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Light Side Playbooks

Non-Jedi Playbooks

The Bounty Hunter

A solitary fortune seeker with a gray moral compass. You may prefer to work alone, but something has
led you to work with this crew for the time being. Will they melt your heart and make you a team player, or
will you leave them as soon as the job is over?

Choose one to add +1 to:
Balance Track
Refresh: Fail a job because you helped your crew instead
Light Side Fear Anger Hate Suffering Dark Side
|| [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] ||
Mark Dark Side on your Balance Track to push yourself or to help a crew member (roll a 3rd d6 and
discard the lowest die), when you fail a roll, or when a playbook tells you to. If you have boxes marked in
Hate or Suffering you deal 1 extra harm each time you do harm, but mark two boxes each time you mark
Dark Side.

If all your boxes are filled, and you have to mark Dark Side you must roll Turn to the Dark Side.

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
When you mark your last harm box you are dead unless someone else can act immediately to save you

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Mark experience when you fail a roll, or when a move tells you to. Once you fill every box, you may erase
them all and take an improvement.

You start with all the basic moves, plus three Bounty Hunter moves

You get this one:

Bounty Guild: At the beginning of each mission, or at the Senate’s discretion, roll +Smooth
On a 10+ You’re given a new bounty for a target that will be nearby in your next mission. Your
contact at the guild will tell you if the employer wants them warm or cold.
On a 7-9 Your new target is slightly out of the way, in the same system or maybe a moon of the
planet you’re going to. You’ll have to convince your crew to take on the extra challenge, and you don’t
know whether the employer wants them warm or cold.
On a miss Your target’s last known location isn’t anywhere near where you’re going. Your crew
will be putting the mission on hold to go after this with you.
Take +1 ongoing on rolls to get closer to your target. You get 1 hold if you take care of the target
or 2 holds if you take care of them the preferred way. Spend a hold to either gain experience or 1 Credit. If
you miss the target, your reputation with the guild takes a hit. -1 forward to your next Bounty Guild roll.

Then pick two of these:

The Child: You travel with a small, relatively helpless being. They need to be taught the ways of the
Galaxy, but they aren’t totally useless. Tell the Senate what they are (a young clone of yourself, a
mysterious alien, an unconventional little droid) and work with them to decide what your little ward’s
abilities are. If you assist, protect, or teach them remove one Dark Side. If they are hurt or captured, mark
Dark Side.

I’ll Kill You Just for the Pleasure: Upon a successful Melee or Blast’em roll, you may mark Dark Side
to inflict two additional harm.

I Can Bring You in Warm… or Cold: When you give someone the choice to live or die, choose one.
● Take influence over them
● Remove one Darkside
● They give you a useful piece of information

Weapon of Choice: You might prefer to work alone, but your weapon is a companion that never leaves
your side. When wielding your Signature Weapon, you inflict +1 harm and get +1 forward whenever you
roll Melee or Blast’em

Honor Among Hunters: Even when things are tense, other Bounty Hunters and those who employ them
will take you at your word. If someone is after the same bounty as you, you may give them influence or
spend one credit. If you do this, they will join the crew as your ally as long as you pursue that target.

This is the Way: Choose an ideal or tradition (You never remove your helmet, you always bring the target
in alive, you never turn down a well paying job) that you won’t budge on unless circumstances are dire.
As long as you adhere to this principle, others of this same belief will always come to your aid when you
need them most.

The gear carried by a bounty hunter is as iconic as the hunter themselves. Choose your signature
weapon. Across the galaxy, people think of you wielding this iconic weapon and it strikes fear in their
hearts. It can be any weapon on the gear list, any rarity.

Signature Weapon: _______________

Your line of work is dangerous, and versatility is survival. You have protective wear, suited to your look,
worth 1-armor.
Most bounty hunters carry a variety of gear to help in a variety of situations. Pick two from the list.
● Choose any uncommon blaster OR a pair of common blasters
● Choose any common or uncommon melee weapon
● Choose any three common specialty items
● Choose any two uncommon specialty item
● You have a landspeeder. (1 seat, fragile, fast, no weapons)

Ship Feature - Brig:

Whether you’re the shipowner or not, you have a feature on the ship. Every bounty hunter needs a place
to keep prisoners. It’s not military grade by any standards, but you can spend credits to upgrade it as you

● +1 Scruff (Max +3)
● +1 Scruff (Max +3)
● +1 Tech (Max +3)
● +1 Smooth (Max +3)
● +1 Force (Max +3)
● Take influence over the bounty guild.
● Take another Bounty Hunter move.
● Take another Bounty Hunter move.
● Take a move from another playbook.
● Take a move from another playbook.

Advanced Improvements:
● +1 to any rating (Max +3)
● +1 to any rating (Max +3)
● Clear all dark side.
● Change this crew member to a new playbook.
● Create a second crew member to play alongside this one.
● Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Retire this crew member to safety.
● You lead the Bounty Guild. You have influence over all bounty hunters, and they’re usually
working for you. Double all credits earned from completing missions.
● -1 to any rating, and +1 to any other rating. (min -2, max +3, repeatable)
● Exchange any move for another. If it’s a move from your playbook, the new move must be from
your playbook. (repeatable)

A Long Time Ago:

Every Crew has a story of how they got together. Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of
these for each other Crewmate:

- You were sent to collect their Bounty, you spared them. Why?

- They used to be a Hunter like you, until they took a blaster to the knee.
- You met them on a job, did they help you succeed? Or did they make you lose your target?

- They betrayed you, but that’s the life. How have you mended the relationship?

- You met in a Cantina. How did they start the brawl?


The Droid
It’s hard to imagine Star Wars without droids. Every good story in this universe has an endearing droid
backing up the hero. Will you step up at just the right moment to save the Galaxy?

Choose one to add +1 to:

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
As a Droid, when you mark your last harm box you are inactive until you can be repaired. You may mark 2
harm to push yourself or to help a crew member (roll a 3rd d6 and discard the lowest die).

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Mark experience when you fail a roll, or when a move tells you to. Once you fill every box, you may erase
them all and take an improvement.

You start with all the basic moves, plus three Droid moves.

You get this one:

My Metal Body: You cannot mark or remove Dark Side points, but you may mark 2 harm to push yourself
or help out another crew member. If you mark your last harm box you can usually be repaired, although
the Senate may offer you a lasting consequence such as a wiped memory or different parts.

Then pick two of these:

❏ GONK: When you behave like a droid to blend into the background, roll +Tech
On a 10+ you’re regarded as unthreatening and unimportant.
On a 7-9, pick one: unthreatening or unimportant.
On a miss, something is off. You draw their suspicion.
❏ Target Acquired: If you have damaged a target already this combat your targeting systems are
locked on to them. You may automatically succeed as if you rolled a 10 on Melee and Blast’em
rolls against that target.

