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B2 Common Mistakes and False Friends GV025

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. I don't know the _________________ date of the President's fund-raising event. (ACCURATE
2. The doctor _________________ me that I didn't have to worry about my mother's health.
3. The _______________________ is very high in large cities. (COST OF LIFE / COST OF LIVING)
4. I asked my lawyer for her _________________. (ADVICE / ADVISE)
5. Many immigrants ____________________ the country without the proper documents.
6. In my new job I am _________________ to work long hours. (DEMANDED / REQUIRED /
7. During the flight he sat _____________________ behind me. (IN THE SEAT / ON THE CHAIR)
8. We went swimming in the river _________________ my summer cottage. (BESIDES /
9. We had to buy a lot of _________________ for our project. (EQUIPMENT / EQUIPMENTS)
10. Many people don't understand why people _________________ such horrible crimes. (DO /
11. The course is for students with a _________________ knowledge of English. (BASIC /
12. Thunderstorms _________________ in almost all parts of the world, except the Arctic and
Antarctic. (APPEAR / OCCUR / SHOW)
13. She has _________________ been my favourite actress. (EVER / YET / ALWAYS)
14. After being in the firm for half a year he _______________ general manager. (BECAME /
15. Walking _________________ the park after sunset is not a good idea. It could be dangerous.
16. Outside of Korea ______________________ speaks Korean. (ALMOST ANYBODY / HARDLY
17. There were some bottles of wine _________________ the table. (UNDER / BELOW)
18. I was _________________ my exams when the storm hit our town. (MAKING / TAKING )
19. Everyone in this prison is accused of committing _________________ crimes. (HEAVY /
20. She _________________ to tell us what really happened. (REJECTED / REFUSED / DENIED)
B2 Common Mistakes and False Friends GV026

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. The doctor told me to ____________________ as often as possible. (DO EXERCISE / MAKE

2. I started to learn French with the aim ____________________ a teacher. (OF BECOMING /
3. Not all ____________________ parents have children who will take care of them. (AGED /
4. It's great to be here. I feel so ____________________. (EXCITED / EXCITING)
5. The wages in this sector of the industry are very ____________________. (CHEAP / LOW)
6. We have to ____________________ for the test as much as possible. (TRAIN / EXERCISE /
7. The housing problem ____________________ more serious day by day. (IS BECOMING /
8. Technology has ____________________ to grow their own food. (MADE THEM ABLE /
9. The virus started to ____________________ all across the continent. (EXPAND / STRETCH /
10. The teacher accused me ____________________ during the history test. (OF CHEATING / TO
11. I often agree ____________________ him but not this time. (TO / WITH / FOR)
12. The rider suddenly ____________________ the horse and hurt his leg. (FELL OFF / FELL
13. We were stuck in the _________________, miles away from our camp. (DESERT / DESSERT)
14. The conflict is not over ____________________. (ALREADY / JUST / YET)
15. I would ____________________ if you could send me his phone number. (APPRECIATE /
16. Only a small ____________________ of copies will be published. (NUMBER / AMOUNT)
17. The manager apologized for the ____________________ and said he would give me a pay
18. My ____________________ job involves a lot of social media work. (ACTUAL /PRESENT)
19. As CEO of an important firm he has to make a lot of important ____________________
20. There are many advantages ____________________ having your own computer. (IN / OF)
B2 Common Mistakes and False Friends GV027

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. I have always had a strong ________________ to do something very special. (DESIRE / AIM
2. The last three years have been the most ________________ in my whole life. (AMUSUNG /
3. I am beginning ___________________________ the American way of life. (TO ACCUSTOM / TO
4. The ____________________ is higher than it was a decade ago. (CRIME RATE / CRIMINAL
5. Since ________________________, we will offer you a reduction in price. (WE HAVE THE
6. ________________ the train was empty, he sat right next to me. (ALTHOUGH / DESPITE / IN
7. You must make a ________________ between those who want to work and those who
8. Nobody understands ________________. (EVERYTHING / ALL)
9. Celebrations in our country are different ________________ the ones in America. (AS / TO)
10. I always keep my wallet ________________ my pillow. (UNDER / BEHIND)
11. ________________ was the same. It was so boring. (ANY DAY / EACH DAY)
12. I ________________ when I heard someone come down the stairs. (WAS AFRAID / HAD
13. The newspaper devoted a whole page to ________________ of new movies. (CRITICS /
14. Ask John to ________________ you. (HELP / AID / HELP OUT)
15. I had great difficulty ___________________ him. (TO UNDERSTAND / IN UNDERSTANDING)
16. There are over 20 flavours to choose ________________. (BETWEEN / FROM)
17. I'll give you the money as soon as I ________________ the package. (RECEIVE / WILL
18. The Internet gives us easier ________________ to all kinds of information. (EXCESS /
19. She _______________________ losing her job. (FEARS TO LOSE / IS AFRAID OF LOSING)
20. ________________ in big cities, like New York is/are very expensive. (ACCOMMODATION /
B2 Common Mistakes and False Friends GV028

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. ________________________ we should spend more money on the improvement of schools.

2. It's interesting to see how people _________________ towards each other. (BEHAVE / ACT)
3. Even when she's angry she never _________________. (SHOUTS / CRIES)
4. There was a ten-_________________ wall in front of them. (FOOT / FEET)
5. He had _________________ money, so he decided to return home. (FEW / LITTLE)
6. We need to focus on other topics, _________________ civil rights. (BESIDE / BESIDES)
7. The soldiers _________________ to give up their weapons. (DISAGREED / DENIED /
8. The wound took many weeks to _________________ (HEAL / CURE).
9. When you cross the border, you must pay _________________ duty. (CUSTOM / CUSTOMS)
10. They don't _________________ the inmates to keep cell phones. (ALLOW / ALLOW TO)
11. He started to get interested in _________________ at a very early age. (ATHLETIC /
12. The article is about the _________________ of pollution on the urban population. (EFFECT /
13. Although the film was very long, I _________________ it very much. (ADMIRED / ENJOYED)
14. _____________________, I would like to introduce myself. (AT FIRST / FIRST OF ALL)
15. I'm sorry to say that I can't _________________ your wedding. (ATTEND / VISIT)
16. As a people, we must stop ______________________ people of colour. (DISCRIMINATING /
17. The programme is _________________ at a very wide audience. (INTENDED/ AIMED /
18. I had never seen so many _________________ at a market before. (FISH / FISHES)
19. The driver was lucky. He was only slightly _________________. (INJURED / DAMAGED)
20. My parents couldn't afford _________________ for my college education. (PAYING / TO PAY
B2 Connectives and Linking Words CON001

Fill in the correct connectives and linking words from the list below.



1. ____________________ Dad comes home from work he has to lie down on the sofa

________________ he is tired.

2. Jerry had a bad headache yesterday, _______________ he couldn’t come to football


3. This is Jimmy’s new mountain bike, ____________________ he got from his parents. He locks

it up every evening _______________________ nobody can steal it.

4. ____________________ Samantha was tired, she watched TV until well after midnight.

5. First, cut out the pictures, ____________________ paste them into your book.

6. I would like to learn Chinese. ____________________, I don’t know anyone who can teach


7. ____________________ we were driving through the countryside, we saw many picturesque


8. The Hemingways are our neighbours ____________________ our friends.

9. You can have _______________ tea ____________ coffee for breakfast. What would you like?

10. ____________________ being a great skier, only few people outside of Europe know him.

11. ____________________ the hike up the mountains we saw a lot of deer.

12. ________________ you finish the essay by tomorrow you won’t be able to get a good mark.

13. _______________ my father _______________ my mother will be able to attend the meeting


14. He likes all kinds of sports, ____________________ skiing, hockey and volleyball.
B2 Connectives and Linking Words CON002

Fill in the correct connectives and linking words from the list.

1. __________________ we were driving through the Lake District, we

saw many picturesque villages. although

2. __________________ having lost only one match this season, we
as well as
didn’t win the championship.
3. Flight attendants who apply for a job must be able to speak
__________________ English and Spanish.
due to
4. I started learning Chinese ________________ my stay in the Far East.
5. This is Jimmy’s new bike, __________________ he got from his
even though
parents. He locks it up every evening __________________ nobody
can steal it.
in addition
6. She gets up early __________________ be in time for work.
in order to
7. The climate in South Africa is perfect. It’s __________________ too
neither … nor
hot __________________ too cold.
so that
8. This cell phone tariff costs 8 cents per minute, __________________

the other one offers a flat rate. therefore

9. __________________ my father likes country music, he rarely listens whereas

to it on the radio. which

10. __________________ to the six air bags, the car also has a built-in while

security system.

11. The company manufactures cars __________________ motorcycles.

12. __________________ we hadn’t eaten for over twelve hours, we weren’t very hungry.

13. My sister invited me to her party. __________________, I was so busy I had to tell her I

couldn’t come.

14. I arrived late for the performance __________________ a traffic jam on the motorway.

15. He spent most of his time playing with his friends. __________________, he wasn’t well-

prepared for the exam.
B2 Connectives and Linking Words CON003

Fill in the correct connectives and linking words from the list. There may be more
than one answer in some sentences.



1. Sea levels will probably rise in the next few decades __________________________ of global


2. I hope he drives carefully, __________________________ he may have problems on such a

slippery road.

3. The president was not a very popular leader. __________________________, his resignation

did not come as a surprise.

4. Our economy will not improve this year. __________________________, all projections show

that it will get worse.

5. The couple broke up a few days ago. __________________________, they are still living

together because of the children.

6. __________________________ it was a wonderful place to go skiing, not many tourists found

their way there.

7. The scientist studied the behaviour of various animals, __________________________ whales

and dolphins.

8. __________________________ we have to fight against environmental problems, but

__________________________ we need more and more energy every day.

9. I think he’s asleep. __________________________ his eyes are closed.

10. The candidate didn’t quite meet the necessary requirements. __________________________,

he failed.

11. Please take some warm clothes with you, just _______________________ it gets cold at night.

12. The report will be finished soon. __________________________, let’s get some coffee.
B2 Connectives and Linking Words CON004

Fill in the correct connectives and linking words from the list. There may be more
than one answer in some sentences.



1. Take your camera with you, just _____________________ mine doesn't work.
2. _____________________ having muscle problems, the defender was able to play.
3. Bring an umbrella with you _____________________ it rains tomorrow.
4. Skiing is a safe sport _____________________ you obey the rules on the slope.
5. All flights to and from London have been cancelled _____________________ fog.
6. They arrived in time for the meeting _____________________ having to travel in bad weather.
7. I like travelling by underground, _____________________ it gets pretty crowded during rush
8. She has been living in the country her whole life. _____________________, she has decided
she wants a change and plans on moving to the city.
9. We had a wonderful time in Barcelona. _____________________, transport workers were on
strike so we couldn't use the underground.
10. _____________________ life was hard during the war, we managed to survive.
11. _____________________ heavy traffic on the motorway, we couldn't make it in time.
12. _____________________ of the low temperatures during the winter, Moscow is always worth
13. I can't come now _____________________ the children are ill, and I have to look after them.
14. The economy collapsed, _____________________ the government had to resign.
15. You may go out with your friends tonight, _____________________ you never go alone and
stay with them all the time.
16. I already knew a lot about cybersecurity. _____________________, the lecture was quite
B2 Key Word Transformation KWT001

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given.

1. She wasn’t the least bit surprised to find out that her husband had an affair. (SURPRISE)
It wasn’t ____________________________ to find out that her husband had an affair.
2. People don’t play any board games today. (POPULAR)
Board games _____________________________________.
3. It isn’t my fault that the bus is late. (BLAME)
I’m _________________________________ the bus being so late.
4. It is said that Beethoven wrote that symphony. (CREDITED)
Beethoven has been _____________________________________ that symphony.
5. My uncle was driving the lorry when it crashed. (DRIVEN)
The lorry __________________________________ when it crashed.
6. Ecologists around the world are worried about the problem. (CONCERNED)
Ecologists around the world ____________________________ about the problem.
7. You can try to open the safe with that key, but it won’t work. (POINT)
There’s ____________________________________ the safe with that key.
8. The accused refused to answer questions without his lawyer. (INSISTED)
The accused ________________________________ present before answering any questions.
9. The letter has nothing to do with you (CONCERN).
The letter is ____________________________ to you.
10. The company would benefit from hiring new workers. (INTERESTS)
It would be _________________________________ to hire new workers.
11. John and his wife seem to have no similarities. (COMMON)
John and his wife seem __________________________________ with each other.
12. He doesn’t appreciate anything. (GRANTED)
He takes ___________________________________.
13. When I studied at university, I never had enough money. (SHORT)
When I studied at university, I ____________________________________.
14. Everyone came to the party apart from Cathy. (EXCEPTION)
Everyone came to the party _________________________________ Cathy.
15. They are building some new apartments in the suburbs. (CONSTRUCTION)
New apartments ________________________________ in the suburbs.
B2 Key Word Transformation KWT002

Complete the second sentence with TWO to FIVE words using the word given, so that
it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1. Getting over a divorce can take some time. (RECOVER)

It can take a while _________________________ a divorce.
2. I was able to solve the problem with the help of my dad. (SORT)
My dad helped _______________________ the problem.
3. I wanted to buy a brand-new iPhone, but the store didn't have any in stock. (RUN)
The store ________________________ brand-new iPhones so I couldn't buy one.
4. It would be great if someone discovered a way to organise a test for all the classes.
Someone should ______________________ a way to organise a test for all the classes.
5. Herbie drove a car for the first time this year. (NEVER)
Herbie ________________________ a car before this year.
6. My brother was too young to travel on his own. (ENOUGH)
My brother was __________________________ to travel on his own.
7. After his visit, we would all say good-bye to him at the airport. (SEE)
After his visit, we would all __________________________ at the airport.
8. I don't understand the maths homework the teacher gave us. (FIGURE)
I can't ___________________________ do the maths homework the teacher gave us.
9. The agency promised me the best holiday I had ever had but it was a total disaster.
I was promised the _____________________________, but it was a total disaster.
10. The teacher has tolerated the student's behaviour for a long time. (PUT)
The teacher has _________________________ the student's behaviour for a long time.
11. Mary grew up in Cleveland with her aunt and uncle. (RAISED)
Mary ____________________________ her aunt and uncle in Cleveland.
12. Did you discover who invented the computer? (FIND)
Did you _______________________________ of the computer was?
13. In the past, people spent their holidays with their relatives. (USED)
In the past, people __________________________ their holidays with their relatives.
14. We hardly ever think about how technology helps us in daily life. (GRANTED)
We often _______________________________ how technology helps us in daily life.
15. Youngsters under 16 are not allowed into the club. (GET)
You ____________________________ the club if you are under 16.
B2 Key Word Transformation KWT003

Complete the second sentence with TWO to FIVE words using the word given, so that
it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1. Why didn't you tell me what time we were meeting? (SHOULD)

You ______________________________ me what time we were meeting.
2. London is a great city, but it's so expensive. (SUCH)
London is great, but it's ______________________________ city.
3. Perhaps she has forgotten that the performance was postponed. (MIGHT)
She ______________________________ that the performance was postponed.
4. Dinosaurs died out because of a meteorite crash. (EXTINCT)
Dinosaurs ______________________________ because of a meteorite crash.
5. The foundation has very little money left. (RUNNING)
The foundation ______________________________ money.
6. Why haven't they informed the people about the accident? (BEEN)
Why ______________________________ informed about the accident?
7. I suggest doing more research before you start writing the article. (HAD)
You ______________________________ more research before you start writing the article.
8. Jack said that he wouldn't go with me to the meeting. (REFUSED)
Jack ______________________________ with me to the meeting.
9. Dad needs me if he wants to finish painting the house. (DEPENDS)
Dad ______________________________ to finish painting the house.
10. I suppose you were very happy when you saw the results. (MUST)
You ______________________________ very happy when you saw the results.
11. If we don't look after our planet, everything could end in a catastrophe. (OF)
If we don't ______________________________ our planet, everything could end in a
12. Don't use more paper than you really need. (AVOID)
Try ______________________________ more paper than you really need.
13. I like my new job, even if I have to spend much time on the phone. (DESPITE)
___________________________________ so much time on the phone, I like my new job.
14. You won't have any problems finding our house because it's at the end of the street.
You ______________________________ our house because it's at the end of the street.
15. James will manage to look after the children while she is away. (SUCCEED)
James will ______________________________ after the children while she is away.
B2 Key Word Transformation KWT004

Complete the second sentence with TWO to FIVE words using the word given, so that
it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1. I had not expected to find learning English so interesting. (IN)

I am more ___________________________________________ I had expected.
2. I don't think we need to listen to what he has to say. (POINT)
There's _________________________________________ what he has to say.
3. Joey would rather not go to the ballgame with us. (FEEL)
Joey _________________________________________ to the ballgame with us.
4. When I started my speech I forgot everything I wanted to say. (ANYTHING)
When I started my speech I _________________________________________ I wanted to say.
5. Maria couldn't eat her soup because it was very hot. (TOO)
The soup _________________________________________ Maria to eat.
6. He was the kindest person I had ever seen. (SUCH)
I had _________________________________________ person before.
7. He usually sleeps until noon. (USED)
He _________________________________________ until noon.
8. Computers are much cheaper than they were a few years ago. (USED)
Computers _________________________________________ a few years ago.
9. Famous people are always recognised no matter where they go. (AVOID)
Famous people _________________________________________ no matter where they go.
10. I asked her if she needed more information. (ELSE)
I asked her if _________________________________________ she needed to know.
11. She didn't get many people to sign the petition. (SUCCEED)
She didn't _________________________________________ many people to sign the petition.
12. The teacher said he was sorry he was late for the lesson. (APOLOGISED)
The teacher _________________________________________ for the lesson.
13. He didn't succeed in climbing to the top. (REACH)
He _________________________________________ the top.
14. The office was too small for a meeting of the whole staff. (NOT)
The office _________________________________________ for a meeting of the whole staff.
15. Getting in shape will take longer than you think. (GET)
You won't be able to _________________________________________ as you think.
16. If I were you, I wouldn't buy an expensive camera. (WORTH)
In my opinion, _________________________________________ an expensive camera.
B2 Key Word Transformation KWT005

Complete the second sentence with TWO to FIVE words using the word given, so that
it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1. He couldn't concentrate on his exam because of the noise. (SO)

It was _________________________________ couldn't concentrate on his exam.
2. I haven't received an answer yet. (STILL)
I _________________________________ an answer.
3. He has always found cooking easy. (GOOD)
He has always _________________________________ cooking.
4. This is the strangest music I have ever heard. (STRANGE)
I have ____________________________________ music before.
5. I have only been to America once before. (TIME)
This is only the _________________________________ to America.
6. Sam would rather not go to the cinema tonight. (FEEL)
Sam _________________________________ to the cinema tonight.
7. She looks just like she did when I last met her. (SAME)
She looks exactly _________________________________ when I last met her.
8. Getting tickets for the concert is harder than I thought. (NOT)
Getting tickets for the concert _________________________________ I thought.
9. My friend said, " You took my schoolbag away from me!" (ACCUSED)
My friend _________________________________ her schoolbag away from her.
10. It's easy for the mayor to speak in public. (DIFFICULTY)
The mayor _________________________________ speaking in public.
11. We have not sat in the garden house since last summer. (LAST)
The _________________________________ in the garden house was last summer.
12. Going home without saying goodbye wouldn't be right. (OUGHT)
I think we really _______________________________________ we leave.
13. I was told that booking in advance wasn't necessary. (WORRY)
I was told that I _________________________________ about booking in advance.
14. My boss always criticises his staff. (TENDENCY)
My boss _______________________________________ his staff.
15. They will ask to see your documents at the border. (SHOW)
You will _________________________________ your documents at the border.
16. At the end of the presentation Allen showed some slides. (FINISHED)
Allen _______________________________________________ some slides.
B2 Ticket Touting ESS001

A popular magazine wants to find out what their readers think about people who buy tickets for
concerts and sport events at normal prices and then sell them to others at much higher prices
(known as ticket touting). On average, ticket resellers make a profit of over 50 %. What do you think
about this?

Send in your essay and have it published in the magazine.

Ticket Touting
In your essay you should

• state reasons for allowing or forbidding ticket touting.

• explain why people buy tickets from touts and not from licensed
ticket agencies.
• suggest ways to make tickets affordable for people who want to
visit events.
• write about how you buy tickets

Write about 300 – 400 words and give your essay a title!

Room for corrections
Room for corrections
B2 Cyberbullying ESS002

The magazine Youth of the World has recently published an article on cyberbullying and received
countless comments from readers. Many have insisted that people who bully others online should
be banned from social media sites. The magazine has invited readers to send in essays in which
they give their personal view of cyberbullying.

The best five essays will be published in the next edition of the magazine.

In your essay you should

• write about your own experience of using social media sites.

• give reasons why cyberbullies should or shouldn't be banned
from such sites.
• recommend other forms of punishment
• suggest ways of dealing with the problem.

Write about 400 words and give your essay a title!

Room for corrections
Room for corrections
B2 Vegetarianism ESS003

What To Eat, a popular nutrition magazine has asked young readers about their opinion on being a
vegetarian. The best essays will be published in the next edition of the magazine.

You have decided to send in an essay. In your essay you


• state reasons for or against being a vegetarian

• write about what the effects of choosing a vegetarian or
mixed diet might be
• describe your own eating habits
• suggest ways in which people could eat in a healthier way

Write about 400 words and give your essay a title!

Room for corrections
Room for corrections
B2 Collocations: GIVE, TAKE, MAKE, GET, DO, HAVE COLL001

Complete the phrases and collocations with a word from the box. There may be more
than one correct answer.


1. ________________ calm 24. ________________ divorced

2. ________________ a seat 25. ________________ a decision

3. ________________ a noise 26. ________________ responsibility

4. ________________ harm 27. ________________ sb. a chance

5. ________________ a speech 28. ________________ an exercise

6. ________________ in mind 29. ________________ breakfast

7. ________________ quiet 30. ________________ an exam

8. ________________ the bed 31. ________________ lost

9. ________________ notes 32. ________________ in touch

10. ________________ permission 33. ________________ a mistake

11. ________________ business 34. ________________ a rest

12. ________________ trouble 35. ________________ progress

13. ________________ a lecture 36. ________________ a chance

14. ________________ no doubt 37. ________________ a diary

15. ________________ a degree 38. ________________ sb. a lift

16. ________________ money 39. ________________ a break

17. ________________ sb. a favour 40. ________________ dinner

18. ________________ a promise 41. ________________ a chat with

19. ________________ a shower 42. ________________ sb. place

20. ________________ your time 43. ________________ away from

21. ________________ a job 44. ________________ a picture

22. ________________ homework 45. ________________ rid of

23. ________________ a secret
B2 Collocations: BRING, CATCH, DO, DRAW, GET COLL002

Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb from the box.


1. The negotiator was looking for a way to ___________________ the two sides together.

2. He came into the room quietly so that he wouldn’t ___________________ attention.

3. The politician promised to _______________ change to his community if he was elected.

4. While mum was preparing meals, I helped her and ___________________ the laundry.

5. The actors ___________________ the ideas of the director to life.

6. We have to _________________ some more research before we can publish the results.

7. I’m sorry. I didn’t ___________________ your name. Could you tell me again?

8. The mafia boss had his associates do everything for him, so he didn’t have to

___________________ his hands dirty.

9. I was sitting too close to the fire, so my newspaper ___________________ fire.

10. ___________________ your duty and arrest those two muggers.

11. The journalists revealed some exciting details and ___________________ the crimes of

the company to light.

12. Even though I am an adult I still ___________________ a kick out of putting toys


13. You can’t behave like that. You must ___________________ a line between your private

and professional life.

14. You must wear something warmer or else you’ll ___________________ a cold.

15. The four-leaf clover I got from my girlfriend ___________________ me luck at the test.

16. When the robber tried to escape from the bank the police were already waiting and

___________________ him red-handed.

17. If you don’t start learning more, you’ll ___________________ badly in the test next week.

18. Arguing like this will ___________________ us nowhere. We must start from the

B2 Prepositional Phrases COLL003

Complete the sentences with a prepositional phrase from the box.



1. He started composing his own symphonies _________________________ 9.

2. I'm not _________________________ today, so please leave me alone.

3. Has anyone _________________________ found my red fountain pen? I lost it yesterday.

4. Shorter skirts were _________________________ a few years ago but they're not anymore

5. Mom told me I had to be home by midnight, _________________________ .

6. He was questioned _________________________ so don't believe everything he says.

7. By the time someone got to the scene of the accident, the car was _____________________ .

8. I tried to convince her to take part in the course, but all my efforts were _______________ .

9. _________________________ , I don't think we should hire too many new workers.

10. The headmaster cancelled the meeting _________________________ because he had to be

somewhere else.

11. Mission Impossible is _________________________ the best thriller I have ever seen.

12. I'm sorry but this item is _________________________ . We'll try to get it by next month.

13. He is _________________________ until the end of the year, so I'm afraid we won't be here
for the planning stages.

14. The main bridge of the city is still _________________________ , so you'll have to find
another route across the river.

15. The question took him __________________ , so he was struggling to find the right answer.

16. Politicians sometimes make statements _________________________ that they regret later.

17. If you study really hard, your English will improve _________________________ .

18. The new girl is shy _________________________ , so you'll have to give her some time to
loosen up.

19. I wrote out the instructions ____________________ so she would know exactly what to do.

20. _________________________ , I feel like leaving this country and moving somewhere else.
B2 Verb – Noun Collocations COLL004

Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb from the left box and a
corresponding noun from the right box.



1. When our daughter found out that our cat was missing, she ______________ into
______________ and couldn't be stopped.

2. Our boss is often angry and ______________ his ______________ when things go wrong.

3. If she never posts anything on her personal website, she ______________ the ______________
of alienating her fans.

4. Not everything happens on its own. Sometimes you have to ______________ an

______________ to get things done.

5. Why don't you ______________ a ______________? You've been working so hard recently.

6. He has been preparing for the race for months. He wants to ______________ his own
______________ and be the best in the world.

7. His car broke down, so I ______________ him a ______________ to the nearest garage.

8. Politicians often think we should ______________ ______________ in order to get more

money to spend.

9. The new teacher didn't ______________ the headmaster's ______________ and was fired after
only two months on the job.

10. The couple ______________ a ______________ only a few months after their wedding.

11. Dad ______________ his ______________ and took me to Disneyland in the summer holidays.

12. We ______________ a ______________ of the famous football player as we came down the
B2 Prepositional Phrases COLL005

Complete the sentences with a prepositional phrase from the box.



1. Because of the stormy weather many trains in the region are running ___________________.

2. We were told by the travel agent to book ___________________because the hotel is very
popular among tourists.

3. I wanted to go to Spain over the extended weekend, but ________________________, I think

I'll stay at home.

4. The young woman was ___________________for possessing a substantial amount of drugs.

5. They used to have ___________________relationship, but at the moment they're seeing

each other quite often.

6. You can only see a few planets ________________________. To see the others, you need a

7. His plan seemed very good ___________________, but it didn't work out the way we wanted
it to.

8. The President put troops and military advisors in the region ___________________, as a
conflict seemed to be imminent.

9. Many tropical plants and animals are ___________________of becoming extinct over the
next few decades.

10. If you read __________________________you will clearly see what he means.

11. I can't compete with you at the moment because I'm completely ___________________ and
need a few practice sessions.

12. Rembrandt's paintings were ___________________ at the national museum.

13. Electric bikes are currently ___________________ and manufacturers cannot keep up their

14. She ran so quickly she was completely _______________________when she arrived.

15. The lieutenant's soldiers were _________________, so he had to withdraw from the front

16. It will take some time but, _______________________, all schools will be equipped with
modern technology.
B2 Prepositional Phrases with IN COLL006

Complete the sentences with a prepositional phrase from the box.



1. We can't go into a lot of detail now, but the issue will be covered _____________________
during the next term.
2. __________________________ the 1950s and 60s industrial output in Europe rose
3. Curfews have been _____________________ around the country for over two weeks.
4. My sister was deeply _____________________ and couldn't finance her monthly
5. The policemen were ________________________ securing the crime scene and not letting
anyone through.
6. In times of crises gold is _____________________ as a form of personal savings.
7. The old building across the street went up _____________________ after the bomb had
8. Tickets for the performance must all be booked _____________________.
9. The car is expensive to buy but ________________________ you will save a lot of money
through better mileage.
10. The children are lined up _________________________ height.
11. _________________________ tests, the government will also provide all elderly citizens
with the appropriate medicine.
12. The real estate agent promised us that our house would be sold _____________________
at all.
13. The two sides are not negotiating any more, so the peace talks are ___________________
of collapsing.
14. A recent survey shows that most citizens are _______________________ building a sports
centre near the motorway.
15. The two teams have a lot _____________________. For example, they are both extremely
well organized.
16. As we do not have time for a full report, here are the results _____________________.
B2 General Vocabulary – Multiple Choice GV001

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. The government has ___________________ smoking in public places. (PREVENTED / BANNED /

2. The police ___________________ the man because he was behaving suspiciously. (ARRESTED /
3. My mother ___________________ me for breaking the window. (ACCUSED / COMPLAINED /
4. You have to find a good ___________________ for being late, otherwise they won’t believe you.
5. The ___________________ of the meeting is to improve relationships between the two companies.
6. The child was ___________________ by a dangerous dog and taken to the hospital. (KNOCKED /
7. Tourists from all over the world come to London to hear Big Ben ___________________ midnight.
8. The bank robbers were able to ___________________ through the back door. (ESCAPE / CHASE /
9. The teacher is constantly ___________________ me although I always put my hand up. (IGNORING
10. My girlfriend wants to ___________________ a career in engineering (PRACTICE / PURSUE / TAKE /
11. I have never ___________________ during a test, but other students have tried it. (CHEATED /
12. When I get home from my holiday, I want to ___________________ about the bad hotel service.
13. She tried to ___________________ him from doing something really dangerous, but he didn’t listen.
14. The murderer was ___________________ to five years in prison. (CHARGED / JUDGED /
15. The press conference was a ___________________ because the reporters didn’t learn anything
B2 General Vocabulary – Multiple Choice GV002

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. It’s very _____________ to see people sleeping on trains. (SAME / POPULAR / COMMON / ALIKE)
2. My friend looks just like his dad. They even have _____________ eating habits. (SIMILAR / SAME /
3. My trainers are too small. They don’t __________ me anymore. (SUIT / MATCH / COMPARE / FIT)
4. You can’t _____________ tennis to squash. (COMPARE / MATCH / RELATE / EQUAL)
5. The new machine is a very _____________ way of measuring emissions. (CORRECT / RIGHT /
6. My dad is normally a very _____________ person. He’s always on time. (EXACT / PUNCTUAL /
7. He goes to the doctor to have a _____________ medical examination every year. (CERTAIN /
8. The factory has an _____________ in the suburbs that sells products very cheaply. (OUTLET /
9. My mother had to _____________ a lot during her last few years. (HURT / ACHE / SUFFER / PAIN)
10. I was _____________ to hear that nothing serious happened to him. (RELEASED / REDUCED /
11. The pop group have _____________ a new album recently. (RELEASED / PUBLISHED /
12. When Mary started at her new school she felt like a/an _____________ . (UNKNOWN / ALIEN /
13. My _____________ weight is about 61 kilograms. I have to work hard to get there. (MODEL /
14. The supermarket near our home often has a _____________ offer during the summer
15. The headmaster said he would not _____________ such bad behaviour. (WITNESS / BEAR /
16. Peter _____________ to take me home, but I said it wasn’t necessary. (AGREED / APPROVED
17. I can’t _____________ chocolate if you offer some to me. (RESIST / FIGHT / BATTLE / OPPOSE)
18. The _____________ of the game was uncertain because both teams were very good.
B2 Synonyms GV003

Match the words in the left column with their synonyms.

A ability secure, seize

B ban complicated

C capture doubtful, questionable

D rude skill, talent

E detach hard, challenging

F dubious positive, sure

G encourage bad, wrong, wicket

H certain luxurious

I enough forbid

J demolish fight, battle

K combine display

L difficult understand

M complex leave, exit

N show promote, urge

O comprehend unite, join

P defy destroy, wreck

Q evil impolite

R extravagant separate, unfasten

S depart resist, challenge

T conflict sufficient, ample
B2 Synonyms GV004

Match the words in the left column with their synonyms.

