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This paper examines leadership styles and their application in the context of Nigeria. It begins by
exploring the concepts of authentic leadership and servant leadership, followed by a comparative
analysis of these two styles. The study then delves into the key issues in Nigerian leadership,
focusing on the ENDSARS movement and its long-term benefits, as well as the challenges faced
by leadership in Nigeria. It contends that servant leadership, with its emphasis on empathy, trust,
and collaboration, is an appropriate strategy for addressing the needs and problems of the
Nigerian people. The study emphasizes the significance of trust, transparency, empathy, and
ethical standards in cultivating leadership. In addition, the article investigates the future of
leadership in Nigeria and recommends a transformational leadership style that incorporates
components of servant leadership. It makes leadership development recommendations and
emphasizes the significance of matching leadership styles to personal talents and ideals.


CHAPTER 1:...............................................................................................................................................5
LEADERSHIP IN AN ORGANISATION...............................................................................................5
Leadership Styles.......................................................................................................................................5
What is a leadership style?..........................................................................................................................5
Authentic Leadership...................................................................................................................................6
Servant Leadership......................................................................................................................................6
A critical examination of the differences between authentic and servant leadership...........................6
Is it possible to learn leadership styles: particularly the servant or authentic approach?..........................7
CHAPTER 2:.............................................................................................................................................10
LEADERSHIP IN A COUNTRY...........................................................................................................10
Key issues in Leadership: Nigeria..........................................................................................................10
In Nigeria, how is leadership demonstrated?............................................................................................10
Nigeria’s current Leadership style............................................................................................................10
Nigerian leadership during a crisis...........................................................................................................13
(i) ENDSARS Protests........................................................................................................................13
(ii) COVID-19 and Nigerian leadership..............................................................................................14
Future leadership in Nigeria: How can this leader reimagine the country's future?.................................16
Which leadership approach is most effective for showing sincere concern for their followers?................18
Which of these leadership styles best describes you?................................................................................20


This research examines leadership styles in two contexts: within an organization and within a
country, with a particular emphasis on Nigeria. The topic of leadership styles is discussed in the
first chapter, with an emphasis on authentic and servant leadership. The chapter examines these
approaches closely, comparing and contrasting their characteristics, concepts, and implications.

The focus moves to leadership in Nigeria in the second chapter. It examines Nigeria's
contemporary leadership style, which is distinguished by a schism between the intended
democratic approach and the authoritarian actions observed. In addition, the chapter evaluates
Nigeria's leadership through crises such as the ENDSARS protests and the COVID-19 epidemic.
The effectiveness of crisis leadership is assessed, emphasizing the importance of good crisis

Finally, the chapter considers the future of leadership in Nigeria, arguing that a mix of
leadership methods, such as transformational and democratic leadership, would be appropriate
for rethinking the country's future.



Leadership Styles

What is a leadership style?

Leadership is defined as an individual's ability to guide, motivate, and influence others toward a
common goal or objective (Brown, Marinan, & Partridge, 2020). It includes the abilities,
characteristics, and behaviors that allow a person to motivate and empower others to reach their
full potential, solve issues, and make decisions (Hailu, 2023). A leadership style is a particular
method of motivating followers and it includes how the leader makes decisions, behaves, and
interacts with others within a specific circumstance or context (Dwibedi, 2018).

There is no one tailored leadership approach to leadership (Brown, Marinan, & Partridge, 2020).
A suitable leadership technique is usually contingent of several factors including: situation and
context, particular goals and objectives, the type of followers, the organizational or community
culture and the leader’s personal style (Hailu, 2023). An appropriate leadership approach is
decided by a combination of these elements, and leaders must be flexible and adaptable in order
to identify the approach that works best for their community, nation, business and followers.

This chapter will critically examine the concept of leadership styles, with a special emphasis on
authentic and servant leadership. These two approaches and ideologies are unique in their
approaches and ideas, yet they have a common foundation in emphasizing ethical behavior and
relationship-building. The chapter will also present an in-depth examination of authentic and
servant leadership, evaluating its qualities, concepts, and practical implications. Furthermore, it
will conduct a comparative research, critically assessing the distinctions between these two
leadership styles while also identifying their respective strengths and weaknesses.

Authentic Leadership
Authentic leadership is a leadership paradigm that emphasizes the leaders' authentic and
transparent actions (Peltz, 2020). It is founded on the premise that effective leadership is
centered in being genuine to oneself, demonstrating honesty, integrity, and consistency in actions
and relationships. Leaders may facilitate open communication, and develop an environment
conducive to cooperation and progress by embodying authenticity.

