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CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I Six years (commencing on June 30, 12

noon) (Sec. 4, Art. VI)
SEPTEMBER 12, 2023 (RECITATION) No senator shall serve for more than 2
consecutive terms. Voluntary
LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT renunciation of office for any length of
LIMITATION time shall not be considered as an
Legislative Power interruption in the continuity of his
service for the full term for which elected.
 Definition: The power to propose, enact, amend, or (Sec. 4, Art. VI)
repeal laws
 Vested: In Congress, except to the extent reserved to
the people by initiative and referendum HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

a. Scope and Limitations COMPOSITION Not more than 250 members, unless
otherwise provided by law [Sec. 5(1) and
b. Principles of Non-Delegability (2), Art. VI)
19th Congress: 316 members
i. Exceptions District Representatives: Elected from
legislative districts apportioned among
Chambers of Congress; Composition; Qualifications the provinces, cities, and Metropolitan
Party-list Representatives: Shall
constitute 20% of the total number of
24 Senators elected-at-large (Sec. 2, Art. representatives, elected through a party-
VI) list system of registered national,
1. Natural-born citizen of the regional, and sectoral parties or
Philippines organizations
2. At least 35 years old on election day Sectoral Representatives: For three
3. Able to read and write consecutive terms after the ratification, ½
4. Registered voter of the seats allocated to party-list
5. Resident of the Philippines for not representatives shall be filled, as provided
less than two years immediately by law, by selection or election from the
preceding day of election (Sec. 3, Art. youth, peasant, urban poor, indigenous
VI) cultural communities, women, labor,
except the religious sector (Until a law is o Each province, irrespective of number of
passed, the President may fill by inhabitants, is entitled to at least 1
appointment from a list of nominees by representative.
respective sector subject to approval of
o Each legislative district shall comprise, as far as
the Commission on Appointments)
1. Natural-born citizen of the practicable, contiguous, compact, and
Philippines adjacent territory. This is to prevent
2. At least 25 years old on election day gerrymandering.
3. Able to read and write  Gerrymandering: The process in which voting districts
QUALIFICATION 4. Registered voter in the district in are redrawn in a way to favor one party during elections
S which he shall be elected (except  Congress shall make reapportionment of legislative
districts within three years following the return of every
5. Resident thereof for not less than a
year immediately preceding election census.
(Sec. 6, Art. VI)
CASE: Mariano v. COMELEC
Three years (commencing on June 30, 12
noon) (Sec. 7, Art. VI) HELD: The Court held that the Constitution does not preclude
Shall not serve for more than three
LIMITATION Congress from increasing its membership by passing a law
consecutive terms
other than general apportionment law. In Tobias v. Abalos, the
Court ruled that reapportionment of legislative districts may be
District Representatives and Questions of Apportionment made through a special law. To hold that reapportionment can
only be made through a general law would create an inequitable
 The question of the validity of apportionment law is
situation, where a new city or province created by Congress will
justiciable (Macias v. COMELEC)
be denied legislative representation for an indeterminate period
 Apportionment shall be made in accordance with the
of time. It would deprive the people in the city or province a
number of respective habitants (among provinces, cities,
particle of their sovereignty.
and Metro Manila) on basis of uniform or progressive
ratio. CASE: Montejo v. COMELEC
o Each city with not less than 250,000 inhabitants
HELD: While the conversion of Biliran into a regular province
entitled to 1 representative.
brought about an imbalance in the distribution of voters and
inhabitants in the 5 districts of Leyte, the issue involves
reapportionment of legislative districts, and petitioner’s remedy o National Party – When its constituency is
lies with Congress. The Court cannot itself make the spread over the geographical territory of at least
reapportionment as the petitioner would want. a majority of the regions
o Regional Party – its constituency is spread over
the geographical territory of at least a majority of
HELD: Congress cannot validly delegate to the ARMM Regional the cities and provinces comprising the region
Assembly the power to create legislative districts. The power to  Sectoral Party – organized group of citizens belonging
increase allowable membership in the House and to to any of the following sectors: labor, peasant,
reapportion legislative districts is vested exclusively in fisherfolk, urban poor, indigenous cultural
Congress. Sec. 19, Art. VI of R.A. 9054 granting the ARMM communities, elderly, handicapped, women, youth,
Regional Assembly the power to create provinces and cities is veterans, overseas workers, and professionals,
void for being unconstitutional. whose principal advocacy pertains to the special interest
and concerns of their sector
 Sectoral Organization – group of citizens or a
coalition of groups of citizens who share similar physical
Party-List System (RA 7941 – “Party-List System Act”)
attributes or characteristics, employment, interests, or
 Mechanism of proportional representation in the concerns
election of representatives to the House of  Coalition – aggrupation of duly registered national,
Representatives from national, regional, and sectoral regional, sectoral parties or organizations for political
parties or organizations or coalitions thereof registered and/or election purposes
with the COMELEC.
