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Acxc mrnll Vol. 33. No 7. pp. 1293-1305.1985 0001-616085 53.00+ 0.

Prmtcd I" Greal Br~tam All nghts reserved Copqrighl c 1985 Pergamon PressLtd


lnstitut fiir Festkiirperphysik. UniversiM Wien. Strudlhofg. 4. A-1090 Wien. Austria

(Received 24 September 1984; in revised ,form 14 December 1984)

Ahtract-In undeformed h.c.p. Co a large density of grown-in dislocations and stacking faults is observed
at room temperature. They lie on basal planes and are formed during the phase transformation when
growing the single crystals. The density of I, faults is by about two orders of magnitude larger than the
density of E faults. In-situ experiments are used to determine the stacking fault energy 7 of I, faults as
a function of temperature. In bright field images the asymmetric splitting of glide dislocations is studied,
which lie inclined to the foil; from this splitting the value of ;’ is deduced. The experimental results show
that y decreases with increasing temperature yielding a value of ‘J = 3.0 + 1.5 mJ/m’ at 425’C. and that
an increasing number of dislocations, indicating ‘J 5 0, is observed in the temperature range 430-450X.
The transformation on heating of the bulk specimen occurs at 433 +- 5’C. The very low value of ;’ which
is found near the transformation temperature agrees very well with theory. This is contrary to previous
results where even at SOO’Cthe value of y did not drop below I5 mJ/m!.

R&urn&On observe g la temptrature ambiante, dans le Co h.c. non dCformC, une forte densit de
dislocations et de dCfauts d’empilement. 11ssont situ& dans les plans de base et se ferment pendant la
transformation de phases au tours de la croissance des monocristraux. La densit de dCfauts I, est plus
grande d’environ deux ordres de grandeur que la densitt de difauts E. Nous avons determine 21l’aide
d’exp&iences in situ I’Cnergie de difaut d’empilement ; des fautes 1: en fonction de la temp&ature. Nous
ttudions la dissociation dissymitrique des dislocations glissiles en champ clair; nous en dirduisons la valeur
de 7. Nos r&ultats exp&imentaux montrent que ;’ diminue lorsqu’on augmente la temp&ature, ce qui
conduit P une valeur 7 = 3,0 + I.5 mJ/m’ P 425’C. et que I’on observe un nombre croissant de dislocations
entre 430 et 450-C. ce qui montre que ; 5 0. La transformation au tours du chauffage d’un khantillon
massif se produit d 433 + 5’C. La tris faible valeur de ;’ que I’on trouve au voisinage de la temptrature
de transformation. est en trCs bon accord avec la theorie. Ceci est contraire P des r&hats anttrieurs dans
lesquels meme i 5OO’C la valeur de y ne tombait pas au-dessous de 15 mJ/m’.

Zusammenfassung-In unverfonntem h.d.p. Co wird bei Raumtemperatur eine hohe Dichte ein-
gewachsener Versetzungen und Stapelfehler beobachtet. Sie liegen in Basisebenen und entstehen w&hrend
der Phasenumwandlung bei der Einkristallherstellung. Die Dichte der I,-Fehler ist urn ungefiihr zwei
Griilknordnungen hBher als die Dichte der E-Fehler. Durch in-siru-Experimente wird die Sta-
pelfehierenergie ;’ der I,-Fehler als Funktion der Temperatur bestimmt. In Hellfeldbildern wird die
asymmetrische Aufspaltung von Gleitversetzungen, die geneigt in der Folie liegen, untersucht und aus
dieser Aufspaltung der Wert von ;I bestimmt. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse zeigen, daD ; mit steigender
Temperatur abnimmt und bei 425’C den Wert 7 = 3.0 & 1.5 mJ,‘m? erreicht. Eine zunehmende Zahl von
Versetzungen, die 7 5 0 ergeben, wird im Temperaturbereich 430 bis 45O’C beobachtet. Beim Aufbeizen
der massiven Probe findet die Umwandlung bei 433 + 5’C statt. Der sehr niedrige Wert von ;’ nahe der
Umwandlungstemperatur stimmt sehr gut mit der Theorie tiberein. Dies steht im Gegensatz zu friiheren
Ergebnissen, in denen 7 sogar bei SOO’Cnicht unter lSmJ/m? absank.