❏ Fluent in Over Six Million Forms of Communication: Can communicate with any and all
sentient beings/translate any written words.

❏ Protocol: Roll +TECH instead of +SMOOTH to Negotiate

❏ Roger Roger: +1 ongoing while acting as directed by another player

❏ Routine Maintenance: When you are targeted by repair something, whether by yourself of
another player, the following happens:
On a 10+ heal three harm
On a 7-9 heal two harm
On a miss take one harm.

❏ Hidden in the Databanks: You may declare to your crew that you have found information in your
memory that could assist with the mission. Roll +TECH.
On a 10+ you may ask the Senate one question, which they must answer exactly.
On a 7-9 ask the Senate one question, but the information will be incomplete
On a miss the information leads you into a dangerous situation or delays your objective.
On any result, the Senate may say that the info takes time to defragment.

Droids are built to be versatile and helpful. Choose three common or one common and one uncommon
droid attachment from the gear list. You may only have three attachments at once. If you buy more
attachments than you have attachment slots for, you may swap out which are equipped any time you
have a willing mechanic and access to a repair bay.

You may also choose one of the following, and they don’t take an attachment slot:
E-5 Blaster Rifle (3-harm, mid, reload)
Wrist Blaster (2-harm, mid)
Scomp Link - When using your Scomp to Slice, always take an additional hold, even on a miss.

Ship Feature - Repair Bay:

Whether you’re the shipowner or not, you have a feature on the ship. A droid’s gotta have a place to
perform routine maintenance. There’s a workbench, and plenty of spare parts.

● +1 Scruff
● +1 Tech
● +1 Tech
● +1 Smooth
● Gain another attachment slot.
● Gain another attachment slot.
● Take another move from this playbook.
● Take another move from this playbook.
● Take a move from another playbook.
● Take a move from another playbook.

Advanced Improvements:
● +1 to any rating. (Max +3)
● +1 to any rating. (Max +3)
● +1 to any rating. (Max +3)
● Gain unlimited attachment slots.
● Create another crew member to play alongside this one.
● Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Reprogrammed - start this character over from scratch. You may choose totally different options
this time, and you likely don’t remember your past.
● -1 to any rating, and +1 to any other rating. (min -2, max +3, repeatable)
● Exchange any move for another. If it’s a move from your playbook, the new move must be from
your playbook. (repeatable)

A Long Time Ago:

Every Crew has a story of how they got together. Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of
these for each other Crewmate:

- Thank the Maker! This person built you, what was your purpose?

- You are the personal droid of this crewmate, how did you meet?

- You were taken by scavengers who were going to sell you to pirates. How did they save you?

- You witnessed them do something they regret but you’re programmed for secrecy. Ask them

- Oh dear! When things went haywire, something you did saved their skin. What was it?

The General
You have led countless lives to die among the stars in glorious battle. That is your burden to bear as an
inspiring leader and a cunning strategist. EX: Mon Mothma, Leia (sequels), Admiral Akbar, Saw Garrera

Choose one to add +1 to:

Balance Track
Refresh: Choose the safer strategy over the winning one
Light Side Fear Anger Hate Suffering Dark Side
|| [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] ||
Mark Dark Side on your Balance Track to push yourself or to help a crew member (roll a 3rd d6 and
discard the lowest die), when you fail a roll, or when a playbook tells you to. If you have boxes marked in
Hate or Suffering you deal 1 extra harm each time you do harm, but mark two boxes each time you mark
Dark Side.

If all your boxes are filled, and you have to mark Dark Side you must roll Turn to the Dark Side.

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
When you mark your last harm box you are dead unless someone else can act immediately to save you

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Mark experience when you fail a roll, or when a move tells you to. Once you fill every box, you may erase
them all and take an improvement.

You start with all the basic moves, plus three General moves.

You get this one:

Squadron: There are 3-5 people who have served under you for years through many battles. They are
loyal to a fault and will follow you into the most dire of circumstances. They already have before. You
have influence over each of them, as well as over each crew member. Name them. Use the following as a
guide, or come up with something on your own.

________ is your _______ expert. When did their competence bail you out of a tough situation?

________ is your most trusted cadet. Your second in command. Your loyal confidant. This wasn’t
unearned. When did they take command for you while you were out of commission?

________ is your toughest soldier. They frequently question your orders. What’s a time where they had
your back in a way that no one else did?

________ is your eagle-eyed comms officer. There’s nothing that escapes their notice. When did they see
a danger that escaped your notice?

________ is your wild card. They never fail to defy expectations, but it usually works out. What’s a time
they went too far?

Then pick two of these:

It’s a Trap!: Gain an extra hold on I’ve Got a Bad Feeling About This rolls even on a miss.
May the Force be With Us: At the beginning of each mission, roll +FORCE. On a 10+ hold 2, on a 7-9
hold 1. Spend the hold to be where you need to be, prepared and ready. On a miss, the Keeper holds 1
they can spend to put you in the worst place, unprepared and unready.

The Holdo Maneuver: Whenever you charge behind enemy lines in order to buy time for your allies to
escape, the enemies will focus all their efforts on you. Clear all dark side and take +1 ongoing until your
crew is safe.

The Empire Considers Both of Us Criminals. At Least I Act Like One: When you recount the horrible
things you’ve done in the name of justice, mark dark side. You may choose one from the list:
● Temporarily gain access to a destructive weapon.
● Someone who works for the enemy used to work for you. Name them. They probably won’t
completely turn coat, but they do offer you something important.
● You know a secret way off planet, or across it. Something undetectable.

You’re My Only Hope: When you make a desperate plea, you may choose to give up your influence over
a character or give influence to a character that doesn’t have it. If you do this, they must do as you ask,
no matter the risks involved.

Hope Still Burns: When you give an inspiring speech roll +SMOOTH.
On a 10+ you gain influence over everyone within earshot. Hold two.
On a 7-9 choose one character or player to gain influence over and hold one.
On a miss all characters and players within earshot gain influence over you.
Spend each hold to
● You have inspired heroism. Remove one dark side from all characters.
● You have inspired greatness. All crew members present mark experience
● You have inspired fortitude. Heal one harm from all characters.
● You have inspired loyalty. If there’s a potential double agent present, they decide not to turn on
you for now.
● The path to victory is clear. All characters take +1 forward

Your aim is to command the battlefront, not join it. Still, you have a sidearm for sticky situations. Choose
Q2 holdout pistol (1-harm, close/mid, concealed)
ELG-3A Blaster Pistol (1-harm, close/mid, accurate) set to (0-harm, close/mid, stun)
DL-22 Blaster Pistol (2-harm, close/mid, reload, concealed) - small pistol that is heavily customizable.
Carried by Luke Skywalker
Ion Blaster (2 harm, mid, ion)
CR-2 Blaster Pistol (1-harm, close/mid, auto) set to (0-harm, close/mid, auto, ion) - used by Naboo
palace guards
SE-14C Blaster Pistol (1-harm, recoil, any range) - a burst fire pistol with two scopes favored by imperial
Any Common Melee Weapon

A long long time ago, you fought with a more potent weapon. Though that feels like it happened in a
galaxy far far away. You don’t keep it on you, but you still have it locked away somewhere safe, just in
case. Mark dark side when you have to use it. Choose any weapon: ______________
Ship Feature - Bridge:
Whether you’re the shipowner or not, you have a feature on the ship. Sure, every ship has a cockpit, but
yours has a bridge. A place where the General can issue commands to their crew, while they survey the
obstacles ahead.

