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TOPIC 1 16/20

1. For cell immunity to tuberculosis in humans are responsible:

Select one:
a. T-lymphocytes.
b. Neutrophils.
c. Histiocytes.
d. White blood cells.
e. B-lymphocytes.

2. What type of MBT is the most pathogenic for humans?

Select one:
a. М. Kansasii.
b. М. africanum.
c. M. tuberculosis.
d. М. bovinus.
e. М. avium.

3. Respiratory protection against tuberculosis is carried out by:

Select one:
a. All answers are correct.
b. Limitation and isolation in the lung tissue, the accumulation of the pathogen by the formation
of inflammatory granuloma
c. Removal of the pathogen through the bronchial tree
d. Removal of the pathogen from the macroorganism through the circulatory system and organs
of external excretion.
e. Removal of the pathogen from the macroorganism through the lymphatic system of the lung.

4. Which of the following types of mycobacteria can cause tuberculosis in humans:

Select one:
a. M. marinum.
b. M. kansassi.
c. M. bovis.
d. M. smegmatis.
e. M. avium-intracellular

5. Factors that contribute to the development and progression of the tuberculosis process are:
Select one:
a. Malnutrition.
b. All answers are suitable
c. Hyperinsolation.
d. Stress.
e. Disease Risks.

6. The morbidity of tuberculosis is:

Select one:
a. The number of newly diagnosed patients and patients with exacerbations and relapses per year
per 100 thousand population.
b. Number of all persons registered with the TB dispensary at the end of the year.
c. The number of patients with active tuberculosis, determined at the end of the year per 10
thousand people
d. Morbidity is the number of newly diagnosed patients with active tuberculosis during the
reporting period (year) per 100 thousand inhabitants.

7. Patients at the highest risk for tuberculosis include:

Select one:
a. Constantly receiving antiarrhythmic drugs.
b. Receiving glucocorticoids for a long time
c. Patients after appendectomy.
d. Patients with dysentery.
e. Patients with rheumatism.

8. Local manifestations of tuberculosis infection are most often detected in children:

Select one:
a. In the circulatory system.
b. In the lymphatic system.
c. In the nervous system.
d. In the bronchial system.
e. In the hematopoietic system.

9. Atypical mycobacteria can cause in humans:

Select one:
a. Mycobacteriosis.
b. Pneumonia
c. Bronchitis.
d. Leprosy.
e. Tuberculosis.

10. The optimal growth period of the culture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a dense nutrient
medium of Levenshtein-Jensen:
Select one:
a. 1 month.
b. 2 – 3 days.
c. 6 months.
d. 2.5 – 3 months.
e. 2 weeks.

11. What is mycobacteria called L-form?

Select one:
a. MBT, partially lost their cell wall.
b. Vaccinal strain MBT.
c. Avizual form MBT.
d. Atypical MBT.
e. Filterable form of the office

12. Protection against tuberculosis infection of the human body provides:

Select one:
a. Immunity is absent.
b. Congenital immunity.
c. Cell-humoral immunity factor.
d. Cellular immunity factor.
e. Humoral immunity factor.
13. Which of the following morphological elements is specific for tuberculosis?
Select one:
a. Histiocytes.
b. Alveolar epithelium.
c. Epithelioid cells, caseosis.
d. Neutrophils.
e. Monocytes.

14. Medical risk factors for developing tuberculosis include:

Select one:
a. Chronic hepatitis.
b. Rheumatoid arthritis.
c. Chronic tonsillitis.
d. Diabetes mellitus.
e. Osteoporosis.

15. Which cells are the first to carry out phagocytosis of mycobacterium tuberculosis in the
aerogenic pathway
Select one:
a. Alveolar macrophages.
b. Alveolocytes type II.
c. Lymphocytes.
d. Alveolocytes type I.
e. Neutrophils.

16. What are the biochemical components determine MTB resistance to acids, alkalis, and
Select one or more:
a. Mineral salts.
b. Proteins.
c. Carbohydrates.
d. Lipids.
e. Polysaccharides.

17. What are the MTB components the main carriers of the antigenic properties?
Select one:
a. Proteins.
b. Mineral salts.
c. Carbohydrates.
d. Lipids.
e. Polysaccharides.

18. What are the organs most often affected by TB?

Select one:
a. Bones and joints.
b. Genitals.
c. Lungs
d. Kidney.
e. Eyes.
19. The main biological features of the causative agent of tuberculosis, which make it resistant to
external influences, include all of the following except for:
Select one:
a. MBT ability to develop resistance to chemotherapy drugs.
b. High lipid content in the MTB cell membrane
c. Habitat of MTB.
d. Enhanced reproduction of MTB.
e. Features of the structure of the membrane of MTB.

20. Infection of a person with mycobacterium tuberculosis more often occurs:

Select one:
a. Alimentary and contact pathways.
b. Contact pathway.
c. Transplacental pathway.
d. Aerogenic pathway.
e. Alimentary pathway.

TOPIC 2 20/20
38-year-old patient complains of malaise, weight loss, productive cough with mucoid sputum,
incidental blood streaks appearance, T 37.5-38.0°С. On examination: dull percussion sound and
breathing weakening in the left intercostal space. Over subscapular zone moisture rales are heard.
On the chest X-ray: in the left upper lobe 3.5 cm opacity of the moderate density with the hazy
borders and 1.5×1.2 cm lucency inside surrounded by satellite foci is detected. Tuberculosis is
suspected. Which data are lacking for full diagnosis formulation?
a. Sputum test result.
b. All of the above.
c. CT scanning result.
d. Mantoux test result.
e. Blood test result.

32-year-old female, who was exposed by family contact with TB-patient presented with food
poisoning. Complains of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. But thorough anamnesis regard
revealed such complains as weakness, fatigue, slight dry cough, subfebrile temperature persisting
for 2-3 months. What must be the first course of action in order to detect or rule out tuberculosis
in this case?
a. Chest X-ray.

b. Mantoux skin test.

c. Sputum PCR test.
d. Sputum ZIEHL-NEELSEN-staining.
e. Blood test.

60-year-old smoker complains of dry cough, weight loss, hemoptysis, pain in the right humerus
joint. On chest X-ray the 4 cm cavity with irregular knobby borders has been found in the right
apex. Lung cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis are suspected. Which examination must be firstly
performed to distinguish the diseases?

a. Blood test.
b. Sputum ZIEHL-NEELSEN-staining.
c. CT-scanning.
d. PCR test for MBT.
e. Sputum Gram staining.

