw
– against drive axle 3/8” UNF: 59 115 (12 kpm) 110 (11 kpm)
oiled screw dry screw
DCD320-500 Transmission TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 3

The transmission consists of a torque converter integrated with

the gearbox, and a propeller shaft, driven axle with differential,
hub reductions and brakes.
The torque converter and gearbox run together, using a common
hydraulic system. The torque converter can be regarded as a hy-
draulic coupling and is located between the engine output shaft
and the gearbox input shaft.

Torque converter
The most important components of the torque converter are the
pump impeller, turbine wheel and stator, see page 40.4. Engine
IMPORTANT! power is transmitted mechanically to the pump impeller. The im-
The machine must not be run at stall peller starts an oil flow in the torque converter, and is comparable
speed longer than 30 seconds at a time. to a centrifugal pump which draws oil into the centre and dis-
The torque converter will otherwise charges it at the periphery.
overheat, causing damage to the seals The turbin wheel is located opposite the pump impeller and is
and thus necessitating expensive over-
haul. connected to the torque converter output shaft. The oil enters the
turbine wheel at the periphery and is discharged at the centre.
The stator is located between the pump impeller and the turbine
wheel, at their inside diameter. The function of the stator is to
guide the flow of oil from the inside diameter of the turbine wheel
back to the inside diameter of the pump impeller in the best pos-
sible way.
Torque conversion takes place in the oil circuit of the torque con-
verter. When the load on the truck increases, i.e. when the torque
required increases, the turbine wheel slows down in relation to
the pump impeller, and the oil flowing through the stator then in-
creases the torque.
The output torque gradually increases as the speed of the output
shaft decreases and is a maximum when the output shaft and
thus also the turbine wheel are stationary, i.e. are stalled, see
Technical data.

The gearbox is of constant-mesh type. Gear-changing is carried
out by clutch plates for the various gears being hydraulically ac-
The valve body mounted on the side of the gearbox includes
spool valves which guide the oil flow to the various clutches. The
spools are activated in turn by solenoid valves. These are activat-
ed electrically by the gear selector in the cab. As an optional extra
an automatic gear changing system is available. See Group 20.
The gearbox has three or four ratios in each direction and is also
provided with disengagement, which is actuated by the separate
clutch pedal simultaneously as breaking.
DCD320-500 Transmission TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 4




1. Turbine wheel
2. Pump impeller
3. Stator
4. Torque converter
5. Oil filter
6. Oil pump
7. Clutch disc

Gearbox Clark 32000

DCD320-500 Transmission TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 5

1ST =
2ND =
3RD =
4TH =

1. Pump impeller
2. Turbine wheel
3. Stator
4. Oil pump
5. Suction
6. From engine
7. Coupling clutch

Gearbox Clark 36000

DCD320-500 Transmission TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 6

4 5


1. Pump impeller
2. Turbine wheel
3. Stator
4. Oil pump
5. Suction
6. From engine
7. Coupling clutch

Gearbox Clark 40000

DCD320-500 Transmission TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 7

The valve body mounted on the side of the gearbox includes

spool valves which guide the oil flow to the various clutches. The
1 spools, in turn, are electrically activated from the selector lever in
N the cab. A mechanical gear-changing system is available as an
The gearbox has three ratios in each direction and is also provid-
ed with disengagement, which is actuated by a separate inching
pedal at the left brake pedal and comes into operation at a certain
brake pressure.
The electrical gear-changing system is either manual or automat-
ical, see Group 20.

Clark 32000
Gear Activated
F3 F
F2 F, 2
F1 F, 1, 2
N3 -
N2 2
N1 1, 2
R3 R
3 R2 R, 2
2 R1 R, 1, 2

The gearbox valve housing,
Clark 32000

Clark 36000
Gear Activated
F4 F
F3 F, 3
F2 F, 2, 3
F1 F, 1, 2, 3
N -
R4 R
R3 R, 3
R2 R, 2, 3
R1 R, 1, 2, 3

The gearbox valve housing,

Clark 36000
DCD320-500 Transmission TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 8

Clark 40000
Gear Activated
F4 F
F3 F, 3
F2 F, 2, 3
F1 F, 1, 2, 3
N4 -
N3 3
N2 2, 3
N1 1, 2, 3
R4 R
R3 R, 3
R2 R, 2, 3
R1 R, 1, 2, 3

The gearbox valve housing,

Clark 40000
DCD320-500 Transmission TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 9

Oil circuit
The function of the oil is:
– to transmit the engine output to the gearbox. The torque
converter can multiply the engine torque by up to three
times, but at the expense of the speed rotation.
– to apply the clutches in the gearbox.
– to dissipate the heat from the torque converter.
– to lubricate the gearbox and the torque converter.
– to transport any solid particles to the filter.
When the engine is running, the oil pump draws oil through a suc-
tion strainer from the gearbox sump and then delivers it through
a fine filter to a pressure regulating valve.
The regulating valve delivers oil at the right pressure to the gear-
box valve body, which actuates the clutch plates for Forward/Re-
verse and 1st/2nd/3rd/4th. The clutches use only a small
proportion of oil delivered by the pump. The remainder is fed
through the torque converter circuit to the oil cooler, and returns
to the gearbox for lubrication.

1. Converter
2. Oil cooler
3. Converter safety valve
4. Lube manifold
5. -
6. Suction from transmission sump
7. Filter
8. Clutch pressure regulating valve
9. Solenoid valve, Forw
10. Solenoid valve, Rev
11. Clutches
12. -
13. Pump

Oil circuit
DCD320-500 Transmission TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 40 P. 10

Oil level check (transmission, incl. converter)

Clark 32000 Check the oil level daily with the engine at idling speed and the oil
temperature between 82 and 93°C.
Maintain the oil level at the FULL mark.

Changing the gearbox oil and filter

This should be carried out when the oil is at normal working tem-
perature (82–93°C).

1. Remove the gearbox drain plug and drain the oil.

2. Release the suction strainer, withdraw it and clean the strain-
er gauze. N.B. If metal particles are found in the strainer
gauze, investigate the reason before topping up with new oil.
3. Fit a new gasket to the suction strainer and fit the strainer.
Clark 36000/40000 4. Unscrew the filter bowl, remove the filter and fit a new filter
5. Fit the new filter and tighten it.
6. Fit the drain plugs and tighten them.
7. Fill with oil to the MIN mark on the dipstick.
8. Start the engine and run it at 500–600 r/min until the oil has
reached working temperature, and the hoses, cooler and
torque converter have been filled with oil.
9. Keep the engine running at idling speed, check the oil level
and top up to the MAX mark on the dipstick.

In the event of gearbox damage, always replace the oil
cooler – the damage may have been caused by the oil
cooler being faulty.
Oil filter

Clark 32000 Clark 36000/40000


1. Suction strainer
2. Drain plug

Suction strainer and drain plug

DCD320-500 Transmission TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 40 P. 11

Checking pressures
Converter outlet pressure: (”Converter out”)
1. The pressure should always be checked when the oil is at
the normal working temperature of 80–95°C, the gearbox is
IMPORTANT! in neutral and the engine is running at 2000 r/min.
When the check is carried out under
identical conditions, the pressure 2. The pressure should be above 1.7 bar, although the pres-
must not vary by more than 0.4 bar sure must not exceed 4.9 bar when the engine is running at
between the various clutches. top speed.

Clutch pressure, all gears:

1. Indicated on the pressure gauge in the cab.
2. Parking brake set, oil temperature 80–95°C and engine at
low idle.
3. Shift through all gears and F/R. The pressure should be 17-
20 bar.

In case of incorrect clutch pressure, first check the gearbox
pressure sensor, see picture.
If more details concerning individual test outlets are re-

Clark 32000
1 2

1. Oil cooler
2. Clutch pressure sensor
3. Measurement point “converter outlet”

Clark 36000/40000 2

DCD320-500 Drive axle, Meritor TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 12

Drive axle, Meritor (Rockwell)

The drive axle features two-stage reduction (differential and hub).
Rockwell planetary axles permit the bevel or hypoid gearing of
the carrier and the axle shafts to carry only a nominal torsional
load while at the same time providing the highest practical gear
reduction ratio at the wheels.
The differential assembly employs a heavy duty hypoid drive pin-
ion and ring gear. The differential and gear assembly is mounted
on tapered roller bearings. The straddle mounted pinion has two
tapered roller bearings in front of the pinion teeth which take the
forward and reverse thrust and a third bearing behind the pinion
teeth to carry the radial load.
The hub reduction consists of a planetary gear. Each hub reduc-
tion consists of a sun wheel, three planet wheels which rotate
around the sun wheel, and a ring gear surrounding the planet
The hub reduction consists of a planetary gear with sun gear,
three planet spur gears and a floating ring gear.
The spur teeth of the sun gear (which floats) mesh with the teeth
of the planet spur gears. The planet spur gears rotate on planet
pins which are mounted in a spider. The planet spur teeth, in turn,
mesh with the teeth of the floating ring gear.
Power is transmitted by the pinion and gear of the differential to
the axle shafts driving the sun gear of the second reduction,
through the revolving planet gears, and then to the planetery spi-
der which drives the wheel hub.
The axle is equipped with an oil-cooled brake system – the wet
disc brake system.
DCD320-500 Drive axle, Meritor TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 13

1. Planet holder
2. Insert axle with sun wheel
3. Planet wheel
4. Axle end
5. Ring wheel
6. Ring wheel hub
7. Wheel hub
DCD320-500 Drive axle, Meritor TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 14

1. Crown wheel
2. Radial roller bearing
3. Pinion
4. Tapered roller bearings for axial thrust
5. Parking brake assembly
6. Brake cylinder
7. Brake disc

Differential assembly
DCD320-500 Drive axle, Meritor TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 15

The wet disc brake system is maintenance free, being immune to
wear. Neither are the brakes prone to the fading which normally
occurs under tough operating conditions. Furthermore, adjust-
ment of the brakes is not required.
The brakes consist of a series of stationary and rotary discs ar-
ranged alternately. The stationary discs are anchored (splined) to
the brake housing. The friction discs fit between the stationary
discs and revolve with the wheel hub. Hydraulic pressure sup-
plied by the accumulator when the brake pedal is operated
moves a large hydraulic piston outwards which in turn pushes the
discs together to slow the rotation of the re-volving friction discs.
This slows the motion of each wheel hub and stops the vehicle.
The system is fully enclosed, thereby effectively excluding all dirt
and contamination.
A cooling circuit is provided to dissipate the heat produced when
braking. The cooling circuit uses fluid from the general hydraulic
system, which means that the total volume of hydraulic fluid in the
truck participates in the cooling process.

1. Brake pressure from foot brake

2. Hydraulic piston
3. Disc arrangement
4. Hub to spindel seal
5. To vehicle hydraulic system
6. Cooling fluid from vehicle hydraulic system
7. Cooling fluid cavity
8. Lubricating fluid cavity

Wet disc brake

DCD320-500 Drive axle, Meritor TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 16

Parking brake system

The parking brake, which is of the disc type, is mounted on the
drive axle input shaft. The brake is operated by a heavy-duty
spring in the parking brake cylinder and is released by hydraulic
pressure, counteracting the spring force. The brake cylinder and
the caliper assembly form an integral unit.
The brakes are controlled electrically, by means of a switch
which, in turn, activates a solenoid valve that directs the hydraulic
pressure to and from the brake cylinders. See also group 70.
The parking brake can also be used as an emergency brake.
Emergency braking causes heavy wear to the brake pads. There-
fore the brake pads have to be changed after any emergency
brake operation.

1. Cylinder and caliper assembly

2. Piston
3. Spring cap
4. Brake linings
6. Seal, large
7. Back up ring, large
8. Seal, small
9. Backup ring, small
10. Stud
11. Lock nut
12. Washer
13. Locking pin
14. Washer
15. Spring

Parking brake
DCD320-500 Drive axle, Meritor TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 40 P. 17

Changing the drive axle oil

To assure that the wheel ends of planetary axles with a
common wheel end/housing bowl oil level are initially
lubricated, fill each wheel end directly with oil before ve-
hicle is put back into operation. DO NOT FILL THE AXLE

1. Drive the truck forward until the oil drain plug on one of the
wheel hub reductions is at its lowest point of travel.
2. Remove the oil plug and drain the oil. Refit the plug.
3. Repeat the procedure on the other wheel.
4. Remove the drain plug from the bottom of the differential and
drain the oil. Refit and tighten the drain plug.
5. Fill each reduction with fresh oil. The level indicator shall be
horisontal as shown on figure. Remove the filler plug and top
up with oil. Refit and tighten the filler plug Volume: See Spec-
6. Remove the level plug from the differential and fill the differ-
ential with oil. Refit and tighten the level plug. Volume: See
7. Check that the oil level is up to the level holes. Top up as nec-

Drive axle oil

Drive axle mounting bolts

Tightening torques, see Specifications
Rim clamp nuts
Tightening torques, see Specifications
DCD320-500 Drive axle, Meritor TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 40 P. 18

Parking brake - initial adjustment

N.B. The spring cap (3) has a clock-wise thread and the stud
(10) has an anti- clockwise thread.

WARNING! Never try to screw the spring cap (3) in with springs in compres-
sion as the threads may be damaged.
The parking brake can also be used as
After emergency brake operation the 1. Ensure that the spring cap (3) is fully engaged in the
brake pads has to be changed. housing (1).
2. Loosen the parking brake.
3. Turn the nut (11) against the washer (12).
4. Apply the parking brake.
5. Turn the spring cap (3) until the total clearance between the
disc and the lining (2) is 0.5 mm.
6. Loosen the parking brake.
7. Back up the nut (11) and lock it with the pin (13). The brake
is now ready for operation.

1. Cylinder and caliper assembly

2. Piston
3. Spring cap
4. Brake linings
6. Seal, large
7. Back up ring, large
8. Seal, small
9. Backup ring, small
10. Stud
11. Lock nut
12. Washer
13. Locking pin
14. Washer
15. Spring

Compensation of lining wear

1. Loosen the parking brake.
2. Turn the nut (11) against the washer (12).
3. Apply the parking brake.
4. Turn the spring cap (3), until the total clearance between the
disc and the linings (4) is reduced to 0.5 mm.
5. Loosen the parking brake.
6. Back up the nut (11) and lock it with the pin (13). The brake
is now ready for operation.
DCD320-500 Drive axle, Kessler TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 19

Back up the nut (11) and lock it with pin (13). The brake is now
operational again.Downshifting in the drive axle is in two stages:
in the differential, and in the hub reduction. This gives a minimum
of stresses in the power transmission system since the final
torque is achieved first at the driven wheels.

The differential
The differential is a simple, hypoid type of taper gear drive, which
means that the centre line of the pinion is offset in relation to the
centre line of the crown wheel. The pinion is firmly journalled in
two robust bearings.


1. Differential housing
2. Differential spider
3. Differential gear
4. Crown wheel
5. Pinion
6. Bearing
DCD320-500 Drive axle, Kessler TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 20

Hub reduction
The hub reduction consists of a cylindrical planetary gear in each
hub. The planetary gear comprises a sun gear, 4 planet gears,
and a ring gear that surrounds the planet gears. When the drive
axle, and thereby the sun gear, rotates, the rotational movement
is transmitted to the planet gears. Because the ring gear is fixed
firmly in the planetary gear carrier/hub, the planet gears move to-
wards the ring gear. The hub follows this movement and the rota-
tion is transmitted to the wheels. The gear ratio is detmined by the
number of teeth in the various gears.



1. Planet gear
2. Ring gear carrier
3. Ring gear
4. Sun gear
5. Wheel hub
6. Planetary gear carrier
7. Planet holder
8. Drive axle

Hub reduction
DCD320-500 Drive axle, Kessler TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 40 P. 21

Service brake
The service brake consists of oil-cooled discs that are alternately
fixed to and rotating with the hub. Hydraulic pressure is applied to
activate a piston in each hub, the discs are then pressed together,
and the wheels are braked. The resulting heat caused by friciton
is led away by the cooling oil circulating in the system. Oil from
the truck’s hydraulic system is used as cooling oil, and this gives
a high cooling capacity.

a b

1. Brake piston
2. Brake discs
a. Rotates with the hub
b. Rotates with the axle
3. Brake housing

Service brake
DCD320-500 Drive axle, Kessler TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 40 P. 22

Parking brake
The parking brake is a disc brake that acts on the drive axle’s in-
5 13 11 7 put shaft and is applied by means of a powerful spring in a spring
brake cylinder. The brake is released by a hydraulic pressure of
at least 10 MPa from the electrically operated parking brake so-
lenoid valve. When the hydraulic pressure is too low, the parking
brake is applied automatically. To be able to move the truck in that
situation, the parking brake must be released by mechanical
means, see below.
When the parking brake is applied, the parking brake valve evac-
uates hydraulic pressure from the brake cylinder. The cup spring
then expands and its force is transmitted through the piston (6) to
the adjusting screw (7) and then on to the thrust shaft (8), which
in turn transmits the braking force to the brake linings. The posi-
tion of the adjusting screw (7) determines the location of the
spring’s working range in relation to the brake linings.
1 4 3 8 10 6 9 12 1. Apply a pressure to the brake cylinder by putting the parking
brake valve in the ‘OFF’ position.
2 2. Unscrew the lid 12.
3. Loosen the lock nut 11 and screw in the adjusting screw 7
clockwise until the brake pads are close up to the brake disc.
4. Unscrew the adjusting screw 7 counter-clockwise until the
space between the pads and the disc is approx. 1 mm. Note
that the spring in the brake cylinder has a very small working
5. Fix the adusting screw with a hexagonal socket head wrench
and lock the lock-nut 11.
6. Fasten the lid 12 by hand.