The Good Fight

You are a part of a military faction that fights against the other side in galactic warfare. Where are they
from? How long has the fight gone on? Do they have Jedi on their side? What are their goals? Are they a
huge, well known faction like the Republic or the Rebellion, or are they a smaller splinter cell like the
Partisans? You may use something from the canon or make up something of your own.

You also need to pick some faction traits (used by the Senate to determine the faction’s methods and
Good Traits (pick two):
Jedi Lore
Historical Archives
Well Trained
Latest Technology
Chapters Everywhere
Flexible Tactics
Well Organized
Well Funded
In Power Over the Galaxy
Mystical Artifacts
Bad Traits (pick one):
Dubious Motives
Paranoid and Secretive
Bound by Bureaucracy
Mystical Oaths
Total Obedience
Tyrannical Leaders
Obsolete Gear
No Funding

● +1 Scruff (max +3)
● +1 Tech (max +3)
● +1 Smooth (max +3)
● +1 Smooth (max +3)
● +1 Force (max +3)
● Gain an ally. Take influence over them.
● Take another move from this playbook.
● Take another move from this playbook.
● Take a move from another playbook.
● Take a move from another playbook.

Advanced Improvements:
● +1 to any rating (max 3)
● +1 to any rating (max 3)
● Clear all dark side.
● Change this crew member to a new playbook.
● Create a new crew member to play alongside this one.
● Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Retire this crew member to safety
● You are given command over a large ship. Each member of your squadron is now in command of
their own troops.
● -1 to any rating, and +1 to any other rating. (min -2, max +3, repeatable)
● Exchange any move for another. If it’s a move from your playbook, the new move must be from
your playbook. (repeatable)

A Long Time Ago:

Every Crew has a story of how they got together. Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of
these for each other Crewmate:

- They were a member of your squadron. What caused them to leave your side?

- They were your superior officer before you took command. What about you were they harsh

- You know them from way back in the military academy. How long has it been since you’ve

- They are not the type of company you typically keep, but they came to your aid when you needed
them most.

- They questioned your command and you put them in their place. Were you right or wrong?

The Scoundrel
Who’s scruffy looking? You’re the best at what you do in the galaxy… at least that's what you tell
everyone. Through guile, misdirection, or sheer luck, you’ve made a name for yourself across the
systems. The Scoundrel is always ready to place a bet, shoot first, then race off to the next hive of scum
and villainy.

Choose one to add +1 to:

Balance Track
Refresh: Fail a job because you helped your crew instead
Light Side Fear Anger Hate Suffering Dark Side
|| [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] ||
Mark Dark Side on your Balance Track to push yourself or to help a crew member (roll a 3rd d6 and
discard the lowest die), when you fail a roll, or when a playbook tells you to. If you have boxes marked in
Hate or Suffering you deal 1 extra harm each time you do harm, but mark two boxes each time you mark
Dark Side.

If all your boxes are filled, and you have to mark Dark Side you must roll Turn to the Dark Side.

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
When you mark your last harm box you are dead unless someone else can act immediately to save you

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Mark experience when you fail a roll, or when a move tells you to. Once you fill every box, you may erase
them all and take an improvement.

You get all the basic moves, plus three Scoundrel moves.

You get this one:

The Gold Dice: You may declare an old connection or contact from your past that might have what you
need. Whether they like you or not, the contact will take your call. Roll +Smooth.
On a 10+ they have what you need and will give it to you.
On a 7-9 they know how to get what you need, but it won’t be easy. They may ask for
something in return.
On a miss you must have forgotten that you owe them a great debt. They’ll double cross
you or demand payment.

Then pick two of these:

Never Tell Me The Odds: When you try to pull off a dangerous stunt without considering the
consequences, you may automatically succeed as if you rolled a 10+ on any move. If you do
this, choose one:
○ Your ship gets caught in the collateral damage. It needs repairs or takes harm (up to the
○ You’re hurt badly in the process (take 3 harm ignore-armor)
○ You have to do something reprehensible (mark 3 dark side)
○ You get captured by the enemy.
What a piece of Junk: When you want to pilot a ship that needs repairs, roll +Smooth
On a 10+ you figure out the problem and get it flying. It no longer needs repairs.
On a 7-9 you get it flying, but it still needs repairs.
On a miss you’d better have a backup plan ‘cause you’re stuck.

Don’t Get Cocky: When targeting someone other than yourself, you may roll +Smooth to defend
instead of +Scruff.

Nerf Herder: You’ve heard every insult in the galaxy... usually aimed at you. When you hurl an
insult, choose one from the following options:
● Gain influence over them
● They slip up, granting the next roll against them +1
● Their attention is focused on you

Life Debt: Gain an ally who owes you their life, no matter what you do, no matter what you say.
They’ll follow you anywhere. Even to the Darkside.

Nothing to Fight For: If you turn your back on the crew, going off alone instead of helping them
fight, roll +Smooth.
On a 10+ Hold 3
On a 7-9 Hold 1
Spend your hold at any time to ask the Keeper one of the following questions:
● Is there something I can bring back to redeem myself for leaving?
● When and where will the next critical event occur?
● What does the enemy truly want?
● How does this conflict connect to the bigger picture?

Choose one uncommon or common weapon. You may apply 2 Credits worth of modifications to this

You also have an array of tools at your disposal. Choose two common and one uncommon Specialty

Room - Smuggler’s Containers:

Whether you’re the shipowner or not, you have a feature on the ship. The Scoundrel needs a place to
hide the goods that they smuggle around the galaxy.

Never Look Back

You’ve made your fair share of enemies. Pick at least two of these and name the people involved:
A galactic security officer, ____________, has made it a personal goal to put you away.
You have a rival from your background, ____________, who never misses a chance to mess up
your plans.
You ticked off a well-connected criminal, ___________, and they’ll do whatever they can to
destroy you.
______________, is a force wielder who you took advantage of.
______________, is an old partner you betrayed in the middle of a job.
You evaded capture by a notorious bounty hunter named ____________ who will stop at nothing
to finish the job.
Scoundrel With a Cause
Your life has been lived with self-preservation at the focus of everything you do. Pick how you got caught
up in fighting for a higher purpose.
You were smuggling goods for one side of the war, and things got more serious than you
bargained for. Pick which side you worked for, and whether you stuck around.
You worked with someone mysterious, who made you rethink your morals. Pick one: jedi, sith,
sorcerer, mystic.
It’s rare that a random job ends up helping a society in need. This one did, and it felt different to
do something good for once.
Things went south on a job and you ended up caught in the middle of a full-scale naval battle.
Against the odds, you survived.

