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50 word

Hi (tên của bạn mình),

How it’s going? Things are _______ (pretty good / super busy) on my end. Have you read
the notice from a ________ club about ______(đề bài)? I feel happy/This lets me down. It
would be better if ________(1 mệnh đề - giải pháp chung chung,- ngắn gọn và dùng được
cho nhiều đề).

__________(câu ending - chọn 1 mẫu dùng cho tất cả các đề).
- Let me know what you think about it.
- Let me know what you are going to do about it.

See you!
Ký tên

150 words:

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is _________ and I have been a ________ club member for nearly __________. I
have recently received an announcement from the club in connection with/related
to/regarding/in regard to (= liên quan đến) _____(đề bài = danh từ/the upcoming event/the
mentioned problem). Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your attention related
to its content.

This notice made me excited/disappointed because of some reasons. First, _____(mệnh đề
- 1 lý do ngắn gọn). Second, _____(mệnh đề - 1 lý do ngắn gọn).

To make our event more memorable/To make issues better, I will venture a couple of
suggestions. One alternative/view is that _________(mệnh đề - giải pháp/quan điểm 1).
________(câu hỗ trợ cho giải pháp/quan điểm 1). Another one is that _________(mệnh đề -
giải pháp/quan điểm 2). ________(câu hỗ trợ cho giải pháp/quan điểm 2).

__________(câu ending - chọn 1 mẫu dùng cho tất cả các đề).
- I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require further questions, please do
not hesitate to contact me.
- I look forward to hearing your response at your earliest convenience if my
recommendations are acceptable.

Your faithfully,
Ký họ và tên

Part 4: You are a member of a museum club. You received this email from the club.

Dear members,

Currently, the museum club is considering that members must pay a fee to visit the

Please give your opinions.

1. Write an email to your friend. Write about 50 words.

2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about 120 - 150 words.

Sơn Hi Huy,
How it’s going? Things are super busy on my end. Have you read the notice from
a museum club related to that they is considering that members must pay a fee to
visit the museum. I feel happy about it. It would be better if everyone pays a fee to
visit because it helps the museum to protect costs.
Let me know what you are going to do about it.
See you!
Dear Sir,
My name is Son and I have been a museum club member for nearly two years. I
have recently received an announcement from the club in connection with
paying a fee to visit the museum. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to
draw your attention related to its content.
This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First paying a fee helps
the museum have more protection, cost and fix. Second, I think services here are
better if they have more fees.
To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions. My
first view/point is that we can publish this notice on our social network and show
the benefits of it. …………………….. Another one is that we can talk about the
benefits of meeting club weekly so that members can understand and help
advertise. …………………………..
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require further questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your faithfully,
Doan Hoang Son.

Chiến Hi Nam
How it's going? Things are busy on my end. Have you read the notice from a
museum club that is considering that members must pay a fee to visit the
museum. I support this point. Because I think the collection of fees will help the
museum have more costs for better management. Visitors coming here will also
get a better experience. I feel this is a reasonable thing.
Let me know what you think about it.
See you,

Dear Sir or MaDam,

My name is Chien and I have been a museum club member for nearly two years.
I have recently received an announcement from the club in connection with
having a debit cost/fee to visit the museum. Therefore, I am writing this email to
you to draw your attention related to its content.
This notice made me excited because of some reasonS. First, This helps the
board of management have more costs to construct or renovate our museum. The
second thing is that when managers collect a small fee from visitors, it can
prevent people from entering freely. / Second, thanks to collecting a small fee
from visitors, we can prevent people from entering freely.
This makes the service at the museum better. Visitors coming here will also
experience a better service of the museum. And I hope that the management will
use the fees in the most reasonable and transparent way.
I look forward to hearing your response at your earliest convenience if my
recommendations are acceptable

Your faithfully,

Việt Hi Nam,
How it’s going? Things are super busy on my end. Have you read the notice from
a museum club about considering that members must pay a fee to visit the
museum. I feel happy. It would be better if you and I discuss this at the coffee shop
after school.
Let me know what you think about it.

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Do The Viet and I have been a Museum club member for nearly 9
months. I have recently received an announcement from the club in connection
with paying a fee to visit the museum. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to
draw your attention related to its content.
This notice made me excited because of some seasons. First, the museum has
income for repairs. Second, the museum collects fees to pay staff salaries.
To make issues better, I will venture a couple of suggestions. One view is that
regular repairs will make the museum safer. Another one is that paying will help
employees stay with the museum longer.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require further questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me.

Your faithfully,
Do The Viet

Khải Hi Minh,

How it’s going? Things are super busy on my end. Have you read the notice from
the Museum club about considering that members must pay a fee to visit the
museum. This is a little disappointing to me, isn’t it? It would be better if the Head
of the club could hold an urgent meeting to discuss this problem more deeply. Do
you think we can go and talk to them?

Let me know what you are going to do about it.

See you,

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Hoang Quoc Khai and I have been a Museum club member for nearly
6 months. I have recently received an announcement from the Museum club in
connection with paying a fee to visit the museum. Therefore, I am writing this
email to you to draw your attention related to this content.
This notice made me disappointed because of some reasons. First, our museum
needs a crowd, so it should be free for everyone. Second, the museum should
attract younger people who do not have much money to pay this fee.

