LESSON II Experimental

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At the end of this lesson the learners are expected to:
- understand the nature and process of communication
- develop writing skills using word cloud.
- Whiteboard or blackboard
- Markers or chalk
- Laptop or computer with internet access
- Word cloud generator tool
Pre-test (10 minutes):
- Begin the lesson by administering a pre-test to assess the students' prior knowledge
about communication. Asks students to write a short paragraph describing the nature and
process of communication.
Introduction (5 minutes):
- Start the lesson by discussing with the students the importance of communication in
everyday life.
- Ask the students to share their understanding of what communication means to them.
- Explain that communication involves the exchange of information, ideas, and thoughts
between individuals or groups.
Main Body (35 minutes):
1. Definition and Elements of Communication (10 minutes):
- Flash on the screen the definition of communication: "Communication is the process of
transmitting information, ideas, thoughts, and feelings between individuals or groups."
- Ask the students to brainstorm words or phrases related to communication and write
them on the board or type it on the laptop.
- Guide a discussion, allowing the students to contribute their understanding of each
element of communication.
- Encourage the students to think creatively and build upon each other's ideas.
2. The Process of Communication (10 minutes):
- Show the students a word cloud generated from the words they brainstormed earlier.
- Explain that a word cloud visually represents the frequency or importance of words,
where the size of each word corresponds to its significance.
- Discuss the different elements and steps involved in the communication process, using
the word cloud as a visual aid.
- For each element, have the students identify and discuss the words from the cloud that
relate to that element.
3. Writing Skills Activity: Creating a Word Cloud (15 minutes):
1. Divide the students into small groups or pairs.
2. Instruct each group to choose a specific topic related to communication (e.g.,
"The Power of Non-Verbal Communication").
3. Provide the students with a sheet of paper or a digital document to jot down words
or phrases related to their topic.
4. Once they have listed their words, ask the groups to create a word cloud using a
word cloud generator tool on the laptop or computer.
5. Encourage the students to collaboratively decide on the layout and appearance of
their word cloud.
6. Once completed, have each group present their word cloud to the class and
explain the significance of the words chosen.
7. Facilitate a discussion on the different perspectives and insights each group
brought to the table and how effective communication can stem from diverse
Post-test (10 minutes):
- Administer a post-test that asks students to write a short paragraph describing the nature
and process of communication, incorporating at least five words from the word cloud
- Assess the students' understanding of communication and their ability to apply the
vocabulary learned.
Conclusion (5 minutes):
- Summarize the main points discussed during the lesson, emphasizing the importance of
effective communication.
- Address any questions or concerns the students may have.
- Encourage the continued exploration and application of the learned concepts in their
everyday lives.

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