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Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1 [912187]: A. urban B. rural C. weather D. mature
Question 2 [912188]: A. recommend B. recognize C. understand D. disobey
Question 3 [912189]: A. informative B. majority C. necessary D. initiative
Question 4 [912190]: A. environmental B. international C. urbanization D. ruralization
Question 5 [912191]: A. inability B. laboratory C. introductory D. economical
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 6 [912192]: A. probably B. agent C. forgivable D. animal
Question 7 [912193]: A. husband B. mankind C. band D. hand
Question 8 [912194]: A. reduce B. produce C. productive D. union
Question 9 [912195]: A. southern B. fountain C. compound D. mountain
Question 10 [912196]: A. naked B. stopped C. launched D. finished
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 11 [912197]: Since gaining independence in 1964, the country has experienced a
continuing shift toward __________ which is reflected in its architecture.
A. urbanization B. industrialization C. overpopulation D. competition
Question 12 [912198]: The key __________ success in the game is in finding a combination of
skills that work well together.
A. for B. to C. into D. upon
Question 13 [912199]: In his keynote address, the mayor drew __________ to the hardships
faced by the elderly.
A. attentive B. attention C. attentiveness D. attentively
Question 14 [912200]: As she turned her attention to the people behind her, she realized
they __________ talking.
A. stopped B. have stopped C. are going to stop D. had stopped
Question 15 [912201]: If any town, city or district is to thrive, it needs to __________ the interest
and enthusiasm of its younger generation.
A. engage B. show C. have D. depict
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Question 16 [912202]: He suggested that they __________ a hovercraft from scratch to enter a
national competition.
A. built B. would build C. had built D. build
Question 17 [912203]: He could tell that she enjoyed walking through the hallways, not
focusing __________ anything but the conversation she was engaged in with him.
A. on B. off C. from D. to
Question 18 [912204]: However, Mary concluded, that if they both __________ to doing their
jobs and stayed out of each other's way as much as possible, things would run smoothly.
A. came B. talked C. stuck D. approached
Question 19 [912205]: The __________ faces staring out from old photographs are no longer
around to tell of the hardships of life in a remote mining community 100 years ago.
A. good-looking B. weather-beaten C. smiling D. young
Question 20 [912206]: As a teacher, she is _________ by nature and generous to all. Therefore,
she will be missed by her relatives and neighbors when she is away.
A. narrow-minded B. strong-willed C. kind-hearted D. strong-headed
Question 21 [912207]: To cut down on the cost, many companies are focusing on upgrading
systems __________ replacing them.
A. other than B. instead C. rather than D. with a view to
Question 22 [912208]: The bus lanes are designed to __________ traffic congestion but they
remain controversial.
A. ease B. destroy C. relieve D. refresh
Question 23 [912209]: It is necessary that the problem __________ completely.
A. copes with B. should cope with C. be coped with D. cope with
Question 24 [912210]: Staff at Orkney Islands Council's social work department will be
rewarded for their efforts in helping to __________ standards and improve the quality of service.
A. rise B. raise C. maximize D. minimize
Question 25 [912211]: __________ academic freedom, the process has hardly been progressive.
A. In terms of B. On account of C. With a view to D. With the aim of
Choose one suitable word in the box to fill in each blank. Make changes if necessary.
A. exploitation B. kind-hearted C. sustainable D. resources E. wide-ranging
F. concerns G. benefit H. renovation I. advice J. sufferings
Question 1 [914773]: Those physically incapable of working can be sheltered in state-run
homes with the support of the rich and the __________.
Question 2 [914774]: If parents do have __________ about their child's health, they should
seek medical advice as soon as possible.
Question 3 [914775]: According to recent research, many women do not wish to report
their __________ for fear of the potential consequences.
Question 4 [914776]: They demand that the State dedicate more __________ to the protection
of immigrant workers from exploitation.
Question 5 [914777]: After World War II, many Canadians actively sought the __________ and
intervention of psychologists to solve their everyday problems.