Registration: Manifestation to Participate in the Party-list
 Party – either a political party or a sectoral party or a
coalition of parties
 Political Party – organized group of citizens  Any organized group of persons may register as a party,
advocating an ideology or platform, principles, and organization, or coalition for purposes of the party-list
policies for the general conduct of government and system by filing, with the COMELEC not later than 90
which, as the most immediate means of securing their days before the election, a petition verified by its
adoption, regularly nominates and supports certain of president or secretary stating its desire to participate in
its leaders and members, as well as candidates for public the party-list system as a national, regional, or sectoral
office party or organization, or coalition
 Any party, organization, or coalition already registered elections for the constituency in which it is
need not register anew, but shall file with the registered
COMELEC not later than 90 days before election, a
Nomination of Party-list Representatives
manifestation of its desire to participate in the party-list
system.  Each registered party, organization, or coalition shall
submit to the COMELEC not later than 45 days before
Refusal and/or Cancellation of Registration
the election, a list of names, not less than five, from
 COMELEC may, motu proprio, or upon verified which party-list representatives shall be chosen in case
complaint of any interested party, refuse or cancel, after it obtains the required number of votes
due notice and hearing, the registration of any national,  A person may be nominated in one list only.
regional or sectoral party, organization or coalition on  Only persons who have given their consent in writing
any of the following grounds: may be named in the list.
1. Religious sect or denomination, organization  The list shall not include any candidate for any elective
or association for religious purposes office or a person who has lost his bid for an elective
2. Advocates violence or unlawful means to office in the immediately preceding election.
seek its goal  No change shall be allowed after the list shall have been
3. Foreign party or organization submitted, except in cases where the nominee dies, or
4. Receiving support from any foreign withdraws in writing his nomination, becomes
government, political party, foundation, incapacitated, in which case the name of the substitute
organization, whether directly or through nominee shall be placed last in the list.
any of its officers or members, or indirectly  Incumbent sectoral representatives who are nominated
through third parties, for partisan election in the party-list system shall not be considered resigned.
5. Violates or fails to comply with laws, rules, Qualifications of Party-list Nominees
or regulations relating to elections 1. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines
6. Declares untruthful statements in its petition 2. Registered voter
7. Has ceased to exist for at least one year 3. Resident of the Philippines for at least 1 year preceding
8. Fails to participate in the last two preceding day of election
elections to obtain at least 2% of votes cast 4. Able to read and write
under party-list system in the two preceding
5. Bona fide member of the party or organization which he  For the May 1998 elections, the first five major political
seeks to represent for at least 90 days preceding election parties on the basis of party representation in the House
6. At least 25 years of age on election day at the Start of the 10th Congress shall not be entitled to
 Youth sector – at least 25 years old but not more representation in the PL.
than 30 years old on the day of election  In determining the allocation of seats for the second
 Any youth representative who attains the age of 30 vote:
during his term shall be allowed to continue in office a. Parties, organizations, and coalitions shall be ranked
until expiration of his term from highest to lowest based on the number of votes
garnered during elections
Manner of Voting b. Parties receiving at least 2% of total votes cast for
 Every voter shall be entitled 2 votes: the PL shall be entitled to one seat each; provided
1. Candidate for member in his legislative district that those garnering more than 2% shall be entitled
2. A vote for the party, organization, or coalition he wants to additional seats in proportion to their total
represented number of votes; provided finally that each party
shall be entitled to not more than 3 seats.

CASE: Bantay Republic BA-RA 7941 v. COMELEC

CASE: Veterans Federation Party v. COMELEC
HELD: The COMELEC has a constitutional duty to disclose and
release the names of the nominees of the party-list groups, FACTS: The first party-list elections were simultaneously held
citing Sec. 7, Art. III on the right of the people to information on May 1998, together with the national elections. Of the 52
on matters of public concern as complemented by the policy of seats allotted for the party-list congressmen based on the 20-
full disclosure and transparency in the Government. percent allocation, only thirteen party-list representatives
garnered at least 2% votes to qualify for a seat. The first partylist
Number received two seats. A petition was brought before COMELEC to
proclaim the full number of party-list representatives as
 PL Representatives shall constitute 20% of the total
provided unde the 20-percent rule.
number of members of the House, including those
under the PL.