To make issues better, I will recommend some alternatives. The first solution is
that you could reduce the fees for each older member by at least 50%. Another
one is that you should inquire members’ opinions in regard to the notice whether
they totally agree or not.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require future questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me.

Your faithfully,
Hoang Quoc Khai

Dũng Hi Linh
How it’s going? Things are super busy on my end. Have you Read the notice from
a Museum club about considering that pay member must pay a fee to visit the
museum? This lets me down. It would be better if we should come together to find
other alternatives to overcome this problem?
Let me know what you think about it.
See you,

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Ngo Tri Dung and I have been a Museum club for nearly 3 months. I
have recently received an announcement from the club in connection with the
mentioned problem. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your
attention related to its content.
This notice made me disappointed because of some reasons. First, The museum
should be the place where everyone can go for free. Second, there are many
younger members having limited budgets in the club.

To make issues better, I will venture a couple of suggestions. One alternative is

that we should find sponsors who can support the finance of the museum.
………………….. Another one is that members must pay a fee to visit the
museum but we (can be free = may not charge the fee) for younger members.
I look forward to hearing your response at your earliest convenience if my
recommendations are acceptable.
Your faithfully,
Ngo Tri Dung




Đoàn Hi Huy,
How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice from a Film
Club about inviting famous film critics at film critic review? I feel happy. It would be
better if we invite our friend to join it to learn more about knowledge films. What do you
think of my idea? KINDLY reply to me soon.
Your faithfully,
D H Son.

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Son and I have been a Film Club member for two years. I have
recently received an announcement from this club inviting famous film critics at
a film critic meeting. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your
attention related to its content.

This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, film is a very
important thing in our lives, I hope to learn more about it. Second, meeting film
critics helps people connect with each other more quickly.

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions.

We will invite everyone to join the meeting including young and old people
because the more people participate, the more the program will spread.

Another point that we should consider is that we should promote this event two
weeks in advance on social networking platforms like: Facebook, Twitter OR
Instagram. This act will approach to more people. Both the old and the young
join together, after learning about the movie together, it will help connect people
more in life.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Good luck with meeting film critics.
Your faithfully,
D H Son

Khuyên Hi Hoa,
How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice
from a Film club about inviting famous film critics? I feel excited. It would be
better if we have a meeting at the office tomorrow.
Let me know what you are going to do about it.
see you!
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Lu Thi Hong Khuyen and I have been a Film club member for
nearly two months. I have recently received an announcement from the club in
connection with THE upcoming event. Therefore, I am writing this email to you
to draw your attention related to its content.
This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, I can learn more
from film critics. Second, I know many film critics, it’s nice that I can invite them
to participate.
I make TO MAKE our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of
suggestions. One alternative I suggested was that the club invite a famous
critic named Tom. I think Tom fits the talk show. Another one is that I think
we should give Tom a presentation with a prepared slide. This action makes
it easier for him to speak.
I look forward to hearing your response at your earliest convenience if my
recommendations are acceptable.
Your faithfully,
Lu Thi Hong Khuyen


Thuỷ 50w
Hi Lan
How it's going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice
from a Film club about the upcoming event? I feel excited. It would be better if
we met at the coffee shop to discuss this matter.
Let me know what you think about it.

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Thuy and I have been a Film club member for nearly 1 year. I have
recently received an announcement from the club in connection with the
upcoming event. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your attention
related to its content.

This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, inviting famous
film critics helps attract people. Second, the talk show expands your
knowledge of movies.

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions. One
alternative is that we can show a romantic movie, then viewers will discuss and
listen opinions of critics. ________________ Another one is that advertising in
social media / using digital marketing can attract more people.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require future questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your faithfully,
Pham Thi Thu Thuy
Trang Hi Linda,
How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice from a film
club about inviting famous film critics? I felt so happy with the upcoming event. It would
be better if we have a meeting to discuss in the coffee shop.
Let me know what you think about it.
See you!

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Nguyen Thi Huyen Trang and I have been a Film Club member for six
months. I have recently received an announcement from the club in connection to invite
WITH INVITING famous film critics FOR OUR UPCOMING TALK SHOW. Therefore, I
am writing this email to you to draw your attention related to its content.

Inviting famous film critics is a good project because of several reasons. First, film critics
who have a lot of knowledge about films, can give some good recommendations to
members in our club. Second, I know some film critics and I am glad to invite them to
our club.

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions about topics
in the talk show. The first is passion for acting. Nowadays, there are young people who
have passion for acting but their parents disagree for purchasing. The second is
acting skills. There are a lot of acting skills but a majority of people may be not
I look forward to hearing your response at your earliest convenience if my
recommendations are acceptable.
Your faithfully,
Nguyen Thi Huyen Trang

Thùy Hi Anna,
How it is going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice from a film
club about inviting famous film critics? I feel so happy. It would be better if we meet to
discuss in the coffee shop tomorrow.
Let me know what you think about it.

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Le Thi Thuy and I have been a film club member for nearly 5 months. I have
recently received an announcement from the club in connection with the upcoming
event. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your attention related to its

This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, our event will attract
many people. Second, I really like these famous film critics.