Sách ID Tài liệu khóa học: TỪ VỰNG – ĐỌC HIỂU 6 – Cô Trang Anh
Một cuộc cách mạng sách

Question 6 [914778]: The joys and __________ here are meant to test how we behave under
different circumstances in life.
Question 7 [914779]: The __________ also provided the opportunity to upgrade the fire
detection system.
Question 8 [914780]: The university made the award in recognition of his __________ career
and interests.
Question 9 [914781]: Low inflation, low-interest rates and __________ economic growth are
the main ingredients that allow banks to make heaps of money.
Question 10 [914782]: With the __________ of that information in front of her, she confirmed
that there was nothing to worry about in the story the previous week.
Match the words in column A with the words in column B to form the compound
adjectives to fill in each blank.
Question 11 [914783]: A __________ man has been sitting near the
gate for an hour. Phone the police if anything unusual happens.
Question 12 [914784]: With his hair uncombed, his face __________
and drawn, he looks perhaps a decade older than his 42 years.
Question 13 [914785]: If the government does not do away with
Column A Column B
the proposed service tax then we will be forced to hold a________strike.
suspicious hearted Question 14 [914786]: There will be a __________ break between the
long wide two working sessions in the seminar tomorrow morning.
well effective Question 15 [914787]: Countries with high labor costs realize that
self looking it is simply not __________ to manufacture textiles locally.
good beaten Question 16 [914788]: Those physically incapable of working can
kind round
be sheltered in state-run homes with the support of the rich and the
weather minute
Question 17 [914789]: Adrian was a __________ and handsome man
nation natured
with a joyful attitude when he was married to Julie.
cost supported Question 18 [914790]: It's only quite recently that the_________ and
year lasting devastating effects of such chemicals on wildlife have come to light.
fifteen written Question 19 [914791]: Bali is a _________ destination, with average
temperatures in the high 20s.
Question 20 [914792]: Fee increases for students without
bachelor's degrees were particularly difficult for __________ students,
many of whom were low-income and minority students.


Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each
of the following questions.
Question 1 [912323]: Known worldwide by its panda logo, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is
dedicated to protecting __________ world's wildlife and the rich biological diversity that we all
need to survive.
A. a B. an C. the D. Ø
Question 2 [912324]: Loss of habitat and increased commercial hunt __________ the number of
chimpanzees from 2 million to 300,000 individuals.
A. reduced B. lessened C. weakened D. limited
Question 3 [912325]: Baby Komodo dragons will live on the trees from the moment they are
born __________ adult ones can't climb and eat them.
A. so B. therefore C. although D. because
Question 4 [912326]: Since ________ 1600s, worldwide overexploitation of animals for _________
food and other products has caused numerous species to become extinct or endangered.
A. the/ a B. the/ Ø C. Ø/ the D. the/ the
Question 5 [912327]: The world's biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented rate, which
makes wildlife __________.
A. prosperous B. prefect C. vulnerable D. remained
Question 6 [912328]: __________ is the protection of environment and natural resources.
A. Survival B. Commerce C. Conservation D. Extinction
Question 7 [912329]: WWF is _________ leading privately supported international conservation
organization in the world, and has sponsored more than 2,000 projects in 116 countries.
A. а B. an C. the D. Ø
Question 8 [912330]: The saola is threatened primarily by hunting, rather than __________.
A. habitual loss B. loss of life C. habitation loss D. habitat loss
Question 9 [912331]: Illegal hunting in Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana, puts African
elephants __________ of extinction.
A. in the verge B. on the verge C. on brink D. in brink
Question 10 [912332]: Many nations have laws offering protection to these species, such as
forbidding hunting, restricting land development or creating __________.
A. agencies B. reserves C. awareness D. challenges
Question 11 [912333]: __________ is the existence of a wide variety of plant and animal species
living in their natural environment.
A. Biodiversity B. Conservation C. Globe D. Individual
Question 12 [912334]: We have to apply effective measures to save many plant and animal
species __________ extinction.
A. from B. in C. for D. on
Question 13 [912335]: Over-exploitation for food, pets, and medicine, pollution, and disease
are recognized __________ a serious threat __________ extinction.
