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Ea Hartridge DIESEL DIVISION DETROIT DIESEL INJECTOR CALIBRATOR OPERATING AND SERVICING MANUAL Ref.No. D/255 5-87 ——————____| Hartridge OPERATING & SERVICNG MANUAL H.A. 255 DETROIT DIESEL INJECTOR CALIBRATOR OPERATING AND SERVICING MANUAL GENERAL PRECAUTIONS YOU MUST READ THE ENTIRE SECTION 4 ‘OPERATING! BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO USE THE MACHINE, YoU MUST ENSURE THAT THE SERVICING REQUIRE- MENTS AND INTERVALS AS SET OUT IN ‘MAINTENANCE! (SECTION 5A} ARE ADHERED To. TAKE HEED OF THE PRECAUTIONS AND WARNINGS GIVEN RESPECTIVELY ON THE TITLE PAGES OF SECTION 4 'OPERATING AND INJECTOR MOUNTING! AND SECTION 5 "MAINTENANCE. REMEMBER THAT THE HARTRIDGE HA 255 TEST STAND 1S AN ACCURATE PIECE OF EQUIPMENT SO LOOK AFTER IT. GENERAL CONTENTS INTRODUCTION AND SPECIFICATION SECTION 1 INSTALLING AND PREPARING SECTION 2 SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION SECTION 3 OPERATING. SECTION 4 MAINTENANCE SECTION 5 SPARES LIST SECTION Hartridge OPERATAG & SERVING MANUAL FIG. 1. GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE HARTRIDGS HA 255 teeta . CLAMPING HEAD TOP COVER . WORK TRAY UPPER FRONT PANEL 1. HANDWHEEL (BENEATH FLAP) LOWER FRONT PANEL LEFT HAND SIDE COVER TOOL RACKS. Hartridge SECTION 1 OPERATING & SERVICING MANUAL INTRODUCTION AND SPECIFICATION CONTENTS A INTRODUCTION aL A AB. General ‘The Hartridge HA 255, Serial Number GENERAL DATA Bt 52. 83. Ba. Bs, Be. 87. Be. a9. B10. Dimensions & Weights Electrical Supply Motor Cambox Test Speed Instrumentation Fuel Tank and Calibration Fluid (Fuel) Specitication Calibration Ftuis Pump Temperature Control Metering System 12 12 42 we 43. 13 13 43 13 13 13 43 13 13 Hartridge A. INTRODUCTION AX. GENERAL ‘The function of @ calibrator for Detroit Diesel fend Waukesha unit injectors is to actuate the injector under test using the lift/dwoll/rate characteristics, specified by the manufacturer, end to accurately measure the volume of fuel delivered. 2. THE HARTRIDGE HA 255 ‘The injector Ie mounted in the clamping hasd with the razzie lip uppermost, The single speed metor mounted below the top cover drives the cambox by which the Injector is actuated. The motor and cambox/clamping head ate mounted fon a plate which is insulated from the rest of the machine; Unis has resulted in reduced overall noise levels. From the cambox is driven the pump which supplies calibration fluid to the injector, The signal for the solid state shot counting function on the Printed Circuit Board is taken once every camshaft evolution from @ magnetic pick-up which senses ‘a pag in the camshaft pulley. ‘The Combox contains 2 cams and an eccentric selected by © lever to actuate Dettoit Diesel (GM) 53/11/92/8.2,149/Weukesha and 110 Unit Injectors. When the motor is running the pump draws cslibr tion luis from the tank via a filter snd passes it to the fnjector on test. From there it is passed toa solenoid valve which con either return the fluid to the tank oF allow it to pass into the meter= ing cylinder. CREAATING 6 SERVING MANUAL When the count button Is pressed the metering cylinder will drain, ceturning the fluid output indicstor to zero, When the button is relessed, 50 shots of fluid from the Injector under test will pass into the metering eylindes, and the volume will be shown, con the output dial incicetors The tempereture control system consists of 2450 Watt electric heater and water operated cooler with @ solid state controller, sensed by a thermistor in the fuel tank, ensuring that the calibra tion fluid tempersture Is maintained within » toler once of °F. AS. SERIAL NUMBER The serial number of the test stend eppears fon the identification plate on the rear panel and it should elwaye be quoted in any correspondence. A typical serial number, with sn explanation of each sat of digits or letters, is given below. 782/001/0/1 Electrical Variant (Detailed coding Pera 83) Modi tion Standard Machine Serial Number (Unique) Praduct Code Number 4a Hartridge B. GENERAL DATA BI. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS CASE siZi 890mm x 760mm x 1120Mm (35in x 30in x 44in) Refer to Fig 1. 13tieg (295 Ib) 202Kg (445 Ib) MACHINE Size: NETT WEIGHT: GROSS WEIGHT: 2. ELECTRICAL SUPPLY Tho eloctrinal mains requirement is a 50/60H2 2c three-phase supply of 3.3 kVA operating fram any ene of the commonly available supply voltages. ‘The HA 255 le fitted with a transformer having 16 primary taps to satiety all voltage requirements (refer to page 2.3). 8% MOTOR 3hp (225KW motor, single speed, 50 or SOHzy direct-on-starting. Standard Ranges 220-240 Volt | 3 phase SOHz —782/000/0/1 380-420 Volt f 3 phase S042 782/000/0/3 720-240 Volt | 3 phase 6OHz —782/000/0/6 ‘auo-t90 Volt f 3 phase 60Hz —782/000/0/7 Motors bracketed togsther are of dual voltage, but each machine is wited on production according to its serial number; itis advisable to check that the connections are correct bafore attempting to operate the machine. Refer to Section 2, para AS Customers requiring replacement motors with voltages outside the above ranges should contact LESLIE HART- RIDGE (TD before ordering, steting voltage required. 