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Chemical Engineering Technology

College of Engineering Technology

AECH 4221

Lab 1

Chemical Reaction Safety

Student Name:
Student Number:
Partner Name(s):

Write a report on chemical reaction safety in not less than 500
words. Some reference video links and report evaluating
criteria are provided here

The report should include:

1 Safety problems from chemical reactions

2 Types of reaction hazard

(Ex: Runaway reactions, Explosion, fire, Potential
release, etc.)

3 Case studies (at least 2)

(Ex: Bhopal, Seveso)

a. Operating approach
b. The incident
c. Outcome
d. Learning from the incident

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Laboratory-specific Safety Information(#8.1.19C)
1. Failure to comply with the safety standards described below and those relating to
common sense can cause danger to people and the environment and damage the
Equipment. Specifically, such non-observance can cause:
 Inability of machine and/or plant to perform key functions.
 Damage to the machine and /or plant.
 Electrical, mechanical, and/or chemical danger to persons.
2. Wear suitable gloves to protect your hands from various types of possible
hazards:mechanical, electrical, chemical, and high/low temperatures.
3. Wear appropriate clothing to protect your body from chemical hazards.
4. Wear safety footwear to protect your feet from falling objects.
5. Wear suitable eye protection to protect your eyes from various types of possible
hazards:mechanical debris, chemicals, and hot water/steam.
6. Wear suitable ear protection to protect your ears from excessive noise.
7. Wear suitable breathing protection to protect your respiratory system from fumes.
8. Do not remove any safety equipment before operating the equipment or during
its operation. Make sure that there is no evident danger before powering up the
9. The equipment contains moving parts. Do not insert limbs or materials other than
the processing material while the equipment is functioning. In the event of a
malfunction, danger, or lack of appropriate safety systems, shut down the
equipment immediately and inform the qualified personnel.
10. Any person using a hazardous substance must be informed of the following:
 Physical data about the substance.
 Any hazard from fire or explosion.
 Any health hazard.
 Appropriate First Aid treatment.
 Any hazard from reaction with other substances.
 How to clean/dispose of spillage.
 Appropriate protective measures.
 Appropriate storage and handling.
11. Any such chemicals used must be stored, handled, prepared, and used following
the manufacturer’s instructions and with all applicable local regulations.
12. The equipment described in this lab involves the use of water/fluid, which under
certain conditions can create a health hazard due to infection by harmful
microorganisms. For example, the microscopic bacterium called Legionella
pneumophila will feed on any scale, rust, algae, or sludge in water and will breed
rapidly if the temperature of the water is between 20 and 45°C. Any water
containing this bacterium, which is sprayed or splashed creating air-borne
droplets, can produce a form of pneumonia called Legionnaires Disease,which is
potentially fatal. Legionella is not the only harmful microorganism, which can
infect water, but it serves as a useful example of the need for cleanliness.
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13. Under the COSHH regulations, the following precautions must be observed
 Any water/fluid contained within the product must not be allowed to
stagnate, i.e. the water must be changed regularly.
 Any rust, sludge, scale, or algae on which micro-organisms can feed
must be removed regularly, i.e. the equipment must be cleaned
 Where practicable the water/fluid should be maintained at a
temperature below 20°C or the water should be disinfected. In the
CEB-MKIII this may not be practicable so the equipment should be
drained after use and filled with fresh water for each run. Note that
other hazards may exist in the handling of biocides if these are used to
disinfect the water.
 After use, the water system should be filled and run with water
containing a mild disinfectant such as ‘Milton’ to kill any micro-
organisms or algal growth then flushed with clean water and left
 A scheme should be prepared for preventing or controlling the risk
incorporating all of the actions listed above.
14. This unit contains components that operate with a maximum temperature of
50°C and minimum temperature of 5°C.
 Do not touch any surfaces close to ‘Hot Surfaces’ warning labels, or any
of the interconnecting tubing or components whilst the equipment is in
use or returning to a safe temperature.