42-year-old asymptomatic patient presented with right upper lobe opacity and reducing. Hasn’t
undergone X-ray for long time. Suspicion for cirrhotic tuberculosis and atelectasis appeared.
Which additional examination is the most advisable in order to distinguish these conditions?
a. CT-scanning.
b. Respiratory function appreciation.
c. Thoracoscopy.
d. Bronchoscopy.
e. Anamnestic data analysis.

30-year-old patient was directed for differential diagnosis between cirrhotic tuberculosis and
encysted pleurisy. Which diagnostic mean is the most acceptable?
a. CT-scanning.
b. Thoracocentesis.
c. Complains, case history and physical data analysis.
d. Bronchoscopy
e. Chest X-ray.

58-year-old patient presented with cirrhotic tuberculosis complaining of shortness of breathing,

shin edema. What’s the most expected tuberculosis complication in this case?
a. Amiloidosis.
b. Spontaneuos pneumathorax.
c. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
d. Lung edema.
e. Chronic heart insufficiency.

15-year-old adolescent from dairy farm keeping the cattle with tuberculosis, presented with
cervical lymphadenitis. In the needle biopsy specimen cheesy decay material has been found,
smear and cultural tests detected no MBT. Nonetheless, lymphatic nodes tuberculosis is being
suspected taking epidemiological and clinical data into consideration. Which test could confirm or
rule such a conclusion out best of all?
a. Test treatment.
b. Histological investigation.
c. Mantoux test.
d. Neck CT-scanning.
e. Chest X-ray.

25-year-old homeless woman presented with complaints of productive cough with mucoid
sputum, subfebrile temperature, weight loss, weakness. Hasn’t been undergoing chest X-ray for 3
year. On examination: skin is pale, P 80/min, mixed breathing is detected in the right upper zone.
Sputum ZIEHL-NEELSEN-staining showed negative results. Complete blood count: Hb - 140 g/L,
WBC – 10.0×109 /L, eosinophil - 3%, band neutrophil - 9%, segmented neutrophil - 73%,
lymphocyte - 14%, monocyte - 1%, ESR - 30 mm/hour. Tuberculosis is suspected. What’s the most
advisable first step of the diagnostic algorithm?
a. Sputum cultural test.
b. Chest X-ray.
c. Electrolyte test.
d. Mantoux skin test.
e. Bronchoscopy.
30-year-old student who had recovered from tuberculosis 4 year ago presented with spontaneous
pneumathorax. Which of additional examinations is the most appropriate to detect the cause of
the disease?
a. Lateral view X-ray.
b. CT-scanning.
c. Bronchography.
d. Thoracoscopy.
e. US-scanning.

3-year-old child presented with miliary tuberculosis. Has been ill for 2 weeks. The general
condition is grave. Which Mantoux skin test result is the most expected?
a. Hyperergic.
b. Any listed above.
c. Positive.
d. Doubtful.
e. Negative.

23-year-old symptom-free teacher presented with the round opacity on the right lung apex.
Choose the most advisable additional examination.
a. Complete blood count .
b. CT-scanning.
c. Sputum test for MBT.
d. All of the above.
e. Thorough anamnesis taking.

37-year-old coal miner with 5-year professional seniority complains of cough with moderate
quantity of sputum, increasing dyspnea. Has been feeling unwell for 2 month. CBC: Hb – 120 g/L,
WBC – 11.2·109 /L, eosinophil-0%, band neutrophil-9%, segmented neutrophil-65%, lymphocyte-
14%, monocyte -12%, ESR - 25 mm/hour. Chest X-ray showed multiple fusing foci of moderate
density in both upper lung zones. In subclavian area symmetric thin-walls cavities 2 cm in
diameter appear. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
a. Miliary tuberculosis.
b. Sarcoidosis.
c. Disseminated lung cancer.
d. Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.
e. Pneumaconiosis.

65-year-old woman suffering from diabetes mellitus presented with a fever up to 38°C, dry cough.
Chest X-ray shows a triangular opacity in the right upper zone which apex is turned to the hilum.
The lower border of the opacity is clear whereas upper – hazy. Around there are some satellite
foci of low density and hazy borders. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
a. Lung cancer.
b. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
c. Interlobar pleurisy.
d. Lung abscess.
e. Community acquired pneumonia.

Chest X-ray of the 48-year-old patient complaining of weakness, dry cough and subfebrile
temperature showed oval opacity 3 cm in diameter of moderate density with hazy borders and
lucency on the superior pole in right lung upper part. 2 weeks before fell ill after supercooling
with fever, cough, sweating. Now feels much better. On physical examination no abnormality
detected. Complete blood count: Hb - 120 g/L, WBC – 12.3×109 /L, eosinophil -4%, band
neutrophil -6%, segmented neutrophil -68%, lymphocyte-20%, monocyte -2%, ESR - 15 mm/hour.
Sputum mucous, L. 10-12/field of view ; ZIEHL-NEELSEN-staining showed negative result.
Bronchoscopy: diffuse endobronchitis. Which is the most advisable way for differential diagnosis
between tuberculoma and pneumonia?
a. Open lung biopsy.
b. Fine-needle lung biopsy.
c. CT scanning.
d. Mantoux skin test.
e. Broad-spectrum antibiotics test treatment.

50-year-old patient is brought to the emergency care unit complaining of pain in the left side,
dyspnea, fever up to 38°C, dry cough. The disease started gradually two weeks before. In
childhood suffered from tuberculosis of bronchial lymph nodes. Affected side is behind the
breathing. Percussion and auscultation revealed dullness and absent breathing in this area
correspondently. Right heart border is shifted to the right. P 98/mm, constant fibrillation. AFB
haven’t been revealed in sputum. Mantoux skin test with 2 TU PPD-S – papule 16 mm in diameter.
What’s the most likely diagnosis?
a. Tuberculous pleurisy
b. Pulmonary embolism.
c. Community acquired pneumonia.
d. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
e. Lung cancer.