A select correct, right

B raise aware

C accurate occupied, active

D able thoughtful, caring

E considerate real, genuine

F divide lift

G apparent courageous, bold

H exceptional help, assist

I busy normal, ordinary

J brave handy, useful

K clarify lessen, decrease

L aid choose

M diminish explain, simplify

N convenient accept, endorse

O beneficial short

P approve remarkable, outstanding

Q conscious capable, qualified

R brief separate, split

S authentic helpful, useful

T average obvious
B2 General Vocabulary – Open Cloze GV005

Choose ONE word that fits into each blank.

1. There is a well-known saying that says “School days are the best days in your
_____________ “.
2. A recent survey _____________ shown an increase in distrust for politicians.
3. Let me begin _____________ saying that most people want to work.
4. I turned _____________ the offer because there wasn’t enough money to be earned.
5. I applied for a new _____________. I hope I’ll get it.
6. Elvis Presley, _____________ career started in the 1950s, was the greatest rock and roll
singer of all times.
7. Could I _____________ some money from you? – I promise to give it back next week.
8. I _____________ the exam last Tuesday with the best mark of all the students.
9. You can’t _____________ that dress. It doesn’t suit you at all.
10. The _____________ German drinks 130 litres of beer every year.
11. On the one hand, I’d like to go to Mexico, but on the _____________ hand I don’t have the
money for such a trip.
12. I’m looking _____________ to meeting my new boss.
13. In _____________ of being a vegetarian, Gregory had no problem eating the hamburgers.
14. They _____________ married last year.
15. The machine was named _____________ its founder.
16. Here’s a photo of the hotel _____________ we stayed during our holidays.
17. I’m not going to talk about it anymore. We had that discussion a few weeks ____________.
18. As _____________ as he saw the jeans, he decided that he wanted to have them.
19. What can we do to _____________ endangered species of the rainforest?
20. The match was called _____________ because it was raining too much.
B2 General Vocabulary – Multiple Choice GV006

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. Jamie is thinking of having _______________________. (SHAVED HIS HEAD / HIS HEAD SHAVING /
2. The suspect was _______________ observation for the past two weeks. (ON / FOR / UNDER / AT)
3. This old airplane has been in __________________ now for over 40 years. (ORDER / WORK / USE /
4. We’ve run out of ________________, so I’m afraid I have to go now. (TIME / A TIME / SOME TIME /
5. Dad seems to be ____________ busy to find some time for reading. (ENOUGH / TOO / SO / SUCH)
6. I called the travel agent to _____________ sure we had the right tickets. (GIVE / TAKE / DO / MAKE)
7. Accidents are often ___________________ by careless driving. (CAUSED / BLAMED / MISTAKEN /
8. Some drugs that doctors prescribe have bad side ____________________. (CONSEQUENCES /
9. I was in complete shock when the car hit the tree, but at least I wasn’t ___________________.
10. Jane gave me a lovely __________________ for lasagne, and I tried it out at once. (RECEIPT / BILL /
11. You must ________________ thrilled when the doctor told you it wasn’t anything serious. (BE / BE
12. Eat your vegetables! They’ll _______________ you good. (MAKE / DO / BE / GET)
13. Some people who eat poorly are _________________ to have health problems later on in life.
14. I’d like to _________________ an appointment for tomorrow. (HAVE / MAKE / DO / PUT)
15. I’m sure that sending the ____________________ to prison isn’t a good idea. (CRIME / CRIMINAL /
16. Jack gave us ____________________ to use his boat for a week. (DECISION / ALLOWANCE /
17. I have even ________________ free time than last year. (LITTLE / LEAST / A LITTLE / LESS)
18. Mark is ____________________ of Henry because he bought a brand-new car. (JEALOUS / ENVY /
19. In past generations, children were expected to be very ___________________. (OBEY / OBEDIENT /
20. Don’t you know it’s ___________________ to speak when you’re eating? (IMMORAL / UNKIND /
B2 General Vocabulary – Open Cloze GV007

Choose ONE word that fits into each blank.

1. It was the first time I had ever ________________ such a great match.
2. Please ________________ your time and fill out the application form carefully.
3. You mustn’t ________________ so much money on things you don’t need.
4. ________________ me to buy some milk on my way home from work! We don’t have
any at home.
5. ________________ the Christmas holidays I ate too much and didn’t get enough
6. I haven’t ________________ anything from him since he left us a few weeks ago.
7. I did my homework as ________________ as I got home.
8. Roger cannot take ________________ in the competition because he has an injured leg.
9. We usually go by bus but today we are going ________________ foot.
10. Jack ________________ us to come and spend a few weeks in Australia.
11. Have you ________________ been to South America?
12. Can you ________________ me how to play drums?
13. There are several reasons ________________ I don’t want to see him anymore.
14. In ________________ of the cold weather in July we spent a few days swimming in the
15. Everyone thought he was guilty, but the jury decided he was ________________.
16. The police accused him ________________ stealing things from the shop.
17. If you have the ________________ to go to a foreign country, you must do so.
18. He suffered for three weeks before he finally ________________ of cancer.
19. I think the discussion has gone on long ________________ and we should finally come
to a decision.
20. I contacted the theatre to find ________________ what time the play started.
21. I simply can’t make up my _____________. Should I take these shoes or the green ones?
22. Do you have a lot of ________________ time these days or are you very busy?
23. I can’t speak to him now because I’m ________________ a shower.
24. You can’t go on spending so much money. You have to ___________ at least some of it.
25. My next guest is John Travolta, ________________ career goes back to the 1970s.
B2 Synonyms GV008

Match the words in the left column with their synonyms.

A awful attractive

B dull eager

C frightened crazy

D good-looking peculiar

E happy scared

F keen incorrect

G mad famous

H polite enormous

I quiet boring

J rude marvellous

K strange glad

L very big silent

M well-known broad

N wicked terrible

O wide impolite

P wonderful well-mannered

Q wrong evil
B2 Opposites GV009

Complete these sentences with an opposite of the verb in BOLD. Use the words from
the box. Make sure that you use the correct form of each verb. The first one has been
done for you.



1. Although we missed our train to the airport, we still managed to catch our plane.
2. We didn’t spend much money. In fact, we managed to __________________ a lot of it.
3. The train arrives at the station at 4 and it __________________ 10 minutes later.
4. After he had emptied the bottle, he __________________ it with water.
5. “Can you lend me € 10?” - “No way! - The last time you __________________ money
from me, you never gave it back!”
6. The principal doesn’t allow smoking at school. In fact, he __________________
everything that is bad for our health.
7. Did he confess to stealing your money? - No, he __________________ everything.
8. In summer, the sun rises at about 5 o’clock and doesn’t __________________ until after
nine in the evening.
9. There are some things you can do in private that you should never do in ___________.
10. He didn’t pass his exam. In fact, he __________________ with a very low score.
11. Our teacher rewarded all the good students but decided to __________________ all the
bad ones.
12. Although I sent the letter on Monday, she didn't __________________ it until Friday.
13. At the end of the long, dim tunnel we could see a __________________ shining light.
14. If you are attacked on the street, there are several ways you can ________________
15. It was only a temporary job until I could find something more __________________.
16. The thief said he was innocent, but the judge decided he was __________________.
17. Half of the students were present, but the other half were __________________.
18. Attendance at class is compulsory, but the afternoon social programmes are
19. There have been a few major accidents on this road, but fortunately the injuries
have been __________________.
20. I prefer strong to __________________ coffee.
B2 False Friends GV010

False friends are words that are easily mixed up. Choose the correct word or phrase
for each blank.

1. The guards ____________________ the visitors from getting too close. (AVOIDED /
2. ____________________ running a grocery store in town, he also owns a fitness centre.
3. The jewels she was wearing were all imitations. They were ____________________.
4. There is always the ____________________ that the plane will arrive early (OPPORTUNITY /
5. The English ____________________ is beautiful during the spring season. (NATURE /
6. Can you switch to ____________________ 7 for the newscast? (CHANNEL / CANAL)
7. Mum, what are we having for ____________________? (DESERT / DESSERT)
8. Don’t ____________________ my sunglasses or else I won’t let you have them again.
9. My boss gave me very useful _______________ before I left the firm. (ADVICE / ADVISE)
10. Global warming has an _________________ on all parts of the world. (AFFECT / EFFECT)
11. He took a seat ____________________ me (BESIDES / BESIDE).
12. We have quite a good ____________________ of winning the election. (POSSIBILITY /
13. You should start out early in order to ____________________ the morning rush hour.
14. The policeman ____________________ the traffic at the busy road crossing. (DIRECTED /
15. Venice is famous for its beautiful ____________________. (CANALS / CHANNELS)
16. The bank manager was willing to ____________________ us on the best way to save our
earnings. (ADVICE / ADVISE)
17. You can get a good ____________________ of the sea from the room on the top floor.
18. I didn’t have a lot of __________________ at the party. It was so boring (FUN / FUNNY).
19. The bank robber didn’t want to ____________________ the hostages. (HARM / DAMAGE)
20. The young man will ______________ the orchestra at the concert. (CONDUCT / DIRECT)
B2 False Friends GV011

False friends are words that are easily mixed up. Choose the correct word or phrase
for each blank.

1. Staying at home in such bad weather was a __________________ thing to do. (SENSIBLE /
2. The sun __________________ in the east and sets in the west. (RISES / RAISES)
3. Please __________________ me to turn off the lights before I lock the door. (REMEMBER /
4. My friend asked me if I would __________________ him some money until the next day.
5. Be careful with that painting. It’s __________________. (PRICELESS / WORTHLESS)
6. You cannot exchange any products unless you have a __________________. (RECEIPT /
7. Alexander Fleming was a biologist who __________________ penicillin. (DISCOVERED /
8. He told __________________ jokes that made the audience laugh. (FUN / FUNNY)
9. It took them over 3 days to cross the __________________. (DESSERT / DESERT)
10. The cuts in government spending will seriously __________________ the military budget.
11. He was always __________________ to children (SYMPATHETIC / KIND).
12. I love to __________________ on the beach and read a good book. (LAY / LIE)
13. The __________________ of the school wants to see you at once. (PRINCIPLE / PRINCIPAL)
14. After talking to me he was very __________________ to my problems. (SYMPATHETIC /
15. The company announced that they were going to __________________ their prices for a
second time this year. (RISE / RAISE)
16. The __________________ I got from my girlfriend was great. The lasagne was fantastic.
17. Mum told me to help her ______________ the table before the guests came. (LIE / LAY)
18. Can I __________________ your ruler, please? (LEND / BORROW)
19. Did you __________________ to turn off the lights before going out? (REMIND /
20. You can’t talk to her like that. She’s a very __________________ young lady. (SENSITIVE /
B2 General Vocabulary – Multiple Choice GV012

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. The man ___________________ his head and said he didn't know where she lived. (NODDED /
2. I don't know what this word ___________________. (INTENDS / SUGGESTS / AIMS / MEANS)
3. We warned her of the ___________________ of travelling to such a country. (RISK / DANGEROUS /

4. What was that? – It was a ___________________ at the door. (CRASH / HIT / KNOCK / STROKE)
5. If you have the ___________________ of travelling around the world, just take it . (POSSIBILITY /

6. I didn't ___________________ what time it was until dad reminded me that it was getting late.

7. He was able to climb the north side of the mountain on his first ___________________. (PROCESS /

8. At the ___________________ the judge asked him if he was innocent. (SENTENCE / JUSTICE /

9. I ___________________ to take him to the hospital. (SUGGESTED / OFFERED / MOVED /


10. If we don't hurry up, we'll ___________________ the bus. (PASS / WASTE / MISS / LOSE)
11. When I went to school, we had to ___________________ poems in language lessons

12. They didn't ___________________ her into the room because she didn't have an ID card.

13. The painting you see over there is ___________________ to be his greatest work of art

14. The document is not valid without your ___________________ at the bottom (SIGN /

15. The ___________________ on his face told me that he didn't know what was happening.

16. The author's novels were ___________________ into 12 different languages. (WRITTEN /

17. What I did was terrible. I ___________________ with you that I made the wrong decision.

18. The teacher ___________________ the meaning of the phrase to us. (NOTICED / REPORTED /
B2 General Vocabulary – Multiple Choice GV013

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. If you _________________ the directions, you can't get lost. (CONTINUE / KEEP / FOLLOW /
2. In many countries of the Third World there is a _________________ of basic supplies like
food and medicine (SHORTAGE / LACK / LOSS / ABSENCE)
3. I _________________ to help him because I thought he should try on his own. (DENIED /
4. The novel is _________________ in the Victorian Age. (LOCATED / PUT / SET / PLACED)
5. They have a large _________________ of excellent wines in the store. (TASTE / ELECTION /
6. The politician tried to bring _________________ to the problems of our environment.
7. I'm not sure if I answered your email. Do you mind _________________. (CONTROLLING /
8. The teacher said that he was going to _________________ grammar with the class. (REVISE
9. I would like to _________________ to the boss on behalf of all the employees. (SORRY /
10. The accused man _________________ having done anything wrong. (REFUSED / ADMITTED
11. The company reported a heavy financial _________________ at the end of the year. (LOSS /
12. Dad told me to take _________________ of the dog while he was away. (NOTICE / CARE /
13. He sold the house for a very good _________________, much more than he had paid for.
14. I got the _________________ from my sister's friend and tried it out at once. It was
15. I have got a very _________________ skin, so I'm afraid I can't lie in the sun for very long.
B2 General Vocabulary – Multiple Choice GV014

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. This mechanism _____________________ the engine from exploding (AVOIDS / PREVENTS /

2. She is a very _____________________ young lady. Be careful about what you say. (SENSIBLE
3. The heavy rain of the last few days _____________________ in widespread flooding.
4. It was your decision that _____________________ to the situation we are in now. (LED /
5. Many producers of the item have _____________________ their prices. (INCREASED / RISEN
6. The weather got so bad that the rescue team had to _____________________ the search for
the missing people. (DESERT / LEAVE / DUMP / ABANDON)
7. He always looks at the problem from a different _____________________ than all the others.
8. There hasn't been a _____________________ earthquake in this area for hundreds of years.
9. She worked as a war _____________________ in the Middle East for many years. (EDITOR /
10. The weather forecast tells us that rain is _____________________ tomorrow. (UNPROBABLY
11. The telescope was _____________________ hundreds of years ago. (INVENTED /
12. Our _____________________ of natural resources has become a major problem for the
13. The zoologist spent a few weeks _____________________ the behaviour of the new-born
14. I paid a lot of money to get a room with a _____________________ of the sea. (SCENE /
15. The _____________________ of the island have voted to become independent.
B2 Synonyms GV015

Match the words in the left column with their synonyms.

A precision viewpoint
B mistake loss
C advantage need
D attitude friendliness
E custom destiny
F work presentation
G quarrel cargo
H information physician
I confirmation obligation
J port remark
K fate accuracy
L demand staff
M property liberty
N performance benefit
O hospitality matter
P defeat fatigue
Q personnel collapse
R breakdown error
S freight reality
T doctor belongings
U duty labour
V truth approval
W freedom habit
X exhaustion argue
Y affair data
Z comment harbour
B2 Synonyms GV016

Match the words in the left column with their synonyms.

A bend permit
B angry clear
C sudden shiver
D boast handicapped
E attentive follow
F forbid relaxed
G shake entire
H scared curve
I hate even
J attack eliminate
K escape courageous
L disabled talented
M pursue frightened
N distinct notify
O calm detest
P remove observant
Q main flee
R pale unexpected
S allow circular
T examine primary
U brave assault
V smooth furious
W inform brag
X gifted colourless
Y round prohibit
Z whole investigate
B2 General Vocabulary – Multiple Choice GV017

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. Have you read the list of ______________________ that are in this food product? (RECIPES /
2. The Internet can be used as a ______________________ of getting a lot of information in a
short time. (PROCESS / KIND / MEANS / MEASURE)
3. Up to now scientists have not been able to find a __________________ for the disease.
4. The average _____________________ of electricity per household has increased dramatically
5. There has been a lot of ______________________ about the upcoming election.
6. I was surprised to hear how many ______________________ of snakes there are all over the
7. During the Age of Exploration, the Spanish ______________________ many countries in
8. It is ______________________ for you to practice often if you want to pass the test. ( KEY /
9. Pele began his soccer ______________________ when he was a teenager. (CAREER / JOB /
10. Those who ______________________ their pets should have them taken away. ( VIOLENCE /
11. He was ______________________ to break up with his girlfriend because she cheated on
12. Regular exercise ______________________ to a healthy and longer life. ( CONTRIBUTES /
13. The moon is ______________________ 400,000 km from the earth. ( EXACTLY / NEARLY /
14. She always wants to travel to ______________________ places in faraway countries. ( ALIEN
15. During our first evening in the city we ______________________ the shopping streets.
B2 General Vocabulary – Multiple Choice GV018

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. She lives in a neighbourhood with very few people. It's not a very ____________________
2. The authorities want to build new sports ____________________ in the suburbs. (SERVICES
3. People are worried about the ____________________ created by the new factories near the
4. Albert Einstein is ____________________ one of the greatest scientists of the last century.
5. His ____________________ came from Sweden to America in the 19th century.
6. The company has always been famous for ____________________ modern, futuristic cars.
7. The ____________________ of the Antarctic will continue for the next decades. (DISCOVERY
8. People have been following that ____________________ tradition for centuries. (ANCIENT /
9. For her birthday she hopes to get some money ____________________ of a gift. (DESPITE /
10. Various creams and lotions can make your skin ____________________. (FLATTER/ EASIER /
11. You cannot ____________________ the skirt if you don't have a receipt. (SWAP / CHANGE /
12. The book describes the ____________________ of events that led to the Wall Street crash.
13. Your health certificate is not ____________________ anymore. You'll have to get a new one.
14. He broke the vase by ____________________. He didn't really mean to. (FORTUNE /
15. You should always ____________________ the opinions of other people. (ADMIRE /
B2 General Vocabulary – Multiple Choice GV019

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. Mrs Butler was in deep __________________ after her husband's sudden death. (REGRET /
2. There's no need to rush. Take your __________________ before you give me your answer.
3. Mike had to stay in hospital for several weeks where he was __________________ for a
heart weakness. (CURED / ATTENDED / HEALED / TREATED)
4. Jack was __________________ with anger when he realised that he hadn't made it to the
Olympic team. (STORED / SAVED / FILLED / LOADED)
5. The media put the __________________ on the police, who weren't at the scene fast
6. If I had known she was seriously __________________, I would have gone to visit her.
7. I don't believe a ________________ of what you say. (SENTENCE / PHRASE / WORD / PART)
8. The relations between the two countries have become __________________ because of the
riots near the border. (SUSPENSEFUL / RECKLESS / WORRIED / TENSE)
9. Be careful when you speak to him. The young boy is very sensitive by __________________.
10. After hours of discussion the committee had finally __________________ a conclusion.
11. The Labour party has raised several __________________ to the tax proposals of the
12. There were pieces of plastic __________________ all over the floor. (SETTLED / SCATTERED
13. Despite organising several events we failed to __________________ enough money for the
renovation of the church. (RISE / RAISE / INCREASE / ADVANCE)
14. My brother is such a __________________. He's even afraid to stay at home alone.
15. Don't bet on Frank's team. They don't __________________ a chance of winning the match.
B2 General Vocabulary – Multiple Choice GV020

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. The children spent the whole afternoon ______________________ blackberries. (GAINING /

2. The plane flew circles over the airport until the ______________________ was clear.
3. It was one of the few crimes he did not ______________________. (ACCUSE / COMMIT /
4. Why don't you wear ______________________ when you work in the kitchen? (A CLOTH / A
5. I don't like reading history or biography books. I prefer reading __________________ .
6. When I tried to walk I felt a sharp ______________________ in my left leg. (DAMAGE /
7. The team have practiced so hard that they could ______________________ the trophy.
8. We advise all our customers to ______________________ advantage of the low prices next
week. (PUT / TAKE / HAVE / MAKE)
9. When you check in your luggage is always ______________________. (BALANCED / SCALED
10. The man jumped out of the window and committed ______________________. (DEATH /
11. He turned up his ______________________ to protect his neck from the blowing wind. (CAP
12. I'm going to spend a few days with some ______________________ of mine who live on the
13. Cattle and chicken are ______________________ animals. (DOMESTICATED / PET / TAME /
14. Don't forget to ______________________ the letter before you post it. (FASTEN / SHUT /
15. I often judge a book by looking at its ______________________. (COVER / SKIN / FACE /
B2 General Vocabulary – Multiple Choice GV021

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. It's an old and large house, so the __________________ costs are very high. (PROTECTION /
2. Nobody knows what kind of plants you can find at the __________________ of the ocean (BED
3. How are we going to identify him __________________ all these people? It's impossible.
4. The __________________ Prime Minister has moved to a residence in the countryside.
5. Nobody __________________ me about any changes in the Secretary's itinerary. (EXPLAINED /
6. There's no turning back. This is the __________________ of no return. (SITE / MARK / POINT /
7. Please, __________________ the curtains so that nobody can see us. (DRAW / TURN / CLOSE /
8. The __________________ number of infections has increased to over a thousand. (WHOLE /
9. The red wine you have spilt __________________ the carpet. (COLOURED / STAINED /
10. Many animals __________________ to other regions when the weather changes. (JOURNEY /
11. Major newspapers have expressed their __________________ about the economic situation of
12. The manager is always in __________________ contact with his players. (DIRECT / STRAIGHT /
13. My oldest __________________ relative is over 90. (LIVE / ALIVE / LIFE / LIVING)
14. Many multinational companies only move to developing countries in order to
__________________ them. (MISUSE / DEVELOP / USE / EXPLOIT)
15. Maths was one __________________ I was never good at. (DEGREE / FIELD / TOPIC / SUBJECT)
16. Thousands of refugees have crossed the __________________ since fighting in the region
B2 General Vocabulary – Multiple Choice GV022

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. I hate nothing more than long car _____________________ . (TRIPS / JOURNEYS / VOYAGES /

2. The _____________________ for this type of job starts at about € 40,000 a year (WAGE /

3. Jeans will never be out of _____________________. (TREND / FASHION / GROWTH / IMAGE)

4. Since the middle of the 1960s great _____________________ has been made in technology.

5. It can _________________ a long time to get to the top of your career. (BE / TAKE / HAVE / DO)
6. I asked if I could speak to the person in _____________________ of the store. (CONTROL /

7. Some people _____________________ to the city from the outlying suburbs every day.

8. My sister was made _____________________ a few weeks ago and is still looking for a job.

9. I have decided to _____________________ my hair red because I haven't had that before. (DYE

10. Dad _____________________ at the clock and saw that it was time to leave. (GLANCED /

11. You must pay income tax based on the amount you _____________________ every year. (WIN /

12. If you want the job you must send your _____________________ to the manager directly.
13. It's very unhealthy to ______________ the potatoes in animal oil. (COOK / BOIL / BAKE / FRY)
14. You can exchange the shoes any time you like but you must keep the _____________________.

15. You should lower your _____________________. It isn't easy to be a famous model in today's
16. _____________________ looking everywhere, I simply couldn't find the car keys. (DESPITE /
B2 General Vocabulary – Multiple Choice GV023

Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank.

1. At the moment I'm reading a _____________________ about a family who escaped from
Germany during World War II. (FICTION / LITERATURE / WRITING / NOVEL)

2. Who _________________ you how to play so well? (LEARNED / EXPLAINED / MADE / TAUGHT)
3. We _____________________ ourselves at the party and had a lot of fun. (ENJOYED / PLEASED /

4. This car is one of the most _____________________ ones that the company has to offer.

5. I felt so _____________________ when my parents didn't come to pick me up. (DISAPPOINTED


6. Carbon emissions have _____________________ the atmosphere very badly. (UPSET /


7. Most residents are not _____________________ that wasting water causes environmental

8. In the end it _____________________ to be a very productive meeting. (SHOWED / SUPPORTED


9. The dress was so cheap I had to buy it. It was a real _____________________. (SALE / OFFER /

10. Being the conductor of a large orchestra can prove to be a very _____________________ job.

11. How did your _____________________ work out? Do you think you will get the part?

12. If you work hard you will definitely _____________________ a lot this term. (REACH / ACHIEVE /

13. The president _____________________ all accusations made against him. He said it simply

14. Before he entered _____________________, he made a fortune in private industries.

15. The match was _____________________ off because of the bad weather. (TAKEN / MADE /
16. Dinosaurs have been _____________________ for millions of years. (DIED OUT / EXTINCT /
B2 General Vocabulary – Open Cloze GV024

Choose ONE word that fits into each blank.

1. The twins look so strikingly similar. You can't ____________ the difference between them.
2. Cindy speaks three languages, but her ____________ language is English.
3. He ____________ from work at the age of 65, like most men do.
4. He used to ____________ a living by selling insurance policies.
5. Red Bull is a very popular beverage ____________ young people.
6. You shouldn't ask him anything today. He's not in a good ____________.
7. Dad bumped ____________ an old high school friend yesterday.
8. Make yourself ____________ home. I'll be with you in a minute.
9. I haven't seen Janet since she moved to France last year. I really ____________ her a lot.
10. I'm sorry I said that. I didn't want to ____________ your feelings.
11. Have you got Phillip's phone number? I have to get in ____________ with him at once.
12. I am an experienced coach, so let me give you a ____________ of advice.
13. He ____________ with a very strong accent, so it's not easy to understand him.
14. It's a secret, so don't ____________ a word.
15. She had to take the bus because her car broke ____________.
16. The news of their divorce took us all ____________ surprise.
17. The older my mother gets, the ____________ difficult she becomes.
18. She smiled and greeted us in a very friendly ____________.
19. Mary has always been the ____________ of attention wherever she goes.
20. I can't ____________ people who tell me lies all the time.
21. I don't earn a lot of money so I can't ____________ such a fancy car.
22. All passengers are required to switch ____________ their mobile phones during take-off
and landing.
23. I ____________ to live in a flat in the city, but now I have a house of my own in the
24. My brother offered to ____________ me up at the airport.
25. You had better get moving if you want to ____________ the train on time.
B2 Phrasal verbs PV001

Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form.



1. It was very interesting to see how the construction workers _________ the bridge

_________ .

2. In today's world it's difficult to ____________________ children so that they can get

something out of life.

3. Can we ___________________ the arrangements once again to make sure that everything

will work out fine.

4. My parents have bought a new house recently and we're planning to ________________


5. There was a lot of fog so I couldn't __________________ the licence plate of the car.

6. The manager offered her an excellent job, but she simply ____________ it __________ .

7. The headmaster doesn't want to ___________________ naughty students all the time.

8. He ___________________ some important information at the interview because he didn't

want his new boss to know everything about him.

9. The film you're about to see is _____________________ a true story .

10. You're my best friend. I can always _____________________ you if something goes wrong.

11. She finally succeeded in ____________________ the deal even though it was difficult to get

all the parties to agree.

12. I _____________________ an old friend a few days ago. We hadn't seen each other since

B2 Phrasal Verbs PV003

Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form.

1. The doctor told his assistant to _____________________ the first

2. My friend never _____________________ the money I had lent him a
few weeks ago.
3. They had to _____________________ the central heating because it ask around
was getting too warm in the room
bring up
4. You look a bit heavier. Have you _____________________ some weight
drop out of
since I last saw you?
5. My boss told me to _____________________ the good work. He was get along
very pleased with me. go down
6. You can’t _____________________ much longer. He is waiting for your hold off
keep up
7. She _____________________ her mother. Just look at her face.
make up
8. Time is _____________________ . We need to make a decision quickly.
9. The authorities are _____________________ with plans for the new pay back
runway. push ahead
10. She _____________ her children _________________ on her own after put on
her husband had moved out of the flat.
run out
11. The doctor advised Mary to _____________________ fast food and
chocolate. send in

12. I had an argument with my wife, but fortunately we _______________ set up

a few days later. Now everything is OK again.
stay away from
13. My trip to Paris didn’t _____________________ the way I had planned
take after
it. There were some difficulties.
14. His grandfather __________________ the company over 50 years ago. turn off

15. The news didn’t _____________________ well among the employees. work out
Everyone was afraid of losing their jobs.
16. I _____________________ to see if someone had seen anything
17. The boy ___________________ high school and started dealing drugs.
18. I really like working with him. We _____________________ really well.
B2 Phrasal verbs PV004

Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form.




1. My lawyer has ____________________ all the documents I gave him, but he can't find the right


2. The trade unions are ____________________ a rise in salary, but the employers don't want to

give it to them.

3. Thousands of people ____________________ to see the royal family, who were in the country

for the first time.

4. It was the first time he got caught so the teacher ______________ him _____________ with a


5. We were ____________________ when Jerry said he was getting married. Nobody had really

expected it.

6. I can't ____________________ coffee in the morning. I need at least 2 cups to get going.

7. When I was walking across the street a car sped by and almost ____________ me _________.

8. It took her a few months to ____________________ her husband's death.

9. Could you please ____________________? – Mr Jenkins is on the other line.

10. The couple finally ____________________ after they had been quarrelling about irrelevant


11. A week after the incident the neighbour ____________________ with some new information.

12. I ____________________ the manager because I thought the sales assistant gave me wrong


13. When he got his birthday cake, he ____________________ all the candles on it.

14. She finally ___________ most of what she was saying _______________ to the audience.

15. I don't like the performance either, but I guess we'll just have to ___________ it __________.

16. His grandparents ____________ him ____________ after his biological mother had left him.
B2 Phrasal Verbs PV005

Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form.




1. The meeting _____________________ a fight between the two office managers.

2. My friend and I _____________________ as Batman and Robin at the party.

3. I had to _____________________ English literature for the course next semester and I didn't
know very much about it.

4. Mom told her son he would have to _____________________ his vegetables before he could
leave the dinner table.

5. The burglars _________________________ some valuable jewellery after they had broken into
the house.

6. I probably _____________________ the flu while I was on holiday in Asia.

7. The young man ________________________ university only a year after he had started courses.

8. We _____________________ the luxurious meal with chocolate cake and a cappuccino.

9. She had to _____________________ the fact that she was seriously injured and couldn't take part
in any competition this season.

10. Let's _________________ our sleeves and start working in order to get the project done in time.

11. It was the third time the student _______________________ cheating. We'll report her next time.

12. I _______________________ the magazine while I was in the waiting room.

13. You should ___________________ your Spanish if you want to go to South America next month.

14. This recipe has been ______________________ to various members of our family for ages.

15. After the robbery the man realized that he had no place to go and _______________ himself


16. She hadn't gone to school for over a month and ___________________ in the main subjects.
B2 Phrasal Verbs PV006

Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form.




1. She ______________________ when she hit the rock and couldn't remember how it happened.

2. The match was ______________________ because of the transport strike.

3. You're such a great friend. I know I can always ______________________ you.

4. I need to ______________________ some money, otherwise I won't be able to pay the mortgage.

5. We are really best friends and ______________________ each other when we get into trouble.

6. It took a long time for us to ______________________ because we weren't used to living in such
a big house.

7. The doctors hope that the patient will ______________________ after a complicated surgery.

8. After chatting for some time, he started to ______________________ a bit and told me about his
troubled childhood.

9. Mary discovered that her husband was ______________________ her and filed for divorce.
10. After having lost the first two sets, he ______________________ into the game managed to win
in five sets.

11. My girlfriend ______________________ with me after we had been together for over a year.

12. Can you _________________ me ______________________ to the headmaster's office? I really must
speak to him.

13. The referee ________________ him __________________ after a brutal attack on the defender.

14. My boss is so arrogant. I can't stand the way he _________________________ the employees.

15. Even though I don't earn that much I manage to ____________________ a few dollars for hard

16. She was a good wife and _____________________ her husband even when he was having an
B2 Phrasal Verbs PV007

Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form.