● +1 Scruff (Max +3)
● +1 Tech (Max +3)
● +1 Smooth (Max +3)
● +1 Smooth (Max +3)
● +1 Force (Max +3)
● Gain an Ally. Take influence over them.
● Take another move from this playbook
● Take another move from this playbook
● Take a move from another playbook
● Take a move from another playbook

Advanced Improvements:
● +1 to any rating (Max +3)
● +1 to any rating (Max +3)
● Clear all dark side.
● Change this crew member to another playbook.
● Create a second crew member to play as well as this one.
● Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Retire this crew member to safety.
● Through dubious means, you get a medium ship.
● -1 to any rating, and +1 to any other rating. (min -2, max +3, repeatable)
● Exchange any move for another. If it’s a move from your playbook, the new move must be from
your playbook. (repeatable)

A Long Time Ago:

Every Crew has a story of how they got together. Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of
these for each other Crewmate:

- They almost got you arrested when you were on a smuggling run. How did you get away?

- The Outer Rim is a big space. What keeps bringing you together?
- You owe them a great debt. In Credits. Ask them why they haven’t forced you to pay?

- You’ve always fought over which of you owns your beloved ship. What’s their claim on it?

- You met in a scummy cantina. How were they a rare reminder of the good in the galaxy?

The Scout
An explorer most at home on the fringes of space. Ex: Fennec Shand, Poe Dameron, Hera Syndulla

Choose one to add +1 to:

Balance Track
Refresh: Fail a job because you helped your crew instead
Light Side Fear Anger Hate Suffering Dark Side
|| [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] ||
Mark Dark Side on your Balance Track to push yourself or to help a crew member (roll a 3rd d6 and
discard the lowest die), when you fail a roll, or when a playbook tells you to. If you have boxes marked in
Hate or Suffering you deal 1 extra harm each time you do harm, but mark two boxes each time you mark
Dark Side.

If all your boxes are filled, and you have to mark Dark Side you must roll Turn to the Dark Side.

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
When you mark your last harm box you are dead unless someone else can act immediately to save you

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Mark experience when you fail a roll, or when a move tells you to. Once you fill every box, you may erase
them all and take an improvement.

You get all the basic moves, plus three Scout moves.

You get this one:

She May Not Look Like Much: You have a personal vehicle that qualifies as a small ship on the gear
list. It can be kept at your faction’s base or on a specific planet. Just make sure that if you go too far
across the galaxy you take it with you or be prepared to not have it for a while. You can base it off an
existing Star Wars ship or make up a unique one of your own. It can be built for space combat or
something more like a landspeeder.

Then choose two:

Hey, My Ship is in There!: When conditions are dangerous and you need to get back to your
ship in a hurry, you may mark dark side to get there without trouble.

Copy, Gold Leader: When piloting your personal vehicle alongside your crew’s ship, roll +Tech
instead of any move’s relevant rating.

Critical Strike: When you inflict harm on an enemy, you can aim for a weak spot. Roll +TECH.
On a 10+ you inflict +2 harm. On a 7-9 you inflict +1 harm. On a miss, you leave yourself open to
the enemy.

You Need a Pilot: You can fly anything. Take +1 ongoing while flying or driving any vehicle. You
can also get any ship started, even if you’ve never piloted it before.

Look at the Size of that Thing: When heading into open battle against insurmountable odds, roll
On a 10+ you are instilled with a burst of confidence. Your ship suffers 1 less harm and its
weapons cause 1 more harm until the fight is over.
On a 7-9 you’ve faced worse before. Choose one: Your ship suffers 1 less harm or its weapons
cause 1 more harm until the fight is over.
On a miss you are shaken. Take -1 ongoing until you land your ship.

Scan: When you get a good vantage point to try and get a lay of the land roll +Tech.
On a 10+ hold 2
On a 7-9 hold 1
On a miss you’re spotted by someone dangerous
Spend holds to ask:
● How do we get to ______ without complications?
● What dangers can we expect along the way?
● What is the enemy planning?
● What is happening here?
● What sort of people live here?
● Where is a hidden place I can post up with a rifle to help the crew?

Choose one of these:
EE-3 Carbine Rifle (2-harm, mid/far)
DC-15A Blaster Rifle (3 harm, mid, heavy, reload) set to (3 harm, far, reload) - standard issue for Clone
DLT-19x Targeting Blaster (4-harm, far, accurate, reload) - long range blaster that releases all of its
power in one shot
Slugthrower Sniper (3-harm, far, accurate, slug)
Astromech Droid - Allows you to roll to use Repair Something on your ship while you’re flying it.
And two of these:
Holdout Blaster Scout Pistol (1-harm, close/mid, concealed)
Q2 holdout pistol (1-harm, close/mid, concealed)
DL-22 Blaster Pistol (2-harm, close/mid, reload, concealed) - small pistol that is heavily customizable.
Carried by Luke Skywalker
Staff (1-harm, close, accurate) - Whether it’s a Gaffi Stick, or something more like Rey’s staff from the
Force Awakens, apply these stats
Knife (1-harm, close, concealed)
Sword (2 harm, close) - It’s not hard to find them, but they’re mostly used for ceremonial purposes or by
fighters with a pastoral style. Things like a Ryyk Blade.
Stun Baton (0-harm, close, ion)

Ship Feature - Docking Bay:

Whether you’re the shipowner or not, you have a feature on the ship. The Scout needs a place to dock
their ship when traveling with the other players. Most ships will be small enough that it will need to attach
somewhere externally. Later you can upgrade this so that you can park your ship inside the main vessel.

● +1 Tech (max +3)
● +1 Tech (max +3)
● +1 Smooth (max +3)
● +1 Smooth (max +3)
● +1 Force (max +3)
● Take the Bounty Guild Move from the Bounty Hunter playbook.
● Take another Scout Move.
● Take another Scout Move.
● Take a move from another playbook.
● Take a move from another playbook.

Advanced Improvements:
● +1 to any rating (max +3)
● +1 to any rating (max +3)
● Clear all dark side.
● Change this crew member to a new playbook.
● Create a new crew member to play alongside this one.
● Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Retire this crew member to safety.
● You have spent a long time around your guns. You can use far ranged weapons at mid range,
and mid range weapons at close or far range without penalty.
● -1 to any rating, and +1 to any other rating. (min -2, max +3, repeatable)
● Exchange any move for another. If it’s a move from your playbook, the new move must be from
your playbook. (repeatable)

A Long Time Ago:

Every Crew has a story of how they got together. Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of
these for each other Crewmate:

- You respect their skill or potential. What about them stands out to you?