Acting on said petition, respondent COMELEC proclaimed 38 determine how the seats shall be filled up. COMELEC
party-list representatives as winners. Respondent COMELEC should not be faulted for the incompleteness as this is
argued it was conceived to enable the marginalized sector to the result of the people’s right to suffrage.
be represented, that the system should represent the 2. Yes. In imposing the 2% threshold, Congress wanted to
broadest sectors, and it should encourage the multi-party ensure that only those parties, organizations, and
system. It ignored the two-percent threshold requirement of coalitions having a sufficient number of constituents
RA 7941. deserving of representation are actually represented. It
is consistent not only with the intent of the framers, but
Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration, objecting to the also with the very essence of “representation.” The
proclamation of the 38 parties and invoked Sec. 11(b) of RA 7941, three-seat limit is also consistent with the intent of the
stating that only parties, organizations, or coalitions garnering framers, to limit the number of seats one qualified party
at least 2% votes shall be entitled for a seat, and additional seats may have.
not exceeding two for each party, should be allocated to those 3. The formula:
which had garnered the two percent threshold in proportion to a. Rank all participating parties based on the number
the number of votes cast for the winning parties. COMELEC of votes. Then the ratio is computed by dividing its
denied said petition. votes by the total votes cast for all parties
ISSUES: participating. All parties with at least two percent of
the total votes are guaranteed one seat and shall be
1. Whether the 20-percent allocation is mandatory considered in the computation of additional seats.
2. Are the two percent threshold requirement and the b. Determine the number of seats the first party is
three seat-limit provided in Section 1(b) of RA 7941 Number of votes of first party
entitled to: =
constitutional? Total votes for t h e party−list system
3. If the answer to Issue 2 is in the affirmative, how should Proportion of votes of first party relative to the
the additional seats of qualified parties be determined? total votes for party-list system.
c. Additional Seats for Concerned Party =
No . of votes of concerned party
x No. of
1. No. The Constitution simply states “[t]hat the party-list No. of votes of first party
representatives shall constitute twenty-percentum of additional seats allocated for the first party
the total number of representatives including those
under the party-list. Congress has the prerogative to
The Supreme Court reversed the COMELEC ruling that the 38 the number of votes they obtained and on the formula used by
respondent parties, organizations, and coalitions were each the SC in Ang Bagong Bayani.
entitled to a party-list seat despite their failure to obtain at least
HELD: The court ruled that the formula used in the landmark
2% each of the national votes in the 1998 election. The Court
said that the Constitution and RA 7941 mandate at least four case of Veterans Federation Party which is:
parameters: Votescast for Qualified Party
Additional seat = x Alloted
Votes cast for First Party
1. 20% Allocation – the combined number of all party-list
congressmen shall notg exceed 20% of the total Seats for First Party
membership of the House
shall be followed. Ang Bagong Bayani merely reiterated
2. 2% Threshold – only those parties garnering a
this formula for computing the additional seats which a
minimum of2% of the total valid votes cast for the
party-list group shall be entitled to.
party-list system are qualified to have a seat in the
House CASE: Ang Bagong Bayani – OFW Labor Party v.
3. Three-Seat Limit – Each qualified party, regardless of
the number of votes it actually obtained, is entitled to a
maximum of three seats (one qualifying and two HELD: Even if major political parties are allowed by the
additional) Constitution to participate in the party-list system, they
4. Proportional Representation – the additional seats must show, however, that they represent the interests of
which a qualified party is entitled to shall be computed
the marginalized and under-represented.
in proportion to their total number of votes
1. Must represent the marginalized and under-represented
CASE: Partido ng Manggagawa and Butil Farmers Party v. 2. Major political parties must comply with statutory
COMELEC policy
3. Ang Bagong Buhay Hayaang Yumabong must be subject
FACTS: Petitioners party-list groups sought the immediate to the express constitutional prohibition against
proclamation of COMELEC of their respective nominees religious sects
claiming that they were entitled to one additional seat based on 4. The party must not be disqualified under RA 7941
5. The party must not be an adjunct of an entity or project  PL Representatives shall be elected for a term of three
funded by the government years, and shall be entitled to the same salaries and
6. The party and nominees must comply with emoluments as regular members of the House
requirements of the law
7. Nominee must also represent a marginalized or under- Election
represented sector 1. Regular – Unless otherwise provided by law, on the
8. The nominee must be able to contribute to the second Monday of May (Sec. 8, Art. VI)
formulation and enactment of appropriate legislation 2. Special – To fill a vacancy, but elected member shall
Choosing Party-List Representatives serve only for the unexpired portion of the term (Sec. 9,
Art. VI)
 Party-list representatives are proclaimed by the
COMELEC based on the list of names submitted by the Salaries
respective parties according to the ranking in the list  Salaries of Senators and Members of the House shall be
Effect of Change of Affiliation determined by law.