Releasing the parking brake by mechanical means


Chock the wheels on sloping ground.

If the truck needs to be moved:
1. Housing 1. Unscrew the lid 12.
2. Bolt 2. Loosen the lock-nut 11 and unscrew the adjusting screw 7
3. Brake lining counter-clockwise until the brake pads have loosened from
4. Brake lining the brake disc.
5. Plate spring package
6. Piston 3. Fasten the lid 12 by hand.
7. Adjusting screw
8. Thrust shaft
9. Ring
10. Space for hydraulic oil on relea- WARNING!
sing the parking brake
11. Lock-nut If the parking brake has been mechanically disengaged it
12. Lid must always be reset in order to restore the
13. Lock ring parking brake function.

WARNING! Dismantling of the parking brake cylinder

Normally, there is no need of dismantling the parking brake cylin-
The parking brake contains a powerful, der. However, if for some reason it needs dismantling, follow the
plate spring package under heavy tension. instructions below:
If the cylinder is dismantled in an unproper
way, parts may become loose and fly out 1. Unscrew the lid 12.
thus causing serious damage. 2. Loosen the lock-nut 11 and unscrew the adjusting screw 7
DANGER TO LIFE! counter-clockwise until the brake pads have loosened from
Always check that the spring package the brake disc.
tension is released before dismantling the
brake cylinder, see Dismantling of the 3. Remove the lock ring 13, thereafter the integral parts can be
brake cylinder. removed.
DCD320-500 Drive axle, Kessler TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 40 P. 23

Changing the drive axle oil

To assure that the wheel ends of planetary axles with a
common wheel end/housing bowl oil level are initially
lubricated, fill each wheel end directly with oil before ve-
hicle is put back into operation. DO NOT FILL THE AXLE

1 2
1. Drive the truck forward until the oil drain plug on one of the
wheel hub reductions is at its lowest point of travel.
2. Remove the oil plug and drain the oil and refit the plug.
3. Repeat the procedure on the other wheel.
4. Remove the drain plug from the bottom of the differential and
3 drain the oil. Refit and tighten the drain plug.
5. Drive the truck forward so that the mark at the filling hole hub
is horisontal.
6. Fill the hub reduction oil and refit the plug.
Volume: See Specifications.
7. Repeat for next wheel.
8. Remove the level plug from the differential and fill the differ-
ential with oil. Refit and tighten the level plug. Volume: See
9. Check oil level and refill as necessary.


1. Differential
2. Drain plug
3. Refill/level check
4. Hub

Drive axle oil

DCD320-500 Empty page TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 40 P. 24
DCD320-500 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Contents Group 60 P. 1

Group 60
Steering axle
Specifications ............................................................................ 2
Steering axle.............................................................................. 3
Description ........................................................................... 3
Service ................................................................................. 4
Replacement of steering cylinder .................................... 4
Replacement of steered wheel bearings ......................... 4
Replacement of knuckle pin bearings ............................. 6
Inspection of dismountable rims...................................... 8
Safety test when changing tyres ................................... 10
DCD320-500 Specifications TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 60 P. 2

Tightening torques
Wheel nuts, Nm 400 (41 kpm)
Steered wheel bearing nuts, Nm 500 1)

Nuts for lower knuckle-pin

bearings, Nm 500
Nuts for upper knuckle-pin
bearings, Nm 500

Mounting screw, M24 670

Steering cylinder, Nm oiled bolt

Steered wheel bearings should be tightened during
simultaneous rotation of the wheels. This makes the bearing
rollers set correctly.
Note that a jacked-up wheel gives a certain resistance when
After tightening of steered wheel bearings, the truck should
be run for some 100 meters. After that the bearing nut should
be tightened again to 500 Nm. Then the bearing nut must not
be loosened.
DCD320-500 Steering axle TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 60 P. 3

The steered axle is supported by a pendulum suspension and is

operated by a double-acting steering cylinder. The mechanism
includes the smallest possible number of moving parts to
minimise the number of service points and to simplify
The mounting in the chassis comprises entirely maintenance-
free rubber elements.
The knuckle pins and wheel axles are mounted in taper roller
bearings. The hydraulic circuits of the steering system are de-
scribed in Group 70.

1. Rubber element
2. Steering cylinder
3. Upper bearing
4. Lower bearing
5. Knuckle pin
6. Wheel axle
7. Link lever
8. Steering cradle

Steered axle
DCD320-500 Steering axle TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 60 P. 4

Replacement of steering cylinder

1. Disconnect the hydraulic connections from the steering cyl-
inder, and protect the open ends of the cylinder and hoses
by means of caps or plugs.
2. Release and remove the piston rod pivot spindles.
1 2 3 3. Remove the bolts retaining the cylinder on the steering cra-
4. Remove the cylinder.
5. Fit the new cylinder and coat the mounting bolts with LOC-
TITE. Tighten according to specification.
6. Connect the piston rod ends to the link levers. Secure the
pivot spindles by means of the locking washers.
7. Connect the hydraulic hoses.
Replacement of steered wheel bearings
1. Jack up the steered wheel end of the truck and block it up in
a safe manner.
2. Unscrew the wheel bolts from the steered wheel and remove
the wheel.
Note. A trolley with a rest for holding the wheel securely
will be needed for handling purposes.
3. Remove the hub cover.
4. Secure a lifting sling to the hub, preferably using one of the
hub bolts. Fit a nut to secure the bolt. Use a hand trolley, pal-
let truck or the like for lifting the hub.
5. Remove the locknut, tab washer and bearing nut. The plain
washer is loose.
6. Remove the hub off the wheel axle by means of the hand
truck. The inner race of the outer bearing will accompany the
1. Steering cylinder hub.
2. Spindle 7. Withdraw the inner race of the inner bearing from the wheel
3. Locking washer axle.
4. Mounting screw, lock with LOCTITE 8. Remove the seal, but leave the spacer in position.
1. Pack the outer races of the bearings with grease and press
them into the hub.
Note that these are taper bearings. Fit the inner races so that
the larger inside diameter faces outwards.
A round plate should be made for each bearing size for
pressing in the races. A heavy hammer can then be used to
hammer the plate for driving in the race. Don’t hammer the
bearings directly since they may not enter straight and may
become jammed in the housing.
2. Press a new seal into the hub. Use a suitable round plate for
this purpose. Tapping the seal itself with a hammer will dam-
age it.
3. Clean the spacer and pack it with grease.
4. Tap the inner race of the inner bearing onto the wheel axle,
using a suitable tube. Pack the inner race with grease.
5. Lift the hub onto the axle, fit the inner race of the outer bear-
ing position and pack it with grease.
6. Fit the plain washer and bearing nut with the flat surface fac-
ing inwards. Tighten the bearing to 500 Nm during simulta-
neous rotation of the wheel to make the bearing rollers set
After tightening of the steered wheel bearings, the truck
should be run for some 100 meters. After that the bearing
nuts should be retightened to 500 Nm. Thereafter, the bear-
ing nut must not be loosened.
7. Fit the tab washer and locknut. Grease the tab washer to pre-
vent damage by the nut. Tighten the locknut and lock both
the bearing nut and the locknut with the tabs.
8. Pack the outer bearing with grease, pack the bearing cover
with grease and fit it into position. Top up with grease through
the grease nipple.
DCD320-500 Steering axle TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 60 P. 5

1. Rubber element 10. Upper bearing 20. Sealing ring

2. Steering cylinder 11. Knuckle pin 21. Inner bearing
3. Spindle 12. Wiper 22. Hub
4. Locking screw 13. Spacer 23. Outer bearing
5. Lubricating nipple 14. Lower bearing 24. Washer
6. Cover 15. Plain washer 25. Bearing nut, tighten to 500 Nm
7. Bearing nut, 500 Nm tightening 16. Bearing nut, 500 Nm 26. Tab washer, to be greased
toorque 17. Cover 27. Locknut
8. Tab washer, to be greased 18. Wheel axle 28. Cover
9. Plain washer 19. Spacer 29. Clamp

Replacement of steered wheel bearings and knuckle pin bearings

DCD320-500 Steering axle TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 60 P. 6

Replacement of knuckle pin bearings

See picture page 5.
1. Jack up the steered wheel end of the truck and block it up in
a safe manner.
2. Remove the rim clamps from the steered wheel and remove
the wheel.
Note. A trolley with a rest for holding the wheel securely
will be needed for handling purposes.
3. Secure a sling around the hub neck and lift until the hub is
held in position.
Note. Use a trolley, pallet truck or the like provided with
a rest.
4. Remove the protective cover from the upper bearing of the
knuckle pin.
5. Release the tabs of the tab washer. Remove the upper bear-
ing nut and remove the tab washer and plain washer.
6. Remove the protective cover from the lower bearing, remove
the split pin from the bearing nut and remove the nut. The in-
ner race of the bearing is loose and can be removed.
7. Remove the knuckle pin by tapping it upwards. The inner
race of the upper bearing will accompany the pin.
8. Use a trolley to lift out the wheel axle.
9. Remove the wipers from the steering cradle.
10. Remove the outer bearing races from the steering cradle by
means of an internal puller.
Note. If a suitable puller is not available, lugs for a pull-
ing tool may by welded to the inner race. The race will
then shrink and will be easier to remove.
DCD320-500 Steering axle TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 60 P. 7

1. Pack the outer races of the bearings with grease and press
them into the steering cradle.
Note that these are taper bearings. Fit the inner races so that
the larger inside diameter faces outwards.
A round plate should be made for each bearing size for
pressing in the races. A heavy hammer can then be used to
hammer the plate for driving in the race. Don't hammer the
bearings directly since they may not enter straight and may
become jammed in the housing.
2. Fit new wipers to the steering cradle, using a suitable ring to
tap them in. Tapping the wipers in with a hammer will dam-
age them.
3. Lift the wheel axle into position by means of a hand trolley or
4. Insert the knuckle pin, fit the spacer and lower bearing inner
race (packed with grease), washer, and fit the bearing nut.
5. Tighten the lower bearing nut to the full torwue, see specifi-
cations, and secure it with a split pin.
6. Fit the upper bearing inner race (packed with grease), the
plain washer and the tab washer in position. Grease the tab
washer to ensure that it will not be damaged by the bearing
7. Pack both bearings fully with grease and check that they turn
8. Tighten the upper bearing nut to the full torque, see specifi-
cations. Release the lifting device as the nut is tightened to
ensure that the lifting device does not prevent tightening.
9. Turn the wheel axle to check that it moves reely.
10. Coat the covers with sealing compound, pack them with
grease and top up with grease through the grease nipple
when the cover is in position and the sealing compound has

The steered wheel alignment is not adjustable. If the link levers
have been deformed so that the wheel alignment has been dis-
turbed, the link levers must be replaced.
NOTE. The orientation of the link levers must be correct, since
they will otherwise be damaged by the wheels when the steering
movements are large. The correct orientation of the levers is
shown in the figure.

1. Link lever
DCD320-500 Steering axle TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 60 P. 8

Inspection of dismountable rims

Due to special operating conditions for dismountable rims, theres
is a risk of excessive wear of the lock ring groove in the rim bead,
the lock ring itself and the 45° face on the beadseat or loose
flange. In extreme circumstances this can lead to breakage of the
rim bead which in turn has potentially dangerous consequences.
To minimize the risk of an accident the inspection should be car-
ried out on all EM-wheels (EM=Earth Moving) and dismountable

3 1


7 1. Support ring
2. Beadseat
3. 45° surface on the beadseat or loose flange
4. Lock ring
5. O-ring
6. Lock ring groove
7. Rim bead

Different parts of the dismountable rim

DCD320-500 Steering axle TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 60 P. 9

Inspection procedure
1. Dismantle the rim according to the standard procedures, see
also Safety instructions when working with tyres, group 00.
2. Carefully clean the outside of the rim bead by using a wire
3. Mesure the outside diameter according to the following
4. The wear of the lock ring on the rim bead outside diameter
can produce a mark A. The mark is located between the
A ends of the lock ring, see picture.
5. Measure the depth of the wear at this point using av straight
edge and feeler gauge. If the wear exceeds 0,5 mm, the
wheel, the lock ring, and the beadseat or loose flange must
be discarded and replaced with new.
6. If a wear mark is not possible to find, measure the circumfer-
ence of the rim bead using a measuring tape.
7. Calculate the diameter D = Circumference/3.14
8. If the diameter is below the minimum specified, the wheel,
the lock ring and the beadseat or loose flange must be dis-
Information on the minimum diameter of your rim bead can
be recieved from Kalmar.


High stress areas, how to identify rim damage

1. High stress areas are marked with B on the illustration
2. Typical faults are: circumferential cracks, fretting, corrosion
pitting, distortion, wear.
B 3. Inspect above areas at each tyre change
DCD320-500 Steering axle TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 60 P. 10

Safety test when changing tyres

The test is intended for detecting cracks in wheels. Cracks can
lead to safety risks if they are not detected and remedied.
Potential cracks that cause air leakage are not detected in the
test described here.
The test is carried out in two steps
1. Magnetic examination, which quickly indicates the crack.
2. The actual crack is then tested with penetrance.

Magnetic examination
A 1. Dismantle the loose componentes of the wheel
2. Clean area A on the the wheel totally for paint residue by us-
ing shot blasting.
3. Carry out magnetic examination by using e.g.:
Equipment: Yoke Tiede
Technique: a. Electricity AC
b. Contrast paint
Test medium: a. Wet
b. colour (E-G- Tiede ferrolux)
4. If no cracks are indicated in the magnetic examination, the
test is completed and the wheel approved. In case cracks are
indicated, carry out the penetrance test.

Penetrance test
1. Clean area B with cleaning fluid, 923626.0668.
2. Spray penetrance on the cleaned area A and let the sprayed
area dry for approximately 10 minutes
Penetrance: Part no. 923626.0669
3. Clean off the penetrance by using cleaning fluid (
B 923626.0668). All excessive penetrance should be removed.
4. Wipe off the cleaning fluid with a cloth, the remaining pene-
trance must evaporate.
5. Spray developer on the area A.
Developer: 923626.0670
6. Let the sprayed area dry for 1-2 hours.

7. Inspect the lock ring groove visually.

8. If the marked area B shows no split, crack or dot shaped
C D crack the wheel is approved.
9. If the marked area B shows linear split, crack or dot shaped
crack, the wheel must be rejected.

C = Linear split or crack

D = Dot shaped crack

C = Linear split or crack

D = Dot shaped crack
DCD320-500 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Contents Group 70 P. 1

Group 70
Hydraulic system
Specifications ........................................................................... 2
Main hydraulics.......................................................................... 3
Description ........................................................................... 3
General survey ............................................................... 3
Hydraulic system ........................................................... 4
Hydraulic system, supply ................................................ 5
Lifting .............................................................................. 6
Lowering brake valve ...................................................... 7
Tilting............................................................................... 8
Fork positioning ............................................................... 9
Sideshifting...................................................................... 9
Fork levelling ................................................................... 9
Service ............................................................................... 11
Checking the hydraulic hoses ...................................... 11
Breather filter................................................................. 11
Changing the hydraulic fluid .......................................... 11
Mounting of fittings on hydraulic hoses ........................ 11
Checking the pressure and settings .............................. 12
Brake system........................................................................... 13
Description ......................................................................... 13
Brake system WDB-system........................................... 12
Service ............................................................................... 16
Checking the brake system ........................................... 16
Parking brake system .............................................................. 17
Description ......................................................................... 17
Steering system 18
Description ......................................................................... 18
Steering valve ............................................................... 18
Hydraulic pumps...................................................................... 21
Description ......................................................................... 21
Accumulator............................................................................. 22
Description ......................................................................... 22
High pressure filter .................................................................. 23
Description, service ............................................................ 23
Main valve ............................................................................... 24
Description ......................................................................... 24
Service ............................................................................... 28
Hydraulic cylinders .................................................................. 29
Service ............................................................................... 29
Repairs to leaking hydraulic cylinder –
replacing the seal .......................................................... 29
Lubrication of single acting cylinders............................. 30
Lifting cylinder .............................................................. 31
Steering cylinder............................................................ 32
Tilting cylinder ............................................................... 33
Fork spreading and sideshifting cylinder ....................... 34

Hydraulic diagram, components .............................................. 36

Hydraulic diagram, hydraulic servo A24314.0500 ................... 37
Hydraulic diagram, electric servo A24314.0600 ...................... 39
DCD320-500 Specifications TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 70 P. 2

See the hydraulic plate

where all present settings are specified.