84. CAMBOX Belt driven trom a motar, incorporates camshatt running on ball and roller bearings. fithad withe Cam sleeve 53/71/92/8.2 cam 148/Weukesha cam 110 eccentrie Cam sleeve movestle by hand lever to allgn each com with the roller tappet as required for testing, 8s. TEST shee 2000 strokes por minuto 26 INSTRUMENTATION Output tester 9-30cc0 por 1000 Cater Coen ba) Red = Too Hot er Too cold Groon ~ 1049F 5 19° (4aee + .68c) injections Pressure gauge Temperature meter OPERATING 8 SERVIONS MANUAL L_} pooob Ct =. —| — iin Fig. 1.1. DIMENSIONS BT. FUEL TANK AND CALIBRATION FLUID. (FUEL) SPECIFICATION Fuel tonk cast integral with bese Capacity - 3 US. Galle (15 iitres 2.5 Imp. Gell.) ‘Tho HA 255 i intended te be operated using @ ‘thint calibrating fluid to 80 4113 or SAE J 967D specificstion, The viscosity of this fluilé i 20S to 275 centistokes nt APC (104%). The following fluids mest with this speciflestion Castrol Diese! Calibration O# 4113. Visor 1007. Sholl (UX) 6113, Sholl (lntetnationsl) $9365, Shell-Berro (France) ‘Notmatluid’ Brugaroles (Spain) Califluld 2. 8. CALIBRATION FLUID PUMP. Driven direetly ftom reat of cambox. Delivary 72 U.S. gallaas per hour (273 1 gol pet hour). 89, TEMPERATURE CONTROL Thermistor sensed 450 walt electric heater and water operated cooler; solid state controller, adjusted by potentiometer, maintains temperature ‘of the calibration fluld to 40°C (104°F). B10. METERING SYSTEM Positive piston displacement meteting system with dist indicator display of injooter cutput. Injector outout fs measured aver 50 whole injections, — The metering programme is controlled ky a proprietary Hattcidge selid state electronic shot counter, and is phased to tha camshait by meant of magnetic pick-up and a peg in the reat af the cambox pul 1s & Hartridge OPERATING & SERVING MANUAL SECTION 2 INSTALLING AND PREPARING CONTENTS A INSTALLATION 22 Al, Site Requirements 22 2 Mounting the Machine 22 3. Witing 22 Ad. Solenoids and Overloads 23 AS. Heater 23 AG. Cooler Connections 24 PREPARATION FOR USE 2a B1. Gonoral 24 82. Filling with Calibration Fluid 24 3. Checking the Cambox oil Level 24 4 Hartridge A. INSTALLATION AM. SITE REQUIREMENTS The HA 255 is designed for bunch mounting. The bench should satisfy the following conditions: 12) $1 should be sirong enough to support the machine weight. b) There should be sdoquste working clearance round the machine, ©) The working area should be free from the ingress of dite ) A. aultable power supply with isolator switch should be available (see section ‘1, pare 62.) ©) A mains water supply, with a flow of 0.6 US. gellons per minute (2.25 litres, 0.5 gallons Imp. per minute) is essential. 1) A hole 25mm (lin) in diameter should be cut in the bench top to correspond with the fuel tenk drain plug which is under the machine fon the left hand side. 9) To prevent the machino trem shifting on the bons top, Tamm belts should be set into. the benen aa that the feet will engage with the bolt heads: The two bolts should be spaced at @ cltence of 720mm (20/8ir) apart to engage with ‘siogon= ally opposite feet. 2. MOUNTING THE MACHINE ‘All packing material should be removed caretully, then the four flexible mounting feet (1). supplied with the machine should be pressed onto the bosses fon the comers of the base casting, as shown in Fig. 21. ‘the machine should be lifted by the ilfting hook (2), which Ib situated at the paint of bslance, When. the machine i finally positioned, remove this hook after releasing the lecknut (3) snd unserewing it fiom tha base plate te which the motor and cembox ‘ate mounted. Fig 21 THE LIFTING HOOK AND BASE PLATE (MOUNTING FEET SHOWN ENLARGED) 22 OPERATING & SERVIONG MANUAL Finally, remove the central restraining bolt (arrow- ed (W) which steadies the base plate during transit. (UF the bolt is left Iny tho baso plate will be unable to “float” as intended so the seduced noise levels will nat be achieved.) A a) WIRING Terminal Box ‘There is only one electrleal connection raquired con Installation, the main supply. Remove the cover from the terminal box on the beck penel, fend pass tho S-phase cable through the hole In the side of the box Ensure that the cable has beer secured with the gland, and connect up 8 shown in Fig 2.2 (aloo see Fig. 5.18) If, when the machino fe started, the motor dees not turn clockwise, reverse any two of the phase connections in the mains terminal box. The motor must not be allowed to tun in reverse for long periods 2 this will damage the pump. b) Tetminal Board The HA 255 i narmelly fitted with @ dual voltage motor (except on 550 volts.) Check the connect~ ‘ons (S0H2 supplies) ot the bridping tabs (6OHz) fon the terminal board which is loceted inside the tight hand panel towards the front of the machine. The equlpment Is supplied correctly wired for the voltage end frequency supply fof the region for which