1. INTRODUCTION value of the stacking fault energy ;’ play a main role

in all the models describing this simplest case of a
Pure Co has a martensitic phase transformation martensitic transformation (for a review see [4]). To
(f.c.c.Mh.c.p.), and since the transformation tem- a first approximation y should be proportional to the
perature T, = 420°C (mean value of heating and difference in free energy between the two phases.
cooling experiments for the bulk material) is quite Therefore when the temperature approaches the
below the melting point (1495°C) it is difficult to grow phase boundary, y should decrease and be zero at T,.
single crystals [I]. The density of the grown-in stack- Contrary to this, previous TEM results report that 7
ing faults and dislocations is rather high [2,3]. The does not go below 18 mJim? at the transition point
characteristic structure of the grown-in dislocations is [5]. As it is difficult to understand this disagreement,
caused by the phase transformation and is studied by it is also the purpose of this paper to investigate
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) methods in carefully the change of y as a function of temperature.
the first part of this paper. To achieve this the non-parallel dissociation of dis-
As the phase transformation takes place between locations inclined to the foil is studied in single
the two close packed lattices, stacking faults and the cr> stalline specimens.

Table I. Burgers vectors of perfecf and oartial dislocations Table 2 The Isotropic elastic constants
C and 1 for the basal plane at \anous
Perfect dislocations Pamal dislocations
a= I3~1lzo) p= l3(IToo)
T( C) G(GPa) 1
c= (0001) c2=12(0001>
e+a= 13(lf23) P 2 + p = i ,6<2?03> IS0 69 1 0.421
300 65.4 0 430
350 63.4 0.435
423 48.7 0 465


2.1. Low-energ), type stacking faults in the h.c.p. values are higher than the cf$ ones but the difference
lattice decreases with increasing temperature. We assume
In the h.c.p. lattice three kinds of low-energy type that at lower temperatures the absolute values of c!&
stacking faults (i.e. they do not disturb nearest- are correct; for the extrapolation to higher tem-
neighbour packing) can occur in the stacking se- peratures (dashed line in Fig. 1) we take into account:
quence of the basal planes: two intrinsic faults (I, and (i) the sharp decrease of the CL values and (ii) the
Ir) and one extrinsic fault (E) [6]. The faults I,, I2 and decrease of the difference between c; and c;.
E are bounded by partial dislocations with Burgers As the basal plane of h.c.p. crystals is isotropic [9]
vectors p + c/2. p and cj2, respectively (see Table 1). it is convenient to use isotropic elasticity theory for
Only I? faults but not I, and E faults can be formed the calculation of the equilibrium separation L of
by shear since the latter have a Burgers vector with partial dislocations which lie in the basal plane. In
a component lying outside the plane of the fault, In this plane the isotropic elastic constants G and Y
pure Co the ratio of the lattice parameters (Poisson’s ratio) were determined using the formula
c/a = 1.623 (at room temperature) is very close to the 161.
ideal value of 1.633. Gp’ (2 - r)
;‘L =-
*n -(l-F)
2.2. Elastic constants of h.c.p. Co
The value of 7 can be determined from the dis- assuming two different values for 6 (character of the
sociation of the partials when the elastic constants of total dislocation measured from screw to edge) since
Co are known. Contrary to other common metals the yt can also be determined within the framework of
elastic constants of Co are not well documented in the the anisotropic elasticity theory [IO, 1I] using the
literature, especially for temperatures near the phase above mentioned constants. In Table 2 the values of
transformation. Fisher and Dever [7] used ultrasonic G and 1’are given for different temperatures.
wave velocity measurements to obtain the elastic
constants of Co in the temperature range -269’ to 2.3. The ecaluation of y from the shape of inclined
+ 25O’C. At higher temperatures excessive acoustic dislocations showing non -parallel dissociation
attenuation makes it impossible to obtain values of From the splitting width of the Shockley partials
the constants with the exception of c3s which was the value of 7 can be determined rather directly. To
measured up to F, and decreases about linearly. resolve the parallel partials in Co at room tem-
fn the case of c,r, c,r and cu we extrapolate linearly perature it is necessary to apply the weak-beam
the values given by Fisher and Dever (cf. Table 6 and method of TEM, and exposure times of about 30s.
Fig. 6 of [7]). in the case of c,,, which is proportional have to be used; from the splitting width of the
to the shear modulus G measurements made by partials 7 = 27 k 4 ml/m’ is deduced [12]. The rather
neutron scattering are available [8]. These c’&values low stability of the heating holder, the single tilt and
are shown together with the c& values (stemming the magnetic properties of Co made it necessary to
from ultrasonic measurements [7]) in Fig. 1. The c& use a different method to evaluate y from the in situ
heating experiments. Glide dislocations which are
inclined to the foil have a characteristic non-parallel
dissociation of their partials [13]. In this case the
partials can be resolved even by bright field images,
since their splitting at the surface can be several times
larger than the splitting width of dislocations which
lie parallel to the foil. Therefore it is possible to
evaluate 7 by comparing the observed non-parallel
configurations with calculated ones. To find the
equilibrium configuration the energy minimum of the
0 100 200 300 400
whole configuration (partials and stacking fault) is
Tf'Cl determined [ 131. Several assumptions which facilitate
Fig. 1. The elastic constant c,, is shown as a function of
the calculation are made: (i) the partials are assumed
temperature; c& and c& are taken from [8] and [7], re- to be straight, (ii) interaction image forces are
spectively. c; is extrapolated as described in the text. neglected, (iii) the glide plane is assumed to be