4 3 2

1. Warning! High pressure accumulators.

Always empty the accumulators before working on the
system. Use the accumulator evacuating valve. Carefully
study the Instruction Manual and the Technical Handbook.
2. Pre charging pressure, nitrogen, accumulators
3. Charging pressure, accumulators.
Setting on the accumulator charging valve.
4. Hydraulic pressure, brake system
5. Hydraulic pressure, working hydraulics, main valve
6. Hydraulic pressure, steering system
7. Hydraulic servo pressure. Not adjustable.
DCD320-500 Main hydraulics TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 3

General survey
The hydraulic system consists of the following sub-systems.

z Main hydraulics with the following functions:

– Lifting
– Tilting
– Sideshifting
z Steering system
z Driving brake system for wet brakes with:
– Brake circuit
– Cooling circuit
z Parking brake system

The 32 tonne-truck hydraulic system is configured around two

single vane pumps which are directly driven by the engine and fit-
ted on the torque converter. 37-50 tonne trucks have one single
and one double vane pump.
All of the essential valve functions are concentrated to valve
blocks, directly connected to the main valves.
Valve block 55 serves the LIFT2, FORK POSITIONING and
SIDESHIFTING functions as well as the charging of the accumu-
lators for the steering and braking circuits. Part of the excess fluid
is fed to the braking systems cooling circuit – see the Braking sys-
tem for further information.
Valve block 56 serves the LIFT1 and TILT functions.
A solenoid valve 62 is connected to the servo supply line for
LIFT2. The solenoid valve disconnects LIFT2 when the truck is
The built-in idling relief valve 25 diverts all hydraulic flow directly
to tank when the hydraulic system is not being used. Together
with the shunt valve 26 this minimizes pressure drop losses and
DCD320-500 Main hydraulics TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 4




25 28 5
1 4
56 50 55
29 31 13 14 15 16

23 24 21



1. Accumulator charging valve 26. Shunt valve, steered by the load signal from the lift and
3. Supply steering system tilt circuits. Shunts the excess flow to the hydraulic res-
4. Priority valve (sequence valve) gives priority to steering ervoir and thereby minimizes pressure drop and over-
and accumulator charging. Gives 11 bar counter pres- heating in the control valves
sure during no-load circulation 28. Main pressure limiting valve
5. Pressure reduction valve, 35 bar, feeding servo-system 29. Control section lift, equipped with load sensing signal
for control levers valve in the feed line for controlling of shunt valve 26
12. Main pressure limiting valve 31. Control section tilt, equipped with load sensing signal
13. Control section, LIFT2 valve in both feed and return lines for controlling of
14. Control section, FORK POSITIONING shunt valve 6c
15. Control sction, SIDESHIFT 44. Servo assisted control levers
16. Control section, EXTRA 49. Parking brake system
17. Steering system 50. Foot brake system
18. Accumulator 55. Valve block and main valve
21. Hydraulic pump, LIFT2, FORK POSITIONING, SIDE 56. Main valve
SHIFT 57. Hydraulic reservoir
22. High pressure filter 61. Breather filter
23. Hydraulic pump, LIFT1, TILT 62. Solenoid valve, disconnecting of LIFT2 while driving
24. Hydraulic pump, LIFT1, TILT
(37-50 tonne trucks only)
25. Idling relief valve, opens to the reservoir when the con-
trol section is unused. Reduces the control power as the
valve spools are not under pressure when the functions
are started

Hydraulic system
DCD320-500 Main hydraulics TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 5

The fluid is cleaned through a high pressure filter upstream after

each pump.
In its standard version, the hydraulic system is equipped with a
hydraulically operated main valve. An electro-servo operated
main valve is available as an option. A pressure reducing valve in
the valve block delivers 35 bar servo pressure for the control-lever
valves. The servo fluid is then supplied to the main valve for re-
setting the valve spools, at a rate that is proportional to the lever

15 14 13 12

23 22





12. Main pressure limiting valve The numbering is the same as in

13. Control valve, LIFT 2 the hydraulic diagram.
14. Control valve SIDESHIFT
15. Control valve FORK POSITIONING
21. Hydraulic pump
22. High pressure filter
23. Hydraulic pump
24. Hydraulic pump (only 37-50 t)
29. Control valve LIFT
31. Control valve TILT
55. Valve block
56. Main valve, inlet section
57. Hydraulic reservoir
58. Suction lines
59. Return lines A27633.0400
Hydraulic system, supply
DCD320-500 Main hydraulics TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 6

The lifting cylinders are supplied from the valve spools of two
main valves, LIFT1 and LIFT2. The lifting speed is determined by
the position of the lift control lever. The flow of fluid from the hy-
draulic pumps can be changed by altering the engine speed,
which thus provides an additional means of controlling the lifting
The servo circuit to LIFT2 is fed through a solenoid valve which
cuts off LIFT2 when the truck is driven. When the gear lever is in
Neutral, or the inching is activated, or the parking brake is activat-
ed, the flow from both lift sections is supplied to the lifting cylin-
ders. See also separate diagram in group 20.
During lowering, the fork carriage and the effect of the load force
the fluid from the lifting cylinders into the reservoir. A lowering
brake valve in the supply line to each lifting cylinder determines
the lowering speed and also limits the flow of fluid in the event of
hose failure. The lowering brake valves are of pressure-compen-
sated type and therefore permit only a certain predetermined
flow, thus ensuring a constant lowering speed, regardless of the
actual load.
The lifting cylinders are filled with fluid on the piston side to pre-
vent corrosion. This fluid is not pressurized and is fed back to the
reservoir in step with movement of the piston. Any leakage is also
drained to the reservoir through these lines.

13. Control valve, LIFT 2

29. Control valve, LIFT 1
38. Lift cylinder
39. Lowering brake valve

The numbering is the same as

in the hydraulic diagram. A23053.0100
Lifting function
DCD320-500 Main hydraulics TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 7

Lowering brake valve

The lowering brake valves are screwed into the connecting pipes
at the bottom of the cylinders. They are preset and no adjustment
facilities are provided.
The valve contains a spring-loaded control plunger and a mova-
ble orifice plate, both of which interact to provide a constant flow
through the valve regardless of the prevailing load.
During lifting, the orifice plate and the control plunger are in a po-
sition which allows unrestricted flow of fluid. During lowering, the
orifice plate moves to the throttling position. The internal pressure
drop in the valve and the pre-load force of the control plunger
1 spring counteract one another and set the control plunger in an
equilibrium position, ie. in relation to the corresponding size of
the throttle gap. Large load – small gap, small load – large gap.

2 3

1. Control plunger
2. Throttling slot
3. Orifice plate in the throttling position
4. Orifice plate in the open position

Lowering brake valve

DCD320-500 Main hydraulics TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 8

The two tilting cylinders enable the mast to be tilted 5° forward
and 10° to the rear. In each of the return lines is a valve which pro-
vides counter-pressure to avoid inadvertent forward tilt, which
would otherwise occur in unrestricted flow in the forward tilt

The numbering is the same as in the

hydraulic diagram

31. Control valve, TILT

36. Tilt cylinder
37. Counter pressure valve

Tilt function

Tilt circuit for machines with 7-litre engine

See illustrations next page.
The installation prevents decrease of engine speed during simul-
taneous accumulator charging and tilt.
On activating the tilt circuit, e.g. when the pressure in the tilt servo
circuit exceeds 3 MPa, a pressure switch gives a signal to a sole-
noid valve which cuts off the accumulator charging. Thereby the
flow from pump 2 is directed to tank which reduces the power
Further reduction of the power consumption from the engine is
achieved through a reducer valve in the feed line to the tilt circuit.
DCD320-500 Main hydraulics TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 9


1 2
Accumulator charging cut off
1. Solenoid valve
2. Pressure switch 3 MPa
3. Reducer valve

Tilt circuit flow reduction

Tilt circuit for 32-t trucks with 7-liter engine

DCD320-500 Main hydraulics TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 10

Fork positioning
The main valve opens and closes the supply of fluid to the two hy-
draulic cylinders at the forks.
After sideshifting of one fork to right position, the fork positioning
lever is used to move the other fork to intended fork distance.

In trucks provided with fork positioning and sideshifting, the same
hydraulic cylinders are used for both of these functions. When the
sideshifting control lever is moved, the corresponding valve will
supply fluid to the piston rod side of one of the cylinders. As the
piston moves, it displaces fluid to the piston side of the other cyl-
inder. This results in equal sideshifting of both forks.

Fork levelling
On trucks with the fork levelling function, one of the forks is sus-
pended by a hydraulic cylinder that moves the fork vertically.



EXTEND LEFT for Gantry
The numbering is the same as in the FORK POSITIONING
hydraulic diagram
14. Control valve, SIDESHIFT
15. Control valve, FORK POSITIONING A24808.0100 Std
16. Control valve, EXTENSION for Gantry A24808.0200 Gantry
DCD320-500 Main hydraulics TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 11

63-14 63-16


63-15 63-31




29 31

13. Control valve LIFT 2

14. Control valve SIDE-SHIFT
15. Control valve FORK SPREADING
16. Control valve EXTRA/GANTRY
29. Control valve LIFT 1
31. Control valve TILT
55. Main valve with valve block
56. Main valve
62. Solenoid valve, disconnection of LIFT 2 when driving
63. Converter el-servo/hydraulic-servo
63-13+29 Converters LIFT 2 + LIFT 1
63-14 Converter SIDE-SHIFT
63-15 Converter FORK SPREADING
63-16 Converter EXTRA/GANTRY
63-31 Converter TILT

Hydraulic-servo, el-servo systems

DCD320-500 Main hydraulics TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 12


The hydraulic system includes a high-pressure accumu-

lator. Open the accumulator evacuating valve to release
pressure before working on the hydraulic system.

Take great care during all work on the hydraulic system. Avoid be-
ing close to pressurized hydraulic components and hoses.
Observe strict cleanliness, since the presence of foreign matter
can easily result in a valve seizing or in other operational distur-
19 bances.

Checking the hydraulic hoses

Check hydraulic hoses and connections for leakage, cracking
and wear. Replace hoses if there is the slightest indication of
weakness. Tighten the connections as required.

Breather filter
The hydraulic reservoir is fitted with a breather filter which pre-
vents airborne impurities from entering the reservoir. Change the
filter as specified in the lubrication chart. The filter is of the spin-
on type. To change the filter, remove the old filter element, discard
it and screw on a new element.

Changing the hydraulic fluid

Change the hydraulic fluid in accordance with the lubrication
19. Accumulator evacuating valve chart.

1. Remove the bottom plug of the hydraulic reservoir and drain

off the fluid.
2. Refit the plug and fill the reservoir with fresh hydraulic fluid.
The capacity is given in Technical Data.
Mounting of fittings on hydraulic hoses.
1. Measure the length of the hose to be replaced.
2. Thread the sleeve ANTICLOCKWISE onto the end of the
hose until the hose bottoms in the sleeve. The sleeve has an
internal thread which will thus be pressed into the hose.
3. Grease the adapter thread and screw in the adapter CLOCK-
2 WISE until it bottoms on the sleeve. The hose will thus be
clamped between the threads of the sleeve and adapter.
4. Carefully flush the hose with white spirit, or equivalent, and
blow compressed air through it, so that the hose is absolutely

1. Hose The above procedure may be used only on 1" and smaller
2. Sleeve diameter hoses. In addition, it may only be used on hoses
3. Adapter shown in the spare parts catalogue, with the sleeve and
4. Measure the hose adapter separated from the hose.
length like this:
4 Hoses shown in the spare parts catalogue as complete
units with the end connections fitted must be ordered as
complete units in accordance with the catalogue.
DCD320-500 Main hydraulics TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 13

Checking the pressure and settings

When making the following pressure tests, use a pressure gauge
with a sufficiently long hose to enable reading from the cab.
1. Connect the pressure gauge to test point 10 for accumulator
2. Start the engine and allow it to idle. Watch the charging pres-
sure. If the pressure reading exceeds 200 bar – stop the en-
gine immediately and identify the cause.
3. Steering pressure on test point 11. Allow the engine to run in
the mid-speed range and turn the steering wheel to full lock
in one direction. The pressure should be according to the hy-
draulic plate. Correct with adjusting screw 2 as required.
4. Accumulator charging pressure on test point 10. Pressure
should be according to the hydraulic plate. Correct with ad-
justing screw 1.
5. Servo pressure on test point 8. The pressure should be 35±5
bar and it cannot be adjusted.
6. Main hydraulic pressure on test point 9. Correct with adjust-
ing screw 12.
The pressure is set individually for each truck and is stated
in the delivery specification, and on the separate hydraulic
7. LIFT1/TILT pressure on test point 60. See the separate plate.
Correct with adjusting screw 28.


28 60

2 9 10 8 1

Numbering is the same as in the Hydraulic

Circuit Diagram
1. Adjusting screw, accumulator charging pressure
2. Adjusting screw, steering system pressure
8. Test point, servo pressure 35±5 bar
10. Test point, accumulator charging
11. Test point, steering system
12. Adjusting screw, main pressure limiting valve
28. Adjusting screw, main pressure limiting valve
60. Test point, LIFT 1/TILT
Test and adjusting points for valve
block and main valve
DCD320-500 Brake system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 14

Brake system
The foot brake system is known as the wet disc brake system, in
which each hub is equipped with a multiple-disc assembly.
The disc assembly comprises stationary discs arranged alter-
nately with a number of rotating discs. The disc assembly is com-
pressed by hydraulic pressure to provided effective braking
action. The assembly is submerged in a hydraulic fluid bath to
dissipate the heat generated by braking. A separate cooling cir-
cuit is provided to cool the hydraulic fluid.
The advantages of the wet disc brake system include the fact that
no adjustment is needed, and that no fading or wear occur. More-
over, the enclosed oil bath keeps the system completely free from
water and impurities.
The brake system comprises three separate hydraulic circuits,
i.e. the foot-brake circuit, the cooling circuit and the parking brake cir-
All circuits are supplied with hydraulic fluid under pressure from
the same hydraulic pump. The brake circuits are supplied from
four hydraulic accumulators and the cooling circuit from the valve
block 55. Excess fluid from the main hydraulic system is passed
on to the cooling circuit.


18 49


18 48

The numbering is the same as in the

hydraulic diagram

18. Accumulator
19. Accumulator evacuating valve
20. Pressure limiting valve
48. Brake cylinder, parking brake
49. Solenoid valve, parking brake
50. Feed and return lines, service brake pedal
55. Valve block
Pressure supply
DCD320-500 Brake system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 15

Brake system, brake and cooling circuits

without external cooling

47. Oil cooled brake discs

50. Brake pedal Brake system, brake and cooling circuits
55. Valve block
with external cooling
DCD320-500 Brake system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 16

Checking the braking system

The figures in the following text refer to the Hydraulic circuit dia-
1 gram.
The checks are to be made with the hydraulic system at the work-
ing temperature.
1. Bleed the brake lines
– open the bleed nipple located on the inside of one of the
– press the brake pedal until oil free of any air starts to flow
from the bleed nipple;
– repeat the procedure for the other hub.
2. Connect a manometer to the measuring outlet (10, page 13)
on the main valve.
3. Allow the engine to run, release pressure from the accumu-
lator through the evacuating valve (19, page 14) and check
that the pressure is according to the hydrauic plate after
completed charging.
1. Bleed nippel
If the pressure exceeds 200 bar, stop the engine immediately
and make sure that the cause is remedied. Adjust with ad-
justing screw (1) when necessary.
4. Check to make sure that there is enough charge in the accu-
mulator to cover at least eight brakings.
5. Check the accumulator’s pre-charging pressure as follows –
it should be according to the hydraulic plate.
– open the accumulator evacuating valve (19) carefully,
keeping a check on the manometer in the measuring out-
let (10). At the specified pressure, the pressure should
drop sharply to 0.
If the pressure is lower, the pre-charging pressure shall be raised
to the correct level using special filling equipment for nitrogen gas


Charging equipment may be handled only by specially

trained personnel.

All specific pressure set-

tings can be found on sepa-
rate plate attached to the
DCD320-500 Parking brake system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 17

Parking brake
The parking brake consists of a disc brake with a brake cylinder
on the drive axle input shaft. The brake is applied by a heavy
spring in the brake cylinder.
The parking brake can also be used as an EMERGENCY
BRAKE. During emergency braking, the brake linings are sub-
jected to very heavy wear. The linings should therefore be
changed after one emergency braking operation.
The parking brake is released by hydraulic pressure being supp-
1 lied to the cylinder to counteract the spring force. All supply is
controlled by a manual valve which is open when the parking bra-
ke is released.
When the parking brake is applied, the flow of fluid to the brake
cylinder is interrupted and the fluid in the cylinder is discharged
KL1739 to the tank. The brake is then applied by the cylinder.
For particulars concerning the brake cylinder, see group 40.


1. Parking brake valve

2. Brake cylinder
3. Brake disc

Parking brake
DCD320-500 Steering system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 18

Steering system
The steering system comprises the steering valve and the steer-
ing cylinder. The system is supplied with fluid from the valve block
55 adjoining the main valve. An adjustable pressure limiting valve
2 provides the steering pressure.
An LS signal from the steering valve actuates the priority valve 4
in the valve block to always ensure sufficient supply to the steer-
ing system.

The numbering is the same as in the hydraulic


17. Orbitrol steering valve

40. Steering cylinder
55. Valve block

Steering system
DCD320-500 Steering system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 19

Orbitrol steering valve

The steering valve is of the closed centre, non-reaction type with
load sensing signal connection to the valve block. The load signal
gives load-dependent control of the fluid pressure from the valve
block to the steering valve. The type closed centre implies that it
closes for flow of fluid between the pump and reservoir in the neu-
tral mode. This is necessary to enable signal pressure to be con-
nected to the steering valve.
The steering valve consists of a gear pump and a distribution
valve. When the steering wheel is turned, fluid is supplied from
the valve block via the gear pump to the distribution valve which
ensures that the flow of fluid will be supplied to the port corre-
sponding to the direction in which the steering wheel has been
turned. Due to the gear pump, the flow of fluid supplied to the
steering cylinder is proportional to the angle through which the
steering wheel has been turned.