To make our event more attractive to both younger and older people, I will venture a
couple suggestions. One alternative that we can promote in social network. Social
network will help our event be well-known. Another one is that we should hold/organize
our event on sunday. Everyone will have time to participate in this event.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require further questions, please do
not hesitate to contact me.
Your faithfully,
Le Thi Thuy

Quỳnh 50w

Hi Anna,
How it’s going? Things are pretty good on MY end. Have you read the
notice from a Film Club about INVITING two famous film critics FOR
OUR UPCOMING TALK SHOW? I feel so excited. It would be better
if we can meet to discuss in the official tomorrow.
Let me know what you think about it.
See you,

Dear Madam and Sir,
My name is Pham Thi Quynh and I have been a Film Club member for
nearly three months. I have recently received an announcement from the
club in connection with THE upcoming event. Therefore, I am writing this
email to you to draw attention related to its content.

This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, I love

discussing movies because through discussion we will have a lot of fun.
Second, we can hear opinions from famous film critics.

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of

suggestions. One alternative is that we need to talk about the light art
topic. Because the topic of light art in film is very interesting. Another one
is that we need to post information about events on social media. Because
it can get the attention of many people, especially with younger and older

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require further
questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your faithfully,
Pham Thi Quynh
Ngân  50w

Hi Mi,

How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice
from Film Club about invited INVITING a famous film critic FOR OUR
UPCOMING TALK SHOW? I feel excited. It would be better if we can discuss
about it tomorrow at the coffee shop.

Let me know what you think about it.

See you

 150w

Dear Sir and Madam,

My name is Le Thanh Ngan and I have been a Film Club member for nearly
three months. I have recently received an announcement from the club related
to the upcoming event. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your
attention related to its content.

This notice d made me excited because of some reasons. First, I think it was
an interesting experience. Second, the talk show can attract many people.

To make our the talk show memorable, I will venture a couple d of suggestions.
One view is that we should invite a famous film critic to discuss /give opinions of
……. I think everyone is very curious. Another view we can promote on social
networks like Facebook, Instagram,etc. Many people can know about the talk

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require future
questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours Faithfully,

Le Thanh Ngan.

Lien Hi Lisa,
How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read
the notice from the Film Club about inviting a famous film critic to
the next talk show? I feel excited. It would be better If we could
discuss this event after class tomorrow.
Let me know what you think about it.
See you,

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Tran Thi Kim Lien and I have been a Film club member
for nearly 5 months. I have recently received an announcement
from the Film Club in connection with the upcoming event.
Therefore, I am writing this email to draw your attention related to
its content.

This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, I like

commenting on movies. Second, we can meet and chat with
famous film critics.

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of

ideas. One view is that we can ask our professor to find a good film
critic. It is because we need to find someone who can comment on
the latest variety of movies. Another view is that we should print
posters and advertise them in the city newsletter. It is because it will
attract both younger and older people.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require

future questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,

Tran Thi Kim Lien

Linh Hi, Jennie

How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you
read the notice from the Film club about inviting a famous film
critic to our event. I feel excited. If would be better if we discuss
about it on Sunday morning at the coffee shop
Let me know what you think about it.

Love you,

Dear Sir or Madam

My name is Khanh Linh Bui and I have been a Film Club
member for nearly 5 months. I have recently received an
announcement from the club in connection with the upcoming
event. Therefore, I Am writing an email to you to draw your
attention related to its content.

This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, it's

fun. Second, This is a unique opportunity to meet a famous

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of

suggestions. One view is that our topic should be to talk about
“how to choose a good film” and present it with a slide or short
film. I think it is interesting. Another one is that we need to post
information about events on social media. Because it can get the
attention of many people, especially with younger and older

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require

future questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your faithfully,
Khanh Linh Bui
Uyên Hi Sarah,
How’s it going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice
from a film club about planning to invite a well-known film critic to an upcoming
talkshow? I feel happy. It would be better if you and me I meet at a coffee shop
to discuss about it.
Let me know what you think about it.
See you,

150 từ
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Pham Thi Thu Uyen and I have been a film club member for nearly
three months. I have recently received an announcement from the club in terms
of planning to invite a notable film critic to an upcoming talkshow. Therefore, I
am writing this email to you to draw your attention related to its content.

This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, I feel happy
because I will directly meet a famous critic. Second, I am also excited to learn
more about knowledge movies from him.

To make our talk show more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions.
One alternative is that we should invite a well-known critic named David
because he is suitable with our topic. We will use a large screen projector to
make it easier for everyone to follow. Another one is that we should organize on
the weekend because everyone is busy during the weekend. I will send an
email for the critic to schedule a time.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require questions, please
do not hesitate to contact me.
Your faithfully,
Pham Thi Thu Uyen

Vân Hi Ryan
Anh It’s been a while. T hope you well. Things are pretty good on my end.
Have you got the news that our film club will hold a talk and invite a
famous film critic next Sunday? I feel very excited about this talk show.
Let me know what you think about it.
Catch you later,

Dear Sir,
My name is Nguyen Thi Van Anh and I have been a film club member for
nearly 9 months. I have recently received an announcement from the
club related to a talk show and we will invite a famous film critic.
Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your attention related to
its content.