- You’re both fighting for the same reason. What is your common bond?

- They asked something of you. Maybe it was an order. Why didn’t you follow it?

- You were better than them at the flight academy. Ask them if they felt bullied by you.

- They prevented you from doing the unthinkable. Ask them what they saw in you.


The Soldier
A battle-ready fighter with no equal in combat. Whether you’re a clone who somehow ditched his brain
chip like Rex, or you were a shock trooper for the new republic like Cara Dune, you have served your
share of time and found an early retirement. But you’re a warrior at heart, and something about the charm
of this new crew tells you that there’s a new cause worth fighting for.

Choose one to add +1 to:

Balance Track
Refresh: Fail a job because you helped your crew instead
Light Side Fear Anger Hate Suffering Dark Side
|| [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] ||
Mark Dark Side on your Balance Track to push yourself or to help a crew member (roll a 3rd d6 and
discard the lowest die), when you fail a roll, or when a playbook tells you to. If you have boxes marked in
Hate or Suffering you deal 1 extra harm each time you do harm, but mark two boxes each time you mark
Dark Side.

If all your boxes are filled, and you have to mark Dark Side you must roll Turn to the Dark Side.

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
When you mark your last harm box you are dead unless someone else can act immediately to save you

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Mark experience when you fail a roll, or when a move tells you to. Once you fill every box, you may erase
them all and take an improvement.

You get all the basic moves, plus three Soldier moves.

You get this one:

Combat Specialty: You served time in some past war. What was your role?
❏ Heavy Assault: When you Blast’em with a gun tagged as heavy inflict +1 harm, even on a miss.
❏ Sniper: When you take your first shot at an unsuspecting target, do +2 harm.
❏ Trooper: You have fought alongside fellow troopers with heart and fortitude. When you help
someone escape, roll +Scruff. On a 10+ you get them out safe. On a 7-9, you get them to safety,
but take a big hit. On a miss, you fail to get them out and you’ve attracted hostile attention.
❏ Outer Rim Bodyguard: Even when you’re not wearing armor, add +1 to your armor score (Max
❏ Combat Medic: When you try to patch up an ally in the middle of a firefight, roll +Scruff.
On a 10+ they heal 3 harm
On a 7-9, they heal 2 harm, and a stray shot hits you for 1 harm ignore-armor
On a miss choose one: they or you take 1 harm ignore-armor from a stray shot.
❏ Jet Trooper: You spent a lot of time in a jetpack during the war. While flying you no longer take -1

Then pick two:

I Hate Clankers: Mark Dark Side to take +1 ongoing when targeting droids until the fight is over.

Cybernetic Implant: Take a move from the Droid playbook. Gain one attachment slot to equip droid

Just a Simple Farmer: You came across a deserter once, and chose not to turn them in. In return, you
can use their remote dwelling as a safehouse for short periods of time. Just be careful not to wear out
your welcome or attract danger.

The Bad Batch: You were just a kid when you signed up. It didn’t occur to you that you were agreeing to
have your body altered forever. Because of the experiments they did on you, you have a special mutation.
Tell the Senate what your mutant ability is, and take +1 to the rating you agree is most relevant.

Only Through Fire is a Strong Sword Forged: If you have suffered harm in a fight, take +1 ongoing. No
matter how much harm you take, you can always keep going until the current fight is over. During a fight,
the Senate may not use harm moves against you, and you cannot die or turn to the dark side. When the
fight ends, mark dark side and all harm takes effect as normal.

Easy Isn’t Always Simple: If you want, you can take up to +3 bonus when you use the force. For each
+1 you use, the Senate holds 1. That hold can be spent later-- one for one-- to give you -1 on any move
except use the force.

Standard issue weapon:
DH-17 Blaster Pistol (2-harm, close/mid, reload) set to (1-harm, close/mid, ion)
DC-15A Blaster Rifle (3 harm, mid, heavy, reload) set to (3 harm, far, reload)
E-11 Blaster Rifle (3-harm, mid) set to (1-harm, mid, ion)
DLT-19x Targeting Blaster (4-harm, far, accurate, reload)
T-21 Repeating Blaster (3-harm, heavy, auto)
Sword (2 harm, close)
Axe (Brute+1, close, slow)
Electrostaff (1-harm, close, defensive, ion)

Additional weaponry:
Pick one common and one uncommon weapon. Choose one common specialty item.
You have armor styled to your choice and worth 1 armor.

Ship Feature - Bacta Tanks:

Whether you’re the shipowner or not, you have a feature on the ship. As long as there’s a Soldier on
board, the ship is gonna need a Medbay to patch them up.

● +1 Scruff (max +3)
● +1 Scruff (max +3)
● +1 Tech (max +3)
● +1 Smooth (max +3)
● +1 Smooth (max +3)
● Gain an ally. Gain influence over them.
● Take a move from this playbook.
● Take a move from this playbook.
● Take a move from another playbook.
● Take a move from another playbook.

Advanced Improvements:
● +1 to any rating. (max +3)
● +1 to any rating. (max +3)
● Clear all dark side.
● Change this crew member to a new type.
● Create a second crew member to play alongside this one.
● Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Retire this crew member to safety.
● Take a second option from Combat Specialty.
● -1 to any rating, and +1 to any other rating. (min -2, max +3, repeatable)
● Exchange any move for another. If it’s a move from your playbook, the new move must be from
your playbook. (repeatable)

A Long Time Ago:

Every Crew has a story of how they got together. Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of
these for each other Crewmate:

- You served together, nothing could shatter that bond.

- You were on the opposite sides of the conflict, they spared you. Why?
- They trained you/You trained them. What did you/they learn?

- You were mutual friends with a fallen comrade, who were they?

- They witnessed you doing something that weighs on you. What was it?

Jedi Playbooks

The Learner
Learners are young Jedi with hearts full of hope. They often see things their teachers would miss, like the
good in a terrible Sith or the simplest plan in a complicated situation. Though they are resourceful, they
must be wary. The Dark Side calls fervently to those with a strong connection to the Force, but lack the
discipline to resist temptation.

Choose one to add +1 to:

Balance Track
Refresh: Fail a job because you helped your crew instead
Light Side Fear Anger Hate Suffering Dark Side
|| [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] ||
Mark Dark Side on your Balance Track to push yourself or to help a crew member (roll a 3rd d6 and
discard the lowest die), when you fail a roll, or when a playbook tells you to. If you have boxes marked in
Hate or Suffering you deal 1 extra harm each time you do harm, but mark two boxes each time you mark
Dark Side.

If all your boxes are filled, and you have to mark Dark Side you must roll Turn to the Dark Side.

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
When you mark your last harm box you are dead unless someone else can act immediately to save you

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Mark experience when you fail a roll, or when a move tells you to. Once you fill every box, you may erase
them all and take an improvement.