 No increase in said compensation shall take effect until
 Any elected party-list representative who changes his after the expiration of the full term of all the members
political or sectoral affiliation during his term of office of the Senate and House approving such increase. (Sec.
shall forfeit his seat. 10, Art. VI)
 Provided that if he changes within six months before an  P273,278 to P312,902
election, he shall not be eligible for nomination.
Legislative Privileges; Inhibitions; and Disqualifications
1.Freedom from Arrest – In all offenses punishable by
 In case of vacancy in the seats reserved for party-list not more than six years imprisonment, be privileged
representatives, the vacanc shall be automatically filled from arrest while Congress is in session (Sec. 11, Art. VI)
by the next representative from the list of nominees in  Art. 145, RPC – Prision mayor for any person who shall
the order submitted to COMELEC serving for the use force, intimidation, threats, or fraud to prevent any
unexpired term. member of the National Assemby from attending
meetings, expressing his opinions or casting a vote
Term of Office
o Prision correccional for any public officer or FACTS: Petitioner sought from Makati RTC leave to attend to
employee who shall, while Assembly is in his official functions as Senator. He anchored his motion on his
session, arrest or search any member thereof right to be presumed innocent, and claims that the Jalosjos
except in case such member has committed a ruling should not be applied to him because he is a mere
crim punishable under this code by penalty detention prisoner and is not charged with a crime involving
higher than prision mayor. moral turpitude. Makati RTC denied.

CASE: People v. Jalosjos HELD: SC denied petition on the ground that Sec. 13, Art. III
provides that crimes punishable by reclusion perpetua are non-
HELD: The SC denied respondent’s motion that he be allowed bailable. The presumption of innocence does not carry with it
to fully discharge the duties of a Congressman, including the full enjoyment of civil and political rights.
attending legislative sessions and committee hearings despite
being convicted by a non-bailable offense. 2. Privilege of Speech and of Debate – No member shall
be questioned nor held liable in any other place for any
a. Membership in Congress does not exempt an accused speech or debate in the Congress or in any committee
from statutes and rules applying to validly incarcerated thereof
persons  The member of Congress may be held to account for
b. One rationale behind confinement is public self-defense such speech or debate by the House to which he belongs
(injury to he public, not to the complainant which state
action seeks to redress) CASE: Osmena v. Pendatun
c. It would amount to the creation of a privileged class
FACTS: Petitioner made accusations against President Garcia in
without justification in reason, if notwithstanding their
a privilege speech in Congress. A special committee was created
liability, they would be considered immune from arrest
and tasked to investigate the truth of the charges made by
during attendance in Congress
d. Accused-appellant is provided with an office at the
Admin. Bldg., New Bilibid Prison, where he attends to Petitioner alleged that this violated his constitutional absolute
his constituents; he has therefore been discharging his parliamentary immunity that his words constituted no
mandate actionable conduct, and after his speech, the House took up
other business contrary to Rule XVII, Section 7 of the Rules of
the House.
CASE: Trillanes IV v. Judge Pimentel
Respondents filed their answer to the petition, challenged the which he was elected. The ban against appointment
jurisdiction of the SC, defended the disciplinary powers of shall last only for the duration of the term for which he
Congress, upheld HR 175, and emphasized that since Congress was elected
has ended session on July 18, 1960, the Committee had ceased to 3. Other Inhibitions (Sec. 14, Art. VI)
exist. a. No Senator or Member of the House may
personally appear as counsel before any court or
ISSUE: Whether or not HR 175 violated petitioner’s electoral tribunal, or quasi-judicial or other
constitutionally granted parliamentary immunity for speeches? administrative bodies
HELD: No. Section 15, Art. VI provides that “for any speech or b. Neither shall he directly or indirectly be interested
debate” in Congress, the Senators or Members of the House of financially in any contract with or in any franchis or
Representative “shall not be questioned in any other place.” special privilege granted by the Government, or any
The members of Congress may, nevertheless, be subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof,
questioned in Congress itself. Observe that “they shall not be including any GOCC, or its subsidiary during his
questioned in any other place” than Congress. term of office
c. He shall not intervene in any mtter before any office
Disqualifications (Sec. 13, Art. VI) of the Government for his pecuniary benefit or when
he may be called upon to act on account of his
1. Incompatible Office – No senator or member of the
House may hold any other office or employment in the
Government, or any subdivision, agency, or Sessions
instrumentality thereof, including GOCCs or their
subsidiaries during his term without forfeiting his seat. 1. Regular – Convene once every year on the fourth
o Forfeiture of the seat in Congress is automatic Monday of July, unless a different date is fixed by law,
upon assumption of such other office deemed and shall continue for such number of days as it may
incompatible determine until thirty days before the opening of its
o No forfeiture if the member holds an ex officio next regular session exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays,
and legal holidays (Sec. 15, Art. VI)
2. Special – The President may call a special session at any
2. Forbidden Office – Neither shall he be appointed to
time (Sec. 15, Art. VI)
any office which may have been created or the
3. Joint Sessions
emoluments thereof increased during the term for
a. Voting Separately
i.Choosing the President (Sec. 4, Art. VII)  Smaller number may adjourn from day to day and may
ii.Determine President’s disability (Sec. 11, Art. VII) compel the attendance of absent members in such a
iii.Confirmin nomination of the VP (Sec. 9, Art. manner and under such penalties as such House may
VII) determine.