This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, I have an

interest in a few movies and can't wait to hear from a film critic. Second,
everyone in the club always wants to learn more from the film critic.

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of

suggestions. One alternative is that the talk should be about family or life
romance movies. This is a topic that easily appeals to both young and old
people. Another one is that we should organize it in the city center so that
people can move easily.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you need an

interview to discuss further, please contact me at this email.

Your faithfully,
Nguyen Thi Van Anh

Đề viết Technology: clb đang có kế hoạch tổ chức buổi hội chợ công nghệ ( Technology Fair). Chúng
ta cần những người giúp đỡ trong buổi hội chợ đó. tình nguyện viên là một ví dụ, những người mà có
thể nói về technology và internet. Viết 1 đoạn văn đưa ra lý do tại sao lại chọn tình nguyện viên và
bạn nghĩ sao về điều này.
1. 50 chữ gửi bạn
2. 150 chữ nêu qquan điểm và gửi cho CLB


Sơn Hi Huy,
Đoàn How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice from my
tech club about organizing a Technology Fair? Do you like it, it will help us to understand
more about the internet and technology. I think I will be volunteer. We will learn a lot of
new technology and make some new friends who are very smart. What do you think of
my idea, please reply to me soon.
Your faithfully,
D H Son.
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Son and I have been a Technology Club member for two years. I have
recently received an announcement from this club about organizing a Technology Fair.
Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your attention related to its content.
This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, technology is a very
important thing in our lives, I hope to learn more about it. Second, internet helps people
connect with each other more quickly.
To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions. We should
invite a lot young people to participate and volunteer for the event because young
people have faster access to the internet and technology. Besides the offline
organization in major centers, we should promote this event two weeks in advance on
social networking platforms like: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,.. . I think I will be
volunteer. Young people like me will know a lot of new technology and make some new
friends who are very smart.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Good luck with the Technology Fair.
Your faithfully,
D H Son

Khuyên Hi Hoa,
How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice
from a techonology club about techonology fair? I feel happy. It would be better
if we have an appointment to discuss.
Let me know what you think about it.
see you
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Lu Thi Hong Khuyen and I have been a techonology club member
for nearly two months. I have recently received an announcement from the club
in connection with upcoming events.
Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your attention related to its

This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, we can share our
information together. Second, we can enjoy many different techonology

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions.

alternative one is that we need the volunteers. It is because they can talk about
the techonology and internet. Another one is that we should hold the
techonology fair on the weekend. It is because this time is the mót suitable for
many peoples.

I look forward to hearing your response at your earliest convenience if my

recommendations are acceptable.

Your loyalty,
Lu Thi Hong Khuyen

Thuỷ Hi May
How it's going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the
notice from the problem? This is a little disappointing to me, isn't it? I feel
excited. It would be better if we meet at the school library to discuss this
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require further
questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Dear Sir or Madam
My name is Thuy and I have been a club member for nearly 2 years. I have
recently received an announcement from the natủal club in connection
with the upcoming event. Therefore, I am writing an email to you to draw
your attention related to its content.
This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, recruiting
volunteers helps cost savings. Second, reduce the workload for members.
To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of
suggestions. One alternative is to focus on introducing the benefits of
using technology. Another one is that Let participants experience
technology products.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require further
questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Pham Thi Thu Thuy

Trang Hi Linda,
How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice from
technology club about recruiting some volunteers for the technology fair ? I felt so
happy. It would be better if we have a meeting in the coffee shop to discuss.
Let me know what you think about it.
See you!

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Nguyen Thi Huyen Trang and I have been a technology club member for six
months. I have recently received an announcement from the club in connection to recruit
some volunteers for the technology fair. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw
your attention related to its content.

Calling volunteers is a good plan because of several reasons. The first is that
visitors need some advice about technologic products. The second is that there are
many activities in the fair, so we need volunteers to help us.

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions. One
alternative is that we can invite students at science and technology universities as
volunteers. They are young people and they have knowledge of technology and internet.
Another one is that besides volunteers, our club can apply modern techniques.
Techniques can support us activities in the Technology Fair, so the fair takes place
I look forward to hearing you response at your earliest convenience if my
recommendation are acceptable.
Your faithfully,
Nguyen Thi Huyen Trang

Thùy Hi Anna,
How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read notice from a
technology club about technology fair? I feel happy. It would be better if we meet to
discuss in coffee shop tomorrow.
Let me know what you think about it.
See you!

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Le Thi Thuy and I have been our technology club member for nearly 5
months. I have recently received an announcement from the club in connection with
technology fair. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your attention related to
its content.
I think that it is very necessary because of some reasons. First, volunteers will help us a
lot. Second, we have less hard work thanks to them.
To ask for the help of volunteers, I will venture a couple of ideas. One alternative is that
we should get help from universities. At universities, there are many tech-savvy
volunteers. Another one is that we can post recruiting volunteers on social network. This
project will attract more volunteers.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require further questions, please do
not hesitate to contact me.
Your faithfully,
Le Thi Thuy

Phương Hi Mary,
How it is going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read notice from a
technology club about? I feel happy. I would be better if we discuss the plan at library
Let me know what you think about it

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Le Thi Thanh Phuong and I have been a technology club member for nearly
3 months. I have recently received an announcement

Quỳnh Hi Maria
How’s it’s going? Things are pretty good on the end. Have you read the notice from a
technology club about technology fair? I feel happy. It would be better if we meet to
discuss it at the office tomorrow.
Let me know about what you think about it.
See you

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Pham Thi Quynh and I have been a technology club member for
nearly three months. I have recently received an announcement from the club in
connection with the upcoming event. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to
draw attention related to its content.

