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2: Moral and Ethics

➲ Moral Acts – driven by personal beliefs and
values. There are certainly some common morals
that most people agree on such as always to tell
the truth.

➲ Moral Values – guides an individual in deciding

between right and wrong in order to create a
honest, credible and fair judgments.

➲ Original forecasts which turned out to be wrong

➲ Original forecasts which turned out to be true
Moral (ηθικός)
➲ Original word comes from greek which also
means ithikόs
➲ It may be use to refer to specific beliefs or
attitude that people have or to describe act
that people perform.

➲ Therefore, it is sometimes said that an

individual's personal conduct is referred to
as his morals
Immoral (̵ )moral
➲ Original word comes from greek ανήθικος
which also means anitihikόs
➲ When people falls short of behaving
properly, this can be described as immoral.

➲ Referring to conduct, applies to one who

acts contrary to or does not obey or conform
to standards of morality; it may also mean
licentious (promiscuous/unprincipled) and
perhaps dissipated (squander/fritter away)
Values and Valuations
➲ What things we Value?
● Free Will = Own choice = What we Recognize to be right
and good

➲ Value
● Our own choices
● Our decisions - judgment
● Approval vs Disapproval

➲ Valuation
● Aesthethics vs technical
● Sense of approval or disapproval
● Notion of right or wrong
Kinds of Valuation

➲ Aesthetic Valuation – good or bad in art and

beauty. Ex.

➲ Etiquette valuation – being polite and

impolite in behavior.

➲ Technical valuation – the right and wrong

way or method of doing things.
The Ethical or Moral Valuation

➲ Valuatios that have a grave impact or effect

to the concern for human well-being or life

➲ Human well-being : poverty, inequality, or

sexual identity, privacy of data handling.

➲ Human life: war, capital punishment,

abortion, euthanasia
Vagueness in the Scope of Ethics

➲ The distinction between what belongs to

ethics and what does not is not always so
clear to defined.

➲ Are clothes always just a matter of taste

and style or would provocative clothing call
for some kind of moral judgment?
Relation of Morals to Ethics

➲ Not ethical- (amoral) not belonging to the

sphere of ethical valuation.

➲ Not ethical -(immoral/unethical) not

measuring up to the requirement or
standard of morality.
Ethics as a branch of philosophy

➲ Morals – (practical) referringto personal

moral beliefs, attitudes and conduct.

➲ Moral – (theoretical) referring to a

conceptual description of something as
belonging to the sphere of ethics as a moral
science or study.
Sources of Values
➲ Family
➲ Friends
➲ Fellow workers
➲ Profession
➲ Employers
➲ Rules and Regulations, Laws
➲ Religious and Cultural Beliefs
➲ Society
Values System and Valuations
➲ Family Values
● Values held to be traditionally learned or reinforced within
a family, such as those of high moral standards and
discipline. Name a few of them?

➲ Personal Value
● Are the general expression of what is most important to
● Your like and dislikes rooted from family values
● These influences everything what you do but usually it
operates (background) and automatically.

➲ Valuation (Ethics)
● An estimation of something's worth, denotes the degree
of importance of some thing or action,with the aim of
determining what action are best to do or what way is
best to live. It is also describe the significance of
different actions.
Morals: What is right vs What is
➲ Morals are principles and values based on
what a person or society believes are the
right, proper or acceptable ways of
➲ Moral values are the standards of what is
good or bad on which govern every
individual’s behavior and choice (free will).
➲ Values act as criteria to determine which act
is good or bad, fair or unfair and just or
Descriptive and Normative
➲ It is how we study ethics
➲ Normative study of ethics – prescribes how people should
ideally make moral valuations without making any
judgment either for and against .
● As is often done in philosophy (philosophers) or moral
theology (theologians).

➲ Descriptive study of ethics describes how people actually

make moral valuations.
● Used by scientist (social scientists)
● Historians – study moral standards overtime
● Sociologists / Anthropologists – study moral
standards across cultures
Descriptive Meta-Ethics, Normative
and Applied Ethics
➲ Descriptive Ethics : involves what do people
think is right?

➲ Meta-ethics : What does “right even mean?

➲ Normative Ethics : (prescriptive) How

should people act?

➲ Applied Ethics : How do we take moral

knowledge and put it into practice.
Sphere of Human Activities
➲ Human Activities – involves human actions
● Certain gravity or level
● Concern for human life
● Concern for human well-being

● Human activities that concerns / matters with human's

life or death and human well-being:
● War Poverty
● Capital Punishment Inequality
● Abortion Sexual Identity
Moral issue, decision, judgment
and dilemma
➲ Moral Issue – is a working definition of a certain issue of moral
concern that is presented to an individual or group of people
with the potential to help or harm anyone, including oneself.

➲ Moral Decision – is a choice made based on a person’s ethical

principles, values, character and what individual believed is
proper behavior.

➲ Moral Judgment – refers to a decision about what one should do

in a moral issue to determine what is right and what is wrong
when deciding what to do.

➲ Moral Dilemma – is also called ethical dilemma and refers to a

situation where an individual needs to make a choice but faces
a conflicting situation between one or more alternatives or
➲ Reasoning is the action of thinking about
something in a logical and sensible way.
➲ Ethics and reasoning. Ethical reasoning is a
type of critical thinking that utilizes ethical
principles and frameworks.
● It isa process of identifying ethical issues and
weighing multiple perspectives or views to make
an informed decisions.
● Moral Theory – Is a systematic attempt to establish
the validality of maintaining certain moral
● Theory is a system of thoughts and ideas that are
considered as “framework”.
A2-1 Activity
Identify the following:
➲ 1. An estimation of something's worth, denotes the degree of importance of some
thing or action,with the aim of determining what action are best to do or what way
is best to live. _____________

➲ 2. The study of ethics where people reports by making moral valuations without
making any judgment either for and against. ____________

➲ 3. How do we take moral knowledge and put it into practice. ____________

➲ 4. Prescriptive way of studying ethics on how people act. __________

➲ 5 .Are the general expression of what is most important to you _________

➲ Answer true if the statement is correct and false if not :

➲ 1. Historians study moral standards beyond cultures.
➲ 2. Valuation is not important for ethics.
➲ 3. Sense of approval or disapproval is important for valuations.
➲ 4. Own choice and decision is a factor made by our free will.
➲ 5. Poverty is one of an example of human activity that is concern with
➲ Human's life or death and even well being.

A2-2: The Situation;
As a Student
➲ Give a summary of the current situation
● Why am I studying?
● Why I choose to study at DOMC?
● Why I choose to study _____your course___________?

➲ School Rules (Student Handbook)

● What particular school rule I like most? And least?
● Select a particular school rule that is most pleasing to
you? And explain?
● Why do you think this rule are written and implemented?
(select only one rule to defend)
Activity A2-3 : Why Rules are Important?
An application
➲ Select a short video in Youtube about the
topic we had discussed, and summarize
the story you have had watched by making
a short story using descriptive and
normative way of studying the video.

➲ Submit your written summarized stories and

be ready to present it in the class

➲ Your presentation can be done by way of:

discussing the story, role playing or
newscasting or anyway you can creatively
present the story.
A2-4. Assignment
➲ What is Ethics?
➲ How do social scientists study ethics?
➲ What are the factors related to ethics?
➲ What is descriptive and normative way to
study ethics?
➲ What is a moral issue, moral decision and
moral judgment?
Ethical Quote



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