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Analysis of HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill)

Subjective Question Items Indonesian on the Results of

the End of Semester Assessment (PAS) in grade X High
School Students
Analisis Butir Soal Subjektif HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill)
Bahasa Indonesia Terhadap Hasil Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS)
pada Siswa SMA kelas X
Konti Harini1, Dr. Syamsul Sodiq2, M.Pd., Miftachul Amri, S.Pd., M.Pd., M. Ed3.
Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Dosen Pascasarjana Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Dosen Pascasarjana Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Corresponding author. Email:

Every learner is obliged to get a good quality of education from the school. One of them is mandatory to receive
student ability training through questions given by the teacher. Good and quality questions need to be made well before
being given to students. To be able to make quality questions, teachers must practice their abilities. Good and quality
questions are questions that can hone students' ability to think creatively. This study aims to reveal the quality of
subjective HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) question items Indonesian the Final Semester Assessment (PAS)
Results in grade X students of Untung Suropati Krian Catholic High School for the 2022/2023 academic year. This
research is reviewed from the aspects of validation, reliability, level of difficulty, discriminating power, and
effectiveness of deceivers. The object of this study is the answer sheet of all students with a total of 10 questions and
the answer key for the Final Semester Assessment (PAS) class X. The data analysis techniques used in this study use
qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. The data obtained are analyzed using direct examination of
the results of students' answers.
The results of the analysis that have been carried out are obtained by checking or correcting the answer sheet of
the Final Semester Assessment (PAS) HOTS question from class X students of Untung Suropati Catholic High School,
showing several points. Of the total question items, there are 10 subjective questions given by teachers to students in
PAS subject Indonesian. Of the total questions, there are 3 questions with the cognitive level of Understanding (C2)
which in this category are still in the LOTS criteria. There are 3 questions with HOTS criteria for Analyzing cognition
(C4), 1 question with HOTS criteria for Analyzing cognition (C5), and there are 3 questions with HOTS criteria for
Analyzing cognition (C6) with 3 questions with HOTS criteria. Of the total 10 questions, there are 7 questions included
in the criteria for the HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) question on the Final Semester Assessment (PAS) question
from class X students of Untung Suropati Krian Catholic High School. This shows that most of them have met the
criteria for developing HOTS questions

Keywords: HOTS Question item analysis, Indonesian, end-of-semester assessment (PAS)