This recruitment of volunteers is necessary because of some reason. First, lagar

number of fair participants so it’s hard to control. Second, reduce costs for hiring
guidance personnel.

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions. One
alternative is that we need communication on social networks to recruit
volunteers. Especially in IT students because these are tech - savvy young
people. Another one is that we should give gifts to volunteers when they join to
increase the number of subscribers. We should give technology related gifts.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require future questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your faithfully,
Pham Thi Quynh

Ngân  50w

Hi Lan,

How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice
from the technology club about Technology fair. I feel excited. It would be better
if we meet to discuss in coffee shop tomorrow.

Let me know what you think about it.

See you


 150w

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Le Thanh Ngan and I have been a technology club member for
nearly 3 months. I have recently received an announcement from the club in
connection with the upcoming event. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to
draw your attention related to its content.

This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, volunteers often
enjoy helping others. Second, they also enjoy participating in community

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions. One
view is that it necessary to invite volunteers who know about technology. They
can advice to newbies. Another one is that we can promote on social networks
like Facebook, Instagram,.. More people can know about our technology fair.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require questions, please do
not hesitate to contact me.

Your faithfully,
Le Thanh Ngan.

Lien Hi Jennie,
Tran How it's going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice from the
club about recruiting volunteers for the fair? I feel excited. It would be better if we have a
discussion about this problem soon.
Let me know what you think about it.
See you,

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Tran Thi Kim Lien and I have been a club member for nearly 5 months. I have
recently received an announcement from the club regarding the upcoming event.
Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your attention related to its content.
This notice made me excited because of some reason. First, volunteers help us to
support the fair well. Second, volunteering helps create new friendships.
To make our event more memorable I will venture a couple of views on these two ideas.
First, we can make an announcement in conjunction with other students at the
university. They can help us in giving opinions. Second, advertising this information on
social media to attract volunteers. This is totally helpful.
I look forward to hear from you soon. Should you require questions, please do not
hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,
Tran Thi Kim Lien.

Linh Hi Jennie,
How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice from
technology club about technology fair? I feel happy. It would be better if we meet to
discuss it at the office tomorrow.
Let me know about what you think about it.
See you

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Bui Khanh Linh and i have been a technology club member for nearly 6
month. I have recently received an announcement from the club in connection to
technology fair. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw attention related to its

This notice is necessary because of some reason. First, our technology fair has a lot of
participants. Second, we have many activities to show off for participants.

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions. One
alternative is that post recruitment information on social networks. especially
students of technology universities. Another one is that, we should give gifts to
volunteers when they join to increase the number of subscribers.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require future questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your faithfully,
Khanh Linh Bui


Uyên Hi Sarah,
How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice
from technology club about planning of Technology Fair. I feel excited. It would
be better if you and me meet a coffee to discuss about it.
Let me know what you think about it.
See you,

150 chữ
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Pham Thu Uyen and I have been a technology club member for
nearly three months. I have recently received an announcement from the
technology club regarding the plan to invite volunteers who have knowledge
about technology and internet in the upcoming fair. Therefore, I am writing an
email to you to draw your attention related to its content.
This notice is good ideal because some reasons. The first is that they will have
easy access to the club technology products or programs. The second is that
they can introduce and explain useful technology products to visitors.
To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions. One
alternative is that we should spend one session to guide them. It will help them
have a better of the club’s program . Another one is that we should organize at
the weekend. I think that our visitors will have more time to join this program.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require further questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your faithfully,
Pham Thu Uyen

Vân 50 chữ
Anh Hi Ryan,
It’s been a while. I hope you well. Things are pretty exciting on my end. Do you
know Technology club is going to held a Technology Fair next week? It would
be better if we have volunteers who can discuss about technology and internet.
Let me know what you think about it.
Catch you later,

150 chữ
Dear Madam,
My name is Nguyen Thi Van Anh, and I have been a member of Technology
club for six month and I have recently received an announcement from the club
related to Technology Fair and we need people can help us on that event.
Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your attention related to its
Volunteers is a great idea. First, our technology fair will be held near many
universities and we can have help and volunteering from students. They are
young, smart and they will be glad to help us with an interesting event like this.
Second, this do not cost us extra and we can focus on other things.
To make issues better, I will venture a couple of suggestions. One alternative is
that we can make a post on the Facebook, Instagram to reach more students.
Another one is that we can look to other clubs for help.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you need an interview
to discuss further, please contact me at this email.

Yours faithfully,

Nguyen Thi Van Anh.


Part 4: You are a member of a museum club. You received this email from the club.

Dear members,

Currently, the museum club is considering that members must pay a fee to visit the museum.

Please give your opinions.

1. Write an email to your friend. Write about 50 words.

2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about 120 - 150 words.