The single crystals were grown from polycrystalline

rods (70 mm long, 5 mm dia; purity 5 N) supplied by
Johnson, Mathey Ltd. The phase transformation
makes it difficult to grow single crystals, which are
more than 20mm long. To achieve this a modified
Bridgman technique was applied [l]. A “soft” mould
of A&O, is used, and in a first step a f.c.c. single
crystal is grown under vacuum ( < 10m3Pa) at a speed
of 60 mm/h and afterwards cyclically annealed for
about 50 h to reduce the dislocation density. In a
---ST-- --d- -“-A-- b0ttomsecond step the crystal is passed over the phase
transfo~ation from about 1400°C to room tem-
perature at a speed of 30mm/h. This takes into
account that the chances to get a h.c.p. crystal are
better when the temperature gradient is large during
the phase transformation [ 141. In our case the proba-
bility to get a single crystal of more than 50mm
length was about 10%. Additionally to these crystals
one crystal which was made by the Czochralski
method and supplied by Metals Research Ltd
(Cambridge, England) was used in this study.
It should be pointed out that only one crystal was
deformed in tension (see Section 4.2.2.), all others
30 66 191 were investigated in the as-grown state.
150 300 425 TPC] Using a spark cutter the crystals were sectioned
13 8 3 7 [mJ/m*] either parallel to the basal plane or 30” inclined to it.
Fig. 2. Examples of calculated equilibrium configurations of TEM foils were prepared by standard jet technique
dissociated dislocations which lie on a glide plane perpendic- (33% H2S04 and 67% H,O at room temperature), and
ular to the foil. In this case the shortest line of the for the final polishing a solution of 1% HClO,, and
dislocation is equal to the foil thickness and is taken 250 nm. 99% CH,OH was used at -70°C. Discs which have
Dislocations tiih different initial 6, (0, 30, 60 and 90”) are
considered. Three cases of different values of Y (13, 8 and a diameter of only 1 mm were made to reduce the
3 mJ/m’) are shown using the appropriate elasiic‘constants astigmatism. The foils were examined at 100 kV in a
(corresponding to 150, 300 and 425°C respectively). The Philips EM 300; a double tilt holder was used at room
hatched regions mark the I2 faults. The splitting widths at temperature and a single tilt heating holder for the
both surfaces of the foil and the inclination of the partials
annealing experiments. In this case the temperature
are indicated.
was measured using a thermocouple supplied with the
holder and calibrated by Philips. It is difficult to judge
perpendicular to the foil and (iv) surface relaxations the temperature of the specimen since it might be
bending the TEM foil are ignored. lower (about 3-5°C) than the one of the thermo-
Figure 2 shows some examples of calculated equi- couple; but it is safe to assume that the relative
librium configurations of dissociated dislocations temperatures are correct.
which lie on a glide plane perpendicular to the foil.
Dislocations with different initial character 6, = 0,30, 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
60 and 90” are considered (6, is the angle between the
Burgers vector of the total dislocation and the short-
est line in the glide plane). The elastic constants given The grown-in dislocation structure of undeformed
in Table 2 are used for the temperatures 150, 300 and crystals is studied at room temperature. Figure 3
425°C; the value of y is assumed to be 13, 8 and shows a foil parallel to the basal plane. The density
3mJ/m*, respectively. The shortest line of the dis- of the grown-in dislocations is rather high:
location is taken 250 nm. The splitting widths at the 2 t_ 1.5 +lO”/m*, and has a large range of scatter; Fig.
top and bottom surface of the foil are indicated (e.g. 3 shows an area with a relatively high density (about
L, = 22 and L2 = 0.25 nm, respectively). The inclina- 3.4. 10L3/m2). The grown-in dislocations lie in the
tion between the partials and the shortest line is also basal plane and are arranged in bundles and net-
shown (e.g. -2.5 and -2.5”, respectively). For the works. The networks contain several straight dis-
calculation the lattice parameter a = 0.25071 nm [7] locations, which lie along (1120) and are sessile
and the outer cut-off radius R = 1 pm are used and partial dislocations (p f e/2). Some glide dislocations
it is assumed that the minimum separation of the (marked with G) are observed in the neighbourhood
partials is identical with the lattice parameter a. of the networks. It should be mentioned that in foils

