Physical Education 1

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MODULE 1: History of Physical Education
 Primitive man moved in order to satisfy
Definition of terms: a felt need or a necessity.
 The physical activities of primitive man
Health: were not organized.
 The motives for physical activities were
A human condition with physical, social, and mainly to search for food and to protect
psychological dimensions; not merely the oneself.
absence of disease or infirmity.  For people whose language was less
adequate, dance was a mean of
Physical Activity: expression, particularly in a certain
tribal societies or small groups.
 Play and games were an important part
Bodily movement produced by the contraction
of living for these primitive. It became a
of skeletal muscles that results in energy
recognized way to improve strength,
speed and skills qualities necessary for
Wellness:  Dance is the oldest and liveliest of arts,
reflecting man’s age old used to
The integration and balance of social, mental, communicate joy or grief by using by
emotional, spiritual, environmental, and physical using the most immediate instrument of
health. disposal of the body.
 For primitive man, dance is a way of
Exercise: thinking and living.

Planned, structured, and repetitive body

movement done to improve or maintain physical


Fitness is defined as being in good physical SPARTA:

shape or being suitable for a specific task or
purpose.  Physical education was practiced to
develop strong and powerful army.
 The Spartans were subservient to the
state and required to help defend it
Importance of History: against enemies.
 Women as well as men were required to
1. It enables us to understand the present be in a physical condition.
status of Physical Education  A major training consisted of such
2. To be aware of the influences that have physical activities as wrestling, jumping,
shaped it and led to each establishment running, throwing the javelin and discus,
3. It can be used to help verify and clarify horseback riding and hunting.
principles from the behavioral and social  Only the strong and vigorous babies
science were allowed to live in this military state

