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INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE - Prelims Importance of studying Literature

What is Literature? ● To benefit from the insight of others

● To open our minds to ambiguities of meaning
1. It is a body of written works.
● To explore other cultures and beliefs
2. Writings having excellence of form or expression
● To appreciate why individuals are the way they
and expressing ideas of permanent or universal
● To exercise our brain
3. Deriving from the Latin littera, “a letter of the
● To encourage us to question “accepted”
alphabet,” literature is first and foremost
humankind’s entire body of writing.
● To appreciate the contributions literature has
4. It is a “slice of life”.
made to history
5. It is a body of work, either written, oral, or
● To see human tragedy
visual containing imaginative language that
● To strengthen our mastery of the language
realistically portrays thoughts, emotion and
● To recognize language devices and appreciate
experiences of the human condition.
their emotional power
6. It is a product of a particular culture that
● To see the admirable in everyday life
concretizes man’s array of values, emotions,
● To know that we are not alone
actions and ideas.
● To refine our judgement
7. It is a creation of human experiences that tells
● To learn to support our points of view and trust
about people and their world.
our own interpretations
Literature is an art that reflects the works of ● To develop our empathy for those who are
imagination, aesthetics and creative writing which are unlike us
distinguished for the beauty of style or expression. ● To expand our vocabulary
● To improve our writing skills
“Literature raises life into new level of meaning and ● To learn to use our language well
understanding, and in the process restores sanity and ● To improve our reading comprehension
justice in an insane and unjust world.” – Cirilo F. Bautista
Literary Standards
What is the importance of Literature?
1. Universality - literature appeals to everyone,
Importance of studying Literature regardless of culture, race, gender and time.
Studying literature is like looking at the mirror of life 2. Artistry – literature has an aesthetic appeal and
where man’s experiences, his innermost feelings and thus possesses a sense beauty.
thoughts are reflected. 3. Intellectual value – literature stimulates critical
thinking that enriches mental processes of
Through literature, we learn the culture of people across abstraction and reasoning.
time and space. 4. Subjectiveness – literature unravels and
Through literature, we understand not only the past life conjures man’s emotional power to define
a nation but also its present. symbolisms, nuances, implied meaning and
We become familiar not only with the culture of 5. Spiritual value – literature elevates the spirit
neighboring countries but also with that of others living and the soul and thus has the power to
very far from us. motivate and inspire, drawn from suggested
morals of different literary genres.
“Perhaps what makes literature a more delightful and
6. Permanence – literature endures across time
enriching study that the rest that deal with the past is its
and draws out the time factor: timeliness and
potential of making readers identify with what they read
through values learned.” – JF Loria
7. Style – literature presents peculiar way/s on
how man sees life as evidenced by the
formation of his ideas, forms, structures and
expressions which are marked by their ● In western Europe prior to the eighteenth
memorable substance. century, literature as a term indicated all books
and wirting. (Leitch et al., The Norton Anthology
How are we going to study literature?
of Theory and Criticism, 28)
Through the help of literary approaches: ● The value judgment definition of literature
considers it to cover exclusively those writing
1. Formalistic approach – literature is viewed that possess high quality or distinction, forming
intrinsically, independent of the author, age or part of the so-called Belles-lettres (‘fine
any extrinsic factor. It focuses more on “literary writing’) tradition. (Eagleton, Literary theory: an
elements”. introduction, 9)
2. Moral or humanistic approach – literature is ● This sort of definition is that used in the
viewed to discuss man and its nature. It Encyclopedia Britannica Eleventh Edition
naturally presents man as essentially rational, (1910-11) where it classifies literature as:
endowed with intellect and freewill. “the best expression of the best thought
3. Historical approach – literature is seen both as a reduced to writing.”
reflection and product of the times and
circumstances in which it was written. What is literature?
4. Sociological approach – literature is viewed as