You get all the basic moves, plus three Learner Moves.
You get this one:
Destiny of a Jedi: There’s something you are destined to do. Work out the details with the Senate. You
cannot die until it comes to pass. If you die in play, then you must mark all unmarked Dark Side boxes on
your balance track. After some time you will then, somehow, recover. Once your destiny is fulfilled or if
you fall to the dark side, you are no longer protected.

Then pick two of these:

Hello There: When you greet a mortal enemy with a playful greeting, take +1 ongoing as long as
the fight is one on one. Take influence over them.

So Uncivilized: When wielding a weapon other than a lightsaber, Roll +Force instead of +Scruff
or +Smooth.

Mind Trick: when you attempt to confuse someone with the Force tell them what they are
thinking and roll +FORCE.
On a 10+ they repeat exactly what you said, and then act on that thought.
On a 7-9 they repeat what you said and do it, but they will soon realize they were tricked.
On a miss your sorcery doesn’t work on them, and they’re probably not happy about it.

From a Certain Point of View: When you tell an enemy what good you still see in them roll
On a 10+ Your words get through to them and it causes them to hesitate. Take influence
over them and hold 2
On a 7-9 Your words affect them, but make them angry. Hold 1
On a miss they show you exactly why you are wrong. They take Influence over you.
Spend a hold to:
● Clear one Dark Side
● The enemy hesitates, grant +1 to another crew member
● Create an opportunity for a Jedi to Take Decisive Action
● The enemy focuses their attention on you
● The enemy reveals part of their plan

Take a Padawan: Sometimes the best way to learn is through teaching. It is your duty to train a
young padawan. They are reckless and headstrong, and because of this they might be more of a
hindrance than a help to you. Any time you gain experience or mark dark side, they do the same.
Once they have 10 experience, they are a fully fledged Jedi Knight. Through teaching, you have
learned much about the force and you may now take an improvement. Your padawan may not
travel with you anymore, but they are your ally. Be careful. Younglings are impressionable. If they
mark eight dark side before they no longer need you as a master, they fall to its temptation.

Your Focus Determines Your Reality: When you attempt to use the force with a force power
you haven’t used before you may remove one dark side or mark one experience.

The lightsaber is one of the most important tools at a Jedi's disposal. It is an elegant weapon from a more
civilized era. A good Jedi never lets their’s leave their side. Feel free to make two lightsabers if you fight
with two at a time. There is no mechanical benefit to this.

It has the following tags: (4-harm, close, defensive) and the wielder must roll +FORCE instead of the
relevant modifier when using it for Melee, Blast’em, or to Defend.

Every lightsaber has a story. Choose one: I built it myself as part of my training, an old weapon that was
once wielded by a great hero has been passed down to me, it is my duty to redeem this weapon that has
been used by a dark jedi to kill many unfortunate souls, a relic that is too old to know who once used it or
what secrets it might contain

Though most Jedi weapons are functionally the same, they are each iconic in their own right. Many hilts
are as recognizable as the faces of the people who use them. Choose as many as you’d like to describe
your hilt: Ancient Markings, Metallic, Wooden, Thin, Curved, Double Bladed, Inset Jewels, Intricate Inlays,
Exhaust Crossguard, Shoto, Tonfa, Rotating Blade, Switchblade, Pike, Weathered, ______, _______,

The most important part of building a lightsaber is finding your kyber crystal. Some masters teach that
your crystal must find you through the force rather than the other way around. They can be any color. The
most common are Blue and Green, but there are also Teal, Orange, Purple. There are some crystals that
have been corrupted by the Dark Side, and have turned red. What color is your lightsaber? _________.

As far and wide as you have to travel when the Force wills it, your lightsaber isn’t always the tool for the
job. Choose any common blaster or melee weapon:__________
Choose two common specialty items: _________, __________

As long as you hold your lightsaber, you have 1 armor.

Ship Feature - Jedi Training Room:

Whether you’re the shipowner or not, you have a feature on the ship. The Learner needs a place to run
through training exercises. There’s a remote and eye coverings to practice blocking with your lightsaber,
maybe even a small holoprojector or dummy you can train with.

How You Became a Jedi (pick one):

Trained from birth
Someone you knew was secretly a jedi
You learned from data you found
Someone attuned to the Dark Side trained you
You practiced on your own
You found the prophecy
Other: ___________

For a young Jedi, still on their journey towards balance and inner peace, the Dark Side is always calling. It
will always call you to do things you shouldn’t, and go against the will of the Force in exchange for
something you are desperate for.
Pick three Dark Side tags:
Mood Swings
Greed For Power
Poor Impulse Control
The Senate can ask you to do evil things (in accordance with the tags you choose), when the Dark Side
calls you to. If you do whatever is asked, mark Dark Side. If you don’t do it, then you get -1 ongoing until
the end of the mission, or until you give in. At the end of the mission, if you haven’t done anything the
Dark Side has asked, clear all Dark Side.

● +1 Scruff (max +3)
● +1 Tech (max +3)
● +1 Smooth (max +3)
● +1 Force (max +3)
● +1 Force (max +3)
● Gain an ally. Take influence over them.
● Take another Learner move
● Take another Learner move
● Take a move from another Jedi playbook
● Take a move from another playbook.

Advanced Improvements:
● +1 to any rating (max +3)
● +1 to any rating (max +3)
● Clear your darkside
● Change this crew member to a new playbook.
● Create a new crew member to play alongside this one.
● Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Retire this character into Self-Exile. Tell the Senate (but no one else) which planet you have
hidden away on and why.
● Remove two of your Dark Side Tags.
● -1 to any rating, and +1 to any other rating. (min -2, max +3, repeatable)
● Exchange any move for another. If it’s a move from your playbook, the new move must be from
your playbook. (repeatable)
A Long Time Ago:
Every Crew has a story of how they got together. Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of
these for each other Crewmate:

- They were a part of your life until you joined the Jedi Order. Ask them how they felt when you left.

- They lost someone who went to train as a Jedi. Ask them who, and if they resent you for it.

- You helped them under the most unlikely circumstances. What did you do for them?

- When they were young, a Jedi came to their home planet to help. Ask them what they lost in the
collateral damage.

- You met in a scummy cantina. Ask them what you did to make them go home and rethink their

The Master
Jedi Masters seek to bring balance to the Galaxy. They are not only proven warriors, but also have
mastery over wielding the Force. They are Balanced, but even the greatest Jedi Masters have misteaks to
atone for or unfinished business.

Choose one to add +1 to:

Balance Track
Refresh: Fail a job because you helped your crew instead
Light Side Fear Anger Hate Suffering Dark Side
|| [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] ||
Mark Dark Side on your Balance Track to push yourself or to help a crew member (roll a 3rd d6 and
discard the lowest die), when you fail a roll, or when a playbook tells you to. If you have boxes marked in
Hate or Suffering you deal 1 extra harm each time you do harm, but mark two boxes each time you mark
Dark Side.