Servant Leadership
Servant leadership, on the other hand, is a leadership concept that stresses the primary duty of the
leader as a servant to their followers or team members (Hailu, 2023). This leadership approach
views leadership as a service-oriented role in which leaders devote themselves to the well-being
and growth of their subordinates. Servant leaders foster a culture of empathy, empowerment, and
collective achievement by prioritizing the needs of others.

A critical examination of the differences between authentic and servant leadership.

Overall, authentic leadership emphasizes personal authenticity while servant leadership

emphasizes selfless service to others (Peltz, 2020). However, both approaches value ethical
behavior and relationships, the core difference is their primary focus (Brown, Marinan, &
Partridge, 2020).

Because it focuses on empowerment rather than management, this is a highly effective leadership
style. Servant leaders invest in and prioritize their team members, fostering trust and respect and
driving team growth and fulfillment.

Servant leadership is uncommon, and many leaders may struggle to adopt it. It may not be the
ideal choice for environments requiring quick decisions because it takes investing in and
listening to others (Ortiz-Gomez et. Al., 2022).

Is it possible to learn leadership styles: particularly the servant or authentic approach?

In the preceding section, we delved into an exploration of two prominent leadership styles:
servant leadership and authentic leadership. Each style was individually examined and discussed,
shedding light on their unique characteristics and merits. Additionally, a comparative analysis
was conducted, wherein we acknowledged the distinctive strengths and potential drawbacks
associated with these leadership approaches. Now, as we transition to this part of the paper, our
focus shifts towards a compelling question: Can these leadership styles be taught or learned, or
do they arise inherently within individuals?

Over the years, extensive literature has been devoted to examining the question of whether
leadership abilities are innate (Hoskin, 2022) or acquired. Countless investigations have been
conducted on this subject, leading to the emergence of a diverse range of leadership theories that
contribute to the ongoing nature versus nurture (Hoskin, 2022) debate surrounding leadership.

Academics have posited that the trait (extraversion) or the great man theories of leadership
(Dwibedi, 2018) are inherent and as such leaders are born (Hoskin, 2022). In fact, scholars have
argued that leadership emergence has been linked to a specific gene trait like the genetic variant
rs4950 or the neuronal acetylcholine receptor genes (Spark et. al., 2022). However, these studies
have also concluded that leadership is a multifaceted issue that is susceptible to moderating
contextual and environmental factors to improve leadership ability (Spark et. al., 2022).

While the debate persists, there is growing consensus that various leadership styles, including
the transformational, autocratic, authentic, and servant leader approaches, can indeed be taught
and learned (Ortiz-Gomez et al., 2022). Scholars like Channing (2020) believe that leadership
education programs play a crucial role in developing and enhancing critical leadership
competencies, such as risk avoidance, budgeting, conflict resolution, project management,
communication, and human relations skills. These programs either augment naturally occurring
traits and skills or provide knowledge in an area that can be replicated (Hoskin, 2022).

The argument is that while, certain qualities such as charisma may be more naturally present in
some individuals (Hoskin, 2022), early-life learning experiences and development programs can
significantly shape and strengthen essential leadership traits like honesty, humility, service,
empathy, curiosity, and integrity (Channing, 2020). In sum, this position recognises the
significance of the moderating influences of training and developmental programs in enhancing
and refining leadership skills and behaviors (Spark et. al., 2022).

Leaders are not merely born, people can be taught or made better with formal education,
mentorship and hands-on leadership experience are also vital avenues for learning and
developing leadership skills (Channing, 2020). So, while genetic predisposition (Hoskin, 2022)
plays a crucial role in some people’s ability to lead, it is not a sole determining factor of being
able to be an effective servant or authentic leader. As the debate between nature and nurture in
leadership continues, the consensus is shifting towards the view that leadership can be learned
and cultivated (Spark et. al., 2022).

Chapter conclusion

In conclusion, this chapter engaged in a comparative analysis of the servant and authentic
leadership style respectively. Leaders can gain a deeper understanding of their own leadership
style and make informed decisions, while businesses and communities can benefit from this



Key issues in Leadership: Nigeria

In Nigeria, how is leadership demonstrated?

In our last section we examined authentic and servant leadership in organizations and then
applied this comparative analysis to organizations. In this section, we will now shift our focus to
key leadership issues in Nigeria. This part of the paper is divided in two sections. The initial
section will examine how Nigeria’s leadership is exhibited. This section will characterize
Nigeria’s leadership style based on existing literature and it will assess whether through practice
it represents the best practice of this leadership approach.