Khuyên Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Lu Thi Hong Khuyen and I have been a museum club member for
nearly two months. I have recently received an announcement from the club in
connection with the intention to charge a fee to visit the museum. The museum
club is considering that members must pay a fee to visit the museum.
Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your attention related to its
This notice made me disappointed for some reasons. First, I feel
uncomfortable having to spend a fortune to pay for sightseeing. Second, the
museum is a sacred place, to store national historical relics, not a place to do
business or trade.
To make our event more memorable, I will make some suggestions. One
alternative is that we can call for donations from charities. This allows us to
save some money, and attract more people. Another way is that we can
organize tour guide groups instead of charging an entrance fee.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you need questions in the future,
please feel free to contact me.
Your loyalty,
Lu Thi Hong Khuyen

Thuỷ Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Thuy and I have been a musuem club for nearly 1 year. I have recently
rêceived an announcement from the nature MUSEUM club in connection with the
intention to charge fee to visit the museum the museum club is considering that
members must pay a fee to visit the museum. Therefore, i am writing an email
to you to draw your attention related to its content.

This notice made me disappointed because of some reasons. First, fee

collection helps control the number of members. Second, there is an
additional fee to maintain the club.

To make the issue better, our event more memorable, i I will venture a
couple of suggestions. One alternative is that the club should organize
some historical shows to attract viewers and collect extra fees. Another
one is that the club should organize outside events for displaying some
special items to attract viewers.

I look forward to hearing your response at your earliest convenience if my

recommendations are acceptable.
Your faithfully,
Pham Thi Thu Thuy

Trang Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Trang and I have been a museum club member for six months. I have
recently received an announcement from my club in connection with paying a fee to
visit the museum. Thefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your attention related
to its content.

This notice made me confused because of several reasons. First, if the museum club
get CHARGES a fee, the number of visitors will decrease. Second, I will not have
enough money to visit the club in the future.

To make issues better, I will venture a couple of suggestions. One alternative is that
the club CAN request to pay the fee voluntarily. Visitors will pay a fee with the amount
which they feEl reasonable. Another one is that we can raise funds to maintain
activities of our club. We will call all people inside and outside the club.
I look forward to hearing your response at your earliest convenience if my
recommendations are acceptable.

Your faithfully,
Nguyen Thi Huyen Trang

Thùy Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Le Thi Thuy and I have been a museum club member for nearly 5 months.
I have recently received an announcement from the club in connection with paying a
fee to visit the museum. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your attention
related to its content.
The notice made me confused because OF some reasonS. First, I think not having to
pay a fee to visit the museum is the benefit of joining the club. Second, I often visit
OUR museum so the cost to visit is quite a lot.
To make issues is better, I will venture a couple of suggestions. One alternative is that
we collect fees for club members per year instead of each visiting time. This can
both make a profit for our club and help club members save money in long term.
Another one is that we can promote our museum to everyone. This project will help
our museum club get more people to visit and increase profits for our club.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require further questions, please
do not hesitate to contact me.
Your faithfully,
Le Thi Thuy

Phương Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Le Thi Thanh Phuong and I have been a museum club member for nearly
3 months. I have recently received an announcement from the club in connection with
paying a fee to visit the museum. Therefore, I am writing an email to you to draw your
attention related to its content.
This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, I think paying to visit the
museum helps museum OUR CLUB have funds to invest IN RENOVATION AND
MAINTENANCE arenova renovate. Second, however, having to pay a fee to visit the
museum will make the members uncomfortable.
To make our event more memorable, I will venture couple of suggestions.

Quỳnh Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Pham Thi Quynh and I have been a museum club member for nearly three
months. I have recently received an announcement from the club in connection with
the intention to charge fee to visit the museum. Therefore, I am writing this email to
you to draw attention related to its content.

This notice made me disappointed BECAUSE OF some reasons. First, the museum
is not a commercial operation, so I think it should be free to visit. Second, I think
club members should have the right to visit for free due to the many contributions to
the museum.
To make issues better, I will venture a couple of suggestions. One alternative is that
the club can sell more food in the museum to get more funding instead of
collecting museum club membership fees. Another one is that we can call for
support from the state. Currently, the state has a project to support the costs of
museums that some standard. I will send that project back to you later.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require further questions, please
do not hesitate to contact me.
Your faithfully,
Pham Thi Quynh

Ngân Dear Sir or Madam

My name is Le Thanh Ngan and I have been a museum club for two months. I have recently
received an announcement from the club in connection with THE UPCOMING
EVENT / THE PROBLEM paying a fee to visit the museum. Therefore, I am writing this
email to you to draw your attention related to its content.
This notice made me excited?????? because of some reasons. First, club will have
money to improve the equipment. Second, fees can control the number of member
To make event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions. iI THINK WE

Lien Tran Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Kim Lien and I have been a museum club for 2 years. I have recently
received an announcement regarding the fee for members to visit a museum.
Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your attention related to its content.

This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, I have great respect for
the cultural values of the museum. Second, members must pay a fee to visit the
museum to improve the quality of conservation.

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions.