the machine Is destined. It is thetefere only normally necessary to check the Items listed below; adjustments will be required if the machine Is to be operated from en alterna- live voltage. Remave the upper front penel to gein access to the tezminal board. S0H2 supplies: For high voltage (400 volts nominal) the motor wires U2, V2, W2, should all be connected tx the same ‘ster point’ termin= fal as shown in Diag. 1. _ The remaining motor wites Ut, V1, and WI, should not be disturbed. For low voltage (200 volts nominal) these motor wites should be connected to terminals "AY, "BY and 'C', es shown in Diag. 2 60Hz supplies IF it is intended to oparated trom high voltage (400 volts nominal) the brig ing tabs should be fitted in accordance with Diag. 3 Fat low voltage (200 volts naminel) the tabs should be in accordance with Dieg. 4 The wires, which ae numbered T1 through ta 79 and ate connected to the appropriate terminals 99 marked, should not be disturbed. Special requirements: if it Is not possible to falter the bridging tabs or connections ta sult the supply voltage evailable (check the voltages ven on the motor's serial plate) it will be necessory te change the motor for one of © suitable range, The mator must always ba chang~ ed if the machine i to be operated from a supply of different frequency. Hartridge OPERATING & SERVICING MANUAL Fig 2.2 THE TERMINAL BOX €) Transformer The HA 255 is fitted with a transformer having 16 primary tape to satisfy all voltage require- ments. If necessery, remove the perspex rover fend move the prlmery wire marked '33" and the brass pillar ta the appropriate tspping to ult tho supply voltage, see Fig. 24. H¥ the machine is to be operated from an alter native fraqueney, the solencids must be changed. Do not attempt to alter sty of the secondary tapings o 8 8 oO ° v ° g e oo 9 2 0 4 Diag. + “Diag. 2 Diag. & HIGH VOLTAGE LOW VOLTAGE Fig 23 THE ALTERNATIVE TERMINAL BOARD CONNECTIONS 23 Fig 24 THE TRANSFORMER Ad, SOLENOIDS AND OVERLOADS a) Solenoids ‘The solenoid which controls the water cooler normally requires changing if the machine is to be operated from @ different supply voltage for frequeney. The metering unit solenoids fitted to current machines ere of dual frequency operating from 24 volts ac. Refer to. Spares Liste 1 and 5 for full details. b) Overloads Set the overload {item 1, Fig. 66) 26 follows: 220/240 volt renge ta 8 amp setting 380/420 volts to 46 amp: 440/880 volts to 4.0. amps. Hf the machine is te be changed tram operating ‘high’ volts (400 VY. nominal) to "low! volts (200 V. nominel) or vice versp, an alterna- tive overloed must be fitted. Refer to spares list 6 for detaits, from AS. HEATER Heaters operating trom ‘mains! olectrical supplies (Mod.std.'C’ onwards) will require 10 be changed along with the neon indicator if an oltemetive supply voltage to the machine is to be used, Refer to Spares List 1. Heater operating {rem the transformer on 24 volts (earlier machines) will not require changing if an alternative voltage supply is to be used. IMPORTANT NOTE RE VOLTAGE CORRECTION Each machine is supplied correctly wited for the voltage supply of the region for which it is destined. Adjustments will only be required if the machine is to be operated from an alternative valkage. Before tho machine can be operated from on alters tlve voltage some electrical components may slo require replacement as detailed on this page Customers. should NOT ATTEMPT to change the machine to an alternative voltage supply without consulting Loslis Hartridge Ltd or Agent. Hartridge OPERATING & SEAVIONS MANUAL Water out Fig 2.5 COOLER CONNECTIONS AG COOLER CONNECTIONS The cooler connection marked ‘water in’ on the back of the machine (see Fig. 2.5) should be connected to @ mains water supply. The connection out! should be connected to a drein. Flow should be at least 06 U.S. gallone per minute (2.25 litres, €.5 Imp. Gallons per minute) at an input temper ature nat exceeding 6€°F (20°C). ‘water Water will only circulate when the solenoid valve i open To prevent wastege of water this ean only eccur when the motor is running. 24 B. PREPARATION FOR USE BI. GENERAL Remove the two mounting brackets which sre fitted to tho cast base to prevent damege during transit, On tha left-hand side release the access panel at its studs then raise it, and on the right~ hhand side pros the lower edge of the perel inwards In both cases su‘flolently to enable these brackets te be withdrawn The screws which seoure the top cover during trenstt may also be removed (see Section 5, para, Ate). Machined parts should be washed with parafin (kerosene) to remove protective coating and then lightly ofted, Bz. FILLING WITH A CALIBRATION FLUID Always use 9 suitable calibration fluid (fuel) cantarming te the speeifieation given in GENERAL DATA (Section 1, pare. B7) To fill the system, first release the left hand access pencl at its stude land lift it off. Enaute thet the inside of the fuel tank is clean then pour ia ealibration fluid until the level ib