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Long Quiz in Polygraphy

Course and Section: _BSCRIM III______________ Professor:

____________1. What term refers to the type of cardio, pneumo and galvo tracings produced by the subject’s
body on a moving chart paper prior to the insertions of relevant questions?
____________2. What marking will you write if the person says Yes?
____________3. What is the keynote to accurate chart interpretation?
____________4. The accuracy of instrumental detection of deception depends upon on whom?
____________5. What is the other term use for Polygraph chart?
____________6. Which classification of relevant question are intended and created to test for direct participation
____________7. Which classification of relevant question is concern in several secondary aspects of the crime or
problem and often deal with guilty knowledge and partial involvement?
____________8. The changes or deviation from normal recording of the pneumo, cardio and galvo tracing which
emerge as the subject answers to the test question is called as what?
____________9. When the subject requests to repeat the question, what markings should be written?
____________10. What is the main purpose of Knowledge question?
____________11. What nervous control will prevail if a person is under the influence of physical exertion or
emotional stimuli such as anger, excitement and fear?
____________12. What nervous control is responsible for bringing back things to normal when the conditions of
stress have been removed?
____________13. If the subject sneeze, what marking should be written?
____________14. What R/I test is designed to condition the subject to have standard tracing and to establish
truth-telling pattern?
____________15. What is the rate or normal breathing cycle per minute?
____________16. These are questions devised without definite relationship with the case under investigation.
____________17. This question is intended to discover whether the subject possesses information regarding the
identity of the offender.
____________18. This is a test technique wherein it is about the case under investigation.
____________19. This test use Card or numbers. Its purpose is to assure the innocent examinee of the
accurateness of the test and of the test and of the competency of the polygraph
____________20. In this test the subject is instructed by the examiner to avoid from giving any verbal answer to
the questions that are to be asked of him during the test.

1. Enumerate Pneumo Tracings which may be considered indicative of deception.

2. Enumerate and define 4 types of question?
3. What are the general rules to be followed in the formulation of the test questions.
4. Enumerate 10 symbols and signs use in chart marking and discuss when it will be use.

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