1. Many small villages have been _____________________ from the outside world as a result of
heavy flooding.

2. We were asked to _____________________ an application form before we were interviewed.

3. The teacher made it clear to us that we won't _________________________ cheating at the test.

4. She's a great and reliable friend who never _______________ me ______________.

5. It's important to have a good relationship with your boss and ________________________ your
colleagues at work.

6. I wanted to apologise for what I had done but when I called her, she just ___________________
on me.

7. We were visiting the town, so we just _____________________ to say hello.

8. When the robber saw that there was no way out, he _____________________ and surrendered
himself to the police.

9. I don't want to cook today so let's _____________________ for a change.

10. The local police ______________ the suspect ______________ to the FBI who brought him to a
federal prison.

11. You should wait until the noise _____________________ before you start your presentation.

12. He finally _____________________ who sent him the message.

13. Is that really what happened, or did you _____________________ the story just to please me?

14. The boy adored his father and always __________________________ him.

15. The two boys were unemployed for some time, so they just _____________________ parks and
watched people pass by.

16. She was so attractive I _____________________ her the minute I saw her.
B2 Phrasal Verbs PV008

Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form.




1. On the way to London, we ______________________ in Paris for a few days.

2. The 90-year-old lady ______________________ in her sleep last night.

3. It _____________________ raining the whole day so that the two rivers flooded the city


4. The alarm clock _____________________ early, so I got back to bed.

5. It's important to _______________________ all your colleagues in order to achieve a good

working relationship.

6. The two prisoners managed to ____________________ of the maximum-security prison.

7. The factory _______________________ a thousand new cars a year. That's pretty impressive.

8. I can't stand the way he ________________________ with his new sports car.

9. I ____________ her _____________ a few days ago but she politely refused.

10. If I hadn't gone to the party, I would have _______________________ all the fun.

11. It took him a while to ________________________ after the operation.

12. Who is going to ____________________ us when we get older?

13. I _______________________ my glass and the red wine spilt all over the beautiful tablecloth.

14. Jill keeps eating all the time but doesn't seem to ______________________ any weight.

15. Three villages have been __________________ by heavy snowfall. Nobody could get


16. You'll have to ___________________ the books as soon as possible. There are other

customers waiting for them.
B2 Phrasal Verbs PV009

Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form.




1. The old community centre is being ___________________ and new sports facilities will be

built there instead.

2. I __________________ some old family photos when I cleaned up the attic last week.

3. Almost half the teaching staff has ______________________ some sort of cold or flu. Now we

need substitutes for some of the classes.

4. I couldn't ___________ her _____________ at the airport because I had to work.

5. He _____________________ what I had said to him and told me he would accept the job.

6. I always have to _____________________ to my little brother. He gets everything he wants.

7. I had to _______________ some of the words because the text was so difficult to


8. If I hadn't broken my leg, I would have ______________________ the race.

9. My sister's old car seems to _____________________ once a week. It's so unreliable.

10. When you _________________ at the hotel's reception desk you have to show a passport.

11. He doesn't ____________________ money because he's so rich. It doesn't matter to him.

12. The teacher told us to _____________________ our homework by Friday.

13. Please _____________________! The back of the auditorium can't hear you.

14. I was ____________________ by my grandparents because mom and dad were killed in a

car accident.

15. The meeting has been ___________________ because two of the participants can't get here

in time.

16. I'm sorry I'm late. Heavy traffic and an accident on the motorway __________ me ________.
B2 Phrasal Verbs PV010

Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form.




1. Is that the truth or did you just ___________________ such a story?

2. Jack couldn't _____________________ his anger and started shouting at everyone.

3. The teacher wasn't paying any attention, so he ___________________ an old trick I played

on him.

4. My parents always let me _______________ until after midnight. It's very generous of them.

5. The noise ___________________ after the politician appeared in the middle of the crowd.

6. I'm counting on you for support so please don't __________ me ___________.

7. Don't buy an e-bike unless you have an opportunity to _________ it ____________.

8. The player didn't ______________________ my expectations so I substituted him.

9. Please _____________________ the lights when you leave.

10. A black limousine ______________________ near the Capitol and the President get out.

11. The manager had ______________________ the new documents with his lawyers before he

came to a decision.

12. John _____________________ about his wife's cheating on him and filed for divorce.

13. The company _________________________ some financial difficulties and had to close some

of their factories.

14. I tried to find a solution to the problem, but I simply couldn't ___________ it _____________.

15. Normally, planes __________________ on time but today there are delays due to the foggy


16. They don't have so much money but in most months they can __________________.
B2 Phrasal Verbs PV011

Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form.




1. You shouldn't leave the children alone for so long or they'll _______________________
something bad.
2. Could you ___________________ a minute while I get something to write?
3. It took the fire fighters almost an hour to _____________________ the fire.
4. Being a primary school teacher ___________________ a lot of nerves and patience.
5. All the employees had to ____________________ a form that was given to them by the
personnel manager.
6. Although he answered most of my questions, I had the feeling he was __________________
7. The older boys always __________________ the younger ones at the school playground. It's
so disgusting.
8. I'll __________ you __________ at the station on my way to work. It's not a problem.
9. My doctor advised me to ___________________ smoking.
10. The bright blue scarf ____________________ your new dress perfectly.
11. The investigator told me he would _____________________ the matter.
12. The sun has just __________________ so I expect that the rest of the afternoon will be quite
13. The prosecutor ____________________ an expert on DNA analysis.
14. John and Marjorie have decided to ___________________ after being together for five years.
15. The man ___________________ the room without knocking and told us about the accident
that had just happened.
16. It's difficult to __________________ the licence plate number of the car over there. It's so far
B2 Phrasal Verbs PV012

Complete the sentences below, using a phrasal verb from the box in its correct form.




1. The burglars _____________________ the house and stole all the jewels.
2. There must be something wrong with your mobile phone. I can't _____________________
3. I __________________ an old acquaintance of mine at the airport. I hadn't seen her in years.
4. I told her to ______________________, otherwise she would crash into the car up front.
5. What do the letters WHO ______________________? – The World Health Organisation.
6. We usually ___________________ at our favourite restaurant once a month.
7. Please ____________________ the names you don't want to have on the list.
8. My teacher told me to stop being so childish and start ______________________.
9. The pilot was able to ______________________ the delay caused at the airport.
10. Jack ______________________ his father. He even walks in the same way.
11. My boss told me to __________________ the good work. I was one of the best employees.
12. I cannot ______________________ your bad behaviour anymore. I'm calling your parents.
13. I hope everything _____________________ for you in your new job.
14. I _______________________ the manager's offer of a 10 percent raise. I demanded more.
15. We had to ____________________ the doctor because his condition was deteriorating.
16. I'll _________ you ________________ a secret. – I am getting married next summer.
B2 Word Formation WF001

Use the word in brackets to form a negative word that fits into each gap.

1. It was ______________________ of you to laugh at him when he showed us his costume


2. The headmaster ______________________ of the way his teachers talk with parents


3. The departure of the plane was delayed again, which made us even more

______________________ (PATIENT).

4. It is ______________________ to smoke in public places. (LEGAL)

5. He got very ______________________ and made many mistakes (CARE).

6. He was fired because of his ______________________ behaviour. (PROFESSIONAL)

7. She failed at the test because she probably ______________________ the instructions


8. It was another ______________________ attempt to become Prime Minister. (SUCCESSFUL)

9. Mary is an ______________________ person. She doesn't seem to care about the trouble

she causes (RESPONSIBLE).

10. I normally don't ______________________ with him , but this time I think he's wrong.


11. It's ______________________ for the team to win three championships in a row. They aren't

that good . (POSSIBLE)

12. The suspect was ______________________ to think that he could get away with murder so

easily (SANE).

13. We are ______________________ to help him. (ABLE)

14. It's ______________________ to use your cell phone while talking to someone else. (POLITE)

15. Fast food is not only ______________________ , it also leads to obesity. (HEALTHY)

16. He seemed to have ______________________ . Nobody has seen him since last week.

B2 Prefixes and Negative Words WF002

Change the words using the prefixes from the box so that they have a negative


1. correct - ______________ 21. regular - ______________

2. adequate - ______________ 22. honest - ______________

3. rational - ______________ 23. competent - ______________

4. like - ______________ 24. legal - ______________

5. fashionable - ______________ 25. qualified - ______________

6. attractive - ______________ 26. possible - ______________

7. trust - ______________ 27. lock - ______________

8. limited - ______________ 28. perfect - ______________

9. certain - ______________ 29. responsible - ______________

10. guide - ______________ 30. agreeable - ______________

11. polite - ______________ 31. understand - ______________

12. acceptable - ______________ 32. connect - ______________

13. believable - ______________ 33. avoidable - ______________

14. fair - ______________ 34. complete - ______________

15. behave - ______________ 35. accurate - ______________

16. obedient - ______________ 36. welcome - ______________

17. even - ______________ 37. mature - ______________

18. logical - ______________ 38. conscious - ______________

19. personal - ______________ 39. patient - ______________

20. continue - ______________ 40. cover - ______________
B2 Word Formation WF004

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. ____________ are warning about the effects global warming will have on us. (SCIENCE)
2. Matt quickly came to the _________________ that Jane was not telling the truth.
3. The _________________ of our flight was delayed due to fog. (ARRIVE)
4. Both teams gave a wonderful _________________ in the match. (PERFORM)
5. Easter Island is famous for its _________________ statues. (ASTONISH)
6. The woman was hit so hard that she lost _________________. (CONSCIOUS)
7. For their own _________________ the visitors of zoos are kept at a distance. (SAFE)
8. You should take the antibiotics for a whole week so that it is _______________. (EFFECT)
9. Jane has been suffering from headaches _________________. (LATE)
10. Most people believe that it is _________________ that UFOS exist. (PROBABLE)
11. Chris accepted the doctor’s news although it was very _______________ to hear. (PAIN)
12. The first settlers came from _________________ islands of the Pacific. (DISTANCE)
13. This area is very dry, and _________________ is very difficult. (FARM)
14. Divers went down to a _________________ of over 50 metres. (DEEP)
15. The book contains a ________________ of anecdotes from the past decades. (COLLECT)
16. Jack, who was an excellent shooter, _________________ missed his target. (REPEAT)
17. My teacher has been putting together _________________ articles for the yearbook.
18. _________________ farmers in Japan have figured out a way to produce square-shaped
watermelons. (INNOVATE)
19. We had _________________ in deciding who would be the best for the job. (DIFFICULT)
20. Even _________________ people can’t buy everything. (WEALTH)
21. If you plan your trip carefully you will have an _________________ time in China.
22. There have been _________________ sightings of the Loch Ness monster over the past
decades. (MYSTERY)
23. European _________________ arrived in Asia in the 15th century. (SAIL)
24. Imagining all the places you can visit will add a _________________ touch to your
journey. (MAGIC)
25. The hotel offers a _________________ view of the sea. (SPECTACLE)
B2 Word Formation WF005

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. You should always take special care with your __________________ when you go for an
interview (APPEAR).
2. The children’s __________________ at the party was dreadful (BEHAVE).
3. There’s a great __________________ of houses in most major cities. (SHORT)
4. It is my __________________ that we will fly to Mars some day. (BELIEVE)
5. There is no __________________ between his latest and his earlier books (COMPARE).
6. Is there any _________________ in the rumour that the Prime Minister is planning to resign?
7. We nearly died of __________________ when we went to see the new opera. It was so
dreadful (BORING)
8. Einstein sometimes came to the __________________ that he was wrong about a few things.
9. She was extremely intelligent and passed all her exams with __________________. (EASY)
10. They say that ________________ between companies helps to keep prices down.
11. Their __________________ was delayed because of bad weather. (DEPART)
12. Holiday camps usually provide free __________________. (ENTERTAIN)
13. We had to get special __________________ to leave early (PERMIT).
14. Although she was poor, her __________________ wouldn’t allow her to accept any form of
charity (PROUD)
15. Goodbye. It’s been a __________________ meeting you. (PLEASE)
16. He was filled with __________________ when he saw the neighbour’s new car (ENVIOUS).
17. The __________________ at the hotel was excellent (SERVE).
18. The president made his __________________ on prime -time television. (STATE)
19. His __________________ to comment on the allegations made him look guilty. (REFUSE)
20. If you want to lose __________________ you'd better eat less. (WEIGH)
21. The prisoner escaped to __________________ by hiding in the boot of the car. (FREE)
22. What started out as __________________ soon turned into real love (FRIENDLY).
23. People watched in __________________ as the helicopter crashed into the nearby TV mast.
24. He received __________________ from his father after the tragic accident. (ASSIST)
25. Freedom from __________________ should be a human right. (POOR)
B2 Word Formation WF006

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. Many families lost their homes and all of their _______________________. (POSSESS)
2. _______________________will be provided for the first two weeks of your stay.
3. Many __________________countries have failed to catch up with industrial nations.
4. _______________________went on throughout the night. (CELEBRATE)
5. They were able to resolve the problem through careful ________________. (NEGOTIATE).
6. Some people tend to look down on those who are less ___________________. (FORTUNE)
7. After a few ____________________difficulties they decided to cancel the project. (EXPECT)
8. Most people will take a _______________________job if they get well-paid. (STRESS)
9. He was so surprised that he was _______________________to make the speech. (ABLE)
10. The _______________________is currently on display at the new gallery. (EXHIBIT)
11. Unfortunately, travelling by plane also has some _______________________.
12. There are several run-down districts in the city where _______________________is in a
bad state (HOUSE).
13. In _______________________to many complaints by residents, we decided to make the
area a no-parking zone. (RESPOND)
14. He works for a company that imports diving _______________________. (EQUIP)
15. He wrote an _______________________, in which he describes how he had gone through
his troubling days as an adolescent. (BIOGRAPHY)
16. A limited _____________________of the author’s works will be published next year. (EDIT)
17. The _______________________that banks charge for borrowing money has gone up.
18. Many men believe that bringing up children is the _______________________of women.
19. The judge sentenced the boy to two weeks of community ___________________ (SERVE).
20. Up to now the government’s _______________________programme has been very
successful. (CONSERVE)
B2 Word Formation WF007

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. Make sure you have something ________________________ to say before you stand up and
speak (CONSTRUCT).
2. A new ________________________ centre is being built outside the town. (INDUSTRY)
3. Trees are being cut down to provide ________________________ parking space. (ADD)
4. The school is located in a quiet ________________________ area (RESIDENT)
5. I don’t think your demands are very ________________________. (REASON)
6. She was a very ________________________ woman (AMBITION).
7. She became the ________________________ owner of a gigantic estate. (WEALTH)
8. An ________________________ thing happened to me yesterday (AMUSE)
9. Exercise can be ________________________ provided you do not overdo it (BENEFIT).
10. We had an ________________________ time at the party (ENJOY)
11. Swimming is an ________________________ way of keeping fit (EFFECT)
12. Our town library is facing serious ________________________ problems (FINANCE).
13. Some people remain ________________________ well into their eighties (ACT).
14. She was very ________________________ about her bad behaviour (APOLOGY)
15. The police became ________________________ when he started telling lies (SUSPECT)
16. Writing a book can be a very ________________________ experience (SATISFY)
17. He had lost so much weight it was hardly ________________________ (RECOGNISE)
18. My cousin is very ________________________ and loves doing sports (COMPETE)
19. ________________________ people are often said an uncommunicative (CREATE)
20. The management think they will succeed, but I am rather _____________________ (DOUBT)
21. It was a very ________________________ film (DISAPPOINT)
22. British weather can be very ________________________ (CHANGE)
23. He must have ________________________ me and brought me the wrong book
24. The troops’ ________________________ were monitored closely in the command room.
25. Details of the examination have not been ___________________ to the public. (CLOSE)
B2 Word Formation WF008

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. I love listening to people speaking Italian. It’s a very ___________________ language. (POET)
2. My ___________________ salary tripled in the last 5 years. (MONTH)
3. He founded the company at the age of 22 and became a very ___________________
entrepreneur. (WEALTH)
4. It was a ___________________ device, so I threw it away. (USE)
5. I just like to go for a Sunday walk in the park. It’s very ___________________ there. (PEACE)
6. She is ___________________ that she can pass the exam. (CONFIDENCE)
7. All the buildings in the town centre are ___________________ to disabled people. (ACCESS)
8. The weather in England is not very ___________________. It can change very quickly.
9. Due to bad weather, the ___________________ will be delayed for about an hour. (FLY)
10. I couldn’t do anything with the ___________________ he gave me. (ADVISE)
11. He ___________________ told himself that there had to be some solution to the problem.
12. If you want to go on an ___________________ holiday, try backpacking and staying at
youth hostels. (EXPENSIVE)
13. Philipp showed his ___________________ at not having been nominated for the match.
14. ___________________ is an important virtue in life. (HONEST)
15. Duke Ellington was a famous jazz ___________________. (MUSIC)
16. Maria found a ___________________ job right after she had graduated. (SUIT)
17. The president’s ___________________ speech was broadcast all over the country.
18. Florence Nightingale made nursing a very ___________________ profession. (RESPECT)
19. Some patients cannot be cured by ___________________ medicine. (CONVENTION)
20. Many actors suffer from ___________________ when they go out on the stage for the first
time. (NERVOUS)
B2 Word Formation WF009

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. The submarine had gone down to a __________________ of 3,000 metres before

communications broke off. (DEEP)
2. The woman received many medals for her __________________. (BRAVE)
3. __________________ not only destroys trees but also releases greenhouse gases into the
atmosphere. (FOREST)
4. Mozart is one of the most famous __________________ of classical music. (COMPOSE)
5. The television series was __________________ popular all over the world. (IMMENSE)
6. The exhibition aims at raising public __________________. (AWARE)
7. The __________________ of coral reefs is one of the biggest problems of the world’s
oceans. (DESTROY)
8. I was having a serious __________________ with my sister when mom came in.
9. Abraham Lincoln was a very __________________ president. (ORDINARY)
10. The fee is not __________________. It’s what everyone has to pay. (NEGOTIATE)
11. Illegal hunting __________________ the __________________ of certain animal species.
12. Parrots are admired for their __________________ and __________________. (BEAUTIFUL,
13. The ballet dancer moved __________________ across the stage during her
__________________. (GRACE, PERFORM)
14. The software must be installed by a __________________ employee. (QUALIFY)
15. Cities are much too __________________ for me to live in. (NOISE)
16. He received __________________ from all the major companies. (DONATE)
17. __________________, not enough is done to fight global warming. (FORTUNATE)
18. Luggage and other bags must not be left __________________ for security reasons.
19. I am writing to express my __________________ with the notebook I bought at your shop
a few days ago. (SATISFY)
20. He is __________________ to be on time. He always shows up late. (LIKE)
B2 Word Formation WF010

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. He had lost his ___________________ card so he couldn’t get into the restricted area.
2. ___________________, the team had never won an important game. (SURPISE)
3. The ___________________ of the team cost him millions of dollars. (OWNER)
4. When the woman accused him of sexual ___________________, the politician quickly issued
a ___________________. (HARASS, DENY)
5. The boss demanded an ___________________ as to why I was late for work (EXPLAIN).
6. People use internet shopping ___________________ to find out where they can buy the
cheapest products. (DIRECT)
7. He is often ill because of his ___________________ lifestyle. (HEALTH)
8. The police are looking into the ___________________ of five young people. (APPEAR)
9. The new hotel at the beach offers a ___________________ view of the seaside. (SPECTACLE)
10. People with sleeping ___________________ should go and see their doctors. (ORDER)
11. The boss promised a bonus to all the ___________________ at the end of the year.
12. The new jumping suit was designed to reduce wind ___________________. (RESIST)
13. Her business is very __________________. She has made a lot of profit this year. (SUCCEED)
14. There was a _________________ man outside my house, so I called the police (SUSPECT)
15. Watching quiz shows can improve your general ___________________ (KNOW).
16. The spray is very effective for the ___________________ of burns and similar injuries.
17. The manager of the shop promised to send me a ___________________ for the broken
Bluetooth speakers. (REPLACE)
18. The new supermarket has a wide ___________________ of organic products. (VARY)
19. Mum, you must remind me of my dentist _________________ this afternoon. (APPOINT)
20. Although chess is a very ___________________ sport, it can be boring sometimes.
B2 Word Formation WF011

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. What the politician did was thought to be very _________________ . (HONEST)

2. The headmaster received _________________ from the school authorities to open up a
second class. (PERMIT)
3. The way people dress shows the kind of _________________ they possess. (PERSON)
4. I haven’t got the _________________ to go to the headmaster and tell him what I think.
5. The building has a special _________________ for _________________ people. (ENTER,
6. The _________________ told me which room I had to go to. (ASSIST)
7. In my _________________ it was the right thing to do. (JUDGE)
8. The _________________ in the hotel was fantastic. Everyone was so _________________.
9. I’m in a _________________ with a wonderful woman I met a few months ago.
10. I am really _________________ for your help. Maybe I can help you too sometime.
11. He turned out to be a big _____________. I’ll never believe him again. (LIE)
12. A _________________ of men's salaries with those of women shows that females still get
________________ pay. (COMPARE, EQUAL)
13. An automatic driving assistant can be _________________ in certain situations. (USE)
14. The _________________ halls of major airports are always full during the holiday season.
15. I had an _________________ at the dentist’ so I had to call off everything else. (APPOINT)
16. He has physical _________________ you can’t even dream of. (ABLE)
17. The coach made the _________________ to discipline three players of his team.
18. I had no idea that the jewellery was so _________________. (VALUE)
19. _________________ hardly ever tell the _________________. (POLTICS, TRUE)
20. The children had a _________________ _________________. Look at what they drew!
B2 Word Formation WF012

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. They suffered great ___________________ on the expedition because the temperatures

were almost ___________________. (COMFORT, BEAR)
2. There is absolutely no basis for the ___________________ against him. (ACCUSE)
3. The vacuum cleaner had a ___________________ switch, so I sent it back. (FAULT)
4. The envelope had a “___________________” stamp on it, so nobody else was allowed to
open it. (CONFIDENT)
5. The new invention has already been used ___________________ in tests. (EXTEND)
6. The ___________________ force of the earthquake led hundreds of people being killed.
7. Although he is a good student, he ___________________ disrupts the lessons. (CONTINUE)
8. He can’t stand having nothing to do. He’s simply not used to being __________________.
9. The scientists have to improve the ___________________ of the engine, otherwise it won’t go
into mass production. (EFFICIENT)
10. The police saw that there were ___________________ leading to the car. (FOOT)
11. Stalingrad was one of the ___________________ battles of World War II. (DECIDE)
12. The ___________________ is accused of shoplifting. (DEFEND)
13. To “brexit” has become a ___________________ word so everyone knows what you mean.
14. It was ___________________ to blame the boy for breaking the window. It wasn’t his fault.
15. People shouldn’t’ be judged by their ___________________, but by what they have to say.
16. The authorities don’t know where the terrorists got the _________________. (EXPLODE)
17. I value his ___________________ and ___________________, but this time he showed a lack of
___________________. (FRIEND, LOYAL, JUDGE)
18. The promises that the politicians made were simply ___________________. Nobody really
believed anything. (LAUGH)
19. It is ___________________ for such a person to be in a high office. (FIT)
20. The plane crashed into the mountains and, ___________________, caused several fatalities.
B2 Word Formation WF013

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. We have to __________________ the pressure or otherwise the object will break. (LIGHT)
2. CNN showed exclusive __________________ of the incident. (FOOT)
3. There has been an argument about the __________________ of the island for several
decades. (OWN)
4. The __________________ of the air in the mountain regions is much better than at sea
level. (PURE)
5. She attended __________________ classes because it was her first baby. (MOTHER)
6. Many people in the Third World cannot even buy the __________________ of life.
7. They went on a __________________ tour of Asia. (PACK)
8. Please come to my office at the end of the week, __________________ on Friday
afternoon (PREFER)
9. The whole committee was impressed by the __________________ of the plan (ORIGIN).
10. He fell behind with his __________________, so they took away almost everything he
had. (PAY)
11. The dictator showed his __________________ by locking up the dissidents. (PLEASE)
12. The prosecutor did not make any __________________ to what the defence had to say.
13. The suspect was __________________ without getting a fair trial. (PRISON)
14. It was a __________________ attempt of the opposition party to gain power. (SHAME)
15. The trade unions made __________________ demands that were rejected in the
negotiations. (REASON)
16. The travellers received __________________ compensation for the delayed
__________________. (PART, DEPART)
17. She dyed her hair and wore new, fashionable clothes, so she was almost
__________________. (RECOGNISE)
18. The book cost $26 plus $5 for __________________. (POST)
19. The average __________________ in this part of the country is about 80 inches a year.
20. It’s a good plan in theory but probably __________________ in practice. (WORK)
B2 Word Formation WF014

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. The ____________________ from the Department of Education gave a press conference.

2. It was a great ____________________ to meet such a famous ____________________. I had
never met one before. (PLEASE, POLITICS)
3. When I came to the city after 20 years it was completely ____________________.
Everything was so different. (RECOGNISE)
4. Young people who grew up in the 1960s lived in a ____________________ society. Almost
everything was allowed. (PERMIT)
5. The mountains in Central Asia reach _________________ of over 8,000 metres. (HIGH)
6. My dad always has to take sides. He is never ____________________. (OBJECT)
7. I have been ____________________ of him since the day I met him. (SUSPECT)
8. Phil got a ____________________ job at a kiosk selling morning newspapers. (PART)
9. The weather is going to turn bad in the next few days and we're in for some
____________________. (RAIN)
10. I have a ____________________ for old cars. I already have a few in my garage. (PREFER)
11. He is studying ____________________ at the local university. (MECHANIC)
12. Some people are so poor they can't even buy the basic ____________________ of life.
13. There were many ____________________ for the job, but only two of them had the
necessary ____________________. (APPLY, QUALIFY)
14. Could you empty the ____________________ on your way out ? (DUST)
15. My brother is such an ____________________ young man. He never does any exercise
and seldom goes out of the house. (ACT)
16. The driver was ____________________ because he crossed one of the side-lines.
17. She is such a ____________________, friendly and honest person. (TRUST)
18. The school staff is making the last ____________________ for their Open Day on
Saturday. (PREPARE)
19. You finger is ____________________. What have you done? (BLOOD)
20. John made some ____________________ points against a strong opponent. (DECIDE)
B2 Word Formation WF015

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. Happiness and misery are two values that are hardly __________________. (MEASURE)
2. City authorities invested in better street __________________in order to reduce crime.
3. __________________, the car got out of control and crashed into the tree. (FORTUNE)
4. People who are __________________often get benefits from the state. (EMPLOY)
5. My __________________told me that my rent was due next week. (LAND)
6. The __________________came to the house and fixed the faulty wires. (ELECTRIC)
7. It was not my __________________to embarrass him in front of everyone. (INTEND)
8. Technicians are trying to keep the reactor from __________________ (HEAT).
9. Michael is __________________on his father and always has to ask him for financial
support. (DEPEND)
10. The law proved to be __________________. Nobody cared about it. (EFFECT)
11. When a rescue team arrived at the site they found that a few passengers were still
__________________ (LIVE).
12. We have had a few __________________lately, but on the whole, we are getting along
fine. (AGREE)
13. She came from a __________________middle-class family. (RESPECT)
14. He is __________________to be a teacher. He simply can't manage a class. (FIT)
15. She surprised her coaches with a __________________performance. Everything she did
was perfect (FAULT).
16. The test was __________________easy. I have done more difficult ones. (COMPARE)
17. The __________________died at once when Sandy came in. (LAUGH)
18. People no longer have confidence in our __________________system. (JUST)
19. All natural minerals contain __________________. (PURE)
20. The bottles are designed to be __________________up to ten times. (USE)
B2 Word Formation WF016

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. The chairman had made his ____________________ statement before the real proceedings
began. (INTRODUCE)
2. You can't ____________________ expect to win every game of the season. (REAL)
3. This is a very quiet ____________________ neighbourhood. (RESIDE)
4. When I finished school, I decided to start a career in ____________________. (JOURNAL)
5. The ____________________ of getting caught stealing some apples from your neighbour's
garden is very low. (LIKE)
6. She won a ____________________ from a very prestigious American university. (SCHOLAR)
7. He's an ____________________ man and very handsome too. So, I guess you could date him.
8. The two countries agreed to ____________________ in certain sections of the economy.
9. The ____________________ came into the stadium and listened to what the players had to
10. He is a nice child but often ____________________ when it comes to following rules. (OBEY)
11. The rent is ____________________ in advance. (PAY)
12. There was an ____________________ on his side to cooperate with the authorities.
13. He has not seen his children since his ____________________. (PRISON)
14. Our team scored the __________________ goal in the last minute of the match. (DECIDE)
15. Some ____________________ end up in the atmosphere and ultimately in the air that we
breathe. (POLLUTE)
16. The government has left many citizens ____________________ about the new tax laws.
17. According to the ________________ there will be no more English lessons this week. (TIME)
18. It must be a ____________________. I never intended to offend anyone. (UNDERSTAND)
19. The President of the United States is ____________________ to appoint justices to the
Supreme Court. (POWER)
20. Over the years the conflict ____________________, and more and more people were killed.
B2 Word Formation WF017

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. James quickly __________________ and got into the hot bathtub. (DRESS)
2. We made a few __________________ to the design of the car. (ADJUST)
3. We __________________ the strength of their team. That's why we lost. (ESTIMATE)
4. He is fortunate to have the __________________ to listen to several people at once. (ABLE)
5. The __________________ of John F. Kennedy was one of the key events of the 1960s.
6. How can you be so __________________ to her feelings? She's just lost her father. (SENSE)
7. Every student must take an __________________ exam. (ENTER)
8. According to his __________________ of the situation we were facing a major conflict.
9. It was one of the many __________________ they faced on the long journey. (HARD)
10. She has been a __________________ for over 20 years. (LIBRARY)
11. She was asked if she was taking any __________________ at the moment. (MEDICINE)
12. The police got the necessary information from their __________________. (INFORM)
13. All civil servants are sworn to _______________ and cannot speak about certain things.
14. Old people are mostly afraid of __________________. That's why they often keep a pet.
15. You can wear your shirt and a pair of jeans. It's an __________________ event. (FORMAL)
16. You have __________________ my name. It's Johnson, not Johnston. (SPELL)
17. He went to the club for __________________. (COMPANION)
18. The government's actions towards reducing pollution were __________________.
19. Most experts say that the painting is not a __________________. (FORGE)
20. The pain became __________________, so we had to call an ambulance. (ENDURE)
21. The __________________ of the whole country is at stake. (STABLE)
22. She claimed her __________________ and said she had never been at the scene of the
crime. (INNOCENT)
23. He never regained __________________ and died a few weeks after the accident.
24. Edgar Allan Poe was one of the great ________________ figures of his age. (LITERATURE)
25. When I heard what had happened, I was __________________. (SPEAK)
B2 Word Formation WF018

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. Real Madrid are expected to win the ___________________ this season. (CHAMPION)
2. She had a rough ___________________. Nobody really cared about her. (CHILD)
3. Leather ___________________ are much cheaper than genuine leather bags. (IMITATE)
4. Causing such a panic in public wasn't a very ___________________ thing to do. (SENSE)
5. The government has shown no ___________________ to cooperate with the
environmentalists. (WILLING)
6. We had an ___________________ day at the beach. I'll always remember it. (FORGET)
7. With the ___________________ of Herbie everyone enjoyed the ___________________. (EXCEPT,
8. You can't withdraw from the ___________________ after you have signed the document.
9. The soldier ___________________ the orders and was immediately ___________________.
10. In her youth she was such a ___________________ dancer. (GRACE)
11. You are such a ___________________ young man. When are you going to grow up? (CHILD)
12. He is so ___________________ and he's handsome too. (ROMANCE)
13. I ___________________ to call the police if he didn't leave my house. (THREAT)
14. The ___________________ of the company told us that nobody would lose their jobs.
15. We explained that he wouldn't tolerate any ___________________ from other parties.
16. It was a ___________________ performance. (MARVEL)
17. The TV station provided its audience with live _________________ of the event. (COVER)
18. These new cars are much more ___________________ than the older models. (ECONOMY)
19. Despite the poor ___________________ the pilot made a perfect landing. (VISIBLE)
20. She wrote excellent essays, but her __________________ was rather bad. (PRONOUNCE)
21. I had no ___________________ of hurting your feelings. I'm so sorry. (INTEND)
22. A new survey shows that computers and smartphones do not ___________________
relationships in families. (WEAK)
23. It came as a great _________________ to us when we found out that he was still alive.
24. The documents that were stolen were highly ___________________. (CONFIDENCE)
25. It was an ___________________ virus that nobody had ever heard about before. (KNOW)
B2 Word Formation WF019

Complete the table.