If all your boxes are filled, and you have to mark Dark Side you must roll Turn to the Dark Side.

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
When you mark your last harm box you are dead unless someone else can act immediately to save you

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Mark experience when you fail a roll, or when a move tells you to. Once you fill every box, you may erase
them all and take an improvement.

You get all the basic moves, plus three Master moves.

You get these two:

Knowledge and Defense, Never for Attack: Your connection to the Force is great. You do not take harm
from blaster fire, unless you have dark side marked in “hate” or “suffering.” Once per battle, you gain
experience when you Defend yourself or an ally. Mark dark side if you roll Melee or Blast’em without first
trying to find a peaceful alternative.

Force Visions: Through the Force, you can sense how the future might unfold. At the beginning of the
mission, roll +Force. On a 10+, the Senate will reveal a useful detail about the coming mission. On a 7-9
you get a vague hint, but some of the vision might be too cryptic to decipher. On a miss, the dark side
clouds your mind. Something terrible is going to happen and you won’t see it coming.

Then pick one of these:

❏ Always Pass On What You Have Learned: when you try to teach a lesson about the Jedi way
to a player you have influence over you may each choose one:
○ You both clear one Dark Side
○ You both mark experience
○ You both take +1 forward

❏ Do or Do Not, There is No Try: Every time you successfully use the force, take +1 forward

❏ Vaapad: You may mark dark side each time you use one of the Jedi Moves. When you do this
you only roll +Force, you do not roll -Dark Side. Take +1 forward any time you have to resist the
urge to turn to the dark side.

❏ Be a Candle, or the Night: As long as your Balance Track is clear of any Dark Side, take +1
ongoing and suffer 1 less harm any time you would take harm.

❏ Wars Not Make One Great: if you get through a battle without inflicting harm, mark experience or
clear two dark side.

❏ Clear Your Mind: When you attempt to meditate to uncloud your or another character’s mind
from the dark side, roll +Force
10+ You or they clear all dark side. If the target is too close to the dark side, the Senate will tell
you what they need to do to clear it.
7-9 The dark side is working against you. The Senate will tell you what you or they must do, and
how much dark side it will clear.
On a miss, there is a great disturbance in the force. Everyone present marks dark side.

❏ Only the Sith Deal in Absolutes: Your wealth of experience has made you self assured. No dark
side character may take influence over you.
The lightsaber is one of the most important tools at a Jedi's disposal. It is an elegant weapon from a more
civilized era. A good Jedi never lets their’s leave their side. Feel free to make two lightsabers if you fight
with two at a time. There is no mechanical benefit to this.

It has the following tags: (4-harm, close, defensive) and the wielder must roll +FORCE instead of the
relevant modifier when using it for Melee, Blast’em, or to Defend.

Every lightsaber has a story. Choose one: I built it myself when I felt I had outgrown my first lightsaber, I
will always see myself as a padawan and so I still wield the one I made all those years ago, it is my duty
to redeem this weapon that has been used by a dark jedi to kill many unfortunate souls, I found this blade
that fulfills a prophecy deep in the Jedi vaults.

Though most Jedi weapons are functionally the same, they are each iconic in their own right. Many hilts
are as recognizable as the faces of the people who use them. Choose as many as you’d like to describe
your hilt: Ancient Markings, Metallic, Wooden, Thin, Curved, Double Bladed, Inset Jewels, Intricate Inlays,
Exhaust Crossguard, Shoto, Tonfa, Rotating Blade, Switchblade, Pike, Weathered, ______, _______,

The most important part of building a lightsaber is finding your kyber crystal. Some masters teach that
your crystal must find you through the force rather than the other way around. They can be any color. The
most common are Blue and Green, but there are also Teal, Orange, Purple. There are some crystals that
have been corrupted by the Dark Side, and have turned red. What color is your lightsaber? _________.

Choose one curious item:

● An old holocron with hidden knowledge
● A lost star chart to a place that has been removed from the archives
● A special lightsaber crystal with untold power kept on a necklace
● A sith holocron with evil secrets

Ship Feature - Holocron Library:

Whether you’re the shipowner or not, you have a feature on the ship. The wisest Jedi Masters have
ancient knowledge of the galaxy, held by the Jedi. You have a secure room to keep these important
pieces of history.

One Final Lesson:

You have one last purpose to carry out before your journey as a Jedi Master is complete. Pick one:
There is an adversary set on destroying the Galaxy. Only you know how to defeat them, or set
them on a path to redemption.
You know a young Jedi who is special. Perhaps they are meant to bring balance to the Force.
Either way you must train them, and protect them at any cost.
The Jedi Council thinks you’re in self-imposed exile. You know that they won’t agree with your
methods, and that’s ok, you don’t agree with theirs. You must work to save the Galaxy without
them discovering you or you’ll have a lot to answer for.
You sense that there is a great disturbance in the Force. Your role is to guide this crew and
prevent the Dark Side from winning.
● +1 Tech (Max +3)
● +1 Smooth (Max +3)
● +1 Smooth (Max +3)
● +1 Force (Max +4)
● Gain an ally. Take influence over them.
● Gain an ally. Take Influence over them.
● Take another Master move
● Take another Master move
● Take a move from another Jedi playbook
● Take a move from another Jedi playbook
Advanced Improvement
● +1 to any rating. (max 4)
● +1 to any rating. (max 4)
● Clear all dark side.
● Change this crew member to a new playbook.
● Create a second crew member to play alongside this one.
● Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Choose one advanced Master Move.
● Retire this character into Self-Exile. Tell the Senate (but no one else) which planet you have
hidden away on and why.
● -1 to any rating, and +1 to any other rating. (min -2, max +3, repeatable)
● Exchange any move for another. If it’s a move from your playbook, the new move must be from
your playbook. (repeatable)

Advanced Master Moves

When you take the “Choose one advanced Master move” improvement, choose one of these moves. You
can never have both:
One With the Force: You may do something incredible. You are so attuned to the will of the
Force that you may do something you normally wouldn’t be able to. Perhaps you are able to
project your form across the Galaxy. Maybe you’re able to access the good in a Sith Lord who
was too far gone. You might even be able to heal someone who is dying. Either way, it is too
much for a Jedi to handle. You fade into the Force after you complete this crucial moment of truth.
If You Should Strike Me Down: In a cryptic moment, you fade into the Force. Your robes go
slack, and fall to the ground, leaving your crew mates and enemies alike very confused. Choose
one crewmate, and they may take one improvement and clear all Dark Side. Whether they realize
it or not, they have learned an important lesson about the Force.

A Long Time Ago:

Every Crew has a story of how they got together. Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of
these for each other Crewmate:

- You taught them everything you know about the force. Did they become a Jedi?

- They lost someone who went to train as a Jedi. Ask them who, and if they resent you for it.