Fig. 3. Grown-in dislocation structure of undeformed h.c.p. Co at room temperature. The foil plane is
parallel to the basal plane.

oriented parallel to prism planes only very few, short are of type I, and bounded by partial dislocs
dislocations not lying in the basal plane (with Burgers which he often along (1120) (cf. at A). A few glide
vector c) have been encountered [3]. dislocations G are also observed.
Figure 4 shows a foil which is inclined at 30” to the Figure 5 shows an area which contains I, a.nd E
basal plane. The stacking faults are in contrast; they faults. In Fig. 5(a) (g = [Oil 11) two E fault s are


Fig. 4. Undeformed Co at room temperature; foil plane

inclined at 30 to basal plane. Several I, faults are imaged;
they are frequently bounded by straight partials parallel lo
(I 120) cf. at A.

Fig. 5. Undeformed Co: foil plane inclined at 30. to basal
plane. (a) I, faults and two E faults are imaged (g = [OTI I]:
RT). (b) The E faults are out of contrast (g = [oTII]; RT).
(c) When the temperature is increased one of the E faults
transforms into an I, fault (g = [OTIS]; T = 314 C).

imaged. In Fig. 5(b) (g = [OT12]) they are out of

contrast since their shear vector R = c/2. The faint
fringes which are difficult to avoid in this reflection
can arise from the excitation of nonsystematic
reflections. It car. be excluded that the faint contrast
of the narrow fringes is caused by an additional
distortion of the fault as described by Brooks et al.
[15] since in this case the width of the fringes should
be the same as the one of the other faults. Figure S(c)
(g = [0112], T = 314’C) illustrates the transformation
of an E fault into an I, fault (although this micro-
graph is taken from an annealing experiment it is
(a) included here). One of the E faults [cf. Fig. 5(b)] has

reacted with a p partial and transformed into an I,

The density of I, faults is in the range 1 to 4.106/m;
whereas the density of E faults is by about two orders
of magnitude lower.