B2 Word Formation WF020

Complete the table.


B2 Word Formation WF021

Complete the table.


B2 Word Formation WF022

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. Leading ______________________ have warned about the danger to animal species around
the world. (ZOO)
2. In her application she emphasized the ______________________ skills she had acquired over
the years. (SECRETARY)
3. The ______________________ effects of losing a job can be very serious. (PSYCHOLOGY)
4. She has received three marriage ______________________ this year. (PROPOSE)
5. The use of dictionaries at the final exam is not ______________________. (PERMIT)
6. The ______________________ was not convicted because there was no conclusive evidence.
7. We live in an ______________________ world, so people and governments make mistakes all
the time. (PERFECT)
8. She is an ______________________ young woman, full of life. (ENERGY)
9. There are several ______________________ species living in the rainforest, which still need to
be categorized. (KNOWN)
10. I am not willing to accept your ______________________ all the time. You have to behave
properly. (RUDE)
11. The new travel ______________________ opened for business last summer. (AGENT)
12. The ______________________ was so beautiful that we decided to go there again sometime
next year. (SCENE)
13. She made a large financial ______________________ to the organisation. (CONTRIBUTE)
14. ______________________ has gone down, and the prices of raw materials have increased.
15. The pupils' drawings were a part of the school's art exhibition. (DRAW)
16. He felt an ______________________ to help the company he had been the CEO of for so
many years. (OBLIGE)
17. If you need any ______________________, please call me. (ASSIST)
18. I am normally not ______________________, but I felt bad when we saw that our hotel room
was on the 13th floor. (SUPERSTITION)
19. Mom opened the door and ______________________ crept into the room. (CAUTION)
20. The server was offline due to ______________________ issues. (MAINTAIN)
B2 Word Formation WF023

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. The manager took all the negative effects into ___________________ . (CONSIDER)
2. Not all teenagers behave ___________________. (AGGRESSION)
3. I forgot about my ___________________ at the dentist's. (APPOINT)
4. ___________________, nobody was injured in the accident. (LUCKY)
5. Before his death he transferred the ___________________ of his company to his three
children. (OWN)
6. My friend is such a ___________________ person. He always lies to the teacher. (HONEST)
7. Driving without a licence is ___________________ in all states. (LEGAL)
8. My parents say I am ___________________ of having a girlfriend for longer than three
months. (CAPABLE)
9. Parents lose ___________________ of the fact that most teachers try to do their best. (SEE)
10. In his lessons the history teacher put ___________________ on World War II. (EMPHASIZE)
11. To my ___________________, the bungalow was very ___________________. (AMAZE, SPACE)
12. ___________________ is the most important time in a child's upbringing. (ADOLESCENT)
13. The shop owner provided me with a free ___________________ because the original
machine was faulty. (REPLACE)
14. It's an ___________________ to see ___________________ in such situations. (EMBARRASS,
15. The apartment was not ___________________, so I got myself a new one. (AFFORD)
16. The thief entered the house and demanded all the woman's ___________________.
17. My parents ___________________ me to go on to university. (COURAGE)
18. The coach was fired because he didn't reach the ___________________ levels of the club.
19. When I looked at the boy's ___________________, I ___________________ saw that he was
very talented. (DRAW, IMMEDIATE)
20. The secretary handed in his ___________________ and left the office. (RESIGN)
B2 Word Formation WF024

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. The ___________________ gave us a ___________________ of how the new machine works.

2. The old man has no ___________________ of what happened yesterday morning.
3. The ___________________ team went through to the semi-finals. (WIN)
4. I had problems coping with the ___________________ in Central Africa. (HUMID)
5. When I started university, I got a monthly ___________________ from my parents. (ALLOW)
6. All major channels provided ___________________ of the inauguration. (COVER)
7. My sister's sudden ___________________ came as a surprise to everyone. (DEPART)
8. The managers are ___________________ to agree to the workers' demands. It would ruin
the company. (LIKE)
9. She became the ___________________ director of the largest company in town. (MANAGE)
10. Our success is ___________________ on everyone's hard work. (DEPEND)
11. It was the ___________________ sound of a train coming towards us. (MISTAKE)
12. There is no ___________________ between the two types of virus. (SIMILAR)
13. I don't understand how she can eat so much without gaining any ___________________.
14. The doctor said that the athlete's ___________________ would take months. (RECOVER)
15. The claims he brought forward were completely ___________________. (BASE)
16. This tablet will ___________________ you to access your files ___________________ you are.
17. An ___________________ of mine works at the department store. (ACQUAINT)
18. I looked up her number in the phone ___________________. (DIRECT)
19. I told him to ___________________ his voice. (LOW)
20. All ___________________ will be instructed about the takeover tomorrow. (EMPLOY)
B2 Word Formation WF025

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. The _____________________ of the Premier League has been agreed upon by all the
managers. (CONTINUE)
2. I am so _____________________ with your report. Surely, you can do better. (SATISFY)
3. Lewis and Clarke were famous _____________________ who explored the Missouri River.
4. The faster you drive the less _____________________ your car becomes. (ECONOMY)
5. The _____________________ lasted for several minutes when the performers came on the
stage. (APPLAUD)
6. If they hadn't won the _____________________, they would have had to pay the players less.
7. John was a big _____________________ who spent all his money in casinos. (GAMBLE)
8. You should be proud of your _____________________ over the last three years. (ACHIEVE)
9. She always does her homework with great _____________________. (ACCURATE)
10. The city displays a relaxed, _____________________ atmosphere that takes you back in time.
11. It's _____________________ to say that they lost the game because they defended so poorly.
12. The books at that shop are so _____________________ even poor people can afford them.
13. He was the right person to fill the _____________________. (VACANT)
14. The patient has shown a great ____________________ to fight off the disease. (DETERMINE)
15. PCs and tablets are a part of almost all _____________________ in the industrialised world.
16. A _____________________ of virus strains were found in the water. (VARY)
17. _____________________ progress has been made in the development of tropical medicine.
18. Police are examining the _____________________ of the boy next door. (APPEAR)
19. His friend is _____________________ to live on such a low salary. (ABLE)
20. I felt _____________________ during my stay at the hospital. (MISERY)
B2 Word Formation WF026

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

1. The governor tried to raise some financial __________________ for his humanitarian
project. (BACK)
2. The government passed a new law that will __________________ stealing passwords
from others. (CRIME)
3. There was a lot of food left at the party because I __________________ the number of
guests who would come. (CALCULATE)
4. Her behaviour was __________________ and very rude. (CIVIL)
5. He reacted to the crime in shock and __________________ (BELIEVE).
6. The evidence against the two accused was __________________, so they were allowed to
leave the courtroom. (CONCLUDE)
7. The __________________ of electricity was a milestone of modern history. (DISCOVER)
8. I'm responsible for taking care of you in your parents' __________________ (ABSENT).
9. There is a lack of __________________ in the articles she writes. They are all the same.
10. You should take the offer. It's an __________________ price for a two-week holiday in
Spain. (BEAT)
11. I asked the manager to __________________ a few points in the agreement before we
came around to the signing. (CLEAR)
12. Karl Marx had the idea of creating a __________________ society. (CLASS)
13. From the balcony we could see all the __________________ arriving in their shiny cars.
14. Allied forces __________________ the enemy lines for several weeks. (BOMB)
15. Here is the data of three __________________ houses for sale in your neighbourhood.
16. The young lady claimed to be a victim of child __________________ (USE).
17. The plaintiff was present at the trial but there was no sign of the __________________
18. Indian food can be __________________ as hot and spicy. (CHARACTER)
19. When two people split up neither of them is completely __________________. (BLAME)
20. The __________________ of the bank was inevitable. (CLOSE)
B2 Jobs for Lazy People LIU001

Complete the text with ONE word that fits into each gap.

When flicking (1) ___________________ the job pages of a newspaper you tend to find the

same adjectives in any advertisement : ambitious, hard-working , motivated, dynamic ,

cooperative . Even if these are traits you are bound to find in every job (2) ______________

are a few jobs where they might not apply. Sometimes you can even be lazy to do them.

Furniture companies, for example, often hire people (3) ___________________ job it is to

test new sofas, armchairs, beds and other products. It's their job to sit in chairs or lie in

beds for hours and just try to

(4) ___________________ comfortable. Sometimes, it's even acceptable to fall asleep while

(5) ______________ "work".

Another job you might try (6) ___________________ if you're not that ambitious and hard-

working is a house-sitter. These people (7) ___________________ paid just to look after

someone else's house and make sure everything is OK while the owners are on holiday

or on a business (8) ___________________ . It's rarely the case that you have to deal

(9) ___________________ problems that come up, (10) ___________________ a leak in a water


If you like (11) ___________________ TV all day, consider being a binge watcher. Watch

your favourite series on a streaming service of your choice and write a report

(12) ___________________ it. You don't even have to get out of bed for this job.
B2 The Apollo Moon Landing LIU002

Choose the best option for each blank.

50 years ago, on July 20th, 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neill

Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to
(1) _____________________ their foot on the moon. The United
States had won the space race with the Soviet Union. After
(2) _____________________ from Kennedy Space Centre in
Florida on July 16th the lunar module Eagle landed on the
moon's (3) _____________________ . Four days after the lunar
landing Apollo 11 successfully splashed down in the Pacific
Ocean. Buzz Aldrin next to the lunar
landing module.
The race to the moon began in 1962 when President John F
Kennedy (4) _____________________ that America would land a man on the moon by the end
of the decade. In the following years, the American space agency NASA received large
amounts of government (5) _____________________ in order to achieve a lunar landing.

The Apollo spacecraft consisted of the command and service module, (6) __________________
the lunar landing module that would bring two astronauts to the moon's surface and take
off again to successfully dock with the command module. A (7) _____________________
rocket, the Saturn V, was built to escape from Earth's orbit.

NASA's space programme (8) _____________________ a catastrophic setback in 1967 when

three Apollo astronauts died in a fire (9) _____________________ practicing on the ground at
Cape Kennedy.

About 600 million people around the world watched the (10) ___________________ moon
landing. Neill Armstrong's first words on the moon are among the most (11) _______________
in history: "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind".

All in all, the Apollo programme sent 9 spacecraft to the moon in the 60s and 70s. Six of
them (12) _____________________ astronauts on the lunar surface. About 400 kilos of lunar
rock were collected and brought back to earth.

50 years after the first moon landing events all across the US have been organised to
celebrate this historic and technological (13) _____________________ .
1 lay locate set put
2 taking off to take off take off took off
3 floor level ground surface
4 spoke out declared posted published
5 income spending donating funding
6 as well as in addition such as and even
7 distinct hard strengthy powerful
8 tolerated suffered stood felt
9 through whenever while during
10 ancient historic important major
11 famous unknown decided marked
12 were landing have landed landed were landed
13 invention discovery development achievement
B2 Australia‘s Stolen Generation LIU003

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

Between 1910 and 1970 the Australian ____________________ (GOVERN) took 100,000 Aboriginal
children away from their homes. These children, known as the Stolen Generation, were often
under five years of age. They were taken away from their families because Australian
authorities did not believe in the future of the native ____________________ (INHABIT). They
thought it would be better to bring them to white families.

Many methods were used to separate Aboriginal babies and children from their families.
Government ____________________ (OFFICE) made mothers sign documents stating that their
children were taking part in a ____________________ (VACCINATE) programme set up by the

Others were brought to hospitals and never seen by their families again. In most cases
____________________ (WEALTH) white families were given ____________________ (ADD) money to
bring them up. Some went to orphanages or church missions.

In 1995 an ____________________ (INVESTIGATE) was started to bring more __________________

(TRUE) to the controversial issue. The government however did not apologize to the victims.
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was the first Australian ____________________ (POLITICS) to make a
formal ____________________ (APOLOGIZE) to the Aborigines in 2008. However, he also said that
the government would not give any money to the victims. He claimed that it was in the
interests of the Australian government to raise the children in the best way possible.

Up to now only one member of Australia's Stolen Generation has received money from the
government. Bruce Trevorrow was taken to hospital on Christmas Day in 1957. His father never
saw him again and the government sent him to a white foster family. He came back to his
mother when he was ten years old. In his later life he suffered from depression and alcohol
____________________ (USE). In 1998 he went to court and was ____________________ (SUCCEED) in
getting about 500,000 dollars from the Australian government as a form of ____________________

There are many others in Australia who have suffered the same fate. Organizations are being
set up to work for the rights of the Aborigines and to ____________________ (SURE) that nothing
like this ever happens again.

B2 Amnesty International LIU004

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

All over the world people are ____________________ (PRISON) just because they want to
exercise their right to freedom of __________________ (EXPRESS). For over 50 years, Amnesty
International (AI) has been fighting for thousands of prisoners of conscience – people who
are arrested and thrown into prison for many reasons: political __________________ (OPPOSE)
to a ruling party, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, _________________ (SEX) orientation and
others. Amnesty International works constantly for the _____________________ (SPEED)
release of such prisoners.

The organization was _________________ (FIND) by British lawyer Peter Benenson, who
represented political prisoners in South Africa, Hungary and Spain. Together with other
colleagues he sought to establish an organization to defend and protect freedom of
opinion and religion. In 1977 Amnesty International was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

AI is ____________________ (LARGE) made up of volunteers, although there are some paid

workers. The organization maintains national sections in many countries. ________________
(FUND) comes mainly from __________________ (DONATE) and member fees.

The human rights organization supports people who speak up and express their opinion
openly around the world, ___________________ (ESPECIAL) in countries where freedom of
_____________________ (SPEAK) is not taken for granted. Journalists who expose human rights
_____________________ (VIOLATE) , trade unionists fighting for workers’ rights or
_____________________ (ENVIRONMENT) who fight for the rights of indigenous people are
among groups who seek help from Amnesty International.

AI researches cases of ___________________ (USE) and presents results in newsletters and

other publications. Some members travel to problem spots and try to pressure authorities
to release prisoners by organizing ____________________ (DEMONSTRATE) and writing letters
and emails.

_____________________ (CURRENT), Amnesty International, based in London, has more than a

million members in 140 countries _____________________ (THROUGH) the world.
B2 California’s New Cell Phone Guidelines LIU005

Choose the best option for each blank.

California's Department of Health has published new

(1) ________________________ on how to handle cell phones. It warns that radiation (2)
____________________ from cell phones can be harmful but (3) ____________________ that cell
phones are dangerous.

Health authorities in California (4) __________________ a few measures cell phone users
should take. (5) _________________ sleeping, you should keep your phone at least an arm's
(6) ___________________ away from your body. You should also avoid (7) ___________________
your cell phone in your pocket. They also recommend only using cell phones when
reception is strong.

Some doctors (8) __________________ that carrying cell phones close to your body could
(9) ____________________ the risk of getting brain tumours , cancer and becoming infertile. It
may also lead to headaches, hearing problems and a loss (10) _____________ memory. On
the other hand, there are many health experts who say that the risks cell phone usage
(11) _____________________ are not proven.

Cell phones emit radiation in form of low-energy radio waves when they (12) ______________
and send signals from cell towers. The frequencies that cell phones use (13) _______________
linked to various illnesses.

The new cell phone guidelines (14) ____________________ since 2009 but not been published.
(15) ________________, a Berkeley professor won a lawsuit against the Department of Health
to release the guidelines to the public and push for more action.
1 courses outlines controls guidelines
2 emitted broadcast sent absorbed
3 had said does not say has not been said isn’t said
4 suggest advise submit remind
5 Through During Over When
6 length size piece stretch
7 to have kept to keeping keeping to keep
8 agree decide accept approve
9 rise grow improve increase
10 in to of for
11 do present presented have presented present
12 deliver collect receive accept
13 could be should be will be need to be
14 would exist existed have existed exist
15 Freshly Recently Just Currently
B2 The Bermuda Triangle LIU006

Choose the best option for each blank.

Even though you won’t find it on a (1) ________________ , the Bermuda Triangle is a very real
place. In the past there have been many stories of disappearing ships, planes and people.
Although there is a
(2) ________________ explanation for many incidents, some are still a mystery.

The Bermuda Triangle is (3) ________________ off the coast of Florida between Miami, Puerto
Rico and the Bermudas. It covers about 500 000 square miles of the Atlantic Ocean. It is
also known as the Devil’s Triangle because Bermuda was once called Islands of the Devils.
The coasts around the island are (4) ________________ by dangerous reefs that ships ran into
throughout the centuries.

(5) ________________ events around the area go back to the voyages of Christopher
Columbus. He sometimes reported that compass readings were wrong. Many journalists
have tried to prove that a number of (6) ________________ and unusual things have
happened in the region. Some cases show that there are no explanations for them.

One of the best-known incidents is the disappearance of Flight 19 during a training exercise
of the US Navy. In December 1945 five American bombers left Fort Lauderdale, Florida on a
routine mission. 14 crew members (7) ________________ after sending several radio
messages. When a rescue plane went to (8) ________________ for the Navy bombers it also

What went wrong during the mission is not fully known. Compasses showed wrong
directions and visibility was bad, so the flight leader decided to navigate by landmarks
which he saw (9) ________________. Then there was a (10) ________________ storm and radio
contact broke off. Wrecked parts of Flight 19 have never been recovered.

Ships have also disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. Among them is the Mary Celeste, an
American merchant ship. In 1872 the ship was sailing from New York to Genoa but was
later found off the (11) ________________ of Africa without any crew members on board.
Although there is no evidence that the Mary Celeste even entered the Bermuda Triangle
there are many who connect its mysterious disappearance with the area.

There are many theories about why so many airplanes and ships have disappeared in the
Bermuda Triangle. Some suggest that there are special magnetic fields that cause
(12) ________________ physical forces. Others say that the lost continent of Atlantis sank in
the region causing mysterious events. There is even a theory about unknown chemicals in
the waters of the Atlantic.

Some experts, however, point (13) ________________ that the region north of the Caribbean is
not as (14) ________________ as it may seem. It is one of two places on Earth where the
compass points to the geographic North Pole. It is also a region in which the
(15) ________________ is unpredictable and where storms can emerge quickly. There are
strong currents because of shallow places and deep trenches in the ocean. These factors
can (16) ________________ even experienced sailors.

Over 1,000 people were killed in The Bermuda Triangle during the 20th century. Scientists
have concluded that this figure is normal, and most disappearances have a logical
explanation. The myth of the Bermuda Triangle, however, remains.

1 card map diagram plot

2 reasonable moderate cheap normal
3 placed sited found located
4 bordered surrounded bounded limited
5 frequent unusual common funny
6 emergencies mistakes accidents troubles
7 disappeared withdrew passed away faded
8 search seek find research
9 under below underneath at the bottom
10 quick rapid instant sudden
11 coast beach seaside water
12 famous well known unknown ordinary
13 in up for out
14 protected safe harmful careful
15 weather climate condition surrounding
16 complicate confuse amaze combine

B2 The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation LIU007

Read the text about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Some of the lines are
correct. Some have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to
the line. If the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been
done for you.

1 The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, was founded by the was
2 former Microsoft CEO and his wife, is the largest private ✓
3 foundation in the world. The main aims are to improve the
4 health care and reduce poverty around the world. Almost since
5 its launch in 2000 the foundation has been the driving car
6 force behind the improvement of lives in developing countries.
7 Eradicating malaria and polio, and as well as controlling the
8 spread of tuberculosis and HIV, have been only top priorities.
9 In the past decades, vaccines that have been given to more than
10 250 million children, preventing them over 5 million deaths.
11 After a joint campaign with the Indian government, officials in
12 the second other most populous country in the world announced
13 that India was never completely free of polio.
14 In addition to working on global health problems then, Bill and
15 Melinda Gates have made climate change and clean energy
16 a personal mission. The organisation devotes out funds to
17 family planning, agriculture fields and safe sanitation. However,
18 it also focuses on problems at our home. About 25% of all the
19 money goes into improving the American education system.
20 About a thousand people around the world nearly work for
21 the Seattle-based foundation, which has had offices in Washington,
22 Delhi and Beijing. Unlike government bureaucracy, mostly
23 the organisation has the positive advantage of delivering relief
24 quickly, without annoying paperwork.
B2 African Americans LIU008

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

There are about 40 million African Americans in the USA, roughly

13 per cent of the population. The majority are ____________________
(DESCEND) of slaves "imported" from Africa to work on the
plantations in the south of the USA. President Lincoln abolished
____________________ (SLAVE) in 1865 after the Civil War. Many
former slaves moved north, east and west to the big cities in search
of work, becoming the first blacks to live in urban ghettos.

Although government efforts to fight _______________________

Abraham Lincoln – 16th
(SEGREGATE) and prevent ____________________ (DISCRIMINATE)
President of the United
against blacks were at a standstill for decades, some progress was States of America
made in certain areas. It was not until the 1950s and 1960s
however, that black leaders like Martin Luther King were able to mobilise large sections of
both the black and white population and launch the Civil Rights ____________________
(MOVE). Thanks to public sympathy for blacks and to non-violent marches and
____________________ (DEMONSTRATE), laws became necessary. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
was passed, which aimed at ____________________ (RACE) desegregation by granting blacks
____________________ (EQUAL) in all political and social fields.

Positive changes of the past decades:

• Race is no longer the issue it was before and during the 1950s and 60s.
• Interracial ____________________ (MARRY) has gained widespread ____________________
• A black middle class has emerged, and black millionaires or politicians are no longer
____________________ (COMMON). In 2008 Barack Obama became the first African
American president in America’s 200-year history.
• Racism is on the decline. The racial strife of the 60s on one hand and white
supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan on the other are elements of the past.
• Besides continuing to play a major role in the ____________________ (ENTERTAIN)
sector, African Americans have also come to dominate certain areas of sport, e.g.
boxing, basketball, track and field etc...
• As a result of the integration of an ____________________ (INCREASE) number of
middle-class blacks into formerly white ____________________ (RESIDE) areas, there are
now many racially mixed suburban communities.
• Segregation no longer exists in public schools and has also ____________________
(APPEAR) from playgrounds, restaurants and hotels. Blacks enjoy greater racial
equality and are confronted with fewer racial barriers than in the past.

Problems still facing African Americans:

• ____________________ (HIDE) discrimination of blacks still exists in some fields like

housing or law.
• Black and white colleagues who treat each other in a friendly way at work sometimes
lead separate social lives at home.
• Despite ____________________ (IMPROVE) in politics, blacks still remain
underrepresented in Congress.
• The most urgent problem is the black underclass. There is now a great ______________
(PARITY) in income and social standing between successful middle-class blacks and
the underclass. Most of them live in inner-city ghettos, the centres of drug-trafficking
and the scene of gang-warfare between rival black or Hispanic groups. Nearly half of
these people live below the ____________________ (POOR) line and are _________________
(DEPEND) on welfare, food stamps and Medicaid benefits.
• The ____________________ (EMPLOY) rate of blacks is above average. About one third
of black teenagers drop out of high school. The infant ____________________ (MORTAL)
rate among blacks is double that of whites. Remedies are needed if the underclass is
not to become alienated from the rest of American society.
B2 Daniel Tammet – An Autistic Savant LIU009

Choose the correct word for each blank.

Daniel Tammet grew up in a large family in East

London. At the age of four he started to have
some very (1) ____________________ seizures that
may have changed his brain. Scientists claim that
there are (2) ___________________ in which young
people, who suffer some kind of brain
(3) __________________, suddenly emerge with
special abilities.
About 10% of all autists are savants, people with
special talents. Normally such people cannot tell Daniel Tammet
Image: De Lorelei – CC BY-SA 4.0
you how they do something, but Daniel is
(4) ____________________________.
In 2002, a British TV team visited Daniel Tammet in order to test his (5) ____________________
to calculate large numbers. The examiners were stunned by the results. Daniel was even
able to outdo the computer. He can cite numbers by (6) ____________________ shapes on the
table with his fingers. In addition, Daniel can speak 11 languages (7) ____________________
and claims that he can learn any foreign language within a week.
In March 2004, another experiment was (8) ____________________ out in front of a live
audience. Daniel Tammet stated that he could recite 22 500 decimal places of the constant
pi, an infinite number with no certain pattern. He completed this (9) ____________________
successfully in over five hours.
In another test Daniel was given a week to learn a totally new language, Icelandic, and then
chat with presenters on live television. (10) ____________________ to locals, Icelandic is
difficult to learn and nearly impossible to speak because of many funny sounds. It normally
takes some time to (11) ____________________ to the sounds of a new language. But as time
went on, even Daniel’s teacher was amazed at the progress her pupil was making. When
appearing on TV, experts were (12) ____________________ to see Daniel speaking the language
so confidently.
Experts on autistic savants agree that there are probably only a few dozen people around
the world who have the same abilities as Daniel. Scientists are excited to study Daniel and
his extraordinary (13) ____________________ because it gives them the chance to get a glimpse
of the human brain in a way they have never seen before. It may even be the start to
(14) ____________________ a new kind of intelligence.
In 2008 Daniel wrote (15) ____________________ called Born on a Blue Day, which deals with
his personality and talents. Since then he has written other books and appeared on
numerous TV and radio shows in the US and the UK.
1 strict difficult severe hard
2 cases affairs experiences forms
3 danger harm damage loss
4 a segregation a rejection a compromise an exception
5 cleverness ability power strength
6 drawing painting colouring printing
7 easily smoothly basically fluently
8 taken carried moved conducted
9 brief mission task work
10 Referring According Allowing Agreeing
11 correct alter change adjust
12 dazed stunned upset shocked
13 talents geniuses awards grants
14 searching travelling exploring inventing
15 an autobiography a biography a novel a fiction
B2 Artists For Our Environment LIU010

Read the text about an association of artists who fight for conservation. Some of the
lines are correct. Some have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the
box next to the line. If the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines
have been done for you.

1 Global warming has been an unusual environmental concern unusual

2 for many years, but unfortunately, we have been unable to ✓
3 deal with the problem this effectively. As a result, we are
4 destroying our only environment at an alarming speed.
5 Politicians always talk about climate change and promise them
6 to take steps to fight it. But in many cases, economic and financial
7 issues get in the other way. Getting campaign money from big
8 companies is often more than important than addressing
9 environmental problems.
10 Two decades ago, a group of artists have decided to take matters
11 into their own hands. The Artists for Conservation Foundation
12 is a Canadian-based non-profit organisation with over all 500
13 artists from 30 different countries. However in the past years
14 they have been sold artwork valued at 13 million dollars and
15 used the money to support for conservation projects around
16 the world.
17 In addition, they organise exhibitions showing the beauty of
18 nature, display images of least endangered species, and make
19 the public themselves aware of environmental problems in their
20 regular publications.
B2 Dream Act – New Opportunities For Immigrants LIU011

Choose the correct word for each blank.

In the past decades, millions of children have entered the United States illegally with their
parents. Many of them have gone to school and (1) __________________ high-school
diplomas. However, most of them cannot move on to further college or university
education because of their (2) ___________________ as undocumented immigrants. There has
been a growing debate on what to do about illegal (3)___________________ who have proved
that they can be of (4) ____________________ to their country.
In 2001 the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act) was
introduced as a (5) _____________ in Congress for the first time. Its aim is to help
undocumented youth (6) __________________ legal residency in the United States. If passed,
the new law would give them the right to stay in the US (7) _________________ and become
an American citizen.
Up to today, the bill has been turned (8) ______________ in Congress five times. Those
opposing the act say it would pave the way for more illegal immigration into the United
States. (9) ___________________, DREAMers entering colleges or universities would cost the
American government up to 6 billion dollars.
Proponents of the bill say there are millions of new potential taxpayers who would help the
country’s economy and generate about 2 billion dollars in new income.
If passed the law would (10) __________________ DREAM status to immigrants who meet
certain requirements:
They must
• be under 35 years of age
• have arrived in the US before the age of 16
• have lived in the US for at least 5 years
• have obtained a US high school diploma
• have maintained a good moral character throughout their (11) __________________ in
the US
If such a status were granted potential DREAMers would have a six-year window in which
they could (12) ___________ two years of college or university education or serve in the
military for two years. Following that six-year period, they could (13) _________________ for
permanent citizenship.
Of the up to 10 million undocumented immigrants in the United States, about a million
would meet the (14) _____________________ for DREAM status. If passed the DREAM Act could
change the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans, dramatically increasing their
potential earnings and giving them better (15) ____________________ in life.
1 secured earned made cleared
2 class grade rank status
3 aliens unknowns strangers residents
4 profit benefit support service
5 ruling bill law rule
6 pursue follow practice persecute
7 eternally constantly indefinitely foreseeably
8 around off down over
9 However In spite of this Nevertheless In addition
10 grant fund allow present
11 nationality citizenship residence well being
12 attend join pass serve
13 claim submit apply request
14 obligations requirements conditions necessities
15 instances occasions possibilities opportunities
B2 Flash mob LIU012

Choose the correct word for each blank.

A flash mob is a group of people who

(1) _________________ gather in a (2) __________________
place in order to do something together for short
period of time. They often organize a flash mob for
entertainment, artistic (3) __________________ , political
assemblies, protests or to advertise something. In
many cases flash mobs (4) ________________ many
Flashmob in Seoul, South Korea
The first flash mobs were held in New York in 2003 Image: / Korean Culture and Information
when 200 people got together at Macy’s department Service (Jeon Han)

store and asked the shop assistants for help in

finding a rug for their commune. The (5) _____________ lasted only 10 minutes and then the mobbers
were gone. Bill Wasik, (6) ____________________ of a news magazine, said he wanted to show that
large groups of people could take over public areas within short (7) ____________________.

As time went on more and more such events were organised. Most of them made no
(8) ____________________. People gathered in Central Park to make bird noises. A silent dance party
occurred in London’s Victoria Train station. Soon the mobs became more (9) ____________________
and a larger number of people took part.

When the first mobs were started instructions were (10) ____________________ via email. As time went
on social media platforms told people where and when to meet. Today, there are companies that
specialize (11) ____________________ flash mobs. Such affairs can turn into negative and even criminal
events. There have been reports from America of groups (12) ____________________ robberies
through flash mobs. Using Twitter and other social media, (13) ____________________ of people flood
into a store, plunder special areas and escape with most of its content.

(14) ____________________ in several countries have been trying to stop flash mobs. In Germany, for
example, it is forbidden to get together in any public space without a (15) __________________ . In the
UK the police have stopped such flash mobs for (16) ____________________ reasons.

In the last few years flash mobs have been organized for (17) ____________________ protests. In 2010
an Egyptian flash mob was organized through Facebook to protest the killing of a young man in
Alexandria. Hundreds of people lined up and (18) ____________________ the ocean in silence before
marching a way. A year later spontaneous protests led to the (19) ____________________ of President
Hosni Mubarak in Egypt.

(20) ____________________ they are not as popular as they had once been flash mobs are still
(21) ____________________ in many cities around the world.
1 definitely suddenly lastly finally
2 free joint shared public
3 expression express expressive expressing
4 appeal invite attract pull
5 outcome aftermath event result
6 producer editor corrector creator
7 signing communication announcement notice
8 sense meaning knowledge value
9 aspired ambitious desired desperate
10 extended expanded blown spread
11 for organizing to organize organizing in organizing
12 producing doing staging acting
13 crowds troops hosts crams
14 departments authorities councils rulers
15 permitted permitting permission permit
16 welfare secure protection safety
17 political policy politics politician
18 confronted faced turned moved
19 resignation notification announcement acceptance
20 despite in case nevertheless although
21 exclusive stylish popular accepted
B2 Free Birth Control For All? LIU013

Choose the correct word for each blank.

Health experts in America are (1) __________________ whether birth control should be free or not.
While health centres are giving away condoms for free, Americans still have to pay for birth control
pills. But that may (2) _______________________ . Doctors and other health officials are discussing
whether this kind of family (3) _________________ should be made free.