● Problematic in this view is that there is no
the expression of man within a given social
objective definition of what constitutes
situation which is reduced.
5. Cultural approach – literature is seen as one of
● Anything can be literature, and anything which
the manifestation and vehicle of a nation’s/race’
is universally regarded as literature has the
culture and tradition.
potential to be excluded, since value judgement
6. Psychological approach – literature is viewed as
can change over time.
the expression of “personality” of “inner drives”
or “neurosis”. It includes the psychology of the What is genre?
author, characters and even the psychology of
● Is any category of literature, music or other
its creation.
forms of art or entertainment, whether written
7. Impressionistic Approach - Literature is viewed
or spoken, audio or visual, based on some set of
to elucidate “reacting-response” which is
stylistic criteria.
considered as something very personal, relative
● Genres form by conventions that change over
and fruitful. It seeks to see how the piece has
time as new genres are invented and the use of
old ones is discontinued.
● Often, works fit into multiple genres by way of
borrowing and recombining these conventions.
Classifications of Literature
● Genre began as an absolute classification
There are two key words in this topic: system for ancient Greek literature. Poetry,
prose and performance each had a specific and
⮚ genre; and calculated style that related to the theme of the
⮚ literature
There are three genres of literature
What is Literature?
⮚ Poetry – is a form of literature that uses
● Literature, in tis broadest sense, consists of any
written productions. aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language.
● It refers to those deemed to have artistic or e.g.
intellectual value, or which deploy language in Shall I compare the to a summer’s day?
ways that differ from ordinary usage. Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date: Turn wheresoe’er I may,
By night or day,
Poetry has 3 different kinds:
The things which I have seen I now can see no more.
● Lyric poetry – it is a comparatively short,
non-narrative poem, in which a single speaker
presents a state of mind or emotional state. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
It has 4 kinds:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
Elegy – a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament And summer’s lease hath all too short a date:
for the dead. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed,
Ode – a poem in which a person expresses a strong And every fair from fair sometime declines,
feeling of love or respect for someone or something. By chance, or nature’s changing course untrimmed:
Sonnet – a fourteen-line poem written in iambic But they eternal summer shall not fade,
pentameter, which employ one of several rhyme ‘Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st,
schemes and adhere to a tightly structured thematic When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st,
organization. So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
Dramatic monologue – a poem in the form of a speech
or narrative by an imagined person, in which the Melodic Drama
speaker inadvertently reveals aspects of their character And indeed there will be time
while describing a particular situation or series of To wonder, ‘Do I dare?’ and, ‘Do I dare?’
events. Time to turn back and descend the stair,
Examples of Lyric Poetry With a bald spot in the middle of my hair—
(They will say: ‘How his hair is growing thin!’)
Elegy My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin,
O Captain! My Captain! My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple
My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still; (They will say: ‘But how his arms and legs are thin!’)
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor Do I dare
will; Disturb the universe?
The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed In a minute there is time
and done; For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.’
From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object
won; ● Narrative poetry – it is a form a poetry that tells
Exult, O shores and ring, O bells! a story, often making use of the voices of a
But I, with mournful tread, narrative and of characters as well. The entire
Walk the deck my Captain lies, story is usually written in metered verse.
Fallen cold and dead. It has 3 kinds:
Ode Epics – a long narrative poem written in elevated style,
Ode on Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of in which heroes of great historical or legendary
Early Childhood by William Wordsworth importance perform valorous deeds. (e.g. Beowulf)