1. INTRODUCTION applied to the evaluation of end-of-semester
assessments. This is done so that the evaluation given
Education is one of the important parts that exist
to students can be structured and conceptualized so that
in a person's life. As an Indonesian citizen, a child is it can determine the extent to which learning objectives
required to get an education at least until completing
can be completed by students.
Senior High School (SMA). In accordance with the
purpose of the compulsory education program, namely One of the measuring tools in evalusai that is
compulsory education for 12 years. The government often used in the learning process is evaluation or
strives to improve the quality and competitiveness of assessment, either by objective tests or subjective tests.
the nation by expanding education equity, reducing the In the teaching and learning process, evaluation is
gap in secondary level education achievement between needed as a means or activity to control, guarantor, and
community groups. In the process of obtaining determine the quality and quality of an education.
education, students will certainly receive a learning Evaluation or assessment is carried out thoroughly at
from the school. Learning is a process of student each level of education taken, of course, in accordance
interaction with accepted learning resources. with the policies of each education unit. Sudijono
(2003), stated that tests or evaluations have several
There are many factors that affect the learning
functions, namely: 1) as a measuring tool for students,
process can be meaningful, including teachers, and 2) as a measure of the success of teaching
students, facilities and infrastructure, learning media,
programs. This means that the test serves to measure
environment and so on. The learning process will run the ability of students to the material in the learning
well and optimally if the component aspects in it are
process obtained so that the test can measure the
arranged in a structured manner. The interaction that
success of the learning goals given to students. (Sopiah,
occurs between students and teachers in the learning
et al, 2019) stated that one of the good tests must consist
process must be created as well as possible so that
of well-written questions and can measure students'
learning can be received well by students so that the abilities and skills in accordance with learning
learning gives meaning to students.
objectives. Therefore, evaluation cannot be done
Evaluation is usually done at the end of learning haphazardly, but must be prepared and done properly.
completion, but not always, evaluation can also be done The questions used in the assessment of students
gradually. For example, the evaluation carried out in
also require valiadasi or analysis that states the good
the middle of learning is the Midterm Assessment and bad of the questions that the teacher makes. To be
(PTS). Although many are carried out at the end of
able to make questions with good quality requires a lot
learning, for example, at the End of Semester
of practice so that the questions given to students have
Assessment (PAS) or at the End of Year Assessment
good quality in accordance with the understanding that
(PAT). This indicates that the use of appropriate
students should receive during learning. (Rahman,
evaluation can measure learning outcomes 2012) stated that the quality of the questions that have
appropriately. There is a firm opinion about the concept
been applied can be identified for quality using
of learning evaluation. (Hamzah, 2014) stated that the question item analysis and improving the quality of the
evaluation carried out aims to determine the extent of
results. This is also supported by a statement (Sudjana,
the achievement of educational goals. This is
2006) which states that things that can be analyzed
emphasized by (Kurniawan, 2015) which states that
include the level of difficulty, discriminating power,
educational goals can be achieved with various
and effectiveness of options or distractions. Question
components, one of which is evaluation which becomes point analysis is the review of test questions in order to
a unity in the educational process. One of the things
obtain a set of questions that have adequate quality.
measured in the evaluation is the level of intelligence
Question analysis becomes a systematic procedure that
of the learners. Thus, evaluation becomes one
will provide specific information on the question items
component that helps educators and schools to
that have been prepared.
determine learning outcomes.
Analyzing question items is an activity that must
Tests are the most widely evaluated tool by
be carried out by teachers to improve the quality of the
educators. Varied test forms can make educators more
questions made (Sumiati, 2018). Question item
creative in developing ways to determine the best analysis activities are the process of collecting,
evaluation for students. Either in the form of multiple-
summarizing, and using information from answers
choice question tests, descriptions or essay forms given by students to teachers to make decisions on an
assessment. Question analysis also aims to identify assessment. Whether it is an objective question or a
good questions, bad questions, and bad questions. subjective question, there is still a low interest in
Currently, learning in schools applies HOTS (Higher developing the ability to make quality questions.
Order Thinking Skill) to the evaluation or assessment Evaluation is a tool that can measure students' ability to
used by teachers. The HOTS assessment requires achieve learning objectives, so teachers must be able to
students to be able to think critically and creatively find other effective ways to develop interest and ability
(critical thiking and creativity) and be able to solve to be able to learn to make quality questions.
problems (problem solving).
The use of subjective HOTS questions in the
This research is also based on the findings of Final Semester Assessment (PAS) evalusai of grade X
research that has previously been done or research students at Unutng Suropati Krian Catholic High
relevant to this research. Such as research conducted by School has been implemented since one year 2022. It is
Nurhikmah and Wahyu Lestari, students of the Basic expected that students are able to think creatively about