The pill was first (4) _____________________ fifty years ago. With it came the birth rate sank in countries
around the world and the number of (5) ____________________ pregnancies went down. It also helped
women escape from poverty and poor living conditions. For a long time, Americans only got it for
free if they had a health (6) ____________________ that paid for it.

Today the pill is the most common form of birth control in the USA. More than 45 million female
Americans between 15 and 45 have taken it at least some time during their life. But despite this fact
there are still many unwanted babies and about 4,000 abortions every day.

Those in favour of the (7) ___________________ say that, if offered, the number of unexpected teenage
pregnancies would go down dramatically. Most of the females on college campuses are in favour of
it. Young people still (8) ____________________ on their parents for money. Sometimes it is difficult to
get (9) _______________________ at the doctor’s and get a prescription. If students could get pills on
campus they could just go to the health (10) ___________________ centre and get them. In other cases,
they just don’t want to tell their parents they are taking the pill.

Those against the suggestion say that it would lead to sexual promiscuity and diseases might be
(11) ________________ more easily. Not all doctors agree with the idea either. The pill must be taken
correctly if it should work. And it also has a number of side effects that doctors warn about. Some
women put on weight or get nervous quickly.

Some health experts talk about other ways of (12) ____________________ pregnancies. In their opinion
it would be better to teach young women about fertility and when they can get pregnant.
1 suggesting discussing fighting talking
2 change differ transform adjust
3 organization planning preparation development
4 announced welcomed begun introduced
5 surprising unexpected sudden shocking
6 cover insurance institution society
7 request offer demand proposal
8 depend hope involve require
9 a date an appointment a meeting an engagement
10 problem care attention aware
11 broadcasted communicated sent out transmitted
12 evading avoiding encouraging escaping
B2 Invictus LIU014

Complete the text on the film “Invictus”. Fill in the blanks from the word list on the

Invictus is a story about the South African national rugby team and achieve
their (1) _______________ to win the rugby World Cup.

In 1990, after being held in (2) _______________ for 26 years Nelson attempt
Mandela, head of the ANC, is finally (3) _______________ . The event chance
marks the end of apartheid in South Africa. After winning a national
(4) _______________ , Nelson Mandela becomes the first black
president of South Africa, pledging to (5) _______________ the country election
and its people. Since European settlers came to the southern part of excitement
Africa, Afrikaners (white South Africans) and black natives have been
living in different worlds. While the black population celebrates, the
Afrikaners feel (6) _______________ and are afraid of losing the country leadership
they have built. prison
In his first days in office (7) _______________ between blacks and whites
in Mandela’s (8) _______________ become obvious. White government reinsure
officials are afraid of being (9) _______________ by blacks. Mandela released
however tries to (10) _______________ his former opponents by saying
that nobody will be fired and that he will work hard to
(11) _______________ racial equality in South Africa. shame
Sports show racial differences in a dramatic way. While black children staged
run around in their (12) _______________ playing soccer, the favourite
sport of whites is rugby. The South African national team, the
Springboks, are made up of white players, only one is black. As the support
World Cup is to be (13)_______________ in South Africa in 1995 tensions
Mandela sees this as a way of uniting the races in the Rainbow Nation
and leaving the Apartheid past behind. He (14) _______________ rugby
captain Francois Pienaar to his office and persuades him to keep up underdogs
the spirit in the team, even if the captain thinks that the Springboks underway
do not stand a (15) _______________ in the World Cup. He also
convinces François that (16) _______________ is important, not only in
politics but also in sport.
As the preparation period moves on Pienaar tries to unite his team and (17) _______________
Mandela’s message to them. The team pays visits to townships in an (18) _______________ to
teach black children rugby.

When the tournament gets (19) _______________ the Springboks surprise rugby experts by
beating Australia in the first game. As they continue to (20) _______________ in the
tournament an increasing number of black South Africans (21) _______________ them. The
Springboks make it to the final where they face the undefeated New Zealand team. In an
(22) _______________ match the African (23) _______________ beat their opponents by three

After this tournament victory celebrations and (24) _______________ break out on the streets
of South African cities as blacks and whites cheer the Springbok team.
B2 Job-hopping LIU015

Complete the text on job-hopping. Fill in the blanks from the word list on the right.
There are TWO words you will not need.

Job-hopping has become very popular in today’s working world. It occurs

when workers change jobs _______________________ , often several times
within a period of months. One of the reasons is that employers look for advantages
people who can get a job done. After that they let them move on to
something else. More and more people value _______________________ work
and have more than one job.
In addition, the rise in _______________________ is forcing many employees
to move somewhere else. In other cases, they are simply looking for a contrast
new _______________________.
There are companies that regard job-hopping as negative aspect. They
think that a person who cannot hold on to a job for a longer period of employed
time is not _______________________ to a company. Someone who changes
jobs a lot is not respected by a firm that values _______________________. On environment
the other hand, people who have had several jobs can adapt to a new
working _______________________ more quickly. firing

Young people change jobs more often because they have become used to frequently
it. Older workers who have stayed with one company for many years have
no experience in changing jobs and do not know what awaits them. fulfilling

Many workers ask themselves when the right time to switch jobs arrives.
This _______________________ on many factors, including what field of work
you are in. In information technology and high-tech, jobs change quickly. manual
People come and go, often staying only for a few months. In ____________ ,
the workers in the farming business are _______________________ for their part-time
loyalty and therefore stay longer.
Depending on where you live, labour laws play an important part in hiring
and _______________________ workers. In Europe, for example, it is much unemployment
more difficult to sack unwanted workers than in the US. In Asia, cultural
_______________________ play in important role. Japanese workers are loyal valued
to their companies and often stay for many decades, or even their whole
life. views

Job hopping offers several _______________________. You get a wide range of

experience in different fields and get a chance to show your
_______________________ and abilities in various working environments. In
some cases, you might get the _______________________ job you want after
you have tried out several others.
B2 Mahatma Gandhi LIU016

Use the words in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

Mahatma Gandhi was known to the whole world as the leader of the Indian nationalist (1)
___________________ (MOVE) against British (2) ___________________ (DOMINATE) of India.
During his lifetime he was much praised for his doctrine of nonviolent
(3) _______________ (RESIST) and civil (4) _____________________ (OBEY). Even though he was
one of the greatest human rights (5) ___________________ (ACTIVE) he always appeared as a
simple man who fought against (6) ________________ (POOR) and the
(7) __________________ (HOMELESS) of India’s working population.

Gandhi was born into a (8) __________________ (WEALTH) family. His mother was a (9)
________________ (DEEP) religious woman. In his
(10) _______________________ (CHILD) years Mahatma was a small and quiet boy who
(11) ________________ (LIKE) sports and was only an average student. At 13 his parents
arranged a (12) __________________ (MARRY) with a girl the same age. Gandhi’s father
persuaded him to study law in London but (13) _________________ (ADJUST) to the British
way of life proved to be difficult.

After a short interval back home in India he left again for South Africa, where he accepted a
job as a (14) _____________ (LAW). At first, he only planned to stay a year but after observing
nationwide (15) _______________ (DISCIMINATE) against non-whites he found a new cause.
He fought for the (16) _________________ (PROTECT) of Indian South Africans and stayed until
1913. In 1907 Gandhi urged all Indians to defy a law requiring (17) _______________________
(REGISTER) and fingerprinting. For this (18) ____________________ (ACTIVE) he was
(19)____________________ (PRISON) for two months.

After returning to India he became an (20)_____________________ (INFLUENCE) figure within a

short time. He urged the boycott of British goods and a (21) ___________________ (POLITICS)
of non-cooperation with the British (22) ______________ (RULE). Gandhi told Indians to make
their own clothes rather than buy British goods. This, he argued, would create
(23) ___________________ (EMPLOY) for millions of Indians.

In 1930 Gandhi organized a protest march in (24) ____________________ (RESPOND) to British

(25) __________________ (TAX) of all salt used by Indians. Thousands walked over 250 miles to
protest against the (26) ___________________ (FAIR) law. In 1934 Gandhi stepped down as
leader of the Congress Party and turned power over to his (27) ____________________
(SUCCEED) Jawaharlal Nehru.

Britain’s entrance into World War II brought India in without its (28) _________________
(APPROVE). When Gandhi and other leaders refused to take part in the British war effort,
the (29) ________________________ (POLITICS) of the Congress Party were thrown into prison
once again. After the war the British started (30) _____________________ (NEGOTIATE) with
Indian leaders which led to the (31)____________________ (PART) of the sub-continent. Riots
and (32) __________________ (VIOLENT) broke out between Hindus and Muslims in many
parts of the country.

In March 1947 the last viceroy, Lord Mountbatten, arrived in India to prepare
(33) ___________________ (INDEPENDENT) and the (34) ____________________ (SEPARATE) of the
two new countries. In August, Gandhi refused to take part in the (35) _____________________
(CELEBRATE) because his nation had rejected his plea for peace and
(36) ______________________ (BROTHER). On 30 January1948, a Hindu (37) ___________________
(EXTREME) shot Gandhi while he was attending (38) ____________________ (PRAY) . The
(39) ______________________ (ASSASSINATE) of the “Great Soul” of India sent shockwaves
around the world.
B2 Malcolm X LIU017

Use the words in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

Malcolm X was one of the most (1) __________________ (INFLUENCE) African American leaders of the
civil rights era. He transformed himself from a min or (2) __________________ (CRIME) into a powerful
defender of the rights of blacks.

Malcolm X was born as Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska. His father was the follower of a black
leader who had political and
(3) __________________ (ECONOMY) ties to Africa. In 1931, Malcolm's father was found dead after
being run over by a streetcar. Malcolm believed white (4) __________________ (RACE) were
responsible for his father's death. At the age of 12 his mother was transferred to a mental hospital
and Malcolm had to spend the rest of his (5) __________________ (CHILD) in foster homes. During this
period of his youth he became discouraged by racial prejudice (6) __________________ (SURROUND)

In 1941, Malcolm moved to Boston where he became involved in criminal (7) ________________ (ACT).
In 1946, he was arrested for (8) __________________ (BURGLAR) and sent to prison. There he joined
the Nation of Islam, or Black Muslims, an organisation that regarded white people as devils. After
being released from prison in 1952, Malcolm adopted X as his last name. The letter stood for the
(9) __________________ (KNOW) African name of slave ancestors.

Malcolm X quickly became the Nation of Islam's most (10) __________________ (EFFECT) speaker. He
urged blacks to live separately from whites and to win their (11) __________________ (FREE) "by any
means necessary." However, as time went on, he became (12) __________________ (SATISFY) with the
Nation of Islam, in part because the group avoided political activity.

In 1964, Malcolm X broke with the organisation. A short time later, he travelled to the holy city of
Mecca in Saudi Arabia, where he met Muslims of (13) __________________ (VARY) ethnic backgrounds.
He changed his name once again and came back to the United States to found a new group, the
Organization of Afro-American Unity.

In the final years of his life Malcolm X took a more moderate view of civil rights issues. He sought
(14) __________________ (COOPERATE) with Martin Luther King, Jr., and other civil rights activists who
favoured non-violent protests. But by this time, some Black Muslims had condemned Malcolm X as
a hypocrite and traitor because of his (15) __________________ (CRITICIZE) of the group's leader, Elijah

On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was (16) __________________ (FATAL) shot while giving a speech in
New York City. Three members of the Nation of Islam were convicted of the crime. Malcolm's views
reached many people after his death through the (17) __________________ (PUBLISH) of his
B2 Modern Day Slavery LIU018

Choose the best option for each blank.

Human trafficking is one of the fastest growing illegal (1) ____________________ in the world,
producing over 50 billion dollars of income every year. The UN (2) ____________________ that 20
million people from over 130 countries are victims of traffickers. They end up as prostitutes, on
construction sites or farm workers. (3) ____________________ labour is hard to detect because
enslaved people are among legal workers. Many cases go unreported because it is often difficult to
(4) ____________________ what forced labour is.

Human trafficking is not only a problem of developing countries. Men and women, adults and
children around the world are (5) ____________________ by so-called labour recruiters who promise
them employment and a new life. They are tricked into jobs from which it is difficult to escape. In
most cases they give up their passports and other documents, making themselves (6) ______________
on their traffickers.

In general, people are trafficked from poorer areas to wealthy countries. However, sometimes
people become modern-day slaves within their own country. According to a UN report, the
countries most (7) ____________________ by human trafficking are India, Pakistan and China. The US,
Japan and European countries are among the main importers of (8) ____________________ people.

Traffickers focus on the weakest elements in our society. Children are often kidnapped and turned
into child (9) ____________________ in Africa or brought to developed countries where they work in the
sex trade. Recently, traffickers have been (10) ____________________ on refugees in Middle Eastern
countries, promising them work and a new life in Europe.

Human trafficking does not (11) ____________________ in certain structures. Traffickers can be a
husband and wife couple or even a large criminal organisation. Two thirds of all criminals are men,
but trafficking has become a popular crime for women because they earn the (12) _________________
of young girls more easily.

The United States and other countries around the world are working together with the
International Labour Organisation (ILO) to combat human trafficking. Non-governmental
organisations are also (13) ____________________ support and hotlines for victims. More and more
countries have high (14) ____________________ on trafficking. Governments are putting more money
into the inspection of workplaces and provide legal protection for victims.

While the global community is slowly realising that human trafficking is a (15) ____________________
problem, there are many challenges that remain. In many countries, members of the police forces
are corrupt and (16) ____________________ in human trafficking operations. Victims often do not come
forward and seek help because they are afraid of being deported back to their home country. In
many cases they are unaware of their human rights.
1 firms businesses companies establishments
2 values quotes guesses estimates
3 forced force forcing unforced
4 define classify term describe
5 hijacked seized stolen abducted
6 depending dependent independent dependence
7 influenced disturbed affected marked
8 slavery enslaved slaved slave
9 troopers fighters regulars soldiers
10 concentrating attending strengthening fixing
11 live exist endure last
12 trust belief care protection
13 proposing suggesting advising offering
14 consequences charges penalties fees
15 head chief minor major
16 involved included contained mixed
B2 World Population Growth LIU019

Read the text about future population growth. Some of the lines are correct. Some
have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to the line. If
the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been done for you.

1 According to projections published by the United Nations, the ✓

2 world’s population even will be heading towards 9 billion by the even
3 year 2050, compared to 7.7. billion at present rate. Despite this
4 fact, the number of children not being born is decreasing.
5 Especially in Africa and Asia, where population growth has been
6 such extremely high, birth rates have been going down but they
7 are still every way above those of industrial countries.
8 In contrast to, birth rates in developed countries are below
9 death rates. One of the reasons for this is that these women
10 have become better educated and would rather pursue a career
11 than have a traditional family with children care. Many want to
12 avoid of staying out of work for a longer period of time.
13 Still, world population will be increasing in the coming decades
14 because life expectancy will continue to rise up. Health standards
15 have improved and while better medical treatment is available
16 for wide parts of the population growth. In addition, deadly
17 diseases of the past can now be treated with.
18 One of the big questions population experts continue to ask
19 is whether how many people can our planet handle. Pessimists
20 say themselves that we are already at the point of not being able
21 to maintain and then support the current world population.
1 turning has turned was turning was being turned
2 related allied shared joined
3 sharp strong only obvious
4 consumption using spending waste
5 in of for at
6 key point fact result
7 As a result Nevertheless In spite of However
8 anybody somebody nobody everybody
9 employment labouring job work
10 most basic minor chief
11 misuse use abuse usage
12 declines has declined declined has been declined
13 reliabilities possibilities opportunities responsibilities
14 methods ways paths routes
15 can’t isn’t doesn’t won’t
B2 The Importance of Television LIU021

Read the text about the impact television has on our lives. Some of the lines are
correct. Some have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to
the line. If the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been
done for you.

1 Television has a big impact on how we spend our spare ✓

2 time. It usually affects younger people more than does does
3 adults because they tend spend more time in front of the
4 TV set. While critics say that television is destroying family
5 life because we lack the time for communicating with
6 other than family members.
7 Television often shows us a world that is not being real. It
8 wants us to think that the world is more violent people
9 than it actually is. TV gives us a glimpse into the world
10 of glamorous people and celebrities and persuades for
11 us to think that they are better off than we even are.
12 However, there are many positive aspects to watching
13 television. Such documentaries and infotainment programs
14 give us a better understanding of our nature environment.
15 It also has a huge impact on politics. In the election years
16 parties often buy off television time to present the view of
17 candidates and bring their ideas to show a wide audience.
18 Sports attract the largest TV world audiences. Networks
19 pay to enormous sums of money to broadcast events
20 like the Super Bowl, the Olympic Games or the football
21 World Cup. Many sports have been gained worldwide
22 popularity because of television.
B2 Senior Health Care LIU022

Read the text about health care for the elderly. Some of the lines are correct. Some
have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to the line. If
the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been done for you.

1 More and more other people, especially in the world's other

2 industrialised countries are becoming older. In the ✓
3 United States there are 40 million people aged at 65 and
4 older. Since caring for the elderly is not only a necessity;
5 it has turned over into a big industry as well.
6 In the past, older people were taken care of in an extended
7 family. Grandparents have lived and were cared for at
8 home. As more and more old people became employed,
9 they could not simply stay at home and take the care of
10 their grandparents anymore.
11 As a result, more and more care centres have started up
12 to offer their services to the elderly population growth.
13 The most difficult task of such a business is finding out
14 the right people to do the job. Caretaking is being very
15 demanding and requires a skill and patience. There are
16 many daily tasks that caretakers have to do, like preparing
17 themselves meals, washing older people or simply giving
18 them company. When many care workers quit their
19 jobs after a short period of the time because they often
20 find it depressing enough.
21 In some cases, like elderly people can do certain things
22 on their own. They hire private caretakers to help them
23 do. This costs less and elderly people can stay in the
24 living environment they are used to live.
B2 Jobs for Lazy People LIU001

Complete the text with ONE word that fits into each gap.

When flicking (1) ___________________ the job pages of a newspaper you tend to find the

same adjectives in any advertisement : ambitious, hard-working , motivated, dynamic ,

cooperative . Even if these are traits you are bound to find in every job (2) ______________

are a few jobs where they might not apply. Sometimes you can even be lazy to do them.

Furniture companies, for example, often hire people (3) ___________________ job it is to

test new sofas, armchairs, beds and other products. It's their job to sit in chairs or lie in

beds for hours and just try to

(4) ___________________ comfortable. Sometimes, it's even acceptable to fall asleep while

(5) ______________ "work".

Another job you might try (6) ___________________ if you're not that ambitious and hard-

working is a house-sitter. These people (7) ___________________ paid just to look after

someone else's house and make sure everything is OK while the owners are on holiday

or on a business (8) ___________________ . It's rarely the case that you have to deal

(9) ___________________ problems that come up, (10) ___________________ a leak in a water


If you like (11) ___________________ TV all day, consider being a binge watcher. Watch

your favourite series on a streaming service of your choice and write a report

(12) ___________________ it. You don't even have to get out of bed for this job.
B2 The Apollo Moon Landing LIU002

Choose the best option for each blank.

50 years ago, on July 20th, 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neill

Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to
(1) _____________________ their foot on the moon. The United
States had won the space race with the Soviet Union. After
(2) _____________________ from Kennedy Space Centre in
Florida on July 16th the lunar module Eagle landed on the
moon's (3) _____________________ . Four days after the lunar
landing Apollo 11 successfully splashed down in the Pacific
Ocean. Buzz Aldrin next to the lunar
landing module.
The race to the moon began in 1962 when President John F
Kennedy (4) _____________________ that America would land a man on the moon by the end
of the decade. In the following years, the American space agency NASA received large
amounts of government (5) _____________________ in order to achieve a lunar landing.

The Apollo spacecraft consisted of the command and service module, (6) __________________
the lunar landing module that would bring two astronauts to the moon's surface and take
off again to successfully dock with the command module. A (7) _____________________
rocket, the Saturn V, was built to escape from Earth's orbit.

NASA's space programme (8) _____________________ a catastrophic setback in 1967 when

three Apollo astronauts died in a fire (9) _____________________ practicing on the ground at
Cape Kennedy.

About 600 million people around the world watched the (10) ___________________ moon
landing. Neill Armstrong's first words on the moon are among the most (11) _______________
in history: "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind".

All in all, the Apollo programme sent 9 spacecraft to the moon in the 60s and 70s. Six of
them (12) _____________________ astronauts on the lunar surface. About 400 kilos of lunar
rock were collected and brought back to earth.

50 years after the first moon landing events all across the US have been organised to
celebrate this historic and technological (13) _____________________ .
1 lay locate set put
2 taking off to take off take off took off
3 floor level ground surface
4 spoke out declared posted published
5 income spending donating funding
6 as well as in addition such as and even
7 distinct hard strengthy powerful
8 tolerated suffered stood felt
9 through whenever while during
10 ancient historic important major
11 famous unknown decided marked
12 were landing have landed landed were landed
13 invention discovery development achievement
B2 Australia‘s Stolen Generation LIU003

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

Between 1910 and 1970 the Australian ____________________ (GOVERN) took 100,000 Aboriginal
children away from their homes. These children, known as the Stolen Generation, were often
under five years of age. They were taken away from their families because Australian
authorities did not believe in the future of the native ____________________ (INHABIT). They
thought it would be better to bring them to white families.

Many methods were used to separate Aboriginal babies and children from their families.
Government ____________________ (OFFICE) made mothers sign documents stating that their
children were taking part in a ____________________ (VACCINATE) programme set up by the

Others were brought to hospitals and never seen by their families again. In most cases
____________________ (WEALTH) white families were given ____________________ (ADD) money to
bring them up. Some went to orphanages or church missions.

In 1995 an ____________________ (INVESTIGATE) was started to bring more __________________

(TRUE) to the controversial issue. The government however did not apologize to the victims.
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was the first Australian ____________________ (POLITICS) to make a
formal ____________________ (APOLOGIZE) to the Aborigines in 2008. However, he also said that
the government would not give any money to the victims. He claimed that it was in the
interests of the Australian government to raise the children in the best way possible.

Up to now only one member of Australia's Stolen Generation has received money from the
government. Bruce Trevorrow was taken to hospital on Christmas Day in 1957. His father never
saw him again and the government sent him to a white foster family. He came back to his
mother when he was ten years old. In his later life he suffered from depression and alcohol
____________________ (USE). In 1998 he went to court and was ____________________ (SUCCEED) in
getting about 500,000 dollars from the Australian government as a form of ____________________

There are many others in Australia who have suffered the same fate. Organizations are being
set up to work for the rights of the Aborigines and to ____________________ (SURE) that nothing
like this ever happens again.

B2 Amnesty International LIU004

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

All over the world people are ____________________ (PRISON) just because they want to
exercise their right to freedom of __________________ (EXPRESS). For over 50 years, Amnesty
International (AI) has been fighting for thousands of prisoners of conscience – people who
are arrested and thrown into prison for many reasons: political __________________ (OPPOSE)
to a ruling party, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, _________________ (SEX) orientation and
others. Amnesty International works constantly for the _____________________ (SPEED)
release of such prisoners.

The organization was _________________ (FIND) by British lawyer Peter Benenson, who
represented political prisoners in South Africa, Hungary and Spain. Together with other
colleagues he sought to establish an organization to defend and protect freedom of
opinion and religion. In 1977 Amnesty International was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

AI is ____________________ (LARGE) made up of volunteers, although there are some paid

workers. The organization maintains national sections in many countries. ________________
(FUND) comes mainly from __________________ (DONATE) and member fees.

The human rights organization supports people who speak up and express their opinion
openly around the world, ___________________ (ESPECIAL) in countries where freedom of
_____________________ (SPEAK) is not taken for granted. Journalists who expose human rights
_____________________ (VIOLATE) , trade unionists fighting for workers’ rights or
_____________________ (ENVIRONMENT) who fight for the rights of indigenous people are
among groups who seek help from Amnesty International.

AI researches cases of ___________________ (USE) and presents results in newsletters and

other publications. Some members travel to problem spots and try to pressure authorities
to release prisoners by organizing ____________________ (DEMONSTRATE) and writing letters
and emails.

_____________________ (CURRENT), Amnesty International, based in London, has more than a

million members in 140 countries _____________________ (THROUGH) the world.
B2 California’s New Cell Phone Guidelines LIU005

Choose the best option for each blank.

California's Department of Health has published new

(1) ________________________ on how to handle cell phones. It warns that radiation (2)
____________________ from cell phones can be harmful but (3) ____________________ that cell
phones are dangerous.

Health authorities in California (4) __________________ a few measures cell phone users
should take. (5) _________________ sleeping, you should keep your phone at least an arm's
(6) ___________________ away from your body. You should also avoid (7) ___________________
your cell phone in your pocket. They also recommend only using cell phones when
reception is strong.

Some doctors (8) __________________ that carrying cell phones close to your body could
(9) ____________________ the risk of getting brain tumours , cancer and becoming infertile. It
may also lead to headaches, hearing problems and a loss (10) _____________ memory. On
the other hand, there are many health experts who say that the risks cell phone usage
(11) _____________________ are not proven.

Cell phones emit radiation in form of low-energy radio waves when they (12) ______________
and send signals from cell towers. The frequencies that cell phones use (13) _______________
linked to various illnesses.

The new cell phone guidelines (14) ____________________ since 2009 but not been published.
(15) ________________, a Berkeley professor won a lawsuit against the Department of Health
to release the guidelines to the public and push for more action.
1 courses outlines controls guidelines
2 emitted broadcast sent absorbed
3 had said does not say has not been said isn’t said
4 suggest advise submit remind
5 Through During Over When
6 length size piece stretch
7 to have kept to keeping keeping to keep
8 agree decide accept approve
9 rise grow improve increase
10 in to of for
11 do present presented have presented present
12 deliver collect receive accept
13 could be should be will be need to be
14 would exist existed have existed exist
15 Freshly Recently Just Currently
B2 The Bermuda Triangle LIU006

Choose the best option for each blank.

Even though you won’t find it on a (1) ________________ , the Bermuda Triangle is a very real
place. In the past there have been many stories of disappearing ships, planes and people.
Although there is a
(2) ________________ explanation for many incidents, some are still a mystery.

The Bermuda Triangle is (3) ________________ off the coast of Florida between Miami, Puerto
Rico and the Bermudas. It covers about 500 000 square miles of the Atlantic Ocean. It is
also known as the Devil’s Triangle because Bermuda was once called Islands of the Devils.
The coasts around the island are (4) ________________ by dangerous reefs that ships ran into
throughout the centuries.

(5) ________________ events around the area go back to the voyages of Christopher
Columbus. He sometimes reported that compass readings were wrong. Many journalists
have tried to prove that a number of (6) ________________ and unusual things have
happened in the region. Some cases show that there are no explanations for them.

One of the best-known incidents is the disappearance of Flight 19 during a training exercise
of the US Navy. In December 1945 five American bombers left Fort Lauderdale, Florida on a
routine mission. 14 crew members (7) ________________ after sending several radio
messages. When a rescue plane went to (8) ________________ for the Navy bombers it also

What went wrong during the mission is not fully known. Compasses showed wrong
directions and visibility was bad, so the flight leader decided to navigate by landmarks
which he saw (9) ________________. Then there was a (10) ________________ storm and radio
contact broke off. Wrecked parts of Flight 19 have never been recovered.

Ships have also disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. Among them is the Mary Celeste, an
American merchant ship. In 1872 the ship was sailing from New York to Genoa but was
later found off the (11) ________________ of Africa without any crew members on board.
Although there is no evidence that the Mary Celeste even entered the Bermuda Triangle
there are many who connect its mysterious disappearance with the area.

There are many theories about why so many airplanes and ships have disappeared in the
Bermuda Triangle. Some suggest that there are special magnetic fields that cause
(12) ________________ physical forces. Others say that the lost continent of Atlantis sank in
the region causing mysterious events. There is even a theory about unknown chemicals in
the waters of the Atlantic.

Some experts, however, point (13) ________________ that the region north of the Caribbean is
not as (14) ________________ as it may seem. It is one of two places on Earth where the
compass points to the geographic North Pole. It is also a region in which the
(15) ________________ is unpredictable and where storms can emerge quickly. There are
strong currents because of shallow places and deep trenches in the ocean. These factors
can (16) ________________ even experienced sailors.

Over 1,000 people were killed in The Bermuda Triangle during the 20th century. Scientists
have concluded that this figure is normal, and most disappearances have a logical
explanation. The myth of the Bermuda Triangle, however, remains.

1 card map diagram plot

2 reasonable moderate cheap normal
3 placed sited found located
4 bordered surrounded bounded limited
5 frequent unusual common funny
6 emergencies mistakes accidents troubles
7 disappeared withdrew passed away faded
8 search seek find research
9 under below underneath at the bottom
10 quick rapid instant sudden
11 coast beach seaside water
12 famous well known unknown ordinary
13 in up for out
14 protected safe harmful careful
15 weather climate condition surrounding
16 complicate confuse amaze combine

B2 The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation LIU007

Read the text about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Some of the lines are
correct. Some have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to
the line. If the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been
done for you.

1 The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, was founded by the was
2 former Microsoft CEO and his wife, is the largest private ✓
3 foundation in the world. The main aims are to improve the
4 health care and reduce poverty around the world. Almost since
5 its launch in 2000 the foundation has been the driving car
6 force behind the improvement of lives in developing countries.
7 Eradicating malaria and polio, and as well as controlling the
8 spread of tuberculosis and HIV, have been only top priorities.
9 In the past decades, vaccines that have been given to more than
10 250 million children, preventing them over 5 million deaths.
11 After a joint campaign with the Indian government, officials in
12 the second other most populous country in the world announced
13 that India was never completely free of polio.
14 In addition to working on global health problems then, Bill and
15 Melinda Gates have made climate change and clean energy
16 a personal mission. The organisation devotes out funds to
17 family planning, agriculture fields and safe sanitation. However,
18 it also focuses on problems at our home. About 25% of all the
19 money goes into improving the American education system.
20 About a thousand people around the world nearly work for
21 the Seattle-based foundation, which has had offices in Washington,
22 Delhi and Beijing. Unlike government bureaucracy, mostly
23 the organisation has the positive advantage of delivering relief
24 quickly, without annoying paperwork.
B2 African Americans LIU008

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

There are about 40 million African Americans in the USA, roughly

13 per cent of the population. The majority are ____________________
(DESCEND) of slaves "imported" from Africa to work on the
plantations in the south of the USA. President Lincoln abolished
____________________ (SLAVE) in 1865 after the Civil War. Many
former slaves moved north, east and west to the big cities in search
of work, becoming the first blacks to live in urban ghettos.

Although government efforts to fight _______________________

Abraham Lincoln – 16th
(SEGREGATE) and prevent ____________________ (DISCRIMINATE)
President of the United
against blacks were at a standstill for decades, some progress was States of America
made in certain areas. It was not until the 1950s and 1960s
however, that black leaders like Martin Luther King were able to mobilise large sections of
both the black and white population and launch the Civil Rights ____________________
(MOVE). Thanks to public sympathy for blacks and to non-violent marches and
____________________ (DEMONSTRATE), laws became necessary. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
was passed, which aimed at ____________________ (RACE) desegregation by granting blacks
____________________ (EQUAL) in all political and social fields.

Positive changes of the past decades:

• Race is no longer the issue it was before and during the 1950s and 60s.
• Interracial ____________________ (MARRY) has gained widespread ____________________
• A black middle class has emerged, and black millionaires or politicians are no longer
____________________ (COMMON). In 2008 Barack Obama became the first African
American president in America’s 200-year history.
• Racism is on the decline. The racial strife of the 60s on one hand and white
supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan on the other are elements of the past.
• Besides continuing to play a major role in the ____________________ (ENTERTAIN)
sector, African Americans have also come to dominate certain areas of sport, e.g.
boxing, basketball, track and field etc...
• As a result of the integration of an ____________________ (INCREASE) number of
middle-class blacks into formerly white ____________________ (RESIDE) areas, there are
now many racially mixed suburban communities.
• Segregation no longer exists in public schools and has also ____________________
(APPEAR) from playgrounds, restaurants and hotels. Blacks enjoy greater racial
equality and are confronted with fewer racial barriers than in the past.