approx= imately 1.5in (40mm) sbove the filter as shown in Fig. 26 83. CHECKING CAMSOX OIL LEVEL With the left-hand panel removed the cambox sight glass can be seen as indicated by the arrow (1) in Fig. 2.6. Fill the cambox with SAE 30 engine ol until i reaches the fof the slight glass. The filter phig Is located in the cambex top at the Jou on sane by the axe ( io | 2 ‘o/ 26 FLUID AND OlL, LEVELS Hartridge CRERATING & SEAVENG MANUAL SECTION 3 SYSTEMS CONTENTS HYORAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 32 3A & Hartridge OPERATING & SERVICING MANUAL (0-160 psi PRESSURE GA 2. DAMPER | FILTE 4 RELIEF VALVE 40 psi 5. METERING CYLINDER 6 7 foe 666 FILTER HEATER B. SOLENOID VALVE 8. WATER IN 40. WATER OUT 14. COOLER 12. TANK 3. FILTER, 14. PUMP. Fig. 341 HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 15. INJECTOR bt Hartridge ORERATING & SEAVIONS MANUAL SECTION 4 OPERATING IMPORTANT WARNING BEFORE COMMENCING TO OPERATE THE TEST STAND CHECK THAT YOUR CLOTHING, ESPECIALLY SLEEVES AND NECK-TIES, IS SAFE AND WILL NOT BECOME CAUGHT IN ANY MOVING PARTS. PROTECT YOUR HANDS WITH A SUITABLE BARRIER CREAM, ENSURE THAT ALL CALIBRATING FLUID CONNECTIONS ARE TIGHT AND SAFC. CONTENTS A USE OF CONTROLS 42 At, Motor Control Buttons and tcolator 4.2 A2. Cam Selection Lever az AB. Clamping Lever 42 A, Handwhee! 42 AS, Meter Output Control a3 AG. Sot Zero Screw 43 8. USE OF INSTRUMENTS Bt. Mains Werning Lamp 43 B2. Fluid Temperature Meter and Werning Lamp 43 83, Fluid Pressure Gouge 43 84, Injector Output Display (Dial Indicator) 4.3 PRE-TESTING NOTES 4s Ci. Tost Procedures 45 C2. Timing Cheek Dimension 45 ©3. Clamping Load 45 D, MOUNTING AND CONNECTION EQUIPMENT 4.5 D1. Notes on Accessory Selection 4s D2. Accessories Selection Chart 46 E. MOUNTING PROCEDURE ar Et, Doteoit Diesel (Except 8.21) and Waukesha Injectors 47 £2 Injactars for 6.2 Litre GM Engines 48 F. CALIBRATION PROCEDURE 49 4a 2 Hartridge Fig 4.1 THE CONTROL PANEL USE OF CONTROLS Al. MOTOR CONTROL SUTTONS AND ISOLATOR ig. 41) With the mains supply switched on, turn the: Isolator switch (4) to the "1" positions the machine is now Press the green stert bution (3) to energize tho moter which will run at @ constant, tingle speed to give 2000 strokes per minute of the eambox tappet. Press the red button (2) to stop the moter. AQ, CAM SELECTION LEVER (Fig. 4.2) The lever (1) Is mounted on top of the cambox ‘and cennet be moved until the locking screw (2) ‘hes been loosened with ite wing nut (3) after releas~ ing its locknut (4). Moving the Javer selects the cam or eccentric ‘oppropriste to the type of unit injector to be tasted. The three positlons sre marked on an identification plate. The drive should be turned manuslly using the hendwheel (item 1, Fige &t) whilst operating the cam selection levers The locking serew and locknut must be retightened efter selecting the cam requiced. 2) @ | Fig 4.2 CAM SELECTION LEVER OPERATING & SERVICING MANUAL Fig 43 CLAMPING LEVER AB. CLAMPING LEVER (Fig. 43) The clamping lever (1) is mounted on the clamp ing head (2) end when pulled downwards operates an over-centre clamp (3) which holds the injector in posttian. Refer to section 4, pera E1 for details of fitting the nosopiace which recelves the injector under test. Make sure that the lever is pulled down as ter os possible before starting the machine. Ad HANDWHEEL (Fig 44) Access to the handwheel (1) fs via 6 hole in the upper front panel; after raising the flap (2). The drive may be rotated by hand as required) a slight ‘rocking" action may be used to assist cam selection. The soletor switch (item 4 Fig. 41) be eet te '0' bofare the handwheal ie used. should Fig 44 HANDWHEEL 42 © Hartridge =O) Fig 4.5 THE INSTRUMENT PANEL AS. METER OUTPUT CONTROL (Fig. 4.1) With an injector fitted (Section AE, refers) and the drive motor running, operate the metering unit by pressing the orange moter output. button (1). Once started, the button may be released since the metering programme will continue sutomaticelly and will finish by displeying © reading on the.dial indicator. Cancel the reading by depressing this button agein as soon as the button Is released the shot counting will re-commence once the dial needle hes reached Befors & final reading can be taken, the metering unit must be ralsed to operating temperature. With the drive motor running, end an injector still fitted, injected oit will be flowing through the under side fof tho metering unit piston. After tha machine has been started initially, leave IL running for epprox- imately fifteen minutes from the time the calibration fluid temperature, ae indicated en the meter, has steadiacy Section 4, para. B2 describes thie mater and how to operate the heater. With the temperature steady, take several readings until they are stable, ho thay repeat within +0200, Alter fitting snother cold Injector, again take several readings until they are stable once more, AG. SET ZERO SCREW (Fig. 4.5) After stopping the drive motor, cancel the reading displayed on the diel indicator