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Page 183

1. Give at least (3) reasons why children learn better while using their mother tongue
 They develop strong foundation in their L1, children are gradually introduce to
their second language or L2 ( English and Filipino) first.
 They can read and write competently in the local language, in the national
language, nd in English.
 Enables a child to to express him/ herself easily, as there is no fear of making
2. How does the development of oral language provide a solid foundation for the
development of literacy skills? Mention some theories or principles that support the
methods of teaching and learning in the MTB -MLE
= The ability to use oral language effectively affects all aspects of a child's life, from
learning in the classroom to relationships and academic achievement. Reduced oral
language competence can lead to mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety,
which may persist into adulthood.
3. Explain how the language experience approach or LEA link Language and
Experience to spoken and written language.
= The LEA APPROACH or Language experience approach , it is the teacher records
what student says and help them to read the written version of their own speach . It is
also to impart the understanding that can be written and anything that can be read or
said. It combined reading with other communication skills such as listening or oral
expression and writing.
4. How does the use of two- track Method with focus of meaning and accuracy provide
balances literacy instruction in MTB-MLE
= This approaches is to developing initial reading skills of the students that combined
extensive and varied exposure to have meaningful prints.

Page 195

2. According to canale and swain (1980), there are 4 component of communicative

competence. Pick one strategy and relate this to the teaching of mother tongue.

= Grammatical Competence - this type competence is to have a control of over the purely
linguistic aspect of the language, also focuses on the knowledgeand skills to understand or
express the literal meaning of uterances.

Page 220
1. Trace the historical development of the language policy in the Philippines, pass an
outline that completely shows the historical development of the language policy in the
 The Decree in 1550- issued by Carlos I in Valladolid in 1550 (June 7) and reissued in
July 17. It demanded the teaching of Castilian in the Spanish colonies which was issued
before the colonization of the Philippines.
 Instructions in 1596- the king of Spain (Felipe II) sent to Tell, Governor of the Philippine
colony, an instruction which stated that learning of indigenous languages bythe friars was
inadequate for missionary, instead the friars should teach Spanish to natives.
 The Decree in 1603- the above two decrees required the teaching of the Spanish
language, but at the same time the Crown government demanded of friars to learn
indigenous languages probably because some of friars were reluctant or incompetent to
master indigenous languages.
 The Decree in 1634- Felipe IV issued a decree demanding that the colonial government
should teach Spanish to all the natives. The previous decrees stated that the Spanish
teaching should be given to natives who were willing to learn, not to all the natives.
 The Decree in 1686- Carlos II issued a decree in which he complained that former
decrees (issued in 1550,1634 and 1636) had not been observed and stated there would be
punishment if not observed
 The Decree in 1792- A similar type of decree was issued by Carlos IV in which he
evoked the previous decrees (May 10, 1770; November 28, 1772; November 24, 1774)In
compliance with decrees issued by the home government, the colonial government also
issued several laws concerning language policies. Compared to the royal decrees, those
laws presented more concrete methods. But they were equally ignored by friars.
 The Ordinance 1768- Governor Solís issued the following law on October 19, 1752, later
it became Ordinance 52 in 1768. This ordinance asked the establishment of schools and
prohibited any other language than Spanish in schools. It stated that official jobs could be
given to those speaking Spanish as an incentive to learning of Spanish.
 Education Act in 1863- prescribed that Spanish was to be the sole medium of instruction
in order to facilitate the need to learn Spanish, so that literacy in Spanish appeared to be
the major purpose of the curriculum. To this end, the decree provided that natives who
could not speak, read and write Spanish five years after its issuance were not to be
permitted to hold salaried government positions. This was the major motivation to induce
the Filipinos to study the language
2. State the legal based of MTB- MLE. Include national and International Documents.

 Legal Foundations of Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education: A Historical