Education Study Program, Faculty of Postgraduate, solving problems given by the teacher according to the
Semarang State University. The study, entitled HOTS mindset of each student. Researchers strive to improve
(Higher Order Thinking Skill) Assessment in Grade III their ability to make quality questions so that students
Indonesian Learning at SD Datk Sulaiman Kota can understand the questions and get good learning.
Palopo, aims to find out how HOTS assessment is in The use of subjective HOTS questions in the Final
learning Indonesian grade III SD Datok Sulaiman. This Semester Assessment (PAS) evalusai of grade X
type of research is qualitative descriptive research. The students at Unutng Suropati Krian Catholic High
data techniques used are interviews, observation and School has been implemented since one year 2022. It is
documentation. The results of this study found that expected that students are able to think creatively about
teachers have not used HOTS in Indonesian learning in solving problems given by the teacher according to the
grade III SD Datok Sulaiman Kota Palopo. The data mindset of each student. Researchers strive to improve
above was obtained through direct interviews with their ability to make quality questions so that students
grade III teachers of SD Datok Sulaiman. The factor can understand the questions and get good learning.
that causes teachers not to use the HOTS assessment is Educators need to analyze the quality of question items
the lack of service provision during the pandemic so that the quality of the questions can be known to be
regarding the preparation of HOTS products in used in the evaluation of the learning that has been
elementary schools. given to students. The research method used in this
study is descriptive, quantitative and qualitative with
The next research was conducted by Kti the type of classroom action research. The subject of
Abdussmad and Ahmad Rabi'ul Muzammil, students of
the study was a grade X student of Untung Suropati
Indonesian Education FKIP Untan Pontianak. The Krian Catholic High School. The data analysis
study, entitled Analysis of Learning Assessment
technique used is to use quantitative descriptive
Indonesian Class VII SMP Negeri 17 Pontianak, aims
analysis techniques. With this research, it is hoped that
to describe the assessment of aspects of knowledge and
there will be an increase in the ability of educators to
skills carried out by Indonesian teachers in grade VII
be able to make quality HOTS subjective questions to
SMP Negeri 17 Pontianak. This study used descriptive
qualitative method. Based on the results of the study, it
can be seen that the assessment used by teachers is not
suitable to be able to evaluate student learning
outcomes during the online learning period because the 2. METHODE
questions given by teachers can result in plagiarism so Observations in this study were made on grade
that students' answers are the same. The similarity is X students of Untung Suropati Krian Catholic High
suspected by students to get from the same source, it School. This research was written to analyze the HOTS
can also be in the form of collaborative assessments (Higher Order Thinking Skill) sujective test questions
carried out by teachers on aspects of knowledge and for students. Class X consists of classes X-1 and X-2
skills that are not fixed so that teachers must pay more with 34 students each. These two classes were chosen
attention to assessment strategies. so that there is alignment of the data obtained and
In the application of evaluation in schools, it is analyzed. The research method used in this study is
descriptive, quantitative and qualitative with the type of
found that teachers still have limitations in making
quality questions for evaluation or tests on student classroom action research. The subject of the study was
a grade X student of Untung Suropati Krian Catholic and 3) learning tool documents in the form of PAS
High School. La technique d’analyse de données answer sheets in Indonesian language class X. The data
utilisée consiste à utiliser des techniques d’analyse analysis technique carried out in this study was
descriptive quantitative. Grâce à cette recherche, on manually, namely checking or correcting directly to the
espère qu’il y aura une augmentation de la capacité des results of students' answers. The things analyzed
éducateurs à être en mesure de poser des questions include: the level of difficulty of the questions, the
HOTS subjectives de qualité aux élèves. Widiasworo differentiation of the questions, and the distractor of the
(2019, pp. 16-17) a expliqué que la recherche Final Semester Assessment (PAS) questions. The
descriptive est une recherche menée pour enquêter sur results of the data were analyzed quantitatively and
les circonstances, les conditions ou d’autres choses qui qualitatively and revealed several examples as
ont été mentionnées, puis les résultats sont présentés reinforcement of research results.
sous forme de rapports.
Restrictions are also made on this research to be
Lestari (2018) stated that Hots can include able to streamline research and adjust to the data
aspects of critical thinking, creative thinking, and sources obtained so that they only focus on one
problem-solving skills. Critical thinking is the ability to question point analysis, not extend to other things. The
analyze, create and use criteria objectively, and data collection process in this study used analysis of
evaluate data. Things that can include creative thinking documents collected after the implementation of the
activities include, namely: 1) Pay attention to the Final Semester Assessment (PAS) correction. The first
overall details of identifying trends in patterns, such as step is for the teacher to make subjective questions
identifying similarities, mapping information, and about the Final Semester Assessment (PAS) HOTS for
inequalities, etc. 2) Repeating observations to ensure Class X which then if the implementation of PAS has
that no one will miss seeing the information obtained been carried out, the teacher immediately makes
from several points of view. 3) Choosing a highly corrections to immediately obtain the results of the data
preferred solution- objectively considering the impact which is then analyzed.
as well as the long-term consequences on the chosen