by pressing the moter oulpul bulton, IF nscessary use 2 screwdriver to adjust the ‘zero set? screw (5) in the metering unit anvil until the ial indicator reading is at z0ro as ‘ustrated. Alter @ while, particularly if the above adjustment had been made before the system had fully warmed ups it may be necessary to ro-set to zero. With the drive moter running and an injestar fitted, press end hold dows the orange meter output buttons this will cancel the reading and prevent @ fresh count from stetting. Re-adjust the serew (5) while continuing to hold down the button, until reading is cbtained. a3 OPERATING & SEAVIONG MANUAL B. USE OF INSTRUMENTS Bi. MAINS WARNING LAMP (Fig. 4&1) This red warning lamp (5) will be illluminated whenever thare is voltage supply to the machine, la, while the mains supply is switched on at. the wall, 82, FLUID TEMPERATURE METER AND WARNING LAMP (Fig, 45) With the oletor switch (see section 4, pare AN) set to" the heater Inthe fuel tank wil Slert to warm the calfration uch the warning ter (2). wil be ilminsted to indieate. tht the hester te lon. Ae. the eystom gradually wate up the needle wil be seen to enter the RED (too cel) sector at the lft hand end of the Mui! tamper. ature meter (3). The temporature of the ceiration Mid) i mainitines “by the integrated heater end cooler system to 108% 410F, and the needle shodd stabilize nthe GREEN sector, Note thet the sovler cannot operate unless the motor le tuning, so the needle may temporally enter the RED. (too not) sector at the right hand end of the meter; thi te petfectiy normal. If, efter the machine nae been running fons enough for the’ meter reading to have stabilized, the needle is natin the given sector, elther the meter ot the control ciceull will require adustmant {Section 5, paras C1i)- Hy with the nesdie atthe futreme. end. of the ight hand stony the warning Tamp. glows continuesly a possible foul with the temperature control systom i indicated, whieh should be investigated (Section 5, pare. 83), Fist ascertain that the water supply is satisfactory (Section 2, pata, AB). BS. FLUID PRESSURE GAUGE (Fig. 4.5) ‘Tho pressure gauge (1) records the feed pressure of the calibration fluid which has been adjusted ton the fusl block (Section 5, para. C3) BA, INIECTOR OUTPUT DISPLAY (DIAL, INDICATOR) ‘The dial indicator geuge (item 4, Fig. 45) is graduated 0 to 500cc in O.5ce divisions for injector ‘output deliverios of 1000 strakes (eam Jurns). Alter natively the gauge may 9 read as mm” for individual deliveries per injection. With the metering unit snd injector st operating temperature and with the gauge set to zero, take teadings of the injector output by pressing the meter ‘output utton (item 1, Fig 41). The dial indicator hhas twa ends, the larger maiéing one revolution for each 10ce of output, the smaller, which can evolve twice, making one revolution for each 250cc cof output. Hartridge OPERATING & SERVICING MANUAL ‘The small hand graduations are marked in 'tens!y the inner circle of digits represents the first whole turn of thio hend, tho outer circle the second whole tur. When taking @ reading obsorve whether the ‘small hand makes moce or less than one revolution, If it has made less than one revolution refer te the inner scale, and if it has made more refer to the outer scsle when obtaining the final result Some typicel examples of the readings which Imight be recorded are shown In Figs. 46 to &tl oe ao Stee 7 Fig 4a A READING OF 222.3c0 Tig 4.11 A READING OF 499.9e0 Hartridge C. PRE-TESTING NOTES C1. TEST PROCEDURES The detailed tests and data required for testing Detroit Dicsel (GM) ond Waukesha unit injectors fare laid down by the manufacturers in thelr service literature. The following Information is enly intend= fed to instruct the operator as te how te produce the necossary test conditions using the Hartride HA 255 calibrator, 2 TIMING CHECK DIMENSION The timing check dimension (aee Fig 4.12) fs set by the manufacturer before delivery of the test stench however, if eny of these components, Je. clamping black (1), pillars (2) or stem extonelon (3) ate changed then the dimension must be edfurted to the figures given in the Accessories Selection Chart (D2). Set the stem extension to bottom dead centre and messure the height from its ground face to the top of the two pillars as shown. Adjust the pillar lengths 5 necessary by altering the spacers (@) under the hardened pillar heads (3). Select the approprlate spacer from the chart and re-check, When correct the face 'B' on the head must be parallol with the faso ‘A’ on the pillar, and the 2BA screw (6) secured with "loctite’. 