The second part of the paper will then assess the exercise of Nigeria’s leadership approach in a
Crisis. This paper will examine whether Nigeria’s political and administrative leadership during
a crisis period was effective.

Nigeria’s current Leadership style.

Before examining and assessing the characteristics of the leadership approach in Nigeria, it is
necessary to quickly emphasize the characteristics of an effective leader in literature. Literature
notes that, an effective leader is one who consistently possesses and displays the traits and
behaviour of transparency, proactivity, adaptability, accountability, democratic decision making,
and ethical standards (Amadi & Onyewuchi ,2023).

Literature also notes that, an effective leader must also consider adopting a suitable leadership
style specific to his context and his followers (Hailu, 2023). The circumstance and context in
which the leader operates can influence the success of the specific leadership styles (Chibuzor &

George, 2022). Leadership is not a tailored approach and as such it must be adapted to its
circumstances, its followers and the core objectives of the community or business (Hailu, 2023).

Having established the basis of our discussion, i.e., who is an effective leader, we now progress
the consider how leadership in Nigeria is exhibited. From the onset, it is important to note, that
this categorization of Nigeria’s leadership is based on existing literature. Literature notes that
Nigeria’s political government has been appointed and selected through a system of democratic
voting and elections (Anekwe, 2022). In this regard, the leadership of Nigeria is expected to
practice the democratic leadership style.

The democratic leadership approach is defined by team members' active participation in

decision-making processes (Raimi et al., 2021). It encourages open communication, cooperation,
and shared decision-making, in which the leader solicits feedback and considers the perspectives
of others before making a final choice (Hailu, 2023). This style instills in team members a sense
of empowerment and ownership, as well as encouraging active engagement in attaining common

However Nigerian scholars are adamant that this leadership style is not exhibited in Nigerian
(Umegbolu,2020). They argue that the government consistently engages in non-consultative and
centralized decision making (Amadi & Onyewuchi ,2023). They also argue that the glaring
absence of fiscal policy regulatory procedures and safe guarding mechanisms impede the
democratic principles of transparency and accountability (Raimi et al., 2021). Some scholars
have even substantiated their comments by noting that because of the lack of accountability
Nigerian government leaders often engage in nepotism and cronyism (Anekwe, 2022). They note
that family members and the upper class or elites are favoured for economic wealth and as such
corruption is rampant (Umegbolu,2020). It is no surprise then, that the public trust in the
leadership is low in Nigeria (Chibuzor & George, 2022).

Critics believe that Nigerian leadership is more akin to the authoritarian approach (Amadi &
Onyewuchi ,2023). However, scholars may be justified in their assessment evidenced by
Nigeria’s low position at the base of the global democracy index (Iwuoha & Aniche, 2022) and
the current leaderships’ avoidance of participative communication and its inability to empower
its followers nor inspire their trust.

The authoritarian leadership style emphasizes top-down communication and hierarchical
systems, with minimal room for independent thinking (Raimi et al., 2021). While this leadership
is useful in the military, construction, engineering or emergency services (Tedla & Vilas, 2022)
in terms of context, situations and the expectations of the followers, this approach is not ideal
where the leader has been elected to serve a wide cross section of the population and encourage
teamwork for the benefit of the country (Tedla & Vilas, 2022).

Literature notes that the existing leadership practices do not exhibit the democratic principles of
empowerment, trust, accountability, transparency and open communication (Amadi &
Onyewuchi ,2023). While the leadership style in Nigeria is expected to be the democratic
approach, Nigerian leaders have displayed many of the characteristics of the authoritarian
approach (Umegbolu, 2020).

In sum, where an elected leader does not operate within the practices, circumstances nor context
of his leadership style, his leadership may be deemed ineffective (Iwuoha & Aniche, 2022).

Nigerian leadership during a crisis

In the first part of this section we noted that Nigerian leadership is exhibited as an authoritarian
leadership style. We also noted that Nigerian leadership operates contrary to the expectations of
a democratic Nigerian leadership and as such we concluded that this is effective leadership.
However, in this second part of the section we will consider Nigeria’s leadership in another
aspect, i.e. in a crisis. We will shift our focus to assess whether Nigeria’s crisis leadership
during the COVID-19 epidemic and ENDSARS protests was effective.