iv. Declaring existence of a state of war (Sec. 23, Art.  In Avelino v. Cuenco, the basis in determining the
VI) existence of a quorum in the Senate shall be the total
v. Proposing constitutional amendments (Sec. 1, number of Senators who are in the country and within
Art. XVII) the coercive jurisdiction of the Senate.
b. Voting Jointly – To revoke or extend proclamation  In Arroyo v. De Venecia, the SC declared that the
suspending the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus question of quorum cannot be raised repeatedly,
or placing the Philippines under martial law (Sec. 18, especially when a quorum is obviously present, for the
Art. VII) purpose of delaying the business of the House

Adjournment Rules of Proceedings

 Neither House during the sessions of the Congress, shall  Each housr may determine the rules of its proceedings
without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than (See Pacete v. Secretary of the Commission on
three days, nor to any other place than that in which the Appointments)
two Houses shall be sitting [Sec. 16(5), Art. VI]
Discipline of Members
 House may punish its members for disorderly behavior
 Senate to elect its President and with the concurrence of 2/3 of all its members,
 House to elect its Speaker suspend (for not more than sixty days) or expel a
 Majority vote of all its respective members member.
 Each House shall choose such other officers as it may  In Osmena v. Pendatun, the Court held that the
deem necessary determination of the acts which constitute disorderly
behavior is within the full discretionary authority of the
Quorum and Voting Majorities House concerned, and the Court will not review such,
 A majority of each House the same being a political question.
 The suspension contemplated is different from that b. Veto message of the President
prescribed in RA 3019 or the Anti-Graft and Corrupt c. Yeas and nays on the repassing of a bill
Practices Act. The latter is but a preliminary preventive vetoed
measyre and is not imposed upon the petitioner for d. Yeas and nays on any question at the request
misbehavior as a member of Congress. of 1/5 members present
 In Miriam Defensor-Santiago v. Sandiganbayan, the 2. Enrolled Bill Theory – An enrolled bill is one duly
orders of suspension provided in RA 3019 is distinct introduced and finally passed by both Houses,
from the powers of Congress to discipline its own ranks. authenticated by proper officers of each, and
Neither does the order of suspension encroach upon the approved by the President.
power of Congress.  Conclusive upon the courts as regard the tenor
of the measure passed by Congress and the
Records and Books of Accounts President
 Preserved an open to the public in accordance with law;  Court is bound under the Doctrine of Separation
books shall be audited by COA which shall publish of Powers by the contents of a duly
annually an itemized list of amounts paid to and authenticated measure of the legislature
expenses incurred for each member. (Mabanag v. Lopez Vito)
 If a mistake was made in the printing of the bill
Legislative Journal and the Congressional Record before it was certified by Congress and approved
by President, the remedy is amendment or
 Each House shall keep a Journal of its proceedings, and
corrective legislation, not a judicial decree
from time to time, publish the same excpeting such
(Casco Chemical Co.v. Gimenez)
parts as may, in its judgment, affect national security;
3. Journal Entry vs. Enrolled Bill – The enrolled bill
and the yeas and nays on any question shall, at the
shall prevail, except as to matters which must be
request of one-fifth of the Members present, be entered
entered in the journal (Astorga v. Villegas)
in the journal
 Each House shall also keep a Record of its proceedings
1. Matters to be entered in the Journal
(Constitutionally Mandated)
a. Yeas and nays on third and final reading of a

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