- You helped them under the most unlikely circumstances. What did you do for them?
- You attempted to convince them to do the right thing. Did they listen?

- They had a rare artifact that you needed. What was it, and what did they make you do to get it?

The Outcast
The Jedi have a lot of rules that don’t make sense to you. It wasn’t your choice to leave the order, but you
see more of their flaws every day. Ex: Ashoka Tano, Kanan Jarus, Meetra Surik (KOTOR 2 protagonist)

Choose one to add +1 to:

Balance Track
Refresh: Fail a job because you helped your crew instead
Light Side Fear Anger Hate Suffering Dark Side
|| [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] || [ ] [ ] ||
Mark Dark Side on your Balance Track to push yourself or to help a crew member (roll a 3rd d6 and
discard the lowest die), when you fail a roll, or when a playbook tells you to. If you have boxes marked in
Hate or Suffering you deal 1 extra harm each time you do harm, but mark two boxes each time you mark
Dark Side.

If all your boxes are filled, and you have to mark Dark Side you must roll Turn to the Dark Side.

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
When you mark your last harm box you are dead unless someone else can act immediately to save you

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Mark experience when you fail a roll, or when a move tells you to. Once you fill every box, you may erase
them all and take an improvement.

The Outcast’s Code

No one holds you to the rules of the Jedi Order any longer. Now you have your own code that you live by.
With the agreement of the Senate, pick a one-sentence code that your Outcast adheres to.

Example Codes: Help the weak. Protect the natural world from destruction. Root out evil. Follow only the
will of the Force. Honesty over deception. Never back down from a challenge. Put the needs of others
ahead of your own.
This code defines your Outcast, and you follow it at all costs. Any time you violate your code, mark Dark
Side and you forfeit all code related moves. These forfeits last either until the next mission or until you
make amends. As long as you follow the code people will sense your sincerity, and you receive +1
ongoing for negotiations and you do not mark Dark Side for failing rolls.

You start with all the basic moves, then choose two of these:

❏ Morai: A small mysterious creature seems to follow you wherever you go. You owe them your life.
Describe what it looks like, and how it behaves. As long as you follow your code, this creature
can help you reroll (after you have rolled) twice per mission. [ ][ ]

❏ A Merciful Death: As long as you adhere to your code, you never mark Dark Side for killing an
enemy that could have been spared.

❏ I Am No Jedi: You embody a trait that is condemned by Jedi teachings. Whether it’s vengeance,
lust for power, or something else, you get +1 ongoing when knowingly investigating, pursuing, or
fighting for that trait.

❏ The Exile: You weren’t just expelled from the order, your connection with the force has been
severed. You cannot use the Force to wield force powers but you can still use it to pull off
extraordinary feats under pressure. Take +1 Force (Max +4).
❏ When you may take an advanced improvement, you may instead mark this box and use
your force powers again.

❏ How Little You Know: You recognize that the Force is unknowable, a concept that many great
Jedi Masters fail to grasp. When you meditate to make sense of a confusing situation, roll +Force
On a 10+ Hold 3
On a 7-9 Hold 1
On a miss the Force is a mystery to you in this moment.
Spend a hold to ask the following questions:
❏ What is the Force’s will?
❏ What is a unique way to solve the current problem?
❏ To where is the Force calling me?
❏ What is my part to play in this scenario?

❏ No One’s Ever Really Gone: You can always sense and commune with the spirits of force users
that others cannot see. They can help you from beyond the veil, and they give you more
opportunities to sense things when you’ve got a bad feeling about this.

The lightsaber is one of the most important tools at a Jedi's disposal. It is an elegant weapon from a more
civilized era. A good Jedi never lets their’s leave their side. Feel free to make two lightsabers if you fight
with two at a time. There is no mechanical benefit to this.
It has the following tags: (4-harm, close, defensive) and the wielder must roll +FORCE instead of the
relevant modifier when using it for Melee, Blast’em, or to Defend.

Every lightsaber has a story. Choose one: I built it myself as part of my training, an old weapon that was
once wielded by a great hero has been passed down to me, it is my duty to redeem this weapon that has
been used by a dark jedi to kill many unfortunate souls, a relic that is too old to know who once used it or
what secrets it might contain

Though most Jedi weapons are functionally the same, they are each iconic in their own right. Many hilts
are as recognizable as the faces of the people who use them. Choose as many as you’d like to describe
your hilt: Ancient Markings, Metallic, Wooden, Thin, Curved, Double Bladed, Inset Jewels, Intricate Inlays,
Exhaust Crossguard, Shoto, Tonfa, Rotating Blade, Switchblade, Pike, Weathered, ______, _______,

The most important part of building a lightsaber is finding your kyber crystal. Some masters teach that
your crystal must find you through the force rather than the other way around. They can be any color. The
most common are Blue and Green, but there are also Teal, Orange, Purple. There are some crystals that
have been corrupted by the Dark Side, and have turned red. What color is your lightsaber? _________.

You have tinkered with your lightsaber since leaving the Order. You may choose one: your lightsaber does
+1 harm, add one weapon tag, or integrate a blaster you own with the concealed tag into your hilt.

As far and wide as you have to travel when the Force wills it, your lightsaber isn’t always the tool for the
job. Choose any common blaster or melee weapon:__________
Choose two common specialty items: _________, __________

As long as you hold your lightsaber, you have 1 armor.

Ship Feature - Meditation Chamber:

Whether you’re the shipowner or not, you have a feature on the ship. The Outcast needs a place to sit
and focus on their bond to the living Force. You have a quiet room on the ship where you can peacefully

● +1 Scruff (max +3)
● +1 Tech (max +3)
● +1 Smooth (max +3)
● +1 Force (max +4)
● +1 Force (max +4)
● Gain an ally. Take influence over them.
● Take another Outcast move
● Take another Outcast move
● Take a move from another Jedi playbook
● Take a move from another playbook.

Advanced Improvements:
● +1 to any rating (max +4)
● +1 to any rating (max +4)
● Clear all darkside.
● Change this crew member to a new playbook.
● Create a new crew member to play alongside this one.
● Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
● Retire this character into Self-Exile. Tell the Senate (but no one else) which planet you have
hidden away on and why.
● Change Your Code. (repeatable)
● -1 to any rating, and +1 to any other rating. (min -2, max +3, repeatable)
● Exchange any move for another. If it’s a move from your playbook, the new move must be from
your playbook. (repeatable)

A Long Time Ago:

Every Crew has a story of how they got together. Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of
these for each other Crewmate:

- They fought the council’s decision to oust you. Ask them if they still trust their judgment.

- They sought your help when they needed help with something mystic. Did you help them? Why or
why not?

- When they opened up to you it changed your perspective of the Jedi Order. Ask them how they
feel about the Jedi.

- They have information about something you’ve been searching for. Ask them what it will take for
them to help you.

- They helped you avoid a danger that has been hunting for you. You owe them your life.

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