A. as/ of B. to/ for C. over/ with D. upon/ at
Question 14 [912336]: Almost half of turtles and tortoises are known to be threatened with
A. extinct B. extinction C. extinctive D. extinctly
Question 15 [912337]: It is reported that humans are the main reason for most species'
declines and habitat __________ and degradation are the leading threats.
A. destroy B. destructive C. destructor D. destruction
Question 16 [912338]: Species become extinct or endangered for __________ number of
reasons, but __________ primary cause is the destruction of habitat by human activities.
A. Ø/ a B. a/ the C. the/ a D. Ø/ Ø
Question 17 [912339]: Only a few of the many species at risk of extinction actually make it
to the lists and obtain legal __________.
A. protect B. protection C. protective D. protector
Question 18 [912340]: Probability of extinction depends __________ both the population size
and fine details of the population demography.
A. on B. in C. from D. for
Question 19 [912341]: Many modern medicines are derived __________ plants and animals.
A. on B. for C. from D. in
Question 20 [912342]: Toxic chemicals from factories are one of the serious factors that lead
wildlife to the __________ of extinction.
A. wall B. fence C. verge D. bridge
Question 21 [912343]: Saving __________ species from becoming extinct is crucial for our
health and the future of our children.
A. dangerous B. endanger C. endangering D. endangered
Question 22 [912344]: The more she practices, __________ she becomes.
A. the greater confidence B. more confidently
C. the more confident D. the most confident
Question 23 [912345]: The older you are, __________.
A. the more you may become worried B. the more worried you may become
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C. the more worry you may become D. you may become more worried
Question 24 [912346]: Mr. Edwards __________ history for 35 years, and is retiring soon.
A. teaches B. will have taught C. taught D. has been teaching
Question 25 [912347]: It is high time we had to __________ some measures to protect
endangered animals.
A. take B. bring C. hold D. use
Question 26 [912348]: Many __________ groups now support putting a value on ecosystems.
A. conserve B. conservative C. endangering D. endangered
Question 27 [912349]: 15,589 species (7,266 animal species and 8,323 plant species) are
now considered __________ risk __________ extinction.
A. at / of B. on / in C. for / with D. in / at
Question 28 [912350]: Internationally, 189 countries have signed __________ accord agreeing
to create Biodiversity Action Plans to protect endangered and other threatened species.
A. а B. an C. the D. Ø
Question 29 [912351]: I'm tired. I __________ the house since 9 this morning.
A. am cleaning B. will have cleaned C. had been cleaning D. have been cleaning
Question 30 [912352]: Clearing forests for timber has resulted _________ the loss of biodiversity
A. with B. at C. in D. for
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 31 [912353]: The rainforest is being systematically destroyed.
A. developed B. exploited C. expanded D. devastated
Question 32 [912354]: A number of mammal species roamed widely around the northern
A. wandered B. roared C. explored D. discovered
Question 33 [912355]: Komodo dragons are fierce hunters and can eat very large preys.
A. sharp B. aggressive C. friendly D. cooperative
Question 34 [912356]: What was fascinating to me was the way the creatures moved.
A. extremely fast B. completely boring
C. extremely interesting D. completely motivating
Question 35 [912357]: Environmentalists dedicate a lot of their time to running campaigns
to raise people’s awareness about protecting endangered species.
A. eliminate B. save C. waste D. devote
Question 36 [912358]: Malaysia’s local authorities have made efforts to restore the population
of sea turtles.
A. pay back B. realize C. relax D. give back
Question 37 [912359]: Many wildlife reserves have been set up in this country.
A. money reserves B. booking reservations
C. protected areas D. emergency fund
Question 38 [912360]: Turtle enclosures save baby turtles from natural predators like birds,
crabs, and lizards.
A. survivors B. hunters C. savers D. protectors
Question 39 [912361]: Dinosaurs were unable to survive severe ice age weather conditions.
A. harsh B. separate C. safe D. serious
Question 40 [912362]: We should have better law enforcement to stop poaching.