22-year-old patient presented with right-side pleurisy. Chest X-ray showed left side opacity up to
the IV rib with the upper oblique border. In the left lung S2 several foci of moderate density with
hazy borders are visible. Mantoux skin test – 14 mm papule with vesicles around. Pleural fluid test:
protein level increased, lymphocytes are the predominant cell type. What is the most likely
a. Тuberculosis.
b. Pleural mesothelioma.
c. Collagenosis.
d. Lung cancer.
e. Community acquired pneumonia.

50-year-old patient suffering from antracosilicosis presented with fever, cough, chest pain. Two
year ago has been treated for focal tuberculosis. On examination: dull percussion sound and
breathing weakening in the left intercostal space. Over subscapular zone moisture rales are heard.
CBC: Hb - 125 g/L, WBC – 14.0×109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil - 17%, segmented
neutrophil -65%, lymphocyte-20%, monocyte -5%, ESR - 38 mm/hour. In sputum - L. 20-30/field
of view, ZIEHL-NEELSEN-staining is negative. Chest X-ray showed 6×8cm opacity of moderate
density, hazy borders, nonhomogenous, with 3×2,5 lucency inside. The differential diagnosis
between pneumonia and tuberculosis relapse is necessary. Choose the most advisable approach.
a. CT-scanning.
b. Broad-spectrum antibiotic course.
c. Bronchoscopy.
d. Open lung biopsy.
e. Antituberculosis drug course.
40-year-old woman suffers from diabetes mellitus. Which ways of TB early detecting are the most
suitable for the annual management?
a. PCR sputum test.
b. Blood PCR test.
c. Chest X-ray.
d. Mantoux skin test.
e. Sputum ZIEHL-NEELSEN-staining.

42-year-old patient presented with stabbing chest pain appeared on exertion. On examination:
normal percussion and auscultation sounds were found, pain aggravates on pressing upon
intercostal spaces. CBC: WBC – 6.9×109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil - 5%, segmented
neutrophil -65%, lymphocyte-23%, monocyte -7%, ESR - 2 mm/hour. Chest X-ray detected no
abnormality. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
a. Pulmonary embolism.
b. Intercostal neuralgia.
c. Spontaneous pneumathorax.
d. Myositis.
e. Pneumonia, complicated by pleurisy.

45-year-old patient from tuberculosis focus complains of fatigue, malaise, rise of temperature up
to 37.3°С. On physical examination no abnormalities detected. Complete blood count: Hb 105 g/L,
WBC – 13.0×109/L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil -8%, segmented neutrophil - 64%,
lymphocyte-20%, monocyte - 5%, ESR - 20 mm/hour. Which is the most advisable dealing to
detect or rule out pulmonary tuberculosis in this case?
a. Bronchial lavage smear test for MBT.
b. Mantoux skin test.
c. Broad-spectrum antibiotic course.
d. Chest X-ray.
e. Respiratory facilities examination.

TOPIC 3 19/20
28-year-old asymptomatic male presented having 2 cm round homogenous shadow with clear
borders of high density on the right lung apex. Physical and routine laboratory examination
showed no abnormalities. Mantoux skin test - papule 18 mm in diameter. What’s the most likely
a. Aspergillus mycetoma.
b. Tuberculoma.
c. Community acquired pneumonia.
d. Lung cancer.
e. Angioma.

At 38-year-old symptom-free man solitary 3 cm opacity of moderate density with the crescent
lucency and defined borders in the left lung S2 the has been revealed. Which clinical type of TB is
the most probable?
a. Residual.
b. Focal.
c. Infiltrative.
d. Fibrous-cavernous.
e. Tuberculoma.
Patient is presented with tuberculosis. Chest X-ray showed 3.5 cm opacity in the right lung S2
with hazy borders and lucency inside. Define the process phase.
a. Dissemination and decay.
b. Consolidation.
c. Decay.
d. Infiltration and consolidation.
e. Infiltration.

42-year-old patient presented with subfebrile temperature, malaise, shortness of breathing on

moderate exertion, dry cough within 3 month. Physical examination detected mixed breathing
over lung fields. Plain X-ray showed fusing foci of moderate density throughout upper lung zones
and symmetric thin-walls cavities on both apices. Sputum ZN-staining showed positive result.
Which clinical type of tuberculosis is the most probable?
a. Cirrhotic.
b. Fibrous-cavernous.
c. Subacute disseminated.
d. Chronic disseminated.
e. Miliary.

40-year-old patient is complaining of dyspnea, subfebrile temperature, weight loss, weakness,

productive cough with mucoid sputum for 4 months. Hasn’t undergone screening X-ray for 7 year.
On examination: auscultation showed bronchial breathing, rare moisture and dry rales throughout
lung fields. CBC: Hb - 100 g/L, WBC – 9.0×109 /L, eosinophil - 3%, band neutrophil - 7%,
segmented neutrophil - 65%, lymphocyte - 20%, monocyte - 5%, ESR - 32 mm/hour. Chest X-ray:
multiple polymorphic foci of different shape, size and density at the advanced fibrotic background.
Which of tuberculosis clinical types is the most likely?
a. Chronic disseminated.
b. Fibrous-cavernous.
c. Subacute disseminated.
d. Caseous pneumonia.
e. Infiltrative.

Screening X-ray examination of 22-year-old male detected several focal shadows of different size
with hazy borders on both apices. The diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis established. What’s
the most likely clinical type of the disease?
a. Residual.
b. Disseminated.
c. Miliary.
d. Focal.
e. Infiltrative.

38-year-old agronomist complains of subfebrile fever, productive cough, night sweating, dyspnea,
weight loss. Has been feeling unwell for a month. On examination: dull percussion sound above
upper and middle zones, moisture rales at mixed breathing background in the interscapular space
are found. Chest X-ray showed multiple fusing foci of moderate density in both upper lung zones.
What’s the most likely diagnosis?
a. Aspergilllosis.
b. Pneumoconiosis.
c. Disseminated tuberculosis.
d. Actynomycosis.
e. Community acquired pneumonia.
18-year-old male presented with focal shadows of high density with distinct borders on the right
lung apex. Last Mantoux skin test has been performed two year ago; papule size 17 mm. At the
moment tuberculin test showed 5 mm result. Clinical and lab examination detected no
abnormality. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
a. Focal tuberculosis in the consolidation phase.
b. Community acquired pneumonia.
c. Focal tuberculosis in the infiltration phase.
d. Focal tuberculosis in the calcination phase.
e. Conglomerative tuberculoma.