Review Michael Carlo C. Villas Leyte Normal University Tacloban City
 Two issues on language in the Philippines what language or languages should be our
national language/s? Whatlanguage/s should we use as a medium of instruction?
 Language Provisions in the Philippine Constitution, 1897-1987: A Brief Account
 The Philippine Constitution, 1897-1987 1897 Provisional Constitution of Biak-na-Bato
Article VIII: ―El Tagalog sera lalengua official de la Republic.‖ (Tagalog shall be the
official language of the Republic.)
 The Philippine Constitution, 1897-1987 1898 Malolos Constitution Article XCIII: The
use of the languages spoken in the Philippines is optional. It can only be regulated by
law, and solely as regards acts of public authorities and judicial affairs. For these acts, the
Spanish language shall be used for the present.
 The Philippine Constitution, 1897-1987 1935 Constitution of the First Republic Article
XIII Section 3: The National Assembly shall take steps toward the development and
adoption of a common national language based on one of the existing languages. Until
otherwise provided by law, English and Spanish shall continue as official languages.
 The Philippine Constitution, 1897-1987 1943 Constitution, and Japanese Occupation
Article IX Section 2: The government should take steps toward the development
and propagation of Tagalog as the national language.
 The Philippine Constitution, 1897-1987 1973 Constitution Article XV Section 3: The
National Assembly shall take steps toward the development and formal adoption of a
common national language to be known as Filipino. Until otherwise provided by law,
English and Pilipino shall be the official language.
 The Philippine Constitution, 1897-1987 1987 Constitution Article XIV Sec.6. The
national language of the Philippines is Filipino. As it evolves, it shall be further
developed and enriched on the basis of existing Philippine and other languages. Subject
to provisions of law and as the Congress may deem appropriate, the Government shall
take stepsto initiate and sustain the use of Filipino as a medium of official communication
and as language of instruction in the educational system.
 The Philippine Constitution, 1897-1987 Sec.7. For purposes of communication and
instruction, the official languages of the Philippines are Filipino and, until otherwise
provided by law, English. The regional languages are the auxiliary official languages in
the region and shall serve as auxiliary media of instruction therein. Spanish and Arabic
shall be promoted on a voluntary and optional basis.
 Sec.8. This Constitution shall be promulgated in Filipino and English and shall be
translated into major regional languages, Arabic and Spanish.
 The Philippine Constitution, 1897-1987 Sec. 9. The Congress shall establish a national
language commission composed of representatives of various regions and disciplines
which shall undertake, coordinate, and promote researches for the development,
propagation, and preservation of the Filipino and other languages


1. What support would you like to receive and how could you possibly help
 To overcome the feeling of loneliness?
= Volunteer activities can help reduce stress, reduce depression, make friends,
connect with others, and make you a happier person. They can help ease stress,
reduce depression, make friends, and connect with others.
 To get Facilities and material?

=Teaching and learning materials can also add important structure to lesson planning and the
delivery of instruction. Learning materials act as a guide for both the teacher and the learner.
They can provide a valuable routine in the teaching and learning process.

 For Professional Improvement?

= Make sure you acknowledge your students when they are engaged, productive, and learning
well in the classroom. Establish norms and expectations, and then stick to them. Maintaining
some regularity with the tasks assigned each week.

Page 59
1. How is your school managed?

= Schools need dedicated, value-led, competent and highly motivated school leaders who can
encourage reflective practice and foster dialogue and cooperation among all school actors and
with other stakeholders.

2. What is the role of the principal?

= They coordinate curriculums, manage staff, and provide a safe and productive learning
environment for students.

3. What facilities are their in your school?

= electrical and power, telecommunications, security, and fire suppression systems.
4. How are finances managed?
= .A school's manager, or overseer, is responsible for allocating these funds and keeping
accurate records, or documents, related to these expenditures.
5. How are records kept?
= School records contain important information about the school's growth and
6. What are the rules and regulations?
 Students must respect and obey their teachers and School authorities at all times.
Running, playing and shouting in the classrooms and corridors during study
hours is forbidden. Students must not indulge in fights and physical and verbal
abuse in school. Stringent action will be taken against all students instigating
and/or participating in such acts.
 Chewing chicklets and gum in the school premises is strictly forbidden. Students
(Std II-XII) are not permitted in the classrooms during break time. Students of
Class VIII – XII are supposed to be at the Quadrangle.
Students may not loiter in the classrooms during break or Computer, Games and
Activity periods.
 Students may not go to the toilets or to drink water during class time. Such needs
must be attended to during the break. However, if any student has a medical
problem, the same must be brought to the notice of the class teacher / nurse in
writing with medical certificate attached.
7. How does the information about the organization of your school help you?
=Participating in a student organization helps to broaden and improve existing skills,
such as communication and emotional intelligence, by developing new relationships
with both individuals and large groups.

Page 61


1. Describe the parents and the parent/ teacher’s association

= is a partnership between parents and educators who strive to enhance student learning and
enrich the lives of the students within the school. It is also a forum for parents to obtain
knowledge and voice their opinions about what is happening in their school.
2. What are the sources of additional information which would help you to prepare for
your classes?
= Lesson plans
3. Where can you obtain materials to make teaching and learning aids?
= Teachers use aids consciously because they know that they have a positive effect on
learning outcomes, they claim that learning aids improve methodology.
4. Identify the shops and resource centres

= Provides an important learning-opportunity resource necessary to support the educational and

training programs of the students, faculty and staff.

5. What materials can be found in your local environment?

= board, chalk
6. Describe the village level authorities. Who are they? How can they participate in
improving the school?

= Students, teachers, parents, school administrators, Principals

7. Describe the pupil’s social and educational backgrounds

= Student can include both your formal education and any informal or continuing education you
have received throughout your lifetime.
8. How can information about the local environment of your school help you to improve
the educational opportunities of your pupils?

= A learning environment is more than just a classroom—it's a space in which students feel safe
and supported in their pursuit of knowledge, as well as inspired by their surroundings.

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