4.2. Annealing experiments

4.2.1. Basal plane inclined at 30 to the foil plane
4.2.1. I. Dislocations with initial character 0, = 30”.
Figure 6 (a, b and c) show the same area in an in situ

Fig. 6. Undeformed Co; foil plane inclined at 30 to basal

plane; heating series. I, faults and glide dislocations (initial
character B02 30 ) are imaged. With increasing temperature
their dissociation width increases. (a) 150 C; the 1: faults
bounded by the partials of the glide dislocations are clearly
visible in (b) (3Oo’C) and (c) (425-C).

annealing experiment. The I, faults remain un-

changed whereas the dissociation of the glide
dislocations (I, faults) increases with increasing
temperature. The value of y can be determined by a
comparison with the calculated shapes (cf. Fig. 2). In
Fig. 6(a) (15O’C) the increased dissociation (at one
surface) is just visible: L, = 20 k 5 nm which leads to
y = 13.3 f 1.8mJ/m’. In Fig. 6(b) (300 C) the
I2 faults are clearly visible, the partials bounding
them are rather straight: L, = 56 + 14 nm yields
y = 7.0 k I .2 mJ/m*. The dislocation marked with X
behaves differently. It seems to be hindered by some
obstacle, therefore it was not taken into account. In
Fig. 6(c) the temperature (425°C) is close to the
transformation temperature on heating (Trh); L, =
94 + 24 nm is observed leading to 7 = 3.1 + 0.7 mJ/
m2. The dislocation X shows a normal behaviour
indicating that the obstacle was overcome.
At r,,, = 433 + 5°C the phase transformation takes
place in the thick (bulk) regions of the specimen (it
might correspond to the bulk material since the outer
rim of the specimen is about 0.2-0.3 mm thick). This
transformation is always connected with vigorous
vibrations of the TEM image and a large deflection
of the zero order beam, which is caused by the change
of the magnetic properties.
Figure 7 shows an area close to the one of Fig. 6;
the micrograph was taken at a temperature of 43O’C,
(b) which is about 2’ above Tth of the bulk specimen in

Table 3. Values of 7 at diRerent temperatures

T( C) 7&J/m’) ___. ;&J:m2)
310 6.1 i 2.2 (L2 below resolution)
425 2.9 + I .l 2.3 i 2.1
430 0.2 0.2
455 0.1 * 0.1 0.1 f 0.1
y is deduced from the dissociation of dislocations with 0, = 60 (cf.
Fig. 8) at both foil surfaces (L, and L,. respectively)

Table 4. Values of 7 at 425-C deduced from

dislocations with different 0,
0” y,,(mJ/m’) y,+J/m2)
0 2.7 * 1.7 (No dissociation)
30. 3.1 20.7 (No dissociation)
60 2.9 k 1.7 2.3 ?r 2.7
90 1.9* 1.1 5.1 f 1.2