22-year-old female known to have valvular disease presented with chills, dyspnea, fever up to
38.9°C. On examination: dull percussion sound and crackling rales over both upper zones. Chest
X-ray detected multiple fusing foci on both apical and medial lung zones. What’s the most likely
a. Community acquired pneumonia
b. Pulmonary congestion.
c. Acute disseminated tuberculosis.
d. Subacute disseminated tuberculosis.
e. Chronic disseminated tuberculosis

A patient hospitalized with infiltrative tuberculosis, MBT+, lives with his wife and 3-year-old child.
Neither data about child’s BCG vaccination, nor the cicatrix are been found. Thorough examination
of the child detected no active TB signs. Mantoux skin test is negative. What is the most advisable
dealing with the child?
a. BCG-vaccination only.
b. BCG-vaccination, then chemoprophylaxis.
c. Mantoux skin test follow up.
d. chemoprophylaxis only.
e. Chemoprophylaxis, then BCG-vaccination.

70-year-old patient presented in grave condition complaining of dyspnea, dry cough, severe
weakness. On examination: patient is exhausted, auscultation detected mixed breathing. Chest X-
ray shows diffuse multiple 1-2 mm foci throughout lung tissue, several calcification in lung root.
Hb - 90 g/L, WBC – 13.2·109 /L, eosinophil-0%, band neutrophil-10%, segmented neutrophil -65%,
lymphocyte-14%, monocyte -12%, ESR - 30 mm/hour. Tuberculosis is suspected. Define the clinical
form of the disease.
a. Miliary tuberculosis.
b. Focal tuberculosis.
c. Chronic disseminated.
d. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
e. Subacute disseminated.

31-year-old woman suffering from diabetes mellitus presented with dry cough, shortness of
breathing, weakness and fever up to 39ºС. Chest X-ray showed non-homogenous right lung
upper zone infiltration with the large cavity and numerous foci in both lungs. What’s your
presumptional diagnosis?
a. Disseminated tuberculosis.
b. Infiltrative tuberculosis
c. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
d. Lung abscess.
e. Community acquired pneumonia.

28-year-old symptom-free male presented with several large nodules of moderate density with
hazy borders in right lung S1-2. Physical examination, blood test and sputum ZN-staining
detected no abnormalities. Mantoux skin test with 2 TU - 15 mm. Pulmonary tuberculosis is
suspected. Which clinical form of the disease is the most likely?
a. Focal tuberculosis.
b. Tuberculoma.
c. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
d. Сirrhotic tuberculosis.
e. Disseminated tuberculosis.
f. Tuberculosis residuals.

10-year-old child had been complaining of subfebrile temperature, appetite worsening, tiredness
for 1.5 months. At the moment Mantoux test conversion with the papule size of 12 mm has been
detected. On examination: nodular erythema on both shins, peripheral lymph nodes are enlarged
in 6 groups. Which clinical form of tuberculosis could be suspected?
a. Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes.
b. No reason to suspect tuberculosis.
c. Any type of primary tuberculosis.
d. Pre-local tuberculosis.
e. Primary complex.

36-year-old chain-smoker coughing “the whole life” presented with increased quantity of sputum,
fever up to 37.5°С, sweating at night, weight loss. Physical examination of respiratory system is
unremarkable. CBC: Hb – 130 g/L, WBC – 9.2×109 /L, eosinophil-2%, band neutrophil-4%,
segmented neutrophil-65%, lymphocyte-21%, monocyte-8%, ESR - 20 mm/hour. Sputum test –
grayish in color, L-14-16 field of view, ZN- staining is negative. Chest X-ray detected an opacity of
the moderate density with the hazy borders and lucency inside in the right S1-2 surrounded by
several satellite foci. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
a. Community acquired pneumonia.
b. Lung cancer.
c. Pulmonary embolism.
d. Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
e. Infiltrative tuberculosis.

22-year-old smoker complains of malaise, weakness, tiredness, sweating. On physical examination

no abnormality detected. Chest X-ray showed an opacity in the left lung apex of moderate density
with hazy borders and several satellite foci of low density around. What’s the most likely
a. Focal pulmonary tuberculosis.
b. Primary tubercle complex.
c. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
d. Community acquired pneumonia.
e. Tuberculoma.

Screening chest X-ray of 29-year-old symptom-free female detected round 2.5 cm homogenic
opacity of high density with distinct regular borders and several foci around in the left lung S1-2.
CBC: Hb - 120 g/L, WBC – 6.9×109 /L, eosinophil -3%, band neutrophil - 5%, segmented
neutrophil - 65%, lymphocyte-23%, monocyte -4%, ESR - 2 mm/hour. Mantoux skin test showed
the papule of 15 mm. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
a. Pulmonary abscess.
b. Focal tuberculosis.
c. Tuberculoma.
d. Community acquired pneumonia.
e. Lung cancer.

35-year-old coal miner having 3-year occupational seniority complains of low workability,
sweating, cough with moderate quantity of mucoid sputum. On physical and routine laboratory
examination no abnormalities were detected. Chest X-ray: several 5-7 mm nodules of low density
with hazy borders in the right S1-2. What disease should be suspected?
a. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
b. Tuberculosis residuals
c. Focal tuberculosis.
d. Coniotuberculosis.
e. Community acquired pneumonia.

45-year-old patient is been treated for caseous pneumonia within 10 month. Now Sputum is
smear-positive. Chest X-ray shows opacity in diminished right upper lobe, right hilum is elevated.
No cavities revealed. Which clinical type of TB is it now?
a. Infiltrative.
b. Fibrous-cavernous.
c. Tuberculoma.
d. Residual.
e. Cirrhotic.

39-year-old symptom-free female presented with solitary 3 cm opacity of moderate density with
the crescent lucency on medio-inferior pole and defined borders in the right lung S2, surrounded
by several satellite foci of low density. Apical pleura is thickened. Blood test reported no
abnormalities. Mantoux skin test – papule of 15 mm. What’s the most likely diagnosis?
a. Community acquired pneumonia.
b. Tuberculoma.
c. Infiltrative tuberculosis.
d. Lung cancer.
e. Eosinophilic pneumonia.

