Project Charter - Employee Engagement 1

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HCA 730 Project Charter- Employee Engagement

1. General Project Information

Organization Name: St. Cecilia’s Health System
Project Name: St. Cecilia’s Employee Revitalization Project
Impact of project: Improving overall satisfaction in workforce culture and reducing turnover
of employees.

2. Human Capital Project Scope Statement

Human Capital Project Purpose Describe the Human Capital business need this project addresses (1-3 sentences)
Giving the healthcare system new life and vitality by creating an improved and sharpened workplace for
staff and providers through education, prevention, and recognition.

Objectives (in business terms) Describe the measurable outcomes of the project, e.g., reduce cost by xxxx or increase
quality to yyyy
1. Reduce Employee Turnover Rates to national average or lower
2. Lower length of time to fill position vacancies to national average or lower
3. Reduce absenteeism rates to national average or lower

Deliverables List the high-level “products” to be created (e.g., improved xxxx process,etc)

1. Offer hiring spree events that will pay employees a monetary award with every new hire they refer
2. Reward employees for hitting a year, 5-year, 10-year, and so on work anniversary with gifts or bonuses
3. Offer free or low-cost healthcare options through employee health for workers to prevent illness that requires time
off. i.e. vaccines, covid tests, over the counter medication, telemedicine visits, etc.

Scope List what the project will and will not address
In Scope:
-Will improve turnover rates and hire more staff to take strain off of current employees
-Will give out bonuses and rewards to employees that stay within the company or help us hire new staff
-Will offer preventative medicine to reduce the number of sick days utilized or needed but will not take them
away from staff
Out of Scope:
- May not fully address the mental health constraints many people have suffered from working through
- Will not give gift bonuses to people that have already been with the company for a long time unless they
retire or hit another milestone while on the job
- Will not change any part of the job description for staff members hired when it comes to duties required
2. Human Capital Project Scope Statement

List Project Milestones

1. Lowered percentage in absenteeism, turnover, and position vacancy rates by at least 5-10% each.
2.Improvement in workplace culture scores after two years of implementing the project and maintaining staff
members for longer periods with less stressful schedules.

Major Known Risks (including significant Assumptions) Identify obstacles that may cause the project to fail.

Risk Risk Rating (Hi, Med, Lo)

Current long-term employees may feel “screwed over” High
causing them to leave
Low engagement in hiring spree bonuses Medium
May cause staff to feel underappreciated when being told Low
to try to use fewer sick days even if given medical care for

Constraints List any conditions that may limit the project team’s options with respect to resources, personnel, or schedule
-Low employee response to surveys, events, hiring sprees, or healthcare services. This will equate to money and
time wasted.
-Not offering many mental health options other than what is already available. Employees may feel like that is
-Some employees may feel “bought” when given a gift for 10 years+ of service rather than feeling appreciated.

External Dependencies Will project success depend on coordination of efforts between the project team and one or more
other individuals or groups at St. Cecilia’s?
-The marketing team, financial team, and managerial teams of all departments will all be needed to fully implement
these changes to the system. We must consider that some employees just don’t read their email or listen to
announcements. It needs to be talked about in meetings, hiring needs to be done and advertised about outside of
St. Cecelia’s in addition to the hiring spree to maintain and lower the rate of vacancy when trying to fill a position.

We must make sure we abide by safe staff-to-patient ratios as well. This is going to remove the strain on nurses, the
biggest impacted population with these statistics, and help them provide quality care. This will create a domino
effect that will enhance the workforce culture and make them feel more protected and appreciated when it comes to
their career.

Communication Strategy (specify how the project manager will communicate to the Instructor, Executive Sponsor, Project
Team members and Stakeholders.

I will show them the pre-initiative metrics and how it has affected the workplace culture and our yearly budget. By
offering the prospect of safer patient-to-staff ratios, bonuses, and higher satisfaction from workers, we can rely on of
keeping our employees for a longer period while also making them feel more appreciated. This will be cheaper in
the long run for the company which will appease stakeholders, and it will be more profitable as well considering you
are not paying for as many travel nurses and staff. By making employees feel appreciated for the work they do, you
can naturally create a happier environment, reduce stress, and a better overall workforce culture.

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