experimental result is in good agreement with the

calculated equilibrium position where this angle is
22”. In Fig. 8(b) (215°C) the dissociation of the
partials is just visible at the surface and it increases
when the temperature is increased [cf. Fig. 8(c)
(307°C) and Fig. 8(d) (426”(Z)]. Figure 8(a)-(d) and
(f) show the same area (cf. the mark A) whereas in
Fig. 8(e) the area is slightly moved out of place. In
Fig. 8(e) (430°C) the temperature is just below T,h
(434°C) of the bulk specimen in this case. In Fig. 8(f)
(455°C) the value of y in the h.c.p. structure should
be below zero and the I2 faults should therefore
expand through the whole crystal. This is not the case
in Fig. 8(f), the reason might be that in the thin foil
Fig. 7. Undeformed Co; foil plane inclined at 30’ to basal
plane; T = 430 C (2. above the bulk transition temperature
the movement of the partials can be hindered by
of this specimen). The dislocations (A and B) bounding Iz surface contamination.
faults show a different behaviour. A is undissociated at one The results of Fig. 8 are summarized in Table 3.
foil surface while B is split at both surfaces (the latter From the observed values L, and L2 the values yL,
indicates ;’ I 0). The splitting width increased during the and yL2are deduced, respectively.
exposure time. Dislocations with initial character 0, = 0
and 90”. At 425°C (just below Tth) micrographs were
this case. The dislocations bounding the I2 faults taken of dislocations with B,,= 0 and 90”, re-
show a different behaviour. At A the partials are still spectively. When screw dislocations (0, = 0’) lie along
closed at one surface; from the dissociation at the shortest line in the glide plane, they dissociate at
the other surface L, = 140 +_ 1Onm the value one surface only (cf. Fig. 2). In the case of edge
7 = 0.2 f 0.2 mJ/ m* can be deduced. Whereas at B dislocations the partials dissociate at both surfaces
the partials are widely separated and the dissociation and are frequently bent.
width doubled during the exposure time; this leads to The values of y which were deduced for 425°C are
y I 0 mJ/m*. The different behaviour at A and B given in Table 4. The agreement of the y values
could be caused by the contamination (oxide) layer corresponding to the different values of 0, is quite
which forms during the annealing (cf. the light spots). good. When 0, = 90” the values of yr, and yL2 are
It could also account for the discontinuous expansion different; the reason might be that the partials are not
of the I1 fault at B. The dissociation of the partials straight as assumed in the calculation.
of the dipole D which lies near screw orientation is
very small even when y * 0, which is in agreement 4.2.2. Basal plane parallel to the foil plane
with theory [16]. Figure 9 shows an annealing experiment of a Dislocations with initial character 0, = 60”. crystal which had been deformed in tension (90%
Figure 8 shows an annealing series. As the reflection resolved shear strain). In Fig. 9(a) the area is imaged
g = k [IO'fI] is used the glide dislocations at room temperature whereas in Fig. 9(b) the tem-
(b = + 1/3[1210]) show a residual contrast, which is perature (42 1“C) is close to T, and the dissociation of
relatively strong. In Fig. 8(a) (room temperature) the the glide dislocations is clearly visible. They are
glide dislocations deviate by an angle of about frequently constricted (e.g. jogged); some of the
22 f 6 ’ from the shortest line in the slip plane (which constrictions are marked with arrows. From the
is perpendicular to the fringes of the fault). The observed dissociation width and taking into account

Fig. 8(a)-(b)

Fig. 8(c)-(d)

Fig. 8. Undeformed Co; foil plane inclined at 30’ to basal plane; heating series. Some glide dislocations
with &,h 60’ are imaged. With increasing temperature the splitting width increases. The point marked
A is the same in {a)-(d) and (f). The area of(e) has moved slightly out of place. The bulk transition took
place between (e) and (f). (a) RT, (b) 215’C. (c) 307-C. (d) 426 C. (e) 430 C, (f) 455 C.

Fig. 9. Co, deformed 90% in tension; foil plane parallel to basal plane. Several glide dislocations are
imaged. (a) RT, (b) 421 ‘C, the dissociation of the dislocations can be seen. They are frequently jogged.
some of the jogs are indicated with arrows.

the character of the dislocations (using this and other Table 5. Final results of ; at
areas) the value of ; was determined leading to difkrcnr temperatures

7 = 3.0 + I .5 mJ ‘m’. WC) y(mJ ,m’)

150 13.3 * 1.8
5. DBCL’SSION 300 7.3 5 2.5
425 3.0 * 1.5
430-450 50
5.1. Srructure qf he grown-in dislocations and
The value of ;’ given for 1SO’C is a
stacking fuui!s lower boundary. The transition
temperature on heating of the
The dislocation density of undeformed Co crystals bulk specimen is 433 + YC.
is rather high (cf. section 4. I) and corresponds to the In the temperature range
one of f.c.c. crystals deformed into stage II of the 430-45O.C an mcrcasing num-
ber of dkxations shows y d 0
work-hardening curve. The structure of the grown-in with increasing temperature.
dislocations and stacking faults is the same in both
Czochralski and Bridgman grown crystals and agrees
with the one observed by Thieringer [Z]; except the E energy. (This has been reported recently fl?]). We
faults which were not analyzed by Thieringer. The assume that this process which is sometimes observed
formation of the grown-in dislocation structure can on heating can happen quite frequently near the
be explained in the following way (21: during the phase boundary below the transformation tem-
phase transformation (f.c.c.+ h.c.p.) partial dis- perature where many mobile p partials should be
locations which lie in the plane of the transition move available for the reaction to take place. Therefore it
through a network of dislocations iying on inclined can be understood that the densities of 2, and E faults
{I 113 planes. At the phase boundary mainIy two differ by about two orders of magnitude.
reactions can occur:
5.2. The measurement ofthe stacking fault energy y us
p, + (c,‘2 -t pz) = (c:‘2- pJ (1) a function of temperature

p, + (c/2 - p,) = c:2 5.2. I. Room temperature to transition temperature.