TOPIC 4 19/20
The patient is 45 years. In the x-ray examination in II segment of the right lung revealed plot
eclipse of low intensity with indistinct, blurred contours to 3.5 cm in diameter. He complains of a
slight cough with sputum. An objective examination revealed no pathology. Blood test: leucocytes
- 9,2 109/ l, ESR - 32 mm / h. Mycobacteria are not found in the sputum. The diagnosis of
tuberculosis was found. The patient was scheduled TB therapy. What scheme etiotrop treatment
should be assigned to the patient in a phase of continued daily?
a. 2 HR
b. 4 RZ
c. 4 HR
d. 4 ZE
e. 2 HRZE

Patient is 36 years. Worried weakness, fever 37,4С, to cough with small amounts of sputum.
Discomfort noted three weeks ago. An objective examination revealed no pathology. Blood test:
leucocytes - 10,2 х109/ l, ESR - 28 mm / h. On radiographs of the left lung segment VI defined
area blackout of low intensity with vague contours and enlightenment in the center. It was
diagnosed infiltrative tuberculosis of the left lung. In bacterioscopic study were found
What preparation is part of the treatment regimen, causing urine staining in red?
a. Isoniazid
b. Rifampicin.
c. Streptomycin
d. Ethionamide
e. Pyrazinamide

The patient is 45 years. In the x-ray examination in II segment of the right lung revealed plot
eclipse of low intensity with indistinct, blurred contours to 3.5 cm in diameter. He complains of a
slight cough with sputum. An objective examination revealed no pathology. Blood test: leucocytes
- 9,2 109/ l, ESR - 32 mm / h. Mycobacteria are not found in the sputum. The diagnosis of
tuberculosis was found. The patient was scheduled TB therapy. After 3 weeks of treatment the
patient came breach of visual acuity.
What preparation is part of the treatment regimen, caused a breach in visual acuity?
a. Pyrazinamide
b. Isoniazid
c. Rifampicin.
d. Ethionamide
e. Ethambutol

Patient is 36 years. Worried weakness, fever 37,4С, to cough with small amounts of sputum.
Discomfort noted three weeks ago. An objective examination revealed no pathology. Blood test:
leucocytes - 10,2 х109/ l, ESR - 28 mm / h. On radiographs of the left lung segment VI defined
area blackout of low intensity with vague contours and enlightenment in the center. It was
diagnosed infiltrative tuberculosis of the left lung. In bacterioscopic study were found
How long is the treatment in the intensive phase?
a. 6 months.
b. 4 months.
c. 3 months.
d. 2 months.
e. 1 months.

Patient 60 years diagnosed: caseous pneumonia of the right lung. The patient has a serious
condition. The body temperature of 39,5º-40ºS, marked cough with sputum, shortness of breath
at rest. Above the upper lobe of the right lung is determined stupidity. Bronchial breath.
Auscultated small amount of mixed wet wheezing. Blood test: leucocytes – 13,8×109/ L, ESR - 48
mm /h. Radiological findings: upper lobe of right lung totally obscured, against darkening defined
multiple areas of destruction. In the lower lobes of both lungs defined low-intensity focal shadows
with fuzzy contours. In sputum MBT were found.Appointment of the drug is that part of the
treatment regimen requires control of the liver function?
a. Pyrazinamide
b. Rifampicin.
c. Ethambutol
d. Isoniazid
e. Ethionamide
The patient is 45 years. In the x-ray examination in II segment of the right lung revealed plot
eclipse of low intensity with indistinct, blurred contours to 3.5 cm in diameter. He complains of a
slight cough with sputum. An objective examination revealed no pathology. Blood test: leucocytes
- 9,2 109/ l, ESR - 32 mm / h. Mycobacteria are not found in the sputum. The diagnosis of
tuberculosis was found. The patient was scheduled TB therapy. What medications prescribed in a
phase of continued daily?
a. Isoniazid, rifampicin.
b. Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol.
c. Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethionamide, streptomycin.
d. Pyrazinamide, ethambutol.
e. Rifampicin, pyrazinamide.

What is multi-resistance?
a. Resistance to isoniazid, rifampicin fluoroquinolones and second-line injection
b. Resistance to 2 anti-TB drugs and more
c. Resistance to isoniazid and rifampicin.
d. All answers are incorrect.
e. Resistance to all TB drugs of the 1st row

Patient is 36 years. Worried weakness, fever 37,4С, to cough with small amounts of sputum.
Discomfort noted three weeks ago. An objective examination revealed no pathology. Blood test:
leucocytes - 10,2 х109/ l, ESR - 28 mm / h. On radiographs of the left lung segment VI defined
area blackout of low intensity with vague contours and enlightenment in the center. It was
diagnosed infiltrative tuberculosis of the left lung. In bacterioscopic study were found
What medications prescribed for the intensive phase?
a. Rifampicin, pyrazinamide.
b. Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol.
c. Isoniazid, rifampicin.
d. Pyrazinamide, ethambutol.
e. Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethionamide, streptomycin.

Patient is 36 years. Worried weakness, fever 37,4С, to cough with small amounts of sputum.
Discomfort noted three weeks ago. An objective examination revealed no pathology. Blood test:
leucocytes - 10,2 х109/ l, ESR - 28 mm / h. On radiographs of the left lung segment VI defined
area blackout of low intensity with vague contours and enlightenment in the center. It was
diagnosed infiltrative tuberculosis of the left lung. In bacterioscopic study were found
What is the standard treatment regimen to be assigned to the patient in the intensive phase?
a. 6 ZE
b. 2 HRZE.
c. 5 HR.
d. 1 HRZE.
e. 4 HRZE.

29-year-old patient is been treated for pulmonary tuberculosis within 3 weeks receiving isoniazid,
rifampicin, streptomycin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and
appetite loss appeared. To which medicine these side effects are more likely due to?
a. Streptomycin.
b. Pyrazinamide.
c. Rifampicin.
d. Ethambutol.
e. Isoniazid.

For TB patient isoniazid, rifampicin, streptomycin, pyrazinamide, vitamin C, had been administered.
In a month he started to complain of diminished hearing and buzzing in the ears. Side effect of
which administered drug can it be due to?
a. Pyrazinamide.
b. Isoniazid.
c. Streptomycin.
d. Rifampicin.
e. Vitamin C.