3. CLAMPING LOAD. With an injector mountes, the effart to pull the clamping lever down (the clamping toad) must exceed 27 kag. (60s). If th Is too low the clamp OPERATING & SERVICING MANUAL MOUNTING AND CONNECTION EQUIPMENT Di NOTES ON ACCESSORY SELECTION All the accessories listed in the sslection chart on the following page are stamped with numbers to Identity the type of injectors to which they ‘sre applicable. MAKE SURE THAT THE CORRECT ACCESSORIES ARE USED TOGETHER. Clamp block NTA 106/1 is used for both 71 (including $3 & 92) and 110 injectors by reversing ton the cambox. The positioning ie correct when the number of the injector to be tested (stamped fon the clamp block) is readable from the front. of the machine. The pillars NTA 106/23 (110 injectors) ate identi- cal (ie. ate not left and right hand) and will appear offset when installed in the clamp. The adges of the pads should be parallel. When mounting injectors for the 8.2 litre engine ote that in addition to the fuel block = fusl sloove (NTA 240/1) and block spacer (NTA 240/4) are also cequired, fuel Section 4, para. £2 provides details. head wil requis re shimming. Refer to Section 5 pors. C4 for full detatl. @ © wy SPACER PART THICKNESS| @) ® NUMBER, (ances) NTA 106/21/2/1 0.020 @ NTA 106/21/2/2 | ones Nra soo/en'e/3 | e030 NTA t06/21/2/8 | 0.35 Fig 4.42 CHECKING AND CORRECTING 45 THE TIMING CHECK DIMENSION *x? © Hartridge CRERATING & SERVING MANUAL D2 ACCESSORIES SELECTION CHART WaCTOR | 53/71/92 BaTi8e 710 79 WAUKESHA] €.2 litre HIGH Low SHORT Lone CRAB CRAB EXTENSION | EXT. ACCESSORIES cam seecteo | 53/71/on/.2 | ss/ri/ozva.2 | 110 | a10 | sas/wauic | 1a9/wauK | 53/70/92/8.2 LAMP BLOCK [NTA 106/1 | NTA s06/1__| NTA 106/1_| NTA 96/1 | NTA 108/1_| NTA 108/5 | NTA 106/1 NOSEPIECE na soo/n1_| nra 106/11 [ NTA ‘06/10 | WTA 106/10 | BTA 108/9_| NTA 106/10 | NTA 240/3 Fue pLock | NTA 196/2 | NTA t06/2 | NTA 106/3 | NTA 106/3_| NTA 108/2 | NTA 108/6 | NTA 10¢/2 STEM Extension | NTA t06/7 | NTA 106/7__| TA 106/7_| ra toe/a_| NTA 106/7 | wrA to8/e | NTA 06/7 PILLARS. na 196/22 | NTA 196/21 | NTA 106/23 | NTA 106/23 [ITA 105/24 | NTA 106/26 | NTA 240/2 IhnTA 106/25 CONNECTOR EXTN. ALP 79 ALP 70 ap 10 apm |aem lap | ap 7 TIMING CHECK DIMENSION 1.585. 2.280. Nor, Nor Nor Nor 1.221 “0 +0005. Go2émm} | (56.90mm) | crimica, | critica, J criricat | crimicat | (43:7mm) (-0 +9.127mm) Il NTA 106/1 NTA 108/5 NTA 109/1 PS SBE SSS AC) iy) CLAMP BLOCKS oO= NTA 1098/2 NTA 106/3 NOSEPIECES © : < Ie 6 ae 9 H a | ALP 70 9e NTA 106/2___NTA 108/6 Peete pete] ee NTA 106/8 I, NTA 106/7 NTA 108/8 (2 i a < “eu PILLARS STEM EXTENSIONS ccc D3. IDENTIFICATION OF ACCESSORIES 46 Hartridge E. MOUNTING PROCEDURE £1, DETROIT DIESEL (EXCEPT 8.21) AND WAUKESHA, INJECTORS: The method af mounting s typical Detroit Diosel (GM) or Waukesha unit injector is as described below and as shawn in Fig. 413 to 417. ilustrations in conjunction with the text. Refer to these Fit the Bollavilie washers (1) and the nasepioce (2) to the clamping head ram (3) 38 shown, ensuring het the Bin. ‘O' ring (4) is in position on the nose plece shank Fig 413. FITTING NOSEPIECE Fig 414 FITTING CLAMP BLOCK AND STEM EXTENSION CRERATING & SEAVIING MANUAL Fit the clamp black (5), tighten the screw (6) ‘and insert the stem extension (7). Insert the pillars (8) in the clamp block. Note that the screws (9) in the clamp block pillar holes provide angular location only: They should not be adjusted to bear tightly on the pillars. Fit the ons way up to fuel block (10) end secure with the the fuel block an be mounted either provide either parallel or offset injector engagement holes as required. Screw the connector extensions (12) to the fuel block. Fit the fuel feed (13) and erain (14) banjo connections to these exten= sions and connect up the pipes as shown if these have baan detached. Fig 415. FIFTING FUEL BLOCK AND PILLARS Qe ANOLOSS WIS Fig 416 FITTING FUEL CONNECTIONS Hartridge Fig 417. CLAMPING INJECTOR AND FITTING BANJO CONNECTION Mount the injector (15) to the calibrator, pushing it into. the fusl block (10) with the body supportes by the pillars (8). After checking that the appropriste 'O! ting hes boen fitted inside the nosepiece (/tin. OD. for NFA 106/11} 13/16in. 0.0. st others), pull down the lever (16) to clamp the injector Finally fit the banjo connection (17), whieh receives the calibration fluid dolivery fram the injector in test, to the nosepiecs, GPERATING & SERVICING MANUAL £2, INJECTORS FOR 8.2 LITRE GM ENGINES The method of mounting the injector for 8.2 tre GM, engines i& similar to the typlee! one described in pare. E71. Note that this type of injector lso Tequites the use of & fuel sleeve to enable it to be connected ta the fuel block. Fit and secure the clamp block (1) end the fuel block (2) 98 ih pare. £1, Dut with spacer NTA 240/4 (3) between them and with the parallel injector engagement holes uppermost. Fit the pillars (4), making certain that the timing check dimension i cortect (Section 4, pars. CZ refers). Lubricate the injector (5) 'O' rings and insert into the fuel sleeve (6). Rotate the injector unti ‘ts clamp flange (7) sits under the shoulder screw (8), locking it in place, as shown inset. Now mount the injector “check 13/1éin, 0.0. '0" ring in nosepiece (9)), also ensuring that pipes (10) depress the spring loaded seais in Une fust black then clamp the injector with the lever (11), » 435 oss Fig 418 MOUNTING 8.2 LITRE GM INJECTORS Hartridge OPERATING & SEAVIONG MmanuiaL, F. CALIBRATION PROCEDURE This section outlines how test condlitiens can be produced using the Hartridge HA 255. Read it jn conjunction with the injector manufacturer's service literature. Betare proceeding make sure that you hhave fully understood the previous secticns. 