Bui Linh

Minh Ánh

Uyên Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Pham Thi Uyen and I have been a museum club MEMBER for
three months. I have recently received an announcement from the museum
club regarding the intention to charge fee to visit the museum/ the problem.
Therefore, I am writing an email to you to draw your attention related to its
This note made me unsatisfied because OF some reasons. The first is that it is
too expensive for me because I often go to the museum. The second is that I
am a student and I do not have enough economic resources.

To make ISSUE BETTER our event more memorable, I will venture a couple
of suggestions. One alternative is that instead of payING fee, I think that we
should organise a fund. All members can support our club through this fund.
Another one is that we can charge the fee with non-members. However, the
fee should be small, so that visitors can pay easily. hoăc xin tài trợ chính phủ.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require future questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your faithfully,
Pham Thu Uyen

Part 4:
Dear members,
Our food club is planning to encourage young people to cook at home? Can you give some
suggestions and explain them?


Sơn Hi Huy,
Đoàn How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice from our
food club about encouraging young people to cook at home? I feel happy. It would be
better if we invite our friends to join some party to encourage their spirit of playing and
What do you think of my idea? Please reply to me soon.
Your faithfully,
D H Son.

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Son and I have been a food club member for nearly Ha Dong district. I have
recently received an announcement from this club related to encouraging young people
to cook at home. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your attention related
to its content.
This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, cooking at home helps
young people like us learn some good skills. Second, that activity helps us relax after
stressful working hours.

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions. We can
organize one contest on social examples like facebook about food or cooking. The
winner having most likes on post and receiving a small gift or some money. In my
opinion, I want to give you one more idea. We can invite our friends to go on a picnic
and prepare food together. I think this helps them understand fun when they do it.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require future questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me.

Your faithfully,
D H Son.

Khuyên 50 word
Hi Hoa

How is it going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice from a
food club about encouraging young people to cook at home? I feel happy. It would be
better if we had a discussion about this problem soon.

Let me know what you think about it.

See you!

150 word
Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Khuyen and I have been a food club member for nearly two years. I have
recently received an announcement from the club in connection with encouraging
young people to cook at home. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw
your attention related to its content.

This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, I always love
cooking at home by myself. Second, cooking at home helps us live healthier.

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions.

One alternative: We can set up pages to share recipes and experiences about
cooking skills. This helps them learn more about cooking. Another one is that
we can organize food photo sharing contests. For the author with the best photo
and the most likes will receive a small gift.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require future questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me.

Your faithfully,
Lu Thi Hong Khuyen

Thuỷ Hi Lan,
How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice from Our
food club about cook at home? I feel happy. It would be better if we meet tomorrow to
discuss this topic.
Let me know what you think about it.
See you!
Ký tên

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Thuy and I have been a Our food club member for nearly 1 year. I have
recently received an announcement from the club in connection with planning to
encourage young people to cook at home. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to
draw your attention related to its content.

This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, cooking at home helps us
have a healthier and more developed lifestyle. Second, cooking at home saves us some

Trang Hi Linda,
How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice from a
food club about encouraging young people to cook at home. I am interested in this
activity. It would be better if we have a meeting to discuss this change.
Let me know what you think about it.
See you!

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Trang and I have been a food club member for 2 months. I have recently
received an announcement from my club in connection with encouraging the young
people to cook at home. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your attention
related to its content.
This notice made me excited because of several reasons. The first is that cooking at
home is healthier than ever. When I cook at home, I usualy buy fresh food in the market.
The second is that cooking a lot at home helps me improve my cooking skill. If I always
cook at home, I will cook more delicious.

Thùy Hi Trang,
How is it going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice from the
food club about encouraging young people to cook at home? I felt happy. It would be
better if we discuss the plan at a coffee shop tomorrow.
Let me know what you think about it.

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Le Thi Thuy and I have been a food club member for nearly 6 months. I
have recently received an announcement from the club in connection with a plan to
encourage young people to cook at home. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to
draw your attention related to its content.
This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, cooking at home keeps
us healthy. Second, cooking at home helps us relax.
To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple suggestions. First
alternative is that the club can hold cooking competitions for young people.
____________. Another one is that we should promote on social media.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require further questions, please
do not hesitate to contact me.
Your faithfully,
Le Thi Thuy

Phương Hi Lisa,
How it's going ? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice from a
food club about encouraging young people to cook at home? I feel happy. It would be
better if young people can cook at home.
Let me know what you think about it
See you!

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Le Thi Thanh Phuong and I have been a food club member for nearly 3
months . I have recently received an announcement from the club in connection with a
plan to encourage young people to cook at home. Therefore, I am writing this email to
you to draw your attention related to its content.
This notice made me excited because OF some reasons. First, cooking at home helps
us save money every month.The second, it helps me relax after a long day at work.
To make our event more memorable/To make issues better, I will venture a
couple of suggestions.

Quỳnh 50
Hi Anna,

How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice from a
food club about planning to encourage young people to cook at home? I felt happy. It
would be better if young people can cook by themselves at home because IT CAN save

Let me know what you think about it!

See you!



Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Pham Thi Quynh and I have been A Food Club member for nearly 4
months. I have recently received an announcement from the club in connection with a
plan to encourage young people to cook at home. Therefore, I am writing this email to
you to draw attention related to its content.

This notice made me excited because of some reason. First, it is very necessary for the
health of today’s young people. Second, it helps young people save money.