 Athenians believed in the development 3. Socrates: gave emphasis on the
of the total individual in all life’s aspect. importance of P.E. in attaining health in
 Their objective of physical education order to achieve ones purpose in life.
was for physical perfection with 4. Aristotle: recognized the close
emphasis on beauty of physiques. interrelationship of the body and soul,
 Gymnastics was believed to contribute and the mental faculties can be affected
to physical development and music was by poor health.
also considered important to the 5. Xenophon: Thought of P.E. as
intellect. important on terms of the military.
 Gymnastics for the youth was practiced 6. Hippocrates: Proclaimed the law of use
in “Palaestra”, a place which provided and disuse of the parts of the body.
rooms for various physical activities.
 Army life was considered very
 The first Olympics was held in 776 B.C important to the romans and considered
and continued every four years health as important only to military life.
thereafter.  A roman soldier had to engage in
 The contestant had to undergo ten various physical activities following a
months training and rigid screening. He rigid schedule of training such as
had to be a free man without any marching, jumping, running, throwing
criminal record, he had to be in perfect the discus and javelin, swimming among
physiques and of good character others and body conditioning.
 He had to compete in accordance with  The roman was never famous as an
the rules. athlete but admired good performance in
 The victor did not receive any material others and promoted it on a professional
but a wreath of olive branches as his basis like chariot racing and gladiator
crown. combat where the life of the contestants
 Citius, Altius, Fortius (swifter, higher, was at stake.
stronger)  The most famous stadium was the
 Blue circle represents Europe. Circus Maximus in Rome, a huge arena
 Yellow symbolizes Asia that seated 200,000 spectators. The
 Black represents Africa chariot races were the main event here.
 Green stands for America  The gladiator combats were held in the
 Red circle is for austral- Asia coliseum, an arena 150 feet high seating
 Interlocking the circles symbolizing 50,000 people.
unity  They did not believe in developing the
 The flag started to used “body beautiful”. They preferred to be
 During the 1920 Olympic games in spectators rather than participants.
1. Herodotus: recognized the use of P.E.
as an aid to medicine.  The aborigines in the Philippines, the
2. Galen: stated that P.E. is a part of Negritos or Aetas had a way of life
hygiene and subordinate to medicine. similar to other people living in the
primitive society.
 The only motivations for physical  Bathing and swimming were still the
activities were for survival in connection favorite pastime of the Filipinos which
with their quest for foods and for was usually done at the setting of the
protection against a hostile environment. sun.
 Such of those physical activities were,  Cockfighting was continued to be the
running, leaping, jumping and climbing favorite sport, it was quite unfortunate,
to keep them physically fit. though, the cockfighting ceased to be a
 Maragtas, an ancient manuscript found sport when the Filipino farmer had to
in Panay written in A.D 1212. This spend most of his time caring for his
historical document mentions about the favorite cock.
unusual ability and bravery of a Negrito  Dancing to be one of the major physical
named Marikudo who had capturing activities enjoyed by the people. Spanish
wild animals by himself without the and European dances were introduced,
assistance of anyone or even a dog. such as fandangos, urachas and jotas of
 The Negritos living in the mountains of Spain.
Bataan, Zambales and Tarlac are found  The polka and mazurkas of central
to be fond of music and dancing. Europe and the Rigodon and lanceros of
Among their dances are imitative their France which were danced by people of
way of life. high social standing in the community.
 The Indonesian and the Malays, those  Games were played by the Filipinos
who arrived earlier were driven to the during the grand celebration or after the
hinterlands, while the later waves of procession on the Santacruzan.
immigrants settled along the coast, their  Pabitin: enjoyed by the little children.
physical activities consisted of  Palo sebo: enjoyed by the boys
producing foods through planting and  Juego de anillo: a game for the young
cultivating the mountain. men riding on horseback and holding a
 Pagan people worshiped their gods and long stick on one hand which was used
made offering to the anitos or spirits. to get any of the rings suspended in an
 Dancing was a form of religious activity arch.
and they danced to please their gods.  The young girls played sungka, siklot,
 They danced for victory in a tribal war piko, luksong tinik and hide and seek.
which they termed as cañao.
 Cockfighting is an ancient sport in the
Philippines, historian believe that this
sport is probable to have been
introduced by the Malays as early as
A.D 1212 during the rule of Datu THE SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES:
 The people in the lowlands especially  Schools, colleges and universities were
those who settled along the river banks stablished for formal training of the
and lakes had bathing and swimming as Filipinos. However, only favored youths
their favorite pastime. were allowed to obtain higher education.
But physical education was not included
THE SPANISH PERIOD in the curriculum.
 Ateneo de municipal de manila, a school
 The Spanish conquest of the Philippines founded by the Jesuit fathers, where
did not have much effect on the physical physical education was made a part of
activities of the people. Except the the curriculum, including the gymnastics
enforced labor among the lower classes mentioned by Jose Rizal in his
of people in the building of churches. autobiography.
 In 1863, a royal decree established a  1919 – the syllabus entitled “physical
normal school for men in the city of education: a “Manual for Teachers” was
manila. Physical education was not published which was submitted by
included in the curriculum but there was special committee of superintendents
health inspection conducted in the and edited by Frederick O. England.
beginning of class.  1920 – physical education was made a
 In 1892, another royal decree required subject in the curriculum of all
established the superior normal school public schools
for women teachers in Manila. PE was  1928 – a summer school for coaching
included in their curriculum. was held with the aim of helping the
 The revolutionary government under public school teachers in change
General Emilio Aguinaldo was of athletics to improve their coaching
established while the Spanish- American method
war was in progress. A decree was  1938 - A summer school of P.E was
issued which provided for an official opened by the bureau of education under
primary school curriculum. P.E. was one the direction of Mr. Serafino Aquino, at
of the required subject but this was Rizal stadium.
short-lived with the coming of the
Americans. MODULE 2: Elements of Exercise (Warm
1. Warm up- To prepare for physical
 After the signing of treaty of Paris on exertion or a performance by exercising