6 + CONTROL Mains Supply Switeh Isolator Switeh Cam Selector MOUNT THE INIECTOR Clamping Lever Handwheel Motor Start Button Meter Gutput Button Meter Output Button 4 the dial indicator fails to zero precisely, it will requice resettings ACTION NECCESSARY Switeh On Turn to '1¥; ellow the calibration fluid to warm up until the temp. meter displays = reading. Rolense locking screw, solect the appropriate cam or eccentric Whilst turning the handwheel and tighten the locking screw. AS DETAILED Pull down to lock injector in position. Ensure that machine tuens. Start motor running until fluid appears in drain pips. Press; the dial indicator will zercl then sn initio! output from the injection will purge the system of ait. Press again; at the conclusion of metering observe the reading fon the dial indicator, This is the delivery * af the injoctor on test. 49 REFER TO SECTION 4 Pore, Bt. Para, At and B2, Para. Az. Para £1 or E2. Par AS, Para, Ad. Pare, At. Paro. AS. Pera. AS: and B4, Roler to the delivery figurés given on the Detroit Diesel test plan tor calibrators to check whather the delivery from the injector on test is within the manufacturer's stated limits for each type of injector. refer to Section 4 pera AS, ©5 Hartridge CPERATNG & SERVING MANUAL SECTION 5 MAINTENANCE IMPORTANT WARNING DO NOT REMOVE ANY OF THE ACCESS PANELS, OR ATTEMPT ANY SERVICING OR MAINTENANCE, OTHER THAN CONDUCTING THE FAULT FINDING SEQUENCES WHERE THE TEST STAND MUST BE OPERATING, WITHOUT FIRST ISOLATING THE TEST STAND FROM THE MAINS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY. TAKE GREAT CARE WHEN CONDUCTING THE FAULT FINDING SEQUENCES, WHEN THE TEST STAND 1S STILL LIVE, PARTICULARLY THE TESTS FOR FAILURES OF ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (PARA. 83). ENSURE THAT ALL ROTATING MACHINERY HAS FIRST STOPPED BEFORE OPENING ANY ACCESS DOORS OR PANELS, OR ATTEMPT- ING ANY ADJUSTMENTS TO BELTS OR COMPONENTS. CONTENTS ‘A. SERVICING 52 ‘AL. Removing Covers and Panels 52 A2 Weekly Servicing 52 ‘A3. Fortnightly Servicing 3a Ad. Monthly Servicing 5. AS. Occasional Servicing 53 B. FAULT FINDING 54 Bi. Fault Finding Chart 5a 82, Metering Unit Diagnosis 55. 3. Testing for Failures of Electronic Components 56 C. REPAIR AND ADJUSTMENT 5.8 C1. "Changing the Poly-Vee Belt 38 C2y" Servicing the Cooler Selencid Valve 5.8 C3. Adjusting Fluid Pressure 58 C4. Servicing the Clamping Head 59 C5. Overhauling Cambox 58 C6 Calibration Fluid Pump Replacement 5.11 C7. Setting Timing Check Dimension 5a C8 Motor Replacement. sat C9. Heater Replacement Bat C10. Overhauling Matering Unit (Fual Recorder} 5.12 C11, Thermistor, Heatsink or PCB Replacement 5A D. ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS 5.44 5A Hartridge OPERATING & SERVIONG MANUAL A. SERVICING (Al, REMOVING COVERS AND PANELS WARNING: ISOLATE THE MACHINE FROM THE MAINS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY BEFORE REMOVING COVERS OR PANELS. 2) Top Cover (1) ») 2 ® °) i Fitst remove the two seouring screws (fitted for transit only) from tho roar of the machine if this had not been done in ‘Preparation For Use. Naw carefully pull the cover forwards to release the four press studs and lift it clesr. Upper Front Panel & Tray (2h Twist the four securing festners @ quarter of fa tun anti-clockwise to release the panel, then lift i forwards complete with the drip tray. Note that the drain pipe must be put back with Its fee end discharging into the fuel tank on re-assembly. Lower front Panel (3) Remove the twe 2A screws and lift forward complete with the control buttons, The elec~ trical chassis ie maunted behind, and simply tlides out on a tray. Left-hand Access Pane! (5) Pull forwards to release each press stud on either side. The calibration fluid filter is now accessible. Rear Access Pane! (6) Remove the twe hoxs head 1/4 UNC screws fond the three 23A pozidrive screws and withdraw the panel. The pump; heater snd thermistor probe are now accessible. Left and right-hand Panels (4) The left and right-hand panels ara part of a cladding sssembly, bolted to the cast base of the machine, and thie does nat require removal for any normal maintenance operations. Fig. 5.2 THE FLUID AND OIL LEVELS ig. 51 THE ACCESS PANELS AND COVERS Aa. WEEKLY SERVICING (or 120 hours) 2) Calibration Fluis (Fig. 52) Remove the left-hand access panel and check that the level of calibration fluid is approximately 41.5in (40mm) abave the filter. Fluids see section 1 pare, BY. Capacity: 3 U.S. Gall (11.3 litras, 25 Imp. Gall). b) Cambex oll (Fig 5.2) Remove the left-hand side panel and observe the sight glass (errow '1") on the cambax. Remave the plug (atew '2!) in the cambox top, fill through the