Problems still facing African Americans:

• ____________________ (HIDE) discrimination of blacks still exists in some fields like

housing or law.
• Black and white colleagues who treat each other in a friendly way at work sometimes
lead separate social lives at home.
• Despite ____________________ (IMPROVE) in politics, blacks still remain
underrepresented in Congress.
• The most urgent problem is the black underclass. There is now a great ______________
(PARITY) in income and social standing between successful middle-class blacks and
the underclass. Most of them live in inner-city ghettos, the centres of drug-trafficking
and the scene of gang-warfare between rival black or Hispanic groups. Nearly half of
these people live below the ____________________ (POOR) line and are _________________
(DEPEND) on welfare, food stamps and Medicaid benefits.
• The ____________________ (EMPLOY) rate of blacks is above average. About one third
of black teenagers drop out of high school. The infant ____________________ (MORTAL)
rate among blacks is double that of whites. Remedies are needed if the underclass is
not to become alienated from the rest of American society.
B2 Daniel Tammet – An Autistic Savant LIU009

Choose the correct word for each blank.

Daniel Tammet grew up in a large family in East

London. At the age of four he started to have
some very (1) ____________________ seizures that
may have changed his brain. Scientists claim that
there are (2) ___________________ in which young
people, who suffer some kind of brain
(3) __________________, suddenly emerge with
special abilities.
About 10% of all autists are savants, people with
special talents. Normally such people cannot tell Daniel Tammet
Image: De Lorelei – CC BY-SA 4.0
you how they do something, but Daniel is
(4) ____________________________.
In 2002, a British TV team visited Daniel Tammet in order to test his (5) ____________________
to calculate large numbers. The examiners were stunned by the results. Daniel was even
able to outdo the computer. He can cite numbers by (6) ____________________ shapes on the
table with his fingers. In addition, Daniel can speak 11 languages (7) ____________________
and claims that he can learn any foreign language within a week.
In March 2004, another experiment was (8) ____________________ out in front of a live
audience. Daniel Tammet stated that he could recite 22 500 decimal places of the constant
pi, an infinite number with no certain pattern. He completed this (9) ____________________
successfully in over five hours.
In another test Daniel was given a week to learn a totally new language, Icelandic, and then
chat with presenters on live television. (10) ____________________ to locals, Icelandic is
difficult to learn and nearly impossible to speak because of many funny sounds. It normally
takes some time to (11) ____________________ to the sounds of a new language. But as time
went on, even Daniel’s teacher was amazed at the progress her pupil was making. When
appearing on TV, experts were (12) ____________________ to see Daniel speaking the language
so confidently.
Experts on autistic savants agree that there are probably only a few dozen people around
the world who have the same abilities as Daniel. Scientists are excited to study Daniel and
his extraordinary (13) ____________________ because it gives them the chance to get a glimpse
of the human brain in a way they have never seen before. It may even be the start to
(14) ____________________ a new kind of intelligence.
In 2008 Daniel wrote (15) ____________________ called Born on a Blue Day, which deals with
his personality and talents. Since then he has written other books and appeared on
numerous TV and radio shows in the US and the UK.
1 strict difficult severe hard
2 cases affairs experiences forms
3 danger harm damage loss
4 a segregation a rejection a compromise an exception
5 cleverness ability power strength
6 drawing painting colouring printing
7 easily smoothly basically fluently
8 taken carried moved conducted
9 brief mission task work
10 Referring According Allowing Agreeing
11 correct alter change adjust
12 dazed stunned upset shocked
13 talents geniuses awards grants
14 searching travelling exploring inventing
15 an autobiography a biography a novel a fiction
B2 Artists For Our Environment LIU010

Read the text about an association of artists who fight for conservation. Some of the
lines are correct. Some have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the
box next to the line. If the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines
have been done for you.

1 Global warming has been an unusual environmental concern unusual

2 for many years, but unfortunately, we have been unable to ✓
3 deal with the problem this effectively. As a result, we are
4 destroying our only environment at an alarming speed.
5 Politicians always talk about climate change and promise them
6 to take steps to fight it. But in many cases, economic and financial
7 issues get in the other way. Getting campaign money from big
8 companies is often more than important than addressing
9 environmental problems.
10 Two decades ago, a group of artists have decided to take matters
11 into their own hands. The Artists for Conservation Foundation
12 is a Canadian-based non-profit organisation with over all 500
13 artists from 30 different countries. However in the past years
14 they have been sold artwork valued at 13 million dollars and
15 used the money to support for conservation projects around
16 the world.
17 In addition, they organise exhibitions showing the beauty of
18 nature, display images of least endangered species, and make
19 the public themselves aware of environmental problems in their
20 regular publications.
B2 Dream Act – New Opportunities For Immigrants LIU011

Choose the correct word for each blank.

In the past decades, millions of children have entered the United States illegally with their
parents. Many of them have gone to school and (1) __________________ high-school
diplomas. However, most of them cannot move on to further college or university
education because of their (2) ___________________ as undocumented immigrants. There has
been a growing debate on what to do about illegal (3)___________________ who have proved
that they can be of (4) ____________________ to their country.
In 2001 the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act) was
introduced as a (5) _____________ in Congress for the first time. Its aim is to help
undocumented youth (6) __________________ legal residency in the United States. If passed,
the new law would give them the right to stay in the US (7) _________________ and become
an American citizen.
Up to today, the bill has been turned (8) ______________ in Congress five times. Those
opposing the act say it would pave the way for more illegal immigration into the United
States. (9) ___________________, DREAMers entering colleges or universities would cost the
American government up to 6 billion dollars.
Proponents of the bill say there are millions of new potential taxpayers who would help the
country’s economy and generate about 2 billion dollars in new income.
If passed the law would (10) __________________ DREAM status to immigrants who meet
certain requirements:
They must
• be under 35 years of age
• have arrived in the US before the age of 16
• have lived in the US for at least 5 years
• have obtained a US high school diploma
• have maintained a good moral character throughout their (11) __________________ in
the US
If such a status were granted potential DREAMers would have a six-year window in which
they could (12) ___________ two years of college or university education or serve in the
military for two years. Following that six-year period, they could (13) _________________ for
permanent citizenship.
Of the up to 10 million undocumented immigrants in the United States, about a million
would meet the (14) _____________________ for DREAM status. If passed the DREAM Act could
change the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans, dramatically increasing their
potential earnings and giving them better (15) ____________________ in life.
1 secured earned made cleared
2 class grade rank status
3 aliens unknowns strangers residents
4 profit benefit support service
5 ruling bill law rule
6 pursue follow practice persecute
7 eternally constantly indefinitely foreseeably
8 around off down over
9 However In spite of this Nevertheless In addition
10 grant fund allow present
11 nationality citizenship residence well being
12 attend join pass serve
13 claim submit apply request
14 obligations requirements conditions necessities
15 instances occasions possibilities opportunities
B2 Flash mob LIU012

Choose the correct word for each blank.

A flash mob is a group of people who

(1) _________________ gather in a (2) __________________
place in order to do something together for short
period of time. They often organize a flash mob for
entertainment, artistic (3) __________________ , political
assemblies, protests or to advertise something. In
many cases flash mobs (4) ________________ many
Flashmob in Seoul, South Korea
The first flash mobs were held in New York in 2003 Image: / Korean Culture and Information
when 200 people got together at Macy’s department Service (Jeon Han)

store and asked the shop assistants for help in

finding a rug for their commune. The (5) _____________ lasted only 10 minutes and then the mobbers
were gone. Bill Wasik, (6) ____________________ of a news magazine, said he wanted to show that
large groups of people could take over public areas within short (7) ____________________.

As time went on more and more such events were organised. Most of them made no
(8) ____________________. People gathered in Central Park to make bird noises. A silent dance party
occurred in London’s Victoria Train station. Soon the mobs became more (9) ____________________
and a larger number of people took part.

When the first mobs were started instructions were (10) ____________________ via email. As time went
on social media platforms told people where and when to meet. Today, there are companies that
specialize (11) ____________________ flash mobs. Such affairs can turn into negative and even criminal
events. There have been reports from America of groups (12) ____________________ robberies
through flash mobs. Using Twitter and other social media, (13) ____________________ of people flood
into a store, plunder special areas and escape with most of its content.

(14) ____________________ in several countries have been trying to stop flash mobs. In Germany, for
example, it is forbidden to get together in any public space without a (15) __________________ . In the
UK the police have stopped such flash mobs for (16) ____________________ reasons.

In the last few years flash mobs have been organized for (17) ____________________ protests. In 2010
an Egyptian flash mob was organized through Facebook to protest the killing of a young man in
Alexandria. Hundreds of people lined up and (18) ____________________ the ocean in silence before
marching a way. A year later spontaneous protests led to the (19) ____________________ of President
Hosni Mubarak in Egypt.

(20) ____________________ they are not as popular as they had once been flash mobs are still
(21) ____________________ in many cities around the world.
1 definitely suddenly lastly finally
2 free joint shared public
3 expression express expressive expressing
4 appeal invite attract pull
5 outcome aftermath event result
6 producer editor corrector creator
7 signing communication announcement notice
8 sense meaning knowledge value
9 aspired ambitious desired desperate
10 extended expanded blown spread
11 for organizing to organize organizing in organizing
12 producing doing staging acting
13 crowds troops hosts crams
14 departments authorities councils rulers
15 permitted permitting permission permit
16 welfare secure protection safety
17 political policy politics politician
18 confronted faced turned moved
19 resignation notification announcement acceptance
20 despite in case nevertheless although
21 exclusive stylish popular accepted
B2 Free Birth Control For All? LIU013

Choose the correct word for each blank.

Health experts in America are (1) __________________ whether birth control should be free or not.
While health centres are giving away condoms for free, Americans still have to pay for birth control
pills. But that may (2) _______________________ . Doctors and other health officials are discussing
whether this kind of family (3) _________________ should be made free.

The pill was first (4) _____________________ fifty years ago. With it came the birth rate sank in countries
around the world and the number of (5) ____________________ pregnancies went down. It also helped
women escape from poverty and poor living conditions. For a long time, Americans only got it for
free if they had a health (6) ____________________ that paid for it.

Today the pill is the most common form of birth control in the USA. More than 45 million female
Americans between 15 and 45 have taken it at least some time during their life. But despite this fact
there are still many unwanted babies and about 4,000 abortions every day.

Those in favour of the (7) ___________________ say that, if offered, the number of unexpected teenage
pregnancies would go down dramatically. Most of the females on college campuses are in favour of
it. Young people still (8) ____________________ on their parents for money. Sometimes it is difficult to
get (9) _______________________ at the doctor’s and get a prescription. If students could get pills on
campus they could just go to the health (10) ___________________ centre and get them. In other cases,
they just don’t want to tell their parents they are taking the pill.

Those against the suggestion say that it would lead to sexual promiscuity and diseases might be
(11) ________________ more easily. Not all doctors agree with the idea either. The pill must be taken
correctly if it should work. And it also has a number of side effects that doctors warn about. Some
women put on weight or get nervous quickly.

Some health experts talk about other ways of (12) ____________________ pregnancies. In their opinion
it would be better to teach young women about fertility and when they can get pregnant.
1 suggesting discussing fighting talking
2 change differ transform adjust
3 organization planning preparation development
4 announced welcomed begun introduced
5 surprising unexpected sudden shocking
6 cover insurance institution society
7 request offer demand proposal
8 depend hope involve require
9 a date an appointment a meeting an engagement
10 problem care attention aware
11 broadcasted communicated sent out transmitted
12 evading avoiding encouraging escaping
B2 Invictus LIU014

Complete the text on the film “Invictus”. Fill in the blanks from the word list on the

Invictus is a story about the South African national rugby team and achieve
their (1) _______________ to win the rugby World Cup.

In 1990, after being held in (2) _______________ for 26 years Nelson attempt
Mandela, head of the ANC, is finally (3) _______________ . The event chance
marks the end of apartheid in South Africa. After winning a national
(4) _______________ , Nelson Mandela becomes the first black
president of South Africa, pledging to (5) _______________ the country election
and its people. Since European settlers came to the southern part of excitement
Africa, Afrikaners (white South Africans) and black natives have been
living in different worlds. While the black population celebrates, the
Afrikaners feel (6) _______________ and are afraid of losing the country leadership
they have built. prison
In his first days in office (7) _______________ between blacks and whites
in Mandela’s (8) _______________ become obvious. White government reinsure
officials are afraid of being (9) _______________ by blacks. Mandela released
however tries to (10) _______________ his former opponents by saying
that nobody will be fired and that he will work hard to
(11) _______________ racial equality in South Africa. shame
Sports show racial differences in a dramatic way. While black children staged
run around in their (12) _______________ playing soccer, the favourite
sport of whites is rugby. The South African national team, the
Springboks, are made up of white players, only one is black. As the support
World Cup is to be (13)_______________ in South Africa in 1995 tensions
Mandela sees this as a way of uniting the races in the Rainbow Nation
and leaving the Apartheid past behind. He (14) _______________ rugby
captain Francois Pienaar to his office and persuades him to keep up underdogs
the spirit in the team, even if the captain thinks that the Springboks underway
do not stand a (15) _______________ in the World Cup. He also
convinces François that (16) _______________ is important, not only in
politics but also in sport.
As the preparation period moves on Pienaar tries to unite his team and (17) _______________
Mandela’s message to them. The team pays visits to townships in an (18) _______________ to
teach black children rugby.

When the tournament gets (19) _______________ the Springboks surprise rugby experts by
beating Australia in the first game. As they continue to (20) _______________ in the
tournament an increasing number of black South Africans (21) _______________ them. The
Springboks make it to the final where they face the undefeated New Zealand team. In an
(22) _______________ match the African (23) _______________ beat their opponents by three

After this tournament victory celebrations and (24) _______________ break out on the streets
of South African cities as blacks and whites cheer the Springbok team.
B2 Job-hopping LIU015

Complete the text on job-hopping. Fill in the blanks from the word list on the right.
There are TWO words you will not need.

Job-hopping has become very popular in today’s working world. It occurs

when workers change jobs _______________________ , often several times
within a period of months. One of the reasons is that employers look for advantages
people who can get a job done. After that they let them move on to
something else. More and more people value _______________________ work
and have more than one job.
In addition, the rise in _______________________ is forcing many employees
to move somewhere else. In other cases, they are simply looking for a contrast
new _______________________.
There are companies that regard job-hopping as negative aspect. They
think that a person who cannot hold on to a job for a longer period of employed
time is not _______________________ to a company. Someone who changes
jobs a lot is not respected by a firm that values _______________________. On environment
the other hand, people who have had several jobs can adapt to a new
working _______________________ more quickly. firing

Young people change jobs more often because they have become used to frequently
it. Older workers who have stayed with one company for many years have
no experience in changing jobs and do not know what awaits them. fulfilling

Many workers ask themselves when the right time to switch jobs arrives.
This _______________________ on many factors, including what field of work
you are in. In information technology and high-tech, jobs change quickly. manual
People come and go, often staying only for a few months. In ____________ ,
the workers in the farming business are _______________________ for their part-time
loyalty and therefore stay longer.
Depending on where you live, labour laws play an important part in hiring
and _______________________ workers. In Europe, for example, it is much unemployment
more difficult to sack unwanted workers than in the US. In Asia, cultural
_______________________ play in important role. Japanese workers are loyal valued
to their companies and often stay for many decades, or even their whole
life. views

Job hopping offers several _______________________. You get a wide range of

experience in different fields and get a chance to show your
_______________________ and abilities in various working environments. In
some cases, you might get the _______________________ job you want after
you have tried out several others.
B2 Mahatma Gandhi LIU016

Use the words in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

Mahatma Gandhi was known to the whole world as the leader of the Indian nationalist (1)
___________________ (MOVE) against British (2) ___________________ (DOMINATE) of India.
During his lifetime he was much praised for his doctrine of nonviolent
(3) _______________ (RESIST) and civil (4) _____________________ (OBEY). Even though he was
one of the greatest human rights (5) ___________________ (ACTIVE) he always appeared as a
simple man who fought against (6) ________________ (POOR) and the
(7) __________________ (HOMELESS) of India’s working population.

Gandhi was born into a (8) __________________ (WEALTH) family. His mother was a (9)
________________ (DEEP) religious woman. In his
(10) _______________________ (CHILD) years Mahatma was a small and quiet boy who
(11) ________________ (LIKE) sports and was only an average student. At 13 his parents
arranged a (12) __________________ (MARRY) with a girl the same age. Gandhi’s father
persuaded him to study law in London but (13) _________________ (ADJUST) to the British
way of life proved to be difficult.

After a short interval back home in India he left again for South Africa, where he accepted a
job as a (14) _____________ (LAW). At first, he only planned to stay a year but after observing
nationwide (15) _______________ (DISCIMINATE) against non-whites he found a new cause.
He fought for the (16) _________________ (PROTECT) of Indian South Africans and stayed until
1913. In 1907 Gandhi urged all Indians to defy a law requiring (17) _______________________
(REGISTER) and fingerprinting. For this (18) ____________________ (ACTIVE) he was
(19)____________________ (PRISON) for two months.

After returning to India he became an (20)_____________________ (INFLUENCE) figure within a

short time. He urged the boycott of British goods and a (21) ___________________ (POLITICS)
of non-cooperation with the British (22) ______________ (RULE). Gandhi told Indians to make
their own clothes rather than buy British goods. This, he argued, would create
(23) ___________________ (EMPLOY) for millions of Indians.

In 1930 Gandhi organized a protest march in (24) ____________________ (RESPOND) to British

(25) __________________ (TAX) of all salt used by Indians. Thousands walked over 250 miles to
protest against the (26) ___________________ (FAIR) law. In 1934 Gandhi stepped down as
leader of the Congress Party and turned power over to his (27) ____________________
(SUCCEED) Jawaharlal Nehru.

Britain’s entrance into World War II brought India in without its (28) _________________
(APPROVE). When Gandhi and other leaders refused to take part in the British war effort,
the (29) ________________________ (POLITICS) of the Congress Party were thrown into prison
once again. After the war the British started (30) _____________________ (NEGOTIATE) with
Indian leaders which led to the (31)____________________ (PART) of the sub-continent. Riots
and (32) __________________ (VIOLENT) broke out between Hindus and Muslims in many
parts of the country.

In March 1947 the last viceroy, Lord Mountbatten, arrived in India to prepare
(33) ___________________ (INDEPENDENT) and the (34) ____________________ (SEPARATE) of the
two new countries. In August, Gandhi refused to take part in the (35) _____________________
(CELEBRATE) because his nation had rejected his plea for peace and
(36) ______________________ (BROTHER). On 30 January1948, a Hindu (37) ___________________
(EXTREME) shot Gandhi while he was attending (38) ____________________ (PRAY) . The
(39) ______________________ (ASSASSINATE) of the “Great Soul” of India sent shockwaves
around the world.
B2 Malcolm X LIU017

Use the words in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

Malcolm X was one of the most (1) __________________ (INFLUENCE) African American leaders of the
civil rights era. He transformed himself from a min or (2) __________________ (CRIME) into a powerful
defender of the rights of blacks.

Malcolm X was born as Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska. His father was the follower of a black
leader who had political and
(3) __________________ (ECONOMY) ties to Africa. In 1931, Malcolm's father was found dead after
being run over by a streetcar. Malcolm believed white (4) __________________ (RACE) were
responsible for his father's death. At the age of 12 his mother was transferred to a mental hospital
and Malcolm had to spend the rest of his (5) __________________ (CHILD) in foster homes. During this
period of his youth he became discouraged by racial prejudice (6) __________________ (SURROUND)

In 1941, Malcolm moved to Boston where he became involved in criminal (7) ________________ (ACT).
In 1946, he was arrested for (8) __________________ (BURGLAR) and sent to prison. There he joined
the Nation of Islam, or Black Muslims, an organisation that regarded white people as devils. After
being released from prison in 1952, Malcolm adopted X as his last name. The letter stood for the
(9) __________________ (KNOW) African name of slave ancestors.

Malcolm X quickly became the Nation of Islam's most (10) __________________ (EFFECT) speaker. He
urged blacks to live separately from whites and to win their (11) __________________ (FREE) "by any
means necessary." However, as time went on, he became (12) __________________ (SATISFY) with the
Nation of Islam, in part because the group avoided political activity.

In 1964, Malcolm X broke with the organisation. A short time later, he travelled to the holy city of
Mecca in Saudi Arabia, where he met Muslims of (13) __________________ (VARY) ethnic backgrounds.
He changed his name once again and came back to the United States to found a new group, the
Organization of Afro-American Unity.

In the final years of his life Malcolm X took a more moderate view of civil rights issues. He sought
(14) __________________ (COOPERATE) with Martin Luther King, Jr., and other civil rights activists who
favoured non-violent protests. But by this time, some Black Muslims had condemned Malcolm X as
a hypocrite and traitor because of his (15) __________________ (CRITICIZE) of the group's leader, Elijah

On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was (16) __________________ (FATAL) shot while giving a speech in
New York City. Three members of the Nation of Islam were convicted of the crime. Malcolm's views
reached many people after his death through the (17) __________________ (PUBLISH) of his
B2 Modern Day Slavery LIU018

Choose the best option for each blank.

Human trafficking is one of the fastest growing illegal (1) ____________________ in the world,
producing over 50 billion dollars of income every year. The UN (2) ____________________ that 20
million people from over 130 countries are victims of traffickers. They end up as prostitutes, on
construction sites or farm workers. (3) ____________________ labour is hard to detect because
enslaved people are among legal workers. Many cases go unreported because it is often difficult to
(4) ____________________ what forced labour is.

Human trafficking is not only a problem of developing countries. Men and women, adults and
children around the world are (5) ____________________ by so-called labour recruiters who promise
them employment and a new life. They are tricked into jobs from which it is difficult to escape. In
most cases they give up their passports and other documents, making themselves (6) ______________
on their traffickers.

In general, people are trafficked from poorer areas to wealthy countries. However, sometimes
people become modern-day slaves within their own country. According to a UN report, the
countries most (7) ____________________ by human trafficking are India, Pakistan and China. The US,
Japan and European countries are among the main importers of (8) ____________________ people.

Traffickers focus on the weakest elements in our society. Children are often kidnapped and turned
into child (9) ____________________ in Africa or brought to developed countries where they work in the
sex trade. Recently, traffickers have been (10) ____________________ on refugees in Middle Eastern
countries, promising them work and a new life in Europe.

Human trafficking does not (11) ____________________ in certain structures. Traffickers can be a
husband and wife couple or even a large criminal organisation. Two thirds of all criminals are men,
but trafficking has become a popular crime for women because they earn the (12) _________________
of young girls more easily.

The United States and other countries around the world are working together with the
International Labour Organisation (ILO) to combat human trafficking. Non-governmental
organisations are also (13) ____________________ support and hotlines for victims. More and more
countries have high (14) ____________________ on trafficking. Governments are putting more money
into the inspection of workplaces and provide legal protection for victims.

While the global community is slowly realising that human trafficking is a (15) ____________________
problem, there are many challenges that remain. In many countries, members of the police forces
are corrupt and (16) ____________________ in human trafficking operations. Victims often do not come
forward and seek help because they are afraid of being deported back to their home country. In
many cases they are unaware of their human rights.
1 firms businesses companies establishments
2 values quotes guesses estimates
3 forced force forcing unforced
4 define classify term describe
5 hijacked seized stolen abducted
6 depending dependent independent dependence
7 influenced disturbed affected marked
8 slavery enslaved slaved slave
9 troopers fighters regulars soldiers
10 concentrating attending strengthening fixing
11 live exist endure last
12 trust belief care protection
13 proposing suggesting advising offering
14 consequences charges penalties fees
15 head chief minor major
16 involved included contained mixed
B2 World Population Growth LIU019

Read the text about future population growth. Some of the lines are correct. Some
have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to the line. If
the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been done for you.

1 According to projections published by the United Nations, the ✓

2 world’s population even will be heading towards 9 billion by the even
3 year 2050, compared to 7.7. billion at present rate. Despite this
4 fact, the number of children not being born is decreasing.
5 Especially in Africa and Asia, where population growth has been
6 such extremely high, birth rates have been going down but they
7 are still every way above those of industrial countries.
8 In contrast to, birth rates in developed countries are below
9 death rates. One of the reasons for this is that these women
10 have become better educated and would rather pursue a career
11 than have a traditional family with children care. Many want to
12 avoid of staying out of work for a longer period of time.
13 Still, world population will be increasing in the coming decades
14 because life expectancy will continue to rise up. Health standards
15 have improved and while better medical treatment is available
16 for wide parts of the population growth. In addition, deadly
17 diseases of the past can now be treated with.
18 One of the big questions population experts continue to ask
19 is whether how many people can our planet handle. Pessimists
20 say themselves that we are already at the point of not being able
21 to maintain and then support the current world population.
B2 Illiteracy in the Western World LIU020

Choose the best option for each blank.

While many people tend to think that Illiteracy is connected to developing countries it
(1) _____________________ into a major problem in industrialised nations too. It is
(2) _____________________ to many other problems, such as poverty, population growth and
political corruption.

One (3) _____________________ reason for the spread of illiteracy in the western world is
increased television and media (4) _____________________. Young people get all of their
information from TV, social media and other digital publications. This method (5) __________
attaining information is more relaxing and less strenuous than reading.

Another reason for increasing illiteracy is the (6) _____________________ that women aren’t at
home anymore and a growing number are engaged in the work force. (7) _________________ ,
many children are left at home unsupervised, without (8) _____________________ to care for
them. When parents come home after a hard day’s (9) _____________________, they are often
too exhausted to spend time with their children.

A lot of blame for not being able to read and write is placed on schools. Experts say that
teachers are not putting enough focus on (10) _____________________ skills like reading and

Illiteracy leads to several problems, including unemployment, alcohol and drug

(11) _____________________. The economy of a country or regions suffers and, ultimately, the
standard of living (12) _____________________.

There are no easy solutions to this problem. However, parents need to take their
(13) _____________________ more seriously and schools need to think about changing
teaching (14) _____________________ and aspects of the curriculum. If this (15) ________________
happen, illiteracy will become even more of a problem than it is at the moment.
1 turning has turned was turning was being turned
2 related allied shared joined
3 sharp strong only obvious
4 consumption using spending waste
5 in of for at
6 key point fact result
7 As a result Nevertheless In spite of However
8 anybody somebody nobody everybody
9 employment labouring job work
10 most basic minor chief
11 misuse use abuse usage
12 declines has declined declined has been declined
13 reliabilities possibilities opportunities responsibilities
14 methods ways paths routes
15 can’t isn’t doesn’t won’t
B2 The Importance of Television LIU021

Read the text about the impact television has on our lives. Some of the lines are
correct. Some have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to
the line. If the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been
done for you.

1 Television has a big impact on how we spend our spare ✓

2 time. It usually affects younger people more than does does
3 adults because they tend spend more time in front of the
4 TV set. While critics say that television is destroying family
5 life because we lack the time for communicating with
6 other than family members.
7 Television often shows us a world that is not being real. It
8 wants us to think that the world is more violent people
9 than it actually is. TV gives us a glimpse into the world
10 of glamorous people and celebrities and persuades for
11 us to think that they are better off than we even are.
12 However, there are many positive aspects to watching
13 television. Such documentaries and infotainment programs
14 give us a better understanding of our nature environment.
15 It also has a huge impact on politics. In the election years
16 parties often buy off television time to present the view of
17 candidates and bring their ideas to show a wide audience.
18 Sports attract the largest TV world audiences. Networks
19 pay to enormous sums of money to broadcast events
20 like the Super Bowl, the Olympic Games or the football
21 World Cup. Many sports have been gained worldwide
22 popularity because of television.
B2 Senior Health Care LIU022

Read the text about health care for the elderly. Some of the lines are correct. Some
have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to the line. If
the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been done for you.

1 More and more other people, especially in the world's other

2 industrialised countries are becoming older. In the ✓
3 United States there are 40 million people aged at 65 and
4 older. Since caring for the elderly is not only a necessity;
5 it has turned over into a big industry as well.
6 In the past, older people were taken care of in an extended
7 family. Grandparents have lived and were cared for at
8 home. As more and more old people became employed,
9 they could not simply stay at home and take the care of
10 their grandparents anymore.
11 As a result, more and more care centres have started up
12 to offer their services to the elderly population growth.
13 The most difficult task of such a business is finding out
14 the right people to do the job. Caretaking is being very
15 demanding and requires a skill and patience. There are
16 many daily tasks that caretakers have to do, like preparing
17 themselves meals, washing older people or simply giving
18 them company. When many care workers quit their
19 jobs after a short period of the time because they often
20 find it depressing enough.
21 In some cases, like elderly people can do certain things
22 on their own. They hire private caretakers to help them
23 do. This costs less and elderly people can stay in the
24 living environment they are used to live.
B2 Africa Rising LIU023

Use the words in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

Africa Rising is a (1) _____________________ (SHOCK)

documentary of the problems of people in the
(2) _____________________ (DEVELOP) countries of
Africa. It shows how a large rural area in Ethiopia
takes matters into its own hands to fight
(3) _____________________ (POOR).

Ethiopia is a potentially (4) _____________________

(WEALTH) country with enormous resources.
However, the (5) _____________________ (FAIL) of
Western policies towards Africa has been causing
famine and (6) _____________________ (STARVE) in Irrigation in Ethiopia
eastern Africa. The film shows that the West must Image : Niels Van Iperen - CC BY-SA 4.0

rethink its role in helping the continent.

In the Sodo region of Ethiopia schools have been abandoned; in other areas there is no health care
and people must travel for hours to reach the (7) _____________________ (NEAR) doctor or hospital.
The whole region is dominated by vast areas of dry and (8) _____________________ (PRODUCE) land
where the soil has been washed away.

Western governments and aid (9) _____________________ (AGENT) thought they had the
(10) _____________________ (SOLVE) to the problem: pouring billions and billions of dollars in aid into
the region with (11) _____________________ (PRACTICAL) no (12) _____________________ (LAST) results.
Much of the money ends up in the pockets of foreign aid workers or in accounts of banks far away
from the region.

The documentary shows how the (13) _____________________ (RESIDE) of Sodo started helping
themselves. Twenty men and women were taught new skills, like dam (14) _____________________
(CONSTRUCT), bricklaying, micro banking , raising livestock and planting new crops. Each of these
people passed on their (15) _____________________ (KNOW) to twenty others - and those to twenty
more. Within a short period of time, thousands were growing cash crops for the first time, or
digging (16) _____________________ (IRRIGATE) systems to stop erosion and the washing away of soil
after floods.

In short, the documentary shows the (17) _____________________ (SUCCEED) story of one of the most
(18) _____________________ (ADVANTAGE) regions of the world.
B2 The Civil Rights Movement LIU024

Complete the text on the civil rights movement. Fill in the blanks from the word list
on the right. There are TWO words you will not need.

Throughout American history, various groups of citizens have fought for abolished
rights that the American (1) _________________________ gave them. The civil
rights movement in the United States is about the fight of African arrested
Americans. Because of their (2) _________________________ color, they did
not have the same rights that white people did for a long time. This
injustice towards African Americans led to a time of social unrest. In the boycott
1950's and 1960's, blacks rose up to fight against the social systems and
authorities that had taken these rights away from them. Many whites
supported their (3) _________________________. citizens

After the Civil War (1861-65), slavery was (4) _________________________, and
African Americans were free. However, there was so much prejudice discriminated
against blacks that laws were passed which (5) _________________________
blacks from whites in public and made them second-class discrimination
(6) _________________________. encouraged

The modern civil rights movement began in the 1950s. In 1955, a black facilities
woman in Alabama, Rosa Parks, (7) _________________________ to give her protected
seat on a bus to a white man. For this act of protest, Parks was
(8) _________________________. Blacks no longer wanted to "sit at the back races
of the bus," and started a (9) _________________________ of the bus system.
They chose a young minister, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., to lead their
protest. separated

The Montgomery boycott was very important for African Americans. It
(10) _________________________ them to protest for civil rights in other cities skin
as well. Dr. King spoke out on radio and television programs and urged
blacks to take part in non-violent protests.