15. This unit is designed to operate with a maximum liquid temperature of 50°C and a
minimum liquid temperature of 5°C. Before disconnecting any of the pipes or
 Stop the liquid pump.
 Leave time for the equipment to return to room temperature.
 Check that the temperature of the Equipment and liquid is at a safe level
16. The chemicals that are used in this lab are sodium hydroxide and ethyl acetate:

The potential hazards and health effects associated with sodium hydroxide are
due to the nature of the substance being highly basic, toxic, corrosive, and irritant. In
case of skin contact, it causes blistering and inflammation which is characterized by
itching, scaling or reddening. In case of eye contact, it may cause corneal damage or
blindness. In case of inhalation, it will produceirritation to the gastrointestinal or mucous
membranes affecting the upper respiratory tract, which is characterized by burning,
sneezing, and coughing. The first aid measures when exposure happens are as follows:
for eye contact, immediately flush your eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes
using the emergency eye wash and immediately seek medical attention. For skin contact,
immediately flush the skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and remove the
contaminated cloths while the water is running on them, then apply an anti-bacterial
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cream on the affected area. If inhaled, remove to a fresh air environment and if the
breathing is difficult, give oxygen and immediately seek medical attention. The sodium
hydroxide must be stored in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated
area, and it must be kept away from oxidizing agents, reducing agents, metals, acids,
alkalis, and moisture.

The potential hazards and health effects associated with ethyl acetate are due to the
nature of the substance being toxic, irritant, and highly flammable. In case of eye
contact, it may cause serious eye irritation. In case of skin contact, it causes skin
irritation and inflammation. In case of inhalation, it may cause drowsiness or dizziness.
The first aid measures when exposure happens are as follows: for eye contact,
immediately flush your eyes with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes using the
emergency eye wash and immediately seek medical attention. For skin contact,
immediately wash the affected skin with soap and water and rinse thoroughly, then seek
medical attention. If inhaled, remove to a fresh air environment, and seek medical
attention. The ethyl acetate must be stored in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry,
well-ventilated area away from oxidizing agents, extreme heat, ignition sources, or open

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Student ID:

PURPOSE: To promote safety and efficiency in the Oil & Gas Training Centre.

INTRODUCTION: Every person entering the plant area is responsible for his/her own
safety. It is important to be aware of the potential dangers to avoid injuryto yourself or
to your classmates. Knowing the answers to these questions may be of vital
importance, so you are asked to be clear about the answers.


1. Who can gain access to the plant area?

2. What personal protective equipment must be worn when inside the plant area?

3. What is the college policy on wearing contact lenses in the plant area?

4. What precautions should be taken for persons with long hair?

5. What should be done with loose-fitting headgear when entering the plant area?

6. When is smoking permitted inside the plant?

7. When is eating or drinking permitted inside the plant?
8. What should be done with mobile phones when entering the plant?

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9. What is the emergency telephone number to call in case of fire or accident?

10. What information should you give when phoning for emergency help?

11. Where are the emergency exits in the plant area?

12. What should you do if you hear the emergency evacuation alarm?

13. Where is the Assembly Point for the plant area (Building 8)?

14. Where are the fire extinguishers located?

15. What type of fire extinguishers are they?

16. On what type of fire are they effective?

17. How are the extinguishers operated?

18. Where is the fire blanket located?

19. How and when is the fire blanket used?

20. Where is the first aid kit located?

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21. Where is the eye wash fountain located?

22. How is the eye wash fountain operated?

23. Where is the safety shower located?

24. What should be done first if a corrosive substance is spilled on the skin?

25. What should be done immediately for glass cuts?


26. Where is the solution for acid spills located?

27. Where is the disposal container for broken glassware located?

28. What is the college policy regarding improper, unsafe behavior in the plant area?

29. Who is responsible for shutdown and clean up procedures?

I have attended the plant area safety session and completed the above items.
Please check √ the box provided at the right → 

I agree to comply with the directions of my Instructor and Instructional Assistant

while in the plant area.
Please check √ the box provided at the right → 



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