orifice as necessary and replace the plug securely. Lubricants Capacity: SAE 30 engine ol! 20h USe pints (11 tires, 2 Imp. pints). ©) Line Filter ~ Delivered Fluid (Fig 5:3) ‘There is a gauze line filter Iront of the machine. situated on the Remove the upper end conneeting nut (1) and detach the nylon pipe (2). Naw, withdraw the filer by unscrewing tha end cap (3) Wash the gauze in pstaffin (cotoaene) and blow through with an elt line, AS. FORTNIGHTLY SERVICING (or 249 hours) Pressure Contre! Valve Filter (Fig. 5.4) The eslibration fluid pressura contrcl valve, which ig situated on the right-hand side of the mech ine, is fitted with @ filter end is accessinle fram the roar. Unaerew the filter (1), wash it In paraffin (kero sene) and blow through with an alr lines when replac~ ing the filter ensure that the copper washer (2) is in place and in goad condition. 52 7 : Hartridge Ad. MONTHLY SERVICING (er 500 hours) Mein Filter (Fige 5.5) Remove the left-hand eccess covery the main calibration fluid filter (1) ls to be found at the left- hhand end of the fusl tank, mounted to a pipe secured to the pump. Unscrew the plastic wing nut (2) and remove the filter eloment. the il 2 replacement, checking seals for eondition. Fig, Ss THE PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE FILTER 53 CRERATING & SEAVDNG MANUAL AS. ®) ») Fig. 5.5. THE MAIN FILTER OCCASIONAL SERVICING (As indicated by # Visual Check) Calibration Fluld Changing Ht the calibration fluid is suspected of being contaminated, or a! no longer conforming to the specification given in Section 1, pare. 87, it must be changed, Remove thedrain plug trom beneath (on the righthand side when viewed fram the rear) and allow the ld flvid to drain. Remova the rear access panel (Fig 5.1) and completely clean aut the bottom of the tani Replace the drain plug and replenish with now calibration fluid at described in Section 2, pares 82, Replace ll covers. Notepiece '0' Rings Check that the ‘0! ring fitted inside the nosepiece is servicable, and replace as necessary. for signs of leakage past the tip of the injector during testing. Leak © Hartridge ORERATNG & SERVICING MANUAL B. FAULT FINDING 1. FAULT FINDING CHART symeToM PROBABLE FAULT ACTION REFER TO (0 Machine cannot be Wrong secessaris or cam selected | Select ond fit correct accessories | Section 4, pate, 01 turned by hand (i) & Red warning light | Eloctrical supply isolated or wall | Turn an appropriate switch or Section 4 pare Ai extinguished. use blown o (id) BAN other electecal | Maine set to ‘0° or machine Replace eppropriate fuse Section 5D elreuite dead. use blown. (Gi) Motor wil net run Motor fault Refer to motor manutactuters oF oie agente Wiring faulty oF phase fuse blown, | Refer to clrcult diagram. Section 50. Contral button fault. Replace button. Section 6 $4.8 (ie) Motor does aot deive | Poly-Vee belt broken. Replace Poly-Vee belt. Seotion 5, pare. Ct cambox (¥) No calibration fluid to | Fuel tank empty. Re-fil Section 2 para. 82 injector Main titer blocked Replace iter element. Section 5 para. Ad Calibeetion fluid pump fault, er | Replace pump. Section 5, para, C6 ative tailuea, (vi) Low fust pressure Reliet valve maladusted, Adj. Section 5, para. C3 Reliot valve fault. Rebuild celiet valve block replacing | Section 6 SL-4 Worn o¢ damaged seals where (vil) Metering eytinder Drain sclanoid valve, Motor output | Carry out teste and replace Section 5 paces. oes not aren button or Printed Cltcuk Board — | fective component x nasessary. | 83 ard C10 Fault (vii) Drain starts and Relay (RL) on chases detective. | Conti by holding buttan ine drain | Figuce 57 Immediately steps will re-commence but stop if buston ‘5 rolvesed prior ta dial gauge oaching zor0- Replace tol Figue 517 (0 Count will not start, | Meter eutput button Faulk. Replace button. Pick-up faulty or i naed of Replace or adjust plok-up Section 5, para, 83 adjustment. Motoring eylindor contact fault, | Clean contacts ond or bridge piace, | Figures 5.16 (2) Metering cylinder ‘Gauze line flitor blocked. Clean Filton. Section 5, para, A2C| oes nat fil Metering unit filter blocked. Clean Filter. Figure 5:6 Inlet solenoid valve, Printed Carry out tests and replace Section 5, para, 83 Circuit Boord or Heatsink fault: | defective component as ncessery. Nesepiece '0' ring leaking. Check ane tnplace, Section 5, p 6) Inconsistent oF Dial indleator faut. Reet zero adjust serew or have | Section 4 para. A6 Inaccurate Output lat incieator ~ Test °C! ~ checked. | Section 5, pera. #2 Readings. Motoring unit faut. Carty out diagnosis ~ Test '8' ~ ana Section 5, pera. 62 tonew parts 93 neceasaty Section 5, pare, C10 Inlet eolonoid valve Carry ut teskage check - Tast 'B! | Section 5, para, 62 = and replace valve if faulty. Section 5, pora € 10 (xi Clamping lend Incorrect fitment of Belleville Check quantity end position Figure 43 outside timis washors Clamping head hsicht incarrest. | Adjust pillars using shins. Section 5, pera, C. a 5a

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