It is important to first consider who is an effective leader in a crisis. Literature notes that an
effective leader during a crisis is consultative, empowering, inspiring and motivating (Forster et
al., 2020). Literature also emphasises the importance of a strong leader -follower relationship as
well as engaging in consistent communication and collaborations or teamwork with experts
(James & Wooten, 2005). Because crises are unpredictable and unplanned, strong leadership
must be exhibited as decisive, visionary and resourceful (Wu et al., 2021).

(i) ENDSARS Protests

The EndSARS protest recommended the closure of a unit of the Nigeria Police Force because of
the allegations of human rights abuse and torture (Ochi & Mark, 2021). The protests led by
young Nigerians sparked a nationwide movement and global phenomenon, leading to serious
injuries and death of some protesters (Ajemba, 2022).

Scholars criticised Nigerian leadership for excessive use of force, a lack of accountability, a
contempt for free expression and insufficient police reform, (Adeyemo et. al, 2021). These
remarks reflected the frustrations of many Nigerians seeking serious economic and leadership
reform (Ochi & Mark, 2021).

Like many critics, it must be noted, that Nigeria’s leadership and response to the ENDSARS
protests was ineffective. Best practices required strong decision-making in the discussion and
negation period. In addition, Nigerian leadership should have active engaged the protestors and
provided feedback using proactive communication skills. Further there should have been

demonstratable examples of empathy for people affected as well as rapid and coordinated action.
Because several of these core elements of effective crisis leadership were absent during the
ENDSARS protests, it can be concluded that the cumulative Nigerian leadership response was
ineffective. The protest highlighted the need for strong leadership in a nation where human rights
issues are concerned (Ochi & Mark, 2021).

However, while the movement was created to address the issue of police violence, its long-term
effects extend well beyond that (Raimi et al., 2021). Scholars have argued that the ENDSARS
protests had the following positive outcomes and long-term benefits: minor police reform, and
substantial youth engagement (Ajemba, 2022).

The protests underscored the importance of strong crisis leadership while simultaneously
uncovering that Nigerian youth can be empowered to create positive change (Raimi et al., 2021).
Nigerian youth demonstrated their resilience and innovative skills with the immense social media
response they activated and garnered (Adeyemo et. al, 2021). There is immense potential for
empowering and elevating the youth by harnessing their energy and addressing their issues (Ochi
& Mark, 2021). This will ultimately translate to a brighter future for Nigeria.

(ii) COVID-19 and Nigerian leadership.

Moving on from our discussion on Nigerian leadership during the ENDSARS protests, we will
now briefly assess Nigeria’s leadership during another crisis, specifically the COVID-19

When it came to the COVID-19 pandemic, Nigeria's leadership came under fire (Raimi et al.,
2021). They were accused of not being prepared and of not having strong communication tactics
(Okibe, 2021). Critics claimed that the government's response exposed flaws in the country's
social infrastructure (Umegbolu, 2020) and highlighted their lack of preparedness and discipline,
resulting in the virus's rapid spread (Raimi et al., 2021). Furthermore, officials' failure to
consistently communicate clearly resulted in public misunderstanding and the propagation of
misinformation (Okibe, 2021).

To further exacerbate matters, scholars noted that the ENDSARS protests and the COVID-19
crisis in Nigeria intensified the country's economic downturn, aggravating unemployment as well
as societal and economic challenges (Ajemba, 2022). It is therefore no surprise, that academics
have described Nigerian crisis leadership as ineffective (Okibe, 2021).

This section examined Nigeria’s leadership during a crisis. It can be concluded that in times of
crisis, having a poor leader can heighten the population's sense of bewilderment and uncertainty
(Forster, Patlas, & Lexa, 2020). A leadership style that values trust, empathy, collaboration, and
inclusivity would be ideal in times of uncertainty and crisis (Raimi et al., 2021), such as the
global COVID-19 pandemic and societal unrest, such as the EndSARS rallies in Nigeria.
Without clear guidance and direction, it becomes difficult for the country to adapt to new
situations and recover.

Future leadership in Nigeria: How can this leader reimagine the country's future?

In this part of the paper, we will now examine the most suitable leadership style for Nigeria
moving forward. In the first chapter of this paper, we defined a leadership style as a particular
method of motivating followers within a specific circumstance or context (Dwibedi, 2018). This
definition remains applicable here as it will serve as the basis for our discussion.