The patient is 45 years. In the x-ray examination in II segment of the right lung revealed plot
eclipse of low intensity with indistinct, blurred contours to 3.5 cm in diameter. He complains of a
slight cough with sputum. An objective examination revealed no pathology. Blood test: leucocytes
- 9,2 109/ l, ESR - 32 mm / h. Mycobacteria are not found in the sputum. The diagnosis of
tuberculosis was found. The patient was scheduled TB therapy. How long is the treatment in a
phase of continued daily?
a. 4 months.
b. 1 months.
c. 3 months.
d. 2 months.
e. 6 months.

Patient is 36 years. Worried weakness, fever 37,4С, to cough with small amounts of sputum.
Discomfort noted three weeks ago. An objective examination revealed no pathology. Blood test:
leucocytes - 10,2 х109/ l, ESR - 28 mm / h. On radiographs of the left lung segment VI defined
area blackout of low intensity with vague contours and enlightenment in the center. It was
diagnosed infiltrative tuberculosis of the left lung. In bacterioscopic study were found
What medications prescribed in a phase of continued daily?
a. Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethionamide, streptomycin.
b. Isoniazid, rifampicin.
c. Pyrazinamide, ethambutol.
d. Rifampicin, pyrazinamide.
e. Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol.

28-year-old patient without any data about previous liver disease is undergoing treatment course
for tuberculosis. After 2 weeks of treatment started to complain of nausea, loss of appetite;
jaundice appeared. Biochemical test detected increasing level of AST, ALT. Which drug
combination’s side effect is it more likely due to?
a. Rifampicin + streptomycin.
b. Isoniazid + ethionamide.
c. Rifampicin + pyrasinamide.
d. Ethambutol+isoniazid.
e. Ethambutol + pyrasinamide.

Patient is 36 years. Worried weakness, fever 37,4С, to cough with small amounts of sputum.
Discomfort noted three weeks ago. An objective examination revealed no pathology. Blood test:
leucocytes - 10,2 х109/ l, ESR - 28 mm / h. On radiographs of the left lung segment VI defined
area blackout of low intensity with vague contours and enlightenment in the center. It was
diagnosed infiltrative tuberculosis of the left lung. In bacterioscopic study were found
How long is the treatment in a phase of continued daily?
a. 4 months.
b. 2 months.
c. 1 months.
d. 3 months.
e. 6 months.

The patient is 45 years. In the x-ray examination in II segment of the right lung revealed plot
eclipse of low intensity with indistinct, blurred contours to 3.5 cm in diameter. He complains of a
slight cough with sputum. An objective examination revealed no pathology. Blood test: leucocytes
- 9,2 109/ l, ESR - 32 mm / h. Mycobacteria are not found in the sputum. The diagnosis of
tuberculosis was found. The patient was scheduled TB therapy. What is the standard treatment
regimen to be assigned to the patient in the intensive phase?
a. 6 ZE
b. 2 HRZE.
c. 4 HRZE.
d. 5 HR.
e. 1 HRZE.

Patient is 36 years. Worried weakness, fever 37,4С, to cough with small amounts of sputum.
Discomfort noted three weeks ago. An objective examination revealed no pathology. Blood test:
leucocytes - 10,2 х109/ l, ESR - 28 mm / h. On radiographs of the left lung segment VI defined
area blackout of low intensity with vague contours and enlightenment in the center. It was
diagnosed infiltrative tuberculosis of the left lung. In bacterioscopic study were found
What scheme etiotrop treatment should be assigned to the patient in a phase of continued daily?
a. 4 RZ
b. 2 HRZE
c. 4 HR
d. 2 HR
e. 4 ZE

The patient is 45 years. In the x-ray examination in II segment of the right lung revealed plot
eclipse of low intensity with indistinct, blurred contours to 3.5 cm in diameter. He complains of a
slight cough with sputum. An objective examination revealed no pathology. Blood test: leucocytes
- 9,2 109/ l, ESR - 32 mm / h. Mycobacteria are not found in the sputum. The diagnosis of
tuberculosis was found. The patient was scheduled TB therapy.
What medications prescribed for the intensive phase?
a. Rifampicin, pyrazinamide.
b. Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol.
c. Isoniazid, rifampicin.
d. Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethionamide, streptomycin.
e. Pyrazinamide, ethambutol.

What drugs are related to Tuberculosis drugs of the 1st row (specify the most correct answer)?
a. Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol, ethionamide.
b. Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol, kanamycin.
c. Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol.
d. Isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol, streptomycin.
e. Isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethionamide, streptomycin.

The patient is 45 years. In the x-ray examination in II segment of the right lung revealed plot
eclipse of low intensity with indistinct, blurred contours to 3.5 cm in diameter. He complains of a
slight cough with sputum. An objective examination revealed no pathology. Blood test: leucocytes
- 9,2 109/ l, ESR - 32 mm / h. Mycobacteria are not found in the sputum. The diagnosis of
tuberculosis was found. The patient was scheduled TB therapy.
How long is the treatment in the intensive phase?
a. 3 months.
b. 6 months.
c. 1 months.
d. 2 months.
e. 4 months.

TOPIC 5 18/20
What criteria determine the epidemiological danger of the focus of tuberculosis infection?
Select one:
a. House conditions in which patient and his family lives.
b. Sanitary and hygienic conditions in the focus of infection.
c. Massive bacterial excretion.
d. All the above.
e. The presence of children and adolescents in the focus.

What measures should be taken with regard to adult family members of the patient for the first
time detected tuberculosis with bacterial excretion?
Select one:
a. Put on record, prescribe chemoprophylaxis.
b. X-ray examination, put on record, to prescribe chemoprophylaxis.
c. X-ray examination, put on record
d. Assign chemoprophylaxis
e. Tuberculin diagnostics.

What children and adolescents do revaccination?

Select one:
a. A negative Mantouan test with 2 TU PPD-L.
b. With a positive Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L.
c. Do not do at all .
d. Hyperergic Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L.
e. With a dubious Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L..

What drugs are used for chemoprophylaxis?

Select one:
a. Ethambutol, rifampicin, ofloxacin.
b. Isoniazid, ethambutol, pyrazinamide.
c. Pirazinamide, ponitamide, rifamycin.
d. Rifampicin, streptomycin, etionamid.
e. Isoniazid, streptomycin

What is the TB infection focus (center) called ?