A valve block incorporating double safety valves and make-up

valves is connected to the steering valve.
The safety valves, which open at 200 bar, relieve high pressure
surges which may be caused, for instance, in the steering cylin-
der by blows against the steered wheels. Vacuum at the opposite
side of the piston that could lead to cavitation is prevented by
opening of the make-up valves (check valves).
1. Steering valve
2. Valve block
3. Double shock valve with suction valve
4. Check valve

Steering valve with valve block

DCD320-500 Steering system TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 20

Item 12 – assembly pattern

Tightening torque: 30±5 Nm

1. Dust cover 15. O-ring

2. Body – spool – sleeve 16. Distributor plate
3. Ball 17. Gear set
4. Threaded bush 18. O-ring
5. O-ring 19. End plate
6. Guide ring 20. Washer
7. Front bearing race 21. Pin
8. Needle bearing holder 22. Screw with drilled head
9. Rear bearing race 23. Locking wire
10. Ring 24. Nameplate
11. Pin 25. Self-tapping screw
12. Neutral position springs, 1 set 26. Spacer
13. Shaft 27. Spacer
14. Spacer

Steering valve
DCD320-500 Hydraulic pumps TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 21

1. Replaceable cartridge assembly, includes cam Hydraulic pump

ring, rotor, vanes, pins and sideplates The hydraulic system is served by vane-type pumps driven by
2. Front and rear sideplates take-offs on the torque converter.
3. Ball bearing
4. Front sideplate, is lamped axially by discharge These pumps consist of a pump casing and a pump unit, and are
pressure to reduce internal leakage of simple design. A rotor in the pump unit comprises a number of
5. Double shaft seal vanes fitted in radial slots. The rotor is driven by a shaft and ro-
6. Drain hole tates in a cam ring. The rotor vanes follow the profile of the cam
7. Vane, is urged outward at suction ramp by pin ring, and each vane performs two cycles – each comprising one
force and centrifugal force suction stroke and one delivery stroke – per revolution. The fluid
8. Cam ring flows radially through the pump unit.
9. Suction ramp where unloaded ramp moves out
10. Working vane on inor arc seals discharge pres- The vanes are forced outwards towards the cam ring by centrifu-
sure from the suction port gal force and by thrust pins which are subjected to the same pres-
12. Discharge ramp where unloaded vane sure as the pump delivery pressure. This ensures that the vanes
moves in will alwqys be in contact with the cam profile. An fluid film pre-
13. Pin cavity is at a steady pressure slightly higher vents the vanes from coming into metallic contact with the cam
than at discharge port profile. In the same way, an fluid film prevents metallic contact
14. Lub side holes, lubricate the sideplate surfaces with the side plates.
15. Pressure pins, force the vanes outward
16. Vanes Since the vanes, ports and pressures are balanced diametrically,
the net load on the rotor is a pure torque caused by the pumping
action. Sturdy shaft bearings carry the forces caused by the
pump drive.

Hydraulic pump
DCD320-500 Accumulator TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 22

The hydraulic system is connected to membrane type accu-mu-
lators which are pre-charged with nitrogen. The membrane is
forced upward causing the pressure of the nitrogen to increase as
the accumulator becomes charged with hydraulic fluid. When the
hydraulic system requires power from the accumulator, the mem-
brane presses fluid back into the system.
The accumulator is fitted at the top with a connection for testing
the pressure of the nitrogen, and for refilling nitrogen with the aid
1 of special filling equipment.
The pressurized fluid from the accumulator is utilized to power
the driving brake and parking brake systems, and to supply the
pressure reducing valve of the servo hydraulics.
An evacuating valve is fitted between the accumulator and reser-
voir. This valve shall be used to relieve the accumulator of pres-
sure before carrying out any work on the hydraulic system.


The hydraulic system includes high-pressure accumula-

tors. Open the accumulator evacuating valve to release
pressure before working on the hydraulic system.

1. Accumulator evacuating valve

1. Connection
2. Seal
3. Membrane
4. Safety plate
5. Steel bottle

DCD320-500 High pressure filter TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description, service Group 70 P. 23

High pressure filter

Two high pressure filters located immediately after the pumps are
used to clean the fluid. The filter head is equipped with a by-pass
1 valve which opens at 0.5 MPa.
The filter element is a fibreglass cartridge with an absolute mesh
of 25 µ.

The high pressure filter for the hydraulic fluid must be changed at
the intervals specified in the lubrication chart.
In addition, the filter must always be changed whenever work has
been carried out on the hydraulic system.
2 1. Clean the outside of the filter and the area around it.
2. Place a vessel under the filter to collect any spillage.
3. Remove the filter bowl. Use an open-ended or ring spanner.
4. Remove the filter cartridge.
5. Replace the O-ring between the filter head and the bowl and
3 the O-rings on the adapter. The O-rings are packed together
with the filter cartridge.
6. Lubricate the O-ring for the filter head with hydraulic fluid.
1. By-pass valve 7. Carefully clean the filter bowl and fill it half-full with hydraulic
2. Filter cartridge
3. Flow direction arrow
4. Bowl 8. Remove the filter cartridge from its package and fit it imme-
9. Fit the bowl and tighten it to a torque of 140 Nm.
10. Start the engine to purge the system of air, and check that
the filter does not leak.
DCD320-500 Main valve TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 24

Valve block and inlet section

Several hydraulic functions are concentrated to a valve block 55
and an inlet section 56 which are connected directly to the main
Main functions:

(Numbering is the same as in the Hydraulic Circuit Diagrams)

1. Accumulator charging valve

2. Pressure limiting valve, steering system
3. Differential valve, providing max. 11 bar difference between
the steering valve LS-signal and the pump pressure
4. Priority valve for the steering circuit
Provides 11 bar initial pressure in the main valve
Actuated by the steering valve LS-signal and ensures that
the steering circuit has sufficient supply
5. Pressure reducing valve for servo to control levers (optional)
6. Relief valve, cooling circuit. Provides max. 1 bar, opens to
the reservoir at higher pressure in the cooling circuit.
25. No-load by-pass valve. Opens to reservoir when no control
is operated. Minimizes heat losses in the system, controlled
by the pilot valve 27.
26. Shunt valve, LS controlled. The valve opens in a degree that
is required by the load sensing signal (LS) from the lift and
tilt sections in the main valve. All excess flow is diverted to
the reservoir.
27. Pilot valve for the control of no load valve 25
28. Main pressure limiting valve.
55. Valve block
56. Main valve inlet section
DCD320-500 Main valve TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 25

Main valve
The main valve, in its standard version, is actuated hydraulically
by the operator. Electric servo operation is available as an option.
The main valve for accumulator charging, LIFT2, SIDESHIFT and
FORK POSITIONING is fed from pump 21 to the valve block.
A part flow circulates in the brake cooling circuit.
The main valve for LIFT1 and TILT is fed from pump 23 (and 24)
through a separate inlet and oulet section. All flow is utilized in the
lifting or tilting sequence.
At no load, the entire flow is diverted to the reservoir. Load sens-
ing (LS) valves in the lift and tilt section outlets determine the flow
to these functions. All excessive flow is diverted to the reservoir.
When driving, LIFT2 is disconnected by solenoid valve 62
(the servo supply to LIFT2 is interrupted). When the gear selector
is in Neutral or when the parking brake is activated (ON) or the
clutch pedal is depressed, both LIFT1 and LIFT2 feed the
lift cylinders.





The numbering is the same as in the

hydraulic dragram

13. Control valve, LIFT 2

14. Control valve, SIDESHIFTING
15. Control valve, FORK POSITIONING
29. Control valve, LIFT 1
31. Control valve, TILT
55. Valve block
56. Inlet section

Main valve
DCD320-500 Main valve TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 26

The inlet section includes an adjustable, sealed main pressure

limiting valve which regulates the supply pressure to the main
The control section is equipped with a spring-centred control
valve spool. A check valve is provided inside the spool on the
supply port (shown on the diagram by a symbol in the supply
line). This check valve prevents any undesirable lowering of the
load should several functions be operated simultaneously.
The main valve has incorporated hydraulic actuators for setting
the control valve spools.
See the hydraulic circuit diagram at the end of Group 70.

6. Servo
62. Solenoid valve

Hydraulic servo control of main valve

DCD320-500 Main valve TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 70 P. 27

Control valve for servo control of the main valve

The control valves are integrated into a block, and the number of
valves corresponds to the number of functions of the truck.
Each valve or section is equipped with two pressure reducing
valves. The valve spools are hardened and precision-ground to
minimize any internal leakage.
The control forces are low, and the valve travel is proportional to
the lever travel, which ensures smooth control of the main hy-

1. Adjusting screw for lever travel

2. Pressure reducing valve

Control valve

1. Servo pressure 35 bar

2. Reservoir
3. Lifting


Servo control of the lifting section

DCD320-500 Main valve TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 28

Main valve
The main valve is precision made and must be treated with great
care so that its performance will not be impaired. The following
rules apply whenever service work is carried out.
1. Protect the valve against moisture and dirt. Take particular
care to avoid dirt entering the connection ports. Also protect
the ports from damage by scratching or bruising. Keep un-
connected ports plugged with plastic plugs or the like.
2. Protect the ends of the spools and covers against blows. The
valve spool may be bent if handled carelessly, and it will then
immediately jam on being used.
DCD320-500 Hydraulic cylinders TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 29

Repairs to leaking hydraulic cylinders – replacing

the seal

See also separate Supplement
Never use compressed air for re- Hydraulic cylinders, Publ. No.920 937-9279
moving the piston from the cylinder.
You could sustain serious injuries.

General instruction applicable to all cylinders

1. Remove the relevant hydraulic cylinder. Fit immediately pro-
tective caps or plugs to the hydraulic cylinder and hose con-
2. Take the cylinder to the workshop, drain any oil remaining in
it and carefully wash the outside of the cylinder.
3. Dismantle and assemble the cylinder in accordance with the
instructions for that particular cylinder type.
4. Removing the seals:
– Whenever repair work is carried out on hydraulic cylin-
ders, all seals, scraper rings, etc. must be replaced.
– Take extreme care when removing the seal in the cylinder
head, to avoid scratching the bottom of the groove, since
1. Screw driver oil leakage will otherwise occur in the future. Use a screw-
2. Lip seal driver as shown in the figure.
3. Scraper ring – Clean all components very throughly.
5. Fitting of lip seals:
– Fit the seal in the cylinder head with the lip facing inwards
towards the piston. Oil the seal and press it in by hand.
N.B. Don’t use any tools, since the seal may otherwise be
scratched. Even a minute scratch may cause the seal to
6. Fitting the piston seal:
– All piston seals are of the same design and consist of five
components, i.e. a centre sealing ring, two backing rings
and two guide rings.
– Dismantle the piston seal and start by fitting the sealing
ring onto the piston, and then fit the backing rings and the
fuide rings. All of this must be done by hand.

1. Sealing ring
2. Backing rings
3. Fuide rings
4. Piston head
DCD320-500 Hydraulic cylinders TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 30

Lubrication of single acting cylinders

1. This type of cylinders have no oil supply on the piston side.
3 If the cylinders are operated in a limited stroke (1), there is a
risk of corrosion damage to the upper part of the cylinder in-
2 ner surface (4).
2. Loosen the breather filter (2).
3. Inject 300-500 ml of oil into the filter connector (3).
4 4. Operate the cylinder in its full tavel a number of times until no
more oil is pressed out from the connector (3).


1. Normal operating stroke

2. Breather filter
3. Filter connector
4. Area with corrosion risk
DCD320-500 Hydraulic cylinders TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 31

Lifting cylinder
1. The cylinder head is threaded into the cylinder pipe, and a
C-spanner must be used for fitting and removing it.
2. When reassembling an overhauled cylinder, after the piston
has been fitted and the cylinder head is to be tightened, it is
extremely important that the piston rod is well centred and
aligned in the cylinder head so that the threads are not
damaged. Lubricate the threads with molybdenum disuphide
(Molykote) grease.

1. Lifting cylinder
2. Cylinder pipe
3. Piston rod
4. Cable
5. Gasket kit
6. Wiper
7. Piston rod seal
8. Guide
9. O-ring
10. Piston seal
11. Guide
12. Back-up ring
13. Cylinderhead
14. Spacer

Lifting cylinder
DCD320-500 Hydraulic cylinders TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 32

Steering cylinder
1. The steering cylinder has a double-acting piston, with the
piston seal in the centre.
2. A cylinder head which is secured to the cylinder pipe by a
locking ring is provided at each end.

1. Steering cylinder
2. Piston rod
3. Cylinder pipe
4. Gasket kit
5. Piston seal
6. O-ring
7. Piston rod seal (x 2)
8. Wiper
9. Back-up ring
10. Cylinderhead
11. Screw
12. Flange
13. Tredoring
14. Adapter
15. Spacer
16. Lock ring

Steering cylinder
DCD320-500 Hydraulic cylinders TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 33

Tilting cylinder
1. Both ends of the tilting cylinder are fitted with a clevis mount.
The piston rod clevis is threaded onto the piston rod and is
secured by locknuts and locking plate.
2. The cylinder head is attached to the cylinder pipe with flange
3. See Group 80 for checking of tilt cylinder.

1. Tilt cylinder
2. Cylinder pipe
3. Piston rod
4. Gasket kit
5. Guide
6. Piston seal
7. Piston rod guide
8. O-ring
9. Back-up ring
10. Seal
11. Wiper
12. Bracket
13. Lock screw
14. Screw
15. Cylinderhead
A. Low-built
16. Spacer
17. Securing plate

Tilting cylinder
DCD320-500 Hydraulic cylinders TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 70 P. 34

Fork positioning and sideshifting cylinder

1. Both ends of the fork positioning and side shifting cylinder
are fitted with a clevis. The piston rod clevis is threaded onto
the piston rod.
2. The cylinder head is threaded into the cylinder barrel, and a
C-spanner must be used for fitting and removing it.

1. Side shifting cylinder

2. Cylinder pipe
3. Piston rod
4. Guide bearing
5. Retaining ring
6. Seal kit
7. Wiper
8. Seal
9. O-ring
10. O-ring
11. Seal
11a.Back-up ring
12. Cylinderhead
13. Piston
14. Screw
15. Lubricant nipple

Fork positioning and sideshifting cylinder

DCD320-500 Diagrams TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 70 P. 35

Go to next page
DCD320-500 Hydraulic diagram TDCD01
Technical Handbook Components Group 70 P. 36

Hydraulic diagram, components

Diagram A24314.0500 and A24314.0600

1. Accumulator charging valve 46. Brake cylinders, wet disc brakes

2. Pressure limiting valve, steering system 47. Oil cooled brake discs
3. Differential valve, gives max. 11 bar difference be- 48. Parking brake cylinder
tween 49. Solenoid valve, parking brake
LS-signal of the steering valve and the pump pres- 50. Brake pedal
sure 51. Switch, inching
4. Priority valve for steering circuit. Gives 11 bar ba- 52. Switch, brake lights
sic pressure in the main valve. Actuated by LS-sig- 53. Switch, low brake pressure
nal of the steering valve and ensures sufficient 54. Switch, parking brake and seat buzzer
supply to the steering system. 55. Main valve with valve block
5. Pressure reducing valve for servo to the control le- 56. Main valve
vers 57. Hydraulic reservoir
6. Safety valve in cooling circuit, permits max. 1 bar, 58. Suction lines
opens to the reservoir in event of higher pressure 59. Retur lines
in the cooling system. 60. Test point, main pressure
7. Test point, brake system cooling circuit, max. 1 bar 61. Breather filter
8. Test point, servo pressure 35±5 bar, non-adjusta- 62. Solenoid valve, disconnection of LIFT2 when driv-
ble ing
9. Test point, SIDESHIFT, FORK SPREADING 63. Converter el-servo/hydraulic-servo
10. Test point, accumulator charging 160–170 bar 64. Hydraulic motor, seat turning
11. Test point, steering system 170–180 bar 65. Shock valve
12. Main pressure limiting valve 66. Solenoid valve, direction of rotation
13. Control valveLIFT2
14. Control valve, SIDESHIFTING
15. Control valve, FORK SPREADING
16. Control valve, EXTRA
17. Orbitrol steering valve
18. Hydraulic accumulator
19. Accumulator evacuating valve
20. Pressure limiting valve 210 bar
21. Hydraulic pump
22. High pressure filter
23. Hydraulic pump, inner
24. Hydraulic pump, outer (only 37–45 t)
25. No-load by-pass valve
26. Shunt valve, LS-controlled
27. Pilot valve, control of valve 25
28. Main pressure limiting valve
29. Control valve, LIFT
30. LS-valve
31. Control valve, TILT
32-35. -
36. Tilt cylinder
37. Counter pressure valve
38. Lift cylinder
39. Lowering brake valve
40. Steering cylinder
41. Shift valve, rotatable operator's seat
42. Sideshift/fork spreading cylinder
43. -
44. Servo controlled levers
45. -
DCD320-500 Hydraulic diagram TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 70 P. 37



14 13


7 9













38 39


30 30



38 39












A24314.0500-01 Hydraulic system, hydraulic servoservo

Hydraulsystem, hydraulservo
DCD320-500 Hydraulic diagram TDCD01
Technical Handbook Components Group 70 P. 38

Hydraulic diagram, components

Diagram A24314.0500 and A24314.0600

1. Accumulator charging valve 46. Brake cylinders, wet disc brakes

2. Pressure limiting valve, steering system 47. Oil cooled brake discs
3. Differential valve, gives max. 11 bar difference be- 48. Parking brake cylinder
tween 49. Solenoid valve, parking brake
LS-signal of the steering valve and the pump pres- 50. Brake pedal
sure 51. Switch, inching
4. Priority valve for steering circuit. Gives 11 bar ba- 52. Switch, brake lights
sic pressure in the main valve. Actuated by LS-sig- 53. Switch, low brake pressure
nal of the steering valve and ensures sufficient 54. Switch, parking brake and seat buzzer
supply to the steering system. 55. Main valve with valve block
5. Pressure reducing valve for servo to the control le- 56. Main valve
vers 57. Hydraulic reservoir
6. Safety valve in cooling circuit, permits max. 1 bar, 58. Suction lines
opens to the reservoir in event of higher pressure 59. Retur lines
in the cooling system. 60. Test point, main pressure
7. Test point, brake system cooling circuit, max. 1 bar 61. Breather filter
8. Test point, servo pressure 35±5 bar, non-adjusta- 62. Solenoid valve, disconnection of LIFT2 when driv-
ble ing
9. Test point, SIDESHIFT, FORK SPREADING 63. Converter el-servo/hydraulic-servo
10. Test point, accumulator charging 160–170 bar 64. Hydraulic motor, seat turning
11. Test point, steering system 170–180 bar 65. Shock valve
12. Main pressure limiting valve 66. Solenoid valve, direction of rotation
13. Control valveLIFT2
14. Control valve, SIDESHIFTING
15. Control valve, FORK SPREADING
16. Control valve, EXTRA
17. Orbitrol steering valve
18. Hydraulic accumulator
19. Accumulator evacuating valve
20. Pressure limiting valve 210 bar
21. Hydraulic pump
22. High pressure filter
23. Hydraulic pump, inner
24. Hydraulic pump, outer (only 37–45 t)
25. No-load by-pass valve
26. Shunt valve, LS-controlled
27. Pilot valve, control of valve 25
28. Main pressure limiting valve
29. Control valve, LIFT
30. LS-valve
31. Control valve, TILT
32-35. -
36. Tilt cylinder
37. Counter pressure valve
38. Lift cylinder
39. Lowering brake valve
40. Steering cylinder
41. Shift valve, rotatable operator's seat
42. Sideshift/fork spreading cylinder
43. -
44. Servo controlled levers
45. -
DCD320-500 Hydraulic diagram TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 70 P. 39



14 13

7 9














38 39


30 30



38 39












Hydraulic system, electric servo

Hydraulsystem, elservo
DCD320-500 Empty page TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 70 P. 40

All trucks 9279 02-09 1
Technical Handbook Contents Publ. Gr. P.