In the definition of what constitutes a leadership style, the author (Dwibedi, 2018) noted the
contextual relevance of a leadership style. Scholars have explained that leadership is best applied
based and effectively implemented when contextual circumstances support its implementation
(Hailu, 2022). Our previous discussion noted that leadership styles are not a ‘one size fits all’
approach, rather it should be adapted to fit organisations, situations or groups (Dwibedi, 2018).

For instance, if the circumstance requires quick action with a leader who makes all the decisions
with top down communication then the most appropriate leadership style is the authoritarian
approach (Dwibedi, 2018). However, reengineering a country requires strong leadership and
effective decision-making (Ebun, 2016). While there is no one-size-fits-all leadership style
several leadership approaches can be combined as needed to achieve the leader’s goals (Legutko,

Several leadership strategies would suitable to qualify any leader tasked with moving Nigeria’s
forward and reengineering its future positively. For instance, the transformational leader can be
useful for re-engineering a country by motivating and inspiring people (Legutko, 2020) as well
as, providing a sense of direction, mobilizing resources, and rallying people around a common
goal (Hailu, 2022). Re-engineering a country's future requires a visionary strategy that considers
long-term goals, principles of sustainable development, and population expectations (Ebun,

Another useful approach is, the democratic leader approach. In the context of re-engineering a
country, this leadership style would strengthen trust, promote inclusivity and participation as
well as foster collaboration (Hailu, 2022) among the various tribal and multi-religious groups
(Ebun, 2016). The leader should develop forums for meaningful engagement while soliciting

input, feedback, and cooperation from all relevant stakeholders including government agencies,
commercial sector organizations, civil society groups, and the general public (Chukwurah &
Nduba, 2022).

Moreover, complementing the servant and transformational styles, integrating servant leadership
into the leadership approach can greatly benefit the process of re-engineering a country. This
approach promotes a culture of service, ethical leadership, and addresses the well-being, needs,
and aspirations of the population (Hailu, 2022). This leader will understand that to sustainably
reengineer the country, a leader needs to understand that it’s a call to service (Ebun, 2016) which
is hinged on an investment in human capital is imperative (Chukwurah & Nduba, 2022). This
leader will enhance education, healthcare, and skills training for long-term development and a
knowledge-based economy (Ebun, 2016).

Finally, it is important to acknowledge the contributions that an adaptive leader can make in this
process. Re-engineering Nigeria’s future would involve a deliberate and systematic effort effect
significant change in several aspects of its social, political, and cultural landscape (Ebun, 2016).
It requires changing current institutions, structures, and policies in order to overcome hurdles,
seize opportunities, and create a more prosperous and equitable future (Oxford Analytica, 2023).

An adaptive leader is crucial to any re-engineering feat, as they foster adaptability, resilience,
and support the necessary changes in strategies and policies (Hailu, 2022).

Which leadership approach is most effective for showing sincere concern for their followers?

When it comes to showing sincere concern for their followers, the servant leadership approach is
considered to be the most effective (Dwibedi, 2018). Servant leaders prioritize the needs of their
subordinates and work towards meeting those needs (Hailu, 2022). This people-centric approach
has been shown to influence the affective commitment and withdrawal behavior of followers,
according to studies (Yuary et al., 2022). In Nigeria, servant leadership attributes are particularly
critical as leaders need to perceive themselves as servants whose primary goal is to help others
achieve their goals and prioritize the requirements of the public (Amah & Oyetuunde, 2020).

In the last section, we discussed the economic and social developmental challenges faced in
Nigeria. The last section noted that there is evidence of corruption and low public confidence and
trust in the leadership (Anekwe, 2022). Moreover, Nigeria, continues to be plagued by
infrastructural deficits, poverty, terrorism, high unemployment and ethnic divisions (Ebun,
2016). For this society to be transformed, a leader with a vision that genuinely wants to
positively transform Nigeria is needed (Oxford Analytica, 2023).

In this section we will begin the discussion by highlighting the beneficial attributes of a servant
leader. For instance, a servant leader will implement and prioritize inclusive economic
programmes to reduce poverty, stimulate skills building exercises, fosters entrepreneurship and
job creation (Dwibedi, 2018). For example, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the former President of
Brazil, implemented social programs to address poverty and inequality, lifting millions of
Brazilians out of extreme poverty. Similarly, Julius Nyerere, the first President of Tanzania,
focused on education, rural development, and social justice, empowering the rural poor and
promoting national unity.