On August 28, 1963, more than 200,000 Americans of all (11) ______________________ gathered at the
Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Their goal was to urge the government to take action against
racial (12) _________________________ and segregation. At this event, Dr. King surprised the nation with
his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.

On July 2, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson (13) _________________________ the Civil Rights Act. It
forbade discrimination based on a person's race, color, national origin, religious
(14) ___________________, or sex. It (15) _________________________ every citizen's right to use public
(16) _________________________, get employment, and to vote in elections.
B2 Preparing For A Future Job LIU025

Read the text about how students prepare for their future jobs. Some of the lines are
correct. Some have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to
the line. If the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been
done for you.

1 Even though there are a few lucky people who even don't even
2 have to work, most of us need a job in order to maintain ✓
3 a living. In today's work world it is essential to have certain
4 qualifications for most jobs. As a result, more and only
5 more people go to the college or university and get a
6 degree in order to get them a well-paid job.
7 However, while not always do employers look at degrees
8 when they hire their employees on. Most of them
9 appreciate applicants who have already had other
10 experiences. That's why more and more 18-year olds and
11 decide to take over a gap year before they go on to study.
12 This may involve voluntary work in various organisations,
13 not going abroad as an au pair or assistant teacher, or
14 simply taking on some kind of job for a such short period of
15 time.
16 In the past time students often relied on grants and
17 scholarships to finance their studies but today many
18 students take out a bank loan forever. This means they
19 must earn enough not only to make ends meet through
20 but for to pay back their debts as well.
B2 The Ice Bucket Challenge LIU026

Complete the text on a phenomenon called the Ice Bucket Challenge. Fill in the
blanks from the word list on the right. There are TWO words you will not need.

The Ice Bucket challenge is an (1) _____________ in

which people (2) _____________ a bucket of ice
water on someone’s head to activity
(3) _____________ the awareness of a disease affected
called ALS, a (4) ________________ which kills
neurons and leads to the destruction of athletes
(5) ________________ in your body. It results in
speaking, swallowing and breathing problems
and, ultimately, death. There is no (6) ___________ challenged
for ALS and life expectancy for those suffering
from the disease is only a few years. The hype
Ice Bucket Challenge around the Ice Bucket Challenge started out cure
Image: slgckgc [CC BY 2.0]
towards the end of 2013 and went (7) __________
on social media during the summer of 2014.
The (8) ________________ started when Pete Frates, a Boston college
baseball player, was diagnosed with ALS. Pete started to fight the dump
disease in his own way, by making it (9) _____________ on TV and other
media. One of Pete’s friends introduced him to the ice-bucket
challenge. As Pete couldn’t do it himself, he called for others to do it for illness
him. At first, (10) _____________ all over Boston were taking part. As the
(11) ______________ spread, celebrities, politicians and many other people
took part in order to make the public aware of the illness and raise muscles
(12) _____________.
The Ice Bucket challenge has been a (13) _____________ campaign with
millions of videos circulating on Facebook and YouTube. By using social
media platforms, it has (14) _____________ across the world like no other public
movement before it. The rules of the challenge are quite simple. Within
24 hours of being (15) _______________ by someone, (16) ________________
must record a video of themselves pouring ice water over their head. spread
While many individuals see the challenge as a fun event, some take it
seriously and actually (17) _______________ money to the ALS foundation
or some other charity. The ALS association is reported to have suffer
(18) _____________ over $ 100 million dollars during the summer months
of 2014. Before the challenge public (19) ________________ of ALS was
limited. Hardly anyone knew about the disease, because it
(20) _____________ very few people – about 2 per 100,000.
B2 World's Coral Reefs in Danger LIU027

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

A recent study shows that the world's coral

reefs have been showing signs of strong
bleaching due to global (1) __________________
(WARM). In the 1980s bleaching was a rare
(2) ____________________ (OCCUR) which came
about every 25 years. Now the rate has risen
to about once every five years.
(3) ____________________ (ENVIRONMENT)
predict that by 2050 bleaching will happen
every year or two.
Bleached Coral Reef at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef
Image: Acropora at English Wikipedia [CC BY-SA 3.0]

Bleaching is caused when warm water

breaks down the algae inside the reefs. They provide food for the corals and keep them
(4) ____________________ (HEALTH). When algae fall off, corals suffer a (5) ____________________
(LOSE) of colour and can die within a short period of time. Even if the water
(6) ____________________ (SURROUND) the reefs gets colder again it may take years for the
damaged reefs to recover (7) ____________________ (COMPLETE).

While bleaching is especially a problem in the waters of the Caribbean Sea and Western
Atlantic, reefs around Australia and South Africa have hardly been hit. In (8) ________________
(ADD) to the warming temperatures of the oceans, coral reefs are also (9) _________________
(DANGER) by (10) ____________________ (POLLUTE) and overfishing.

Coral reefs are an important ecosystem. They are home to 25% of all marine species and
provide a habitat for (11) ____________________ (COUNT) types of fish. Reefs protect
(12) ____________________ (COAST) regions from flooding and tidal waves. Coral reefs are
also tourist (13) ____________________ (ATTRACT) that lure millions of people every year. The
tourist industry around the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, for example, is worth about 5
billion dollars a year.
B2 How To Be A Good Student LIU028

Choose the best option for each blank.

Being a successful student can't be taken for (1) _____________________ . In many cases, you
have to work hard to get there. Here are a few (2) _____________________ you will need to
have success and perform well at school.

First of all, you should know what kind of person you are. Look at your strengths and (3)
_____________________. That way you will quickly find out what aspects you should
concentrate (4) _______________ to get better.

Time (5) _____________________ is a very important aspect of learning life. As a student, your
everyday life will tend be very (6) _____________________ and organising your daily workload
will surely prove to be (7) _____________________.

Try to avoid the (8) _____________________ of daily life. You should work and study in places
where you aren't interrupted (9) _____________________. Turn off mobile phones and other
electronic (10) _____________________ when working. Study with classmates who are
(11) _____________________ and have the same attitudes towards school as you do.

Sometimes you have to show that you are a good team player. When teachers give you
(12) _____________________ that must be solved together you must prove that you can
cooperate with others. Don't be bossy and arrogant. Being a good listener also helps, as
others might have good ideas about a certain topic too. Contribute (13) ___________________
in order to get important work done.

As a student it is important to (14) _____________________ life and school. You should take
care of your health, get enough sleep and eat the right things. Start the day with a
(15) _____________________ breakfast that gives you the energy you need. Getting exercise is
important as it (16) _____________________ the brain with the oxygen and fresh air it needs to
get things done.
1 decided approved granted decided
2 qualities abilities facts values
3 disadvantages faults mistakes weaknesses
4 on to over at
5 regulation organising administration management
6 anxious stressful nervous worried
7 beneficial useless cooperative caring
8 distractions anxieties confusions intervals
9 easiness ease easily easy
10 instruments tools machines devices
11 stable independent reliable offensive
12 missions assignments jobs duties
13 reactions solutions keys results
14 balance settle calculate steady
15 modest correct proper usual
16 delivers offers gives provides
B2 Time Travel LIU029

Complete the text about time travelling. Fill in the blanks from the word list on the
right. There are TWO words you will not need.

Time travel - moving between (1) _____________________ points in time – has

been a (2) _____________________ topic for science fiction for decades. Films
ranging from Doctor Who to Star Trek have seen (3) ______________ getting
into a vehicle of some sort and arriving in the past or future, ready to take
on new adventures. The (4) _____________________, however, is much
unclearer. While some scientists claim that time travel is possible others agency
say, even if it were, it would be (5) ___________________ for humans to try it.
For Albert Einstein, the 20th century’s greatest physicist, time is relative. It
does not (6) __________________ equally for everyone. His theory of special
relativity says that time slows down or speeds up (7) _________________ on different
how fast you move compared with something else. (8) ___________________
the speed of light, a person inside a spacecraft would be much younger
than his twin on Earth. In the same way, astronauts who are sent into experience
space (9) __________________ slightly slower than they would on earth.
According to the American space (10) _____________________ NASA, there
are scenarios that would make travelling back and forth in time
imaginable. One (11) _____________________ would be through wormholes, pass
bridges between certain points in space and time. While theoretically
possible, we do not even know if wormholes exist. In addition, we are far
from creating a (12) _____________________ that would let us move through possibility
Besides the physics problem, time travel may also come with some
unique situations. A classic example is the grandfather effect, in which a
time (13) _____________________ goes back and kills his parents or his scientists
grandfather – the main (14) _____________________ in the Terminator
movies – so that they are never born, or their life is forever changed. If storyline
that were to happen, some physicists say you would not be born in one survive
parallel universe but still be born in another.
Many (15) _____________________ disagree with all the above-mentioned
options. They claim that time travel will never work because it is traveller
mathematically impossible. In addition, nobody could (16) ________________ universe
traveling at the speed of light. Despite these bleak (17) __________________ ,
we can still (18) _____________________ time travel through movies,
television and books.
B2 Woodstock – The Greatest Music Event in History LIU030

Choose the best option for each blank.

The Woodstock Festival was a three-day pop and rock

concert that turned out to be the most popular music
(1) _________________ in history. It became a symbol of
the hippie (2) _________________ of the 1960s.

Four young men organized the festival. The

(3) _________________ idea was to stage a concert that
would (4) _________________ enough money to build a
recording studio for young musicians at Woodstock,
New York. Young visitors on their way to
At first many things went wrong. People didn't want Image: Ric Manning / CC BY
any hippies and drug (5) _________________ coming to
the original location. About 2 months before the
concert a new (6) _________________ had to be found. Luckily, the organizers found a 600-acre
large dairy farm in Bethel, New York, where the concert could (7) _________________ place.
Because the venue had to be changed not everything was finished in time.

The organizers (8) _________________ about 50,000 people, but as the (9) _________________ came
nearer it became clear that far more people wanted to be at the event. A few days before the
festival began hundreds of thousands of pop and rock fans were on their (10) _________________
to Woodstock. There were not enough gates where tickets were checked and fans made
(11) _________________ in the fences, so lots of people just walked in. About 300,000 to 500,000
people were at the concert. The event caused a giant (12) _________________ jam. Thousands
simply left their cars parked on roads and highways and walked to the site.

On Friday, 15 August 1969 the festival (13) _________________ started. Joan Baez, Arlo Guthrie
and other folk artists performed. On Saturday Santana, Janis Joplin, The Who and others
starred on stage. Most people started (14) _________________ on Sunday. When Jimi Hendrix was
the last musician on the (15) _________________ only about 25,000 fans were still present.

(16) _________________ the whole festival people took drugs, had sex and (17) _________________
around naked. The rain turned the whole place into one big muddy site. (18) _________________ ,
Woodstock was a big success, even though the organizers were (19) _________________ with a
debt of over a million dollars. A short time later a film about the festival (20) _________________ a
big hit.
1 affair event happening occasion
2 campaign society change movement
3 final original creative unusual
4 raise donate spend afford
5 pushers extremists addicts revolutionaries
6 position situation site space
7 get make do take
8 expected assumed demanded imagined
9 meeting date engagement point
10 direction path route way
11 tears cracks holes cuts
12 traffic car travel transfer
13 properly totally officially correctly
14 moving travelling leaving attending
15 performance act stage theatre
16 While During When Because
17 lied lain lay laid
18 despite While Although Nevertheless
19 faced managed accepted handled
20 turned got became finished
B2 Earthquakes LIU031

Choose the best option for each blank.

Earthquakes are among the most destructive (1) __________________ disasters. They usually
occur without any (2) __________________ warning and often result in a
(3) __________________ of life and the collapse of buildings. In addition, earthquakes may
cause (4) __________________ landslides or create gigantic tidal waves. Such a disaster
happened in 2004, when an earthquake (5) ______________ the coast of Indonesia (6)
__________________ a massive tsunami that killed over 200,000 people.

Earthquakes (7) __________________ mostly where the earth's tectonic plates meet. Massive
amounts of energy are
(8) __________________ when two plates push towards, pull apart from or slide past each
other. (9) __________________ millions happen every year there are only a small number that
(10) ____________________ and very few that cause damage.

In many cases, an earthquake (11) __________________ 30 to 60 seconds. There is hardly any

time to (12) __________________ once the shaking starts. The brutal forces of an earthquake
start a (13) __________________ chain reaction in a building's structure when it is shaken. A
building's height, (14) __________________ and construction materials are significant
(15) __________________ when it comes to its inhabitants surviving such a disaster.
1 naturalistic natural nature native
2 ahead former past prior
3 cost damage harm loss
4 devastating overwhelming disturbing shocking
5 of off on at
6 generated set triggered activated
7 occur are occurring occurred are occurred
8 emitted loosened escaped released
9 Although In spite of However Nevertheless
10 are being felt should be felt must be felt can be felt
11 keeps on lasts happens remains
12 divert discard escape abandon
13 dense compound difficult complex
14 shape figure character spirit
15 keys factors reasons causes
B2 Biking LIU032

Read the text about cycling as a way of improving your fitness. Some of the lines are
correct. Some have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to
the line. If the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been
done for you.

1 Cycling has become a very popular sport in the last few ✓

2 years, mainly because more and more such people care such
3 about their fitness club and physical shape, and want to
4 engage in activities that lead them to outdoors.
5 Biking is not always the only way to improve your fitness,
6 but surely one of the most rewarding. Riding a bike lets
7 you explore the nature and at the same time gives you
8 the feeling of exercising yourself.
9 However, biking poses some dangers that cyclists should
10 not be aware of when they go cycling. Most leisure bikers
11 cycle on special paths, during some of which are also
12 being designed for pedestrians. So, watch out for people
13 walking, otherwise, accidents may prove to be your fault.
14 Make sure your bike is in good shape and fulfils even all
15 the safety requirements. You should check over your
16 brakes regularly have had your chain oiled in regular
17 intervals. See to it that your street tires have the right
18 amount of pressure while as this ensures less friction
19 on paths.
20 If you follow the advice mentioned above, you will
21 nevertheless experience many hours of pleasant cycling.
B2 Safe Camping LIU033

Use the words in brackets to form a new word that fits into each space.

Camping has become an (1) ________________________ (INCREASE) popular outdoor activity.

However, there are some (2) ________________________ (SAFE) precautions you must take when
camping outdoors.

A campfire is one of the many (3) ________________________ (ENJOY) parts of a camping

experience, but you should do it right. Never leave your fire (4) _____________________ (ATTEND).
Make sure that you always have water nearby so that you can put out the fire if it gets out of

Safe drinking water is also essential when staying outdoors. Public campgrounds usually
provide good water but if you camp in the (5) ________________________ (WILD) make sure you
have fresh and clean water supplies with you. You can also buy tablets that (6) _________________
(PURE) water.

If you go hiking on your camping trip be aware of other dangers. Don’t touch (7) ______________
(DEAD) plants like poison oak or poison ivy. If you get caught in a (8) ______________________
(THUNDER) look for shelter. If you can’t find a house or another building sit under trees in a
forest. Avoid tall trees that stand alone in open areas. Get out of the water if you are

Before your (9) ________________________ (DEPART) tell someone where you are going and when
you will probably be back. If you have never been to a place before don’t go there alone. Stay
calm and remain in one place in case you lose your (10) _____________________ (DIRECT) and wait
until help arrives. Carry matches with you to light a fire and keep warm. Cell phones are not
(11) ________________________ (RELY) in remote areas. Chances are that you won’t have a good
(12) ________________________ (RECEIVE).

Clean up your campsite when you leave. Fill all the holes that you have dug. Save your waste
until you can put it in waste bins.
B2 Public Transport LIU034

Complete the text with ONE word that fits into each gap.

Without (1) ________________ doubt, traffic is one of the main causes (2) ________________
pollution. The increased use of public transport would be a good solution to the problem
(3) ________________ many people could be transported in few vehicles. In order to achieve
this the government must (4) ________________ appropriate action to get people to use
buses, trains and the underground.

One of the most important measures is to make public transport affordable. Some cities
have already experimented (5) ________________ free access to public transport for all
citizens. If it (6) ________________ free most people would choose to leave their cars at
(7) ________________ , since petrol and the maintenance of a car costs a lot of money.
Authorities could finance free transport (8) ________________ raising taxes or charging a
small fee.

Cities must provide public transport (9) ________________ is comfortable and convenient.
Commuters must rely on precise schedules to get to work in time. Buses and trains should
have WiFi access, so that people can do work (10) ________________ travelling to the office.

It is safe to say that if the government (11) ________________ more money on improving
public transport services the majority of citizens (12) ________________ change their attitude.
That would (13) ________________ only help combat pollution but also lead to fewer accidents
on our streets.
B2 Voyager 2 Leaves The Solar System LIU035

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

Voyager 2 has become the second man-made object to pass the boundary of the solar system
and enter interstellar space. It is (1) __________________ (CURRENT) 18 billion km from earth. Its
sister ship, Voyager 1 reached the edge of our (2) __________________ (PLANET) system in 2012.

According to NASA (3) __________________ (SCIENCE), the probe is (4) ___________________

(OPERATION) for five to ten more years. It is so far away from earth that commands take
about 16 hours to reach it.

Voyager 2 has entered the heliopause, an area where hot solar winds are not (5) ______________
(EXIST) anymore and the sun's (6) __________________ (MAGNET) field ends. Interstellar space is
the vast (7) __________________ (EMPTY) between star systems.

The spacecraft has better (8) __________________ (EQUIP) on board than its predecessor, Voyager
1. It has instruments to measure speed, (9) __________________ (DENSE) and temperature of
solar winds. Voyager 1 stopped sending back this data decades ago. Voyager 2 also sends other
(10) __________________ (USE) information back to (11) ________________ (RESEARCH) on earth.

The Voyager missions, which were launched in the 1970s, have become a great (12) ___________
(SUCCEED) for NASA. Both craft have travelled well beyond their (13) __________________
(PROJECT) destinations. The two spacecraft were (14) __________________ (ORIGIN) created to
study Jupiter and Saturn more closely. Later, it turned out that Uranus and Neptune could also
be explored before the probes left the solar system.

Even though their power sources will (15) __________________ (EVENTUAL) stop, the Voyager
probes will continue to move on to places no man-made object have gone before.
B2 Brain Disorders LIU036

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

Injuries, (1) _________________ (ILL) and diseases that you may inherit from your parents or
grandparents can damage your brain. Disorders that destroy brain cells are very serious
because the body cannot (2) _________________ (PLACE) lost cells.

A stroke occurs when the brain cells do not get enough oxygen, which is transported
throughout your body by blood. If this happens the brain can no longer work in the
(3) _________________ (DAMAGE) area. Many stroke victims are not able to use a certain side of
their body and, very often, they lose the (4) _________________ (ABLE) to speak (5) _________________
(CLEAR). Strokes are often caused by high blood pressure or when arteries become harder.
Some stroke victims die, others recover (6) _________________ (PART).

Brain tumours are caused by the rapid (7) _________________ (GROW) of cells. Such fast-growing
cells destroy healthy ones. As they grow, they create pressure and may damage other areas of
the brain. Sometimes tumours can be (8) _________________ (MOVE) by operations or with drugs.

Many diseases that are caused by bacteria or viruses can also do damage to the human brain.
One of the most common illnesses is meningitis, a disease that affects the membranes that
cover the brain and the (9) _________________ (SPINE) cord.

Sometimes the brain of an (10) _________________ (BORN) baby does not develop the way it
should. In Down's syndrome there is an extra chromosome that causes mental disorder. In
other cases, (11) _________________ (GENE) errors cause brain damage in later life. Huntington's
disease, for example, occurs mostly during middle age. It leads to jerky (12) _________________
(MOVE) of the body.

Alzheimer's disease often occurs after the age of 60. Many victims suffer from a
(13) _________________ (LOSE) of memory and they often cannot care for themselves.

Today, modern medicine has ways and methods of looking into the human brain. The EEG
(electroencephalogram) records the (14) _________________ (ACT) in the brain. Computed
tomography makes pictures by sending many X-rays through the brain. (15) _________________
(MAGNET) resonance imaging (MRI) uses (16) _________________ (POWER) magnets to show how
atoms in your brain change.
B2 Turkey Allows Schools To Teach Kurdish LIU037

Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

Turkey’s government is letting some schools teach Kurdish. Only two decades ago speaking
Kurdish in public was a crime, but now the government is easing its (1)
______________________ (RESTRICT) on the language of the Kurds. The Turkish Prime Minister
Erdogan has stated that this is a (2) _____________________ (HISTORY) step for Turkey’s
largest minority group. The Kurds form about 20% of the country’s population, mainly in
the south-eastern part of the country. But many have gone to Istanbul and other cities in
search of (3) ________________________ (EMPLOY) and a better life.

Kurds have been fighting for more rights and a certain degree of autonomy in Turkey. In
the last decades thousands of people have been killed in (4) ____________________ (HOSTILE)
between the Turkish government and the Kurdish rebel group PKK.

For a long time Turkey has outlawed Kurdish because government (5) ______________________
(OFFICE) are afraid that it would separate the country and (6) ___________________ (STRONG)
the PKK. In the latest statement Erdogan said that if a school has enough students who
want to take Kurdish as an (7) ________________________ (ELECT) subject a school is allowed to
offer lessons. The Turkish government has found out that a (8) ____________________ (SOLVE)
to the Kurdish problem cannot be achieved through violence alone. Kurdish language and
culture is spreading (9) _________________________ (INCREASE) in Turkey, Iraq and Syria.

For Kurdish (10) _____________________ (ACTIVE) the proposed measures do not go far
enough. They demand the right to educate students in Kurdish in all subjects. The
European Union has (11) _________________________ (REPEAT) put (12) _______________________
(PRESS) on Turkey to pass better laws for Kurdish citizens. It says that if Turkey wants to
become a full member of the EU minority rights must be granted.
B2 Free Time Activities LIU038

Read the text about how spare time activities have changed. Some of the lines are
correct. Some have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to
the line. If the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been
done for you.

1 Free time activities have been changed over the past been

2 decades. Traditional activities, like collecting and reading, ✓

3 have been substituted over with modern activities, for

4 instance playing computer games or surfing the internet.

5 Collecting items, like stamps or coins, is being popular

6 among such children or teenagers as they see parents or

7 grandparents engaged themselves in such activities.

8 However, as time goes on, they get bored and stop doing.

9 Reading, on the other hand, is a leisure activity which is

10 hardly influenced by your parents. When parents encourage

11 young people to read, they often continue later in the life.

12 Today, modern activities can't rely on technology. Teenagers'

13 rooms are full of electronical devices, like computer games,

14 iPads and cell phones. But such usual pastimes are not

15 only for young people. While adults have also found that

16 playing games on cell phones can never be enjoyable

17 and when browsing the net can be useful in order to find

18 information and make life easier.
B2 Taking Part in the Olympics LIU039

Complete the text about taking part in the Olympic Games. Fill in the blanks from
the word list on the right. There are TWO words you will not need.

For many athletes taking (1) ___________ in the Olympic Games is the peak
of their career. It is an event which takes (2) _______________ only every
four years and athletes are prepared to do whatever is (3)
___________________ and sacrifice anything to make their dream come (4)
While few athletes have the (5) ___________________ to take part in chilling
Olympics twice or even three times in their life many only have a once-
in-a-lifetime shot at gold, silver and bronze medals. competitions

In the months and years before the Olympics they try to (6) _____________
for the games in national and international (7) ___________________. Once highly
selected by their national Olympic committees they prepare with the medals
help of (8) ___________________ developed training schedules so that they
can perform best when the day arrives. national

When athletes take part in the Olympics they stay at the Olympic Village,
in itself a small town which (9) ___________________ thousands of athletes, offered
coaches and officials from all over the world. They are (10) opportunity
___________________ training facilities, roam through souvenir shops and
cafes and socialize with (11) ___________________ from other countries. paid

The opening (12) ___________________ is an event which most describe as
something really special. Thousands of athletes parade into the stadium, participants
(13) ___________________ their country's flag and wear their official place
Olympic outfit.
However, winning a gold medal is surely the most (14) ______________ raised
moment of an athlete's career, when you stand on the podium, seeing
your flag (15) ___________________ and hearing the national anthem sacrifices
played. Then you finally know that all the (16) ________________ made, and true
hardships endured in the previous years have
(17) ___________________ off.
B2 Choosing the Right Sport LIU040

Read the text about how to choose the right sport. Some of the lines are correct.
Some have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to the
line. If the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been done
for you.

1 We all know how good exercise and physical fitness is for ✓

2 our body and mind. While most of us want to keep fit and while

3 look good, however many people take them up the wrong

4 activity and lose interest quickly. Fitness coaches do advise

5 people to do things that match to their character.

6 Many people choose a team sport, like basketball, football

7 or volleyball because they like to be together with such

8 other people. Others are more happier when they can go

9 swimming or hiking on their own.

10 When people who like to compete individually against others

11 may take up a racket sport, like tennis, which where they

12 do not have to often depend on others to perform well.

13 If, on the other hand, competition is not even important

14 to you, try enjoyable activities like dancing.

15 Think about how easy it is to make yourself the exercise.

16 Some activities, like running across long distances, require

17 a considerable amount of much endurance. If you don't

18 want to endure the physical pains of such a heavy sport,

19 choose something that makes you less tired, but which

20 you enjoy. In any other case, at the end of every activity

21 it is important to feel that you have done something for

22 your body.
B2 Ring of Fire LIU041

Complete the text with ONE word that fits into each gap.

The Ring of Fire refers (1) _________________ a gigantic chain of volcanoes around the Pacific
Ocean. It stretches (2) _________________ New Zealand to Asia and across the ocean to
Alaska. From there, it continues along the western coast of North and South America down
to the southern tip of Chile. The Ring of Fire is based on the fact that continents do
(3) _________________ stay in the same position and float around the surface of the earth.

According to plate tectonics, the earth's surface (4) _________________ of a number of

enormous plates or sections of rock, (5) _________________ are about 80 km thick. These
plates move (6) _________________ speeds of up to a 10 cm (7) _________________ year. In the
middle of the Pacific Ocean hot liquid rock, called magma, flows from the (8)
_________________ part of the earth up to the ocean floor. This new material pushes older
material away and causes plates to move.

As plates move away from and (9) _________________ each other they collide. In some cases,
one plate may move under another plate and lead to a process (10) _________________
subduction. This is the cause of frequent earthquakes at the boundaries of plates. (11)
_________________ addition, the bottom plate melts (12) _________________ to extreme
temperatures and the magma created in such a process can move through vents to the
Earth's (13) _________________ and produce volcanic activity.
B2 Job Interviews LIU042

Read the text on job interviews. Use the word in brackets to form a new word that
fits into each blank.

Most people feel rather (1) ___________________ (NERVE) when they go for an interview for a new

job. This is not surprising because it is important to get a job you really want. People being

interviewed expect the interviewers to be (2) _________________ (OBJECT) , matching an

applicant against a job (3) __________________ (DESCRIBE). However, what often happens in

reality is that the interviewers make (4) ____________________ (DECIDE) that are not much more

than reactions to the (5) ____________________ (PERSON) of the applicant.

Even skilled interviewers may, without realising it, (6) _____________________ (CONSCIOUS) favour

people who make them feel at (7) ___________________ (EASY). Thus, if you go for an interview you

should try to make a good (8) ______________________ (IMPRESS) from the start by presenting

the interviewers with the very best version of yourself, emphasizing the (9) __________________

(VARY) of skills you have. You must appear very positive and as (10) _____________________

(ENTHUSIASM) as possible. It is for you to convince the interviewers that you are

(11) ____________________ (DEFINITE) the most (12) ___________________ (SUIT) person for the job.
B2 Organic Farming LIU043

Read the text about organic farming methods. Fill in the blanks from the word list
on the right. There are THREE words you will not need.

Members of an organic farm

community near Rostock,
Image: Smaack, CC BY-SA 4.0
by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

Instead of chemicals, organic farming uses a lot of organic

(1) ____________________ to give crops the (2) ___________________ that they
need to grow. Clover, for example, has a lot of nitrogen in it and farmers agricultural
use it to make the (3) _______________ better. Manure from animals and
compost are also used to (4) _________________ the soil. These fertilizers chemical
also help conserve soil, not destroy it after a few years. conditions
Organic farmers also use crop (5) __________________ to preserve the good controlled
qualities of soils and avoid monoculture.
Chemical pesticides destroy or weaken many of the natural enemies of
pests, like birds or frogs. They also can kill those insects that control a
great number of pests. fed

Organic farming creates new (6) ___________________ areas for wasps, bugs, living
beetles and flies by (7) _______________ them with water and food. matter
Weeds are (8) ____________________ by using special machines. Hay, straw nutrients
and wood chips are put between the (9) _________________ of plants to stop
Many (10) ______________________ products can be produced in an organic
way. Meat, dairy products and eggs come from animals that are (11) rotation
_________________ organically and can graze outdoors. They live in (12)
____________________ that are natural to them. Cows, for example, are kept
in pastures and fields. Vegetables and fruit are also produced with soil
organic methods.
B2 The Indian Caste System LIU044

Choose the best option for each blank.

The Indian caste system (1) ________________

society into groups of people with different
functions and status.

Originally, the highest caste, the Brahmins,

were the intellectual and spiritual guides,
priests and philosophers. Second were the
Kshatriyas, the caste of warriors and rulers.
Then came the Vaishyas, (2) ____________ with
trading and commerce, and the lowest caste
were the Shudras, who were labourers and
Image: Giveaway285, CC BY-SA 4.0, via
Wikimedia Commons

People of these four castes had to (3) __________

any contact with the "untouchables", people who ranked below all others and did the dirty
work. While the higher castes managed to (4) __________________ their position in Hindu
society the lower ones were not given any power (5) _______________. Those who
(6) ___________________ caste rules were punished severely.

During their (7) ______________, the British tried to give more rights to the lower castes and
abolish traditional practices, but in practice they did not succeed. Since 1949 the
Constitution of India has (8) _________________ all its citizens equal rights, but changes have
been slow.

India's (9) ___________________ development of the past decades has done a great deal to
weaken the caste system. With huge, overpopulated cities, caste laws can (10________________
be observed. Indians can improve their social status through professional and financial
success. In rural areas, however, the caste system remains an influential (11) ______________
in society.

The majority of the former untouchables, who now call themselves Dalits (the oppressed),
are still (12) ____________________, but as their numbers are strong (18-20% of the
population), democracy has provided them with more rights and better jobs.
1 distributes divides contains shares
2 joined united linked associated
3 avoid protect defend promote
4 support power up brace strengthen
5 at all above all at least in fact
6 submitted distracted disobeyed obeyed
7 rule law power reign
8 offered permitted allowed granted
9 economy economics economic economical
10 not longer no longer any longer much longer
11 factor key cause reason
12 dispossessed denied fortunate underprivileged
B2 Our Changing World LIU045

Read the text about the risks and opportunities of our changing world. Some of the
lines are correct. Some have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the
box next to the line. If the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines
have been done for you.

1 Our modern world is changing at a faster rate than at any ✓

2 other time in history. Although this act has led to many act

3 such problems it also offers advantages and opportunities.

4 Environmental issues are the ones we could worry about

5 most. Many people believe that living on earth will soon

6 become impossible hardly because of global warming.

7 Others predict us that pollution is getting out of control,

8 so that we won't be able to breathe clean and fresh air

9 anymore. A global pandemic has been hit all countries in the

10 world and shown how unprepared and less vulnerable we

11 are in dealing with unknown diseases and viruses.

12 But there are also those who believe are more optimistic

13 about our future. While they think that, due to progress and

14 development in medicine, we will not be able to live longer

15 than any younger generation before us. Doctors will be able

16 to cure illnesses that have been regarded incurable. Some

17 optimists even think that there are ways to reverse out

18 rising temperatures on earth.

19 In any other case, we must act now if we want to make

20 our next world a safe and liveable place for our children and

21 grandchildren.
B2 Office Technology LIU046

Complete the text with ONE word that fits into each gap.

To survive in today's business world, it is essential for a company to stay up-to-date with all the
(1) _____________________ technological developments. Nowadays, running a company
(2) _____________________ computers is virtually impossible. Therefore, in order to lead their
technology department, businesses (3) _____________________ hire the best people available.

