Ass - Indigenous Creative - Hernando

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NAME: Christine Mae E.


Promoting and conserving Philippine culture through arts and crafts

Mahalin ang sariling atin, as a Filipino citizen we must appreciate the significance of
our culture and the importance of preserving its values.

First and foremost understand the Philippine culture; explore its history, tradition, art forms
and symbolism. To promote the Philippine culture, we must also love and protect its natural
beauty and preserve our environment to ensure that future generation can enjoy the natural
treasures we do today. A clean and healthy environment is a reflection of our homeland. To
promote and conserve the Philippine culture we must produce arts and crafts that reflect
traditional Filipino styles, techniques, and themes that this include paintings, sculpture,
weaving and so on. Furthermore use locally sourced and indigenous materials in our creation.
In addition we can also exhibit and share our works in local art galleries or cultural events
and that we can share the stories and history behind. We can also utilize social media and e-
commerce platforms to reach a wider audience. And lastly from my on perspective we must
share the awareness about the importance of conserving Philippine culture through arts and
crafts and advocate for policies and initiative that protect cultural heritage.

As Filipino citizen promoting and conserving the Philippine culture is a powerful way to
connect with our roots and contribute of our heritage. By understanding, learning, creating,
sharing, and advocating ,we can make a meaningful impact in promoting the rich Filipino
culture. We should workhard towards a brighter future for ourselves and generation to come.

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