There was a time when meadow, grove and stream, Mock-epic – are typically satires or parodies that mock
The earth, and every common sight common Classical stereotypes of heroes and heroic
To me did seem literature. (e.g Alexander Pope’s The Rape of the Lock)
Apparelled in celestial light, Ballad – a poem or song narrating a story in short
The glory and the freshness of a dream. stanzas. Traditional ballads are typically of unknown
It is not as it hath been of yore;--
authorship, having been passed on orally from one Fiction – it is a literature written in a form of prose,
generation to the next as part of the folk culture. (The especially short stories and novels, that describes
Second Coming William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)) imaginary events and people.

● Descriptive and didactic poetry – both lyric and There are two kinds of Fiction Literature:
narrative poetry can contain lengthy ad detailed
Realistic fiction – is a genre consisting of stories that
descriptions (descriptive poetry) or scenes in
could have actually occurred to people or animals in a
direct speech (dramatic poetry).
believing setting.
● The purpose of a didactic poem is primarily to
teach something. Fantastic fiction – a type of fiction that ideologically and
aesthetically subordinates reality to imagination by
Descriptive Poetry
depicting a world of marvels that is contrasted to
Smoke everyday reality and to accepted views of what is
Light-winged Smoke, Icarian bird,
Melting thy pinions in thy upward flight, Non-fiction – prosed writing which is based on facts,
Lark without song, and messenger of dawn, circling real events, and real people such as biography and
above the hamlets as they nest; history.
Circling above the hamlets as thy nest;
There are four kinds of non-fiction literature:
Or else, departing dream, and shadowy form
Of midnight vision, gathering up thy skirts; Bibliographies – is a detailed description of a person’s
By night start-veiling, and by day life. It involves more than just the basic facts like
Darkening the light and blotting out the sun; education, work, relationships, and death but also
Go thou my incense upward from this hearth, portrays a subject’s experience of these life events.
And ask the gods to pardon this clear flame.
Autobiographies – is a written account of the life of a
Didactic Poetry person written by that person.
‘Tis hard to say, if greater Want of Skill Essay – is, generally, a piece of writing that gives the
Appear in Writing or in Judging ill, author’s own argument – but the definition is vague,
But, of the two, less dang’rous is th’ Offence, overlapping with those of an article, a pamphlet, and a
To tire our Patience, than mis-lead our Sense: short story.
Some few in that, but Numbers err in this,
Ten Censure wrong for one who Writes amiss; Articles – a piece of writing included with others in a
A Fool might once himself alone expose, newspaper, magazine or other publication.
Now One in Verse makes many more in Prose. Humour – situations, speech or writing that are thought
An excerpt from An Essay on Criticism by Alexander to be humorous.
⮚ Drama – a piece of writing that tells a story and
⮚ Prose – written or spoken language in its is performed on a stage.
ordinary form, without metrical structure. e.g.
e.g. Miranda Priestly: Do you know why I hired you? I always
“The woods look lovely against the setting darkness and hire the same girl – stylish, slender, of course… worship
as I gaze into the mysterious depths of the forest, I feel the magazine. But so often, they turn to be – I don’t
like lingering here longer. However, I have pending know – disappointing and, um… stupid. So you, with
appointments to keep and much distance to cover that impressive resume and the big speech about your
before I settle in for the night or else I will be late for all so-called work ethic – I um – I thought you would be
of them.” different. I said to myself, g ahead. Take a chance. Hire
the smart, fat girl. I had hope. My God. I live on it.
There are two kind sof prose:
Anyway, you ended up disappointing me more than, um
– more than any of the other silly girls. – Meryl Streep
(The Devil Wears Prada, 2006)

There are six kinds of Drama:

Comedy – comedies are lighter in tone than ordinary

writer, and provide a happy conclusion. The intention of
dramatists in comedies is to make their audience laugh.
Hence, they use quaint circumstances, unusual
characters and witty remarks.
Example of Short:
Tragedy – tragic dramas use darker theme such as
disaster, pain and death. Protagonists often have a tragic
flaw – a characteristic that leads them to their downfall.

Farce – generally, a farce is a nonsensical genre of

drama, which often overacts or engages slapstick
humor. It’s basically, what you call a “Parody”.

Melodrama – melodrama is an exaggerated drama,

which is sensational and appeals directly to the sense of
audience. Just like the farce, the characters are of single
dimension and simple, or may be stereotyped.