In compiling HOTS questions, teachers can use 3. RESULTH

cognitive Operational Verbs (KKO) in Bloom's The implementation of learning at Untung
Taxonomy. The cognitive realm consists of the Suropati Krian Catholic High School has implemented
simplest to the most complicated. The cognitive level an offline system since the 2022/2023 school year. This
is divided into two, namely LOTS (Low Order is the first year to face students face-to-face after the
Thinking Skills) and HOTS. The LOTS category is at pandemic that paralyzed the learning system for
the level of remembering (C1), understanding (C2), and approximately 2 years. Learning is certainly adjusted to
applying (C3). While the HOTS category is at the level the applicable rules so that students can follow learning
of analyzing (C4), evaluating (C5), and creating (C6). well and can catch up with the incomprehension that
occurs during the online learning process.
The data collection process carried out by this
researcher uses analysis of documents collected after This study is the first study conducted by
the implementation of the Final Semester Assessment researchers and the first study on the subjective
(PAS). The first step taken in this study was to collect problem of HOTS at Untung Suropati Krian Catholic
the Final Semester Assessment (PAS) questions for High School because previously no one had conducted
class X Indonesian subjects at Untung Suropati Krian research at the school with the same problems as this
Catholic High School for the 2022/2023 school year, study. This study discusses the quality of subjective
the answer key for the End of Semester Assessment questions for End of Semester Assessment (PAS) in
(PAS) for class X Indonesian subjects, and the Final class X. This is a novelty because 2022 is the first year
Semester Assessment (PAS) answer sheet for class X the school implements a new curriculum and the use of
students Indonesian which were used as research HOTS questions also follows how feasible it is in the
samples. The selection of answer sheets has been questions and curriculum.
adjusted to the sampal determined at the beginning of
the evaluation. Researchers also carried out data The presentation of results and discussions are
collection techniques with 1) informants, namely arranged in the order of presenting quantitative data,
teachers Indonesian 2) learning activities during PAS, examples, and qualitative analysis of the subjective
question sheet of HOTS Final Semester Assessment Examination was large. But how come the paper
(PAS) Class X. Not all data can be presented in detail, is like this." The whole class laughed and then
only data representatives and examples can be continued to do the exam questions.
discussed in the analysis but it is enough to describe the
results of the research thoroughly.
Based on the anecdotal text above, analyze the structure
In this section, the researcher explains the of the anecdotal text (not rewritten understandings and
findings and data analysis of subjective questions on sentences, but analysis based on the results of one's own
the subjective question answer of Class X Final thoughts) and provide proof of the sentence!
Semester Assessment (PAS) HOTS which can be
described as follows. The question above has a command for students
to pay attention to an anecdotal text quote. Indirectly,
Question Cognitive Realm Question the order ordered to analyze the text provided by the
Number Criteria teacher. Then in the question there is a command to
1 Understanding (C2) LOTS analyze the structure of the anecdotal text. Based on
2 Analyze (C4) HOTS the analysis order, it can be ascertained that the above
3 Understanding (C2) LOTS questions are included in the C4 level.
4 Create (C6) HOTS
5 Understanding (C2) LOTS Furthermore, at the evaluating level (C5), the
6 Analyze (C4) HOTS question criteria are no different from the C4 level,
7 Create (C6) HOTS namely text quotations have been provided by the
8 Create (C6) HOTS teacher. However, there are differences in the form of
9 Evaluate (C5) HOTS the map question in the previous question. The form of
10 Analyze (C4) HOTS questions included in the C5 level is: assessing on the
basis of internal norms, for example: quality, work,
essays, explaining characteristics based on text and so
At level (C4) there are various commands which on. The number of questions included in category C5 is
in each item are not always the same. Likewise, the text 1 question item or 10% of the total number of 10
analyzed is also not only one type of text. One of the questions. Here is an example of a question that falls