A. implementation B. enlightenment C. encouragement D. endorsement
Question 41 [912363]: Money spent on protecting endangered species should be used for
improving the local environment.
A. improvising B. enhancing C. implementing D. enacting
Question 42 [912364]: Today, the elephants' population is declining.
A. remaining stable B. going up C. decreasing D. developing
Question 43 [912365]: Fish are still abundant in that lake.
A. scarce B. available C. decreasing D. plentiful
Question 44 [912366]: Elephants play an important role in maintaining biodiversity.
A. retaining B. stopping C. pausing D. ending
Question 45 [912367]: Elephants break up thorny bushes to create grasslands for other
animals to inhabit.
A. come in B. live in C. like D. prefer
Question 46 [912368]: Elephant droppings are vital to the environment.
A. controversial B. trivial C. essential D. optional
Question 47 [912369]: World Wide Fund for Nature was formed to do the mission of the
preservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of natural resources, and the reduction of
pollution and wasteful consumption.
A. contamination B. energy C. extinction D. development
Question 48 [912370]: The Bali Tiger was declared extinct in 1937 due to hunting and
habitat loss.
A. reserve B. generation C. diversity D. natural environment
Question 49 [912371]: It is found that endangered species are often concentrated in areas
that are poor and densely populated, such as much of Asia and Africa.
A. disappeared B. increased C. threatened D. reduced
Question 50 [912372]: Humans depend on species diversity to provide food, clean air and
water, and fertile soil for agriculture.
A. destruction B. contamination C. fertilizer D. variety
Question 51 [912373]: Life on Earth is disappearing fast and will continue to do so unless
urgent action is taken.
A. vanishing B. damaging C. polluting D. destroying
Question 52 [912374]: Hunting for meat and burning forests for soil cause destruction to
A. organization B. contamination C. protection D. damage
Question 53 [912375]: The saola is also indirectly threatened by insufficient attention to and
investment in its conservation.
Học để khẳng định mình

A. protest B. protection C. production D. induction

Question 54 [912376]: Baby sea turtles are the most vulnerable when they leave their nests
and make their way to the sea.
A. well-protected B. immune C. susceptible D. shielded
Question 55 [912377]: The number of amphibians on our planet is declining rapidly in both
local mass extinction and population crashes.
A. reservation B. protection C. threat D. disappearance
Indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the
following questions.
Question 56 [912378]: Severe weather conditions can also reduce population numbers
because animals tend to have fewer offspring.
A. alarming B. grave C. dreadful D. mild
Question 57 [912379]: The dunes harbor a number of freshwater lakes abundant in wildlife.
A. plentiful B. lavish C. bountiful D. scarce
Question 58 [912380]: It is predicted that the natural resources will run out by the end of
the century.
A. come in B. run short C. run away D. remain intact
Question 59 [912381]: It is urgent that these governments work out a solution to the
problem that they are all facing.
A. keep secret B. find C. share D. arrive at
Question 60 [912382]: In order to protect endangered species, it is important that all people
join in.
A. participate B. leave C. take part D. enjoy



Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87


Question 1 [912630]: The city council is discussing a detailed __________ plan for maintaining
clean beaches and parks.
A. activity B. action C. measure D. approach
Question 2 [912631]: Henry was overweight, so he went on a strict diet and __________ twenty
A. missed B. lost C. failed D. fell
Question 3 [912632]: Nowadays, people are searching for more __________ materials to build
their houses.
A. environment-friendly B. environmentally-friendly
C. environmental-friendly D. environmental-friend
Question 4 [912633]: People should __________ a green lifestyle to help conserve the natural
A. adapt B. adjust C. adopt D. join
Question 5 [912634]: Environmentalists are worried that our natural resources will __________
if we don’t take initiative to go green.
A. run B. deplete C. deprive D. end
Question 6 [912635]: Many companies do not want to spend too much on waste __________ as
the cost is really high.
A. discharge B. release C. rid D. disposal
Question 7 [912636]: Animals that are raised on_________organic pastures provide organic meat.