Fantasy – it is a complete fictional work where

characters virtually display supernatural skills. It is more
appealing to children as fairies, angles, superheroes,
etc., are embedded in the plot, use of magic, pseudo
science, horror, and spooky themes through various
kinds of technical devices create a perfect world of
fantasy. The modern version of drama incorporates a
great deal of special effects.


Elements of Fiction
Elements of Fiction: Character
Fiction - Literature in the form of prose, especially short
stories and novels, that describes imaginary events and Characters - They are the people whom the story
people. It uses imaginary events and characters. In the revolves around. They are usually the recipients and
21st century, they are usually adopted into movies. cause of different conflicts.

Example of Novels: They can be good and bad. Some stay and some go
away during any part of the story.

Why are characters important?

● Something to invest in
● Something to care about
● Someone to root for
Characterization - it is the creation or the construction Antagonist - It is the one in conflict with the protagonist.
of a fictional character. It is how characters are It gives the protagonist the sense of terror and
described. realization. It can be a single person or a group.

● It is the description of the character’s features, Examples of Antagonists:

attitudes or as a whole.

Two Types of Characterization

Direct Characterization

● The writer makes direct statements about a

character’s personality and tells what the
character is like.
● Think adjectives. (descriptions)

Indirect Characterization

● The writer reveals information about a The Four Aspects of Characterization

character and his/her personality through that
1.Static Character VS Dynamic Character
character’s thoughts, words, and actions, along
with how other characters, including what they STATIC – remains the same throughout the story. This
think and say about him/her. character undergoes no change in thought or
● Think verbs. (actions) personality when involved in conflict.

Examples of Characterization DYNAMIC – undergoes a change as a result of learning

from conflict. A dynamic character starts the story one
Direct Characterization
way and then will have a revelation that changes his or
● Gary is a nice and caring person her views.
● Gary can sometimes be very mean or rude.
2.Flat Character VS Round Character
FLAT – A flat character is one who has only 1 or 2
Indirect Characterization
character traits. These characters have no depth and
● Gary watched his little brother for two hours usually fit a simple role.
while their mother was ill, taking care of his
Ex. Bad guys, class clown, cute girl, etc.
every need. He did this without being asked and
he did not ask for anything in return. ROUND – A round character is one who has many
● “The next time I know, Gary was tearing up my character traits. His personality has various qualities and
rose garden,” said Beatrice his elderly is complex, more like a real person. Most main
grandmother as she gave her statement to the characters are round.
police. She was still badly shaken after the
Why is characterization important?
attack. (telling)
❑ It helps the readers visualize and relate to the
Two major types of characters:
Protagonist - It is one of the major characters in the
❑ It gives the readers a time to examine the characters,
story. It receives the blow from the antagonist.
thus creating “healthy bias”.
Examples of Protagonist: Harry Potter, Bruce Wayne
❑ It helps the readers understand the actions of the
(Batman), Luke Skywalker, Dorothy (Wizard of Oz),
characters deeply.
Katniss Everdeen, James Bond and many more…
❑ It gives the readers understand the different
motivations and downsides of a character.
Elements of Fiction: Setting

Setting - It is where the story takes place. It helps the

readers give context in analyzing the text.
Elements of Fiction: Plot
❑Can be large and all encompassing
Plot - It is the series of events that happen in story.
❑Can be very intimate areas.
Commonly known as the “flow” and the arrangement of
❑Can be any time of the day.
the story.
❑Can be any season (natural).
Different Types of Plot
Large and all
Conventional Plot - A conventional plot allows a
● Junge
straight or linear flow of events that has a start, a
● Hospital
middle part, and a conclusion.
● City
Parts of a Conventional Plot
Very intimate areas
1. Exposition - It provides background information
● Kitchen
needed to make sense of the action, describes the
● Room
setting and introduces the main characters.
● Alley Way
2. Conflicts - It is the moment of great tension among
Any time of the day
● Dawn
3. Climax - The turning point, a moment of great tension
● High Noon
that fixes the outcome.
● Twilight
4. Resolution - The fixing or the resolution of the
Any season
different conflicts.
● Winter
5. Dénouement - It is where the action falls off as the
● Fall
plot’s complications are sorted out and resolved.
● Summer