subjective questions that fall into the C4 category into category C5:
includes analyzing text structure, analyzing linguistic
rules and so on. The number of questions included in Read the text of the saga below carefully!
category C4 is that there are 3 questions or 30% of the Those were the words of a king named Indera
total number of 10 questions. Here is an example of a Bungsu from the Land of Kobat Syahrial. After
question that falls into category C4: some time in the kingdom, there was no son. So
one day, he also told people to read kunut
Read the anecdotal text below carefully to answer
prayers and alms to the poor and poor. Hatta for
questions number 2 and number 3!
some time, Tuan Putri Sitti Kendi became
Test Paper
pregnant and gave birth to two sons. As for the
In a school that is conducting the National
old ones coming out with arrows and the young
Exam, there is a class XII student named Tedi.
ones with swords. So he was too overjoyed and
The bell signals the entry of the bordering class.
named his old son Shah Peri and his young son
The invigilator walked into the classroom and
Indera Nobility.
read out the exam rules. After reading the rules,
(The Tale of the Noble Senses)
the invigilator immediately handed out the
opaque paper which was the question paper of
the National Exam. Tedi also immediately asked Based on the reading above, explain the
the exam invigilator, "Mom, is this really the characteristics of what saga text is contained in the
question paper of the National Exam?" The text in table format as follows!
supervisor replied, "Yes, Tedi, how is it? Is there Sentence Reason
anything strange?" scratching his head, he Numb Characteristic to - (self-
replied, "I think it's fried paper. Yesterday I saw (write made, not
in the news that the budget for the National
the rewriting
sentence) the text) In question number 7, students are given a
1. picture to make the text of the observation report
2. (LHO) from the object and description on the image
3. that has been provided. In student work, there are only
4. a few students who can answer questions correctly
5. without missing important things in the text of the
report of the results of the description observation.But
most learners answer inappropriately by writing what
The example question above has a command to is not or is not needed in the section description. Based
read a saga text that has been provided by the teacher. on these questions, it is certain that the questions fall
Students must analyze the text based on the results of into the C6 level. Because students are instructed to
the reading that has been done. However, in the create or make the text of the observation report based
question there are questions that instruct students to on the picture instructions and the name of the citrus
write down the characteristics of the saga text, sentence fruit that has been provided by the teacher. Level C6
evidence of the characteristics and reasons. In this has the highest of all levels. Level C6 has command
problem, students must evaluate the text in order to characteristics that require someone to produce a
write the characters, sentence evidence and welds written work.
correctly. It can be concluded that the question falls into Furthermore, analyze question items that are not
the C5 level. Because there are instructions that direct included in the HOTS category or are still included in
to evaluate the text. the LOTS (Low Order Thinking Skill) category. It is a
question item that belongs to the C1, C2 and C3 levels.
Then at the last HOTS level, namely creating In the HOTS question of Final Semester Assessment
(C6), this is the highest level at the cognitive level. The (PAS) from class X students of Untung Suropati
form of questions included in C6 is as follows: produce Catholic High School, which is included in the
or make essays and also compile reports. The question remembering level (C1), there is none. This means that
items with C6 level only have 3 question items, which 0% of the question items are at the C1 level.
means that only 30% of the total number of 10 question Furthermore, the question items are at the level of
items. The following is an example of a problem understanding (C2) totaling 3 questions. This means
included in C6: that the question items are included in the C2 level,
which is 30% of the total number of question items. The
Take a look at the following picture to answer following is an example of a question that falls into
question number 7! level C2:

Read the anecdotal text below carefully to answer

questions number 2 and number 3!