December 10, 1898, schools reopened. or practicing gently beforehand.
 The development of physical education Exercises that increases body
in the Philippines happened in the temperature to condition and increase
following dates: flexibility or range of motion.
 1901 – Physical exercises was one of the 2. Workout- is a session of vigorous
subject introduced in the public schools physical exercise or training. It involves
and regular program of athletics was exercise designed to develop specific
developed. goals such as strength, flexibility,
 1905 – Baseball and track and field were
power, speed, and cardio vascular
introduced and taught to the young boys
in school. endurance.
 1909 – The athletic program was 3. Cool down- (also known as limbering
inaugurated and much emphasis to the down or warming down) is an easy
playing of western sports and the exercise, done after a more intense
coaching of tennis. activity, to allow the body to gradually
 1910 – Basketball was first introduced transition to a resting or near-resting
as a game for girls in the carnival meet state.
held in manila, but was later
discontinued in 1914.
 1911 – The athletic book was published
Definition of terms:
which prescribed the simple group
games and rules for the team sports. Dynamic Stretching: This form of
 1914 – The teacher’s vacation assembly stretching improves speed, agility and
in manila gave special training to acceleration. It involves the active tightening of
Filipino teachers.
your muscles and moving your joints through
their full range of motion. These functional and
sport-specific movements help increase muscle
temperature and decrease muscle stiffness.
Static Stretching: Static stretching How to Warm up
requires you to move a muscle to the end of its Warm up right before you plan to start
range of motion, and to maintain that position your workout. In general, warm up by focusing
without pain for 20 to 45 seconds. Repeat this 2 first on large muscle groups, such as your
to 3 times each. This is a very effective way to hamstrings. Then you can do exercises more
increase flexibility. However, these stretches specific to your sport or activity, if necessary.
should only be done after athletic activity,
during cool-down). Begin by doing the activity and
movement patterns of your chosen exercise, but
Aerobic Exercise: This involves at a low, slow pace that gradually increases in
continuous activity that builds endurance, such speed and intensity. This is called a dynamic
as cycling, walking and long-distance running. warmup. A warmup may produce mild sweating,
Anaerobic Exercise: This consists of but generally won’t leave you fatigued.
short bursts of intense activity, with a period of
rest in between
Here are some examples of warm-up activities:
-To warm up for a brisk walk, walk slowly for
Purpose and Benefit of Warm up Exercises five to 10 minutes.
The main purpose and benefit of warm -To warm up for a run, walk briskly for five to
up exercises is to slowly increase your heart 10 minutes.
rate. This increase in heart rate helps to raise
your body temperature and to increase the blood -To warm up for swimming, swim slowly at first
flow to your muscles. This increase in blood and then pick up the tempo as you’re able.
flow properly oxygenates your muscles and
prepares them for the upcoming more strenuous
aerobic exercise. Purpose and Benefit of Cool down Exercises
With your body properly warmed up, The benefits of cooling down are just as
you can easily and safely perform the needed important as warm up period but bring you
stretching exercises to ensure proper flexibility different benefits than the warm up routine.
and range of motion for your exercise routine. Although many people skip warming up and
Warming up properly and then stretching readies cooling down, the cool down step is probably
your muscles for the aerobic exercise. This the most overlooked piece of an effective
helps minimize potential muscle tears and exercise routine.
There are some essential benefits of
With a proper warm up exercise and stretching and cooling down after your workout.
stretching routine the elasticity and flexibility of After a long hard workout, many people just
the tendons and ligaments are increased. Your stop and end their routine there. The problem is
joints are lubricated with synovial fluid which is that this does not give their body the proper time
released during your warm up routine. to recover or time to re-stretch those muscles.
Cool downs, or the recovery period, allows your
body to recover from the rigorous training you
just did.
Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise
During this period, you are allowing the
Aerobic means with oxygen while
blood to properly redistribute itself to the heart.
anaerobic means without oxygen.
This redistribution helps rid the muscles of lactic
acid which can build up around the muscles While doing aerobic exercises, your
during an aerobic workout. muscles need oxygen to perform efficiently and
fat needs oxygen to burn. Aerobic exercises give
If you stop your aerobics abruptly and
you the best fat burning benefit. Although
do not cool down, the blood can pool up around
aerobics are best for burning fat, anaerobic
your muscles in the legs. This can cause
training will give you the best benefit for
insufficient blood flow and oxygen to the brain
building and toning lean muscle.
giving you a light headed and dizzy sensation.
Dizziness, nausea and feeling worn out are The leaner muscle you have the higher
common symptoms of an improper or no cool your basal metabolic rate. Which in turn means
down period. you will be burning more calories during the day
and night. While strengthening is the most
common form of this type of exercise, there are
How to Cool down other types that are considered anaerobic.
Similar to the warm up routine, a cool Strength Training: The most common
down should last at least 5 minutes. It can last anaerobic workout is strength training. Although
up to 15 minutes, depending on how strenuous most people think of strength training as weight
your exercise routine was. lifting there are other types of strength training
exercises. Doing resistance band exercises are a
great way to provide resistance to your muscles
Your goal is to slowly lower your speed and building strength. These are inexpensive,
and intensity level by running slower. Continue take up very little room and can travel with you.
to cool down by jogging in place and then This makes it convenient and you will always
marching in place. Keep bringing the intensity have your exercise equipment handy. You can
down a bit more until eventually you are also build muscles with dumbbell exercises.
walking in place. These are also a great alternative to weight
lifting. You can purchase various sizes and
As you slow down, remember to lower weights and get either fixed weight dumbbells or
your arms as well to help bring your heart rate adjustable weight dumbbells. Lastly, you can
back to normal. Towards the end of the cool always use your own body weight to strengthen
down your arms should not go above your heart. and tone your muscles. Body weight exercises
Just swing them slowly by your side. are a great way to start with this type of
Here are some examples of cool-down activities: workout.