Any season (man-made)

● Christmas
● Ramadhan
● Hanukkah

Any type of climate

● Cold
● Hot
● Humid

Abstract Setting
Episodic Plot - They are plots that still functions as
● Joyous conventional plots but they come in series.
● Eerie
● Sad Example of Episodic Plot:

Why is Setting important? ● How to Get Away with Murder

● Thirteen Reasons Why
❑It shapes the tone and mood of the story. ● The Walking Dead
❑It gives the readers a vivid mental picture of the
world your characters move in.
Flashback - The author shares to the reader an event • Omniscient Third Person Point of View
that has happened in the past. This past event is where
An omniscient narrator sees all, much as an all knowing
the story focuses on.
god of some kind. He or she sees what each character is
doing and can see into each character’s mind.

Examples of Flashback:

● Titanic • Limited Omniscient Third Person Point of View

● The Life of Pi
The limited omniscient third-person narrator can only
● The Notebook
see into one character’s mind. He/she might see other
In Medias Res - The author chooses to start the story events happening, but only knows the reasons of one
in the middle of a situation. The current situation of the character’s actions in the story.
context is not explained. The beginning of the story is
already established with the conflicts, thus, the
exposition does not exist.

Examples of In Medias Res:

● Predestination
● The Hunger Games
● The Notebook

Why is having a Plot important?

Why is having a Point of View important?
It organizes the thoughts, ideas and events, thus making
the readers enjoy reading without confusion.  It will help the readers determine the generic views
and personal biases that are offered in the story.
Elements of Fiction: Point of View
 It helps limit the knowledge about character, and at
 It answers the question “Who is telling the story?” or
the same time.
“Who is the narrator?”.
 It helps explain the contribution of each character
Different types of Point of View
and event in the story.
 First Person Point of View - We are seeing events
Elements of Fiction: Conflict
through the eyes of the character telling the story.
Conflict - is a literary element that involves a struggle
 Second Person Point of View - The narrator is
between two opposing forces, usually a protagonist and
speaking to YOU. This isn’t very common in fiction,
an antagonist.
unless the narrator is trying to talk to the reader
personally. We see second-person point of view mostly INTERNAL VS. EXTERNAL CONFLICT
in poems, speeches, instructional writing, and
● Internal conflict – is a struggle within the mind
persuasive articles.
of a character. It can be mental or emotional.
 Third Person Point of View - The narrator is ● External conflict – is a struggle that occurs
describing what’s seen, but as a spectator. If the between a character and an outside force.
narrator is a character in the story, then we are reading
Different Types of Conflict
what he or she observes as the story unfolds.
 Man VS Man - The protagonist encounters conflict
• Limited Third Person Point of View
that are caused by another human being.
In limited third-person, the narrator sees only what’s in
 Man VS Self - The character experiences internal
front of him/her, a spectator of events as they unfold
conflict. It is a battle with his/her own “demons”.
and unable to read any other character’s mind.
 Man VS The Society - The character experiences a
dilemma with the people around him, having a hard
time coping with the norm.

 Man VS Circumstances - The character struggles with

events or situations that happens to him, like accidents,
death and loss.

 Man VS Nature - The character struggles between

forces of nature like storms, floods, landslides,
mudslides and avalanches.

 Man VS The Supernatural - The struggle happens

between the character and a paranormal being, a curse,
and the like.

 Man VS God - It is usually a struggle that roots from a

sin. God is blamed by the character who usually exhibits
spiritual frailty and backsliding.

Deux Ex Machina

 “divine intervention”

 a seemingly unresolvable problem was abruptly

resolved in an unexpected or unlikely occurrence.

Why is having a Conflict important?

 It gives “spice” and excitement to the story.

 It gives readers something to look forward to and

something to worry about.

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