The value of 7 was determined by comparing the
The h.c.p. notation is used and therefore the glide calculated asymmetric dislocation configurations
dislocations in the f.c.c. lattice are of type D = (p?- p,) with the observed ones (e.g. Fig. 2 and Fig. 6,
(on the transition plane) and (c,‘2 + p) on the inclined ~s~ctiveIy}. The parameters of the calculations were
{111f planes. varied on such a fine scale that any errors arising this
The dislocations resulting from reactions (1) and way are far below the experimental errors. The main
(2) lie along the trace of inclined (111) planes with the difficulty is caused by the assumption made in the
transition (basal) plane. i.e. along (1120). The obser- calculations that the partials are straight. Contrary to
vations seem to confirm this since the partials bound- this the observed partials are frequently bent, es-
ing I, faults are frequently along (1120) (cf. Fig. 3). pecially in the case of 8, = 60 and 90’ where the
Reaction (I) leads to the formation of i, faults partials have a character near edge orientation and
whereas (2) leads to a fault with shear c/2. Thieringer therefore a low line tension [6]. This might be the
assumes that this fault has a stacking sequence of main reason for the large scatter of the y values
ABAABA (i.e. a high energy fault) and reacts imme- shown in Table 3 (dislocations which are obviously
diately with a p dislocation. and an I, fault is formed. jogged were excluded from the consideration). In the
However the formation of an E fault is equally case of (3,= 0 and 30’ the observed partials are rather
possible. straight since their line tension is high. They are split
The different densities of I, and E faults (cf. section at one surface only and thus the probability of being
4.1) can be explained in the following way. Firstly the hindered by some obstacles in achieving their equi-
lower density of E faults corresponds. to their lower librium configuration is less. Also the inftuence of any
formation probability. For a given p dislocation (e.g. uncertainties of the elastic constants (cf. section 2.2)
p,) there is only one (c/2 + p) dislocation [i.e. is smaller. Therefore the scatter of y shown in
(c/2 - p,)] which leads to reaction (2) forming a c/2 Table 4 is less for 6, = 0 and 30’ than for $ = 60 and
fault. On the other hand I, faults are formed by 90’. respectively.
reaction (1) in two cases [i.e. (c/2 + p.,) and (42 + pJ] The final result is shown in Table 5. The y values
and preserved in three cases [i.e. (c/2 + p,), (c/2 - p2) are taken from dislocations with &, i= 0 and 30”.
and (c/2 - p3)]. Therefore I, faults are formed in five Dislocations with 0,= 0’ were observed in rather
eases, whereas c/2 faults in one case only. If every thick regions of the specimens only, where the in-
other r/t fault is a high energy fault which transforms crease of the splitting width is small; therefore they
into ft by spontaneous nucleation and shear of a p were mainly used at temperatures above 300°C. The
dislocation, the density of E faults should be an order value given for 150°C is a lower boundary since the
of magnitude lower than the one of I, faults. Second- observed dislocations are not straight. Above 400°C
ly, as shown in Fig. 5(b), E faults can react with a p the parallel dissociation of the partials in (0001) foils
dislocation and transform into I, thus reducing their was also analysed. The y values deduced from parallel

