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"Enhancing Campus Life at Caraga State

University-Main Campus: A Mobile Application

for Transportation, Navigation, and Campus
Engagement in Butuan City"

In the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, the importance of enhancing

campus life cannot be overstated. It is within this context that we embark on our plans,
dedicated to the project "Enhancing Campus Life at Caraga State University-Main Campus."

Caraga State University-Main Campus, situated in the vibrant city of Butuan, serves as a
hub of learning, growth, and community engagement. Our project seeks to enrich this
educational journey by developing a groundbreaking mobile application. This application is
poised to redefine how students, faculty, and staff navigate our campus, explore the city, and
interact within the academic community.

As we delve into the planning aspects of this endeavor, we will explore the intricacies of
transportation optimization, efficient navigation solutions, and creative approaches to campus
engagement. Through careful planning and strategic implementation, we aim to create an
environment where campus life thrives, making education at Caraga State University an even
more enriching and rewarding experience. On this planning journey, we lay the foundation for a
brighter future for our campus community.
System Features:

1. Interactive Campus Map:

● An interactive map with GPS integration for easy navigation around the campus.
● Customizable routes for specific buildings, classrooms, or facilities.
● Real-time location tracking to help users find their way.

2. Transportation Information:
● Comprehensive information about routes around Butuan City.
● Integration with public transportation schedules for commuting students.

3. Event Calendar:
● A comprehensive calendar of campus events, including lectures, seminars, workshops,
and student activities.
● Notifications and reminders for upcoming events of interest.

4. Campus News and Announcements:

● Newsfeed for university announcements, updates, and important news.
● Push notifications for critical alerts and emergency announcements.

5. Academic Resources:
● Integration with the university's learning management system (LMS).

6. Campus Directory:
● A searchable directory of faculty, staff, and students.
● Contact information, office hours, and department details.

7. Food and Dining Services:

● Menus and operating hours for campus dining facilities.

8. Campus Services:
● Access to various campus services, including the library, health center, and career
● Appointment scheduling for services like counseling or academic advising.

9. Safety and Emergency Services:

● Emergency contact information and procedures.
● Integration with campus security for reporting incidents or requesting assistance.

10. Feedback and Suggestions:

● A platform for students to provide feedback, and suggestions, and report campus-related
● Surveys and polls to gather opinions on campus improvements.
11. Personalized Dashboard:
● Customizable user profiles and dashboards for a personalized experience.
● Quick access to frequently used features and information.

12. Integration with Campus Systems:

● Seamless integration with existing university systems, such as the student information
system (SIS) and email services.

Kanban Board for Campus Life Enhancement App

In the fast-paced realm of modern campus life, Caraga State University-Main Campus
recognizes the need for a transformative solution to enhance the student and faculty
experience. Enter Kanban, a dynamic methodology rooted in lean principles, and the
"Enhancing Campus Life" mobile application, designed to streamline transportation, navigation,
and campus engagement.

Kanban, originating from the manufacturing sector and refined through agile practices,
offers a visual and flexible approach to project management. This methodology is poised to
revolutionize the development and implementation of the "Enhancing Campus Life" app by
fostering clear task prioritization, efficient workflow management, and continuous improvement.

As we embark on this journey, we will explore how Kanban principles seamlessly align
with the objectives of the mobile application. Together, they represent a synergistic approach
that aims to optimize campus life, empower users with intuitive navigation, and facilitate
meaningful engagement within the vibrant Caraga State University-Main Campus community.

1. Backlog Column
● User Stories: List user stories and tasks related to app development.
● Features: Break down features into manageable tasks.

2. To-Do Column
● Task Prioritization: Assign priority to each task or user story.
● WIP Limit: Set a Work-In-Progress (WIP) limit for this column to manage workload.

3. Analysis and Planning Column

● Requirements Gathering: Collect detailed requirements for the app.
● User Research: Conduct user surveys or interviews for feedback.
● Feature Definition: Define features and functionalities based on user needs.

4. Development Column
● Front-End Development: Tasks related to designing the user interface.
● Back-End Development: Implementation of app functionalities.
● Integration: Integrating with external services (e.g., GPS, social media).

5. Testing Column
● Unit Testing: Test individual components for functionality.
● User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Involve users for testing the app's usability.
● Bug Fixing: Address and fix any issues identified during testing.

6. Review and Approval Column

● Quality Assurance (QA): Ensure the app meets quality standards.
● Client/User Review: Gather feedback from stakeholders and users.
● Approvals: Get necessary approvals before deployment.

7. Deployment Column
● Deployment Planning: Plan the release strategy.
● App Deployment: Release the app to the intended users.
● Monitoring: Continuously monitor app performance post-deployment.

8. Post-Deployment Column
● User Support: Address user inquiries, issues, or feature requests.
● Feedback Collection: Collect user feedback for future improvements.
● Documentation: Update app documentation and guides.

9. Ongoing Improvement Column

● Retrospectives: Regularly hold retrospectives to evaluate the project's progress.
● Process Optimization: Identify areas for improvement and adjust the development
process accordingly.
● Feature Updates: Plan for future feature enhancements and updates.

10. Done Column

● Completed Tasks: Move tasks that have been successfully completed and deployed
● Celebration: Acknowledge the team's achievements and successful app launch.

11. Blocked Column

● Blockers: Identify and address any impediments that are hindering progress.
● Escalation: Escalate issues to the relevant stakeholders for resolution.

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