A. verified B. certified C. varied D. censored
Question 8 [912637]: Sometimes people just focus on the __________ benefits without thinking
of the environmental risks of certain economic activities.
A. long-term B. short-lived C. immediate D. potential
Question 9 [912638]: The large carotid artery __________ to the main parts of the brain.
A. carrying blood B. blood is carried C. carries blood D. blood carries
Question 10 [912639]: __________ grow close to the ground in the short Arctic summer.
A. Above tundra plants B. Tundra plants
C. Tundra plants are found D. For tundra plants
Question 11 [912640]: The council wants to __________ the character of the city while
reconstructing the Old Quarter.
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A. preserve B. store C. defense D. abandon

Question 12 [912641]: Heavy traffic __________ us so we came to the meeting rather late.
A. promoted B. arrested C. canceled D. delayed
Question 13 [912642]: In the __________ agriculture, farmers try to limit the use of chemicals
and fertilizers.
A. sustainable B. conserving C. preserving D. supporting
Question 14 [912643]: A good leader in globalization is not to impose but __________ change.
A. facilitate B. cause C. show D. oppose
Question 15 [912644]: In Africa, people’s interference in the rhino’s __________ leads to habitat
A. sector B. territory C. domain D. country
Question 16 [912645]: __________ the wild, giant pandas eat bamboo.
A. On B. Into C. Onto D. In
Question 17 [912646]: This species of African elephants is __________.
A. dying out B. dying of C. dying on D. dying down
Question 18 [912647]: __________ is wiping out many kinds of plants and animals.
A. Defoliation B. Deforestation C. Deformation D. Degradation
Question 19 [912648]: The tiger is _________ of extinction. It is difficult to find them in the wild.
A. on the wing B. on the rocks C. on the verge D. on the ground
Question 20 [912649]: Switching to ________ eco light bulb is one way to protect the environment.
A. energy-wasting B. energy-expending C. energy-lacking D. energy-saving
Question 21 [912650]: __________ batteries or solar chargers are some of the solutions to the
lack of energy.
A. Rechargeable B. Reversible C. Repeatable D. Returnable
Question 22 [912651]: I never leave any electrical appliances on standby and I think it is a
good way to __________ energy in the home.
A. take care of B. use C. keep D. conserve
Question 23 [912652]: It is advisable that people start using __________ products.
A. environment-friendly B. friend-of-environment
C. friendly to environment D. friendly environmentally
Question 24 [912653]: Every __________ piece of equipment was sent to the fire.
A. consumable B. spendable C. available D. disposable
Question 25 [912654]: Humanity has done great damage to the environment in its search for
__________ materials.
A. live B. raw C. crude D. rude
Question 26 [912655]: In Singapore, people try to __________ 80% of all waste.
A. reprocess B. reclaim C. recycle D. reuse
Question 27 [912656]: After three days in the desert, his mind began to play _________ on him.
A. games B. jokes C. tricks D. fun
Question 28 [912657]: Information technology has __________ our lives.
A. evolved B. reserved C. assimilated D. transformed
Question 29 [912658]: We need to act quickly to __________ to climate change, or it will be a
disaster for the whole planet.
A. adapt B. go back C. reverse D. transit
Question 30 [912659]: __________of the financial crisis, all they could do was hold on and hope
that things would improve.
A. At the bottom B. At the height C. On the top D. In the end
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 31 [912660]: The fire will go out unless we put some more wood on.
A. go off B. go in C. stop burning D. continue burning
Question 32 [912661]: Let’s clear up this rubbish and put it in the bin.
A. mess up B. clear away C. tidy D. clear off
Question 33 [912662]: The environmental pollution level in this area has built up a lot over
recent years.
A. increased B. decreased C. blocked D. concentrated
Question 34 [912663]: All visitors are kept out of the conservation area.
A. prevented from entering B. prevented from destroying
C. allowed to enter D. allowed to take photos
Question 35 [912664]: It is predicted that the natural resources will run out by the end of
the century.