-To cool down after a brisk walk, walk slowly Other Exercises: Most people associate
for five to 10 minutes. anaerobic with just strength training like weight
lifting, however, certain exercises that many
-To cool down after a run, walk briskly for five think of as aerobic are really anaerobic
to 10 minutes. exercises. For instance, sprinting or jump roping
can be anaerobic exercises if performed at an
-To cool down after swimming, swim laps
extremely high intense level. This is where some
leisurely for five to 10 minutes.
of the confusion comes from. Most people
assume running is an aerobic exercise. If done at your heart is a muscle this in turns strengthens
a certain intensity level it does still require your heart.
oxygen, therefore it is an aerobic exercise. But
Benefits of HIIT
as the intensity level increases, and the body
cannot supply sufficient oxygen, it will switch to The key benefit of HIIT training is
using a higher percent of carbs and a lower building endurance. This is why this type of
percent of fat for fuel. When these types of training is so widely used by elite athletes.
exercises are done at an extreme level they Building your endurance will allow you to stay
become an anaerobic workout. Exercises like more active at all other exercises and activities.
sprinting are providing benefits of building Endurance is not the only benefit of interval
muscle, burning calories and strengthening your training. Other key benefits include increase
heart. calorie burn, boosted metabolism, and warding
off boredom of the typical exercise routine. With
Interval Training Exercises
the added spurts of high intense exercising, you
Interval training exercises, also known achieve higher calorie burn and a significant
as (High Intensity Interval Training) HIIT, are a boost to your metabolism. And with this type of
great way to combine low intense aerobics with training you are constantly “mixing it up” so you
high intense workouts. High intensity interval don’t get bored. Make your HIIT a personal
workouts really build endurance and strengthens challenge and aim for increasing the total
your muscles. With HIIT, you get the benefit of duration of the exercise routine as well as
burning calories and fat in a shorter period. This increasing the duration and intensity of your
is due to the inclusion of high intense spurts of spurts of high intense exercises.
aerobic exercises. These spurts really get the
Dynamic Warm-up Exercises:
oxygen flowing and the blood pumping. If you
want to add something new to your aerobic Standing Arm Circles, Standing Knee Hugs,
workouts and weekly exercise routine, then keep Walking High Kicks, Hip Circles, Inchworms,
reading to see if this is what you are looking for. Shoulder Pole, Butt Kicks, High Knees,
HIIT will give you a great workout, burn Jumping Jacks
maximum calories and fat and get you fit and
healthy. Static Cool Down Exercises:

How It Works Neck Flexion, Neck Lateral Flexion Stretch,

Triceps Stretch….
High intense interval workouts combine
spurts of high intensity aerobics followed by
periods of rest or low activity exercise. MODULE 3: Principles of training and
Basically, HIIT combines the benefits of aerobic Components of Fitness
exercise and anaerobic exercise. The high
intense phase of interval training can be Principles of Training:
increased speed and/or increased challenge such
1. Overload- to increase strength and endurance,
as walking at an incline. During the spurts of the
you need to add new resistance or time/ intensity
high intense phase of the workout, you are in an
to your efforts. This principle works in concert
anaerobic exercise state and in this state your
with progression. A person must work (load) the
body uses the energy stored in the muscles. HIIT
body in a higher manner than normal in order to
is an excellent way to not only burn calories but
improve fitness.
to strengthen your heart. The repetitiveness of
this type of training helps your muscles build up 2. Progression- As a person’s fitness level
a tolerance to the buildup of lactate and since improves, he or she will need to make
adjustments to the exercise program if continued - is the amount of force a muscle can produce.
improvements are desired. What used to be Examples would be the bench press, leg press or
overload may no longer be sufficient. bicep curl. The push up test is most often used to
Frequency, intensity or amount of time test muscular strength.
dedicated toward the individual’s exercise
3. Muscular Endurance
program may need to be changed for continued
fitness enhancement. - is the ability of the muscles to perform
continuous without fatiguing. Examples would
3. Consistency/ Frequency- Consistency in
be cycling, step machines and elliptical
working out will bring more substantial results
machines. The sit up test is most often used to
than periodic extreme fitness routines. This
test muscular endurance.
allows you to measure the frequency of training
or exercise you do in a period of time. Having 4. Flexibility
no consistency to training may lead you to fall
back to where you started or lose the benefits - is the ability of each joint to move through the
you have worked hard for. available range of motion for a specific joint.
Examples would be stretching individual
4. Specificity- The principle of specificity means muscles or the ability to perform certain
only those body parts, muscles or systems functional movements such as the lunge. The sit
involved in a workout will be the ones to and reach test is the most often used to test
experience training. The sport or exercise flexibility.
training should be relevant and appropriate to
the sport or activity for which the individual is 5. Body Composition
training in order to produce the desired effect. - is the amount of fat mass compared to lean
Essentially, specificity training means that you muscle mass, bone and organs. This can be
must perform the skill in order to get better at it. measured using underwater weighing, Skinfold
5. Individuality- Everyone is different and readings, and bioelectrical impedance.
responds differently to training. Some people are Underwater weighing is considered the “gold
able to handle higher volumes of training while standard” for body fat measurement, however
others may respond better to higher intensities. because of the size and expense of the
This is based on a combination of factors like equipment needed very few places are set up to
genetic ability, predominance of muscle fiber do this kind of measurement.
types, other factors in your life, chronological or
athletic age, and mental state.
Components of Fitness:
1. Cardiovascular Endurance
- is the ability of the heart and lungs to work
together to provide the needed oxygen and fuel
to the body during sustained workloads.
Examples would be jogging, cycling, and
swimming. The Cooper Run is used most often
to test cardiovascular endurance.
2. Muscular Strength

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