and asymmetric dissociation agree very well and seem regions (bulk) of the specimen into the thin foil. If;
to justify the simplified assumptions made in section is negative the energy gain of the expanding II faults
2.3. This is confirmed by recent calculations showing is proportional to their area and therefore larger in
that the inclination of the glide plane to the foil plane the thick regions than in the thin foil: the same is true
is important below 10. only. where the interaction for their ability to overcome obstacles,
image forces tend to reduce the splitting width [18]. 5.2.3. Comparison with previous results. Values of;
In our case this angle is 30’ and therefore the effect as a function of temperature are summarized in [l9)
can be ignored. for various metals and alloys; more recent in-
5.2.2. Above the transition temperature. Around vestigations of Cu- and Ag-alloys are given in
and above the transition temperature on heating (T,,,) [20,21]. For a comparison with the results presented
of the bulk specimen (mean value at 2 433’C) the here only measurements of metals showing a phase
following typical observations are made: An in- transition f.c.c.++h.c.p. are of interest. They were
creasing number of dislocations shows a very wide carried out in the case of pure Co [5] and CoNi [5, 191
dissociation in the temperature range 430-450°C using the dislocation-node method. In both cases ;
indicating y I 0 (cf. Fig. 7, dislocation B). Some does not extrapolate to zero at r, (7 2 l0mJ m’).
dislocations show even up to 5 45O’C the same finite In Fig. 10 our results of 7 are compared with the
splitting width as below the transformation which ones of Ericsson [5]. Although Ericsson finds a
would correspond to 7 z 0.2-3.0 mJ/m’ [cf. Fig. 8(f), decrease of y with increasing temperature, ;’ has a
dislocation B]. This observation is independent of 0, value of ‘c 18 mJ/m’ at r, and even at 500 C it does
and it is the same in (0001) foils. A possible expla- not drop below 15 mJ/m’. We tried to analyse the
nation for this different behaviour could be the micrographs published in [5] where one can find I:
influence of obstacles (jogs) on the moving partials. faults showing the typical triangular shape indicating
In the case of inclined dislocations a localized surface 0, z 30’ and yielding 7 2 5 mJ:m’ at 37O’C, which
contamination (e.g. oxidation, cf. Fig. 7) can hinder agrees well with our results. Most of the dislocations
the partials to reach the equilibrium configuration. however seem to be heavily jogged which hinders
The effect will be more pronounced when y and their dissociation and could account for the
therefore the driving force is low. In the case of (0001) high value of 7 given by Ericsson. Therefore the
foils the splitting width can be reduced by the inter- value of d;,/dT (mean value in the temperature
action with other dislocations of the same sign (cf. range 20425C) is - 0.07 + 0.01 mJ ‘m’K and
Fig. 9). It should be mentioned that when the tem- -0.03 k 0.02 mJ/m’K deduced from this experiment
perature is reduced similar effects are observed, i.e. and the one by Ericsson. respectively. (They cannot
some dislocations recontract at temperatures below be compared with theory since no value of the
400°C. entropy of a stacking fault is given in the literature.
Above Tth the number of the stacking faults in- at least to our knowledge.)
creases rapidly, they mostly extend from the thicker
5.3. The phase transition
Although no direct evidence of the mechanism of
the phase transition is observed some information
can be deduced from the experimental results.
30. The observed structure of the grown-in dis-
locations can be explained in principle (cf. section
25 5.1); yet the high density of the dislocations is not
r “:
immediately clear. It can be assumed that the density
5 20 of the grown-in dislocations in the f.c.c. Co crystals
IL : i is about the same as in Ni crystals, i.e. about 4.109:mZ
ZI [22], since Ni has almost the same melting point and
the crystals were made in the same way. Also these
dislocations are heavily jogged, have an irregular
5- + shape and do not lie on a specific glide plane. This
$ indicates that most of the dislocations observed in
O- 1 * Fig. 3 are formed during the phase transformation.
1 The glide of the p partials on every other basal plane
2bo 3ho b 4&o a dot
leads to a deformation of the transformed region.
0 ’ lb0 *
Therefore stresses are exerted on the untransformed
Fig. 10.Stacking fault energy ;’as a function of temperature. matrix and this can effect the activation of glide
0 Results of this paper (the value at RT is from [IZ]). dislocations in the f.c.c. lattice near the phase bound-
q Results from [5]. The broken lines continuing the error at-y. They will react with the p dislocations yielding
bars indicate that at ISO’C the value of 7 is a lower the observed sessile (c/2 + p) partials. Therefore the
boundary and that near the transition temperature the
results of individual dislocations deviate considerably from grown-in dislocations can be explained by a partial
the mean value. dislocation mechanism.

The annealing experiments show the result that 7 REFERENCES

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