A. come in B. run short C. run away D. remain intact
Question 36 [912665]: It is urgent that these governments work out a solution to the
problem that they are all facing.
A. keep secret B. find C. share D. arrive at
Question 37 [912666]: In order to protect endangered species, it is important that all people
join in.
A. participate B. leave C. take part D. enjoy
Question 38 [912667]: Many people decided to give up eating meat and become vegetarians.
A. cut up B. put up C. continue D. use up
Question 39 [912668]: Although they had never met before the party, Jim and Jane felt strong
affinity to each other.
A. enthusiasm B. attraction C. isolation D. dislike
Question 40 [912669]: Paid employment has brought economic and social gains to many
women by all odds.
A. undoubtedly B. unquestionably C. uncertainly D. undeniably


Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following sentences.
Question 1 [915141]: Companies that connect the dots between talent and volunteerism
have an opportunity to strengthen relationships with young employees and will likely be
rewarded with happier workers.
A. to narrow the gap B. to build a link C. to fill the hole D. to develop ties
Question 2 [915142]: A list of over one hundred community service examples is organized
by category, so if you're particularly interested in working with, say, children or animals, you
can easily find community service activities more related to your interests.
A. as listed B. such as C. mentioning D. speaking
Question 3 [915143]: As with other forms of philanthropy, the rewards for individuals who
volunteer are not monetary but rather social and psychological.
A. valuable gift B. certification present C. financial aid D. substantial help
Question 4 [915144]: While volunteering is generally thought to be an activity undertaken
without pay, it is not uncommon for some coverage of out-of-pocket expenses to be available
to volunteers.
A. small B. tiny C. fine D. large
Question 5 [915145]: Community service is work done by a person or group of people that
benefits others. It is often done near the area where you live, so your own community reaps
the benefits of your work.
A. gains B. refuses C. accepts D. share
Question 6 [915146]: Each nation has many people who voluntarily take care of others.
A. bring along B. get on with C. keep up with D. look after
Question 7 [915147]: The construction work was carried out by the local contractor.
A. continued B. completed C. done D. run
Question 8 [915148]: Some high school students take part in helping the handicapped.
A. participate B. compete C. experience D. support
Question 9 [915149]: She had never imagined being able to visit such remote countries.
A. foreign B. faraway C. friendly D. desolate
Question 10 [915150]: The lawn needs mowing again.
A. repairing B. making C. bending D. cutting
Question 11 [915151]: A bank has promised a donation of $24 million toward the disaster fund.
A. connection B. addition C. contribution D. provision
Question 12 [915152]: Teachers have been asked to concentrate on literacy and numeracy.
A. the ability to read and write B. basic skills in mathematics
C. good knowledge of literature D. the ability to write books
Question 13 [915153]: We were involved in the anti-drug campaign up until the last minute.
A. included B. affected C. interested D. taken part
Question 14 [915154]: English classes will be set up for the disadvantaged children.
A. built B. started C. chosen D. taken
Question 15 [915155]: People are now raising money for flood victims.
A. sending B. collecting C. paying D. making
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 16 [915156]: Many people who do volunteer work think they are more fortunate
than others.
A. lucky B. blessed C. unlucky D. uncomfortable
Question 17 [915157]: Public service announcement is a special advertisement for the
community, normally about health or safety matters.
A. Open B. Private C. Secret D. Popular
Question 18 [915158]: Economically disadvantaged students often drop out of school,
choosing a low- paying job to earn money.
A. leave B. attend C. accept D. reject
Question 19 [915159]: We are looking for camp helpers who are hard-working, energetic,
and able to organise activities for young children.
A. active B. dynamic C. passive D. reluctant
Question 20 [915160]: Volunteering also means getting to meet people with a similar passion.
A. alike B. identical C. common D. distinct
Question 21 [915161]: Sadly, many non-disabled people have negative attitudes toward
children with cognitive impairments in developing countries.