Test Paper
In a school that is conducting the National
Exam, there is a class XII student named Tedi.
The bell signals the entry of the bordering class.
The invigilator walked into the classroom and
read out the exam rules. After reading the rules,
the invigilator immediately handed out the
Based on the picture on the side, make a text report opaque paper which was the question paper of
of the observations! (minimum 5 sentences) the National Exam. Tedi also immediately asked
Lime Grapefruit the exam invigilator, "Mom, is this really the
Tangerines Kaffir question paper of the National Exam?" The
supervisor replied, "Yes, Tedi, how is it? Is there
Lime Lemon Lemon Mandarin anything strange?" scratching his head, he
Orange And others.
replied, "I think it's fried paper. Yesterday I saw
in the news that the budget for the National
Examination was large. But how come the paper Sekolah Dasar. Journal of Elementary Education.
is like this." The whole class laughed and then JEE 4 (1) (2015).
continued to do the exam questions.
[4] Nurhikmah dan Wahyu Lestari. Penilaian HOTS
(Higher Order Thinking Skill) Pada Pembelajaran
Bahasa Indonesia Kelas III di SD Datok Sulaiman
Based on the anecdotal text above, explain the implied Kota Palopo
meaning that can be taken? (minimum 3 sentences).
[5] Sari, Vina Nur Indah. 2022. Kualitas Soal Bahasa
The question above has questions that direct Indonesia di SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak:
students to explain the meaning implied in the text Analisis Butir Soal Universitas. Jurnal Pendidikan
provided by the teacher. The instruction shows that the Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Sebelas Maret,
question belongs to the C2 level. The instructions Surakarta.
delivered are not complicated and easy to understand
by learners. So at this level it is not able to stimulate [6] Sumiati, A., Widiastuti, U., & Suhud, U. (2018).
students to think higher-order. Therefore, the questions Workshop Teknik Menganalisis Butir Soal Dalam
given by the teacher are not included in the HOTS but Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru Di Smk Cileungsi
are still at the LOTS level. Bogor. Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani
(Jpmm), 2(1), 136–153.

[7] Widiasworo, E. (2019). Menyusun Penelitian

Kuantitatif Untuk Skripsi dan Tesis. Yogyakarta:
The results of the analysis that have been carried Araska.
out are obtained by checking or correcting the answer
sheet of the Final Semester Assessment (PAS) HOTS [8] Wirandani, Tari. 2019. Analisis Butir Soal HOTS
question from class X students of Untung Suropati (Higher Order Thinking Skill) Pada Soal Ujian
Catholic High School, showing several points. Of the Sekolah Kelas XII Mata Pelajaran Bahasa
total question items, there are 10 subjective questions Indonesia di SMK An-Nahl. Cimahi : IKIP
given by teachers to students in PAS subject Siliwangi.
Indonesian. Of the total questions, there are 3 questions
with the cognitive level of Understanding (C2) which
in this category are still in the LOTS criteria. There are
3 questions with HOTS criteria for Analyzing cognition
(C4), 1 question with HOTS criteria for Analyzing
cognition (C5), and there are 3 questions with HOTS
criteria for Analyzing cognition (C6) with 3 questions
with HOTS criteria. Of the total 10 questions, there are
7 questions included in the criteria for the HOTS
(Higher Order Thinking Skill) question on the Final
Semester Assessment (PAS) question from class X
students of Untung Suropati Krian Catholic High
School. This shows that most of the subjective
questions of the Final Semester Assessment (PAS)
HOTS have met the criteria for developing HOTS
questions, although some of them are still not in the
criteria but can be improved and developed to become
quality questions.

[1] Anas, Sudijono. 2003. Pengantar Evaluasi
Pendidikan. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.

[2] Hamzah, Ali. 2014. Evaluasi Pembelajaran

Matematika (I). Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.

[3] Kurniawan, Tutut. 2015. Analisis Butir Soal

Ulangan Akhir Semester Gasal Mata Pelajaran IPS

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