Clean hydraulics ........................................................................ 3
Measures to prevent pollution of the hydraulic system.............. 4
Fault finding for leakage ............................................................ 6
The function and removal of seals............................................. 7
Piston rod seals .................................................................... 7
Support ring and O ring ........................................................ 9
Wiper .................................................................................. 10
Single action V type piston seals with support ring ............ 11
Double action piston seals ................................................. 12
Repairing the piston rod surface.............................................. 12
Lubrication ............................................................................... 13
Dismantling the steering cylinder............................................. 14
All trucks Hydraulic Cylinders
9279 02-09 70 3
Technical Handbook Service Publ. Gr. S.

Clean hydraulics
Hydraulic systems are extremely sensitive to impurities - a hy-
draulic system is just as sensitive as a diesel engine’s fuel sys-
tem, with its pumps, filters and lines.
It is therefore extremely important that hydraulic systems are kept
clean and free from impurities. A clean system means that there
are no impurities in the system, whether it be in the hydraulic flu-
id, component parts of the system or hydraulic lines and hoses.
By impurity, we refer to everything and anything that is not intend-
ed to be in the system:
z solid particles such as dust, grit, threads of cotton waste,
flakes of rubber from hoses or seals, etc.
z liquids
z gasses

Possible sources of impurity

z Existing impurities
– Casting sand, welding cinder, dust, water, etc., from com-
ponents, hydraulic lines and hoses.
z Generated impurities
– Scaling. When particles that come between two moving
surfaces attach themselves to one of the surfaces and
thereafter act as a cutting surface to the opposite surface
where it cuts or grinds off material. The newly formed par-
ticles then harden and cause even more wear and tear as
they circulate in the system.
– Erosion
– Cutting or “cold welding”
– Cavitation, insufficient flow to pump
– Corrosion that generates particles
– Fatigue/wear and tear that generates particles
z Accidentally added impurities
– During repair operations
– As a result of topping up with impure hydraulic fluid
z Penetrative impurities
– Penetration via breather air to the hydraulic tank
– Penetration via the piston rod’s lubricating film
– Penetration through poorly sealed inspection hatches
– Condensation
– Penetration via rod seals

Solid particles
It is possible to see a particle of 40 µ in size with the naked eye,
but not one of 10 µ. (1 µ = 1/1000 mm).
By comparison, a strand of human hair is approx.70µ thick. The
smallest particles are less than 25 µ in size and are not visible to
the naked eye. If the number of small particles is sufficiently large,
they merely discolour the hydraulic fluid - by which time there are
far too many impurities in the system.
It is not, therefore, possible to judge, with the naked eye, whether
or not hydraulic fluid is sufficiently clean! A particle count using
special machinery or magnification equipment must be made to
establish the degree of impurity.
Solid impurities in hydraulic systems cause many different types
of problem. Large quantities of impurity dramatically reduce the
operative lifespan of the system. Hydraulic components break
down as a result of internal wear. Particles cause directional and
servo valves to seize, which, in turn, leads to the burning out of
the magnetic spools.
All trucks Hydraulic Cylinders
9279 02-09 70 4
Technical Handbook Service Publ. Gr. S.

The most common gas that occurs as an impurity in a hydraulic
system is air. Unlike fluids, gasses can be compressed. If air is
allowed to enter a hydraulic system, this compression will be ex-
perienced as a “sponginess” of operation, making hydraulic
movements difficult to control.
Air in the hydraulic fluid can also cause corrosion damage, par-
ticularly when localized, sudden reductions in pressure, known
as cavitation, occur.
The most common liquid impurity that occurs in a hydraulic sys-
tem is water, for example, through condensation. This can cause
rust to form, resulting in flakes or particles of rust entering the
system. This most commonly occurs in the tank and those parts
that are above the level of the hydraulic fluid. Such parts can be
inside single action cylinders where the complete length of the
hydraulic piston stroke, is seldom or never used. One simple pre-
ventive measure for such parts is to regularly run all hydraulic
functions to their end positions so that the whole of the cylinders
are lubricated.

Measures to prevent pollution of the hydraulic


When changing attachments

Many machines have attachments that can be changed, which
also means that hydraulic lines and hoses must be loosened and
switched over. This entails a major risk of impurities penetrating
into the system.
z Always clean the connection point extremely thoroughly be-
fore disconnecting
z If possible, use quick release connectors fitted with a non-re-
turn valve. This will then reduce the risk of impurities entering
the system and fluid being spilt
z Clean the connectors extremely thoroughly before making the
connection. Make sure that no impurities are forced into the
connectors themselves.

When the system is operating

All protruding hydraulic components, such as hydraulic piston
rods, are at considerable risk from both mechanical damage and
impurities. Due to the fact that the level of hydraulic fluid in the
tank varies, the tank will “breath” through the breather filter and if
the level becomes too low, the hydraulic pump will fill the system
with air.
z Be extremely careful with hydraulic piston rods so as to avoid
physical damage to them
z Regularly empty condensation water from the hydraulic tank
z Make sure that the fluid level in the hydraulic tank is always as
high as possible
z Make sure that all filters in the system function correctly. Reg-
ularly replace filter elements, in accordance with the ma-
chine’s lubrication chart
z Regularly check the wiper and rod seals and replace them as
All trucks Hydraulic Cylinders
9279 02-09 70 5
Technical Handbook Service Publ. Gr. S.

Storage and topping up of hydraulic fluid

z Be particularly careful when topping up hydraulic fluid - care-
lessness is one of the major causes of impurities entering the
z Store drums, cans and funnels in as clean conditions as pos-
sible, for example, under a tapaulin and not directly on the
z Handle drums, cans and funnels with care and clean them as
z Store drums of hydraulic fluid horizontally so that bungs and
taps are below the fluid level, which will reduce the risk of im-
purities and humid air entering the drum.
z Always top-up hydraulic fluid through a clean strainer, prefer-
ably through a filter, using a top-up pump.
z Never use the very last of the fluid in the drum. This could con-
tain water and other impurities, depending on the number of
times that the drum has been opened.
Repairs and Service
As soon as a hydraulic system is opened, there is always a great
risk of impurities entering the system
z Thoroughly clean the around the area of the system on which
work is to be carried out
z Isolate the area where work is to be carried out with the help
of, for example, clean protective plastic sheeting
z Do not open sensitive components out in the field, replace the
complete component instead
z Immediately insert protective plugs in all open connections
z Make sure that exchange components are thoroughly clean
z Carry out the repair as soon as possible
z After dismantling, clean all parts
z If a serious breakdown has occurred, for example, if a pump
or hydraulic motor has seized, metal particles may have been
spread and polluted the entire system. In such cases, it is ex-
tremely important to carefully filter or replace the hydraulic flu-
id. Under all such circumstances, the system’s filters must
always be replaced
z Never fit components where the protective plugs have fallen
out - impurities may have entered the system

If there is the slightest doubt about the purity of the hy-
draulic fluid - send a fluid sample to the manufacturer
of the fluid, or to Kalmar Service
All trucks Hydraulic Cylinders
9279 02-09 70 6
Technical Handbook Service Publ. Gr. S.

Fault finding for leakage

1. All fault finding should take place with the minimum hydraulic
1 pressure required to actually discover the leakage. High pres-
sure will tighten all seals and make it more difficult to discover
any leakage.
2. Check extremely carefully where the leakage comes from be-
3 fore taking any action. It may be possible to stop the leakage
without the necessity of costly dismantling.
4 3. Check for external leakage
– welds on cylinder ends
– welds on coupling connections
– leakage between the cylinder pipe and the cylinder head,
could be due to a faulty O ring or damage to the O ring’s
6 sealing surface. Both problems can be corrected with the
cylinder in place
– leakage between the cylinder head and the piston rod,
7 could be due to a damaged piston rod or damaged/worn
piston rod seal
4. Check for internal leakage
– leakage between the hydraulic piston seal and the cylinder
pipe, due to worn piston seal. Put the cylinder under pres-
sure and check to see if the piston sinks back

Dismantling hydraulic cylinders

Before dismantling, always check that the piston rod is free from
any remains of paint. Also check to ensure that there are no burrs
or impact damage by the connections or couplings. Make sure
that the chamfer up to the chrome surface of the piston rod is free
from burrs and any remains of paint.
1. Loosen the cylinder from its mounting and loosen the hydrau-
lic connections
2. Immediately plug the cylinder connections and hoses/lines.
3. When the cylinder is opened - observe the highest possible
level of cleanliness! Study the Technical Handbook to see how
respective cylinders are designed and constructed.

Check surfaces
1. Check the surfaces of seals. Always think about how the seals
function and the type of sealing surfaces that they have. See
the following descriptions:
– O ring grooves internal and external
– piston rod seals in the cylinder head
– sealing groove on the piston
– cylinder pipe surface
– piston rod surface. The piston rod has a chromium plated
surface of 20-50 µ in thickness. Very minor damage to this
11 7 11 8 9 10 plated surface will not necessarily directly result in leakage
– all sliding surfaces (dynamic surfaces). These are always
1. Piston rod the most difficult to ensure a tight seal, for example, cylinder
2. Wiper pipe and piston rod.
3. Cylinder head
4. Piston rod seal
5. O ring with support ring
6. Cylinder pipe
7. Sleeve connection IMPORTANT!
8. Welded cylinder end When fitting the cylinder head:
9. Piston Fit the head absolutely straight, preferably by hand. Do
10. Piston seal, not, under any circumstances, hit it with a mallet or ham-
double action mer. If the cylinder head is fitted askew the lip of the pis-
11. Example of a weld ton rod seal can be damaged and any sealing function will
be lost. This applies to all types of piston rod seals.

Lift cylinder
All trucks Hydraulic Cylinders
9279 02-09 70 7
Technical Handbook Service Publ. Gr. S.

2 The function and removal of seals

Piston rod seals
The piston rod seal is the seal that sits in a groove in the hydraulic
1 cylinder head forming a seal against the piston rod. This seal is
very exposed as it performs both dynamic and static sealing func-
tions, i.e., it is seals against the moving surface of the piston rod
whilst the sealing surface against the cylinder head is static.
There are different types of piston rod seals:
3 z Single V seals
z Pre-tensioned V seals with support ring
z Compressible seals
4 The single V seal has a V shaped section with two lips which
6 seal in each respective direction. The hydraulic pressure works it-
self into the V shape and presses the sealing lips outwards
against the sealing surface of the piston rod and in the cylinder.
Even the smallest amount of damage to the sealing lips can
cause a major leakage. Check the sealing lips by carefully feeling
around the seal with a finger nail.
Use a screwdriver to remove a V seal, see illustration. Lever out
and twist up the seal. It is extremely important that the screwdriv-
er only comes into contact with the inside of the V shape so that
it cannot touch and thereby damage any sealing surface. A score
KL1008 5 from a screwdriver on the sealing surface will have a disastrous
1. Hydraulic pressure
effect and cause major leakage.
2. Sealing lip pressed out against piston rod
3. Sealing lip pressed in against cylinder head
4. Sealing surface, piston rod
5. Sealing surface, cylinder head
6. Screwdriver


The pre-tensioned V seal has, in addition, an O ring within the

space formed by the V shape. The O ring provides a greater seal-
ing effect at low hydraulic pressure as the O ring, even when not
7 3 under hydraulic pressure, presses the sealing lips out against the
sealing surfaces. It is equally sensitive to damage as the V seal.
Check the seal in the same way.
4 Use a screwdriver to remove the seal, see illustration. Lever out
and twist up the seal. It is extremely important that the screwdriv-
er only comes into contact with the inside of the V shape so that
it cannot touch and thereby damage any sealing surface. A score
from a screwdriver on the sealing surface will have a disastrous
effect and cause major leakage.

KL1009 7 5

1. Hydraulic pressure
2. Sealing lip pressed out against piston rod
3. Sealing lip pressed in against cylinder head
4. Sealing surface, piston rod
5. Sealing surface, cylinder head
6. Screwdriver
7. O ring
All trucks Hydraulic Cylinders
9279 02-09 70 8
Technical Handbook Service Publ. Gr. S.

Piston rod seal type TICLA is of compact design with integrated

support ring. It has an inner sealing lip against the piston rod and
an outer sealing lip which seals with press fit against the cylinder
head. An intermediate bead between the sealing lips provides ax-
ial fixation
The bead has recesses to admit hydraulic pressure on both outer
and inner sealing lips.
Even the smallest amount of damage to the sealing lips can
2 cause a major leakage. Check the sealing lips by carefully feeling
1 around the seal with a finger nail.
Use a screwdriver to remove the seal, see illustration. Lever out
4 and twist up the seal. It is extremely important that the screwdriv-
er is inserted between the inner sealing lip and the intermediate
bead so that it cannot touch and thereby damage any sealing sur-
face. A score from a screwdriver on the sealing surface will have
3 a disastrous effect and cause major leakage.



1. Hydraulic pressure
2. Inner sealing lip, pressed against the piston
3. Outer sealing lip, pressed against the cylin-
der head
4. Beam for axial fixation
5. Sealing surface, piston rod
6. Sealing surface, cylinder head
7. Support ring
8. Screwdriver
All trucks Hydraulic Cylinders
9279 02-09 70 9
Technical Handbook Service Publ. Gr. S.

The compressible piston rod seal consists of a solid rubber

profile and gives a greater sealing area than V seals.
2 Use a screwdriver to remove the seal, see illustration. Lever out
and twist up the seal. With this type of seal where the sealing
1 area covers such a large part of the sealing groove, it is vitally im-
portant that the screwdriver is not allowed to make any mark.


KL1010 5
1. Hydraulic pressure
2. Sealing lip pressed out against piston rod
3. Sealing lip pressed in against cylinder head
4. Sealing surface, piston rod
5. Sealing surface, cylinder head
6. Screwdriver

Support ring and O ring

The support ring and O ring combination is used to seal between
two static surfaces, such as, for example, between the cylinder
pipe and the cylinder head, even in those cases where the cylin-
der head is threaded onto the cylinder pipe.
The task of the support ring is to brace the O ring so that it does
not change shape. The O ring is pressed against the support ring
and the sealing surface by the hydraulic pressure in the cylinder.
When the cylinder head is to be fitted into the pipe: Be extremely
careful so as not to damage the O ring.

2 4

1. Hydraulic pressure
2. O ring
3. Support ring
4. Sealing area, cylinder head
All trucks Hydraulic Cylinders
9279 02-09 70 10
Technical Handbook Service Publ. Gr. S.

øD+10 The task of the wiper is to scrape the piston rod clean and prevent
any impurities being drawn into the cylinder pipe.
The wiper must be fitted with a special tool. This tool must have
a greater outer diameter than the wiper, so that the pressure
against the wiper ceases just as the wiper is pressed into posi-
1 tion. If the wiper should be pressed further in, the metal cap will
be deformed (se lower illustration) which would thereby reducing
the efficiency of the wiper.
2 4 To prevent the wiper “bottoming” in its slot in the cylinder head,
the slot in the cylinder head is somewhat deeper than the width
3 of the wiper.