These employees must be familiar with personal or desktop computers, even if this involves no
more (4) _____________________ completing a basic computer course. Sceptical workers will only
become comfortable with computers after they (5) _____________________ experienced using
them in practice for some time.

Computers (6) _____________________ people to run companies more efficiently and with
(7) _____________________ difficulties than in the past. For example, computers have the capability
(8) _____________________ organising huge amounts of (9) _____________________ and speed up the
preparation of documents and reports.

In short, (10) _____________________ the average businessman does not have to be a technology
expert, they are unlikely to get very far without at (11) _____________________ a basic knowledge
of computer technology.
B2 Koalas and Kiwis – Oceania's Unusual Animals LIU047

Complete the text with ONE word that fits into each gap.

Most people in Oceania live on the continental islands of Australia and New Zealand.
Geographically, New Zealand (1) _____________ part of Polynesia. Unlike most other islands
of Oceania, New Zealand and Australia are populated mostly (2) _____________ Europeans.
The recent histories of these nations are similar, as are their economies. English is the
official (3) _________________ in each nation.

One of the similarities (4) _________________ Australia and New Zealand is the importance of
sheep to the economies of both nations. In addition to its domestic animals, Australia and
New Zealand (5) _____________ also home to many forms of wildlife found nowhere
(6) _____________ in the world.

One animal found only in Australia is the koala, (7) _____________ is often referred to as a
bear. However, it is not a bear at all but a marsupial, an animal with a pouch. Unlike bears,
koalas do (8) _____________ eat meat. They only (9) _____________ leaves from the eucalyptus

(10) _____________ a koala is born, it is about as thick as a pencil and only one inch long. This
tiny creature crawls into (11) _____________ mother's pouch, where it stays for about six

New Zealand also has unusual forms of wildlife. The kiwi, for (12) _______________, is a bird
that cannot (13) _____________. Instead, it runs very fast. The kiwi has whiskers (14) like a cat
and a long, straight bill (15) _____________ digging up worms and insects. The kiwi is the
national symbol of New Zealand, and its picture appears on stamps, coins, and the national
B2 Teaching Children About the Dangers of Alcohol LIU048

Read the text about how to teach children about the dangers of alcohol. Use the
word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank.

Health and (1) _________________ (MEDICINE) experts in the UK are concerned about the way
alcohol issues are taught in schools and have issued a report calling for (2) _________________

(3) _________________ (OFFICE) of the National Health Service suggest that children should
start learning about the dangers of alcohol at an early age, (4) __________________ (PREFER)
between five and eight.

(5) _________________ (CURRENT), children in upper classes are being taught about the
overall (6) _________________ (BIOLOGY) dangers of drinking alcohol. However, binge
drinking, and (7) ___________________ (EXCESS) alcohol (8) _________________ (USE) is not
usually covered in schools.

According to the report, parents should also be involved in educating their children by
taking special classes (9) _______________ (FOCUS) on alcohol issues.

Statistics show that, although the number of 11–15-year-olds who have never drunken
alcohol has increased, those (10) __________________ (YOUNG) who are drinking are
consuming more alcohol than ever before. In interviews many of them admit to regular
(11) ___________________ (GATHER), binge drinking with friends once a week.
B2 Amazon – A Global Technology Giant LIU049

Choose the best option for each blank.

Amazon is one of the world's largest technology companies. It started (1) ____________ as an
online bookstore in the middle of the 1990s and has grown (2) __________________ over the
past decades.

Today, Amazon sells almost everything, from CDs and DVDs to sportswear and electrical (3)
__________________. The company also produces its own tablets and e-readers and lets users
upload their own photos and other files to the Amazon-based cloud. was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994. It first (4) ____________________ out of a small
garage in Washington state. (5) ___________________ a year Amazon offered hundreds of
thousands of books. People could not only order books from an online catalogue but also
write their own (6) ___________________. In 1997 started (7) _____________________
shares on the NASDAQ stock exchange. By 2000 it had made over a billion dollars in sales.

As time went on gradually grew. It bought many of its (8) __________________ and
today cooperates with other companies and lets them sell their products via the Amazon

In 2007 Amazon went a step (9) __________________. It surprised the electronics world with a
revolutionary eBook reader, the Kindle, which today dominates the market. In 2011 a tablet
computer followed, the Amazon Fire. In the following years the company started selling
music downloads and videos on demand. Amazon customers can (10) ____________________
everything they buy on their private cloud and download it anytime they want.

Today, the company has over 300 million active (11) _________________. Its net profit is over 11
billion dollars. Although Amazon is the biggest internet retailer in the world it is often
criticized. Economic experts say that Amazon is turning the Internet (12) ___________________
into a monopoly. Others point (13) _______________ bad working conditions for Amazon
(14) _____________________.
1 of out up in
2 steadily gradual firm solidly
3 machines equipments pieces appliances
4 ran functioned operated worked
5 Within During While Inside
6 analysis checks reviews critics
7 operating dealing changing trading
8 rivalry opponents rivals competition
9 further farther more beyond
10 retail store deposit stock
11 customers clients purchase traders
12 profession economy company business
13 out up at in
14 employ employees employers employment
B2 Oil Production LIU050

Read the text about how oil is produced. Some of the lines are correct. Some have a
word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to the line. If the line is
correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been done for you.

1 Before oil can be extracted from the earth geologists must ✓

2 examine off the land and the rock layers that lie underneath off

3 the surface. A few decades ago, drilling for oil was not a great

4 risk. While geologists could not guarantee that oil would be

5 found out where they presumed. Today modern exploration

6 methods make it possible to find oil with a high success rate.

7 Most of all the world’s oil is produced by drilling into the crust

8 of the earth. Crude oil is being found together with gas, which

9 floats above the oil layer. Sometimes just gas is extracted

10 together with oil during the drilling process, at other times

11 it is simply burned off when it comes down to the surface.

12 A drilling rig is set up over oil-carrying rock formations.

13 Oil is often buried deep below the earth's surface land, so

14 that drills must operate on at a depth of 10000 meters

15 and no more. Offshore rigs are built on platforms in the

16 ocean. They drill for less oil underneath the ocean floor.

17 After bringing it to the surface such crude oil is taken

18 to refineries, where it is made into petrol or gas, heating

19 oil, kerosene, fuel for airplanes and old plastic products.

20 Other chemicals and fertilizers are also made out of crude

21 oil. Not all oil is found in rock below the world surface. Some

22 is trapped in oil sands, which makes production to expensive.
B2 Mountain Biking LIU051

Complete the text with ONE word that fits into each gap.

Over the years, mountain biking (1) __________________ become an increasingly popular
sport, as people become more and more interested (2) ________________ keeping fit and
doing activities (3) __________________ take them out of their homes.

It is not only an enjoyable way of improving (4) __________________ fitness, but (5)
__________________ one of the most satisfying ways to explore the countryside. However, it is
important to follow a (6) __________________ simple rules, otherwise you could endanger the
environment and spoil other people's enjoyment.

Other than motorways, cyclists (7) __________________ not restricted to certain roads, but
they must (8) __________________ attention to the type of path they are on. Some paths are
only designed for people who are (9) __________________ foot, so if you are cycling on these,
be careful (10) __________________ to endanger pedestrians. On any other path, you should
still respect walkers and be careful when you are passing horse riders.

Other things which you are asked to do are to close gates behind you, (11) _________________
that farm animals cannot escape, and to take your rubbish home with you. Always
(12) __________________ someone know where you are going and carry the right equipment
and clothing for unexpected weather conditions.
B2 Making Money From Being On TV LIU052

Read the text about how to make money from being on TV. Use the word in brackets
to form a new word that fits into each blank.

You can make a career from being on (1) ____________________ (REAL) TV. Some of these
television programmes will pay you to appear in their shows, others will reward the (2)
____________________ (WIN) in some other way. How (3) _____________ (SUCCEED) you are
depends on how good your (4) ____________________ (PERFORM) is because, after all, these
shows are all about (5) __________________ (ENTERTAIN). Other opportunities include being
asked to make an (6) ____________________ (APPEAR) on other television programmes.

The disadvantages are, (7) ____________________ (FIRST), that you have to beat all the other
(8) ____________________ (COMPETE) and in programmes like Big Brother the (9) _____________
(PRODUCE) will be filming you 24 hours a day. At some stage of the programme, you are
bound to say or do something you may not be (10) ____________________ (PARTICULAR)
proud of when you later come out of that (11) ____________________ (USUAL) situation.

No one, other than the other (12) ____________________ (CONTEST) will know how extreme
the situation was and may not empathize with you. If you are (13) ____________________
(FORTUNE) you may achieve celebrity status, but it may not be the kind that you desire.
B2 The Dead Sea LIU053

Choose the best option for each blank.

The Dead Sea is (1) ___________________ where the River Jordan ends, just 24 kilometres east
of Jerusalem. It is actually a lake. It (2) ___________________ for about 74 kilometres and is 16
kilometres wide, so it is quite small but (3) ___________________ deep - about 300 metres.

(4) ___________________, the Dead Sea was about the same size as today. Then the climate of
the area changed and became wetter. This change (5) ___________________ the Dead Sea to
grow longer. However, after some time, the climate changed again, and the lake returned
to its original size and (6) ___________________.

The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest lakes in the world. One litre of seawater may (7)
___________________ up to 327 grams of salt. With so much salt in the water, no fish or flora
can survive in the Dead Sea. (8) ___________________, for people who love swimming, it's the
ideal place to (9) ___________________. And the salt in the water makes it easy to swim
without any (10) ___________________ at all!

There is not much rainfall in this place of the world. It usually rains only between October
and March. The temperatures vary (11) ___________________ on the area you look at. In the
northern parts of the Dead Sea winter temperatures reach only about 14° C; however, in
August it can get up to 34 °C in the south. The highest (12) ___________________ temperature
for this region is 51 °C.

Nearly twenty years ago there was a (13) ___________________ to build a canal between the
Dead Sea and the Mediterranean. This would make the (14) ___________________ of the water
in the Dead Sea go up. However, the cost of doing this is so (15) ___________________ that the
project cannot go ahead yet.

Coastline of the Dead Sea

Eduard Marmet, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
1 found situated set placed

2 ranges spreads covers extends

3 widely somewhat surely extremely

4 Originally Finally Firstly Eventually

5 led brought affected caused

6 outline shape nature structure

7 consist comprise contain exclude

8 Besides However Additionally Also

9 reduce ease calm relax

10 try sweat force effort

11 varying depending changing differing

12 recorded detailed taped proven

13 strategy design plan sketch

14 ground level point amount

15 enormous giant vast extensive
B2 Polar Bears LIU054

Choose the best option for each blank.

Polar bears are in (1) ___________________ of dying out. (2) ___________________ some other
endangered animals, it's not hunters that are the problem, it's climate change. Since 1979, the ice
cap at the Arctic Circle where polar bears live has (3) ___________________ in size by about 30 per cent.
The temperature in the Arctic has slowly been (4) ___________________ and this is (5)
___________________ the sea ice to melt, endangering the polar bears' home.

The polar bears' main (6) ___________________ of food are the different types of seal found in the
Arctic. They catch them by waiting next to the air holes the seals have
(7) ___________________ in the ice. (8) ___________________ the bears are very strong swimmers, they
could never catch seals in the water. This means that the bears (9) ___________________ do rely on the
ice to hunt.

Polar bears also need sea ice to travel. They can (10) ___________________ a huge territory and often
swim from one part of the ice to another. They have been (11) ___________________ to swim up to
100km, but when there is less ice, they may have to swim further, and this can (12) ________________
fatal to the bears. A number of bears have drowned in the last few years and scientists believe that
it is because they were not able to (13) ___________________ more sea ice before they became too
tired and couldn't swim any further.

1 threat warning risk danger

2 Unlike Compared Opposite Different

3 reduced cut shortened lost

4 lifting rising gaining advancing

5 creating turning causing resulting

6 origins means materials sources

7 placed made put set

8 Despite As Although Even

9 properly surely fully really

10 cover spread extend pass

11 experienced noticed known taught

12 happen come end prove

13 reach land get achieve
B2 NASA Discovers Star System With Eight Planets LIU055

Read the text about NASA's new discovery. Some of the lines are correct. Some have
a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to the line. If the line
is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been done for you.

1 NASA has discovered the eighth planet of a star system, is is

2 similar to our solar system. The star, named Kepler-90 is ✓

3 over 2,500 light years away and larger and hotter than only

4 our sun. It is the first star not known to have as many planets

5 as our solar system. The Kepler-90 star system is more than

6 compact than our solar system. The outermost planet orbits

7 the star at about the same distance as such the Earth orbits

8 the sun. Its inner planets are small and rocky while the outer

9 ones are being larger and made up of gas.

10 The newly discovered planet, Kepler-90i, is called the third

11 celestial object in the star system. While it is rocky and similar

12 to our Earth, but if because of its closeness to its home star

13 has an average surface temperature of about 400° C. It moves

14 around the star both once every 14.4 days.

15 The discovery was made based up on data provided by the

16 Kepler Space Telescope. Launched in March 2009, the telescope

17 has constantly been scanning always certain parts of the

18 universe in the search of new stars and planetary systems.

19 Up to now, over 2000 new worlds have just been discovered.
B2 Reading E-books In Your Holidays? LIU056

Complete the text with ONE word that fits into each gap.

Holidays are made for reading – at least that is how many (1) ______________ us think of
them. Spending hours in a park or at a beach with a summer read is something we are (2)
______________ to. However, the way we do it (3) ______________ changed considerably. During
the last decade, there has (4) ______________ a trend towards e-books (5) ______________ of
printed editions.

The advantages of carrying (6) ______________ a light electronic device instead of several
kilos of paper when travelling are obvious. New-generation e-book readers (7) _____________
store thousands of books and make millions of titles available at your fingertips. If we add
the disappearance of free check-in luggage imposed by budget airlines, the decision could
(8) ______________ be clearer.

Uncertainties come (9) ______________ we look at the ecological side. A recently published
report on e-book devices states (10) ______________ a book uses up approximately 7.46
kilograms of CO2 during its lifetime. One e-book device, (11) ______________ average, can
replace buying 22 physical books and save about 170 kilograms of CO2 per year.

What the report does not (12) ______________ into account, however, is that a book can
(13) ______________ hundreds of years and be passed on to several readers. What’s more, it
can be recycled (14) ______________ another book.

E-books are also criticized for destroying any trace of the author. A cover can tell a lot
about a story, or even the writer’s personality, as can the texture, colour and font size of
the printed page. In contrast, on an e-book, you (15) ______________ a recipe for a pie or a
thriller in the same standard format.
B2 Atlantis – The Lost Civilisation LIU057

Read the text about the lost continent, Atlantis. Some of the lines are correct. Some
have a word that shouldn’t be there. Write this word in the box next to the line. If
the line is correct put a tick (✓) in the box. The first two lines have been done for you.

1 There are many theories as to so what happened to the so

2 legendary world of Atlantis. Debates on whether or not ✓

3 the ancient civilisation has existed at all have been

4 going on for decades ago. While some say the island was

5 an invention of the Greek philosopher Plato, others even

6 regard Atlantis as having been a real continent that never

7 was destroyed by a natural disaster.

8 Those who believe in Atlantis claim them that it was a

9 highly advanced culture, but are not being sure about its

10 exact location and size. There are others who think

11 that Atlantis is an ancient civilisation that may have been

12 existed in many places on the earth.

13 Despite of all the theories it is hard to believe that

14 Atlantis was a lost land and that simply disappeared from

15 the face of the earth. People, however, like to believe

16 in mysteries that cannot be explained enough.
B2 Education TOP001

Vocabulary: Education. Fill in the correct words from the box. There are more words
than you will need.

1. Parents who educate their children at home do not have to follow

the national ______________________ .
2. In the UK education is ______________________ from 5 to 16.
3. Some parents send their children to a ______________________
school, where they only come home at weekends. compulsory

4. In many schools, teachers and pupils have unlimited ______________ curriculum

to the Internet. entrance
5. Some pupils interrupt their studies and go on a ___________________
year abroad.
6. In America, 11 or 12-year-old pupils enter ____________________ high
schools. foreign

7. Many schools offer ______________________ activities, in which gap

students can take part in interesting subjects after school. grade
8. In Great Britain ______________________ students prepare for their A-
levels and do not have to wear uniforms anymore.
9. In some subjects students have to take ______________________
exams if they want to study at the university. junior
10. When you ______________________ from school you can do extra nursery
training or find a job.
11. In England private schools are also called independent or
______________________ schools.
12. Pupils spend their first four to six years of education in sixth form

______________________ schools. term

13. The ______________________ is in charge of all administrative vocational
functions at school.
14. In many countries, families send their children to a _______________
school or kindergarten before primary education starts.
15. Some schools offer at least three ______________________ languages
to choose from.
B2 Crime and the Law TOP002

Complete the sentences with words and phrases from the list.

1. If a jury __________________ someone, it means they don’t find acquits

them guilty of a crime.
2. When a person is charged with a crime and goes before a
judge, they must enter a _________________ of guilty or not guilty. charged with
3. If a jury doesn’t agree on a ___________________, it is referred to as commit
a __________________ jury, and the case will be _______________ again.
death row
4. If you are ___________________ when you ____________________ a
crime, it means you are carrying a weapon. defence
5. In the trial of the century, football star O.J. Simpson was
district attorney
________________________ killing his ex-wife.
6. When an ________________ is released from prison, they are executed
placed on __________________ for a specific length of time to make felony
sure their behaviour is good.
7. People who commit a series of crimes are known as ____________
offenders. inmate
8. If I _________________ a crime, I saw what happened. insanity
9. In a criminal trial there are two sides: the ___________________ and
the ______________________. lethal injection
10. The lawyer who works for the state is the ______________________. misdemeanour
11. A ___________________ is considered to be a serious crime, whereas
a ______________________ is less serious.
12. The place in prison where an inmate awaits their execution is plea
called ______________________. probation
13. There are several methods of execution. The most common is
14. California ____________________ the death penalty in 1977, but it reinstated
wasn’t until 1992 that an inmate was ____________________.
15. The lawyer __________________ to the question because he thought
it was irrelevant. research
16. In an important ____________________ it may take some time to find trial
the right jurors.
17. The lawyer used ____________________ as a defence strategy.
18. In every case, lawyers must do a lot of ____________________ work verdict
before a trial can begin.
B2 Environment TOP003

Complete the sentences using a word from the box for each blank.



1. The organisation focuses on animal _______________________ and the protection of

endangered wildlife.
2. Melting _______________________ have increased in Arctic and Antarctic waters.
3. Global _______________________ refers to an increase in the world’s temperature caused
by increased amounts of carbon dioxide.
4. A _______________________ car has both a diesel engine and an electric motor.
5. The largest source of _______________________ emissions comes from the release of
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
6. Chemical _______________________ are substances that contain nutrients for the growth of
7. The disaster produced a three-square mile _______________________ slick off the coast of
8. _______________________ change has led to the rise of sea levels around the world.
9. The report said that _______________________ rain is the main factor causing the death of
many trees.
10. A new _______________________ farm was set up to produce electricity for the densely
populated region.
11. _______________________ power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity.
12. We can reduce our carbon _______________________ by buying home-grown food.
13. Industrial _______________________ is often buried in the ground or dumped in landfills.
14. The members of the committee agreed that an increase in _______________________
energy must be achieved at all costs.
15. Tigers, snow leopards and sea turtles are among the most _______________________
species in the world.
16. Illegal _______________________ has led to the destructions of large areas of rainforest in
the Amazon region.
17. The report says that oil _______________________ will last for at least another 50 years.
18. _______________________ gases only make up a small part of the earth’s atmosphere.
19. The most important _______________________ fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
20. _______________________ development refers to using resources in a way that will leave
enough for future generations.
B2 Health and Medicine TOP004

Complete the sentences using a word from the box for each blank.



1. The Red Cross has urged the population to give ____________________ whenever possible.
2. Dr Jones was the best surgeon able to ____________________ such a difficult operation.
3. If you're on ____________________ you shouldn't drink any alcohol.
4. Take aspirin three times a day. It will help ____________________ the pain.
5. After being treated for over three weeks, he was ____________________ from hospital
6. Doctors in developing countries often don't have enough supplies to treat severe
7. The patient hasn't regained ____________________ yet, so we'll have to wait and see what
happens next.
8. Everyone in the family has gone down with the ____________________.
9. The injury was pretty bad, but the doctors expect him to make a full ___________________.
10. Many patients don't ____________________ to such an aggressive treatment.
11. The disease was highly ____________________, so they put everyone into quarantine.
12. When the painkillers start to ____________________ off, you'll feel soreness back.
13. This is the second nervous ____________________ she's had this year.
14. Dad got an ____________________ stomach because he probably ate some spoilt food.
15. Up to now, research hasn't found a ____________________ for the disease.
16. I got the ____________________ from my doctor, so I went to the next pharmacy to get the
17. She's only got a ____________________ nose and a sore throat, otherwise she's OK.
18. Her situation was so critical that she had to spend a few days in intensive _____________.
19. She suffers from ____________________, especially when the weather changes a lot.
20. Although the patient is still in critical condition the doctors expect him to pull
B2 Connectives and Linking Words CON001

Fill in the correct connectives and linking words from the list below.



1. ____________________ Dad comes home from work he has to lie down on the sofa

________________ he is tired.

2. Jerry had a bad headache yesterday, _______________ he couldn’t come to football


3. This is Jimmy’s new mountain bike, ____________________ he got from his parents. He locks

it up every evening _______________________ nobody can steal it.

4. ____________________ Samantha was tired, she watched TV until well after midnight.

5. First, cut out the pictures, ____________________ paste them into your book.

6. I would like to learn Chinese. ____________________, I don’t know anyone who can teach


7. ____________________ we were driving through the countryside, we saw many picturesque


8. The Hemingways are our neighbours ____________________ our friends.

9. You can have _______________ tea ____________ coffee for breakfast. What would you like?

10. ____________________ being a great skier, only few people outside of Europe know him.

11. ____________________ the hike up the mountains we saw a lot of deer.

12. ________________ you finish the essay by tomorrow you won’t be able to get a good mark.

13. _______________ my father _______________ my mother will be able to attend the meeting


14. He likes all kinds of sports, ____________________ skiing, hockey and volleyball.
B2 Connectives and Linking Words CON002

Fill in the correct connectives and linking words from the list.

1. __________________ we were driving through the Lake District, we

saw many picturesque villages. although

2. __________________ having lost only one match this season, we
as well as
didn’t win the championship.
3. Flight attendants who apply for a job must be able to speak
__________________ English and Spanish.
due to
4. I started learning Chinese ________________ my stay in the Far East.
5. This is Jimmy’s new bike, __________________ he got from his
even though
parents. He locks it up every evening __________________ nobody
can steal it.
in addition
6. She gets up early __________________ be in time for work.
in order to
7. The climate in South Africa is perfect. It’s __________________ too
neither … nor
hot __________________ too cold.
so that
8. This cell phone tariff costs 8 cents per minute, __________________

the other one offers a flat rate. therefore

9. __________________ my father likes country music, he rarely listens whereas

to it on the radio. which

10. __________________ to the six air bags, the car also has a built-in while

security system.

11. The company manufactures cars __________________ motorcycles.

12. __________________ we hadn’t eaten for over twelve hours, we weren’t very hungry.

13. My sister invited me to her party. __________________, I was so busy I had to tell her I

couldn’t come.

14. I arrived late for the performance __________________ a traffic jam on the motorway.

15. He spent most of his time playing with his friends. __________________, he wasn’t well-

prepared for the exam.
B2 Connectives and Linking Words CON003

Fill in the correct connectives and linking words from the list. There may be more
than one answer in some sentences.



1. Sea levels will probably rise in the next few decades __________________________ of global


2. I hope he drives carefully, __________________________ he may have problems on such a

slippery road.

3. The president was not a very popular leader. __________________________, his resignation

did not come as a surprise.

4. Our economy will not improve this year. __________________________, all projections show

that it will get worse.

5. The couple broke up a few days ago. __________________________, they are still living

together because of the children.

6. __________________________ it was a wonderful place to go skiing, not many tourists found

their way there.

7. The scientist studied the behaviour of various animals, __________________________ whales

and dolphins.

8. __________________________ we have to fight against environmental problems, but

__________________________ we need more and more energy every day.

9. I think he’s asleep. __________________________ his eyes are closed.

10. The candidate didn’t quite meet the necessary requirements. __________________________,

he failed.

11. Please take some warm clothes with you, just _______________________ it gets cold at night.

12. The report will be finished soon. __________________________, let’s get some coffee.
B2 Connectives and Linking Words CON004

Fill in the correct connectives and linking words from the list. There may be more
than one answer in some sentences.



1. Take your camera with you, just _____________________ mine doesn't work.
2. _____________________ having muscle problems, the defender was able to play.
3. Bring an umbrella with you _____________________ it rains tomorrow.
4. Skiing is a safe sport _____________________ you obey the rules on the slope.
5. All flights to and from London have been cancelled _____________________ fog.
6. They arrived in time for the meeting _____________________ having to travel in bad weather.
7. I like travelling by underground, _____________________ it gets pretty crowded during rush
8. She has been living in the country her whole life. _____________________, she has decided
she wants a change and plans on moving to the city.
9. We had a wonderful time in Barcelona. _____________________, transport workers were on
strike so we couldn't use the underground.
10. _____________________ life was hard during the war, we managed to survive.
11. _____________________ heavy traffic on the motorway, we couldn't make it in time.
12. _____________________ of the low temperatures during the winter, Moscow is always worth
13. I can't come now _____________________ the children are ill, and I have to look after them.
14. The economy collapsed, _____________________ the government had to resign.
15. You may go out with your friends tonight, _____________________ you never go alone and
stay with them all the time.
16. I already knew a lot about cybersecurity. _____________________, the lecture was quite
B2 Prepositions PREP001

Fill in the correct prepositions from the list below.


1. Those trousers went ______________ fashion many years ago.

2. We heard about the natural disaster ______________ the news.

3. I was ______________ the impression that we didn't want to offend him .

4. Unemployment is _________________ the increase in many European countries.

5. I don't know ______________ certain , but I think she's on leave at the moment.

6. There was nothing there anymore , so we had to start ______________ scratch.

7. I ran ______________ my old teacher the other day. It was nice to meet him again.

8. The unexpected success of the company took us ______________ surprise.

9. All trains leaving from platform 4 are ______________ time.

10. ______________ my opinion, she must be the greatest athlete of all times.

11. There is a big ceremony being held ______________ honour of the killed soldiers.

12. I'm sorry. I must have done it ______________ mistake.

13. She waved me good-bye until our car was ______________ sight.

14. I am not allowed to give them any alcohol. They are all ______________ age.

15. He told us ______________ brief what he wanted to do , but didn't go into much detail.

16. Jack has gone to New York ______________ business.

17. You must be tired . Why don't you take a break ______________ a change.

18. We have to be there ______________ ten at the latest. Otherwise, they won't let us in.

19. My mother is suffering ______________ cancer and there is not much hope for her.

20. They had to translate the document from English ______________ Spanish.
B2 Prepositions PREP002

Fill in the correct prepositions from the list below.


1. Smoking in public places is _________________ the law in many countries.

2. The boss looked _________________ on him arrogantly.

3. Many products sold at the market have been carefully manufactured _________________


4. Many of the trains leaving London are currently running _________________ schedule.

5. We were terrified _________________ fear when we saw what had happened.

6. They can't afford very much because they must live _________________ the father's small


7. Many species in the Amazon rain forest are _________________ risk of becoming extinct.

8. A large part of the Netherlands lies _________________ sea level.

9. My sister has been suffering _________________ a nervous breakdown over the past few


10. When the interview was over the journalist asked the politician a few things

_________________ the record.

11. Strawberries are not _________________ season at the moment, so we'll have to use other


12. You'll have to call an ambulance. There are no doctors _________________ duty right now.

13. There are a few islands just miles _________________ the coast.

14. If global warming continues _________________ the present rate sea levels will rise very


15. I'm sorry. I lost the documents _________________ accident. I didn't do it _________________

B2 Prepositions PREP003

Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1. The headmaster is ______________ good terms with his whole teaching staff.

2. She was completely ______________ breath when she crossed the finish line.

3. All of the carpets on display were made ______________ hand.

4. After we passed the last bend the city finally came ______________ sight.

5. The teacher handed ______________ the test sheets and the students started to work.

6. The sign says: “Beware ______________ the dog!”

7. Every day millions of people travel ______________ plane.

8. The doctor told me to give ______________ smoking, otherwise I would have serious

health problems.

9. My sister is suffering ______________ cancer. She’s only got a few more months.

10. The old man died ______________ a heart attack.

11. The ski resort lies 1600 metres ______________ sea level.

12. They couldn’t walk ______________ the bridge because it had been completely destroyed.

13. A really good friend never lets you ______________ .

14. It’s ridiculous to wear such clothes. They’ve been ______________ fashion for a long time.

15. I wanted to speak to the person ______________ charge of security matters.

16. Why are you so mad ______________ me? I haven’t done anything wrong.

17. Those paintings ______________ the wall date back to the 16th century.

18. When I saw how disappointed he was after the game I felt sorry ______________ him.

19. The group of men were rescued ______________ the flood with the help of helicopters.

20. It’s freezing. It must be 20° ______________ zero.

21. It was called the greatest show ______________ earth.

22. The doctor pointed ______________ that there might be complications during such an


23. She never cared ______________ her father. Now she doesn’t want to see him anymore.

24. The lawyer accused him ______________ stealing all the money.

25. She was surprised ______________ the girl’s aggressive behaviour.
B2 Prepositions PREP004

Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1. The relationship _______________ the two boys has changed significantly over the past few


2. In India, many girls get married _______________ an early age.

3. I’m not _______________ the mood for such silly games.

4. There were no security personnel _______________ duty at that time.

5. The new smartphone is similar _______________ the one I bought a few years ago.

6. My dad insisted _______________ taking the later train.

7. People ____________ ambition always try to achieve their goals, no matter what happens.

8. Mr Jenkins has been disabled all his life as a result _______________ a childhood illness.

9. We bought the TV because it was _______________ sale.

10. She has no understanding _______________ how computers really work.

11. I gave him my new T-shirt in exchange _______________ a few cigarettes.

12. The company is run _______________ two people who hardly ever meet.

13. All the celebrations and parties were called ______________ because of the tragic accident.

14. There was a great need _______________ volunteers at the site of the crash.

15. Maria is not sure _______________ her new job offer. She is still undecided.

16. She was disgusted with her weight problem, so she decided to go _______________ a diet.

17. Requests for additional seats must be made _______________ writing.

18. We’ve been waiting for over half an hour. She’s never _______________ time.

19. I can always count _______________ him to help me when I’m in trouble.

20. _______________ now on, nobody will be allowed to go out during the test.

21. He succeeded _______________ convincing his boss that it was the right thing to do.

22. It’s difficult to see the moon _______________ day.

23. The world population will have reached over 8 billion _______________ the year 2050.

24. She apologised _______________ not telling me the whole truth about her affair.

25. The maths test was a great challenge. It took me _______________ an hour to finish.
B2 Prepositions PREP005

Complete the phrases with the correct prepositions.

AT – FOR - IN – OF – ON – TO - WITH

1. to be excellent __________ something

2. he is experienced __________ writing emails
3. ashamed __________ having failed
4. concentrate __________ something important
5. an answer __________ the question
6. proud __________ his son
7. famous __________ breath-taking sights
8. supply the customers __________ the right products
9. succeed __________ making a lot of money
10. similar __________ mine
11. respected __________ being an honest politician
12. deal __________ the problem later
13. keen __________ going to the cinema
14. sorry __________ having done something wrong
15. provide her __________ everything she needs
16. responsible __________ employing new workers
17. an expert __________ astronomy
18. fond __________ romantic films
19. congratulate him __________ his success
20. interested __________ pursuing a career
21. capable __________ getting to the top
22. to take pride __________ what you do
23. to be short __________ money
24. praise her __________ doing such a good job
25. cooperate __________ the competitor

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