Artsy - Elements of Art - Line: Objectives

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This activity will help the children to:
 enhance eye-hand coordination
 listen attentively
 build their confidence
 enhance their speaking and communication skills

Duration: 25 minutes

Péntemind Kit / Child Kit Material
Item Quantity
Artsy Book 1 Per child

Other Material
Item Quantity
Crayon Box Per child

Points to remember:
1. The Artsy session will emphasise the Inventive Mind.
2. This session will all be about the basic elements of art.
3. Different types of lines will be introduced in this session.
4. Use the affirmation – ‘I am creative’ while doing the activity.
5. Tell children, that an artist’s signature is called a calling card. Artists only add a calling card
once he/she completes their art and there is no need for rework.

Setting & Preparation:

1. Conduct this activity in the classroom.
2. Keep the Artsy Book and crayons ready for the children to do the activity.

1. Make the children sit in a semi-circle around you.
2. Make sure children can see you clearly.
3. Inform them that there are 7 different elements of art.
4. Tell the children that today they will learn about the lines.
5. Draw different types of lines on the whiteboard.
6. Ask the children to identify the lines.
7. Once the children identify the lines, give them the artsy books and crayons.
8. Write the affirmation – ‘I am creative’ on the board.
9. Read out the affirmation to the children and explain the meaning to them.
10. Write the number 9 on the board.
11. Ask children to open page no. 9.
12. Let children trace the lines using the coloured crayon of their choice.
13. Ask the children to repeat the affirmation – ‘I am creative’ while doing the activity.
14. Encourage them to use their vivid imaginations while creating the artwork.
15. Guide the children wherever needed.
16. Once children complete their artwork, encourage them to thumbprint above the artist’s label
and tell them that it is called a calling card.
17. Talk to them about their artwork, and ask if they want to share the 'story' behind it.
While the children share their stories, ensure to ask children the below-mentioned generic
questions to imbibe Art Appreciation:
 What do you like about the artwork?
 What inspired you to create this artwork?
 What will you name your artwork?
18. Accept all answers and appreciate the efforts of the child.

Learning Outcomes:
Now, the children will be able to:
 attempt to scribble/doodle
 respond when his/her name is called out
 explore a variety of art tools
 attempt to appreciate art
 attempt to understand the elements of art
 attempt to show a preference for favourite colours

ESP: Innovative; Confident; Life-long learner

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