A. helpless B. disappointing C. pessimistic D. positive
Question 22 [915162]: Little Mary had a disadvantaged childhood with little education and
A. difficult B. poor C. prosperous D. starving
Question 23 [915163]: According to WHO, many disabled people still face challenges,
discrimination, poverty, and limited access to education, employment, and healthcare.
A. controlled B. inadequate C. short D. unrestricted
Question 24 [915164]: The theme of the upcoming conference is to remove barriers to
create an inclusive and accessible society for all.
A. abolish B. stick to C. get rid of D. keep
Question 25 [915165]: Most of these children come from large and poor families, which
prevent them from having proper schooling.
A. convenient B. desired C. inappropriate D. useful
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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 26 [915166]: Don't worry, Joe's depression is only __________ - it'll soon pass.
A. lasting B. temporary C. impatient D. essential
Question 27 [915167]: A lot of patience is __________ to look after a disabled child.
A. required B. registered C. participated D. lectured
Question 28 [915168]: This room may be hired for weddings and other __________.
A. signals B. comments C. functions D. campsites
Question 29 [915169]: Do you know that the _______ letter can also work as a formal document?
A. confirm B. confirming C. confirmed D. confirmation
Question 30 [915170]: The disabled artist digitally inserted himself __________ the picture.
A. on B. to C. into D. at
Question 31 [915171]: Typhoon Damrey has caused extensive damage __________ houses,
boats and crops in Vietnam.
A. for B. to C. into D. with
Question 32 [915172]: There is no decision __________ when the work might start.
A. in B. at C. from D. on
Question 33 [915173]: The girl whom you met last night __________ a singer.
A. was used to be B. used to be C. used to being D. was used to being
Question 34 [915174]: His excuse for being disrespectful to the disabled sounded quite
__________, so we did not accept it.
A. believable B. believing C. unbelievable D. unbelievably
Question 35 [915175]: The volunteers decided to make this Christmas __________ for their
friends with disabilities.
A. forgetful B. forgettable C. forgotten D. unbelievable



Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87


Find the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each question.
Question 1 [912873]: Spring roll is considered as one of the most special foods in Vietnam.
A. particular B. unique C. traditional D. exceptional
Question 2 [912874]: Vietnamese Lunar New Year is the most important festival in Vietnam.
A. effective B. exciting C. influential D. significant
Question 3 [912875]: The event had a grand topic, but actually it was a little more than a meeting.
A. new B. giant C. tremendous D. large
Question 4 [912876]: For a full breakdown of how to politely greet strangers in English, then
be sure to check out the video below.
A. attentively B. respectfully C. sociable D. friendly
Question 5 [912877]: Besides food and decorating our house, we always dress up during Tet
A. buy the best clothes B. tidy up our clothes
C. wear our best clothes D. give our old clothes
Question 6 [912878]: On this memorable occasion we salute the wonderful work done by
the association.
A. unforgettable B. remarkable C. catchy D. decisive
Question 7 [912879]: In some parts of the world, sheep eyes are considered a great delicacy.
Local people eat at special events.
A. differences B. relationships C. connections D. food
Question 8 [912880]: There’s no doubt the constancy of my love for the traditional food on
special occasions.
A. protection B. loyalty C. preservation D. certainty
Question 9 [912881]: In the success party, his gleaming eyes were fixed intently on one spot.
A. bright B. brilliant C. gloomy D. dark
Question 10 [912882]: These debates have made a successful series, mostly because of well-
chosen speakers and lively topics.
A. interesting B. strong C. energetic D. powerful
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Find the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word (s) in each
Question 11 [912883]: The ceremony bears several striking similarities to last year’s one.
A. differences B. relationships C. connections D. resemblances
Question 12 [912884]: She completed the decor with a pair of elegant ruched curtains.
A. luxurious B. fashionable C. old-fashioned D. graceful
Question 13 [912885]: What a marvelous ceremony it was! So many people attended it.
A. extraordinary B. ordinary C. astonishing D. enjoyable
Question 14 [912886]: They decorated their home in such a way that everyone felt pleasant.