1. Correct fitting tool

2. Wiper, correctly fitted
3. Cylinder head
4. Play between the wiper and the
bottom of the cylinder head slot
5. Incorrect fitting tool
6. Deformed wiper

The wiper can be removed without the necessity of dismantling

the cylinder. A screwdriver can be used to remove the wiper. This
must always be employed against the outer edge of the wiper,
see illustration. Carefully tap the screwdriver down between the
1 wiper and the cylinder head and thereafter, lever the wiper out.
Polish off any marks on the cylinder head.

No tools should be introduced from the inside. This can
score the cylinder pipe, which in turn, can damage the pis-
ton rod. Scoring can also damage the piston rod seals
when the piston is fitted.

1. Screwdriver
2. Wiper
3. Cylinder head
All trucks Hydraulic Cylinders
9279 02-09 70 11
Technical Handbook Service Publ. Gr. S.

Single action V type piston seals with support

2 ring
On single action V seals it is always the long side that seals
against the static and the short side that seals against the moving
Use a screwdriver to remove the seal, see illustration. Lever out
and twist up the seal. It is extremely important that the screwdriv-
er only comes into contact with the inside of the V shape so that
it cannot touch and thereby damage any sealing surface. A score
3 from a screwdriver on the sealing surface will have a disastrous
4 effect and cause major leakage.

KL1013 5

1. Hydraulic pressure
2. Seal pressed outwards against cylinder pipe
3. Seal pressed inwards against piston
4. Sealing surface, cylinder pipe
5. Sealing surface, piston
6. Screwdriver

The seal must always be fitted coupled together with the support
Always fit by hand, no tools should be used as the surface of the
piston can be easily damaged.
To make fitting easier, the seal can be warmed in hot water to sof-
ten it.
Lubricate with hydraulic fluid.

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9279 02-09 70 12
Technical Handbook Service Publ. Gr. S.

Double action piston seals

Double action seals function with pressure from both directions,
e.g., in a steering cylinder.
5 3 4 1 4 3 6
The whole of the surface within the cylinder pipe is the sealing
surface, it is therefore extremely important that this surface is not
damaged in any way.
Be very careful when fitting the piston in the cylinder pipe to avoid
any damage to the seal from the threading in the cylinder pipe.

1. Remove guide rings and support rings.
2. Move the sealing body over to one side of the sealing groove.
3. Press up the materials so that there is a gap between the seal
and the piston.
4. Without damaging the surface of the piston, cut the seal off
with a knife.
5. Carefully check the seal to discover any damage that can
1. Moving sealing surface against cylinder have caused leakage. This can be achieved most easily by
pipe bending over the seal section by section and checking the
2. Static sealing surface against piston sealing surface with a finger nail.
3. Guide ring
4. Support ring
5. Head of piston Fitting
6. Cylinder pipe 1. All double action piston seals are constructed in the same
way, a middle sealing body, thereafter support rings and final-
ly, guide rings, see illustration.
2. First fit the sealing body, thereafter the support rings and final-
ly the guide rings - everything must be done by hand, without
the use of tools, in order to prevent damage.
1 2 3

Repairing the piston rod surface

The smallest damage to a piston rod can be enough to cause
leakage. The chromium plating has a thickness of 20-50 µ and
can be worked on to repair smaller damage. This can be a viable
alternative to costly dismantling.
1. Locate the damage with finger tips and finger nails.
4 2. Use a small, finely polished, panel beating hammer and work
in the material from the area surrounding the damage, work
from the outside in towards the damage.
3. Instead of a sharp mark, there will now be a more even irreg-
ularity in the chrome surface.
4. Polish with emery cloth, in stages, use grades from 240 - 600.
Wrap the emery cloth around a file to support the cloth well.
N.B. Sufficient chrome must always be visible at the point of
5. It is important, before both dismantling and fitting, to repair
small dents and other physical damage so that they do not
damage the cylinder head.
6. For larger damage to a piston rod:
– fill the damaged area with a weld
– completely remove all welding cinder
– file down the weld to the same level as the chrome surface
– polish to an even finish with emery cloth
1. Piston rod
2. Chrome surface
3. Damaged surface
4. Finely polished hammer
All trucks Hydraulic Cylinders
9279 02-09 70 13
Technical Handbook Service Publ. Gr. S.

1. Within the actual hydraulic system - never anything other than
the normal hydraulic fluid used in the hydraulic system.
2. On the cylinder head thread - use copper paste (e.g., Moly-
1 cote CU 7439). Make sure that the paste does not enter the
3. In areas where there is a risk of condensation building up -
grease with a thin layer of copper paste in the sealing groove
of the cylinder head, in order to prevent condensation. Con-
2 densation causes rust formation that can corrode the sealing
groove and cause leakage.
3 Apply the copper paste with a finger.
4. If any copper paste comes outside the sealing groove - wipe
4 clean with lint free paper. Never use cotton waste


1. Wiper
2. Areas at risk for condensation
3. Piston rod seal
4. Rust formation on sealing surfac-
es causes leakage
5. Cylinder head

3 Lubricating single action cylinders

1. This type of cylinder does not have any hydraulic fluid supply
2 on the piston rod side. If a cylinder normally operates over
only a limited part of the piston stroke, there is a risk for cor-
rosion in the upper part of the cylinder.
4 2. Unscrew the breather filter.
3. Spray 300-500 ml of hydraulic fluid into the filter connection.
4. Run the cylinder to the limits of the piston stroke a number of
times until no more hydraulic fluid is forced out of the breather
1 filter connection point.

Daily lubrication, all cylinders

Run all cylinders to the piston stroke limit so that the whole of the
cylinder is lubricated.

1. Normal working area

2. Breather filter
3. Filter connection point
4. Area at risk from corrosion
All trucks Hydraulic Cylinders
9279 02-09 70 14
Technical Handbook Service Publ. Gr. S.

Dismantling the steering cylinder

On the steering cylinder, it can be very difficult to remove the pis-
ton from the cylinder as the O ring in the cylinder head sticks in
the locking ring groove of the cylinder pipe. It is best, therefore, to
first remove the O ring before attempting to draw out the piston
rod from the cylinder.
1. Unscrew the end piece at the cylinder head.
2. Unscrew the connection nipple for the hydraulic hose.
3. Push in the piston rod with piston head until the O ring is visi-
ble through the nipple hole.

4. Use a strong, bent steel wire to hook onto the O ring, illustra-
tion A.

B 5. Draw up the O ring a little and get a grip on the O ring with a
pair of thin nosed pliers, illustration B.
6. Continue and draw out the O ring through the hole.
7. Maintain a grip on the O ring and cut through it with a knife.

8. Rotate the piston rod and simultaneously draw out the O ring
through the hole, illustration C.

9. Remove the locking ring from the cylinder pipe.

10.Carefully draw out the piston rod from the cylinder pipe.


DCD320-500 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Contents Group 80 P. 1

Group 80
Lifting mast and
fork carriage
Specifications ............................................................................ 2
Lifting mast and fork carriage .................................................... 3
Description ........................................................................... 3
Service ................................................................................. 4
Lifting mast, triplex, free visibility, free-lift........................ 4
Inspection of lifting chains ............................................... 6
Inspection of the lifting mast............................................ 7
Wear inspection – forks................................................... 7
Dismantling the fork carriage, duplex .............................. 8
Dismantling the lifting mast ............................................. 8
Adjusting the rollers in the fork carriage
and inner mast................................................................. 9
Replacing the support rollers in the fork carriage
and inner mast................................................................. 9
Adjusting the support rollers in the fork carriage
and inner mast............................................................... 10
Replacing the bushes and the support rollers
of the mast and fork carriage......................................... 10
Checking lateral support roller alignment ...................... 11
Replacing the bearings of the fork support rollers......... 12
Replacing the bushes in the lower
fork support rollers......................................................... 12
Top lift, GANTRY..................................................................... 13
Description ......................................................................... 13
Carriage, GANTRY........................................................ 13
Top lift, GANTRY, passive levelling .............................. 13
Top lift, GANTRY, active levelling ................................. 14
Twist-locks..................................................................... 15
Service ............................................................................... 16
Indicator lamps .............................................................. 16
Alignment control........................................................... 16
Safety locking system ................................................... 16
Control of indicator lamps for ALIGNMENT and
the electrical safety system ........................................... 16
Inductive sensors .......................................................... 17
Setting and checking the sensors ................................. 17
Chain, adjustment ......................................................... 17
Control of twist-locks ..................................................... 18
Adjustment and lubrication of sliding plates .................. 19
Hydraulic diagram, top lift GANTRY, passive levelling....... 20
Hydraulic diagram, top lift GANTRY, active levelling.......... 21
Circuit diagram, 5 pages ................................... A44659.0100
DCD320-500 Specifications TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 80 P. 2

Permissible wear of forks 10% at point a

(see instructions)

Lifting chains
Max. permissible wear see instructions

Clearance between the forks 25 mm

and ground when the forks
are in the lowest position


Risk for injuries by squeezing!

At any work with the mast or carriage, the carriage must

be secured against unitentional lowering by means of
suitable wooden poles or similar.
DCD320-500 Lifting mast and fork carriage TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 80 P. 3

Lifting mast
The mast on Kalmar forklift trucks is of very sturdy design. The
number of welds has been kept down to a minimum, to ensure the
highest possible strength. The stresses on the mast components
are low. Both duplex and triplex masts are of free-vision type.
All rollers and wheels of the mast are mounted in high-quality
bearings. The mast sections are made of high-strength steel and
have slender dimensions, to restrict the field of vision as little as

Fork carriage
The fork carriage offers excellent visibility. The standard carriage
is equipped with manually movable forks. The most common de-
sign is with hydraulic sideshifting and fork positioning.

1 6

3 7

1. Inner mast
2. Outer mast 8
3. Lifting chain
4. Fork with fork positioning and sideshifting
5. Hose guide pulley
6. Guide sprocket for lifting chain
7. Lifting cylinders
8. Cylinders
9. Support rollers

Lifting mast and fork carriage

DCD320-500 Lifting mast and fork carriage TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 4

Lifting mast, triplex, free visibility, free-lift

The triplex mast is specially developed for operation in areas with
limited height.
The lifting sequence is controlled by a system incorporating in-
ductive sensors and solenoid valves, see also next page.
1. Control lever LIFT is actuated.
2. Hydraulic feed to free-lift cylinders. The fork carriage moves
3. When the fork carriage reaches its top position, sensor 6 is
activated and gives a plus feed to relay 9b. This, in turn,
causes solenoid valve 11 to change over thus directing the
hydraulic flow to the main lift cylinders.
4. Simultaneous to the upward moving of the inner mast, sen-
sor 7 is deactivated. The plus signal to relay 9a stops, sole-
noid valve 10 changes over and the hydraulic feed to the
freelift cylinders is stopped.
5. The inner mast reaches its top position, whereafter the inter-
mediate mast mechanically follows up to the maximum lifting
6. The lowering sequence is reversed correspondingly.

1. Outer mast
2. Intermediate mast
3. Inner mast
4. Free-lift cylinder
5. Main-lift cylinder
6. Inductive sensor on fork carriage
7. Inductive sensor on inner mast, 160054.0100.7
activated by the outer mast
DCD320-500 Lifting mast and fork carriage TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 5

4. Free-lift cylinder
5. Main-lift cylinder
6. Inductive sensor on fork carriage
7. Inductive sensor on inner mast,
activated by the outer mast
8. Connector truck-mast
9. Relay box, located at the chassis
front cross member
9a. Relay, control of solenoid valve 10
9b. Relay, control of solenoid valve 11
10. Solenoid valve, free-lift on–off
11. Solenoid valve, main-lift on–off

DCD320-500 Lifting mast and fork carriage TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 6

Inspection of lifting chains

To increase safety, the lifting chains should be inspected regularly
in accordance with the points below. This should be carried out
during each 1000 h service.
For inspection, the whole length of each chain should be thor-
oughly clean. Carry out the inspection without any load on the

1. The chain extension should not exceed 3%.

Measure the extension across the 25 links that run across
the guide sprocket most frequently during lifting. The exten-
sion will be greatest here. Compare the value obtained with
that in the table. If the 3% limit is exceeded, the chain or
chains must be replaced.
A special wear measurement tape may be used for chains of
Max permissible up to 1 1/2" pitch.
Dimension P Dimension dimension The tape is marked:
Inch mm across 25 across 25 • Zulässige Verlängerung” (Permissible extension)
links of new links at 3%
chain, mm extension, mm • ”Kette austauschen” (Replace the chain)
3/4 19,05 476.25 490 This type of tape may be ordered from Kalmar.
1 25,4 635 654 2. Check that no pins are loose in the outer washers.
1 1/4 31,75 793.75 817
1 1/2 38,1 952,5 981
3. Check that there are no visible cracks in any of the links.
2 50,8 1270 1308 4. Check that there is no mechanical damage.
2 1/2 63,5 1587,5 1635
5. Check that the chain is not corroded.
6. Check that the chain bends easily around the guide sprocket
and does not jam when bent.
7. Drive the truck onto a flat surface and set the mast to the ver-
tical position (0° tilt). Lower the forks to the bottom position.
Check that there is a space of 25 mm between the forks and
the ground. If not, adjust the lifting chains equally.

After inspection, spray the chains with chain spray.

If a lifting chain does not pass this
inspection, replace the whole chain.
Lifting chains must not be joined or
DCD320-500 Lifting mast and fork carriage TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 7

Inspection of the lifting mast

1. Inspect the lifting mast for damage or wear on the outer or
inner masts.
2. Investigate whether any wear of the lifting mast has been
caused by the support rollers.
WARNING! 3. Run the fork carriage up and down the mast and listen for
any unusual sounds from the ball bearings.
Never carry out service work on a lift- 4. Check that the hose guide pulley runs freely and that it does
ing mast when the engine is running. not damage the hoses.
5. Run the fork carriage up and down and check that the hoses
do not tend to climb over one another. If they do, find out
whether the hoses are twisted, by disconnecting the appro-
priate hose connections.

Careful inspection may considerably ex- Wear inspection - forks

tend the service life of the forks 1. Inspect the forks for cracks and deformation and check the
thickness of the fork.
– Fork wear must not exceed 10% (calculated from the orig-
inal dimension and measured 150 mm from the heel of the
– Cracks that are visible to the naked eye are not permissi-
ble. Pay special attention to the heels of the forks. Super-
ficial cracks are generally not longer than about 5 mm. If
superficial cracks are detected, grind down the area by
about 0.5 mm. Carry out magnetic particle examination to
determine whether the crack is still visible. (This work
must be carried out by an approved company.)
Wear at “a” must 2. Check the fork suspension for play.
not exceed 10%
of the original 3. If the forks need repairing, get in touch with Kalmar or serv-
dimension ice personnel authorised by Kalmar, who will decide whether
the forks can be repaired.
4. Superficial cracks and wear must not be repaired by welding.
The forks must be inspected by specially
trained personnel at least once a year 5. Forks that have been heat straightened must be heat treated

Tilt cylinder mounting, tightening torque

1. After any adjustment of the tilt angle, the piston rod head’s
mounting bolt should be tightened to a torque of 136 Nm.
See adjacent illustration.
Checking tilt cylinders
1 2 3 The tilt cylinders should be checked every 500 hours considering
på cracks and also tightening torque as stated above.
1. Tilt cylinder
2. Mounting bolts 4. Check to make sure that no cracks occur at welds and fillets.
3. Piston rod head Pay special attention to the items in the illustration below.

1 2 3
Risk of crack formation
1. Thread exit
2. Weld
3. Weld
DCD320-500 Lifting mast and fork carriage TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 8

Dismantling the fork carriage, duplex

1. Disconnect all the hose connections between the hydraulic
cylinders of the fork carriage and the hydraulic system. Fit
protective caps/plugs to all hydraulic cylinder and hose con-
N.B. Never use rags, cotton waste or wooden plugs. Use
only protective caps and plugs of plastic or metal.

2. Raise the fork carriage a little.

3. Fit blocks under the lower cross-member of the fork carriage.
4. Lower the fork carriage so that it rests with the bottom cross-
member on the blocks and with the forks on the ground.
5. Remove the pins from the chain mountings and secure the
chains with a rope, so that they will not run off the guide
6. Lift the inner mast by a sufficient amount so that the fork car-
riage is clear of the inner mast.
7. Reverse the truck from the fork carriage.

Dismantling the lifting mast

1. Remove the fork carriage.
2. Disconnect the hydraulic hoses from the lifting cylinder. Cap
or plug all connections.
3. Set the tilt control lever to the neutral position and secure a
sturdy lifting chain to the yoke or lifting lugs on the mast.
4. Disconnect the tilt cylinder pistons from the outer mast.
5. Lift the outer mast so that the mast suspension is unloaded,
then remove the split pins and tap out the mounting pins.
Caution - risk of injury by crushing.
6. Lower the mast forward and lay it down.
7. Fit blocks under the lifting cylinders, disconnect the piston
forks of the lifting cylinders and withdraw the inner mast.
DCD320-500 Lifting mast and fork carriage TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 9

Adjusting the rollers in the fork carriage and inner

1. Remove the fork carriage.
1 2
2. Use a drift to tap out the tubular dowel from the inside.
3. Screw in the clamping screw so that the roller is firmly
4. Back off the screw until the roller can be rotated but is some-
what stiff. Turn the clamping screw to line it up with the near-
est hole for the tubular dowel.
5. Tap in the tubular dowel to lock the clamping screw.