Select one:
a. Clinical form of tuberculosis.
b. Apartment of a patient with active tuberculosis, which does not excretion the MBT.
c. Apartment of a patient with active tuberculosis, which excretes the MBT.
d. Apartment of a person who became ill with tuberculosis.
e. Everything is correct

What is the duration of the secondary prevention course if only isoniazid is prescribed?
Select one:
a. 3 months.
b. 2 months.
c. 5 months
d. 3 weeks.
e. 6 months.

When is the revaccinate I?

Select one:
a. Do not spend at all .
b. At 10 and 17 years.
c. At 3 and 6 years.
d. At 7 and 14 years.
e. At 8 and 16 years.

What kind of measure is not part of sanitary prevention?

Select one:
a. Sanitary and educational work.
b. Isolation of a patient with tuberculosis.
c. Recovery of tuberculosis infection focuses.
d. Referral of a tuberculosis patient to a special medical commission.
e. Disinfection in the focus of tuberculosis infection.

Who of the following contingents can’t have secondary prevention?

Select one:
a. Children and adolescents with Virage tuberculin Mantoux test with 2 PPD-L.
b. Children and adolescents with hyperergic Mantoux reaction with 2 TP PP-L.
c. Persons who have contact with patients with tuberculosis with detected resistant MBT.
d. Children and adolescents with growing tuberculinous reactions.
e. HIV-infected people with Virage tuberculin Mantoux test with 2 PPD-L.

After what time after the BCG vaccination the immunity is produced?
Select one:
a. After 6-8 months.
b. A year later.
c. After 6-8 days.
d. After 6-8 weeks.
e. After 3 years.

What is BCG vaccine?

Select one:
a. Separate fractions of the MBT.
b. The culture of the MBT which was killed.
c. Products of life of the MBT.
d. Live and weak culture of the MBT.
e. Killed L-shaped forms of MBT.

What is the purpose of vaccination?

Select one:
a. Prevention of infection with MBT
b. Prevention of tuberculosis recurrence.
c. Formation of specific immunity.
d. Determination of the body's resistance to the MBT
e. Formation of non-specific immunity.

How is the BCG vaccine put in body?

What children and adolescents do revaccination?
~ With a positive Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L.
~ A negative Mantouan test with 2 TU PPD-L.
~ Hyperergic Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L.
~ With a dubious Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-L..
= Do not do at all .
Select one:
a. Subcutaneous.
b. Oral.
c. Skin.
d. Intramuscularly.
e. Intradermal.

What is multi-resistance?
Select one:
a. Resistance to isoniazid, rifampicin fluoroquinolones and second-line injection
b. Resistance to 2 anti-TB drugs and more
c. All answers are incorrect.
d. Resistance to isoniazid and rifampicin.
e. Resistance to all TB drugs of the 1st row

What dose of BCG vaccine is used for vaccination?

Select one:
a. 0.05 ml.
b. 0.02 ml.
c. 0.1 ml.
d. 0,005 ml.
e. 0.25 ml.

What is the «chemoprophylaxis of tuberculosis» mean?

Select one:
a. Children and adolescents with tuberculous Mantoux tuberculin test with 2 TU of PPD-L or with
growing tuberculinous reactions.
b. All the above.
c. Рrescribe anti-TB drugs for person which is in contact with patient who has bacterioexcretion
d. HIV-infected with Mantoux tuberculin test with 2 TU of PPD-L, with hyperergic reaction or with
growing tuberculinous reactions.
e. Children and adolescents with hyperergic Mantoux reaction with 2 TU PPD-L.

In what day healthy newborn is vaccinated?

Select one:
a. 1-2 day.
b. 14 day.
c. 7 day.
d. 3-5 day.
e. 10-12.

How many focuses (groups of focusses) of tuberculosis infection do you know?

Select one:
a. One.
b. Two.
c. Five.
d. Four.
e. Three.

What is the purpose of chemoprophylaxis?

Select one:
a. To prevent transition of the positive tuberculin reaction to the hyperergic.
b. Prevention of tuberculosis.
c. Formation of specific immunity.
d. Everything indicated.
e. Strengthening of natural resistance against tuberculosis.

What is the most important criterion for determining the epidemiological risk in the focus of
tuberculosis infection?
Select one:
a. Sanitary conditions in which the patient lives with his family.
b. Longitude of TB disease.
c. Massiveness of bacterial excretion.
d. Number of members in family of a patient
e. The presence of children and adolescents in the focus of tuberculosis infection

TOPIC 6 16/20
What are the peculiarities of TB in patients with HIV / AIDS 3 - 4 stages?
Select one or more:
a. Enlarged lymph nodes
b. All mentioned
c. Asthenia
d. Miliary changes in the lungs
e. Severe intoxication

Male, 42 years old complains of chills, shortness of breath, body temperature of 37.2 ° C. He
works at the chicken farm. During the examination: pale skin, respiratory rate - 24 per minute
heart rate - 98 per minute. Percussion sound of the lungs is not altered vesicular breathing.
Pastosity legs. On radiographs on both sides of the lung fields along numerous small (2-3 mm)
focal shade of low intensity. ESR -30 mm / h. Mantoux test - infiltration diameter of 15 mm. What
is the diagnosis of the patient?
Select one or more:
a. Focal tuberculosis.
b. Idiopathic alveolitis.
c. Miliary tuberculosis.
d. Subacute disseminated tuberculosis.
e. Congestive pneumonia.

In AIDS patients during X-ray examination revealed massive focal-infiltrative shadow in the lower
lobes of both lungs. Mantoux test with 2 TU PPD-negative. What is the diagnosis of the patient is
most likely?
Select one or more:
a. Bronchiectasis;
b. Bilateral inferior pneumonia;
c. Mycobacteriosis
d. Disseminated tuberculosis;
e. Carcinomatosis;

Patient is 20 years, registered in AIDS center for one year. He complains of painful lymph nodes in
the groin area, fever up to 38 C for 2 months, weakness, sweating, weight loss. Patients
underwent biopsy of the lymph node of right inguinal area. These biopsies, lymph node molten
contains cheese mass microscopically. Immunological analysis of blood: T- lymphocytes - 157 cells
/ mm3. What is the clinical form of tuberculosis in a patient?
Select one or more:
a. Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes.
b. Miliary tuberculosis.
c. Focal tuberculosis
d. Tuberculosis of peripheral and intrathoracic lymph nodes.
e. Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes.