Another example of servant leadership, promoting economic growth has been noted in Nigeria.
Muhammadu Buhari has implemented social intervention programs like the conditional cash
transfer program and the National Social Investment Program, which empower vulnerable
communities (Oxford Analytica, 2023). Another Nigerian example is Jonathan Goodluck,
Nigeria's President from 2010 to 2015, who implemented social welfare projects and poverty

alleviation programs like the Youth Enterprise with Innovation in Nigeria (You Win), to
encourage young entrepreneurs and marginalized groups (Clement, 2022).

The servant leadership approach is also most effective for showing sincere concern for Nigerians
because it prioritizes the well- being of its followers (Hailu, 2022). For instance, in Nigeria, the
servant leader will display genuine care where he implements strategies to strengthen security
agencies, designs plan to combat terrorism, promotes peacebuilding initiatives and social
cohesion (Amah & Oyetuunde, 2020). Moreover, the servant leader will prioritize investments in
healthcare, infrastructure and transportation sectors to improve the quality of life and create
opportunities for their followers.

Finally, a leader must lead by example (Dwibedi, 2018). A servant leader will genuinely model
the behaviour he aims to achieve (Hailu, 2022). A servant leader will foster a culture of
transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior to combat corruption.

Having identified the beneficial attributes of a servant leader, it is apt to note, that these qualities,
cumulatively demonstrate that the strategies used by a servant leader demonstrate genuine care
and concern. The examples discussed have highlighted how servant leaders in developing
countries can address the needs of their population while caring for their well-being.

Leaders in the twenty-first century have recognized the importance of transitioning from a single
dimension goal achieving strategy to one that explores ways to merge meeting the needs of
followers (Peltz, 2020). The literature supports the notion, that, the servant leadership approach
is the most effective for showing sincere concern for their followers (Amah & Oyetuunde, 2020:
Peltz, 2020)

Which of these leadership styles best describes you?

The Leadership Instrument Questionnaire (LIQ) is a tool that evaluates an individual's leadership
style based on task-oriented and relationship-oriented behaviors (Batista-Foguet, et. Al., 2021). I
scored 29 on the questionnaire, which the response key classifies as "high" (Batista-Foguet, et.
Al., 2021). This suggests that my leadership style may prioritize task-oriented or relationship-
oriented behaviors, or a combination of both (Batista-Foguet, et. Al., 2021).

According to relational and behavioral theories, leadership involves interacting with others to
foster motivation and morale (Dwibedi, 2018). Examples of leadership styles aligned with this
theory include transformational, transactional, and servant leadership approaches (Hailu, 2022).
On the other hand, task-oriented leaders tend to be result-driven, efficient, and focused on
performance and productivity (Dwibedi, 2018). Examples of leaders following this approach
include autocratic, bureaucratic, managerial, or directive leaders (Hailu, 2022).

While the leadership questionnaire provides specific scores, it's crucial to consider that
leadership approaches are influenced by followers' needs, circumstances, and context (Hailu,
2022). Consequently, implementing either of these skills depends on situational circumstances
and the followers' requirements. Furthermore, irrespective of these factors, a leader's core value
lies in serving the needs of their followers, regardless of whether they hold different views or fall
into fringe or deviant categories. A leader should prioritize their followers' needs without
expecting praise or seeking validation for their own beliefs.

Ultimately, the leadership style that best characterizes me will be determined by the specific
circumstances and context of the organization, business, or nation. Additionally, I will base my
leadership approach on ethical, honest, and transparent principles, while remaining adaptable to
unforeseen or unprecedented situations.



In conclusion, this research paper highlights the importance of leadership styles in both
organizational and national contexts. Authentic and servant leadership are explored as effective
approaches for motivating and empowering individuals within an organization.

This paper also considered leadership in the context of Nigeria. Literary research revealed that
the current political leadership style deviates from the expected democratic approach and
exhibits characteristics of authoritarianism.

The research also examined the effectiveness of Nigerian leadership during crises such as the
ENDSARS protests and the COVID-19 pandemic, and concluded that the leadership practices
were ineffective as a result of the lack of accountability, transparency, and effective
communication. Strong crisis leadership and effective decision-making are crucial for
overcoming obstacles and achieving long-term goals.

Finally, Nigeria’s leadership was put to task, the paper examined which leadership style is the
best to re-engineer Nigeria’s future and move the country forward. The research revealed an
effective leader should adopt a combination of various facets from several leadership styles, such
as transformational and democratic leadership. The research concluded that by embracing a
suitable leadership approach, Nigeria can work towards a brighter and more prosperous future.

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