Replacing the support rollers in the fork carriage

and inner mast
1. Dismantle the fork carriage/inner mast.
2. Remove the circlip securing the support roller.
3. Remove the support roller using an extractor.
6 4. Remove the ball bearings and press in new bearings. Check
5 that the bearings are a close fit in the roller.
4 5. Press on the roller and fit the circlip.



1. Cirslip
2. Inner bearing
3. Tubular dowel
4. Clamping screw
5. Sealing washer
6. Outer bearing
7. Roller
DCD320-500 Lifting mast and fork carriage TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 10

Adjusting the support rollers in the fork carriage

and inner mast
Support rollers of the same type are fitted between the inner mast
and the fork carriage and between the inner mast and the outer
1 2 3 1. Remove the fork carriage.
2. Measure dimension A in the mast.
3. Measure the corresponding dimension across the support
rollers on the fork carriage. This should be A + 1 mm. Adjust
by fitting adjusting washers under the support roller mount-
ing lugs. 1 mm thick adjusting washers are available.
Lock the bolts with LOCTITE.

Replacing the bushes and the support rollers of

4 the mast and fork carriage
1. Tap out the tubular dowel securing the support roller shaft.
2. Tap out the shaft.
5 6 7 3. Change the bushes in the support roller.
4. Fit the support roller into place, tap in the shaft and secure it
by means of the tubular dowel.



1. Retaining bolt
2. Mounting lug
3. Adjusting washers
4. Support roller
5. Bush
6. Tubular dowel
7. Shaft
8. Mast
9. Fork carriage
10. Support roller
11. Mast support roller
DCD320-500 Lifting mast and fork carriage TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 11

Checking lateral support roller alignment

To ensure correct function, the lateral support rollers must be
both parallel and at right-angles to their respective contact surfac-
1 If a roller is not aligned at right-angles to the contact surface, it
will slide laterally in one direction with upward movements and in
the opposite direction with downward movements. Both of the
2 end surfaces of the roller will then become worn.
If a roller is not aligned parallel to the contact surface, it will slide
in one direction when moving both upwards and downwards. One
4 of the end surfaces of the roller will then become worn.
In both cases, the rollers will rotate sluggishly due to the lateral
force against the mounting, restricting rotation. This can cause
the roller to cease rotating completely, resulting in excessive wear
and at the same time cause severe damage to the beam.

1. Check that the rollers are at right-angles using a straight-

1 edge (and set-square) between the support wheels, i.e.,
along the length of the beam.

1. Support wheel
2. Support roller
3. Straight-edge
4. Set-square

2. Check that the rollers are parallel to the beam and at right-
angles to the beam flanges on both sides.


1. Set-square

3. Check that the rollers do not run askew so that uneven pres-
sure causes uneven wear to one edge of the roller. This can
be caused by the rollers not being truly parallel to the contact
surface or the beam, against which the rollers rotate, being
out of true, or shims having been incorrectly fitted.

DCD320-500 Lifting mast and fork carriage TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 12

Replacing the bearings of the fork support rollers

1. Remove the circlip securing the bearing.
1 2. Remove the support roller using an extractor.
3. Remove the internal circlips and press out the bearing.
4. Fit a new bearing and fit the circlips.
5. Press the support roller on and fit the circlip.

Replacing the bushes in the lower fork-support

2 1. Remove the tubular dowel securing the support roller shaft
4 and tap out the shaft upwards.
2. Fit new bushes into the support roller.
3 3. Fit the support roller and tap in the shaft. Lock it with a tubu-
lar dowel.

1. Fork support roller

2. Shaft
3. Lower fork support roller
4. Tubular dowel
DCD320-500 Top lift GANTRY TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 80 P. 13

Carriage, GANTRY
The carriage is part of the suspension which, in turn, is integrated
in the mast, a construction that provides a lower centre of gravity
and thereby, a higher lift capacity than conventional top lift attach-
ments. The Gantry also has a suspension that compensates for
leaning containers and thereby, a rapid and effective container
2 connection.

1 Top lift, GANTRY, passive levelling

The top lift is suspended in four hydraulically dampened links,
with a reach of 200 mm. The attachment therefore rapidly and ef-
3 2 ficiently compensates for leaning containers, both laterally and
longitudinally, so called passive levelling (pileslope) see Hydrau-
lic diagram page . Optinal, there is active levelling, see next page.
The top lift is adjustable for 20’–40' containers and is constructed
of welded steel profiles that run inside each other on plastic slid-
ing plates. The attachment is manoeuvred hydraulically from the
The attachment is adjusted in length by means of a hydraulic mo-
KL1500 tor which drives two chains. At the last 200 mm of the movement,
outwards and inwards, the speed is automatically reduced in or-
1. Links der to minimize stoppage stress. The change-over to low speed
2. Hydraulic cylinder, extension is controlled by an inductive sensor 789.
3. Hydraulic cylinder, side shift
The top lift can be side-shifted ±400 mm with hydraulic motor and
chain. The extension cylinders can be used both for parallel and
Carriage, GANTRY
angled extension, both forwards and backwards.

15 17



x100 18

11, 12, 13, 14
A, B, C
8. Hydraulic motor with planetary gear
11-14.Solenoid valves
15. Chain, left
19 16. Chain, right
8 17. Chain tightener, left
18. Chain tightener, right
19. Sliding plates
789. Sensor, end position damping
x100. Connection box
A. Twist-locks locked (green)
B. Alignment container (orange)
C. Twist-locks released (red)

Top lift, GANTRY
DCD320-500 Top lift GANTRY TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 80 P. 14

Top lift GANTRY, active levelling

See also previous page, passive levelling.
In the case of active levelling, the four suspension links are repla-
ced by electro-hydraulically controlled hydraulic cylinders.
The levelling can be set to either of two modes, floating position
or locking position.
The changing between the different modes is made by a switch,
2 see illustration below.
– using joystick, the pressure switch 3 to the right on top of
1 the joystick.
– using linear leevers, the switchj on the lever panel.
1 Floating position
3 2
See hydraulic diagram page 21.
The control lever activates the solenoid valve 15 which feeds the
levelling cylinders 18 through the over-centre valves 16 and floa-
ting position valves 17. Since the solenoid valves 17 in this posi-
tion are activated and have an open connection to the tank, the
levelling with follow the lever movement. When the lever is rele-
ased, the levelling will drop to the bottom position.
Locking position
KL1500 See hydraulic diagram page 21.
The control lever activates the solenoid valve 15 which feeds the
1. Hydraulic cylinder levelling levelling cylinders 18 through over-centre valves 16 and floating
2. Hydraulic cylinder, extension position valves 17. In the locking position the solenoid valves are
3. Hydraulic cylinder, sideshift deactivated, i.e. the way the diagram is drawn. The over-centre
valves then will stop the return to tank thus stopping the levelling
in the actual position when the lever is released. The over-centre
valves do not open until the lever is operated again. If the levelling
Carriage, GANTRY , active lvelling should reach its end position on one side and there is need to le-
vel the other side, the first side will be lowered correspondingly.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7

8 9 10 11


J = Floating position/Locking position 3 = Floating position/Locking position

Forward position: Floating position Inre läge: Locking position
Backwards position: Locking position Yttre läge: Floating position

See the Instruction Manual for detailed lever functions

DCD320-500 Top lift GANTRY TDCD01
Technical Handbook Description Group 80 P. 15

A spring loaded contact pin and an inductive sensor at each twist
lock are used to control and check the alignment. An electrical
locking system prevents twisting of the twist locks before they
7202/ have fully entered the container locking holes. When all four con-
tact pins are depressed, the ALIGNMENT lamp lights up. Only
then is it permissible to lock the twist-locks.
Locking and indicating the twist-lock position
On each side of the top-lift there is a locking cylinder that, via a
rod, turns the front and rear 90° in the containers locking hole.
Two inductive sensors on each side monitor whether the twist-
locks are locked or released. See illustration below. The activator,
20, activates the sensor at respective end positions. The distance
between activator and sensor at the end position should be 4-5
mm. Sensor 7205 activates the green TWIST-LOCKS LOCKED
lamp which indicates that both sides of the top-lift are locked onto
the container which is thereby ready to be lifted. When lifting, the
ALIGNMENT lamp is extinguished, i.e., the alignment signal
ceases which prevents accidental release of the twist-locks dur-
ing lifting. The electrical locking device also prevents lifting if the
twist-locks are not released or turned 90° in the container’s lock-
ing hole.

Sensor 7204 activates the red TWIST-LOCKS RELEASED lamp.

20 21 7202/7203 The attachment can then be lifted from the container.
20. Twist-Lock
21. Spring-load contact pin, ALIGNMENT
7202L. Inductive sensor ALIGNMENT,
front, left side
7203L. Inductive sensor ALIGNMENT,
rear, left side
7202R.Inductive sensor ALIGNMENT,
front, right side
7203R.Inductive sensor ALIGNMENT,
rear, right side

7204 22 7205 7

7. Locking cylinder
22. Activator for sensor
7204. Inductive sensor, twist-locks released
When sensor is activated the red TWIST-
LOCKS RELEASED lamp lights
7205. Inductive sensor, twist-locks locked
When sensor is activated the green
4-5 mm
DCD320-500 Top lift GANTRY TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 16

Indicator lamps
The top-lift frame has a panel with three indicator lamps for con-
tainer handling.


B Orange, centre: ALIGNMENT
(The lamp extinguishes when lifting)


If the indicator lamps do not function, the attachment

must be taken out of service and repaired. Using an
attachment with faulty indicator lamps could entail a risk
of personal injury.


Alignment control
A spring-loaded contact pin and an inductive sensor is used for
alignment control. The attachment is fully aligned onto a contain-
er when the contact pins in all four corners have been depressed
Lamp panel ad the distance between sensors and contact pins has been re-
duced to 4-5 mm. The ALIGNMENT lamp then lights and the
twist-locks are ready for locking or release.

7202/7203 Safety locking system

Once the twist-locks have been turned 90° in the container lock-
ing holes, lifting can begin. In-built play between the twist-locks
and the container corner boxes allow the container to be lifted
sufficiently for the inductive sensors for alignment control to be
de-activated, i.e., the distance between sensor and contact pin
increases to something more than 8 mm.

This interrupts the negative feed to the twist-locks solenoid valve

and makes it impossible to release the twist locks when lifting.
This electrical safety device can, in emergency situations, be by-
passed by means of a switch in the operator’s cab. The override
switch will feed ”false” alignment minus signal to the twist-lock so-
lenoid valve thus making it possible to operate the twist-locks.

Control of indicator lamps for ALIGNMENT and the

electrical safety system
1. Check that the contact pins in the corner boxes are freely
20 21 moveable up and down. A plate which binds in the upper po-
sition may indicate correct alignment although the attach-
20. Twist-lock ment is not in contact with all four container corners.
21. Spring-loaded contact pin
7202L. Inductive sensor ALIGNMENT 2. Check that the indicating lamp ALIGNMENT lights up when
front, left side the attachment is fitted to the container and that the lamps
7203L. Inductive sensor ALIGNMENT are extinguished when the container is lifted.
rear, left side 3. When lifting an empty container just enough to make the
7202R.Inductive sensor ALIGNMENT lamp ALIGNMENT go out, check that it is impossible to un-
front, right side
7203R.Inductive sensor ALIGNMENT
lock the twist-locks.
rear, right side 4. The sensor 7202/7203 for alignment should be adjusted to
give a signal when the contact pin is depressed 3-4 mm.
See Setting and checking next page.
DCD320-500 Top lift GANTRY TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 17

Inductive sensors
A number of inductive sensors control the different functions of
the attachment.
The sensors are of the PNP type – positive/negative/positive. The
last P means that the sensor transmits a positive signal when it is
activated, which happens when magnetic object comes nearer
than 8 mm from the top of the sensor.
The sensor is fitted with one yellow LED that can be used to
check the sensor’s functions.

Setting and checking the sensors

1. The gap between the top of the sensor and the magnetic ac-
tivator should be set at 4-5 mm. With a gap greater than 8
mm the negative 24 V signal ceases, i.e., the sensor is de-
2. When the sensor is connected to the 24 V system, the yellow
LED should light.
3. Check that the sensor is clean and free from grease.
(Grease can activate the sensor).

1. Yellow LED
2. –
3. Magnetic activator

Inductive sensor

15/16 17/18
Chain, adjustment
1. The chain tension is controlled by two sets of plate springs
and adjusting nuts.
2. The chain play should be max 10-15 mm at retracted attach-
ment, when pressing with the thumb.
3. Adjust if needed with adjusting nuts. Lock with locknuts.
4. After 1–2 years or if the adjustment is fully utilized, remove a
link from the chain.
5. If the chain is slipping over the gear wheel, check the lubri-
cation, specially the fixed beam bottom surface, see section
Adjustment and lubrication of sliding plates.


15/16 Chain left/right

17/18 Adjustment screw left/right
DCD320-500 Top lift GANTRY TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 18

Control of twist-locks
3 N.B. This control should be first carried out after 5000 hours
of service, or after 2 years - which ever occurs first.
Thereafter, the twist-locks should be checked every year.

Removing the twist-locks

1. Unscrew the grease nipple 1.
2. Remove the twist-lock 2.
3. Unscrew nut 3, at the same time, support the underside of
4 the twist-lock.
1 4. Remove the twist-lock 5 downwards, the washer 4 comes
with it.
Twist-lock control
1. Check to ensure that there are no fractures or splits in any
part of the twist-lock. Use a method for undestructive testing.
Contact an authorised representative.


If any split or fracture is discovered then the twist-lock

must be immediately replaced.
If the twist-lock has any other visible damage, then it
must be immediately replaced.
1. Grease nipple All twist-locks shall be replaced after 20,000 hours of
2. Locking pin service, even if they appear undamaged.
3. Fixing nut for lifting pin
4. Washer
5. Twist-lock 2. Place the washer 4 on the twist-lock and refit the lifting pin.
3. Refit the locking pin 2, and the grease nipple 1.
4. Tighten the nut to a torque of 300 Nm.
DCD320-500 Top lift GANTRY TDCD01
Technical Handbook Service Group 80 P. 19

Adjustment and lubrication of sliding plates

The sliding plates are made of plastic and must be thorougly lu-
bricated in order to minimize wear. The degree of wear is highly
dependant on the environment and may vary considerably.
Equally important is the play between fixed and moveable parts,
which is adjusted by means of shims.
Adjustment of play using shims.
1. Operate the length adjustment and check the play which
should be 1-2 mm on both sides of the moveable member,
horizontally as well as vertically.
2. If needed, disassemble the sliding plates in question and put
suitable shims under the sliding plates. Sliding plates are fit-
ted in the ends of each moveable member and also each end
of the fixed main beam, see figure.
Shims of various thickness can be ordered from Kalmar, see
Spare Parts Catalogue.
N.B. The shims must be fitted equilateral in order to maintain
the attachment aligned and levelled, otherwise there is a risk
of malfunction.

3. Check the remaining thickness of the sliding plates.

Minimum screw mesh: 5 mm. Minimum clearance between
sliding surface and screw tip: 3 mm.
If necessary when thick shims are needed, change to longer
screws, but note the 3 mm clearance between screw tip and slid-
ing surface.
1. Set the length adjustment to maximum.
2. Use a brush on a long handle to reach into the fixed main
beam. Grease the sliding surfaces on sides, roof and bottom
with a graphitebased grease.

Position of the sliding plates

DCD320-500 Top lift GANTRY TDCD01
Technical Handbook Hydraulic diagram Group 80 P. 20

3 4

6 7



11 13


1. Feed and return

2. –
3. Cylinder, extension left
4. Cylinder, extension right
5. Cylinder, side shift
6. Cylinder, twist-locks left
7. Cylinder, twist-locks right
8. Hydraulic motor, length adjustment
9. Valve block
10. –
11. Solenoid valve, direction length adjustment
12. Solenoid valve, twist-locks
13. Solenoid valve, length adjustment
14. Solenoid valve, extension

Hydraulic diagram, top lift GANTRY, passive levelling

DCD320-500 Top lift GANTRY TDCD01
Technical Handbook Hydraulic diagram Group 80 P. 21

3 4

18 18



6 7

9 14

12 15

11 13

1 1 1

1. Feed and return

2. –
3. Cylinder, extension left Wiring diagram for active levelling , see
4. Cylinder, extension right Grupp 20 , Attachment panel GANTRY
5. Cylinder, side shift Diagram A28345.0500
6. Cylinder, twist-locks left
7. Cylinder, twist-locks right
8. Hydraulic motor, length adjustment
9. Valve block
10. –
11. Solenoid valve, direction length adjustment
12. Solenoid valve, twist-locks
13. Solenoid valve, length adjustment
14. Solenoid valve, extension
15. Solenoid valve, levelling
16. Over-centre ventil
17. Solenoid valves, Floating/Locking
18. Hydraulic cylinder, levelling

Hydraulic diagram, top lift GANTRY, active levelling

DCD320-500 Tom sida TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 80 P. 22
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


-K1 -K3 -K4 -K5 -K6 -K7

85 85 86 86 85 85 86 86 85 85 86 86 85 85 86 86 85 85 86 86 85 85 86 86

30 30 87 87 30 30 87 87 30 30 87 87 30 30 87 30 30 87 87 30 30 87 87
87A 87A 87A 87A 87a 87A 87A



5 9

BU 13


BU 20
/5.A7 17
1 -XK8 -XK8-30
14 30 1

-XK8 -XK8-87a
19 87a 1

-X100 1 1 2 2 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 19 20 22 23

RD +24V
-X200 1 1 /4.E2
2 2 /4.E2
20' - 40' GY TW._OPEN
3 3 /4.E2
D 4 4 /4.E2 D

written permission and the contents thereof must

This document must not be copied without our

not be imparted to a third party nor be used for any

unauthorized purpose. Contravention will be pro-
5 5
6 6
7 7 /2.D2
8 8 2 +24V
30' - 35' /2.D2

E /2.E2 E
1 +24V

1 +24V

stöd av gällande lag.

