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The Easter Circle/Cycle

II. Lenten Season:

 starting with Ash Wednesday,
 time of 40 days (excluding 6 Sundays) leading into Holy Week, Holy Saturday
 Jesus fasted in the desert for 40 days
 time of spiritual preparation for Christ´s death and resurrection
The last two Sundays have a special name and the special events are tied to these Sundays
During these two Sundays (Smrtná a Kvetná nedeľa) and during the holiday called Good Friday (Veľkýpiatok) we use
a special book for services so-called Pašie – Passion story. There are the biblical texts and the hymns related to the
theme of Jesus suffering and death on the cross.
Images for Lent:
 Lent – an Anglo-Saxon word “spring”
 40 days – attached to historic events – the flood, Moses’ days on Mt.Sinai, the Israelites’ wondering in the
wilderness, Jesus’ fasting and prayer in the wilderness before beginning His ministry.
 Jesus in the Wilderness - a period of spiritual preparation
 Psalm of 51 – psalm of repentance
 Disappearance of Alleluia
 Mark of Ashes – on the foreheads of Christians (not in protestant tradition in Slovakia, but e.g. ELCA yes),
symbol of dust and mortality and repentance as well, turning away from sin and being faithful to the Gospel.
 Colours – violet-for repentance; black – for mourning
 Self-denial –giving up something for Lent or practicing giving to others; time of forgiveness and reconciliation

5th Sunday - Death Sunday

We read the biblical texts explaining the existence of sin, how sin destroys the relationship of a man with God and
prophecies about the coming Servant – Messiah (especially from the prophet Isaiah 53); Jesus ´predictions of His
death to His disciples, and it is finished with the story of Jesus at Bethany being anointed by a precious perfume.
Mark 14:1-9

Holy Week/ Passion Week:

Passion – means suffering
6th Sunday- Palm or Passion Sunday- Jesus entered into Jerusalem on a donkey and the crowd rejoiced over Him
and waved with palm branches crying: Hosanna!– which means Lord, save us. We call this event - Jesus ´triumphal
entry into Jerusalem. It was fulfillment of an ancient prophecy (Zechariah 9:9).

Maundy Thursday- Jesus had a Last Supper (it was a special meal prepared for the Jewish Passover/ delivering
Hebrews from the Egyptian slavery through the blood of a lamb/ ) with His disciples during which there was
instituted the Holy Supper. He washed feet to His disciples (John 13), after they ate and the betrayer was marked
(Judas Iskariot), they sang a hymn, Jesus with some of His disciples (Peter, James, John) went to the Garden of
Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed in agony, knowing what lay ahead for Him. There He was arrested and accused.

Good Friday – Crucifixion and Death

- The Jewish (the chief priests, the Sanhedrin) and Roman trials and Jesus ´scourging , Jesus was condemned,
beaten, and mocked…He was taken in front of Pontius Pilate
- Jesus was required to carry His cross to “the Place of the Skull” / Golgotha, the place of crucifixion,there He
was crucified with two other prisoners. Actually there was a man who was forced to help Him – Simon of
- During His excruciating pain and dying He said so-called 7 important short sentences –e.g. He prayed for
forgiveness for His executors, He entrusted His mother to one of His disciples (John), He prayed the Psalm
22, He asked for water, He entrusted His soul to God

White/Holy Saturday – Jesus was buried in a new tomb of Joseph from Arimathea, His body was placed there before
6 p.m.Friday night, when the Sabbath began and all work stopped, and it lay in the tomb throughout the Sabbath

Easter Sunday- the Resurrection of the Lord

Early in the morning, women went to the tomb and found that the stone closing the tomb´s entrance had been
rolled back. An angel told them Jesus was alive and gave them a message. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene in the
garden, to Peter, to two disciples on the road to Emmaus, and later that day to all the disciples but Thomas.
Easter Monday – we celebrate the Jesus ´victory over sin and death through His resurrection

Jesus was appearing to His disciples for 40 days after His resurrection – we celebrate these following Sundays with
joy and thanksgiving for that.

The date of Easter – the first Sunday after full moon after vernal equinox;
-the date was settled during the Council of Nicea in 325;
- 22nd of March to 25th of April

Lent – pôst
Ash Wednesday – Popolcová streda
Service – služby Božie
Passion story – Pašiový príbeh
Hymn – cirkevná pieseň z cirk.spevníka
Hymnal – cirkevný spevník
Death Sunday – Smrtná nedeľa
Palm Sunday – Kvetná nedeľa
Holy Week – Veľký/Tichý/Svätý týždeň
Maundy Thursday – Zelený štvrtok
Good Friday – Veľký piatok
Holy Saturday – Biela sobota
Easter Sunday – Veľkonočná nedeľa
Easter Monday – Veľkonočný pondelok
The Sanhedrin – židovská rada
Chief priest- veľkňaz
Crucifixion – ukrižovanie
Tomb (tu:m) - hrob
Vernal equinox – jarná rovnodennosť

If you want you can watch this video for better understanding of Jesus ´ last days.

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