Which of the following is characteristic of tuberculosis in the late stages of HIV infection?
Select one or more:
a. Severe long-term intoxication with a negative reaction to the Mantoux test;
b. All of the characteristic.
c. In half of the patients - lack of MBT in sputum;
d. Preferably extrapulmonary lesions, increased intrathoracic lymph nodes, generalized
e. Diffuse infiltrates localized both in the top and in the middle and lower parts of the lungs;

In HIV-infected CD4 level where indicated prevention pneumocystis pneumonia?

Select one or more:
a. less than 100 cells / mm3 of blood
b. least 50 cells / mm3 of blood
c. 350-200 cells / mm3 of blood
d. of less than 200 cells / mm3 of blood
e. less than 500-400 cells / mm3 of blood

In terms of immunity which often develops miliary tuberculosis?

Select one or more:
a. 450-350 cells / mm3 of blood
b. 300-210 cells / mm3 of blood
c. does not matter the number of cells / mm 3 of blood
d. least 200 cells / mm3 of blood
e. 500 cells / mm3 of blood

What is the cause of tuberculosis in AIDS patients?

Select one or more:
a. HIV suppresses the activity of the nervous system.
b. HIV causes shortage helper T lymphocytes and violates the ratio of T-helper / T-suppressor.
c. HIV causes deficiency of T lymphocytes-killers
d. HIV causes deficiency of T lymphocyte suppressor
e. HIV causes a decrease in the number of helper T-lymphocytes

The level of lymphocyte populations which evaluated the immune system of HIV / AIDS?
Select one or more:
a. CD 8
b. B-lymphocytes.
c. CD 4
d. CD 6
e. CD 2

The patient is 47 years old, suffering from the destructive tuberculosis in combination with AIDS.
How long is the primary treatment of the patient with the said co-infection.
Select one or more:
a. Do not less than 12 months.
b. More than 12 months.
c. 9 months.
d. 3 months.
e. 6 months.

The risk of active TB in HIV infection is:

Select one or more:
a. 30% during the year
b. 40% for life
c. 11-20% for life
d. 41-50% for life
e. 5-10% for the year

The patient is 25 years, registered in AIDS center. He complains of weakness, fever up to 37,8 C,
sweating, weight loss, cough with mucous sputum release. These treasures appeared 1.5 months
ago. X-ray: the root of the right lung unstructural expanded with perifocal infiltration around. On
tomograms organs of the chest cavity defined swollen lymph nodes in the right
bronchopulmonary group. Sputum analysis: MBT -2+. Immunological analysis of blood: CD4 + - 8
cells in 1 mm3 of blood. Combination of which 2 pathologies determined by the patient?
Select one or more:
a. Tuberculosis + HIV infection
b. Tuberculosis + Lymphogranulomatosis
c. Lymphogranulomatosis + HIV
d. Tuberculosis + Herpes
e. Lymphogranulomatosis + Herpes

Patient is 20 years, registered in AIDS center for one year. He complains of painful lymph nodes in
the groin area, fever up to 38 C for 2 months, weakness, sweating, weight loss. Patients
underwent biopsy of the lymph node of right inguinal area. These biopsies, lymph node molten
contains cheese mass microscopically. Immunological analysis of blood:T- lymphocytes - 157
cells / mm3. Combination of which 2 pathologies determined by the patient?
Select one or more:
a. Lymphogranulomatosis + HIV
b. Tuberculosis + Herpes
c. Tuberculosis + HIV infection
d. Tuberculosis + Lymphogranulomatosis
e. Lymphogranulomatosis + Herpes

What are the contributing population subject to preventive x-ray once a year?
Select one or more:
a. persons during contact with children and adolescents
b. persons during contact with food
c. HIV-infected
d. all mentioned
e. persons during contact with many people

The patient is 25 years, registered in AIDS center. He complains of weakness, fever up to 37,8 C,
sweating, weight loss, cough with mucous sputum release. These treasures appeared 1.5 months
ago. X-ray: the root of the right lung unstructural expanded with perifocal infiltration around. On
tomograms organs of the chest cavity defined swollen lymph nodes in the right
bronchopulmonary group. Sputum analysis: MBT -2+. Immunological analysis of blood: CD4 + - 8
cells in 1 mm3 of blood. What is the clinical form of tuberculosis in a patient?
Select one or more:
a. Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes.
b. Tuberculosis of peripheral and intrathoracic lymph nodes.
c. Miliary tuberculosis.
d. Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes.
e. Focal tuberculosis

The patient is 25 years, registered in AIDS center. He complains of weakness, fever up to 37,8 C,
sweating, weight loss, cough with mucous sputum release. These treasures appeared 1.5 months
ago. X-ray: the root of the right lung unstructural expanded with perifocal infiltration around. On
tomograms organs of the chest cavity defined swollen lymph nodes in the right
bronchopulmonary group. Sputum analysis: MBT -2+. Immunological analysis of blood: CD4 + - 8
cells in 1 mm3 of blood. What diseases should conduct a differential diagnosis of tuberculosis?
Select one or more:
a. All of the above
b. Herpes.
c. Lymphogranulomatosis.
d. Central lung cancer.
e. Sarcoidosis.

Patients with diseases that are at risk for acquisition of tuberculosis:

Select one or more:
a. patients with diabetes;
b. patients with occupational lung diseases;
c. Patients who regularly take steroids, radiotherapy;
d. All of the above mentioned.
e. HIV-positive;
Which of the listed characteristic of tuberculosis in the later stages of HIV infection?
Select one or more:
a. diffuse infiltrates localized in both the upper and lower in the medium of the lungs
b. mainly extrapulmonary lesions, increased intra-thoracic lymph nodes, generalized
c. pronounced prolonged intoxication with a negative reaction to the Mantoux test
d. All of the typical
e. half of the patients - lack of MBT in sputum

The level of lymphocyte populations which evaluated the immune system of HIV / AIDS?
Select one or more:
a. CD 6
b. CD 2
c. B-lymphocytes
d. CD 8
e. CD 4

Is the risk of getting tuberculosis higher in HIV-infected people than in HIV-negative people?
Select one or more:
a. 10-19%
b. 31-40 %
c. 5-9%
d. 1-4%
e. 20-30%

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