Denna ritning får ej utan vårt medgivande kopieras.

Den får ej heller delgivas annan eller annars obe-
hörigen användas. Överträdelse härav beivras med

Ref. Benämning Produkt/Product Blad/Sheet

Nr Ändring Ändring nr Datum Sign. Datum/Date
Ruta Sign.
No. Design change Change No. Date Ritad/Drawn CJS 021206 1 5
+ATTACHMENT Krets aggregat topplyft 20-40 DCD370-

H.Grp: Name Drawing No. Utgåva/Issue
1 Nyupplägg / New design 021756 CJS 021206 Konstr/Design 6

T=Tillk/Added U=Utgår/Deleted V=Var/Was Godk/Appr LME 021209 Klass/Class Wiring diagram attachment toplift 20-40 A44659.0100 01
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



-X7202Rf -X7202Rm
3 2 2 BN
-X7202Lm -X7202Lf -B7202R
BN 2 2 3 4 1 1 BK
A -B7202L A
3 3 BU BU

-X7203Rf -X7203Rm
9 2 2 BN
-X7203Lm -X7203Lf -B7203R
BN 2 2 1 7 1 1 BK
3 3 BU BU

-X7204Rf -X7204Rm
BK 2 2 BN
-X7204Lm -X7204Lf -B7204R
BN 2 2 5 5 1 1 BK
B -B7204L B
3 3 BU BU

-X7205Rf -X7205Rm
BK 2 2 BN
-X7205Lm -X7205Lf -B7205R
BN 2 2 7 6 1 1 BK
3 3 BU BU


-X769m -X769f
BN 2 2
BK 1 1



/1.D7 D

written permission and the contents thereof must

This document must not be copied without our

not be imparted to a third party nor be used for any

unauthorized purpose. Contravention will be pro-
+24V 2
-X100 3 4 6 15 16




+24V 1
E /1.E7 E


+24V 1


stöd av gällande lag.

Denna ritning får ej utan vårt medgivande kopieras.

Den får ej heller delgivas annan eller annars obe-
hörigen användas. Överträdelse härav beivras med

Ref. Benämning Produkt/Product Blad/Sheet

Nr Ändring Ändring nr Datum Sign. Datum/Date
Ruta Sign.
No. Design change Change No. Date Ritad/Drawn CJS 021206 2 5
+ATTACHMENT Krets aggregat topplyft 20-40 DCD370-

H.Grp: Name Drawing No. Utgåva/Issue
1 Nyupplägg / New design 021756 CJS 021206 Konstr/Design 6

T=Tillk/Added U=Utgår/Deleted V=Var/Was Godk/Appr LME 021209 Klass/Class Wiring diagram attachment toplift 20-40 A44659.0100 01
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

TW. RD 1 1 2 2 BU







30-35_Stop BK 1 1 2 2 BU

written permission and the contents thereof must

This document must not be copied without our

not be imparted to a third party nor be used for any

unauthorized purpose. Contravention will be pro-


stöd av gällande lag.

Denna ritning får ej utan vårt medgivande kopieras.

Den får ej heller delgivas annan eller annars obe-
hörigen användas. Överträdelse härav beivras med

Ref. Benämning Produkt/Product Blad/Sheet

Nr Ändring Ändring nr Datum Sign. Datum/Date
Ruta Sign.
No. Design change Change No. Date Ritad/Drawn CJS 021206 3 5
+ATTACHMENT Krets aggregat topplyft 20-40 DCD370-

H.Grp: Name Drawing No. Utgåva/Issue
1 Nyupplägg / New design 021756 CJS 021206 Konstr/Design 6

T=Tillk/Added U=Utgår/Deleted V=Var/Was Godk/Appr LME 021209 Klass/Class Wiring diagram attachment toplift 20-40 A44659.0100 01
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


-E563 -E564 -E562

1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1





written permission and the contents thereof must

This document must not be copied without our

not be imparted to a third party nor be used for any

unauthorized purpose. Contravention will be pro-
+24V RD

E /1.D7 E



stöd av gällande lag.

Denna ritning får ej utan vårt medgivande kopieras.

Den får ej heller delgivas annan eller annars obe-
hörigen användas. Överträdelse härav beivras med

Ref. Benämning Produkt/Product Blad/Sheet

Nr Ändring Ändring nr Datum Sign. Datum/Date
Ruta Sign.
No. Design change Change No. Date Ritad/Drawn CJS 021206 4 5
+ATTACHMENT Krets aggregat topplyft 20-40 DCD370-

H.Grp: Name Drawing No. Utgåva/Issue
1 Nyupplägg / New design 021756 CJS 021206 Konstr/Design 6

T=Tillk/Added U=Utgår/Deleted V=Var/Was Godk/Appr LME 021209 Klass/Class Wiring diagram attachment toplift 20-40 A44659.0100 01
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Option 30-35' stop



85 85 86 86
30 87 87

Bygel mellan 30 - 87a ersatt

av relä vid 30-35' stopp.

Jumper between 30 - 87a replaced
by relay at 30-35' stop.


-X100 18 21 24

BK BK 30-35_Stop

-X777-1m -X777-1f
-B777-1 /1.E2
BK 1 1 -XSP6

D 3 3 BU
30-35 STOP D

written permission and the contents thereof must

This document must not be copied without our

not be imparted to a third party nor be used for any

unauthorized purpose. Contravention will be pro-
-X777-2m -X777-2f
BN 2 2 RD
BK 1 1
30-35 STOP DAMPING /1.E2


stöd av gällande lag.

Denna ritning får ej utan vårt medgivande kopieras.

Den får ej heller delgivas annan eller annars obe-
hörigen användas. Överträdelse härav beivras med

Ref. Benämning Produkt/Product Blad/Sheet

Nr Ändring Ändring nr Datum Sign. Datum/Date
Ruta Sign.
No. Design change Change No. Date Ritad/Drawn CJS 021206 5 5
+ATTACHMENT Krets aggregat topplyft 20-40 DCD370-

H.Grp: Name Drawing No. Utgåva/Issue
1 Nyupplägg / New design 021756 CJS 021206 Konstr/Design 6

T=Tillk/Added U=Utgår/Deleted V=Var/Was Godk/Appr LME 021209 Klass/Class Wiring diagram attachment toplift 20-40 A44659.0100 01
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DCD320-500 TDCD01
Technical Handbook Contents Group 90 P. 1

Group 90
Periodic supervision

Periodic supervision .................................................................. 3

General survey ..................................................................... 3
Lubrication chart ................................................................... 4
Daily supervision .................................................................. 8
Every 200 hours ................................................................... 9
Every 600 hours ................................................................. 10
Every 1000 hours ............................................................... 11
Oil and lubricant recommendations .................................... 12
DCD320-500 Empty page TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 2
DCD320-500 Periodic supervision TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 3

General survey
To extend the service life of the truck and to prevent the risk of
faults causing injury to personnel or damage to equipment, the
truck must be subjected to regular periodic supervision.
If the truck is used under conditions in which road traffic regula-
tions are applicable, the special maintenance instructions issued
by the authorities must be followed.
Special procedures are required on trucks used under difficult
conditions, such as in difficult terrain or for the transport of hot
goods. These procedures are not dealt with here.
The intervals at which service measures are carried out can be
determined on the basis of the operating hour meter readings.
When carrying out a 1000-hour service, it is advisable to work in
the following order:

1. Every 1000 hours

2. Every 600 hours
3. Every 200 hours

The same procedure also applies to work carried out in a

600-hour service.

General survey chart

Maintenance intervals, hours

Operating 1000 600 200 Anm


200 z Guarantee service after

400 z 50 hours.
z z Work in accordance with
600 z
800 list below:
1000 z z
1200 z
z z
... z z
2000 z

WARRANTY SERVICE at 50 working hours

1. 200 hours service according to Technical Handbook, group 90
2. Perform and fill in control chart in the Warranty certificate
3. Changing of oil in engine, gearbox, rotator reduction gear and
reduction gear on the top lift.
4. Changing filter in engine, gearbox and hydraulic system,
(all filters incl. WDB, servo filter etc)
5. Valve clearance adjustment (engine)
6. Check all bolt joints (see also SI94-003)
DCD320-500 Periodic supervision TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 4


If the truck is standing unused outdoors, with the After they have been washed with degreasing
piston rods protruding, all piston rods must be agent, all pistons should be moved backwards
greased to prevent corrosion. and forwards several times to obtain a new pro-
tective oil film.
DCD320-500 Periodic supervision TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 5

Item Description Interval No. of Remarks
No. operating hours lub.
200 600 1000 points

1 Cylinder bearing, tilt cylinders L 4

2 Chain wheels L 2
3 Lifting chains L 2 Brush or spray with thin engine oil
4 Support rollers, forks L 12
5 Cylinder bearing L 4
6 Support rollers, mast and fork car- L 18 28 on Triplex-mast, lubricate lightly
7 Mast suspension L 2 Relieve the mast suspension bolts
when lubricating.
Lift the mast slightly with a jack or block
up the mast with wood blocks and tilt
forwards as to relieve the bolts allowing
grease to penetrate to the bolts under-
neath surface
8 Engine oil x x) Oil change every 200 hours 1)
9 Oil filter, engine x 2 x) Filter change every 400 hours
10 Steered wheel bearings 2 Dismantle, clean, inspect and pack
with grease every 4000 hours
11 Knuckle pin bearing 4
12 Gearbox oil C x 1 x) Oil change. Check level while idling
13 Gearbox, oil filter x 1 x) Filter change
14 Drive axle C x 3 x) Oil change, differential and hubs.
Drain the oil at working temperature
Check the levels after refill
15 Propeller shaft L 3
16 Hydraulic pump, cab tilt C Only trucks with low-level located tilting
17 Hydraulic fluid filter x 2 x) Filter change
18 Hydraulic fluid C 1 Oil change every 2000 hours
19 Breather filter, hydraulic reservoir x 1 x) Filter change
20 Linkage L 4
21 Hinges, doors and hatches L Dismount doors and hatches
22 Brake pedals CL 2 Check and retighten the pedal axle
locking screws. Lubricate axle nipples

The interval is greatly dependent on the fuel and lubricant
quality as well as the operating conditions. If intervals longer than
200 hours are desired, the condition of the oil must be checked
by the company making the oil, by means of regular lubricant

For volumes, see Technical Data.

For lubricating oil grades, see Oil and lubricant recommenda-

DCD320-500 Periodic supervision TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 6

1 1



5 4 4
9 10 8 9 10

10 5

12 10


DCD320-500 Periodic supervision TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 7


Item Description Interval No. of Remarks

No. operating hours lub.
200 600 1000 points

1 Sliding surfaces, length adjustment L Brush onto all sliding surfaces with the
in the fully extended position
2 Planetary gear C x 1 Level check, fill to the red spot on the
a. Venting/Topping up sight glass. Oil volume 2.4 litres.
x First oil change - guarantee service
b. Sight glass
x Then, oil change every 1000 hours
c. Magnetic plugg, oil drainage
3 Chains L 2
4 Locking cylinders, twist-locks L 4 Check that the sensors are free from
grease and that the sensor faces are
Check the function, see group 80.
5 Lifting pinion twist connection L x 4 Dismantle the twist-locks every 2000 h.
6 Lifting pinion L x 4 Check for wear. If necessary, change
components accordingly. Clean and
pack with grease. Same procedure
should be used if damage to the twist-
locks is suspected.
7 Contact pin L 4 Lubricate with grease
Check that the sensors are free from
grease and that the sensor faces are
Check the function, see group 80.
8 Cylinder, side-shift L 2
9 Cylinders, extension L 4
10 Links L 8
11 Support rollers L 4
12 Support wheels L 4

DCD320-500 Periodic supervision TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 8


DAILY SUPERVISION Or when Check Refill if required

Brakes Function
Steering Function
All instruments. Function
Blinkers, brake lights, horn,
Headlights, reflectors
Lifting chains Damage
Links, suspension
Hydraulic functions e.g.: Function
Lift, tilt, sideshift Run all functions to
fork positioning end positions for lu-
brication of cylinders
in order to prevent
Engine, gearbox, drive axle Noises?
Hydraulic hoses Oil leakage?
Fuel Amount
The fuel meter z
must never show 0
At suitable times,
drain the condensate
from the fuel pre-fil-
Engine oil Level z

Air cleaner Indicator z

Coolant z Level z

Hydraulic fluid z Level z

Gearbox oil z Level z

Windscreen washers z Fluid level z

Wheels z Tyre pressure z

1.0 MPa if not speci-
DCD320-500 Periodic supervision TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 9

Every 200:e hours

Item Unit Action Remarks

1 Truck Wash Note! Do not use high-pressure

on bearings or bearing housings

2 Radiator Clean the fins of the radiator with Note! Do not use high-pressure.
water and detergent

3 Engine Check the oil and coolant con-

nections for leakage

4 Air cleaner Check the indicator. Replace if See Group 30.


5 Brakes Check for oil leakage. Test brake See Group 70.

6 Battery cables, terminals and Clean the terminals and apply

fuses petroleum jelly. If necessary, re-
place cables and terminals.

7 V-belts Check the belt tension

8 Mast and fork carriage Check for damage. Retighten the See Group 80
bolted joints.

9 Steering axle Check for play and damage

10 Steered and driven wheels Tighten the wheel nuts See Group 40 resp 60 Specifica-

11 Drive axle and propeller shaft Tighten bolt joints. Check for See Group 40 Specifications

12 Transmission Check for oil leakage.

13 (Air conditioner) Check the performance See Group 10

14 (Exhaust gas emission control Inspect the catalyst and top up See Group 30
system) as necessary.

15 Lubrication points, oil and filter

changes in accordance with the
Lubrication chart.

16 Inductive sensors Check setting. Clean the sensors See Group 80

17 Lubricate all single acting cylin- See Group 70

ders which have no oil on the pis-
ton side

18 For optional equipment, please

refer to special instructions is-

Always attend to any damage, wear or faults that are im-
portant to the performance of the truck
and its service life or the safety of the personnel.
DCD320-500 Periodic supervision TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 10

Every 600 hours

Item Unit Action Remark

1 Air cleaner Change the filter element if the See Group 30

indicator shows red.

2 Turbo charger Check for leakage. See Group 30

3 Exhaust system Check for leakage.

4 Steered wheels Check the wheel alignment, and See Group 60

check for deformation or bearing

5 Lifting mast Check that the hose guide pul-

leys run freely and that the hoses
are in good condition.

6 Forks Check for damage and wear See Group 80

7 Chains Wash, lubricate and adjust the See Group 80,


8 Lubrication points, oil and filter

changes in accordance with the
Lubrication chart.

9 Wet disc brake system WDB incl. Check function

parking brake

10 200 hours service

Always attend to any damage, wear or faults that are im-
portant to the performance of the truck
and its service life or the safety of the personnel.
DCD320-500 Periodic supervision TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 11

Every 1000 hours

Item Unit Action Remarks

1 Cabin filter element Change filter element See Group 10

2 Engine Check valve clearances, cooling See Volvo Workshop Manual

system, starter motor, alternator and Group 30
and fuses

3 Fuel tank Drain

4 Fuel filter Change the filter. Bleed the fuel


5 Injectors Check See Volvo Workshop Manual

6 V-belts Check and change as neces-


7 Batteries Check

8 Wheels Check for damage

9 Propeller shaft Check the bolted joints and See Group 40

check the universal joints for play

10 Transmission and drive axle Clean the breather filter

11 Lifting chains Check See Group 80

12 Painting and safety marking Touch up

13 All functions Test-drive and check

14 (Air conditioner) Check the refrigerant level

15 Lubrication points, oil and filter

changes in accordance with the
Lubrication chart.

16 600 and 200 hours service

Always attend to any damage, wear or faults that are im-
portant to the performance of the truck
and its service life or the safety of the personnel.
DCD320-500 Oil and lubricant recommendations TDCD01
Technical Handbook Group 90 P. 12

Oil quality Recommended viscosity at different outer temperatures

Engine Engine oil

Gearbox Transmission oil

MIL-L-2104 C/D ***

C-2, C-3

Drive axle Hypoid oil

Hydraulic system Hydraulic fluid *

ISO 6743/4

* Additive: LUBRIZOL LZ9990A 6%, production year 2002 and earlier

1%, as from production year 2003
** DEXRON is a registered Trade Mark
*** DEXRON-oils must not be used for Clark 36000/40000

Use EP universal grease to NLGI Grade 2 with 3–5% molybde-
num disulphide additive for all lubrication points, including wheel

Grease for Plastic plates

Use grease recommended by Kalmar. Ordered from Kalmar’s
Spares department.
0,65 kg cartridge for grease gun Art. no 923110.0360
5 kg can Art. no 923595.0003

Coolant for air conditioning unit

ZXL100 Seltec PAG oil
Any deviations from the above table
must be supported by written approval
from Kalmar.

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