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions. One
alternative is that we can do marketing campaigns and create MORE trendS on social
media. ____________. Another one is that we should share recipes with young people.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require further questions, please do
not hesitate to contact me.

Your faithfully,

Pham Thi Quynh

Ngân 50 words
Hi Lan,
How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice from the
club about encouraging young people to cook at home ? I feel excited. It would be
better if we can discuss the plan at the coffee shop on Sunday morning.
Let me know what you think about it.
See you!
Dear Sir,

My name is Le Thanh Ngan and I have been a food club member for nearly three
months. I have recently received an announcement from the club in connection with Our
food club is planning to encourage young people to cook at home. Therefore, I am
writing this email to you to draw your attention related to its content.

This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, cooking at home can be
useful in life. Second, cooking at home makes us feel happy and reduce stress.

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions. One
alternative is that we will hold a cooking contest. And the winner will receive a valuable
gift. Another one is that ____________. ____________.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require future questions, please do
not hesitate to contact me.
YOUR faithfully,
Le Thanh Ngan.

Lien  50 words
Hi Jennie Bui,
How is it going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you
noticed from a Food Club about encouraging young people to
cook at home? I feel happy. It would be better if young people can
cook by themselves at home.
Let me know what you think about it.
See you,
Rose Tran.

- 150 Words
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Tran R Kim Lien and I have been a member of Food
Club for 1 year. Yesterday, I recently received an email from our
club that they are planning to encourage young people to cook at

This notice made me excited for some reasons. First, I really like
cooking. Second, it helps me me save a lot of money.

To make our plan more memorable, I will venture a couple of

suggestions. One view is that food you create in your kitchen will
be much healthier than the food you buy in supermarkets.
____________. ____________. ____________.



Jennie Hi Rosé Tran,

Bui Linh How is it going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice from food
club about encourage young people to cook at home?
I feel happy. It would be better if young people can cook by themselves at home.
Let me know what you think about it.
See you
Jennie Bui Linh

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Jennie Bui Linh Khanh and I have been a food club member for
nearly 5 months. I have recently received an announcement from the food club
in connection with a plan to encourage young people to cook at home. Therefore, I
am writing this email to you to draw your attention related to its content.

This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, this planning will
save money for young people. Second, we can learn a lot of cooking skills.

To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions.

One alternative we

Minh Hi Perry,
Ánh How it’s going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice from food
club about encourage young people to cook at home? I feel happy it would be better if
young people can cook by themselves at home.

Let me know what you think about it.

See you soon!

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Minh Anh and I have been a food club member for nearly 6 months.
I have recently received an announcement from the club in connection with a
plan to encourage young people to cook at home.

This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, it connects family
members together. Second, it is more hygienic when eating out.

Uyên 50 word
Hi Sarah,
How it is going? Things are pretty good on my end. Have you read the notice
from a food club about encouraging members to cook at home? I feel happy. It
would be better if young people can practice to cook at home.
Let me know what you think about it.
See you!

150 words
Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Pham Thu Uyen and I have been a food club member for nearly 3
months. I have recently received an announcement from the club in connection
with a cooking practice plan at home. Therefore, I am writing this email to you to
draw your attention related to its content.

This notice made me excited because of some reasons. First, I really like to
cook at home. Second, it helpS me save time.
To make our event more memorable, I will venture a couple of suggestions.
One alternative is that the club can hold a competition at home. They will
livestream the whole process. Another one is that everyone's dishes can be
posted online to choose the most favorite dish. Internet popularity can motivate
them to join this competition.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require future questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your faithfully,
Pham Thu Uyen

50 word

Hi (tên của bạn mình),

How it’s going? Things are _______ (pretty good / super busy) on my end. Have you read
the notice from a ________ club about ______(đề bài)? I feel happy/This lets me down. It
would be better if ________(1 mệnh đề - giải pháp chung chung,- ngắn gọn và dùng được
cho nhiều đề).

__________(câu ending - chọn 1 mẫu dùng cho tất cả các đề).
- Let me know what you think about it.
- Let me know what you are going to do about it.

See you!
Ký tên

150 words:

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is _________ and I have been a ________ club member for nearly __________. I
have recently received an announcement from the club in connection with/related
to/regarding/in regard to (= liên quan đến) _____(đề bài = danh từ/the upcoming event/the
mentioned problem). Therefore, I am writing this email to you to draw your attention related
to its content.

This notice made me excited/disappointed because of some reasons. First, _____(mệnh đề
- 1 lý do ngắn gọn). Second, _____(mệnh đề - 1 lý do ngắn gọn).
To make our event more memorable/To make issues better, I will venture a couple of
suggestions. One alternative/view is that _________(mệnh đề - giải pháp/quan điểm 1).
________(câu hỗ trợ cho giải pháp/quan điểm 1). Another one is that _________(mệnh đề -
giải pháp/quan điểm 2). ________(câu hỗ trợ cho giải pháp/quan điểm 2).

__________(câu ending - chọn 1 mẫu dùng cho tất cả các đề).
- I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you require further questions, please do
not hesitate to contact me.
- I look forward to hearing your response at your earliest convenience if my
recommendations are acceptable.

Your faithfully,
Ký họ và tên

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