A. amusing B. gracious C. boring D. delightful
Question 15 [912887]: There was an inclusion of luxurious facilities in their event. All are
expensive and rare
A. gorgeous B. impressive C. comfortable D. moderate
Question 16 [912888]: He didn't say a word about music, either then or on a subsequent
occasion when I lunched with him at the house of a great friend and admirer, who was a
beautiful musician.
A. prior B. following C. consequent D. later
Question 17 [912889]: It was a strange spectacle to see the two former enemies shaking
hands and slapping each other on the back.
A. expected event B. usual event C. unexpected event D. fun event
Question 18 [912890]: A seed-cake and a bottle of wine were produced in the drawing-room,
as on the solemn occasions of the visits of parents, and these refreshments being partaken of,
Miss Sedley was at liberty to depart.
A. cheerful B. serious C. reflective D. thoughtful
Question 19 [912891]: The acknowledgement of which, is a fair occasion offered me, to retire
from the consideration of your Lordship to that of myself.
A. illegal B. dangerous C. vulnerable D. generous
Question 20 [912892]: The communications opened with the interior by long lines of railway
have, no doubt, been the principal occasion of this prosperity.
A. dominant B. major C. outstanding D. inessential
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 21 [912893]: Can I get you a drink? - It’s okay. I’ve already got __________.
A. one B. ones C. some D. little
Question 22 [912894]: The central government was urged to adopt a massive public
investment programme in the __________ sector to enhance grain production.
A. industrial B. economic C. agrarian D. technological
Question 23 [912895]: As it is the first day of Lent, many Christians begin Ash Wednesday by
__________ a Lenten calendar.
A. marking B. highlighting C. buying D. making
Question 24 [912896]: The evergreen tree is __________ colorful lights and is put at the corner
of the house at Christmas.
A. gone with B. matched with C. connected with D. decorated with
Question 25 [912897]: The __________plants and flowers are different in the north and the
south of Vietnam at Tet.
A. tradition B. traditional C. traditionally D. traditionalist
Question 26 [912898]: People believe that what they do on the first day of the year will
influence their luck during the __________ year.
A. all B. whole C. full D. each
Question 27 [912899]: An/ A __________ is the date on which an event occurred in some
previous year.
A. ceremony B. occasion C. festival D. anniversary
Question 28 [912900]: We often __________New Year’s wishes when meeting each other on Tet
A. show B. express C. exchange D. provide
Question 29 [912901]: In Vietnam, __________ are a traditional part of Vietnamese culture
considered to be lucky money and are typically given to children.
A. red envelopes B. emails C. phone calls D. newspapers
Question 30 [912902]: Agrarian people who live by __________ depend on the lunar calendar
to manage their crops.
A. farm B. farming C. farmer D. agriculture
Question 31 [912903]: Tet is a really a time of fun and festivals __________the country.
A. in B. from C. throughout D. under
Question 32 [912904]: Christmas is the time for people to give and receive __________ to one
A. red envelopes B. points C. money D. gifts
Question 33 [912905]: What do you usually __________ for your birthday party?
A. prepare B. care C. pray D. blame
Question 34 [912906]: The opening of a branch in New York represented an important
__________ for the company.
A. breakthrough B. milestone C. landmarks D. anniversary
Question 35 [912907]: Make sure that you don’t __________the walls while you’re moving the
furniture around.
A. identify B. characterize C. mark D. illustrate
Question 36 [912908]: They often __________ the wedding cars with ribbons and flowers.
A. decoration B. decorative C. decoratively D. decorate
Question 37 [912909]: Her role is to encourage investment in the city and promote its use as
a __________ for international events.
A. guest B. host C. producer D. owner
Question 38 [912910]: Stars of the __________ world turned out to celebrate his 40th year in
show business.
A. entertainment B. entertain C. entertaining D. entertained
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Question 39 [912911]: The __________money in lucky-draw game on the occasion of the

company’s 10th birthday has been increased by 1 billion VND.
A. price B. prize C. cost D. value
Question 40 [912912]: Light__________ and snacks will be available in the back of the hall.
A. food B. refreshments C. dessert D. frui


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